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AI and Tech in Behavioral and Social Sciences - Volume:1 Issue: 2, Spring 2023

AI and Tech in Behavioral and Social Sciences
Volume:1 Issue: 2, Spring 2023

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1402/04/03
  • تعداد عناوین: 6
  • Shahla. Aghaziarati, Shoaleh. Darbani* Pages 1-3

    As we stand on the cusp of this technological revolution, it is clear that the future of work will be markedly different from what we have known. The integration of AI presents a dual challenge: adapting to technological advancements while ensuring that these changes do not exacerbate existing social inequities. The key to navigating this complex landscape lies in embracing a multifaceted approach that encompasses technical proficiency, strategic policy formulation, and a steadfast commitment to social justice. Ensuring social equity in the AI-augmented workplace requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders. Organizations must champion a culture of lifelong learning, enabling employees to adapt to new technologies and work paradigms. Policymakers must craft regulations that ensure AI applications augment human capabilities without replacing them, thus preventing job displacement and promoting a labor market that is diverse, inclusive, and equitable. In conclusion, the journey towards a future of work enriched by AI is fraught with challenges but also brimming with opportunities. By fostering an ecosystem that prioritizes adaptability, continuous learning, and social equity, we can harness the full potential of AI to create a workforce that is not only technologically proficient but also resilient and inclusive. As we advance, let us remember that the true measure of progress is not just in the sophistication of the technologies we adopt but in our ability to ensure that these technologies serve the greater good, enhancing the quality of work and life for all members of society.

    Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Work, Adaption to Change, Social Equity
  • Zeynolabedin Jafari * Pages 4-11

    This study aims to explore the role of AI in supporting indigenous languages, focusing on its impact, the challenges encountered, and the opportunities it presents for language revitalization efforts. Employing a qualitative research design, this study gathered data through semi-structured interviews with 25 participants, including indigenous language speakers, linguists, AI technologists, and cultural preservationists. Thematic analysis was used to identify and categorize the main themes and concepts arising from the interviews. Three main themes were identified: the Impact of AI on Language Preservation, Challenges, and Opportunities. AI was found to significantly support language learning tools, community engagement, accessibility, and content creation while raising ethical considerations. Challenges included technical barriers, cultural and social barriers, and financial and resource constraints. Opportunities for AI in language revitalization were identified in collaboration and partnership, innovation and adaptation, and technological advancements. AI holds substantial potential to support the preservation and revitalization of indigenous languages through tailored learning tools, enhanced accessibility, and community engagement. However, realizing this potential fully requires addressing the identified challenges through collaborative efforts, ethical considerations, and sustained investment in technological and community-based solutions.

    Keywords: Indigenous Languages, Language Revitalization, Artificial Intelligence, Cultural Preservation, Language Learning Tools, Community Engagement, Technological Barriers, Language Policy
  • Seyed Hadi. Seyed Alitabar*, Zohreh. Zadhasn Pages 12-18

    This study aims to explore the experiences, challenges, and outcomes of digital mentorship, categorizing the different facets of mentor-mentee interactions in virtual environments and identifying effective strategies for digital mentorship. Employing a qualitative research design, this study conducted semi-structured interviews with 25 participants who have been involved in digital mentorship either as mentors or mentees. Thematic analysis was used to identify key themes and categories from the interview transcripts, focusing on communication methods, challenges and solutions, professional development, personal development, and the role of technology and tools in facilitating mentorship. The analysis revealed five main themes: Communication Methods, Challenges and Solutions, Professional Development, Personal Development, and Technology and Tools. Each theme encompasses various categories and concepts, such as synchronous and asynchronous communication, technical issues and cultural differences, skill acquisition and networking, confidence building and work-life balance, and the utilization of collaboration platforms and communication tools. These findings highlight the diversity of practices and experiences in digital mentorship, along with the strategies employed by participants to navigate the challenges of virtual environments. Digital mentorship presents a complex, multifaceted landscape that offers both challenges and opportunities for mentor-mentee relationships. Effective communication, strategic use of digital tools, and attention to personal connection are crucial for maximizing the benefits of mentorship in virtual spaces. This study contributes to the understanding of digital mentorship dynamics, providing insights for enhancing mentorship practices and outcomes in the digital age.

