فهرست مطالب

فصلنامه پژوهش های ژئومورفولوژی کمی
سال دهم شماره 1 (پیاپی 37، تابستان 1400)
- تاریخ انتشار: 1400/06/31
- تعداد عناوین: 10
صفحات 1-19
دولین ها فرورفتگی های شاخص مناطق کارستی شناخته می شوند و آب جاری در سطح زمین را از طریق این فرورفتگی ها به سیستم زهکشی زیرزمینی انتقال می دهند. پژوهش حاضر مطالعه ای میدانی مبتنی بر تکنیک مورفومتری است که هدف آن، شناسایی دولین ها، اندازه گیری ابعاد و تحلیل و توصیف شکل دولین ها در منطقه مورد مطالعه است. ویژگی های مورفومتری مثل طول, عرض و عمق دولین ها اندازه گیری شد و برای تشخیص میزان تراکم و طبقه بندی نوع شکل دولین ها از شاخص های مورفومتریک استفاده شده است. همچنین برای بررسی خصوصیات فیزیکی و شیمیایی خاک از سه قسمت بیرونی، دیواره و کف دولین ها در عمق 15 سانتی متری نمونه خاک برداشت شد و نمونه ها برای اندازه گیری پارامتر های بافت خاک، میزان آهک و PH در آزمایشگاه مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند که نتایج آن نشان دهنده تفاوت معنی داری بین پارامترهای بافت و آهک خاک در سه موقعیت متفاوت دولین ها است. نتایج بدست آمده از شاخص های مورفومتریک حاکی از توزیع نامنظم دولین ها در منطقه مورد مطالعه است محورهای طولی و عرضی دولین ها عدم تقارن خاصی را نشان می دهد و شکل دولین ها بیشتر نیمه مدور و بیضوی بوده و حفره های کف دولین به خوبی توسعه نیافته و در منطقه شاهد دولین های انحلالی هستیم. ارزیابی ویژگی های و تراکم بالا و انحلالی بودن دولین های منطقه مورد مطالعه نشان دهنده توسعه یافته بودن ژیومورفولوژی کارست منطقه گرازبن است.
کلیدواژگان: دولین، مورفومتری، چشم انداز کارست، گرازبن -
صفحات 20-39
ژیوتوریسم گزینه شاخص بخش گردشگری است که اهم اهداف آن، پایداری، افزایش سودمندی، کاهش اثرات مخرب حین استفاده از منابع زمین شناسی و ژیومورفولوژیک و ایجاد کمترین تغییرات در محیط طبیعی است. هدف از این پژوهش ارزیابی اثرات زیست محیطی توسعه ژیوتوریسم در جزیره هرمز است. برای نیل به این هدف، طی مطالعات کتابخانه ای و بازدیدهای میدانی، ویژگی های محیط طبیعی و انسانی جزیره هرمز به عنوان داده های پژوهش، در قالب فرم های شناسنامه مکان گردآوری شده و ارزیابی اثرات توسعه ژیوتوریسم بر پایداری محیط به روش RIAM اصلاح شده انجام گرفت. بر اساس نتایج، توسعه ژیوتوریسم آثار مثبت زیادی بر عدم مهاجرت جمعیت از جزیره، توسعه مشاغل، حفظ آثار تاریخی، آسایش مردم، توسعه زیرساخت ها، اقتصاد جوامع محلی و نیز تبادلات فرهنگی در جزیره داشته و باعث شده است که کیفیت اثرات بر محیط انسانی جزیره در طبقه متوسط تا خوب قرار گیرد. اگرچه محیط های فیزیکی و بیولوژیکی جزیره هرمز ماهیتا شکننده اند، ژیوتوریسم نه تنها خسارتی بر این اجزاء وارد نکرده، آثار مثبتی نیز بر آن ها داشته است. ژیوتوریسم، کمترین تغییرات را بر محیط فیزیکی باعث شده است. در مجموع با توجه به تغییرات جزیی و عمدتا مثبت محیط ، می توان نتیجه گرفت که توسعه ژیوتوریسم در هرمز با اهداف اکوتوریسم و توسعه پایدار هماهنگ بوده و پتانسیل بالایی برای ایجاد اثرات سودمند زیست محیطی در جزیره هرمز دارد. در این راستا با تقویت مدیریت و لحاظ ضوابط و استانداردهای خاص بهره برداری نشات گرفته از ماهیت ژیوتوریسم می توان از اثرات جزیی مخرب آن کاسته و اثرات مثبتش بر محیط های طبیعی و انسانی جزیره را تقویت کرد.
کلیدواژگان: ژئوتوریسم، ارزیابی اثرات زیست محیطی، توسعه پایدار، جزیره هرمز، ماتریس RIAM -
صفحات 40-54
یکی از مخاطراتی که در طی سال های اخیر در بسیاری از مناطق رخ داده است مخاطرات ناشی از فرونشست است. شناسایی مناطق در معرض فرونشست و برآورد نرخ آن نقش مهمی در مدیریت و کنترل این پدیده دارد. تکنیک تداخل سنجی راداری با دقت بالا از مناسب ترین روش های شناسایی و اندازه گیری میزان فرونشست می باشد. این تکنیک فاز گرفته شده از دو داده رادار در دو زمان مختلف را مقایسه و با ایجاد اینترفروگرام، قادر به اندازه گیری تغییرات سطح زمین است. در این پژوهش، به منظور اندازه گیری فرونشست در دشت شهریار از تصاویر راداری سنتیل1 سال های 2015 و 2020 استفاده شده است. به منظور پردازش اطلاعات از نرم افزار SARSCAPE استفاده شده است. به منظور پایش سطح آب زیرزمینی از داده های چاه های پیزومتری منطقه مورد مطالعه با مدل های کریجینگ استفاده گردید. نقشه های کاربری اراضی با استفاده از تصویر لندست 8 با تکنیک از طبقه بندی شی گرا تهیه گردید. هم نهادسازی نقشه های فرونشست با لایه های کاربری اراضی نیز موید رخداد بیشینه عرصه نشست که بالاترین میزان فرونشست به کاربری باغات با مقدار 54/11 سانتی متر، مرتع با مقدار 34/11 سانتی متر و کاربری های منطقه مسکونی با مقدار به 75/10 سانتی متر در رده های بعدی قرار دارند. فرونشست کاربری مناطق مسکونی می تواند شرایط زیستی ناامنی را برای ساکنین فراهم بیاورد. همچنین سطح آب های زیرزمینی نشان داد که در سال 2015 سطح آب 85/75 متر بوده است و در سال 2020 به 52/68 متر کاهش یافته است. که نشان می دهد در طی شش سال 7 متر افت آب زیرزمینی را شاهد بودیم.
کلیدواژگان: : آب های زیرزمینی، تداخل سنجی رادار، فرونشست، سنتینل 1، دشت شهریار -
صفحات 55-72
در طی کواترنری، نیروهای تکتونیکی با دخالت تغییرات اقلیمی منجربه ایجاد لندفرم ها و یا تغییرشکل در فرم های قدیمی دره هراز شده اند. پادگانه ها، لندفرم های به جامانده از دوره کواترنری هستند که مطالعه آنها تغییرات محیط را طی این دوران مشخص می کند. در پژوهش حاضر، فرآیندهای دخیل در تشکیل پادگانه های دره هراز و نقش رسوبات آذرآواری دماوند در تغییر رفتارآبی رودخانه هراز و تشکیل دریاچه سدی در محل آب اسک مورد بررسی قرارگرفته است. برای دستیابی به این هدف روش تحلیلی و بازسازی زمانی تغییرات به کار گرفته شده است. تکنیک کار، مقایسه مورفومتری پادگانه های دریاچه ای و سدهای یخچالی- پیروکلاستی به چهار روش بازه بندی منطقه مورد مطالعه، مقایسه ارتفاع و ضخامت رسوبات آبرفتی، تعیین حدود گسترش رسوبات دریاچه ای و بازیابی حدارتفاعی موانع محصورکننده دره هراز استوار است. نتایج به دست آمده نشان داد که سطوح ارتفاعی پادگانه ها هم دارای اختلاف ارتفاع بوده و هم توالی نامنظم دارند. بالاترین سطح پادگانه در کوه نل 630 متر از بستر دره هراز ارتفاع داردکه نشان می دهد علاوه بر تغییر سطح اساس، فرآیندهای یخچالی از عوامل مرتفع شدن سطوح پادگانه درمنطقه بوده است. بررسی ها نشان داد طی دو دوره براثر بسته شدن دره توسط فعالیت یخچال و آتشفشان همگام باهم، در محل آب اسک دریاچه ای ایجاد شده است. این سد گدازه ای به تدریج طی هولوسن شکسته شده و در حال حاضر پادگانه های نهشته گذاری دریاچه قدیمی در دوسوی دره هراز قابل مشاهده هستند. با توجه به شواهد به جا مانده از این رسوبات در دره هراز درنهایت مدل رقومی جریان یخچالی- لاهاری بازسازی شد.
