فهرست مطالب

سلول و بافت - سال پانزدهم شماره 1 (بهار 1403)

مجله سلول و بافت
سال پانزدهم شماره 1 (بهار 1403)

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1403/04/10
  • تعداد عناوین: 5
  • ستاره حسین زاده مقدم، مریم السادات سالم، سید محسن دهنوی * صفحات 1-16

    در تحویل هدفمند دارو، افزایش غلظت دارو در محل مورد نظر و کاهش غلظت آن در محل نامطلوب منجر به بهبود فعالیت دارویی شده و با به حداقل رساندن در معرض قرار گرفتن بافت ها و اندام های سالم، عوارض جانبی دارو کاهش می یابد. از این رو، دوز تجویز شده دارو نیز به طور معکوس با افزایش فراهمی زیستی و اثربخشی دارو، کاهش می یابد که این امر به عبارتی منجر به کاهش هزینه و دفعات تجویز دارو می شود. تحویل هدفمند دارو با استفاده از حامل ها و مکانیسم های مختلف، کنترل بهتری بر سرعت و مدت انتشار دارو دارد. هنگامی‫که نانوتوپوگرافی (ویژگی های سطحی در مقیاس نانومتر) الهام گرفته شده از پدیده های طبیعی در سطوح حاملین دارو شبیه سازی می شود، به عنوان یک محرک فیزیکی منجر به تنظیم برهمکنش بین حامل دارویی و سیستم زیستی هدف می شود. هدف از این مقاله، مروری بر اصلاح سطح حامل های دارویی و روش های ساخت توپوگرافی در مقیاس نانو و نقش رابط های زیستی نانوتوپوگرافی در تنظیم عملکرد های زیستی از جمله چسبندگی زیستی، بازآرایی سدها، رابط های ضد میکروبی و جذب دارو می باشد.

    کلیدواژگان: زیست الهام، حامل های دارویی، سیستم های دارورسانی، طراحی نانوتوپوگرافی، توپوگرافی سطح
  • نفیسه شیخ بهائی، فرخنده رضانژاد، سید محمدجواد آروین صفحات 17-30

    خرما دومین محصول زراعی مهم ایران پس از پسته است که سازگاری های مختلف ساختاری و بافتی را نسبت به خشکی و دمای بالا نشان می دهد. کسب دانش لازم در مورد تغییرات مختلف ساختاری و فیزیولوژیکی از زمان گل‫دهی تا رسیدن میوه، در به‫دست آوردن میوه با کیفیت بالا و بازارپسند، نقش بسزایی دارد. مضافتی یکی از مهم‫ترین ارقام تجاری خرمای ایران و بویژه، شهرستان بم است. در پژوهش حاضر، ریخت شناسی و بافت شناسی میوه خرما)Phoenix dactylifera L(رقم مضافتی)Mozafati(طی مراحل نموی بررسی شد.

    مواد و روش ها

    جمع آوری نمونه از یک باغ تجاری واقع در شهرستان بم انجام شد و برش های دستی تهیه شده از نمونه های تازه در هر مرحله نموی، پس از رنگ آمیزی با میکروسکوپ نوری مطالعه و سپس عکس برداری شدند.


    تمایز ساختاری فرابر در مراحل اولیه نموی (بلافاصله بعد از گرده افشانی) شروع می شود، برون بر (اگزوکارپ) در همه مراحل نموی حاوی چهار لایه تمایزیافته می باشد و میان بر (مزوکارپ) توسط لایه ی ایدیوبلاست های تاننی، به دو ناحیه بیرونی و درونی تقسیم می شود. درون بر، تک لایه است و تنها در مراحل نموی اولیه، قابل تشخیص می باشد.

