فهرست مطالب

گردشگری شهری - سال دهم شماره 4 (زمستان 1402)

نشریه گردشگری شهری
سال دهم شماره 4 (زمستان 1402)

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1402/12/21
  • تعداد عناوین: 7
  • تبیین اصول توسعه گردشگری شهری در شمال ایران؛ مورد پژوهی شهر کلاردشت
    مینا حسنی مقدم، حسین کلانتری خلیل آباد*، مریم رزقی صفحه 0

    در فرایند جهانی شدن، شهرها با تکیه بر قابلیت های مختلف خود زمینه بهبود زندگی ساکنان خود را فراهم آورده و در عین حال مراکزی جهت جذب سایر افراد در مقیاس های ملی و بین المللی خواهند بود. یکی از مهمترین مزیت ها در این میان، تکیه بر توان های گردشگری و خصوصا گردشگری شهری است. بر این اساس، پژوهش حاضر با هدف تبیین اصول توسعه گردشگری شهری در شهر کلاردشت صورت پذیرفته است. این تحقیق از نوع کاربردی و به لحاظ ماهیت و روش، پیماشی و اکتشافی است. روش گردآوری اطلاعات در این تحقیق شامل روش های کتابخانه ای و میدانی است که مهم ترین ابزار در گردآوری داده ها، پرسشنامه خودساخته محقق می باشد که پایایی پرسشنامه پژوهش بر مبنای آلفای کرونباخ برابر 0.872 است که نشان از پایایی درونی خوب پرسشنامه دارد. جامعه آماری در این پژوهش را کلیه گردشگران ورودی به کلاردشت تشکیل داده که با توجه به فقدان اطلاعات دقیق از تعداد گردشگران، بر مبنای فرمول کوکران به انتخاب 384 نمونه مبادرت شده است که به روش نمونه گیری غیراحتمالی میان گردشگران توزیع و گردآوری شده است. ضمن اینکه در راستای تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها نیز از نرم افزارSPSS (آزمون های میانگین حسابی و آزمون t زوجی) استفاده شده است. نتایج اولویت-بندی ابعاد توسعه گردشگری شهری در شهر کلاردشت بر اساس تفاوت های زوجی، مبین نقش موثر توسعه سیاسی و اسناد فرادستی تفاوت های زوجی (اختلاف میانگین) (-2.44983) است که دارای بالاترین رتبه و اولویت در میان ابعاد پنج گانه مورد بررسی است. ضمن آنکه سایر ابعاد نیز به ترتیب اهمیت و اولویت عبارتند از بعد مدیریتی و زیرساختی (-1.48865)، بعد اقتصادی و سرمایه ای (1.34430-)، بعد محیطی و طبیعی(-1.19094) و بعد اجتماعی و فرهنگی با تفاوت های زوجی (اختلاف میانگین) (0.85110-) که به ترتیب بیشترین نقش را در توسعه گردشگری شهری در شهر کلاردشت دارند.

    کلیدواژگان: مدیریت شهری، گردشگری، گردشگری شهری، توسعه سیاسی، کلاردشت
  • نقش بازاریابی محتوا در توسعه گردشگری سلامت در ایران نمونه موردی: شهر تهران
    جابر خدایی سرخانلو، حسین قره بیگلو*، سلیمان ایران زاده، علی شاهین پور صفحه 0

