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رسانه - سال بیست و یکم شماره 2 (پیاپی 82، تابستان 1389)

فصلنامه رسانه
سال بیست و یکم شماره 2 (پیاپی 82، تابستان 1389)

  • 182 صفحه، بهای روی جلد: 20,000ريال
  • تاریخ انتشار: 1389/06/20
  • تعداد عناوین: 8
  • Mohammad Taghie Ghezelsofla, Sayedeh Ameneh Mir Khoshkho Page 5
    Media-Islam: Media Approach towards Islam within the framework id Post-colonialism Theory of Edward Saeed. Although the Post-colonialism Theory has its roots in the thoughts of famous scholars such as Gandhi, Régis Debray, and Frantz Fanon, yet it was Edward Saeed the Palestinian scholar who opened a new chapter in this field. It was in this context that a new reading of relations between Islam and West was created in the light of Post-colonialism Theory. This issue was specially important for the third world countries which were newly released from direct colonialism. In parallel with the decline of ideologies in general and Communism in particular, the low-level movements and the minorities made new attempt to secure a the place an position they assume they deserve. It was in this context that political and cultural theory borrowing from post-modern and post-Structural discourse encountered a serious transformation. It is the assumption of this paper that a major part of the western dominance in cultural sphere is due to the media-system. It will be shown in this article that how the media is virtually talking on behalf of Islam. Answering this question that "who are the producing the so called real discourse oh behalf od Muslim World" the idea of Media-Islam will be analyzed. The methodology used in this article is that of Descriptive-analytical and it had the Post-Colonialism as its theoretical framework.
    Keywords: Post, colonialism, Political Islam, West, Cultural Domination, Media, Middle East, Edward Saeed
  • Vahid Khashei, Mehrdad Morad Emamzadeh Jafar Page 21
    Nowadays communication covers a variety of areas including social, political, cultural and economic ones. However it seems that the due to the development and complexity of societies the political communication is of a much greater significance. hence the reason for the failure of political systems to make an orderly society must be searched for in their inability to use communicational means. The important factor in Political communication is its impact on the perspective and behavior which can be seen in the politicians in for of their use of different communicational means and the techniques used by them to influence their audience in order to coordinate and adapt them with their ideas and programs. And also to affect the public opinion which will ultimately lead to the solidification and development of their power. It is in this context that one can analyze the importance of soft power as a subsidiary of political communication which is of a great significance in international relations. In the first part of this article we will explain the scope and dimensions of soft power and then in the second part the causal factors and means of soft power will be discussed. Finally in the third part the American approach in using Soft power in Iraq war will be explored as a case-study.
    Keywords: Political communication, Soft power, international communication, change of perspective
  • Hossein Basirian Jahromi Page 45
    School of Medialogy is one of the branches of critical studies in Communication sciences The founder of this school was Régis Debray, a French leftist intellectual who has experienced being both a journalist and academician. Medialogy is a question about the analyzing the relationship between preferred social parameters such a religion, ideology, art and politics and the relation they make with medium and the physical environment. Medialogy has come to clarify the function of being medium in all its forms in the history of the communication as a science from the invention of writing up to the emergence of contemporary media. This article is an attempt to investigate the role of alternative media as a rival for the main and conventional media using the theoretical framework of this school and getting help from some theoretical approaches such as proper role.
    Keywords: Medialogy, Mainstream Media, Alternative Media, Régis Debray, Critical Studies
  • Mahdokht Brojerdi Alavi, Mehrdad Alamdari Page 65
    A great part of the economic life of newspapers in Iran deepens on the support and subsidiaries paid by the government. This article is an attempt to evaluate the the effects of these supports using the Hegemony and Media Norms Theories. In doing this it will try to offer a picture of the conditions under which these supports are organized. This study will analyze these supports and their impact from the perspectives of three levels of journalists namely Principalist, Professional and Reformist journalists. According to this study the journalist working for principalist newspapers are in favor of these supports but are asking for some reforms aiming at more transparency of policies. The professional journalist which includes the academicians who teach journalism at universities who can be called the moderate journalists, although see many problems in this kind of supportive policies and are demanding for a total review on the aims and methods of applying these policies, yet they believe that a sudden elimination of these supports will be risky. And finally the journalist belong to reformist newspapers are critical of the governmental supports. They believe that the subsidiary payments are basically an obstacle for making independent newspapers and therefore should be revoked.
    Keywords: protective policies, direct, indirect assistance, subsidies, Hegemony, independence of printed media, professional syndicates, associations
  • Ali Morad Heydari, Ali Jafari Page 87
    Legal Protection in form of criminalization and punishment remains to be one of the most important ways confronting the norm-breaking. In the scope of the activity of audio-video media and concerning the social and cultural challenges many experts believe that the law-maker must make the criminal intervention.This protection has been done in three areas:1. Protection of intellectual property of the owners of these works and preventing the illegal distribution of them2. Protection the privacy of individuals and preventing from the violation of families and private places3. Protection of morality and public virtue and preventing from the volition of social values and abuse of audio-video vulgar worksThis protections can be seen in the law passed in 1379 and amended in 1387. However there still many shortcomings in this law as follows:-Ambiguity in criminal responsibility-Incomplete protection of the material rights and intellectual property rights- The low amount of cash fine approved for this issues-Gender discrimination in many areas- Contradictions between this law and other laws
    Keywords: Media, Audio, Visual Media, Audio, Video Works, Intellectual Property, Privacy, morality, Public virtue, probity
  • Mandana Tishehyar, Zahra Pazokizadeh Page 111
    Nowadays many activist who try to shape the public sphere of their society in order to safeguard their historical identity have access to new technologies in mass media such as internet. The objective of this article is to evaluate the role of new media such as Iranian weblogs and internet websites created by young civil actives and journalists and some NGOs by the aim of founding and developing a society based on national and religious elements of Iranian culture through benefiting from the new waves of media technology. Exploring the process of this phenomenon in Iran, identifying the causes of its formation, and finally the challenges and opportunities ahead of the creators of this new wave are among the subjects that will be discussed in this paper.
    Keywords: Public Sphere, blogging, Iran, Virtual Space
  • Sayed Vahid Aghili, Mohammad Soltanifar, Maryam Mirzakhani Page 127
    This research based on two methodologies, survey and content analysis will evaluate the ways of setting agenda for the news in nine Persian language websites using the views of communication experts. According to the results of this research and a comparison between their findings the issues such as Ahmadinejad trip to Lebanon, Supreme leader trip to Qom, the issue of subsidies, and endowment of Azad University were among the most important news highlighted in these websites. In the method of content analysis the size and content of headlines of the websites from 18 Mehr to 30 of Aban 1389 were analyzed which included 2387 titles. The classification of the headlines showed that 25.4 percent of headlines were dedicated to domestic politics, 15.6 percent of them to the foreign policy and international relations and 14 percent of them to the issues related to economy, trade and development. the statistical population were chosen from 1454 students and professors on different branches of Tehran Azad University. According to the findings 74.7 percent of students and professors of communication believe that the websites highlighted the domestic news of which 31.9 percent of them were political news. They stated that the BBC Persian website with 45.1 percent had the highest rate in agenda setting of the news.Keywords:
    Keywords: Agenda setting, priority