    نتیجه گیری

    مکانیزم های حفاظتی و دفاعی سازمان یافته شامل وجود کوتیکول ضخیم، لایه سنگی و لایه تاننی ویژه شده (ایدیوبلاست‫های تاننی) در همه مراحل نموی فرابر (پریکارپ)، از ویژگی های بافت شناختی جالب توجه این رقم بود که نقش سازشی و تکاملی آن را در زیستگاه های خاص، نشان می دهد.

    کلیدواژگان: میوه خرما، رقم مضافتی، مرحله نموی، ایدیوبلاست های تاننی
  • ادرین هایراپتیان، حسین بیرانوند، منیره محمودی، قمرتاج حسین، محمود تلخابی * صفحات 31-44

    سرطان همچنان یک چالش بهداشت جهانی است و سرطان تخمدان رتبه پنجم را در میان سرطان هایی که  سلامت زنان را تحت تاثیر می گذارند قرار داشته و عامل اصلی مرگ و میر ناشی از سرطان در زنان است. آلفاکتوگلوتارات (AKG) یک متابولیت حیاتی در چرخه کربس است که اخیرا به عنوان یک عامل ضدسرطان موردتوجه قرار گرفته است. این مطالعه، تاثیر AKG را بر سلول های سرطان تخمدان در شرایط آزمایشگاهی بررسی می کند.

    مواد و روش ها

    سلول های رده SKOV3 در محیط کشت کامل (RPMI1640 - سرم جنین گاوی (FBS) 10 درصد) کشت داده شدند و با غلظت های AKG از 20 تا 220 میکرومولار تیمار شدند. به منظور بررسی زیستایی سلول ها از تکنیک MTT استفاده شد. همچنین، زمان دوبرابر شدن جمعیت سلولی، کلونی زایی و مهاجرت سلول ها مورد بررسی قرار گرفت.  


    بر اساس نتایج بررسی زیستایی با استفاده از روش MTT، غلظت 200 میکرومولار برای ادامه مطالعه انتخاب شد. بررسی شکل گیری کلونی، کاهش تعداد و اندازه کلنی را در گروه تحت درمان با غلظت 200 میکرومولار نشان داد (p<0.05). همچنین زمان دوبرابر شدن جمعیت سلولی در گروه تیمار افزایش یافت که نشان دهنده کندشدن رشد سلول ها است (p<0.05). بررسی منحنی رشد نشان دهنده کاهش رشد سلول در گروه تیمار بود. بررسی پروفایل چرخه سلولی نشان داد که در گروه تیمار سلول های بیشتری در فازهای S و G1  متوقف می شوند. تست ترمیم خراش، مهاجرت سلولی کند را در حضور غلظت 200 میکرومولار نشان داد.

    نتیجه گیری

    نتایج ما نشان داد که AKG اثرات مهاری بر تکثیر، زیستایی و مهاجرت سلول های سرطان تخمدان دارد و پتانسیل آن را به عنوان یک درمان کمکی در کنار درمان های موجود برجسته کرد. تحقیقات بیش تر برای بررسی کامل تر تاثیر درمانی AKG در سرطان تخمدان ضروری است.

    کلیدواژگان: سرطان تخمدان، آلفاکتوگلوتارات، زیستایی، تکثیر، آپوپتوز، کلونی زایی، چرخه سلولی
  • فاطمه رشتبر آستمال *، رحیم حداد، قاسمعلی گروسی صفحات 45-57

    هدف این تحقیق، اثر مختلف تنظیم کننده های رشد گیاهی و همچنین محیط کشت MS روی صفات وزن کالوس، درصد کالوس زایی و جنین زایی در کشت بساک دو رقم خیار سینا و نگین (Cucumis sativus L.)، مورد بررسی قرار گرفت.

    مواد و روش ها

    آزمایش به صورت فاکتوریل در قالب طرح کاملا تصادفی با سه تکرار انجام شد. در آزمایش القای کالوس، فاکتورها شامل دو رقم خیار (سینا و نگین)، ترکیب غلظت های مختلف BAP (0، 7/0، 9/0و 1/1 میلی گرم در لیتر) و 2,4-D (0، 75/0، 1 و 25/1 میلی گرم در لیتر) بود.


