فهرست مطالب

باغ نظر - سال دهم شماره 24 (بهار 1392)

نشریه باغ نظر
سال دهم شماره 24 (بهار 1392)

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1391/12/24
  • تعداد عناوین: 10
  • محسن فیضی، علی اسدپور صفحه 3
    نگاه متن وار و ساختاری به منظر امکان تجزیه و تحلیل بصری مفاهیم و عناصر موجود در آن را در قالب یک پژوهش بصری ممکن می سازد. در این نوشتار از تصاویر تاریخی و راهبرد توصیف ثانویه با مورد پژوهی اکتشافی در منظر استفاده شده و تحلیل ها در رویکردی استنتاجی به نتایج منتهی می شوند. همچنین می توان آن را نوعی تحقیق بصری نیز نامید که به تصویر به عنوان ابزار استخراج و استقراء می نگرد. از آنجا که هدف این پژوهش شناسایی مولفه ها و اهمیت اجزای منظر کلان تاریخی شیراز در تصاویر سفرنامه هاست، لذا چهار تصویر از سیاحان خارجی (دلند، شاردن، نیبور و بروگشن) که واجد مشخصه های منظر کلان شهر (ترسیم شده در ترازی بالاتر از سطح شهر) هستند، در بازه ای 200 ساله انتخاب شده است.
    فرضیه این پژوهش مبتنی بر امکان پذیری استخراج مفاهیمی عینی از تصاویر ترسیمی توسط جهانگردان است که تداوم و استمرار آن می تواند معرف ماهیت و چگونگی منظر کلان تاریخی شیراز باشد. از این روی هر تصویر به عناصر تشکیل دهنده (طبیعی (پایه و ثانویه) و انسان ساخت) و مشخصه ها (میزان جزییات) تجزیه و مورد ارزیابی کیفی و کمی قرارگرفته است. درصد تفکیکی هر عنصر از تصویر محاسبه و میزان توجه به جزییات نیز در طیفی سه ارزشی (زیاد، متوسط و ضعیف) تحلیل شده است.
    نتایج حاصل از پژوهش نشان می دهد مجموعه کوه های شمالی و جنوبی شهر و باغ های قرار گرفته در محور منتهی به دروازه قرآن، به ترتیب مهم ترین عناصر طبیعی منظر کلان شهر هستند که اغلب با جزییات متوسط و زیاد ترسیم شده اند. مستحدثات انسان ساخت مانند دروازه قرآن و بقعه علی بن حمزه (ع) نیز از مهم ترین عناصر غیر طبیعی منظر تاریخی شیراز به شمار می آیند. در نهایت رودخانه خشک، آخرین عنصر طبیعی منظر کلان شهر است که هرچند با جزییات کم ترسیم شده ولی به عنوان یک عنصر کلیدی در تصاویر دیده می شود. شایسته است مدیریت شهری نسبت به حفظ این موارد جهت تداوم هویت منظر تاریخی شهر اهتمام جدی داشته باشد.
    کلیدواژگان: منظر کلان تاریخی، جهانگرد، پژوهش بصری، سفرنامه، شیراز
  • حسن کریمیان، سید مهدی موسوی نیا * صفحه 13

    از آنجایی که فضاهای شهری کانون تمرکز ساکنان زمین اند، آنها را می توان مناسب ترین عرصه تظاهر و تجلی فرهنگ بشری، ارتباطات اجتماعی و تاریخ ملت ها به شمار آورد. همچنان که ساختار فرهنگی و اجتماعی یک ملت می تواند بر تظاهرات کالبدی شهرها اثر گذار باشد، ویژگی های کالبدی و فضایی شهرها هم می توانند در پویایی، استمرار و یا تغییر روابط اجتماعی و فرهنگ ملت ها موثر واقع شوند.
    «آگورا» به مثابه یکی از فضاهای شهری آتن در دوره کلاسیک، سهم شایان توجهی در برقراری روابط اجتماعی فرهنگی شهروندان و تامین مردم سالاری داشته است. پاسخ به این پرسش که فضای مذکور تا چه حد در تامین عملکردهای فوق ایفای نقش می کرده، نیازمند مطالعه موقعیت آن در میان سایر عناصر شهری، نقش و میزان تعمد دولت مردان در شکل گیری ارتباطات موثر شهری، و بالاخره میزان آشنایی شهروندان به کارکردهای فضاهای شهر مذکور است. نوشته حاضر که با هدف نشان دادن تاثیر آگورا در تامین مردم سالاری و تنظیم رفتارهای اجتماعی ساکنان شهر آتن دوره کلاسیک تدوین شده است، به تحلیل عملکرد این فضا و بناهای اطراف آن در برهم کنش های اجتماعی فرهنگی آتن می پردازد. به عبارت دیگر، در نوشته حاضر سعی شده تا با روش هرمنوتیک، از دل آثار معماری، عملکرد و ارتباطات فضایی شکل گرفته در آتن دوره کلاسیک بازسازی شود.
    تحقیق حاضر، ضمن بازسازی روابط اجتماعی فرهنگی شهروندان آتنی در آگورا، روشن ساخته است که این فضا فراهم کننده زمینه های «مردم سالاری» در آتن کلاسیک، و بناهای اطراف آن نیز تامین کننده «منافع عامه» بوده و احداث این مجموعه اقدامی در نیل به «آرمان شهر موعود» به حساب می آمده است. به عبارت دیگر، درخشش تفکر آتنی ها در عهد کلاسیک در زمینه های فلسفه و علم، هنر، فنون و تجارت، تعلیم و تربیت، حکومت، آزادی های مدنی و ارتباطات اجتماعی به نحوی ملموس در آگورا متجلی شده است.

    کلیدواژگان: آگورا، آتن، دوره کلاسیک، فضای شهری، روابط اجتماعی، روابط فرهنگی
  • فرنوش مخلص، احمدعلی فرزین، شهره جوادی صفحه 27
    منظر فرهنگی مفهومی دربردارنده ارزش های فرهنگی طبیعی بوده که حاصل تعامل میان انسان و طبیعت در طول تاریخ است. علاوه بر این مناظر فرهنگی دربرگیرنده، حافظ و بیانگر هویت و تاریخ یک منطقه و ساکنین آن هستند و از این رو حفاظت از مناظر فرهنگی و ارزش های آن از اهمیت به سزایی برخوردار است. منظر فرهنگی، منطقه ای جغرافیایی را شامل می شود که در آن آثار فرهنگی و جلوه های طبیعی با رویدادهای تاریخی و فعالیت های انسانی درهم آمیخته است. این مفهوم در عرصه میراث بین المللی شرح و بسط پیدا کرده و به عنوان بخشی از تلاش های صلح جویانه جهانی مطرح می شود.