کلیدواژگان: رود هراز، دریاچه های سدی، پادگانه، آتشفشان دماوند -
بررسی ژئومورفولوژیکی کواستای تکتونیکی نگور(کوه تولکی) و نقش آن بر گسترش سکونت گاه های شهری و روستاییصفحات 73-92
نظریه های مختلفی در رابطه با عارضه کواستا در ایران وجود دارد. برخی مخالفان با ذکر دلایل زمین شناختی معتقدند کواستا وجود نداشته و برخی دیگر عوارض موجود را شبه کواستا می نامند. اما نویسندگان بر این باورند که هر دو عارضه کواستا و شبه کواستا وجود داشته و عوارض ژیومورفولوژی به فرم وابسته اند. بنابراین با استفاده از RS و GIS اقدام به تایید علمی این نظریه شده و ژیومورفولوژی بزرگترین کواستای جنوب شرق کشور به نام کواستای نگور که عامل اصلی تامین منابع آبی و گسترش سکونتگاه های شهری و روستایی بوده تحلیل گردیده است. نتایج حاصل از تداخل سنجی راداری ماهواره سنتینل1 در دو سری پردازش بین سال های 2018، 2019و2020 در نرم افزارSNAP نشان داد که این عارضه قسمتی از سواحل بالاآمده بوده و تشکیل آن حاصل دو نوع حرکت بالاآمدگی حاصل از فرورانش پوسته دریای عمان به زیر ایران و عملکرد گسل عرضی در بالاآمدن پیشانی کواستا است. بنابراین در این دوره زمانی، حداکثر بالاآمدگی کواستا در قسمت پیشانی آن 8/2سانتی متر و حداقل بالاآمدگی آن در محل لولای کواستا 4میلی متر محاسبه شده است که نویسندگان برای اولین بار نوع جدیدی از فرآیند تشکیل کواستا را در ایران و جهان ارایه داده اند. از آنجایی که ارتفاع پیشانی کواستا از سطح جلگه ساحلی 545 متر بوده و هیدروژیومورفولوژی و اقلیم منطقه را تحت تاثیر خود قرار داده، طبق محاسبه شاخص پوشش گیاهیSAVI با تصاویر ماهواره سنتینل2، بیشترین میزان پوشش گیاهی در پایین دست مسیر جریان آبراهه کاتاکلینال بوده که رواناب حاصل از بارندگی در آبگیرهایی انسان ساخت به نام هوتک ذخیره شده و نیازهای آبی و کشاورزی منطقه را تامین می نمایند.
کلیدواژگان: کواستا، ژئومورفولوژی، زون مکران، نگور، تداخل سنجی راداری -
صفحات 93-111
در پژوهش حاضر خطر سیلاب در سطح حوضه آبریز قلعه چای مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار می گیرد. برای پهنه بندی خطر سیلاب هشت متغیر شامل ارتفاع، شیب، تحدب سطح زمین، عمق دره، تراکم زهکشی، فاصله از رودخانه، کاربری اراضی و پوشش گیاهی با کاربست منطق فازی در بستر سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی ترکیب شدند. کاربرد منطق فازی برای پهنه بندی سیلاب شامل دو گام اساسی نرمال سازی لایه ها با استفاده از توابع مختلف فازی ساز و روی هم گذاری فازی آنها می باشد. برای روی هم گذاری فازی لایه های مربوطه از اپراتور گامای فازی استفاده شد. همچنین، برای ارزیابی تولید رواناب در سطح حوضه از شبیه سازی بارش- رواناب با مدل HEC-HMS استفاده گردید. بر اساس نقشه پهنه بندی خطر سیلاب با کاربست گامای فازی در حدود 7/7 درصد از سطح حوضه از خطرپذیری بسیار بالایی نسبت به سیلاب برخوردار است. پهنه های مذکور عمدتا منطبق بر دشت های سیلابی حاشیه رودخانه بوده که بستر سکنی گزینی و فعالیت های انسانی منطقه می باشند. این امر، باعث افزایش مخاطره سیلاب در سطح حوضه مطالعاتی شده و آسیب پذیری جوامع ساکن حوضه را به شدت افزایش می دهد. شبیه سازی بارش- رواناب نشان می دهد که بارش های با دوره بازگشت بالاتر می توانند باعث ایجاد دبی های سیلابی شوند. زیرحوضه های میانی حوضه به دلیل عواملی مانند پوشش گیاهی ضعیف، گستردگی زیاد خاک های گروه D، شماره منحنی (CN) بالا، فراوانی برونزدهای سنگی، شیب زیاد، کشیدگی اندک، زمان تمرکز و تاخیر پایین از سیل خیزی بالایی برخوردار می باشند.
کلیدواژگان: سیلاب، GIS، منطق فازی، مدل HEC-HMS، حوضه قلعه چای -
صفحات 112-129
شناسایی نواحی مستعد وقوع زمین لغزش ها یکی از اقدامات اولیه در مدیریت و کاهش خسارات ناشی از این پدیده ها محسوب می شود. در این پژوهش، حساسیت زمین لغزش با استفاده از سه مدل عامل اطمینان، تراکم سطح و هیبریدی پهنه بندی گردید و مناسب ترین مدل معرفی شد. جهت این مطالعه با از تصاویر ماهواره ای ETM+، نقشه زمین شناسی 25000/1، نقشه توپوگرافی 50000/1، نقاط لغزشی مشخص گردید. در این پژوهش با بررسی 19 پارامتر موثر در رخداد زمین لغزش شامل لیتولوژی، کاربری اراضی، شیب، جهت شیب، ارتفاع، شاخص رطوبت توپوگرافی (TWI)، شاخص انحنای سطح، شاخص انحنای مقطع، فاصله از گسل، فاصله از جاده و فاصله از آبراهه مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند. پس از تهیه لایه های اطلاعاتی در محیط نرم افزار ArcGIS 10.4 به عوامل موثر با استفاده از نظرات کارشناسی اقدام به تهیه وزن کلاس ها و در نهایت تهیه نقشه های پهنه بندی حساست زمین لغزش با استفاده از روش های آماری تراکم سطح، فاکتور اطمینان و هیبریدی بیز در پنج کلاس ریسک خطر خیلی کم، کم، متوسط، زیاد و خیلی زیاد طبقه بندی گردید . جهت صحت سنجی روش ها از شاخص های جمع کیفی (QS)، دقت (P) و شاخص نسبت تراکمی (DR) استفاده شده است. مقادیر شاخص های مجموع کیفیت و دقت که بیانگر کارایی مدل ها در پهنه بندی حساسیت زمین لغزش می باشند، به ترتیب برای مدل های تراکم سطح (21/0- 04/0)، فاکتور اطمینان (39/0- 09/0) و هیبریدی (88/0- 33/0)، به دست آمد. مقادیر بالای شاخص ها در مدل هیبریدی بیانگر کارایی بیشتر این روش نسبت به روش های تراکم سطح و فاکتور اطمینان در تهیه نقشه پهنه بندی می باشد.