    هدف پژوهش حاضر تحلیل رابطه توسعه گردشگری سلامت با بازاریابی محتوا است که از لحاظ هدف، کاربردی با رویکرد اکتشافی و از لحاظ نحوه تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها، آمیخته (کیفی-کمی) می باشد. جامعه آماری در فاز کیفی شامل مدیران و متولیان ارشد گردشگری سلامت و اساتید دانشگاهی در حوزه های مدیریت بازاریابی و مدیریت گردشگری عنوان در نظر گرفته شدند که با استفاده از روش نمونه گیری هدفمند، 11 نفر از خبرگان انتخاب شدند. ابزار اصلی جمع آوری داده ها در این فاز، مصاحبه های عمیق و نیمه ساختاریافته با خبرگان بود و با روش تحلیل مضمون (تم) مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفتند. در فاز کمی نیز، مدیران ارشد، میانی و عملیاتی مراکز درمانی دولتی و خصوصی در استان تهران که با سایت ها و رسانه های دیجیتال مرجع حوزه گردشگری سلامت در ارتباط بودند به عنوان جامعه در نظر گرفته شدند و از میان آنها، 400 نفر بر اساس روش نمونه گیری در دسترس به عنوان نمونه آماری انتخاب شدند. در این فاز از پرسشنامه بسته و محقق ساز مشتمل بر 15 گویه به عنوان ابزار اصلی جمع آوری داده ها استفاده شد. جهت انجام تجزیه و تحلیل های توصیفی و استنباطی، از نرم افزارهای spss و pls استفاده شد. نتایج تحقیق منجر به مدل تحقیق شامل شش تم فراگیر (عوامل علی، عوامل محیطی، عوامل راهبردی، ارزش برند گردشگری سلامت کشور، پیامدهای اولیه، و پیامدهای ثانویه)، و پانزده تم سازنده گردید و روابط فرضی مدل در یک جامعه وسیع مورد آزمون و تایید قرار گرفتند.

    کلیدواژگان: بازاریابی محتوا، گردشگری سلامت، تحلیل تم، شهر تهران
  • تحلیل تناظر شهرت و کشش احساسی سفر در راستای برندآفرینی موثر؛مورد مطالعه: کلانشهر اهواز
    محمدعلی فیروزی*، احمد پوراحمد، مهیار سجادیان صفحه 0

    متغیرهای شهرت و کشش احساسی سفر به یک مکان و ارتقای متناسب جایگاه این دو متغیر به صورت متقابل، از جمله مهمترین عوامل در برندآفرینی موثر و خلق تصویری جذاب از مقصد به هدف توسعه گردشگری و جذب گردشگران و به تبع دستیابی به سرمایه ها است. اما مسئله این است که این موضوع در کشور و به ویژه در ارتباط با کلانشهر اهواز مغفول واقع گردیده است. شاهد آن که تاکنون پژوهشی در این ارتباط انجام نیافته است. لذا، بر این اساس، مقاله حاضر به بررسی رابطه شهرت و کشش احساسی سفر به کلانشهر اهواز و نیز تعیین موقعیت این شهر در ارتباطی متقابل از این دو متغیر می پردازد. این پژوهش در حیطه جغرافیای رفتاری است. روش انجام تحقیق، توصیفی- تحلیلی و به لحاظ هدف کاربردی بوده که در انجام آن از تحلیل های آماری همبستگی کندال تائو و اسپیرمن و مدل ماتریس شهرت مکان بهره گرفته شده است؛ ضمن آن که برای تائید استفاده از دو آزمون ناپارامتریک فوق الذکر و سنجش معنی داری متغیرها در این چارچوب، از آزمون آماری کالموگروف- اسمیرنف استفاده گردید. جامعه آماری پژوهش، متشکل از افرادی است که تاکنون به کلانشهر اهواز سفری نداشته اند. روش نمونه گیری انجام یافته، تلفیق روش های نمونه گیری گلوله برفی خوشه ای و شبکه ای نظارت شده بوده است که داده های جمع آوری شده با نرم افزار SPSS، در چارچوب همبستگی های آماری و مدل فوق الذکر مورد تحلیل قرار گرفتند. بر مبنای یافته های تحقیق، میانگین کشش احساسی سفر به اهواز در سطح پائین تری از شهرت این کلانشهر نسبت به سایر کلانشهرهای کشور قرار داشته و در اثر تصویر غیر مثبت شکل گرفته ناشی از کیفیت پائین محیطی، جایگاه کلانشهر اهواز در ماتریس شهرت مکان، در میان گروه بازندگان می باشد. در انتها نیز، راهکارهایی جهت دستیابی به برندآفرینی موثر پیشنهاد گردید.