    نتایج حاصل از کشت بساک و القای کالوس نشان داد که تفاوت معنیداری بین دو ژنوتیپ وجود دارد. بساک های کشت شده در محیط پایه MS و محیط های تهیه شده با غلظت های مختلف BAP پاسخی نشان ندادند و بعد از یک ماه از کشت از بین رفتند. بیشترین درصد کالوس زایی در هر دو رقم فاقد اختلاف معنی دار بودند. با بررسی اثر متقابل رقم، اکسین و سیتوکنین مشخص شد که بیشترین درصد کالوس زایی 100% در هر دو رقم در محیط ها با ترکیب BAP (7/0 و 9/0 میلی گرم در لیتر) با 2,4-D (75/0، 1 و25/1 میلی گرم در لیتر) و در رقم سینا BAP (1/1 میلی گرم در لیتر) با 2,4-D (75/0، 1 و25/1 میلی گرم در لیتر) بوده است. ولیکن کمترین درصد کالوس زایی در رقم نگین در حضور هورمون 2,4-D با غلظت 1 میلی گرم در لیتر با میانگین 333/33 درصد مشاهده شد.

    نتیجه گیری

    به طور کلی استفاده از تنظیم کننده رشد  BAPو 2,4-D در محیط کشت  MSباعث القای کالوس در کشت بساک هر دو رقم خیار شد.

    کلیدواژگان: کشت بساک، تنظیم کننده های رشد گیاهی کلید، کالوس زایی
  • ساناز کرد، رحیم عبدی*، اسحاق زمانی، رحیم پیغان صفحات 58-70

    تحقیق حاضر با هدف تاثیر جایگزینی جلبک قرمز در جیره غذایی بر هیستومورفولوژی معده، کبد و برخی فاکتورهای رشد تیلاپیای نیل انجام گرفته است.  

    مواد و روش‫ها: 

    ماهیان تیلاپیای نیل پس از آماده سازی به‫مدت 8 هفته با جیره های حاوی صفر، 3 ، 6 و 9 درصد وزن غذا به‫وسیله جلبک قرمز با سه تکرار در هر تیمار تغذیه شدند. پس از پایان دوره ماهیان بی‫هوش شده و پس از باز کردن محوطه شکمی ضمن اندازه‫گیری برخی فاکتورهای رشد، نمونه بافتی به اندازه 5/0 سانتی متر از قسمت میانی معده و کبد برداشت و در محلول ثبوتی فرمالین بافر 10 درصد قرار داده شدند. مراحل معمول آماده سازی بافت شامل آبگیری با الکل، شفاف سازی با گزیلول، بلوک گیری با پارافین، برش‫گیری به ضخامت 4 تا 6 میکرون و رنگ آمیزی در نهایت مطالعه با میکروسکوپ نوری انجام گرفت. همچنین جهت آنالیز آماری داده‫ها از نرم افزار SPSS نسخه 21 استفاده شد.


    نتایج مطالعات میکروسکوپی و آناتومیکی معده، کبد و برخی فاکتورهای رشد دستگاه گوارش نشان از بهبود و افزایش فاکتورهای اندازه‫گیری شده مانند درصد افزایش وزن به‫ویژه در گروه دریافت کننده جیره غذایی حاوی 9 درصد جلبک قرمز بوده است.  

    نتیجه گیری

    امکان استفاده از جلبک قرمز در جیره غذایی تیلاپیای نیل در سطح مذکور فاقد عوارض جانبی و نیز کاربرد آن باعث بهبود پارامترهای بافتی و رشد می‫شود. لذا استفاده از آن درجیره آبزیان یک راه‫کار ارزشمند جهت مدیریت هزینه تغذیه و بهبود عمل‫کرد مزارع آبزی پروری به‫ویژه در گونه های تجاری باشد.