کلیدواژگان: پهنه بندی، زمین لغزش، روش تراکم سطح، روش فاکتور اطمینان، روش هیبریدی بیز -
صفحات 130-148
گردشگری یکی از عناصر اصلی توسعه و ژیوتوریسم به عنوان گونه ای از گردشگری پایدار اهمیت ویژه ای در توسعه ی صنعت گردشگری کشورها داشته است. در پژوهش حاضر شرق تنگه هرمز یکی از مکانهای ژیومورفولوژیکی معروف ایران به دلیل داشتن جاذبه های مختلف و با قابلیت های ژیومورفولوژیکی کم نظیر خود مورد ارزیابی ژیوتوریستی قرار گرفته است که ضمن این ویژگیهای جذاب متاسفانه تاکنون در زمینه شناسایی قابلیت های ژیوتوریسمی و سرمایه گذاری در این زمینه اقدامی صورت نگرفته است. لذا در پژوهش حاضر موقعیت سایت های مستعد برای گردشگری در منطقه مورد مطالعه و موقعیت و پراکندگی مکانی آن ها از طریق پیمایش میدانی و با استفاده ازGPS به روی نقشه های پایه انتقال داده شده اند. بدین ترتیب شناسنامه کامل و نقشه پراکندگی سایت های محدوده تهیه و سپس با استفاده از دو مدل کوبالیکوا و بریل ها جهت ارزیابی قابلیت توسعه گردشگری سایت های محدوده اقدام شد. هر کدام از ژیوسایتها ارزشگذاری شده و سپس مجموع ارزشها با هم ترکیب و ارزش نهایی هر ژیوسایت بدست آمده است. نتایج مدل کوبالیکوا نشان داد تالاب آذینی با 12 امتیاز، رودخانه میناب و بندرکوهستک با 11/75، خورتیاب، طالوار و سرارو با 11/5، گتان 11 امتیاز بیشترین امتیاز را کسب نموده و همچنین نتایج نشان داد که در روش بریل ها تالاب آذینی با مجموع امتیاز وزن دهی 920، دماغه جاسک با مجموع امتیاز 900 و گتان با مجموع امتیاز 870 بیشترین امتیاز وزن دهی و در رتبه اول تا سوم قرار گرفته اند و از شرایط مطلوب تری برخوردار هستند.
کلیدواژگان: ژئوتوریستی، تالاب آذینی، شرق تنگه هرمز، ژئوسایت، قابلیت های ژئومورفولوژیکی -
صفحات 149-171
هدف از این مطالعه بررسی فعالیت زمین ساختی اخیر در حوضه های آبریز طالقان- الموت و بخشی از حوضه های آستانه و منجیل با استفاده از هفت شاخص ژیومورفولوژی می باشد. گستره مورد بررسی در البرز غربی و مرکزی واقع شده است. جهت انجام این پژوهش از نقشه های زمین شناسی، مدل رقومی ارتفاعی، تصاویر ماهواره ای و نرم افزار ArcGIS جهت استخراج ساختارهای اصلی منطقه، آبراهه ها و زیرحوضه ها استفاده شده است و سپس به محاسبه شاخص پرداخته شد و برای هر شاخص نقشه پهنه بندی تهیه گردید. در نهایت سطح فعالیت زمین ساختی کل بر مبنای شاخص زمین ساخت فعال نسبی (Iat) به دست آمد و رده بندی شد. نتایج حاصل از این پژوهش نشان می دهد که به طور کلی فعالیت زمین ساختی نسبی اخیر منطقه بالا و بسیار بالاست که به دلیل فعالیت گسل های سفیدخانی، طالقان، الموت رود- شاهرود، خشچال، انگول، جیرنده، رودبار، بخش هایی از گسل های خارخون و بلوکان، بخش شرقی پهنه گسلی منجیل و گسل های واقع در شرق منطقه می باشد. در حدود 35 درصد (1748 کیلومتر مربع) از گستره مطالعاتی فعالیت زمین ساختی بسیار بالا و حدود 53 درصد (2684 کیلومتر مربع) فعالیت زمین-ساختی بالا را دارا می باشد. محاسبه کمی شاخص های ریخت سنجی و تجزیه و تحلیل آن ها با ساختارهای واقع در منطقه، زمین لرزه های رخ داده، لندفرم های مختلف و شواهد صحرایی مانند گسلش در واحدهای کواترنری، کج شدگی واحدهای پادگانه آبرفتی، تنگ دره ها و سطوح مثلثی فعالیت نو زمین ساختی اخیر این منطقه را تایید می کند و نشانگر صحت نتایج حاصل از این پژوهش می باشد. پیشنهاد می-شود از ساخت و ساز در حریم گسل هایی که در این مطالعه فعال شناخته شده اند، جلوگیری شود.
کلیدواژگان: زمین ساخت فعال، شاخص ریخت سنجی، گسل، حوضه زهکشی، البرز -
صفحات 172-191
رشد شتابان جمعیت شهری پاوه و توسعه شهری آن در سال های اخیر از موضوعات مورد توجه برنامه ریزان شهری منطقه بوده است. هدف از این پژوهش بررسی تاثیرات فرم و فرایندهای ژیومورفولوژیکی در توسعه شهری و تحلیل مخاطرات محیطی پاوه است. در این راستا با مطالعات میدانی فرم ها و فرایندهای ژیومورفولوژیک منطقه شناسایی و نقشه ژیومورفولوژی منطقه در مقیاس 25000/1 تهیه گردید. مهم ترین محدودیت های ژیومورفیک توسعه فیزیکی شناسایی شد و وضعیت بخش های مختلف شهر پاوه در ارتباط با این محدودیت ها مورد تحلیل قرار گرفت. مخاطره زمین لغزش به عنوان عامل محدودکننده مهم با استفاده از مدل ویکور بررسی شد. نتایج حاکی از آن است که محدودیت های توپوگرافی و در راس آن ها شیب زیاد، دره های یالی، آبراهه ها و مخاطره زمین لغزش مهم ترین موانع در راه توسعه فیزیکی پایدار شهر پاوه هست. پهنه بندی مخاطره زمین لغزش نشان داد که بیش از 43 کیلومتر مربع از منطقه مورد مطالعه در محدوده خطر زیاد واقع شده است و این در حالی است که 41 درصد از سطح کنونی شهر پاوه بر روی مناطق ناپایدار واقع شده است. شیب زیاد، وجود رسوبات منفصل و هوازده، نزدیکی به خطوط گسلی و جاده، توان بالای آبراهه و از بین رفتن پوشش گیاهی احتمال وقوع ناپایداری های دامنه ای را در بخش های شمالی شهر پاوه، دامنه شرقی دوریسان و نوریاب افزایش داده است. تخطی از مقررات ساخت و ساز شهری و خروج فرایندهای ساخت و توسعه از قیود برنامه ریزی شهری، مانعی برای تحقق توسعه پایدار شهری در پاوه خواهد بود و در نتیجه ضریب ریسک مخاطرات دامنه ای را در این منطقه بالا برده است.
کلیدواژگان: توسعه شهری، مخاطرات ژئومورفیک، نقشه های ژئومورفولوژی، زمین لغزش
Pages 1-19
A doline consists of a superficial enclosed depression in karst areas, similar to a crater with one or more cavities in the bottom landform, which permit underground drainage of water. We also used the morphometric parameters collected in the fieldwork to analyze and characterize the shape of dolines in the study area. Different soil samples were collected from 3 locations (out- wall - bottom of4 doline) at 15 cm depth. We conducted several chemical and physical analyses that allowed us to compare soil properties in the two different doline sections. And the samples were evaluated in the laboratory for measuring soil texture parameters, lime content and ph. Soil analysis showed the different characteristics of soil in the different place of dolines. The dolines were more sub elliptical and elliptical and may not be a well-developed swallow hole. The results show an irregular distribution in the study area. The doline density differed within the plots in our study area, as results showed. The axes of length and width show a certain asymmetry. The dolines were more sub elliptical and elliptical and may not have a well-developed swallow hole, at the bottom of the doline. Evaluation of the characteristics and high density and of solution dolines in the study area indicate the development of karst geomorphology in the Gorazbon region.