    منظر فرهنگی، منظری طبیعی است که با فعالیت گروهی انسانی شکل پیدا کرده و می تواند از مناطق شهری و تاریخی وسیع تا یک مزرعه کوچک را دربرگیرد.
    محوطه مزار پیرمراد در پیوند با طبیعت پیرامون شهرستان بانه، به عنوان منظر فرهنگی ارگانیک، یکی از مکان های آیینی در این شهرستان است، که بر اساس ویژگی های جغرافیایی و ارتباط نزدیک با طبیعت از یک سو و قرارگرفتن در حاشیه شهر از سوی دیگر، به نقطه عطفی از نظر مذهبی و تفرجی در زندگی مردم تبدیل شده است.
    هدف اصلی در پژوهش حاضر بیان مبانی و مفاهیم فرهنگی آیینی متبلور در منظر طبیعی ایران است که تداوم باور های آیینی کهن را در دوران اسلامی و تا کنون جلوه گر ساخته است. سعی بر آن است با بررسی نمونه موردی مزار پیرمراد تداوم فرهنگ و آیین که از میراث با ارزش این خطه باستانی است نشان داده شود. پیوند با طبیعت، نیازهای روحی و فیزیکی استفاده کنندگان را برآورده می سازد و همین امر باعث بقا و تداوم آن در طول زمان و شاخص شدن آن به صورت مجموعه ای واحد شده است. به کمک بازشناخت این ساختار می توان در ساماندهی منظر فرهنگی و هماهنگ با نظام طبیعت در زندگی امروز بهره برداری لازم از این سایت فرهنگی طبیعی را به عمل آورد.
    کلیدواژگان: منظر فرهنگی، منظر طبیعی، مزار پیرمراد، ادراک فضا، هویت مکان
  • امید رهایی صفحه 39
    هویت فرهنگی به عنوان عاملی جهت دهنده، موجب پیدایش شیوه های منحصر به فردی در معماری سنتی شهرهایی نظیر دزفول بوده است. در این میان معماری بازارها، به عنوان کانون فعالیت های اجتماعی و فرهنگی شهرهای ایران، به شدت تحت تاثیر فرهنگ عامه بوده است. از طرفی صنعتگران بسیاری (مانند مسگران، آهنگران و نجاران) از دیرباز در بازارهای سنتی ایران مشغول به فعالیت بوده که نوع کار آنها موجب تولید ذرات معلق در هوا و ایجاد تنش های گرمایی می شد. همین امر استفاده از سیستم های موثر و کارای تهویه را ضروری می سازد. این پژوهش اثرات الزامات فرهنگی مردم در معماری بازار قدیم دزفول را بر روش های بومی تهویه طبیعی بررسی می کند. به عبارت دیگر این سوال مطرح است که روش های بومی تهویه طبیعی در بازار قدیم دزفول چگونه تحت تاثیر الزامات فرهنگی هویتی مردم سنتی، اجرا می شده است.
    روش تحقیق در این پژوهش، با توجه به ماهیت بین رشته ای آن، یک روش ترکیبی است: در مرحله اول با استفاده از یک راهبرد تجربی، متغیرهای مستقل تاثیرگذار شناسایی و متغیرهای وابسته توسط دستگاه های دقیق دیجیتال اندازه گیری شد. سپس داده ها با استفاده از راهبرد شبیه سازی مورد تحلیل قرار گرفت. شبیه سازی در این پژوهش با روش CFD) Gambit و Fluent) صورت پذیرفت؛ ابتدا روایی برنامه ها با تطبیق شواهد تجربی و شبیه سازی ها به اثبات رسید سپس اقدام به تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها شد. نتایج نشان می دهد جریان هوای داخل تحت تاثیر الزامات هویتی معماری بازار قرار دارد. با این حال برقراری این جریان در تمامی فضاهای داخلی منجر به تخلیه موثر هوای آلوده از فضاهای داخلی می شود.
    کلیدواژگان: هویت فرهنگی، تهویه طبیعی، بازار قدیم دزفول، معماری بومی
  • مهرداد کریمی مشاور صفحه 47
    هدف اصلی از این مقاله معرفی رویکردهای متفاوت در زیبایی شناسی شهری و شیوه های متفاوت انجام آن می باشد. روش انجام تحقیق در این نوشتار بر اساس روش تحلیلی و مقایسه تطبیقی نظرات مختلف در حوزه زیبایی شناسی شهری و تکنیک های انجام آن است.
    بر اساس مطالعات صورت گرفته، در این تحقیق زیبایی شناسی شهری بر اساس چهار رویکرد عمده کالبدی، روان شناسانه، کارشناسانه و مردم محور مورد بررسی قرار گرفت که متناسب با هر کدام از این رویکردها، روش های مختلف انجام آنها نیز ارایه می شود. رویکرد کالبدی و کارشناسانه که به لحاظ ماهیتی تا حد زیادی شبیه هم هستند در میان شیوه های مدیریتی رایج بوده و می توان آنها را برای تبدیل ویژگی های فیزیکی مناظر شهری به پارامترهای طراحی به کار برد. رویکرد روان شناسانه و مردم محور را که نیز به لحاظ ماهیتی همانند هم هستند و در پروژه های تحقیقاتی پایه رواج دارند را می توان در درک دیدگاه های مردم نسبت به مسایل زیباشناختی به کار برد و از نتایج آنها در تصمیم گیری ها، برنامه ریزی ها و طراحی شهر کمک جست. روش های ارزیابی مربوط به این چهار رویکرد در دو دسته عمده روش های کارشناس محور (شامل فهرست های توصیفی، فهرست های غیرکمی و فهرست های کمی) و روش های مردم محور (شامل روش های غیرکمی، کمی و روش مولفه ای) مورد بررسی قرار گرفته اند. بر اساس روش های ذکر شده برای انجام ارزیابی های زیباشناسانه، فنون ارزیابی و ابزار آن نیز ارایه شده است. در بخش مربوط به فنون و ابزار ارزیابی، مطالعات گسترده ای در مورد تحقیقات انجام گرفته در مورد مسائل زیباشناسی شهری انجام شده است و فنونی که در این تحقیقات استفاده شده است، به صورتی منظم دسته بندی شده است. فنون مورد اشاره در این مقاله به طور کلی شامل فنون مستقیم و فنون غیر مستقیم در ارزیابی هاست که متناسب با رویکردهای چهارگانه ذکر شده در این نوشتار می باشند.
