فهرست مطالب

Journal Of Patient safety and quality improvement
Volume:9 Issue: 4, Autumn 2021
- تاریخ انتشار: 1400/10/05
- تعداد عناوین: 7
Pages 199-209IntroductionIn order to promote patient safety, the organization began a systematic approach to monitor, assess, and improve the quality of the nursing practice environment. The purpose of the study was to learn about registered nurses' general perceptions of the practice environment and to develop quality improvement efforts to improve patient safety.Materials and MethodsAn observational longitudinal study was done for four years by using the Practice Environment Scale – Nursing Work Index (PES-NWI). The sample size of 370 was calculated and data were collected from registered nurses working in all patient care areas by using convenience sampling. Each year, the items scored less than 2.5 were identified, discussed with the nursing stakeholders and quality improvement measures were designed and implemented.ResultsOver the four-years, nurses’ perception of the nursing work environment was found favorable with mean values above 2.5 for all the subscales. However registered nurses perceived concerns with their participation in hospital affaires, staffing and resource adequacy. The PES-NWI mean scores improved significantly over the four years because of the quality improvement initiatives such as registered nurses' participation in hospital committees, transformational leadership training, the Quality Link Nurse (QLN) program, and staffing based on dependency assessment and skill mixing.ConclusionAccording to the registered nurses in this study, the tertiary hospital provides a favorable working environment. The nurses' opinions of the working environment improved as a result of regular monitoring and quality improvement measures, as well as the involvement of registered nurses in new policies.Keywords: Nurses, PES NWI, Quality Improvement, Work Environment
Pages 211-216IntroductionPatient safety is essential to healthcare quality. Its deficiencies impact health outcomes, quality of life, healthcare effectiveness and efficiency. Its improvement should be a priority for any country particularly developing countries like Nigeria. However, the emergence of “Covid-19”, the inadequacy of healthcare facilities and the prevalence of diagnostic errors have complicated efforts to improve patient safety in Nigeria.Materials and MethodsThis research adopts a qualitative research approach, specifically text analysis, to review the literature on the subject. A review of the literature revealed a number of diagnostic issues which threaten patient safety. Existing literature on misdiagnosis, inaccurate, delayed, missed, and remote diagnosis, as well as the relationship between the adequacy of healthcare facilities and the advancement of patient safety, was reviewed and analyzed.ResultsThis paper finds that Patient safety cannot be guaranteed in the absence of an accurate diagnosis, access to secure infrastructure, appropriate technologies and medical devices, as well as a qualified and dedicated health workforce, among other factors. Early detection of diseases in general, and Covid-19 in particular, improves patient safety and lowers mortality rates. Inadequate healthcare facilities, diagnostic equipment, diagnostic errors, and disease information, on the other hand, make early detection difficult and have a negative impact on patient safety.ConclusionThere is a need for early and accurate diagnosis of Covid-19 and this can only be achieved with adequate healthcare facilities including diagnostic equipment and laboratories. As a result, there will be fewer diagnostic errors, more effective patient management and treatment, and, ultimately, improved patient safety.Keywords: COVID-19, Diagnostic error, Inadequate Healthcare Facilities, Nigeria, Patient safety
Pages 217-223IntroductionThis study aimed to compare social adjustment, school satisfaction, and mental health among secondary school female students with and without precocious puberty.Materials and MethodsThe statistical population of this study consisted of female high school students in Urmia city, Iran (n=1,225). To achieve our aim, samples of 204 students (102 girls with precocious puberty and 102 girls with normal puberty) were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method from this statistical population. All participants were asked to complete social adjustment, school satisfaction, and mental health questionnaires. The research method was a causal-comparative type. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics such as mean, variance, standard deviation, and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA).ResultsThe result of MANOVA revealed that there was a significant difference between two groups of girls in social adjustment, mental health, and school satisfaction (P≤0.05).ConclusionThe results of this study revealed that there was a more social adjustment, mental health, and school satisfaction among girls with normal puberty. Therefore, it is necessary that specialists intervene earlier and prevent later problems among such girls.Keywords: Mental health, Precocious puberty, puberty, School satisfaction, Social adjustment
Pages 225-234IntroductionEvaluating a hospital's patient safety culture (PSC) increases awareness of the various aspects of patient safety. Due to the critical role of PSC, the current study was designed and conducted to assess the level of PSC from the perspective of medical staff.Materials and MethodsA descriptive-analytical study was conducted in one of Tehran's hospitals in 2017. A total of 122 participants were selected as the research population from hospital clinical staff using stratified random sampling. The data collection method was a standard HSOPS questionnaire. The data were analyzed descriptively and analytically using SPSS19 software, including the T-test, analysis of variance, and Friedman test.ResultsThe most studied populations were women (80.33%), and nursing staff (54.92%), the average serving years in hospital was (45/1±42/9).The mean score for PSC was 3.41, significantly higher than the national average. Among the various aspects of PSC, the highest and lowest scores were for "managers' expectations and actions regarding patient safety" and "openness of communication channels," respectively.ConclusionAccording to the findings, the PSC among hospital staff is generally positive and high, which may be a result of the hospital's efforts to establish accreditation standards in the hospital. It is recommended that the hospital management team place a premium on open communication channels, teamwork, organizational learning, information exchange and transmission, communication and error feedback for all medical staff. Additionally, for effective learning, it is recommended to clearly define the process of encouraging and punishing to motivate, continuously assess patient safety status, provide timely feedback on results.Keywords: Clinical staff, Hospital, HSOPS Questionnaire, Patient safety, Patient Safety Culture
