فهرست مطالب

International Journal of Management and Business Research
Volume:2 Issue: 2, Winter 2012

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1391/05/06
  • تعداد عناوین: 7
  • Afshin Gharaee Moghaddam Pages 85-94
    Changes are inevitable in construction projects. They could lead to disruptive impacts on the quality, schedule and budget of projects. Identifying changes and anticipating their consequences can help project teams mitigate these negative impacts. As a result, a change process model has been defined to improve this procedure. At first the present paper the defines some of the key terms in this process and aims at depicting a clear image of these definitions as they are fundamental and can lead to vague assumptions. The causes and effects of change have been described in a precise and brief manner. Both qualitative and quantitative methodologies were utilized in this research, which includes 8 open-ended and 16 close-ended questions. The results clearly showed that there is not a change management procedure available in the Iranian construction industry; therefore, the existence of such procedure is vital in order to achieve the contractual obligations of time, cost and quality. Finally, a change process model tailored to the requirements of Iranian construction industry has been defined in some details. Several aspects of proposed change management process for developing a proactive and improving procedure have also been presented in the final section. This paper aims at providing a platform for employing change management practices in large organizations in Iran with a concise review of the available studies carried out in the past few years.
    Keywords: Change, Change order, Change notice, Start up, Change management, Process model
  • Maryam Khalili Araghi, Meisam Mohazzab Pak Pages 95-107
    This paper empirically investigates the exchange rate effects of Iranian Rial against Dollar (Rial vs.US) on stock prices in Iran. The sample period for the study has been taken from March 20, 2004 to March 20, 2010 using daily nominal exchange rate of Rial /us and daily closing values of Tehran Stock Exchange. Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) model has been used in modeling the relationship between exchange rate volatility and stock market volatility, as it has been proven to give superior results. The paper presents an introduction to the topic, a review of the literature, data used and methodology applied the obtained findings and the corresponding conclusion. For our study, two hypotheses have been formulated and tested with appropriate econometric tests. It was found that both data series were stationary at level form and positive correlation exists between exchange rates and stock market prices and causality exists directionally between the two variables. Positive significant relationship between volatility in stock Prices and in exchange rates has been confirmed by the estimated GARCH model.
    Keywords: Stock prices, Exchange rates, Volatility, Granger causality, GARCH
  • Fuzia Jan Sofi Pages 108-122
    The main purpose of this paper is to examine the relevance of Islamic microfinance in the light of ongoing erosion of confidence in the viability of current financial system, full of speculatory finance in the prevailing global financial market. For example, the sub-prime crisis of 2007-2008 in the US with its effects all over the world was mainly due to the inadequate market discipline which in turn enhanced more and more lending, high leverage and finally led to bank failures and economic slowdown. The critics of this financial meltdown basically relate it to the interest-based financing mechanism. The paper tries to find the possibility of Islamic (Interest-free) Microfinance as a remedy for this financial instability in this context. The paper mainly focuses the Indian scenario where a large section of Muslim population does not have access to Microcredit due to both religious and political factors. Therefore, at this juncture an attempt is made to find the prospect of microfinance from an Islamic perspective which is imperative for adopting an economic system concerned with fulfilling human needs and creating opportunities for the poor. Besides, the concerned paper suggests a “Potential Value Based Hybrid Model for Islamic Microfinance,” by outlining the features as well as the shortcomings of conventional Microfinance.