Keywords: Doline, karst, morphometry, Karst landscapes, Gorazbon -
Pages 20-39Introduction
Many economic analysts believe that after the oil and automotive industries, tourism is the third most important industry in the world (Ghaffari and Turki, 2009). Geotourism as a branch of ecotourism has many social, economic, cultural and environmental impacts on tourists and local communities. Geologically, Iran is one of the countries that have many capabilities for the development of geotourism. Which has a strong dependence on oil revenues, tourism for Iran can be a way to get rid of dependence on it and release of the mono-productive economy (Taghdisi et al., 2014).An environmental impacts assessment is an assessment of the possible positive or negative impacts that a proposed project may have on the environment, together consisting of the natural, social and economic aspects (Padash, 2017). For Ecotourism Development, environmental impacts assessment is also necessary since any kind of development must be accompanied by consideration of system sustainability. The issues of development and the environment are single issue and are the common denominator of all environmental issues (Zolfaghari, 2013). This assessment allows decision makers to gain a better understanding of a specific project (Aslipour et al., 2014). Tourism projects are also involved in the preparation, implementation and operation of various activities that affect the environment. Since tourism and the environment are interdependent; Tourism development and management must be adapted to the environment in a way that does not lead to a decline in its quality (Ranjbarian and Ahmadi, 2000).Salt domes are favorite geomorphological places for ecotourists. In salt domes, several morphological forms have been placed together. Hormuz Island, as a large salt dome, has interesting morphological features that are visited by tourists. Local people hold generally positive views of the measures necessary to achieve ecotourism; however, their intentions to engage in behaviors to support these measures do not entirely match with their positive views (Lai & Nepal, 2006). The aim of this study was assessing the environmental impact of the Hormuz Island from ecotourism development. Along with these goals, the environmental sustainability of the island had also been analyzed.
MethodologyHormuz Island is located at the mouth of the Strait of Hormuz at the entrance of the Persian Gulf from the Oman Sea between 56° 25' - 56° 30' E and 27° 2' – 27° 6' N. The island of Hormuz is bounded on the northeast by Bandarabbas and on the southwest by the islands of Qeshm and Lark. The distance from Hormuz Island to Bandar Abbas is 18 km, to Qeshm Island is 18 km and to Lark Island is 18 km too. The distance of this island in the closest route to the main coast of the country is 5.5 km. Its area is about 45 square kilometers.The research data include spatial distributions of landforms of Hormuz Island, cultural events, conservation, destruction, access, use, communications and infrastructure status, etc., which were collected using library studies and frequent field visits in the form of geomorphological place identification forms. Maps of geology and topography, GPS and modified RIAM models were used as research tools. The study was followed in the following steps:In the first step, with the help of library studies and frequent field visits, the geotourism attractions of Hormuz Island were identified and geomorphic places identification cards were completed. In the second step, a matrix method was used to evaluate the environmental impacts of geotourism and ecotourism development. In this study, modified RIAM model was used. The required data of this model were collected by completing the identity cards of geomorphological places and used in the study.In the third step, to analyze the sustainability development of geotourism of Hormuz Island, the output of the modified RIAM model and the equations based on it (Fricovsky et al., 2016) were used. The environmental ratings of the revised RIAM model have negative scores.
Results and DiscussionAccording to the results, the geotourism sites of Hormuz Island are located mainly around it with a short distance from the coast; they can be visited by a major ring road. These manly include the Salt Goddess, the Salt Cave, the Rainbow Valley, the Sculpture Valley, the Silver Beach, the Turtle Rock, and the Portuguese Castle.Evaluating the impacts of ecotourism development in terms of modified RIAM factors, shows that geotourism development has a negligible beneficial effect on the island's physical environment, a moderate beneficial effect on eco-biological and a beneficial effect on the socio-cultural environment. In brief, ecotourism development has beneficial average effects on the island's environment. The numerical ranking of environmental sustainability is between 0.001 and 0.250. It means that the development of ecotourism in its current form is associated with very weak environmental sustainability level.
ConclusionAlthough development of ecotourism in its current form is associated with very weak environmental sustainability level, considering the minor and mainly positive changes in the physical and biological environment of the island, it can be concluded that the development of geotourism in Hormoz is in line with the goals of ecotourism (TIES , 2015) and sustainable development and has a high potential for beneficial effects on the environment. Based on summarizing the research results, it seems that to avoid physical environment from any damages, the development of ecotourism in Hormuz Island should be accompanied by caution. In this regard, it seems that with proper management, more stable conditions for the environment (natural and human) of the island can be created.
Keywords: Environmental impact assessment, Geotourism, Hormuz Island, RIAM Matrix, sustainable development -
Pages 40-54
Subsidence is the vertical movement or gradual subsidence or sudden subsidence of the earth's surface due to various reasons such as dissolution, melting of ice and compaction of deposits, movements of the earth's crust and the release of lava from the solid crust or activities. Humans such as mining, groundwater abstraction or oil occur (Asadzadeh et al., 2016). The phenomenon of subsidence, which may occur as a gradual or sudden subsidence at the earth's surface, is generally due to major factors such as dissolution of subsurface formations, sediment density and subsidence of groundwater, as well as tectonic factors (Chen et al., 2016). Subsidence can be caused by natural geological phenomena such as earthquakes, dissolution of limestone, sedimentary rocks, ice melting and density of deposits, slow crustal movements and lava outflow from the earth's solid crust, or human activity such as mining. Extraction of groundwater fluids such as groundwater, oil or gas (Gallowey and Burbey., 2011). Radar interference method has been successfully used to measure the displacement caused by earthquakes, glacier displacements, and the phenomenon of subsidence and erosion. Land subsidence as a morphological phenomenon, a type of land deformation that is associated with vertical deformation or downward movement of the earth's surface(Sharifikia., 2011).
MethodologyThe data used in this study include a combination of satellite data from Sentinel 1 radar sensors as well as ancillary data such as piezometric well data for groundwater level estimation and optical satellite images including Landsat satellite images for 2020 was used to extract land use. In the image processing phase, the time series of 2015 and 2020 of Sentinel 1 satellite in C-bar were used. Using image processing with SARSCAPE 5.2 plugin in ENVI 5.3 software platform and using radar interferometry method, the areas subject to subsidence and the amount of subsidence in each area were determined. In the next step, using survey operations, the effects of subsidence in the area were identified. In order to explain the causes of subsidence in the study area, data related to land use as well as information related to observation wells were compared and statistically analyzed with the results of subsidence in the area.
Results and DiscussionAfter ensuring that the two images are correct, the resulting phase of the two SLC images is differentiated relative to each other, resulting in an interferometer. Due to the different resolution of this sensor along the range and azimuth and a look in the direction of the range based on the defined mathematical relationship to correct the spectral displacement and Doppler effect was considered. Investigation of subsidence status in the last 6 years, from 2015 to 2020, the amount of subsidence has increased. The red areas have the highest subsidence of 11 cm. The black areas have no subsidence and have a height of 3 cm. When subsidence occurs in the area, it not only decreases, but also has a duality or an ascent. Based on the information obtained from the subsidence map of Shahryar plain, it was found that in the studied period, we see a significant amount of subsidence. In the subsidence map, the highest amount of subsidence was in the eastern part of the city and in the northern part of the city and the lowest amount was in the northwest and northeast of Shahryar plain.
ConclusionThe study of subsidence status in the last 6 years from 2015 to 2020 in the study area shows that the maximum amount of subsidence is 11 cm. In order to reconcile the results of radar interference with other supplementary data, land use as well as piezometric wells in Shahriar plain were used. Co-institutionalization of subsidence plans with land use layers also confirms the maximum occurrence of the subsidence area that the highest rate of subsidence in garden and land uses with a value of 11.54 cm, rangeland with a value of 11.34 cm and residential area uses with a value of They are in the next categories to 10.75 cm. The amount of uplift in all three uses indicates the amount of three cm of subsidence (Table 3). 11 cm subsidence for residential use can provide insecure living conditions for residents and increase their risk of landslides.Due to the groundwater level of the plain, despite seasonal fluctuations, it has a downward trend. As can be seen, in 2015 the water level was 75.85 meters, which has decreased to 68.52 meters in 6 years in 2020. Which shows that during six years we witnessed a 7 meter drop in groundwater.
