فهرست مطالب

Novelty in Biomedicine
Volume:1 Issue: 3, Summer 2013

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1392/10/15
  • تعداد عناوین: 5
  • Reza Tavakoli, Azadeh Tavakoli, Gholam Hossein Kazemian, Farideh Tahbaz, Farideh Najafi Pages 66-72
    Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has been shown to positively influence on calcium and bone metabolism in experimental animals and cell culture, but there are limited human data available.
    Material And Methods
    This double-blind, placebo-controlled trial study was done on 76 healthy post-menopausal women (aged 55.1) which randomly assigned to receive daily four CLA capsules G80 containing 3.2 g isomer blend (50:50% cis-9, trans-11: trans-10, cis-12 isomers) or four capsules containing high oleic sunflower oil as placebo for 12 weeks. Urine and blood samples were collected at weeks 0 and 12 and were analyzed for biomarkers of calcium and bone metabolism and inflammatory markers (TNF-α and IL-6). Subjects completed 3-day dietary records during the trial, in weeks 0 (baseline), 6and 12.
    supplementation with 3.2 g CLA isomer blend (50:50% cis-9,trans-11:trans-10,cis-12 isomers) for 12 weeks had no significant effects on bone formation markers (serum osteocalcin, bone-specific alkaline phosphatase) or bone resorption (urine C-telopeptide-related fraction of type 1 collagen degradation products), parathyroid hormone (PTH), urinary calcium, urinary creatinine and CTP to creatinine ratio. But serum interlukine-6 did not change significantly over 12 weeks in postmenopausal women.
    Under the conditions tested in postmenopausal women, 3.2 g CLA isomer blend (50:50% cis-9, trans-11: trans-10, cis-12 isomers) did not affect markers of bone metabolism and calcium.
    Keywords: Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), post, menopausal women, bone mineral density, IL, 6
  • Arezou Taherpour, Hossein Goudarzi, Gita Eslami, Nariman Mosaffa, Mojgan Bandehpour, Alireza Abadi Pages 73-77
    CD24 is a cell adhesion molecule that has been implicated in metastatic tumor progression cells. Our aim was clarify correlation between CD24 expression and cAMP:cGMP ratio in murine colorectal cancer cell line (CT26) after using cholera toxin.
    Materials And Methods
    The CT26 cells were cultured in microtubes for assaying cAMP and cGMP; also the cells were cultured in flasks for assaying cytoplasmic and membranous CD24 expression. The Real-Time PCR was done for cDNA that was synthesized from CT26 cells’ mRNA. Also, expression CD24 marker of cells was determined by Anti-CD24 antibody and Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG-FITC (flow cytometry).
    The cholera toxin grew cAMP:cGMP ratio and it influenced cytoplasmic and membrane CD24 expression.
    There are indirect correlation between cAMP:cGMP ratio and CD24 expression.
    Keywords: CT26 cell line, colorectal cancer, cAMP, cGMP, CD24
  • Sahar Yaghmaei, Yazdan Shantiaee, Majid Kazem, Shokoofe Noori, Kaveh Yaghmaei, Sadegh Rostaminasab Pages 78-83
    Background and Objective
    Chlorhexidine solution is one of the widely used mouth antiseptic liquid that prevents teeth tissue damage and also has application as a root canal antiseptic. In this study, cytotoxicity of 2% chlorhexidine solution is compared with another root canal antiseptic, calcium hydroxide powder.
    Materials And Methods
    Cell cytotoxicity of both chemicals was assessed on cultured L929 fibroblastic cell line for 1,12, 24, 48 and 72 hours using MTT assay (Methyl tetrazolium bromide assay). Untreated L929 cells were used as a negative control group. MTT results were recorded by ELISA reader and analyzed using one-way ANOVA statistical tests.
    Cytotoxicity of studied chemicals showed significant difference in various dilutions and times (1, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h). The highest cytotoxic effect of 2% chlorhexidine solution was observed in concentration of 0.016% for 72 h. Treatment of cells with 0.016% of 2% chlorhexidine liquid and calcium hydroxide powder for 72 hours showed 80% and 45% cytotoxicity, respectively.
    Cytotoxicity of calcium hydroxide is significantly less than 2% chlorhexidine liquid and then application of calcium hydroxide powder as root canal antiseptic is recommended.
    Keywords: Cytotoxicity, calcium hydroxide powder, 2% chlorhexidine liquid, MTT test
  • Mojdeh Hakemi Vala, Hossain Goudarzi, Siavash Naseri Moghadam, Mohammad Kamali Nejad, Sahar Jahangiti, Mehrdad Gholami Pages 84-87
    Background and Objectives
    Helicobacter pylori (Hp) is related to gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, and mucosal carcinoma. Emergence of multidrug resistant Hp strains encouraged the researchers to find new effective drugs. Especially medicinal herbs and plants which usually shows less side effects. The aim of this study was in vitro assessment of anti Hp activity of total extract of Tribulus terrestris (T. terrestris Benzoxacin, a local Iranian medicinal plant and its fraction Benzoxacin.
    total aqueous extract of aerial parts of the plant was prepared and liquid extraction with petroleum ether was used to separate its components. LC/MS system proved the existence of Benzoxazine derivative in the water fraction and the third''s fraction. Anti (Hp) effects of total extract and its third fraction were examined by cup plate method and using standard MacFarland. 50 biopsy samples of antrum were detected from patients who were endoscopic candidates in Milad and Fayazbakhsh hospitals of Tehran during 2011. All samples were isolated, diagnosed based on standard methods and biochemical tests and confirmed by PCR method for ureC gene, too. Different dilutions (250, 500,750 and 1000 mg/ml) of total extract were prepared. Clarythromycin (Clr) E-test strips and an identified Hp OC1096 was used, simultaneously.
    Of 50 biopsy samples, 12 Hp strains were isolated. Rapid urease test were positive in all expect one biopsy sample. Existence of ureC gene in all isolates were confirmed expect one strain by PCR. By cup plate method, resistant to concentrations of 1000 and 750mg/ml were detected in 50% of Hp isolates and 66.6% of them were resistant to concentrations 250 and 500 mg/ml. Also, 83.3% of Hp strains were resistant to Benzoxacin fraction. Clarythromycin sensitivity detected in 83% of Hp isolates, simultaneously.
    This study was done as a pilot study for in vitro evaluation of antibacterial effect of total extract of T. terrestris by cup plate method. Existence of high resistant rate (≥50%) to different concentrations T. terrestris aqueous extract seems doing test on more Hp strains in future studies is highly recommended. In contrast of the similarity of Benzoxazin structure to Ofloxacin, existence of 83.3% of resistance among tested isolates showed no anti Hp effectiveness of this fraction.
    Keywords: Helicobacter pylori, Tribulus terrestris, Benzoxacin, antibacterial resistance
  • Hossein Mughaddasifar, Alireza Ramezani, Homayoon Nikkhah, Bahram Nasri Razin Pages 88-91
    A 35-year-old lady presented with a history of decreased vision in her right eye from one week before her referral. She did not report any significant systemic disease. Ocular findings were compatible with the diagnosis of central retinal vein occlusion. Systemic laboratory tests were all within normal limits except for Mantoux test (PPD) which was positive, 18 mm induration and 2+ redness. Chest radiography was negative for lung tuberculosis. Fluorescein angiography confirmed the presence of retinal vasculitis. With a probable diagnosis of papillophlebitis secondary to tuberculosis, the patient received a course of anti-tuberculosis medications. The inflammation subsided and vision improved within a 6-months therapy. This was a rare case of presumed ocular tuberculosis with no evidence of systemic infection presenting first as a papillophlebitis.