    این مقاله به طور کلی، چارچوبی را جهت انجام پژوهش های بعدی که قرار است در مورد مباحث زیباشناسی در شهر انجام گیرد را مورد حمایت قرار می دهد و به محققان کمک می نماید تا رویکرد و روشی درست را در انجام تحقیقاتی از این دست را به انجام برسانند.
    نتایج حاصل از این پژوهش نشان می دهد جهت انجام بررسی های زیبایی شناسی شهری نیاز است که رویکردهای مردم محور و روان شناسانه به عنوان بستر اصلی در زیبایی شناسی و رویکردهای کالبدی و کارشناس محور به عنوان مکمل رویکردهای مردم محور و روان شناسانه مورد استفاده قرار گیرد.
    کلیدواژگان: زیبایی شناسی شهری، رویکرد کالبدی، رویکرد روان شناسانه، رویکرد کارشناس محور، رویکرد مردم محور
  • حسن نظیف صفحه 57
    در زمینه های متفاوتی مورد ارزیابی که بررسی قرار گرفته و معماری به عنوان کالبدی برای زندگی انسان می تواند یکی از مهم ترین زمینه های بروز آن باشد. معماری ایران که یکی از غنی ترین نمونه های معماری بومی با دستاوردهای فرمی و نیارشی قابل ذکر در جهان است، در گذر از دوران اسلامی به یکی از نمونه های موفق معماری مفهومی، معناگرا و عرفانی بدل شد. در عین حال تاثیر کالبد و فرم معماری به عنوان ظرف مکانی که معلولی از فرهنگ جامعه است در بازنمایی این مفاهیم و معانی تاثیر بسزایی دارد. در دوران اولیه ورود اسلام به ایران، شرایط سیاسی و اجتماعی از سویی و الگوی جدید جهان بینی که اسلام به ارمغان آورده بود از سوی دیگر باعث شد تا فرم هایی از معماری به خصوص در مساجد ایران شکل بگیرد که با کالبد معماری ایران تناسب چندانی نداشت، لذا در برهه های زمانی و شرایط مناسب به تدریج این کالبد تغییر شکل یافت و جای خود را به فرم های آشنا و تجربه شده واگذارد. این پژوهش بر آن است تا با محوریت قرار دادن عامل فرهنگ و معماری در این دوره گذار، تاثیر آن را در استفاده مجدد از سه اندام معماری ایرانی یعنی گنبدخانه، ایوان و میان سرا، که به ترتیب نمونه هایی از فضاهای بسته، نیمه باز و باز هستند، و در قالب معرفی و بررسی اندام ها در ابنیه قبل و بعد از اسلام، رهیافتی بر دلایل پایداری آنها پیدا کند.
    کلیدواژگان: گنبدخانه، ایوان، میان سرا، پایداری، معماری اسلامی
  • مهدی عباسی صفحه 69
    هر اثر هنری و به تبع معماری به عنوان یک هنر، واجد وجوه معنایی متنوعی است که مخاطب برخی از این وجوه را در قالب یک ادراک واحد دریافت می کند. مخاطب هنگام مواجهه با اثر تنها وجوهی را درک می کند که جهان ادراکی وی اجازه دریافت آنها را می دهد. از سویی جهان ادراکی اشخاص خاص آنها و در میان افراد متفاوت است. این امر سبب می شود دریافت های مخاطبین (و از جمله منتقدین) در بسیاری وجوه معنایی اثری واحد، گاهی بسیار متفاوت از یکدیگر باشد. این تفاوت می تواند اعتبار بحث نقادانه را کم رنگ کند. بنابراین کشف معنایی جامع که اولا فراتر از جهان ادراکی شخص منتقد باشد و حداکثر وجوه معنایی اثر را شامل شود و ثانیا صحت آن مورد توافق طرفین بحث باشد برای افزایش اعتبار نقدهای معماری ضروری است. در این راستا پرسش هایی در رابطه با این معنای جامع بدین صورت مطرح می شود: چگونه می توان به معنای عقلی جامع دست یافت که وسعت معنایی بیشتری از ادراکات شخصی داشته باشد؟ معنای مذکور چگونه می تواند مورد توافق مجموعه مخاطبان اثر معماری واقع شود؟ فرضیه ای که در این تحقیق مطرح می شود چنین است: معنای جامع یک اثر معماری را می توان در قالب مجموعه ای از صفات با بعد معنایی معین تر و محدودتر ارایه کرد به گونه ای که بر کلیت ادراک حسی اثر منطبق باشد.
    این تحقیق پس از آزمون فرضیه مذکور صحت آن را تایید می کند. به این معنا که برای امکان یک نقد معماری با اعتبار علمی بالاتر، می توان معنای یک اثر معماری را در قالب مجموعه صفات معین بیان کرد. که از نظرات جامعه مخاطب استخراج شده است، این مجموعه صفات بر ادراک حسی فراگیر از آن اثر منطبق است.
    کلیدواژگان: نقد معماری، معنای جامع، ادراک عقلی، ادراک حسی، مخاطب
  • علی حسینی، احمد پوراحمد، حسین حاتمی نژاد، حسن رضایی نیا صفحه 79
    اولویت بندی استراتژی های موثر به لحاظ میزان اثر بخشی مفروض در زمان، تحلیل موقعیت و انتخاب استراتژی بهینه، مسیر روشن تر و ساده تری را برای اجرای پیشنهادات و انجام اقدامات موثر فراهم می سازد. از این رو در تحقیق حاضر برای ساماندهی بافت فرسوده قیطریه از ماتریس برنامه ریزی راهبردهای کمی استفاده شد. بافت فرسوده قیطریه در شمال تهران واقع شده، اما به لحاظ برخی شاخص های اجتماعی اقتصادی و کالبدی دارای شاخص های پایین بوده و عدم توازن فضایی میان این بافت و بافت حوزه فراگیر آن مشهود است. هدف از این پژوهش تدوین راهبردهایی با اولویت زمانی جهت تسریع در ساماندهی این بافت است. برای این منظور گردآوری داده ها به روش کتابخانه ای و پیمایشی و مصاحبه با کارشناسان و نخبگان شهری و تهیه پرسشنامه در قالب روش دلفی صورت گرفته است. سپس نظرات گروه دلفی در ماتریس عوامل درونی و بیرونی و همچنین ماتریس برنامه ریزی راهبردهای کمی به کار گرفته شد. یافته های تحقیق نشان داد که راهبردهای ارتقای کیفیت زندگی، مشارکت مدنی، ایجاد فضاهای فراغتی و عمومی، به کار گیری فن آوری و روش های نوین، سیمای بصری و پیاده راه ها و برنامه های کنترلی کاهش آسیب های اجتماعی حاصل از فرآیند برنامه ریزی راهبردی کمی، که نتایج این برنامه ریزی بر مبنای کیفیت اطلاعات در مرحله ورودی و مقایسه ای برنامه ریزی راهبردی شکل گرفته است، به عنوان اولویت دارترین راهبردها جهت ساماندهی بافت فرسوده محله قیطریه مشخص شدند.