Keywords: Groundwater, Radar interferometry, subsidence, Sentinel 1, SHahrar Plain -
Pages 55-72Introduction
During the Quaternary, tectonic forces have been implicated in climate change as a result of landforms or deformations in the ancient forms of the Haraz Valley. The terraces are solid landforms from the Quaternary period whose study of environmental changes during this period. But in the studied basin, in addition to climate change and intrusive fault-tectonics, volcanic activity has had the greatest impact on the processes governing the region. Haraz basin Although it has an area of more than 3779 square kilometers and is located on the border between East and Central Alborz, its basin is different from other neighboring basins. So that their forms and processes are genetically incompatible with processes in the region and exhibit specific structural complexity. One of the available forms is the diversity of alluvial surfaces that can be observed along the Haraz valley. Given that the totality of these alluvial surfaces, due to the youngness of the Haraz Valley, does not coincide with the present river process, the most important issue that may arise here is that these erosional surfaces have their effects on the slope. The Haraz Mountains are visible, were they merely influenced by the flow dynamics of the Haraz River? Otherwise what factor or factors contributed to the formation of these levels. There are three hypotheses for achieving the morphogenesis of Haraz terraces in the study area:A: Damavand lava intrudes through the valleys into the main valley of Haraz and forms a barrier lake in its upstream, forming morphogenesis of alluvial terraces of Haraz;B: Morphogenesis of haraz terraces is caused by glacier activity in the area;C: Damavand volcano deposited its pyroclastic material along the main arterial path of the Haraz and formed this vast surface of alluvial terraces in the area;
Materials and methodsTo this end, analytical and temporal reconstruction methods of change have been employed. The technique is based on comparing the morphometry of lake terraces and glacier-pyroclastic dams with four methods of rehabilitating the study area, comparing the height and thickness of alluvial sediments, determining the extent of lake sediment distribution, and recovering the extent of barrier confinement.
Result and discussionInvestigating the findings of the research and their comparisons and analyzes, it can be concluded that the terraces of the Haraz valley in this area are significantly different in terms of the thickness and height of the sediment and in the processes affecting their formation and alteration. The height of the alluvial surfaces at the outlet of the Gazane valley is 630 m. However, the height of alluvial surfaces in the Abe Ask reaches 200 meters above the river bed. The highest elevation of the terrace is at the outlet of Fire Valley to Haraz 2065 m. Therefore, this difference in altitude of the alluvial surfaces is not only related to the change in the basement level, but also to the interplay of glacial and volcanic activity of Damavand. The sequence of alluvial terraces is not evident in all the studied periods. While in the water of the ski in the travertine (interval 1) four levels, in the six intervals, four levels and in the Nova range three levels are visible. Other areas have an alluvial terrace surface. The genesis of the sediments of the terraces under study indicates a significant difference. Although the glacier has the most significant activity in producing and consequently the formation of alluvial terraces in this region and is dominant in genus, volcanic pyroclastic sediments have been active in sync with the glacier and evidence of temperature volcanic activity is observed among all glacial sediments. So that they are sometimes deposited on ice in the form of a Lahar layer and occasionally as a layer of ash or other pyroclastic material.Various researchers have already commented on the creation of lava barrier lakes in the Haraz Valley and the valleys around Damavand Peak (Alaei Taleghani, 2012; Yamani et al., 1977). Many are full of ice, not yet. Damavand's new volcano, which coincides with glacial and interglacial periods, has been able to throw pyroclastic and lava materials out of successive eruptions.
ConclusionThe results showed that the elevation levels of the terraces had both an elevation difference and an irregular sequence. The highest level of alluvial terrace in the Nell Mountains is 630 m above the Haraz valley bed, indicating that in addition to changing the basin level, glacial processes have been a factor in elevating alluvial levels in the area. Surveys showed that the lake was formed during two periods due to the closure of the valley by the activity of glacier and volcano together. This lava barrier was gradually broken during the Holocene and nowadays the depositions of the old lake are visible across the Haraz valley.
Keywords: Haraz River, Dam Lakes, Alluvial Terrace, Damavand volcano -
Pages 73-92Introduction
Wielding a direct effect on the local climate and water resources across different latitudes, particularly arid areas, and creating favorable living conditions, geomorphological phenomena are among the primary factors driving urban and rural settlements' development. One example of such geomorphological features is the cuesta, a single-dip, inclined structure with hard upper strata and a slope of less than 15 percent on one side, and asymmetrical, steep valleys extending normal to the loose sedimentary rock strata. Different theories have been presented regarding cuestas in Iran. Some argue based on geological grounds that cuestas do not exist in Iran, whereas proponents recognize the features as pseudo-cuesta. However, the authors of this paper believe in the existence of both cuesta and pseudo-cuesta, as geomorphological features depend on the form and not the geological properties or age. In this light, an attempt was made to prove this theory by investigating the geomorphology of the largest cuesta in southeast Iran, the cuesta of Negur, located 30 Kilometer east of Chabahar City, covering 221.66 Square kilometer and 92.69 of Perimeter at 25°19′05″ to 25°28′55″N and 60°57′42″ to 61°09′47″E coordinates on the coastal plains of the Gulf of Oman.
MethodologyThe field study was carried out, relying on RS and statistical analysis. Different sets of data and statistics, including topographic and geological maps, ALOSPALSAR and ASTER DEMs, satellite images from Sentinel-2 and Landsat8, radar data from Sentinel-1, daily statistics of synoptic weather stations of Area, and climatology, rain gauge, and local CRU data. The present study uses RS and GIS for analysis. Geostatistics was used to calculate the temperature and annual precipitation in the area was performed using Simple Cokriging. The stream network layer was prepared using the ArcHydro extension. Moreover, the SAVI Index was used to create the vegetation map, and radar data from the Sentinel-1 and digital elevation models 30 meter, as well as the DInSAR technique With a time difference of 27 months, were adopted to determine the reasons for the formation and evolution of the Cuesta.
Results and DiscussionThe Makran mountain range is the result of the subduction of the Gulf of Oman's oceanic crust under the Iranian Plate. However, the transverse faults also make a notable contribution to the fracture and changes in the heights to which the formation and evolution of the cuesta can be attributed. The cuesta faces west extending to the east with a gentle slope until reaching the plains on the coast of the Gulf of Oman. The hard and thin caprock is composed of conglomerate and sandstone dating back to the Pleistocene and tops a loose layer of thick, fossiliferous, chalky and lime marls dating back to the Late Miocene. The cuesta stretches on a 2.99 percent slope from its forehead of cuesta (outcrop) to coastal plains. The cuesta reaches a maximum height of 545 Meter at the outcrop, and dips to a 30 Meter elevation, making an average elevation of 153 Meter from the Gulf of Oman. The elevation difference promotes climate change on a local scale. The average temperature and rainfall in the cuesta region were calculated at 27.8° Celsius and 130 millimeter, which is different from the conditions at the Chabahar Synoptic Weather Station. Given the fine-grained texture of sediments, high humidity, and low evaporation, the temperature drop and more precipitation over the heights provide abundant water resources to the downstream, particularly at the ends of cataclinal streams of the cuesta. Due to the fine-grained soil, vegetation covers 1264 hectares only at the foot of the mountain and in areas with suitable soil porosity and water resources. A remarkable feature of this area is its rainwater reservoirs, locally referred to as Hootaks, often constructed in arable areas. Accordingly, most of the local vegetation is concentrated around these Hootaks. The DInSAR (Differential SAR Interferometry) approach was used to explain the formation and evolution of the cuesta. The results are suggestive of the rise due to the subduction and active tectonics in the area. Accordingly, over a 27- month period, a maximum tectonics- induced rise of 2.8 centimeter was recorded southwest of the cuesta outcrop, as well as a maximum descent of 2.5 centimeter caused by the stream erosion in the floodplains southeast of the geomorphological feature. According to the above evidence, the cuesta of Negur is of the tectonic type and is the result of the simultaneous rise of the coastline due to the subduction of the Gulf of Oman and tectonics of the transverse fault pushing the cuesta outcrop upward.