    کلیدواژگان: اهواز، شهرت، کشش احساسی، گردشگری، برند، تصویر شهر
  • افشین متقی*، آرش قربانی سپهر، پریسا قربانی سپهر صفحات 1-16
    گردشگری شهری یکی از پویاترین مولفه های مهم توسعه کنونی شهرهاست که در حوزه برندسازی در سطوح (محلی، ملی و فراملی) اثرگذار است. ازاین رو، مسئله پژوهش حاضر این است که پیشران های موثر بر وضعیت آینده ژئوپلیتیک گردشگری کلان شهر تهران کدام می باشند و چه ارتباطی بین این متغیرها از نظر تاثیرگذاری و تاثیرپذیری وجود دارد؟ روش این پژوهش کمی - کیفی (آمیخته) است و از رویکرد آینده پژوهی در تحلیل آن استفاده شده است. یافته های پژوهش گویای آن است که در مرحله نخست، با روش دلفی 30 عامل شناسایی شد. آنچه از وضعیت پراکندگی متغیرهای موثر بر وضعیت ژئوپلیتیک گردشگری کلان شهر تهران می توان فهمید، وضعیت ناپایدار سیستم است؛ زیرا بیشتر متغیرها در اطراف محور قطری صفحه پراکنده هستند. بنابراین، 4 دسته (عوامل تاثیرگذار، عوامل دو وجهی، عوامل تاثیرپذیر و عوامل مستقل) قابل شناسایی هستند. نتایج تحقیق نشان داد 5 متغیر به عنوان تاثیرگذارترین عامل در ژئوپلیتیک گردشگری کلان شهر تهران شناسایی شده اند که شامل بر حسب ماتریس اثرگذاری مستقیم و غیرمستقیم می توان گفت که شاخص H1 (سرمایه گذاری های بخش خصوصی) در رتبه اول تاثیرگذاری مستقیم و غیرمستقیم قرارگرفته است. شاخص A5 (هتل ها و مال ها و مراکز تجاری بزرگ) در رتبه دوم تاثیرگذاری مستقیم و غیرمستقیم قرارگرفته است. شاخص H8 (برگزاری جشنواره ها، نمایشگاه ها، کنفرانس ها و سمینارها) در رتبه سوم تاثیرگذاری مستقیم و غیرمستقیم قرارگرفته است. شاخص C4 (مرکزیت اقتصادی) در رتبه چهارم تاثیرگذاری مستقیم و غیرمستقیم قرارگرفته است. شاخص A4 (متروی شهری) در رتبه پنجم تاثیرگذاری مستقیم و غیرمستقیم قرارگرفته است.
    کلیدواژگان: ژئوپلیتیک شهری، گردشگری شهری، آینده پژوهی، کلان شهر تهران
  • فاطمه میمندی، سامان کیوان نیا، علی شیرمحمدی* صفحات 17-35
    پیشرفت روزافزون تکنولوژی ها و فناوری های نوین و سبب شده که گردشگری از شکل سنتی خود فاصله گرفته و بهره گیری از گردشگری هوشمند به عنوان یکی از مولفه های کلیدی توسعه صنعت گردشگری بسیار موردتوجه قرار گیرد. و سازمان های مهم، از جمله سازمان جهانی گردشگری و مجمع جهانی اقتصاد، نیز با توجه به تاثیر فزاینده فناورهای هوشمند در صنعت گردشگری، خود را متعهد به ارتقاء گردشگری هوشمند دانسته اند؛ در این میان اقامتگاه های بوم گردی به عنوان یکی از تسهیلات اقامتی با تقاضای روبه رشد در سال های اخیر؛ لازم است تا جهت پاسخگویی به نیازهای جدید گردشگران، بهبود تجربه گردشگر و افزایش مزیت رقابتی خود، به سوی هوشمند سازی حرکت کنند. بااین وجود تاکنون تحقیقات کافی در این زمینه صورت نگرفته است. لذا پژوهش حاضر باهدف بررسی چالش های هوشمند سازی اقامتگاه های بوم گردی صورت