    Keywords: Digital Mentorship, Virtual Mentorship, Professional Development, Personal Development, Online Communication, E-mentoring
  • Seyed Amir. Saadati*, Seyed Milad. Saadati Pages 19-25

    This study aims to explore the user experiences of individuals interacting with mental health chatbots, identifying key themes related to engagement, efficacy, satisfaction, barriers, and potential improvements. The objective is to inform the design and implementation of chatbot interventions to better meet the needs of users seeking mental health support. A qualitative research design was employed, utilizing semi-structured interviews with 22 participants who have used mental health chatbots. Thematic analysis was conducted to extract major and minor themes from the transcribed interviews, focusing on the aspects of user interaction, perceived benefits, and areas for enhancement in chatbot functionality. Five major themes were identified: User Engagement and Interaction, Perceived Efficacy, User Satisfaction and Trust, Barriers and Limitations, and Future Directions and Improvements. These encompassed various categories such as ease of use, personalization, emotional support, privacy concerns, technological issues, and suggestions for advanced AI and better integration with professional care. Participants valued chatbots for their accessibility and personalized support but highlighted the need for improvements in emotional understanding and technical reliability. Mental health chatbots are a promising tool for supporting individuals with their mental health needs, offering benefits in terms of engagement, personalized support, and perceived efficacy. However, addressing identified barriers such as technological limitations and emotional disconnect is crucial for enhancing user satisfaction and trust. Future developments should focus on incorporating advanced AI technologies, ensuring user privacy, and integrating chatbots more closely with traditional mental health services.

    Keywords: Chatbots, Mental Health, User Experience, Telemedicine, Digital Health Interventions, Qualitative Research, Health Technology, Artificial Intelligence
  • Neda Arvin*, Masuod Hoseinabady, Bita Bayat, Esmat Zahmatkesh Pages 26-32

    This study aims to explore teachers' experiences with AI-based educational tools, focusing on their perceptions of the effectiveness of these technologies, the challenges encountered in integrating AI into teaching practices, and the support and development needed to leverage AI effectively. Utilizing a qualitative research design, this study collected data through semi-structured interviews with 20 educators from various educational levels and disciplines. Thematic analysis was employed to identify major themes and categories within the data, providing in-depth insights into the participants' experiences with AI in education. Three main themes emerged from the analysis: Perceptions of AI Effectiveness, Challenges in AI Integration, and Professional Development and Support. Within these themes, educators highlighted the pedagogical benefits of AI, including personalized learning and enhanced student engagement. However, they also reported significant challenges, such as technical issues, a lack of resources, and the need for greater teacher readiness and professional development. Ethical considerations and the need for supportive policies were also emphasized. The study concludes that while AI offers transformative potential for education, realizing this potential requires addressing significant challenges. This includes improving teacher digital literacy and readiness, ensuring equitable access to AI resources, and developing comprehensive ethical guidelines for AI use in educational settings.

    Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Educational Technology, Teacher Perceptions, Qualitative Research, Professional Development, Digital Literacy
  • Farrokh. Tahmasebi * Pages 33-39

    This study aimed to explore the nature and implications of the digital divide in rural communities, identifying the key barriers to digital access and utilization. It sought to understand the socioeconomic, educational, and infrastructural factors contributing to the divide and to propose targeted interventions for bridging the gap. A qualitative research design was employed, utilizing semi-structured interviews with 20 participants from various rural communities. The interviews were designed to capture in-depth insights into participants' experiences with digital access and usage. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis to identify common themes and patterns related to the digital divide. The study revealed that economic barriers, inadequate educational resources, and insufficient infrastructure significantly hinder digital access in rural areas. Economic challenges include the affordability of devices and services, while educational barriers encompass both the availability of digital literacy programs and the reliance on schools for digital access. Infrastructure issues, notably internet connectivity and reliability, further exacerbate the digital divide. Additionally, the study highlighted the importance of tailored financial and educational services to support rural communities. Bridging the digital divide in rural communities requires a multifaceted approach that addresses economic, educational, and infrastructural barriers. Targeted policy interventions and collaborative efforts between stakeholders are crucial for enhancing digital inclusion and ensuring equitable access to technology for rural populations. The findings underscore the need for comprehensive strategies that go beyond improving connectivity to foster meaningful digital engagement and utilization.

    Keywords: Digital Divide, Rural Health, Internet Access, Digital Literacy, Educational Disparities, Economic Barriers, Rural Development, Telecommunications Infrastructure