    کلیدواژگان: ساماندهی، بافت فرسوده، برنامه ریزی راهبردهای کمی، قیطریه، تهران
  • مسعود شفیعی دستجردی صفحه 91
    امروزه رویکرد جهانی به طرح های توسعه شهری، رویکرد مسله محور برای حل مسایل شهری است وبدون شک بافت های فرسوده شهر اصفهان یکی ازمسایل اساسی ومهم این شهر است وشناخت وتحلیل این مسئله و ارایه راهکار در این زمینه، اصولا از نتایج مورد انتظار طرح های توسعه شهری است.
    در این مقاله ابتدا با روش کتابخانه ای مختصری به بررسی طرح های توسعه شهری در ایران و مقایسه آن با طرح های توسعه شهری کشورهای توسعه یافته پرداخته شده، سپس از طریق مطالعه مدارک، اسناد و نقشه های طرح تجدیدنظر در طرح جامع (مصوب سال 1367)، و طرح تفصیلی شهر اصفهان (مصوب سال 1375) و طرح بازنگری در طرح تفصیلی شهر اصفهان (1390) با روش مقایسه ای، میزان تحقق پذیری طرح تفصیلی شهر اصفهان مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. در ادامه با بررسی میزان پروانه های ساختمانی صادرشده توسط شهرداری اصفهان در محدوده بافت های فرسوده این شهر در سال های 1386 تا 9ماهه سال 1390، میزان نوسازی بافت های فرسوده در این مدت تعیین شده است. سرانجام ازطریق تحلیل آمار به دست آمده و با بررسی شرح خدمات انجام مطالعات وتهیه طرح بازنگری درطرح تفصیلی شهراصفهان، مشخص می شود که طرح های جامع و به تبع آن طرح های تفصیلی شهر اصفهان، در زمینه نوسازی بافت های فرسوده این شهر ناکارآمد بوده و صرفا درحد معرفی پهنه های نیازمند طرح های ویژه نوسازی و بهسازی و تثبیت وضع موجود اقدام کرده است.
    در خاتمه بر چهار موضوع شامل «ظرفیت سازی وسرمایه اجتماعی»، «مفهوم فرآیند در تهیه و اجرای طرح های توسعه شهری»، «مدیران شهری و تحقق پذیری طرح های توسعه شهری» و«انجام مطالعات و تهیه طرح های ویژه نوسازی» جهت برون رفت از وضعیت فعلی و در راستای تحقق پذیری طرح های توسعه شهری و نوسازی بافت های فرسوده تاکید شده است.
    کلیدواژگان: بافت فرسوده، تحقق پذیری، طرح جامع، طرح تفصیلی
  • ناصر براتی، فرزاد زرین قلم صفحه 105
    زبان به عنوان یکی از نظام های نشانه ای از یک سو رو به فرهنگ دارد و از سوی دیگر رو به جهان مردمی که در آن جامعه زبانی زندگی می کنند. بنابراین یکی از روش هایی که می توانیم به ریشه، عمق فرهنگ و جهان مردم یک جامعه خاص پی ببریم، مراجعه به زبان آنها در چارچوب نشانه شناسی فرهنگی است. نیازهای جدید و رشد سریع علوم و فنون، باعث ورود یکباره نظریه ها و عناصر کالبدی بسیاری به حوزه شهرسازی شده است. در این ارتباط دو سهل انگاری عمده صورت گرفت؛ یکی فراموشی میراث غنی و سرمایه ای که از گذشته به ما رسیده و دیگر عدم برنامه ریزی قابل قبول برای تحولات جدید و تنها وارد کننده بودن که گاه حتی منجر به کژفهمی در درک و به کارگیری عناصر ذهنی و عینی وارداتی شده است.
    هدف این پژوهش، کنکاشی در میراث غنی فرهنگ ایرانی و اثبات فرضیه خاص بودن مفاهیم در این فرهنگ، از طریق بررسی واژه های زبان فارسی برای حوزه معنایی «فضاهای ارتباطی» است؛ تا مفاهیم موجود در مورد این پدیده را پیدا کرده و آنها را (چه از لحاظ کالبدی و چه زبانی فرهنگی) با درک کلیت شان در نظام نشانه ای غنا بخشد و بستر مناسبی برای به کارگیری در آینده فراهم آورد. بدین منظور از نظریه های موجود در علم نشانه شناسی و به ویژه زبان شناسی برای نشان دادن چگونگی این رابطه کمک گرفته شده است شیوه مورد استفاده این پژوهش را می توان در حوزه پدیدارشناسی و از نظر روش شناسی در چارچوب تحلیل محتوا دانست.
    بر اساس یافته های پژوهش، در زبان فارسی واژه های بسیاری برای اشاره به حوزه معنایی فضاهای ارتباطی استفاده می شود که به ابعاد و جنبه های گوناگونی اشاره دارد. این مفاهیم به شش دسته قابل تقسیم است. مفاهیم جدید و امروزی می توانند با توجه به این الگوها بومی سازی شوند و مورد استفاده قرار گیرند.