    کلیدواژگان: بافت شناسی، معده، جلبک قرمز، تیلاپیای نیل، کبد
  • S. Hosseinzadeh-Moghadam, M .Sadat Salem, SM. Dehnavi * Pages 1-16

    The field of targeted drug delivery is a rapidly advancing area of pharmaceutical research that focuses on optimizing the efficacy and safety of therapeutic agents. The primary goal is to enhance the concentration of a drug at its desired site of action while minimizing its presence in non-target areas. This selective accumulation not only improves the therapeutic outcomes but also significantly reduces the adverse effects often associated with drug therapies. By employing various carriers and mechanisms, targeted delivery systems can exert precise control over the rate and duration of drug release. This is particularly beneficial in chronic treatments where maintaining therapeutic drug levels is crucial. Moreover, the reduction in systemic exposure allows for lower dosages, which inversely correlates with increased bioavailability and drug effectiveness. Consequently, this leads to decreased healthcare costs and less frequent dosing schedules, improving patient compliance and quality of life. One innovative approach in this field is the utilization of nanotopography, which involves the replication of natural surface patterns at the nanometer scale onto drug carrier systems. These nature-inspired designs are not merely aesthetic; they play a functional role in modulating the interactions between the drug delivery vehicle and the biological target. For instance, surfaces mimicking the intricate patterns found in natural environments can influence cellular behavior, enhance adhesion, or even provide antimicrobial properties. Exploring the nuances of nano-engineered surfaces, this scholarly work reviews how nature-inspired topographies impact drug delivery and efficacy in pharmaceutical applications. It discusses the various methods of fabricating nanoscale topographies and their implications for drug delivery systems. The review highlights how these microscopic landscapes can affect biological functions such as cell adhesion, tissue barrier dynamics, and drug absorption rates. Surface modification techniques at the nanoscale are diverse, ranging from simple chemical treatments to sophisticated lithography and microcasting. These methods allow for the creation of specific patterns that can be tailored to enhance the performance of drug carriers. For example, In the context of drug delivery systems, the use of virus-inspired particles has facilitated drug absorption. These bioinspired designs enhance therapeutic outcomes. The role of nanotopography in drug delivery is multifaceted. It can facilitate the formation of bioadhesive interfaces that ensure the drug remains at the site of action for extended periods. This is particularly useful in mucosal drug delivery, where rapid clearance by bodily fluids can be a challenge. Additionally, the rearrangement of cellular barriers can be induced by these topographies, allowing for more efficient drug penetration in areas like the blood-brain barrier. Antimicrobial interfaces created through nanotopography can prevent the colonization of pathogens on drug delivery devices, reducing the risk of infections. This is especially important in implantable devices where biofilm formation can lead to device failure and serious health complications. In a nutshell, the review article provides a comprehensive overview of how nature-inspired nanotopography can revolutionize the field of drug delivery. By mimicking the wisdom of natural designs, pharmaceutical scientists can develop more effective and safer drug delivery systems that promise to improve therapeutic outcomes and patient care.

    Keywords: Bio-Inspiration, Drug Carriers, Drug Delivery Systems, Nanotopographical Design, Surface Topography
  • N. Sheikhbahaei, F .Rezanejad, SMJ. Arvin Pages 17-30

    Dates are the second most important crops in Iran after pistachios, which show different structural and textural adaptations to drought and high temperatures. Acquiring the necessary knowledge about various structural and physiological changes from flowering to fruit ripening plays a significant role in obtaining high-quality and marketable fruit. Date fruit is a berry characterized by exocarp, fleshy mesocarp and membrane endocarp around the seed. This berry is formed from a fertilized carpel present in the female flower, while the other two carpels do not grow and decay. The fruit development period is long and lasts about 7 months. The sweetness and texture of date fruit is closely related to the maturity stage of the fruit. During the growth period of date fruit, several changes in the color and chemical composition of the fruit are observed. Mozafati is one of the most important commercial varieties of dates in Iran especially in Bam city. In the present study, the morphology and histology of the date fruit (Phoenix dactylifera L.) of the Mozafati cultivar were investigated during the developmental stages.

