فهرست مطالب
Journal of Textiles and Polymers
Volume:10 Issue: 1, Winter 2022
- تاریخ انتشار: 1401/05/16
- تعداد عناوین: 6
Pages 3-21
Textiles are used in most industries, due to theirspecific physical and mechanical characteristics. Thesematerials are used as sound absorbent because of their porousstructures. Moreover, textiles are less expensive, lightweightand recyclable. This article reviews the mechanisms,experimental modeling and research that has been done inthe last two decades in the field of sound absorption in fibers,carpets, composites, woven fabrics, knitted fabrics, andspacers. There are several parameters affecting the soundabsorption of textiles, and the effectiveness of each parameteris specific to each textile. Therefore, the best usage of eachkind of textiles can be determined through considering thesound absorption behavior at different frequencies. In thisarticle, it has been tried to provide general and partial specificinformation about sound absorption properties of textiles. Itis noteworthy to mention that some research results are inconflict with each other.
Keywords: sound absorption, nonwoven, wove, knitted, Composite, Carpet -
Pages 23-30
The aim of this study is to provide a method toevaluate the intermingled nip stability. For this purpose,polypropylene (fully drawn yarn) FDY with three types ofintermingling Heberlein jet inserts (P412, P212, and S16) andthree air pressure values of 2, 3, and 4 bar was subjected tothe texturing process. In measuring the nip stability in theprevious methods, i.e. using the nip number, it was observedthat in some long nips with special structures, a nip withcertain length under the stretching process may becomeseveral nips with a less total entanglement length. This cancause an error in evaluating the nip stability. Therefore, inorder to evaluate the nip stability, it is suggested to use the niplength in the 360° study around the yarn axis to evaluate theeffect of the change in the length of the intermingled areas dueto stretching. Using the method presented in this research andafter performing experiments, the maximum and minimumnip stability with considering the nip length were 97.3% (forP412 jet insert and 4 bar air pressure) and 48.55% (for S16 jetinsert and 2 bar air pressure), respectively. However, the nipstability in the same test conditions based on nip density was74.47 and 52.94%, respectively.
Keywords: nip length, Nip Stability, false twist textured yarn, Nip Structure, intermingling -
Pages 31-39Nonwoven needle-punched fabrics are the mostcommon textile structures used as geotextiles. In mostapplications, geotextiles are subjected to compressive forces.These forces cause the layers to deform and eventually createpuncture. The present study develops an intelligent model forthe evaluation of static puncture resistance and real elongationof nonwoven needle-punched polyester fabrics using fuzzylogic method. The fuzzy logic expert system, contrary tomany other mathematical methods, can considerably forecastthe behavior of nonlinear complex phenomena. Parametersof needle penetration depth, needle punch density, andfabric areal weight were considered as input variables of thedesigned model. The experimental results were conductedby a universal strength tester based on the well-known staticpuncture (CBR) test method. The fuzzy model showed thatpuncture resistance increases with the enhancement of fabricareal weight, but excessive increase of the needling parameterscauses the puncture resistance to decrease. Furthermore, theresults of the model demonstrated that the fabric puncturereal elongation decreases, while the input variables increase.It was also observed that the real and predicted values ofpuncture resistance and puncture real elongation of thefabrics were in good agreement with very low absolute error.Keywords: Fuzzy logic, needle-punched fabric, nonwoven, puncture resistance, real elongation
Pages 41-55
In the recent years, by developing the methodsof nanofibers formation, electro-centrifugal spinning hasbeen introduced as a new method of nanofibers fabrication.This nanofabrication technique is a combination of knowntechnique called electrospinning and a new coming methodcalled centrifugal spinning. This paper is a comparative studyamong conventional electrospinning, centrifugal spinningand the basis of electro-centrifugal spinning methods. Forinstance, although, the distance of nozzle to collector is acritical operating parameter to determining nanofibersdiameter in electrospinning method, it only shows an effecton the morphology and has no significant effect on the fiberdiameter in centrifugal spinning. Surface tension and viscosityof the solutions are the spinning-ability determinatives in thesethree methods which are affected by the type of polymers andsolvents and also the concentration of the solution, and needto be overcome through electrical or centrifugal forces orboth. The effective parameters on the process and the fibermorphology are investigated for each of the three methods
Keywords: Surface tension, Viscosity, rotating velocity, morphology of nanofibers, orifice diameter, applied voltage -
Pages 57-63The aim of this paper is to explore the influenceof cover factor on the physical properties of woven fabrics.100% cotton woven fabrics of different thread count andwidth were used in this research for investigation. Nine typesof fabric with different weaves like plain (1/1), twill (3/1)and 5 ends satin (4/1) were used while conducting the tests.The experiments were carried out in agreement with the testmethod provided by ASTM and AATCC as mentioend insidethe paper. The cover factors of the samples were measuredwith an appropriate equation using weave factor values. Itwas seen from the research that, plain weave fabrics showedthe maximum cover factor and weight (g/m2) values comparedto twill and satin fabrics. It was because, plain weave containsmaximum interlacement points compared to other weavestructures. The fabrics of plain weave showed the maximumstrength values, maximum air permeability values, and leastshrinkage values. Fabrics with plain weave contain moreinterlacement, thus showed the maximum air permeabilityvalues. This research is practice-based and opens up possibleways for further study by technologists in this field of fabriccover factor and its influence on the physical properties offabrics.Keywords: cover factor, Strength, dimensional stability, air permeability, microscopic assessment
Pages 65-78
The present study attempts to combine the propertiesof natural and synthetic fibers by using nanotechnology.Considering the potential of nylon nanofiber structures in someapplications such as controlled drug release, moisture microsensorsand antibacterial filters, the moisture absorption of thenanofibers could be improved via using biocompatible naturalfibers such as wool. In this investigation, it was achieved toproduce yarns of composite nylon 6 nanofibers, incorporatingwool nanoparticles (WNPs), via electrospinning. WNPs wereadded to the electrospinning solution of nylon 6 in variousconcentrations. Scanning electron microscopy was employedto characterize the morphology of composite nanofibers.The existence of WNPs in the nanofibers was confirmed bytransmission electron microscopy. Fourier transform infraredspectroscopy (FTIR) spectra showed that nanofibrouscomposite formation did not influence the chemical bonds ofboth the wool nanoparticles and nylon 6, and no new steadybonds were formed. It was found that an increase in theWNPs concentration increased the diameter of compositenanofibers from 152±16 nm (pure nanofibers) to 266±51 nm(7 wt% nanoparticles). The assessment of moisture regainof composite nanofiber yarns showed that the moistureabsorption of nylon 6 nanofibers improved by introducing theWNPs as hydrophilic components. The moisture regain of the composite nanofibers yarn containing 7 wt% nanoparticleswas found to be higher than that of the pure nanofibers yarnby about 117.1%. On the other hand, tensile strength andelongation-at-break of composite nanofiber yarns initiallydecreased and then increased with the increase in WNPsconcentration.
Keywords: Nylon 6, Electrospinning, Nanofibers, wool nanoparticles, composite nanofibers yarn