فهرست مطالب

Journal of Crop Nutrition Science
Volume:5 Issue: 2, Spring 2019
- تاریخ انتشار: 1398/03/11
- تعداد عناوین: 6
Pages 1-11BACKGROUNDOveruse of fertilizers can lead to groundwater contamination, depletion of soil microorganisms and beneficial insects, increased crop susceptibility to diseases, acidification or alkalization of soil, damage to soil structure, reduced organic matter and soil fertility. Therefore, for achieve sustainable agricultural, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of conventional fertilizers.OBJECTIVESCurrent study was conducted to assess effect of different level of nitrogen fertilizer and livestock manure on crop production and protein percentage of maize.METHODSThis research was arranged via factorial experiment based on randomized complete blocks design with three replications. The treatments included nitrogen fertilizer (F1= none use of fertilizer or control, F2= 50% less than soil test or 90 kg.ha-1, F3=equal soil test or 180 kg.ha-1, F4=50% more than soil test or 270 kg.ha-1) and livestock manure (M1=none use of manure or control, M2= 20 t.ha-1).RESULTAccording result of analysis of variance interaction effect of treatments on all measured traits was significant. Assessment interaction effect of treatments indicated maximum number of seed per row (42), number of row per ear (16), 1000-seed weight (280 gr), seed yield (9900 kg.ha-1) and protein concentration (10.5%) was noted for 180 kg.ha-1 nitrogen (equal soil test) with 20 t.ha-1 livestock manure and minimum of those belonged to control treatment. Comparison of different levels of nitrogen treatments showed that application of fertilizer equal soil test (180 kg.ha-1) caused 22.5% increase in number of seed per ear, 13.69% number of row per ear, 25% 1000 seed weight, 20.2% seed yield and 20.29% protein percentage were compared to control.CONCLUSIONFinally based on result of this research use 180 kg.ha-1 nitrogen fertilizer (equal soil test) and 20 t.ha-1 livestock manure improve quantitative and qualitative traits of corn and can be advised to farmers.Keywords: Maize, Nutrition, organic matter, Protein, Yield
Pages 12-24BACKGROUNDSustainable agriculture today plays an important role in the utilization of organic matter and biofertilizers to eliminate or reducing chemical fertilizer, promoting fertility and preserving biological activities, enhancing the health of agricultural products and reducing environmental damage.OBJECTIVESCurrent research was conducted to assessment physiological characteristics of sweet scented geranium affected different seaweed extract and amino acid.METHODSThis study was carried out in greenhouse research of Islamic Azad University of Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan) via factorail experiment based on completely randomized design with three replication. The main factor included four level of seaweed extract (S1= nonuse of seaweed extract or control, S2= 0.25, S3= 0.5, S4= 1 mg.l-1) and second factor consisted four level of amino acid (A1= nonuse of amino acid or control, A2= 1, A3= 1.5, A4= 2 mg.l-1).RESULTMean comparison result showed the increase of shoot dry weight by use of (15.8 g) in 0.5 mg.l-1 seaweed extract (15.8 gr) and 2 mg.l-1 amino acid (16 g). Interaction effect of treatment had significant and additive effect on vegetative traits such as plant height. The highest leaf greenness index was observed by 0.5 mg.l-1 seaweed extract with 2 mg.l-1 amino acid. Aromatic essence of current study included linalool, menthol, beta-citronellol, geraniol, cytonelin fumarate, beta-caryophylline, germacron, phenyl ethyl tiglate, geraniol tiglate was improved due to apply treatments. The highest beta-citronellol content was obtained of 1 mg.l-1 amino acid with nonuse of seaweed extract treatment.CONCLUSIONConcentration of 2 mg.l-1 amino acid plus 1 and 1.5 mg.l-1 of seaweed extract achieved maximum quality and quantity of aromatic geranium.Keywords: Beta-citronellol, Carotenoid, Chlorophyll, Geraniol, Linalool
Pages 25-33BACKGROUNDOne of limitation factor in agricultural plants production in dry areas, supply requires water. Also nutrition crop management is a necessary strategy for achieve sustainable agriculture.OBJECTIVESCurrent study was conducted to assessment the effects of different irrigation regimes and several amount of nitrogen fertilizer on seed nutrition content and qualitative trait of wheat.METHODSThis research was done via factorial experiment based on completely randomized design with three replications. The factors consisted different irrigation regime (I1=half of water demand, I2= equal of water demand and I3=1.5 water demand) and nitrogen fertilizer (N1=nonuse of nitrogen or control, N2=50%, N3=75% and N4=100% according soil test).RESULTAccording result of analysis of variance effect of different level of nitrogen fertilizer, irrigation regime and interaction effect of treatments on all measured traits (instead phosphorus concentration) was significant at 1% probability level. Mean comparison result of different level of irrigation regime indicated that maximum nitrogen concentration was noted for half of water demand and minimum of that belonged to 1.5 water demand treatment, so increasing the volume of consumed water led to decrease the seed nitrogen concentration from 1.73 mg.kg-1 to 1.49 mg.kg-1. Nitrogen fertilizer increased nitrogen content from 1.2 in control to 2 mg.kg-1 in 100% according soil test treatment but does not have significant effect on phosphorus content also led to increase potassium content.CONCLUSIONComparison of different irrigation treatments showed that increasing the volume of water decreased seed nitrogen content, increase potassium content and don’t have significant effect on phosphorus content. Also increasing consumed water led to decreased ease seed protein content. The maximum protein concentration (15%) was noted for half of water demand and 100% according soil test.Keywords: Deficit irrigation, Nutrition, phosphorus, Potassium, Protein