ConclusionGiven that most urban and rural settlements in the area are established at the lowest part of the cuesta along the cataclinal (consequent) streams, this part of the cuesta houses most of the population. According to a 2016 consensus Negur, the highest urban area across the coastal plain of the Gulf of Oman sitting at a 40 meter elevation, is home to 5670 in 1320 households, as well as 45 small and large rural areas with an overall population of 17,118 in 3896 households. In total, the area houses a population of 22,778 who have dug large wells known as Hootaks to make use of surface water resources of the cuesta. A total of 558 Hootaks have been dug for agricultural, husbandry, and other purposes to hold water, promoting vegetation in the surrounding area. Indicating the remarkable volume of runoff in the area, 627 hectares of the entire 1264 hectares covered in vegetation are concentrated around the Hootaks downstream of the cuesta. The substantial water resources can be attributed to the temperature drop and promoted precipitation at the 545 meter height, which creates a substantial discharge given the high humidity of the Gulf of Oman region and the low permeability of the loose layers supporting the cuesta. Accordingly, before discharging into the Gulf of Oman, the surface runoff is trapped in the Hootaks to be used. In this light, the geomorphological role of the cuesta of Negur was found to be crucial in the establishment of local urban and rural settlements.
Keywords: Cuesta, geomorphology, Radar interferometry, Makran Zone, Negur -
Pages 93-111Introduction
The most common type of natural hazard worldwide is flooding; as it accounts for about 40% of natural disasters (Warner, 2011: 1). The frequency and consequences of extreme flood events have increased rapidly worldwide in recent decades and climate change is likely to exacerbate this trend in the near future. The key factors for this increase in flood risk are: climate variability and extremes; global population growth and the increase in socio-economic activities in flood prone areas, together with their growing interdependency on flood protection and drainage infrastructure of which a significant part is of unknown or poor condition (Van Herk, 2014: 2). Therefore, supporting flood risk reduction strategies by increasing understanding of the spatial distribution of flood risk is of paramount importance (Makango Malcollo, 2016: 2). In this regard, the preparation of flood risk maps is an effective tool for flood risk assessment and management (Alcántara-Ayala and Goudie, 2010: 116). In the present study, the risk of flood in the Ghaleh Chay catchment, located in Ajabshir County, was analyzed spatially.
Materials and MethodsEight important variables including elevation, slope, depth of valley, drainage density, convexity of land surface, distance from river, vegetation and land use were contributed to zoning flood risk in Ghaleh Chay catchment. Important part of the required data for flood risk zoning in the study area were obtained using digital elevation model (DEM) images. Fuzzy overlay in GIS consists of two basic steps. In the first step, the thematic layers must be transformed into dimensionless using different fuzzy functions. In the second step, the layers were overlaid using different fuzzy operators. In the present study, fuzzy gamma has the best performance, so combination with this function was selected as the final flood risk zoning map. After zoning of flood risk and identification of flood zones, in order to control and manage flood risk, it is necessary to identify the areas with the highest runoff production. In the present study, to evaluate runoff production in different areas of Ghaleh Chay catchment, HEC-HMS software and HEC-GeoHMS extension in ArcGIS software was used in order to precipitation-runoff simulation. Required data for the implementation of this model include digital elevation model (DEM), land use, soil hydrological groups, hydrographic and hyetograph data, which were provided by the Regional Water Organization of East Azerbaijan Province. This mathematical model simulates precipitation-runoff and routing processes in natural or controlled catchments.
ResultsAccording to the results of flood risk zoning map using fuzzy gamma, about 7.7% and 13% of the catchment area of Ghaleh Chay is in the very high risk and high risk class, respectively. Very high-risk zones are mainly located in floodplains within the main valleys of the region. These floodplains are not very developed due to the deep and narrow valleys of the region; however, they are considered the basis for the human settlements and agricultural activities. About 60% of the residential areas of the region was located in these very dangerous areas. Also, up to 24% of the agricultural lands and orchards of the region correspond to these zones. In addition, up to 26% of the residential land uses and 29% of the agricultural irrigated lands and orchards are at high-risk class.Mentioned items indicate the high risk of Ghaleh Chay catchment. The results of precipitation-runoff simulation with HEC-HMS model show that maximum 24-hour precipitation with a return period of less than 10 years does not pose much risk in the catchment area of Ghaleh Chay catchment. With increase in precipitation, the hydrological behavior of the study catchment becomes more risky; for precipitation of 32 mm, the peak discharge of the basin reaches about 128 cubic meters per second. This volume of flood can locally pose hazards to the settlements and agricultural lands along rivers. The peak discharge of the sub-basins for this volume of precipitation also increases significantly. Also, the peak discharge of the basin is more than 334 cubic meters per second when the precipitation rate is about 50 mm. This amount of discharge is significant for the relatively small basin of Ghaleh Chay and will undoubtedly pose serious risks to settlements and facilities adjacent to the river. If the variable of area is also included in the prioritization of flooding (runoff production) of the sub-basins, sub-basins 28, 12, 13, 6, 10, 5, 11 and 18 have higher flooding.
ConclusionThe results show that flood can be considered as one of the most serious environmental hazards in the region. According to the flood risk zoning map using fuzzy gamma, about 7.7% of the basin area has a very high risk of floods. These areas mainly correspond to the flood plains along the Ghaleh Chay River, which are the realm of habitation and human activities in the region. This increases the flood hazard in the study basin and greatly increases the vulnerability of communities living in the basin. Rainfall-runoff simulations show that precipitation with a higher return period (especially above 25 years) can cause flood discharges. The middle sub basins have high flooding due to factors such as poor vegetation, large area of group D soils, high curve number (CN), rocky outcrops, high slope, low elongation, and low concentration and delay time. In fact it, a significant portion of floods in the basin originate from these areas.
Keywords: flood, GIS, Fuzzy logic, HEC-HMS model, Ghaleh Chay catchment -
Pages 112-129Introduction
Landslides are among the geomorphic hazards that occur due to the interaction of various environmental factors, especially in mountainous areas with special morphometric features (Shirani, 2018, 96). The existing spatial relationships between landslide occurrence and environmental factors are key elements in the study of landslide sensitivity (Samotra et al. 1, 2015, 308). Since it is not possible to predict the time of landslides, the identification of landslide-prone areas and the zoning of these areas based on the risk potential reveal the importance of these studies (Ragma et al, 2014).
Research MethodsStatistical method of level variable density .In this method, landslide density was calculated for each of the parameters using equations 1 and 2, and then a landslide zoning map was prepared (Lee et al. 2001, 1095). Equation 1; Darea = (Npix (Sxi))/(Npix(Xi))
Equation 2; Warea = 1000 [𝐷𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 −(ΣNpix(Sxi))/(ΣNpix(Xi))] Statistical method of two-factor confidence factor In this study, in order to evaluate the correlation between landslides and selected factors, the weight values obtained from the reliability factor model in the form of two-variable statistical analysis have been used. The weights calculated by this model were also used to prepare and convert factor maps (classes with a negative weight of zero and classes with a positive weight of one) to enter the conditional independence test. Equation 3; F ={ (if PPs≥PPs)/(if PPa< p Ps) ((PPa-PPs)/(PPa(1-PPs) ))/((-PPa-PPs)/(PPs(1-PPa)))} PPa: The ratio of the number of sliding pixels in a class to the total pixels of that class, PPs is the ratio of the total sliding pixels in the area to the total map pixels. With the help of this formula, each class is evaluated as 1- and +1. If the value of the relevant class is positive, it indicates that the landslide probability is high, and if the value of the relevant class is negative, it means that the landslide reliability is low, and if the value of that class is zero, it means that there is not enough information about the variable. Therefore, there is uncertainty about the occurrence of landslides. Bayesian theorem model or weight of evidence The evidence weight model is based on a series of statistical formulas. In this model, modeling and forecasting work is done based on two categories of information. Effective parameters in the occurrence of a phenomenon (landslide) or causal factors (landslide predisposing factors), the level of occurrence of the phenomenon in the past (landslides occurred). In this case, the probability of landslides in the future depends on the conditions that existed when it occurred in the past (Piacanti et al. 2, 2012: 200). This model is defined according to Equation 4. In this regard, consider causal factors (landslide predisposing factors) B, classes of any relation Bi, landslides occurred S Bayes theory to calculate the conditional probability of landslide (S) in a given class (Bi ) Is defined as follows. Equation 4; P(S/Bi) = (P( Bi/S)×P(S) )/(P(Bi)) Probability of occurrence of S event in the study area (AS), P (Bi) Probability of occurrence of class Bi in the study area (AS), P (Bi / S) Probability of occurrence of Bi event provided that event S occurred, P (S / Bi), the probability of occurrence of event S provided that the event Bi occurred. The conditional probability of a landslide occurring when class Bi has not occurred is defined as Equation (5). Equation 5; P(S /Bi^)= (P(Bi^/S)×P(S))/(P(Bi^))Discussion and findingsThe results of parameter prioritization showed that lithology, land use, slope and slope direction factors had the greatest impact on the occurrence of landslides and surface curvature factors, topographic wetness index, distance from waterway, land use, vegetation index, altitude Fault distance, road distance, NDVI and cross-sectional curvature are in the next ranks. To obtain the weight of each of the factor classes, the landslide distribution map is combined with the maps of the factors affecting the landslide event and the slip density in each of the factor classes affected by the landslide. Was obtained. The results of the subclasses of factors affecting landslides indicate that in the lithology factor, Bahram lime in the surface density, reliability and hybrid models with scores (0.516, 0.096, 21.33), respectively. , Land use, orchards in surface density model (0.311), reliability factor (0.044) and hybrid with weight (48.99), slope more than 45 degrees in surface density model (0.413), reliability factor ( 0.366) and hybrid (71,259), slope direction, southeast direction in surface density model (0.455), confidence factor (0.076) and hybrid (1.0985) have the greatest impact on the occurrence of land There has been a landslide in the area.