    کلیدواژگان: نشانه شناسی، فرهنگ، زبان، معنی شناسی، راه، حوزه معنایی
  • Mohsen Faizi, Ali Asadpour Page 3
    The textual and structural approach to landscape makes it possible to develop a visual analysis of a landscape and its concepts and elements. Conducted in an inductive approach, this study uses historical documents with an exploratory and descriptive strategy to draw results. This research can also be considered a visual study which uses image as an extraction and induction tool. The hypothesis of the research is that Shiraz large-scale historical landscape can be reconstructed based on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of images drawn by foreign travelers in recent centuries. the Shiraz historical landscape can be represented in terms of continuing of features and elements of the images. Shiraz, the capital of Fars province, is one of the oldest cities and the most populous cities of the present Iran. Shiraz has a semi-temperate climate, and in the past its water had been supplied from number of subterranean (Ghanat). Afifabad, Eram, Delgosha, and Bagh-e-Takht are well-known gardens in Shiraz which have a vague but very old history. This paper aims at answering these questions: What components are included in the large-scale historical landscape of Shiraz? How Shiraz large-scale historical landscape has evolved? Which components of Shiraz large-scale historical landscape are more important, and is maintaining them necessary?However, in the oldest available image of Shiraz, drawn by Andre Dulier-Dealandes in 1664, about 100 years before ruling of Karim khan Zand in Shiraz (1765), an interesting point can be found. Based on Dealandes’ illustrations and descriptions, there are lots of cypress trees around Shiraz especially in its northern entrance and west side which has surrounded the city area. This image has been drawn from the north of the city behind Koran gate which gated the way to Isfahan. Jean Charden, a French tourist, who visited Shiraz in 1674; about 10 years after Dealandes, has a picture from the city entrance in which the abundant trees are noticeable. However, in Niebuhr’s picture (1765), drawn simultaneous with Kari khan monarchy, there is no sign of preeminent gardens leading to the city anymore. Four images drawn by four foreign travelers (Dealandes (1664), Charden (1674), Niebuhr (1765), Brugsch (1860)) were selected to conduct the study. These images included some landscape features of the upper level of the City of Shiraz in 200 years ago. Each image was analyzed in terms of components (natural (basic and secondary) and man-made) and characteristics (detail level) qualitatively and quantitatively. The percentage of each component was calculated and the detail level was analyzed in a trivalent range (high, medium and low). The results showed that the northern and southern mountains and the gardens leading to the Gate of Quran are the most important natural components of Shiraz large-scale historical landscape drawn with medium or high detail level. The Gate of Quran and the Mausoleum of Ali-Ibn-Hamzeh are the most significant man-made components of Shiraz large-scale historical landscape in the images. The Khoshk River is another key natural element of the city drawn with relatively little details. Shiraz Urban Management should do its best to preserve these components to help maintain the identity of Shiraz historical landscape.
    Keywords: large, scale historical landscape, foreign traveler, visual study, itinerary, Shiraz
  • Hasan Karimian, Seyed Mahdi Mousavinia Page 13

    The government of Ancient Athens concerned itself with many aspects of the lives of its citizens. In the pure democracy of Athens, the government was not only of the people and for the people but also by the people to a far greater extent than is possible in the large representative democracies of the present time. Because of the scope of governmental activity and the mass participation of the citizens, much government machinery and paraphernalia were needed. It is through the remaining of this machinery found in the center of civic life, the Agora, that the pure democracy of ancient Athens can be most vividly illustrated. Fortunately for us, the stone, metals, and pottery which the Athenians used are relatively imperishable; so we have much of this primary evidence to supplement and illustrate the literature and history written by ancient authors. These remainders are records inscribed on marble or lead, currency, standard weights and measures, paraphernalia of the law courts, tokens, estroca, and buildings. Perhaps the most important of these are the laws and other records carved into stone for the ancient Athenians themselves. The center of public activity, the Agora was a large open square where all citizens could assemble. It was used for a variety of functions: trading, religious processions, athletic contests, military training, theatrical performances and ostracism. Around its edges stood the buildings needed to run democracy: the Council House (Bouleuterion), the magistrates’ headquarters, the archives, mint, lawcourts, and civic offices. Boundary stones indicate that the Agora had well-recognized geographical limits. The Agora is located immediately north of three rocky heights: the Acropolis (Athens’ citadel, the sacred center and treasury), the Areopagus (the seat of Athens’ oldest and most august court) and the Pnyx (the meeting place of the Legislative Assembly). It was on the Pnyx that policies initiated by magistrates and committees in the offices of the Agora were submitted to the Athenians. These meetings were held four times a month to enact legislation, hear embassies, and deal with such matters as food supply and the defense of the country. The meetings convened at dawn, and reluctant citizens were swept up from the Agora by slaves holding the ends of a long rope wet with red paint which would mark the clothes and thus make liable to a fine anyone who lingered or attempted to evade the call of duty.In this regard, the Agora was one of the urban spaces in classical Athens. The Agora as an urban space had a main role in the social-cultural relationship among citizens in Classical Athens. How this space acted to socio-cultural interactions of the inhabitants of Athens is one of the main questions for which this paper attempts to find an answer. The present paper illustrates the significant effect that the Agora had in the cultural behaviour of the inhabitants of the City of Athens in the classical era. In other words, it analyses the functionality of this open space (square) through the Hermeneutic method, and reconstructs the social communication of Athens’s inhabitants. This research demonstrates that the Agora was formed based on the philosophical and cosmological thoughts of the residents of the Classical Athens and played a significant role in development of the cultural behaviour of the Athenians.

    Keywords: The Agora, Athens, Classical period, Urban space, Social relations, Cultural relations
  • Farnoosh Mokhles, Ahmad Ali Farzin, Shohre Javadi Page 27
    There is a wide variety of landscapes that represent different regions of the world. One type which consists of natural and man-made landscapes recounts a long and friendly relationship between humans and the natural surrounding environment.Perhaps, it could be said that in the whole process of civilization formation, human development and activities were the dominant side and the generated landscape was more cultural than natural. To understand the relationship between culture and nature, it is necessary to identify landscape patterns.Natural landscape is a place on which no human interference can be seen. Where human being starts to interfere and manipulate for securing its nature, cultural landscape emerges. In general, culture scale causes a tendency for getting into places, with the difference that it aims at preserving the natural elements.Cultural perspective is a natural landscape shaped by human. It can vary from extensive historical and urban areas to a small farm. This type of landscape expresses visual visage, man-made space and the governing relationship, artwork, texts, stories, verbal culture, and the effects of indigenous identity in a regional platform with which it is related. The cultural landscape is a geographical landscape in which culture and nature combine in touch with historical events, human activities, and performance of ritual rites based on the old beliefs of the locals of a region which has aesthetical values.In certain art societies and from the viewpoint of theoreticians, the concept of cultural landscape is a contained surface same as a plan or text in which the social and cultural concepts are taken into consideration in a society which holds interaction between human activities and natural habitat. In a larger sense, the entire surface is occupied by interaction techniques, beliefs, rituals, concepts and traditions of the people in a cultural perspective. Pir-e Morad shrine yard accompanied by the surrounding nature of Baneh city is a historical example of cultural landscape. The geographical characteristics of this landscape and its close connection with nature on the one hand, and being in the margin of the city on the other, have made it a milestone in the locals’ life from religious and recreational point of view.As the beating heart of the religious-recreational complex, Pir-eMorad Shrine is the converging point of nature and modern urban landscape. In comparison to other shrines in Baneh City, Pir-e Morad has a special potential in terms of its yard limits, which is the product of its history. This has generated symbols which are both concrete (Pir-eMorad springs, old sycamore tree, etc.) and abstract (culture, history, etc.) The particular identity of this old cultural-religious center of Baneh City was not the basis of its spatial organization. Preservation of the identity, history, culture and religious characteristics of Pir-e Morad is a must for survival of its perspectives and landscape. The main objective of the present paper is to study the principles and concepts of cultural and natural landscape reflected in Iran’s natural perspective with different ritual thoughts in pre-Islamic and Islamic periods.This paper studies Pir-e Morad shrine and its cultural-ritual practices and emphasizes this fact that the legacy of this cultural landscape has its origins in the ritual thoughts of this land. The connection with nature fulfills the physical and spiritual needs of visitors, and insures their stability and survival with the passage of time and their rising to prominence as a unified entity. A better understanding of these structures can help us in organizing cultural perspectives and harmonizing them with the global systems in order to make the most out of these natural-cultural sites.