Pages 34-46BACKGROUNDAddition of fertilizers to supplement the natural soil fertility is essential for modern crop production, and precise management of nutrient elements is essential for a sustainable agriculture production.OBJECTIVESCurrent study was conducted to assessment effect of different level of micronutrient crop production and seed protein content of wheat.METHODSThis research was carried out via factorial experiment based on randomized complete blocks design with three replications along 2018 year. The first factor included spray different level of Zinc (0, 2.5, 5 and 10 kg.ha-1) and second factor consisted spray Manganese at three level (0, 2 and 4 gr.1000L-1).RESULTResult of analysis of variance revealed effect of zinc and manganese on all measured traits (instead protein percentage) was significant also interaction effect of treatments on all measured traits (instead plant height, spike length and protein percentage) was significant. Mean comparison result of different level of zinc indicated the highest amount of plant height (89 cm), spike length (11cm), number of spike per square meter (403), number of seed per spike (42), 1000-seed weight (40gr), seed yield (5595 kg.ha-1), biologic yield (10364 kg.ha-1), harvest index (54%) and protein percentage (13%) was noted for 10 kg.ha-1 zinc fertilizer. Also compare different level of manganese and interaction effect of treatments showed similar result.CONCLUSIONAccording result of current research the maximum amount of seed yield, its components, harvest index and protein percentage was belonged to consume spray 10 kg.ha-1 zinc and 4 gr.1000L-1 manganese fertilizer and it can be advised to producers.Keywords: Harvest index, Nutrition, Plant height, Qualitative trait, Spike number
Pages 47-56BACKGROUNDSoil nutrition management is an important factor, which determines the plant growth. Soil fertility is determined by the presence or absence of nutrients i.e. macro and micronutrients, which are required in optimum level for crop.OBJECTIVESEvaluate the effect different amount of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers in maize field under sugarcane compost consumption on leaf area index, total dry weight and seed yield.METHODSCurrent research was conducted according a split block experiment based on randomized complete block design with three replications. The first factor included biological and chemical nitrogen fertilizers in 3 levels (a1: completely nitrokara, a2: 25% urea plus nitrocara and a3: 50% urea plus nitrokara) also the second factor, including biological and chemical phosphorus fertilizer in three levels (b1: phosphorus biofertilizer, b2: 25% triple super phosphate plus phosphorus biofertilizer, b3: 50% triple super phosphate plus phosphorus biofertilizer).RESULTThe results of analysis of variance indicated that the effect of different levels of nitrogen chemical and biofertilizer on plant height, leaf area index, total dry matter, crop growth rate and net photosynthesis rate were significant at 1% probability level. Also the effect of different levels of phosphorus chemical and biofertilizer in all traits was significant at 1% probability level. The interaction effect of treatments on total dry weight was significant at 5% probability level and did were not significant difference for other traits. Mean comparison of different level of main factor was observed in consumption of 50% of urea plus nitrokara and completely nitrokara treatment, respectively. Also Among different levels of subfactor the maximum and minimum amount of measured traits were observed in 50% triple super phosphate plus phosphorus biofertilizer and completely phosphorus biofertilizer treatment, respectively.CONCLUSIONGenerally result of current research revealed that use of nitrogen and phosphorus chemical and biological fertilizers in field with sugarcane compost had a positive effect on measured traits of wheat and finally consume 50% urea plus nitrokara with 50% triple super phosphate plus phosphorus biofertilizer was achieved maximum amount of measured traits and can be advised to farmers.Keywords: Corn, Growth curves, phosphorus, Plant height, Urea
Pages 57-67BACKGROUNDFertilizer management plays an important role for obtaining satisfactory yields and to increase crop productivity. Nitrogen is generally a limiting nutrient in crop production, and especially in sorghum, as it has been said to be the most responsive nutrient for its production.OBJECTIVESCurrent study was conducted to assessment effect of urea fertilizer and cutting height on seed yield, its components and harvest index of Sorghum.METHODSThis research was carried out via split plot experiment based on randomized complete blocks design with three replications. The main factor included three level of urea fertilizer (200, 300 and 400 kg.ha-1) and three level of cutting height (7, 12 and 14 cm) belonged to subfactor.RESULTAccording result of analysis of variance effect of urea fertilizer and cutting height on all measured traits (instead harvest index) was significant, but interaction effect of treatments on 1000-seed weight, fresh forage yield, harvest index, number of seed per panicle and number of fertile tiller was not significant. Mean comparison result of different level of urea fertilizer indicated that maximum amount of all measured traits belonged to 400 kg.ha-1 treatment. As for Duncan classification made with respect to different level of cutting height the highest amount of studied characteristics was for 7cm treatment. Evaluation mean comparison result of interaction effect of treatments revealed maximum seed yield (693 gr.m-2) was noted for 400 kg.ha-1 urea fertilizer and 7cm cutting height and lowest one (480 gr.m-2) belonged to 200 kg.ha-1 urea and 17cm treatment. Similar result was found for other traits.CONCLUSIONAccording result of current study 400 kg.ha-1 urea fertilizer and 7cm cutting height had the highest amount of studied traits, so it can be advice to producers.Keywords: Crop production, Fertilizer, Nutrition, Seed weight, Urea