ConclusionEvaluation of accuracy (P) and total quality (Qs) showed that the hybrid model has better performance than the surface density and reliability models in identifying landslide prone areas. The value (Qs) indicates the desirability of the model performance in predicting landslide risk in the study area. The value of this index for different models is in the range of zero to one hundred. The higher this value, the better the performance of the landslide risk zoning method or model. The results of the index (Dr) showed that in all three models, they performed well in identifying high-risk classes compared to low-risk classes. Among the influential parameters of lithology factor, land use, slope and slope direction had the most impact on landslide occurrence. Unlike other models, in addition to zoning of safety zones, the hybrid model has the ability to zoning of uncertainty zones to a small extent and can be introduced as an optimal method for similar areas. In order to control vulnerable areas, it is recommended to prevent construction in the area of roads, conversion of forests into orchards, pastures and meadows, interference of human factors and terraces and construction of dams.
Keywords: Zoning, Landslide, Surface compaction method, Confidence factor method, Bayesian hybrid method -
Pages 130-148
Tourism One of the main elements of development and geotourism, as a form of sustainable tourism, has been of particular importance in the development of the tourism industry of the countries. Geotourism is an emerging fringe discipline that utilizes theories and methods of earth science and explores the content of other disciplines to serve the needs of tourism development, evaluating, planning, developing, managing and conserving tourism resources. Draws. In the meantime, Iran, despite its considerable potential, has so far failed to benefit from the industry. Therefore, the recognition of geotourism attractions and capabilities in recent years, along with the increased motivation of tourists to visit the natural landscapes, has attracted the attention of officials and managers. The present study is part of the coastal strip east of the Strait of Hormuz, a region in the province of Hormozgan, and a number of the cities of Minab, Sirik and Jask from the estuary of the Minab River in the north to the eastern bay of Jask Port, one of the famous geomorphological sites of Iran due to its attractions. With its unique geomorphological capabilities, including beautiful coastlines, golfers, shapes of mountainous terrain and beautiful geomorphological landscapes, Geotourism has been evaluated for tourism development while having these fascinating geomorphological features, Can have an important role in the sustainable development of the region. But specific environmental features such as unfavorable climate, saline water and soil, distance have caused issues such as unemployment, poverty and deprivation in the region, and unfortunately so far no capability has been identified as well as investment. Lack of infrastructure for tourism purposes makes access to the area difficult, including lack of accommodation, lack of proper communication, lack of tourism management, and lack of relevant agencies. Another issue is that the study area has been considered to be far out of reach of the country so the capabilities of this area from the perspective of the present study, namely geotourism development and in the field of geomorphosite capability assessment and management aspects. And its planning has not been thoroughly investigated.Therefore, diversification of tourism activities in this region can create employment, reduce poverty and create relative social welfare and reduce risks. Survey data were collected through fieldwork and direct observation as well as interviews. Also, statistical data was produced and analyzed based on documentary evidence as well as various images and maps. The locations and conditions of tourism-prone sites in the study area and their location and spatial distribution have been mapped using GPS to the baseline maps. A complete geographical and geomorphocyte scattering map was then obtained and after identifying geocytes and geomorphosites in the region, 36 sites were identified from tourism sites to evaluate tourism development capability, using two methods of Kubalikova (2013) and Braille (2015). In the Kubalikova method, the criteria are applied in five groups, including scientific and intrinsic value criteria, educational value criteria, economic value criteria, protective value criteria, and acquisition value criteria, covering almost all geotourism features. In the Braille method, the quantitative evaluation of geosites is carried out using four scientific, educational, tourist and demolition criteria. In this study, for rating geocytes, the rating of the values obtained from each geocache is combined and the geocache rank is determined. Each geosite is then valued and then the sum of values is combined and the final value of each geosite is obtained. The results of Kubalikova method showed that Azini wetland with 12 points, Minab and Bandar Kuhstak river with 11.75, Khortyab, Talvar and Sararo with 11.5, Gotan 11 with highest score, Azini wetland with higher score than value criteria Educational and acquisition, and later on, gained a higher score than the criterion of intrinsic and intrinsic value, as well as conservation, which was higher than other estates. The results also showed that in Brailha method, Azini wetland with a total weight of 920, cape Jask with a total score of 900 and Gotan with a total score of 870 had the highest weighting scores and ranked first to third with the most favorable conditions. Some of the most important factors that have made the Azini Wetland site a top priority in this way are the proper display of geological processes, the use of geosciences by international sciences, and the publication of scientific papers related to this geoscience in nationally accredited articles, Not limited in terms of field surveys and sampling, the high potential of geosciences education, the high area of the area, which comprises nearly 7 branch channels, and the ecological attractiveness of the geosite that is unique at the regional level. Therefore, in the eastern part of the Strait of Hormuz, there are diverse and beautiful natural and humane tourist attractions, each of which can somehow contribute to the development of the area, but the development of this geotourism potential of the area under study requires planning and allocation of facilities and equipment and providing tourism infrastructure. Activating the tourism aspect of the area can make full use of the sea and coastal capacities of the region, thus boosting the business and employment of the people of the region and making a significant impact on the local people's livelihood through tourism. On the other hand, unilateral pressure on the sea has been reduced by the activities of this sector in line with fishing activities, and thus the deleterious effects of human trafficking will be directed to a reasonable degree which could be part of the health of the marine ecosystem and Meet the beach
Keywords: Geotourism, Azini Wetland, East of Hormuz Strait, geosite, Geomorphological capabilities -
Pages 149-171Introduction
The study area is located in the western and central Alborz and includes the Taleghan- Alamut and the part of Astaneh and Manjil Basins. There are important fault zones in the area including the Manjil, Jirandeh, Rudbar, Taleghan, Deylaman and Angol. Usually, deformations of the surface of the earth occur slowly about more than a thousand years. Then, in order to detect the activities that cause deformation, we need to look at landforms that have kept the changes over the years. Geomorphic indices are useful for tectonic studies, and these indicators are used for the rapid evaluation of tectonic activity in a particular region. Morphometry and morphology are defined as quantitative measurements and descriptions of shapes and specimens of the landscapes. Morphotectonic is an invaluable instrument in the study of active tectonic. Morphometry is described as quantitative measurements of morphology shapes. Simply, morphologies are described in terms of height and gradient. The study of the tectonic geomorphology of the drainage area can provide important and valuable information about the tectonic conditions of the area and its recent activity. Quantitative measurements allow for the objective comparison of different morphologies and the calculation of less-understood variables and make identification of specific features, including the level of tectonic activity of an area possible. For example, survey of rivers, cutting, and diversion of the river provides important information on the development and evolution of folds and faults in the region. On the other hand, digging the bedrock river basin is mainly due to the tectonic activities that cause the change in the shape and topography of the rivers. The determination of anomalies resulted from active tectonics in the rivers using geomorphological indicators is very useful and can reveal active structures in the region. so, studying the drainage and river diversion pattern provides important information about the structural development of the area. Since detailed studies have not been conducted to investigate the relationship between active tectonic and geomorphology in the study area, a morphometric study to identify the effect of active tectonic on tectonic evolution of drainage basins and rivers is necessary. For this purpose, the active tectonics of Western and Central Alborz in the Shahrud, Taleghanrud and Alamutrud basins were evaluated by measuring seven geomorphologic indices of Hierarchical anomaly (a), Bifurcation (R), Hypsometric integral and curve (Hi), Relative relief (Bh), Drainage density (Dd), Form factor (Ff) and Stream-Length gradient (SL).