    Material and Methods

    Samples were collected from a commercial garden located in Bam city. Five adult 17-year-old date palms of Mozafati cultivar derived from offshoots grown in similar environmental conditions were used as female parents. The pollen used in this experiment is the same pollen that is normally used by local gardeners for pollination. Sample collection was done in five different developmental stages including Hababouk, Kimri, Khalal, Sarkhal and Rutab (4, 12, 19, 24 and 25 weeks after pollination, respectively). In this research, the local Iranian names such as Sarkhal and Rutb were used for the last two stages. The collected fruits, after cleaning and sorting, were packed and stored at 4ºC. The hand sections prepared from the fresh samples at each developmental stage were studied with an optical microscope after staining and then photographed.


    An anatomical study of fruits in different stages of development revealed several general characteristics in their pericarp structure: 1) Pericarp differentiation starts in the early stages of development (immediately after pollination) and its development continues progressively and regularly. 2) The exocarp contains four differentiated layers in all developmental stages, from outside to inside, includes layers of the epidermis, hypodermis, skin parenchyma, and layer of stone cells. 3) The mesocarp (which is the largest region forming the pericarp) has a large number of layers consisting of parenchymal cells and is divided into two outer and inner regions, which are separated by a layer of parenchymal cells specialized to store tannins (idioblast). Vascular vessels with different sizes are distributed in the outer and inner mesocarp, which are less abundant in the inner parts. 4) The endocarp can be recognized as an unspecialized single-layered epidermis only in the early stages of development and eventually forms the seed coat together with the inner layers of the mesocarp.


    Organized protection and defense mechanisms, including the presence of thick cuticle, stone layer, and specialized tannin layer (tannin idioblasts) in all stages of pericarp development, were among the interesting histological features of this cultivar, which showed its adaptive and evolutionary role in specific habitats

    Keywords: Date Fruit, Mozafati, Developmental Stage, Tannin Idioblasts
  • E .Hairapetian, H .Beiranvand, M. Mahmoodi, G. Hossein, M. Talkhabi * Pages 31-44

    Cancer remains a global health problem, with ovarian cancer ranking fifth among cancers affecting women and the leading cause of cancer-related death in women. There are different types pf ovarian cancer, including Epithelial ovarian cancer, Stromal tumors and Germ cell tumors.  Epithelial ovarian cancer is the most common type that includes several subtypes, including serous carcinoma and mucinous carcinoma. To this end, several factors have been identified to increase your risk of ovarian cancer, including older age, inherited gene changes, family history of ovarian cancer, being overweight or obese, postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy, endometriosis, and never having been pregnant. The current strategies to treat ovarian cancer include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and targeted therapies, and hormone therapy. Scientists continue to investigate the foundational mechanisms involving cancer development, as well as to find new drugs and metabolites having the capacity to control cancer. Alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG), a critical metabolite in the Krebs cycle involved in cellular energy production and the regulation of gene expression. Recent studies have shown that AKG may have the potential to enhance the efficacy of cancer treatments, by modulating the tumor microenvironment and improving the immune response against cancer cells. This study investigates the effect of AKG on ovarian cancer cells.