Pages 235-243IntroductionScarce data have been reported regarding the risk factors of lower limb varicose veins (VVs) in Iranian nurses. This study investigated the social and occupational parameters and lifestyle related to the development of VVs in a group of Iranian nurses.Materials and MethodsIn the current cross-sectional study, 235 volunteered nurses filled the consent forms and were then examined by a vascular specialist. Varicose veins of the patient nurses were ranked based on Clinical, Etiological, Anatomical, and Pathophysiological criteria. Afterward, the patients completed the lifestyle questionnaire.ResultsIn this study, there were 163 (69.4%), 64 (27.2%), and 8 (3.4%) cases with mild, moderate, and severe VVs. It was revealed that VVs severity had a significant relationship with age, laboring times, abortion times, and body mass index (P<0.005). It was also found that weight control and nutrition (odds ratio [OR] =3.76) and physical activity (OR=4.038) significantly affected the VVs intensity.ConclusionThis study highlighted lifestyle risk factors of VVs, which can be considered in improving the lifestyle and quality of life of nurses in long term.Keywords: Physical Activity, Quality of life, Weight control, Varicose vein, lifestyle
Pages 245-249Introduction
Lophomonas blattarum is a multi-flagellate protozoan that causes bronchopulmonary infection in humans. As the culture and molecular diagnosis of Lophomonas blattarum have not yet been developed, direct slide examination from nasopharyngeal secretions and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) is the best method for the detection of Lophomonas with morphological features. In the present study, to achieve quick and easy identification of Lophomonas, the sensitivity of different staining techniques was compared with the direct wet slide as the gold standard. Giemsa, Trichrome, and Papanicolaou stained slides have been examined in patients who had lophomoniasis.
Materials and MethodsThe BAL samples of patients suspected of lophomoniasis were collected. After confirmation of Lophomonas blattarum by observation in the direct test, the slides were prepared using Giemsa, Trichrome, and Papanicolaou staining for each patient.
ResultsAmong the 158 BAL specimens sent to the laboratory of Imam Reza Hospital, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran, 50 samples were positive by direct microscopic examination that were stained by Giemsa, Trichrome, and Papanicolaou techniques. The highest sensitivity was seen for Papanicolaou staining with 16%, followed by Giemsa and Trichrome staining with 12% and 8%, respectively.
ConclusionThe findings of the present study indicated that the Papanicolaou staining technique had the best sensitivity, compared to Giemsa and Trichrome stained slides for differential diagnosis of this protozoan from epithelial cells.
Keywords: Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), Giemsa, Lophomonas Blattarum, Trichrome, Papanicolaou -
Pages 251-262Introduction
Professionalism is a new paradigm in postmodernism public management that helps develop a management plan for complex organizational problems. It also is the main variable in healthcare organizations for the improvement of productivity. Therefore, this research was conducted for the measurement and evaluation of professionalism and its components among healthcare organization managers of Tehran University of Medical Sciences hospitals by a valid and reliable local tool in Iran.
Materials and MethodsThis cross-sectional analytical study was conducted on 150 middle and senior managers selected by the census sampling method. The research tool was a researcher-made professionalism questionnaire with three main components, including specialization, work ethics, and organizational commitment which consisted of 30 items. A five-phase process was conducted for the development of this questionnaire in terms of face, content, structural validity with factor analysis, divergent, convergent validity using average variance extracted, Kaiser-Meyer-OLKIN, and Bartlett method, and finally Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability coefficient. Moreover, descriptive statistics explanatory factor analysis and Pearson correlation test were performed in SPSS software.
ResultsThe content validity index and content validity ratio of the professionalism questionnaire were 0.72 and 0.80, respectively. The values of average variance extracted for the professionalism questionnaire and its components were greater than 0.5. Therefore, convergent validity and also divergent validity of professionalism questionnaire was confirmed by Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient. Moreover, composite reliability was used to investigate the intrinsic homogeneity of the measurement model in the PLS method that was acceptable for all research structures.
ConclusionThis study advanced research on development of new professionalism questionnaire and its components among the managers of healthcare organizations. The results of this research suggested that the healthcare organization managers should be familiar with the new approach for professionalism and aimed to facilitate an understanding of the changing character of professional work in these organizations.
Keywords: Iranian Health Care Organizations, management, Professionalism Questionnaire, Validation