فهرست مطالب

International Journal of Management and Business Research
Volume:5 Issue: 2, Winter 2015
- تاریخ انتشار: 1394/02/10
- تعداد عناوین: 7
Pages 79-94Despite possessing the adequate purchase potential for the fast moving consumer goods (FMCGs), the poor are not reckoned as a viable market by the FMCG marketers and as a result, the purchase preferences of poor are largely unexplored for the concerned products. The present paper bridges the gap subsisting in the pertinent literature by exploring the purchase behavior of poor consumers in the realm of FMCGs. In-home interviews of 360 below poverty line (BPL) families of Delhi, India unveils poor as price conscious, quality conscious, brand conscious and brand loyal consumers. The price consciousness, brand consciousness, quality consciousness, and brand loyalty for the FMCGs do not vary across different age groups, family sizes, genders, and occupations of the poor. Poor prefer to purchase the FMCGs from local retail shops and pay in cash. They purchase well known national brands in FMCGs and their main information sources of these brands are TV advertising & family members. As far as the post purchase behavior aspect is concerned, poor not only repurchase the FMCG brands they are satisfied with, but also revisit the store they purchased the FMCG brand from.Keywords: Shopping style, Purchase decisions, Poor, FMCG, Post purchase behavior
Pages 95-105The acceptance of the right project which leads to the realization of the set objectives is one of the most important issues in project-oriented companies. Therefore, corporate managers prefer to work on those projects which ensures the achievement of goals such as increasing financial profits or being the top brands in their rivals market. The present research aimed at introducing a systematic approach to the project acceptance modeling in order to ensure that effective decision-making can be seen and analysis them with appropriate model. This paper provides a system dynamics model of project accepting which examines the effective factors in decision-making process. This data used in the present research included number of staffs assigned to the projects as well as the identified of delay in project execution. The identified factors have been used to indicate the cause and effect relationships in graphs and calculating the related equations before being integrated into the model. Finally, sensitivity analysis was done by running model and validating it to determine suitable strategies which improve the decision-making of managers when dealing with the process of accepting or rejecting available market’s projects. Therefore, the results can be used in decision–making process.Keywords: System Dynamics, Simulation, Project acceptance, Simulation variables
Pages 107-116India is much more integrated with the world economy. Both current and capital accounts are complementing to each other. The economic slowdown that appears to have begun in the USA in September, 2008 has some negative impact on Indian economy. The most immediate and adverse effect of this global financial crisis on India is an out flow of Foreign Institutional Investment (FII) from the capital market. This withdrawal by the FIIs led to an exponential depreciation of the rupee. The banking intermediaries and non-banking financial institutions have been suffering losses. The recession generated the economic crisis in USA and other developed economies have adversely affected India’s exports of software, IT services and service industry. For fighting this crisis, Government of India responded through the public expenditure and investment to face the recession. Government of India pumping the liquidity into the system through monetary policy and by using effective fiscal policy. India has revived to high growth, this new growth should have to come not from some new speculative bubble but from enlarged government expenditure that directly improves the livelihood of the people. The present paper is an attempt to analyze the impact of recent global financial crisis on Indian economy with special reference to telecom sector and also to analyze the level of economic crises on other sectors of economy, also this paper deals with effective determination of existence of relationship between GDP and telecom sector with respect to global recession.Keywords: Depreciation, Public expenditures, Foreign Institutional Investment (FII), Global financial crisis, Recession
Pages 117-127The main purpose of the study is to examine the causal relationship between government revenues and expenditures of the Jordan government over the period from 1990 to 2011 using Granger causality and VECM tests methodology. Which provides channels of causation between government revenues (GR) and government expenditures (GE).The empirical results show that bidirectional causality running between revenues and expenditure. This result supports lend support to the fiscal synchronization hypothesis, implying that government of Jordan makes its revenues and expenditures decisions simultaneously. On other hand, it shows that allocated expenditures decide the amount of revenues which in turn affects the size of expenditures for the present and the next fiscal year(s). Thus the policy maker should pay attention to the bidirectional causality between government expenditures and revenues which might complicate the government's efforts to control the budget deficit and may contribute in explaining the high national debt figure.Keywords: Government expenditures, Revenues, Granger causality, VECM, Causal relationship, Bidirectional, Synchronization, Budget deficit, National debt
Pages 129-139The street garment vendors are playing a significant role in the fields of the economic development through protecting resources (garment products) from such a position where they are treated as wastes; very much less valued products and creating the opportunity for self-employment. This study aimed at showing the economic contribution and the impact of the street vendors to the local community in Bangladesh. It considered street garment vending as a broad sampling area (since the majority percent of the street vendors are the street garment vendors) and was based on the survey of 150 street garment vendors in different areas of Dhaka city. The study also drew information from the existing literatures and various reports regarding street vending to reach the objective. The major finding of the study was that the street garment vendors are playing significant role in both the economy and the local community of Bangladesh, but they are socially deprived.Keywords: Street vendors, Economy, Local community, Contribution
Pages 141-158The main idea of this paper is to study the dependence between the probability of default and the recovery rate on credit portfolio and to seek empirically this relationship. We examine the dependence between PD and RR by theoretical approach. For the empirically methodology, we use the bootstrapped quantile regression and the simultaneous quantile regression. These methods allow to determinate the dependence between the PD and RR. This study is elaborated for a sample composed by 17 banks in Greece. The period of study is of 7 years (2006-2012). The measurement of this dependence is determinate by using 7 indicators: the probability of default, the recovery rate, the number of defaults, the expected value of losses, the growth rate of GDP in Greece and three dummy variables who the exit of another firm of the Athens Exchange, the new firm is quoted in the Athens exchange and the failure of Greece is declared. We use in our study two dependent variables PD and RR. The descriptive, correlation and regression analysis results are presented by STATA 12.Keywords: Probability of default, Recovery rate, Number of default, Expected value of losses, Bootstrapped quantile regression, Simultaneous quantile regression
Pages 159-168The purpose of this research study is to check the overall job satisfaction associate with demographic factors: Gender, Age, Ethnicity, Civil Status, Experience, Educational Qualification, Bank Types and Distance to Working Place in Ampara region, Sri Lanka government and private bank employees. Overall job satisfaction can be measured through the Ability Utilization, Motivation, Social Status, Compensation, Security, Supervision and Working Condition. In order to collect required data for this study, the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) was used as a tool. The questionnaire was administrated to employees of private and government banks. 180 questionnaires were personally administered among the respondents but received only 105 questionnaires which indicate the 58.33% response of the respondents. Simple random sampling method was used in the study to select the sample. Reliability test, Principle Component Analysis, Independent Samples t-test, ANOVA and Mean Comparison test were used for analyzing the data. The independent sample t-test result reveals that, there is a significant different between (gender and overall job satisfaction) and (type of bank and overall job satisfaction) whereas there is no different between (civil status and overall job satisfaction). Furthermore, ANOVA result concludes that, there is no significant different between (year of experience and overall job satisfaction), (age and overall job satisfaction)(ethnicity and overall job satisfaction) and (educational qualification and overall job satisfaction) but there is significant different between (Distance to Working Place and overall job satisfaction) at 5% significant level. Mean comparison test was used to differentiate the overall job satisfaction associated with Distance to Working Place factor.Keywords: Bank employees, job satisfaction, ANOVA, Reliability test, Principle component analysis