MethodologyIn order to determine the tectonic activity in the drainage area scale using morphometric indices for the study area, drainage area and streams were first used a digital elevation model (DEM) of 30 meters in Arc GIS software Extraction and after the required adjustments, 27 basins were determined. Finally, morphometric indices have been measured on the basins. Finally, the total tectonic activity level was determined based on the Relative active tectonics index (Iat) of the area and the study area was classified in terms of tectonic activity. In the next step, geological maps with 1: 100000 scale of geological survey and mineral exploration of Iran and satellite images were used to determine the main structures and geological units of the area from the field data.
Results and DiscussionIn this section, the results of calculating the indicators with the structures of the region were analyzed and for each index the zoning map of tectonic activity in the study area was plotted. Each index was divided into three categories in terms of tectonic activity: Class 1 (high relative tectonic activity), Class 2 (moderate tectonic activity) and Class 3 (low tectonic activity). In the last step, in order to determine the level of total tectonic activity, a relative active tectonic index (Iat) was calculated and the zoning map of this index was plotted. According to the form factor index (Ff), the drainage basins are more elongated in geologically active areas. Therefore, basins with lower values of the form factor index are more active in terms of tectonics. The Hypsometric integral (Hi) describes the relative distribution of elevation in a drainage basin and the high rate of Relative relief index, represents the high level of uplift in the study area that is because of active tectonics. Stream gradient index (SL) shows the effect of environmental changes on river longitudinal profile.
ConclusionIn some areas, observed that there are several classes of tectonic activity during a fault, so the activity in several parts of the fault is different, and may also there was areas with a medium and low activity level in the along of an active fault. Finally, the main structures and geological units of the region were adapted to the results of measuring the morphometric indices and field observations and analyzed. Field studies document the accuracy of the results. The results of this research indicate that the most basins of the study area show the high and very high recent tectonic activity levels which Field evidences and existing earthquakes also confirm this. According to the values of morphometric indices, the zoning map of the tectonic activities of the study area was prepared. A survey of this map shows that about 35 percent (1748 square kilometers) of the study area has very high tectonic activity and about 53 percent (2684 square kilometers) represents relatively very high tectonic activity. Various geomorphic landforms were observed in the study area where fault scarp, deformed alluvial fan deposits, unpaired terraces, triangular facets, V-shape valleys and deep gorges incised near mountain fronts exist. In the study area the most activity is related to the Sefidkhani, Taleghan, Alamutrud-Shahrud, Khashchal, Angol faults, eastern segment of Manjil fault zone and also the faults in the east of the region. Also, the basins associated with Jirandeh, Rudbar, Bolukan and Kharkhon faults show high tectonic activity.
Keywords: Active Tectonic, Morphometric index, Fault, Drainage Basin, Alborz -
Pages 172-191Introduction
Anthropogenic impacts on the natural environment can lead to interference and increase vulnerability in the landscape and affect ecosystem services, environmental health and environmental sustainability. Increasing knowledge of the interconnected nature of many human and environmental issues has encouraged natural scientists (such as hydrologists, geomorphologists, and physical geographers more broadly) to work with social scientists (such as economists and human geographers) and engineers (such as designers). Environment, city planners) and policymakers to create an integrated interdisciplinary framework to meet new research needs. Urban geomorphology is an interdisciplinary field which is rapidly evolving and examines the effects (positive and negative; direct and indirect) of urbanization on the natural forms of the earth (geomorphology) and man-made structures (urban morphology), the processes that control their development in a given region. The city of Paveh is a vital human center in western Iran, located in the mountainous region of Shahu in the northwest of Kermanshah province, 20 km from the international border of Iraq at an altitude of 1600 meters. This study aims to evaluate the capacities and bottlenecks of sustainable urban development in Paveh city with the approach of geomorphological hazards. The ultimate goal of this study is to improve geomorphological awareness in order to understand the interaction between landforms, urban evolution and effective geomorphological processes, as a first step towards risk management and strategic protection of Paveh urban center.
Material and methodsThe present study is an applied research. In this study to evaluate and zoning landslide risk 12 variables affecting the occurrence of this geomorphological phenomenon including altitude, slope, aspect, lithology, land use, stream power index, topographic wetness index, topographic position index, distance from fault lines, distance from hazardous road points, normalized vegetation index and land curvature were examined. The required data were obtained from 1: 100000 scale geological maps, images of digital elevation model of the region with a resolution of 12.5 meters related to ALOS-PALSAR satellite, hydrological data and field studies as well as library resources. Geomorphological map of the region was drawn using field studies and satellite images. To prepare thematic layers and implement research models, Arc GIS, ENVI and Surfer software were used. VIKOR method was used to zoning and spatial prediction of landslide occurrence.
Results and discussionCurrently, the city of Paveh is facing problems and issues such as increasing population, reducing geomorphic potencial, increasing the load on the slopes, all of which confirm that the natural bed of the city of Paveh is more unstable. Most residential areas in the region are located on the slope unit. Changes in geomorphic units have caused changes in other loops of natural systems and ultimately altered the dynamics and morphogenesis of the city. Based on field studies and geomorphological map of the study area, the most important hazards threatening the sustainable urban development of Paveh can be listed as follows:Topographic restrictions and urban development of Paveh, Changing the natural cover of the earth and changing geomorphological trends, urban decay problems against environmental hazards, Urban construction weight and geomorphological changes, Non-standard slopes and creating limits to sustainable urban development, Sliding vulnerabilities of settlements and landslide hazard. The geomorphological map of the study area shows the presence of talus slopes in the northern parts of the region, which are the result of high temperature fluctuations in the Biston limestone formation. Several landslides have occurred in the southern parts of the region (Ilam Formation) and the northern slopes of Dourisan as a result of high slopes and possibly heavy rainfall events. Ridge valleys are one of the most important limitations of development in the northern parts of Paveh, Nouriab and Dourisan basins. A clear example of the ridge valleys can be seen in the neighborhood of the Grand Mosque, which has caused the destruction of urban uses, especially the asphalt and paving surfaces of the alleys. By examining the slip risk classes in the study area and comparing them, it can be seen that the areas where there are high and very high risk classes are on slopes above 40%;. The sensitivity of geological formations to degradation and weathering has caused the accumulation of large volumes of material on the slopes with other conditions (creating roads and fragmentation of slopes and heavy rainfall) may cause many landslides. In the northwestern part of Dourisan basin, due to severe temperature fluctuations, favorable conditions have been provided for landslides and rockfall. Landslides with a high probability of landslides are seen as relatively large spots. Excavation and trenching on Shahu Road, the presence of locally aerated and detached formations and slopes of 35 to 65 degrees can lead to local instabilities in this area. Due to the high probability of occurrence of Mass wasting hazard in Paveh, the amount of suitable land for the future development of the city is very small.
ConclusionDue to the increasing physical development of Paveh city and the general tendency to settle in foothills in the future, human activities will play an effective role in the occurrence of geomorphological hazards. Based on the findings of the research, urban development in Paveh is moving with the destruction of garden and agricultural lands and moving towards unstable lands (slope of more than 35%). Landslide hazard map showed that the high-risk zone covers more than 40 square kilometers (43%) of the study area. Therefore, the current bed of the city of Paveh is at risk due to extensive processes, so that 39% of the area of the city is located in high-risk landslides. With the development of Paveh towards areas with high slope gradients, especially in the northern and eastern parts, the new settlements will be completely in the high-risk area of landslides.
Keywords: Urban Development, geomorphic hazards, geomorphological maps, Landslides