    Keywords: cultural perspective, catural landscape, Pir, e Morad Shrine, space perception, place identity
  • Omid Rahaee Page 39
    Industrial activities in traditional markets, particularly in hot and humid environments, are conducive to production of aerosols. In addition, thermal stresses resulting from industrial activities can cause disruption of comfort conditions. Dezful has somehow hot and semi-humid climate, hard summers and religious locals. Designers and architects of Dezful try to use natural ventilation in the architecture of buildings. The local religious people, who needed privacy, used different symbols that represent their cultural identity and authenticity in their architecture. Therefore, the Old Bazaar of Dezful was selected for study. The question is how natural ventilation can provide comfort in the semi covered Bazaar of Dezful (industrial passage) under the influence of cultural-religious beliefs of the locals.This study examines the process of natural ventilation in the traditional architecture of the old Bazaar of Dezful, according to the requirements of the local people concerned with identity and religious beliefs. It attempts to provide principles for restoration of the traditional industrial chambers. Regarding the interdisciplinary nature of the study, the research method is an integrated approach: first, using an experimental strategy, the influential independent variables were identified and dependent variables were measured by digital precision devices. Then, case studies were analyzed using the simulation approach. The CFD simulations in this research were performed by Gambit and Fluent software. The program was validated with experimental evidence and simulations. The Fluent software was used to analyze the collected data.A review of the research literature indicates that in the late 1930s and early 1940s there was great interest in the field of Air Engineering. Several standards were imposed around the world in this field. Knowledge of indoor airflow in internal spaces is significant for three reasons: thermal comfort, indoor air quality and energy consumption of the building. In the last two decades, the “Indoor Air Flow” developed in the form of a new field of knowledge. The Old bazaar of Dezful has a linear growth through the urban spaces. The Blacksmith Alley was built next to the main gate of the old city and was later expanded. The most annoying climatic factors are sunlight and moisture. Therefore, the Bazaar’s ceilings must be light and shadow maker. Hot and polluted air must also be expelled from the inner spaces for proper airflow. For this reason, Dezful’s Bazaar has no permanent roof cover. Dezful’s blacksmiths chose some passages with rectangular rooms alongside the road as stores. Four cases were considered for observations and experimental tests and the study focused on two of them. First, a comparison was made between the cases and the symbols of Islamic architecture were studied. A review of the literature reflects the need for proper use of natural ventilation in the industrial stores of the Bazaars called “Hujra”. A questionnaire was developed to study the rate of satisfaction (ventilation, working conditions and status of the architectural workshop) among traditional owners of industrial units. The purpose was finding the main architectural parameters that influence the natural ventilation processes.For a valid study, identification of effective variables is necessary. The validity of the questionnaire was established using SPSS program and by obtaining Cronbach’s alpha. The amount is 0.929 that is higher than the program’s standard (0.873), while the standard alpha should be above 70%. Lutron Machine Model AM-4204 speedometer was used to measure the wind speed. With its hot wire sensor, this device is able to connect to a computer and record the fluctuations of the wind speed in chart track. Meanwhile, the temperature was recorded by the machine’s sensor. Because of the technical specifications of the device, velocities less than 0.2 m/s are not measurable. Therefore, computer simulation for elaboration of the observations and reducing errors was indispensable. In this study, the pre-processor “Gambit” was used to make the geometric modeling and the meshes. Then, the Fluent software was used to analyze the geometric models and meshes. With the help of experimental methods, the validity of the program was established. In order to find the dominant wind direction, the smoke test was performed during observations in the Bazaar. Experimental observations showed that the dominant wind direction is from southwest to northeast throughout the year (from the quibla). So the orientation of the buildings in the city guides the airflow in the passages and the bazaar, and facilitates natural ventilation in Dezful’s alleys. The final results showed that the indoor air flow (dependent variable) can be influenced by building orientation, Islamic architecture’s symbols, composition and location of outlets and openings (independent variables). The simulations also showed that there is always a constant airflow in the bazaar regardless of the condition. Thus, the cultural identity of the indigenous people in the Old Bazaar does its best to collaborate with the engineering and the technology of the era to establish comfort conditions and improve natural ventilation in the form of a unique architecture style
    Keywords: Cultural Identity, Natural Ventilation, Old Bazzar of Dezful, Vernacular Architecture
  • Mehrdad Karimi Moshaver Page 47
    The main purpose of this study is to introduce the different approaches and methods of urban aesthetics. The research method is comparative-analytical.This study indicates that there are four main approaches in urban aesthetics: the physical approach, the psychological approach, the expert approach and the public preference approach. The study introduces the techniques of each approach as well. The physical and expert approaches are similar in nature and are widely used in urban management methods. These two approaches can be used to convert the physical properties of urban landscapes to design parameters. The psychological and public preference approaches are also similar in nature and are widely used in substructure studies. The two can be used to understand the public’s perception of urban aesthetics and use the results to make decisions in planning urban design projects. The evaluation methods of these four approaches were analyzed in tow groups of expert preference (including descriptive, non- quantitative and quantitative lists) and public preference (including non- quantitative and quantitative lists and the index method). The evaluation techniques and tools have also been introduced for each evaluation method in this paper and thoroughly categorized. These techniques include direct and indirect ones appropriate for the four approaches in urban aesthetics.In general, the paper defines the framework of possible future studies in the field of urban aesthetics and helps researches choose the most appropriate approach in their studies.The aim of this paper is to introduce the different approaches and methods in urban aesthetics. The research method is analytical and comparative. It analyzes and compares different opinions in the field of urban aesthetics and its different techniques. Based on the conducted studies, four main approaches can be introduced in urban aesthetics: the physical approach, the psychological approach, the expert approach, and the public preference approach. This paper has carefully considered the methods for these approaches as well.The findings of the study showed that the public preferences and psychological approaches must be used as the main substructure approaches in urban aesthetics and the physical and expert approaches as complementary approaches.