    Material and methods

    SKOV3 cells were obtained from Tehran University and cultured in complete culture medium (RPMI, 10% Fetal bovine serum (FBS), and 1% Penicillin-Streptomycin (Pen/Strep)). To find the proper concentration of AKG, SKOV3 cells were cultures in 96-well plate, and treated with different concentration of AKG (range 20 to 220 µM). After 24 and 48 h, the viability of the cells was determined using MTT assay. Based on the results obtained from viability assay, 200 μM of AKG was selected for the next assessments. To evaluate the effect of AKG on SKOV3 cell proliferation using plotting a growth curve, cells were cultured in the presence (200 μM AKG) and absence of AKG, and counted the number of cells every 24h for one week. To determine the population doubling time (PDT), the cells were cultured in the presence (200 μM AKG) and absence of AKG for 72h, then the cell were collected and the number of living cells was counted using Neubauer Chamber. The PDT was calculated using a related standard method. To assess colony formation potential, the SKOV3 cell were cultured in the presence (200 μM AKG) and absence of AKG. After 7 days, the cells were fixed using 10% formalin solution, then the colonies were stained using crystal violet dye, and the number of colonies were counted using inverted microscope. To investigate the effect of AKG on the migration rate of SKOV3 cells, the cells were cultured in complete medium to reach 85% confluence, then treated with mitomycin (10 μM) for 3h, then Created a scratch in the cell monolayer using a sterile pipette tip. the cells were cultured in the presence (200 μM AKG) and absence of AKG for 3 days. The images of the scratch were taken at regular intervals using a microscope, and the closure of the scratch over time was analyzed. To analyze the cell cycle profile, the SKOV3 cell were cultured in the presence (200 μM AKG) and absence of AKG for 48h. Then, the cells were collected and analyzed using a flow cytometry.


    Based on the MTT assay, 200 μM AKG was determined as the proper concentration to investigate other biological behaviors of SKOV3 cells. Colony forming assay showed a decrease in the number and size of colonies in the AKG-treated group (P<0.05). In addition, the cell doubling time increased in the treatment group, indicating slower growth rate (P<0.05). Growth curve analysis confirmed reduced cell growth in treated group. Cell cycle analysis showed a higher percentage of treated cells arrested in S and G1 phases. The scratch assay showed slow cell migration and metastasis in the cells treated with 200 µM AKG.


    In conclusion, AKG has an inhibitory effect on the proliferation, viability, migration in SKOV3 ovarian cancer cells, highlighting its potential as an adjuvant treatment with existing therapies. More research is necessary to fully investigate the therapeutic effect of AKG in ovarian cancer.

    Keywords: Ovarian Cancer, Alpha-Ketoglutarate, Survival, Proliferation, Apoptosis, Colonization, Cell Cycle
  • F. Rashtbar Astmal*, R .Haddad, GA. Garoosi Pages 45-57

    The aim of this research was to investigate the effects of different plant growth regulators and MS culture medium on the characteristics of callus weight, percentage of callus formation and embryogenesis in anther culture of two cultivars of Sina and Negin cucumbers (Cucumis sativus L.).

    Materials and methods

    The experiment was conducted as a factorial in a completely randomized design with three replications. In this research, to determine the stage of growth and development of microspores, male flower buds in the sizes of 0.5 to 2.2 cm were taken from mother plants. For dyeing, the anthers were separated from the buds and placed in stocarman dye solution containing one gram of carmen powder and one hundred milliliters of 45% acetic acid for one day. Then the anthers were crushed on the laboratory slide and the microspores inside them were observed under a light microscope. In the callus induction test, the factors include two cucumber cultivars (Sina and Negin), the combination of different concentrations of BAP (0, 0.7, 0.9 and 1.1 mg/liter) and 2,4-D (0, 0.75, 1 and 1.25 mg/liter). 4 anthers were cultured in each petri dish. After placing the anthers in the culture medium, the lids of the petri dishes were closed and sealed with parafilm, and then they were covered with aluminum foil and placed in the growth chamber at a temperature of 25 ± 2 degrees Celsius in the dark for 2 weeks and the environments They were cultivated once every 2 or 3 weeks.