    Keywords: Micro, enterprise, Islamic microfinance, India, Andhra Pradesh Microfinance Institutions Act, 2010, Value, based Hybrid Model
  • Peyman Akbari Pages 123-135
    Nowadays, advances in information and communication technologies, has provided an opportunity for banks to provide their electronic services to their customers in remote areas. This technological innovation by E–banking systems has brought about many benefits to customers while it has been accompanied by a number of risks including the operational ones. This risks need to be identified and managed by the Banks. The present research identifies, compares, and ranks factors affecting operational E-banking risks in viewpoints of customers and employees of Kermanshah Melli bank. To this end, a questionnaire was distributed to 300 employees and 384 customers of Kermanshah Melli bank by applying random cluster data collection method. The method of this study is descriptive- survey research. The study period covered the second half of the year of 2012. One-Sample T-Test, Friedman ranking Test and Independent Samples Test were employed to test hypotheses, to rank factors affecting operational risks and to compare the amount of effective factors on the operational risks of electronic banking among employees and customers Melli Bank respectively. The results indicate that hypotheses (1-5) support effects the factors (data accuracy, internal controls, technological infrastructure, access to systems, and security) have on Melli bank operational E-banking risks; hypothesis (6) ranks each of the 5-fold factors. In the security factors employees’ opinion is more effective than customers, but in factors (Data accuracy, Technological infrastructures) the trend is reversed. The study also includes recommendations in order to manage and lower operational E-banking risks.
    Keywords: Data accuracy, Internal controls, Technological infrastructure, Access to systems, Security, Operational risks, E, banking
  • Reza Radfar, N. Rezaei-Malek Pages 136-150
    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Knowledge Management (KM) have become especial and strategic keys in the current competitive environment for all companies. The critical role of KM as the main determinant of the success of CRM has been the focal point of the previous researches; the present paper aimed at studying the impact of different KM factors- such as Customer Knowledge (CK), Staff Knowledge (SK), and Market Knowledge (MK)-on CRM. The data collection is done through participation of 113 experts in selected banks and through applying Structure Equation Modeling (SEM) and Factor Analysis the relationships between KM and selected parts of CRM improvement is examined. The Privatization in Iran has already affected the state banks in some areas such as competitiveness, customers, and reputation; therefore, it would be necessary to find a way to reduce this competitive gap in the banking sector. The findings of the present study indicated that the KM capabilities, which proved to be effective in more than 60% of the selected parts, could not be taken as the only factors contributing to CRM improvement; this is why KM factor can lead to improvement in CRM sub modules such as Service Management, Complain Management and Suggestion Management.
    Keywords: Customer relationship management, Knowledge management, Customer knowledge, Staff knowledge, Market knowledge
  • S. Vijay Anand, M. Selvaraj Pages 151-163
    This study examines the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction and Loyalty in Indian Banking sector by applying SERVPERF scale. A total of 50 customers of State bank of India, Mohan Nagar Township branch of Salem District in Tamilnadu were interviewed on convenient basis for the above purpose. Tools like Exploratory factor analysis. Inter-Correlation, Analysis of variance, Multiple Regression analysis are carried out and the result revealed that out of five service quality factors considered, Assurance is having a highest Mean score of SERVPERF (P) score and the bank should concentrate on Reliability as it has the least mean score of SERVPERF. Regarding the association between the Demographic variables and the service quality factors, it is seen that there is no significant association found between them except income in case of Empathy and Marital status in respect of all service quality factors. It is also observed that there is a significant association found between all the Service quality factors and the customer satisfaction as well as with customer Loyalty. While analyzing the antecedents of Customer satisfaction and Loyalty, factors like Responsiveness, Reliability and Empathy are significantly influenced and also explained respective percentage of relevant changes in the Independent variables considered.
  • Muhammad Umar Draz Pages 164-174
    People’s Republic of China has a long history of accounting and accounting reforms. This study focuses on “whether China should continue its IFRS-based domestic accounting standards or full convergence with the IFRS is more appropriate”? Both quantitative and qualitative approaches are applied to answer the research question of this work. Binary choice model has been used in the statistical analysis because data of two variables shows presence or absence. The results of our model indicate that China’s accounting reforms, including convergence with the IFRS, are significantly associated with the internal and external factors. In the light of our statistical findings and details of the theoretical aspects (i.e. environmental determinism theory, globalization, growth of economy and accounting profession in China and regulatory influence of the Chinese government) this study proposes that China should continue its IFRS-based domestic accounting standards and further convergence with the IFRS should be launched in case of decisive needs only.
    Keywords: Accounting reforms, China, Convergence, Environmental determinism theory, IFRS