    Keywords: Urban aesthetics, Physical approach, Psychological approach, Expert approach, Public preferences approach
  • Hasan Nazif Page 57
    Stability” is, in fact, a feature that contributes to calmness and continuity of high quality life. This is compatible with the life style in various eras – a topic that has been investigated and evaluated in different fields. Architecture is one of the main elements that contributes to stability. Iranian architecture is one of the rich indigenous expertise which has already been widely recognized across the world that has evolved into successful conceptual, connotative and mythological themes on its progress from Islamic era to the modern era. At the same time, the influence of architectural themes on the Iranian culture has been clearly effective. With the advent of Islam into Iran, both the social and political conditions and the Islamic perspectives created new forms of architecture particularly in the shapes of mosques that were not compatible with the spirit of the Iranian architectural. As a result, this spirit changed throughout time and was replaced by new forms. The purpose of this study is to identify and investigate the effects of the Islamic era in using three Iranian architectural structures: Miansara, Eyvan and Gonbadkhaneh. These are examples of close, semi open and open spaces in Iranian architecture. The present study will also try to find out the reasons for the stability of those structures.The goal of this research is not only to study the architectural culture but also to determine the role of culture and society in the shaping of the architectural elements in Iran. This study investigates the effect of these criteria in the reshaping of the architectural structures taken into the Iranian culture and adjusting them to fit the sprit and the known patterns of the dominant culture of the time.This exploration can be classified as a qualitative research in the context of the case study method. The studied cases include Ashore Palace, Firoz Abad Temple of Fire and Sarvestan Palace. These are three main architectural sites in Iran before the advent of Islam. Zavare Mosque is the first edifice known for its four-corner design. In general, Miansara, Eivan and Gonbadkhaneh represent three types of architectural spaces; Gonbadkhaneh as an instance of closed space and Eivan and Miansara as examples of semi-open and open spaces. The effects of these spaces and the changes in the edifices from the Shabestani to four-corner design have been studied based on the existing documents as well as field observation. It seems that these changes occurred as a result of cultural and social changes playing a key role in the shaping of the architectural elements. This characteristic stems from the Parsi era called “Borsakardan” which means the experience in the local tribal language. Appearance and durability of these elements have been shaped in different society and political conditions indicating the creativity of the Iranian architectures in that era. This implies that these elements have persisted their performance, magnificent and spirituality while the society and political conditions were not aligned in the same direction. Alternatively, the relationship between theses three elements displayed the characteristics of the Iranian architecture.
    Keywords: Gonbadkhaneh, Miansara, Eivan, stability, Islamic architecture
  • Mahdi Abbasi Page 69
    Urban environment affects life and the society. It encompasses architecture works, so every architecture work, as a part of a totality, affects life of the society as well. This happens through the meaning of the environment and architecture works. Therefore, the addressee of an architecture work is the society not only a person. In this regard, architecture critics are environmental supervisors who should notice their social role. They should analyze architecture works they way the society does it.On the other hand, an architecture work, as a piece of art, has different aspects in meaning that the addressee receives some of them. We are able to receive only the semantic aspects which our perceptual world allows us. This varies from person to person. It causes the perception of the addressee (also the perception of critics) about a same work to be different. The differences can make a critique sound like a personal opinion about architecture and as a result reduces its credibility. So finding a way to express the “comprehensive meaning” of every work is necessary. The comprehensive meaning of every architecture work explained in this paper refers to the meaning that has two main properties. First, it is be beyond the personal perceptual world of the critic. It makes it possible to have a meaning which everyone can understand and accept. Second, all parties of discussion agree upon it.Previous researches can be categorized into three groups. The first is hermeneutical researches that focus on the originality of critique sources. The second is researches that bracket different types of critiques and present the properties and dimensions of each. The last one is those explaining scientific techniques necessary to theorizing and logical analyzing. None of them gives a way to find a comprehensive meaning of architecture works. But, environmental psychologists’ researches can help us find a way to understand a comprehensive meaning of architecture works as social and environmental motives. So there are some researches which form up the basis of this paper. Two of the most important of these are “Predicting the Meaning of Architecture” by Hershberger; R. G. published in 1974 and “Measuring Attributes of the Visual Environment” by Sanoff, H. published in 1974.This paper consists of five parts. Parts 1-3 form the basis of the theory in this paper. The first section is about the different types of architecture critiques. It briefly explains critique criterions, interpretive critique and descriptive critique. The second part explains the scientific credibility of critiques. This part starts with the most important properties of a scientific theory and then describes the different kinds of theories based on scientific credibility grade. The third part explains how meaning is understood. General perception levels such as sensation, perception and cognition, are examined in this part. Part four summarizes the three previous parts and shapes the theory of the paper. The last part examines the theory.Question: How can we achieve the comprehensive meaning of an architecture work which includes properties wider than personal perceptions?Theory: The comprehensive meaning of an architecture work can be expressed by set of adjectives in a more precise congruous with the sensational perception of that work.To test the theory, perception of an sample work is considered as a set of adjectives, then the architecture work which is more similar to the sample work is selected via two ways: immediate perception and the set of adjectives achieved from first step. A comparison of the last two steps concludes the test.The research method is experimental. The “semantic differential method” was used to find the set of adjectives and the “logical method” to analyze the collected data. The study shows that the set of adjectives, which are collected from the addressee society to explain an architecture work, can be congruous with the sensational perception of that work.The comprehensive meaning that can be achieved this way has these important properties:• Since it is achieved through society perception, it encompasses more properties of the work than personal perception allows, therefore its credibility is beyond that of a personal opinion.• The meaning achieved this way makes the critique of an architecture work more realistic and objective as a social-environmental motive.• The meaning is re-examinable to widen its credibility limits. Finally, because of scientific properties this technique can increase the scientific credibility of architecture critiques
    Keywords: Architecture critique, Comprehensive meaning, Cognition, Perception, Addressee society
  • Ali Hosseini, Ahmad Pourahmad, Hossein Hataminejad, Hasan Rezaeinia Page 79
    Urbanization provides citizens with a specific way of life with relative welfare. However, all neighborhoods are not the same in terms of structure quality and life standards. These differences are usually seen as norms. Due to economic-social factors and the consequential results, some neighborhoods are deprived of the same level of development. The difference in the development level has eventuated in many social and cultural challenges. Emergence of troublesome neighborhoods is among the negative results. Strategic planning within the frame of development process can be successful when accompanied by strategic management and thinking. Strategic thinking demands development of deep insight into indoor and outdoor spaces. Strategic management harbors the framework of capacities for codification and implementation of strategic activities.The blight texture of Gheytariyeh, located in the north of Tehran, is surrounded by neighborhoods with high social status. Regarding social-economic and structure indices, the neighborhood is below the average of the region. Although, in the past the neighborhood had reasonable hierarchical function, today it suffers shortages from the viewpoint of function and structure. Neighborhoods usually find their demands unmet and many social, cultural and structural damages follow. The present work tries to present a realistic and forward-looking solution for improvement of life quality and textures based on the ordering approach. This study is an applied descriptive – analytic research. Library and document study was used for data gathering. Field study, direct observation and survey, interview with experts in the fields and questionnaire (Delphi method) were the other tools for gathering information. Tables of weaknesses and strengths are also present in the text. The sample society for filling out the questionnaire was divided into two groups: (a) municipality managers and experts (18 questionnaires) and (b) academic experts (14 questionnaires). The sample society size was determined using the snowball technique.Internal and external factors evaluation matrixes were drawn up when the sample society was selected. Internal and external factors were analyzed to find the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing the urban texture. Moreover, economic, social, technological and managerial processes and events were taken into account along with different groups of beneficiaries including citizens during the analyses.External and internal factor evaluation matrixes showed that the most important strength point was (S1) with the final point of 0.28, while due to social class, discrimination in using urban services especially in comprehensive fields, (W5) was the most significant weakness factor. Regarding opportunities, financial support through religious beliefs (O6) with highest point was the most significant opportunity factor. The Delphi group was used in the internal and external matrixes for determining the coefficient of each factor and deciding the significance of strategic factors. Afterward, the results of the matrixes were used to obtain the final point. The results indicated the status of the neighborhood relative to internal and external factors. Then, SWOT matrix was formed in ST, WO, ST and WT frame by comparative assessment. Quantities strategic planning matrix was used to appraise the factors with high priority determined in the first turn of analyses as well as the results obtained from comparison of internal and external factors. Final results showed that three proactive, two revising and one reactive approach have the highest priority. However, the role of citizens as a factor by which –and not for which–the planning is carried out is undeniable.