    Cytogenetic experiments showed that 1.5 cm buds containing anthers and microspores in the mononuclear stage are suitable for anther culture. The results of the analysis of the variance of the data showed a statistically significant difference at the level of 0.01 between the interaction effects of genotype and culture medium. Anthers cultured in MS base medium and media prepared with different concentrations of BAP did not show a response and were destroyed after one month of cultivation. The average main effect of cultivars on callus fresh weight after several weeks of cultivation showed that the highest callus fresh weight was obtained in Sina variety. The comparison of the average triple interaction effects of cultivar × BAP × 2,4-D for callus fresh weight in this research has shown that Sina cultivar in MS culture medium contains the growth regulator compound 0.7 mg/liter BAP and 1 mg/liter 2,4 -D has the highest callus fresh weight. By examining the interaction effect of cultivar, auxin and cytokinin, it was found that the highest percentage of callus formation was 100% in both cultivars in environments with the combination of BAP (0.7 and 0.9 mg/liter) with 2,4-D (0.75, 1 and 1.25 mg/L) and in Sina cultivar BAP (1.1 mg/L) with 2,4-D (0.75, 1.1 and 1.25 mg/L). However, the lowest percentage of callus formation was observed in Nagin cultivar in the presence of 2,4-D hormone with a concentration of 1 mg/liter with an average of 33.333%.


    In general, the use of growth regulator BAP and 2,4-D in MS culture medium induced callus in anther culture of both cucumber cultivars.

    Keywords: Anther Cultivation, Plant Growth Regulators, Callus Formation
  • S .Kord, R .Abdi *, I. Zamani, R. Peyghan Pages 58-70

    The use of algae as a food additive has many positive effects such as increasing the quality, health, and greed of food and increasing the level of growth and immunity in aquatic animals. Among the algae with many uses are the members of the red algae branch, which are seen in red due to the large amounts of phycoerythrin and phycocyanin pigments. These algae belong to primary multicellular plants of the marine species, non-flowering without roots, stems, and leaves, and they reproduce sexually. The current research was conducted to replace red algae in the diet in stomach, liver histomorphology, and some growth factors of Nile tilapia, one of the most important commercial species in the world.

    Material and Methods

    For this purpose, after 8 weeks of preparation, fish were fed diets containing zero, 3%, 6%, and 9% of food weight with red algae with three repetitions in each treatment. After the end of the rearing period, the fishes were anesthetized and after opening the abdominal area while measuring some growth factors, a 0.5 cm tissue sample was taken from the middle part of the stomach and liver and placed in a 10% formalin buffer solution. After going through the routine steps of tissue preparation, including dehydration with alcohol, clarification with xylol, blocking with paraffin, cutting with a thickness of 4-6 microns, and staining, finally, the study was done with a light microscope. SPSS software version 21 was used for statistical analysis of data.


    Microscopic and anatomical studies of the stomach and some growth factors of the digestive system showed an increase in the measured factors as percentage of weight gain, especially in the group receiving the diet containing 9% red algae. The results of microscopic studies on the stomach showed that the mucosal lining of the stomach is of a simple type with nuclei near the base. This tissue is stretched from the surface of the mucous membrane to the inner part, so that at the beginning of the stomach, short but deep folds were also observed at different intervals. In the lamina propria of gastric mucosa, simple tubular glands were observed, whose tissue consists of a row of short cubic to cylindrical cells, which have spherical to elongated nuclei and basophils attached to the base of the cells. These cells had strong acidophilic color and covered all the lamina propria. Also liver was completely lobulated and the pancreas was located in the form of an appendix gland inside.


    The results of this research showed that in terms of the structural characteristics of the stomach and liver tissue such as mucous glands, epithelium thickness, thickness, mucus height, and anatomical growth of the digestive system, red seaweed powder can be a suitable substitute for fish meal in the diet. Tilapia, along with possible substitutes in other animal and vegetable proteins, can be used to feed this fish, which will eventually reduce the cost and reduce the dependence on fish powder to supply the protein needed by Nile tilapia.

    Keywords: Histomorphology, Stomach, Red Algae, Nile Tilapia, Liver