    Keywords: Ordering blight texture, quantitative strategies planning, Gheytariyeh Neighborhood, Tehran
  • Masoud Shafie Dastjerdy Page 91
    It is almost four decades from preparing and executing developmental urban plans (master and detailed), but there has been no real practical success in urban development. Lack of social justice, extension of deteriorated areas and urban bipolarities are the results of this underdevelopment. In this regard, scientific identification of the deterioration phenomenon and specification of its place in urban development plans is of great significance. In case deterioration continues on, these areas will definitely be destroyed and a crisis may rise. It has been a long time since partial viewing has caused confrontations between different organizations, and as a result deterioration has accelerated and expanded. Nowadays, the global approach towards urban development plans is a problem-oriented approach with the purpose of resolving urban difficulties. Undoubtedly, the deteriorated areas of the city of Isfahan is one of the most important problems of this city, and identification and analysis of the problems and finding appropriate solutions are the expectable results of urban development planning.As a result of the delay in renovation of deteriorated areas, analyzing the efficiency of urban development plans (master and detailed) in renovating these areas is quite significant from the pathological aspect. Because of the significance of urban development and renovation of deteriorated areas in the metropolitan historical city of Esfahan, analysis of verification of urban development plans and their effects in renovating old constructions of this city was selected as the case study. First, a comparison is made between the urban development plans in Iran and those of other cities of the world by means of the library method. Then, by studying the documents and the detailed plan (ratified in 1996) and the reviewing plan of the city of Isfahan (ratified in 2011 but not notified yet) a comparison is made between the proposed per capita services of the detailed plan and the present situation of the reviewing plan, and the rate of verification for the detailed plan of Isfahan is analyzed.Then, the rates of restoring and renovating deteriorated areas are determined by studying certificates issued by the Isfahan municipality between 2007 and 2011. This period was selected for study because bank facilities were given to applicants for renovating the deteriorated areas of the city.Finally, by means of analyzing the obtained results and considering the service descriptions for the studies and preparing the reviewing plan in the detailed plan of Isfahan, it is suggested that the master plan and consequently the detailed plan of Isfahan have been unsuccessful regarding the proposed per capita services. Moreover, the plans have not been efficient in renovation of the deteriorated areas of this city. They have been useful only for identification of these and at stabilization of the existing situation at maximum.In conclusion, four subjects have been introduced as possible solutions for improving the current situation and for verifying urban development plans and renovation of deteriorated areas. These subjects are: “providing capacities and social capital”, “the notion of process in preparation and execution of urban development plans”, “urban mangers and verification of urban development plans” and “performing studies and preparing specific plans for renovations”
    Keywords: Deteriorated areas, Verification, Master plan, Detailed plan
  • Naser Barati, Farzad Zarringhalam Page 105
    Language as one of the semiotic systems encounters the culture on the one hand and has an interrelationship with the people who live on that lingo-society on the other. According to several scientific experiments, language and environmental perception and recognition process are involved in shaping a unique phenomenon. Therefore, one can say that language can be considered as one of the most important tools or processes by which people can understand and communicate with the built environment. One of the methods that can be used for perceiving the depth of people’s cultures and beliefs is to refer to their language within the framework of cultural semiotics. Following the previous articles about the traditional urban as well as architectural elements in Iran, i.e. the meaning of “City”, “House” and “Garden” in Persian language, in this research, the words or signs related to “semantic field of connectional spaces” have been brought into academic spotlight.The modern needs and the rapid development of science and technology have resulted in the development of theories and physical elements in the field of urban planning and design which have been accepted as “important elements” in Iran. Consequently, there have been two major mistakes; firstly, we, as Iranians, forgot our own rich heritage and the basics that we have received from our ancestors, and secondly there were no acceptable plans for new evolutions and we were just an importer and even, in some cases, misunderstood the perception of imported subjective and objective environmental elements.The aim of this research is to explore the richness as well as the meaningfulness of language and environmental interconnectedness through studying Persian words associated with connectional spaces (Raah, Gozar, etc.). This will help with finding the common concepts in these phenomena as well as the holistic nature of the environmental elements in order to enrich them (from physical and lingo-cultural view) and try to provide appropriate conditions to apply them in the future. For this purpose, the above relationship has been represented by the help of the existing theories in semiotics, and especially linguistics. The method that has been applied for this research could be classified in phenomenology, and from methodological view it is categorized within the framework of content analysis.According to research results, there are many words or signs in Persian to refer to the semantic field of connectional spaces such as road, passage, way, etc. They indicate their different dimensions and aspects not only because of technical aspects but also from lingo-cultural perception and the cognition point of view. These aspects in Persian can be divided into six groups. The other major aim of this article is to show that regarding the existing patterns and meanings of words in Persian language, many new and modern concepts could be localized and deployed in order to make very strong interrelationships between environment, language, and the common perceptions of the environment.
    Keywords: Culture, Language, Semiotics, Way, Built environment