گرفته است. روش این پژوهش ازنظر نوع هدف، کاربردی و ازلحاظ جمع آوری اطلاعات از نوع توصیفی-تحلیلی است و برای پاسخ گویی به سوالات پژوهش، از رویکرد کیفی استفاده شده است. جامعه آماری پژوهش شامل 12 تن از صاحبان و مدیران اقامتگاه های بوم گردی باسابقه مدیریت چندین ساله به مصاحبه می باشد. با تحلیل تم صورت گرفته از متون مصاحبه ها، 28 کد استخراج شده و کدهای استخراجی 5 مفهوم را تشکیل دادند. نتایج پژوهش نشان داد که؛ چالش های تکنولوژی، چالش های اقتصادی، چالش های دانش تخصصی، چالش های روانی و چالش های اجرایی، چالش های هوشمند سازی اقامتگاه های بوم گردی از دیدگاه صاحبان و مدیران هستند. پژوهش حاضر از یک سو می تواند پیش زمینه پژوهش های بعدی جهت شناسایی راه حل های غلبه بر چالش های هوشمند سازی بوم گردی ها باشد و از سوی دیگر می تواند در سیاست گذاری ها و برنامه های توسعه گردشگری به خصوص برنامه های توسعه گردشگری هوشمند و توسعه گردشگری پایدار مورداستفاده قرار گیرد و همچنین می تواند دیدگاه روشنی را جهت حرکت به سمت هوشمند سازی برای صاحبان کسب وکارهای گردشگری و به خصوص اقامتگاه های بوم گردی فراهم نماید.
    کلیدواژگان: اقامتگاه بوم گردی، چالش های هوشمند سازی، گردشگری هوشمند، هتلداری
  • ناصر بیات، ابراهیم داودی دهاقانی*، علی حیدربیگی صفحات 37-53
    نقش آفرینی موثر پلیس برای ایجاد نظم و امنیت یکی از مهم ترین متغیرهای تاثیرگذار بر رضایتمندی گردشگران است. هدف پژوهش حاضر شناسایی شیوه های ارتقای رضایتمندی زائران از خدمات مدیریت انتظامی در شهر مشهد است. پژوهش ازنظر هدف کاربردی و به لحاظ ماهیت آمیخته است. مشارکت کنندگان از 3 گروه شامل کارشناسان پلیس، متخصصان گردشگری، و متولیان و دست اندرکاران امور مکان های اقامتگاهی گردشگری، و مراکز خدماتی، تجاری و پذیرایی، انتخاب شدند. داده های مرحله کیفی، از 13 مصاحبه نیمه ساختاریافته به دست آمد و به با رویکرد تحلیل محتوای کیفی از نوع تلخیصی تجزیه وتحلیل شد. برآیند یافته های این مرحله مبنای طراحی پرسشنامه برای پیمایش دلفی، قرار گرفت. تعداد اعضای شرکت کننده در پیمایش دلفی 40 نفر بود. محاسبه ضریب توافقی کندال مبنای اجماع در مراحل نظرسنجی قرار گرفت. این مقدار بین 0 تا 1 است؛ هر چه عدد محاسبه شده به 1 نزدیک تر باشد درجه توافق و اجماع بالاتری را نشان می دهد. در مرحله دوم از فاز پیمایش دلفی این مقدار در همه ابعاد بالاتر از حد قابل قبول (عدد 5/0) به دست آمد و بنابراین فرایند نظرخواهی متوقف شد. به طوری که، مقدار ضریب توافقی کندال پیرامون شیوه های ارتقای رضایتمندی زائران از پلیس به تفکیک ابعاد سه گانه شامل، ترافیک و حمل ونقل شهری مکان های اقامتگاهی گردشگری، و مراکز خدماتی، تجاری و پذیرایی به ترتیب برابر با 72/0، 71/0، و 66/0 به دست آمد. نتایج این پژوهش دربردارنده رهیافت های کاربردی برای ارتقای رضایت گردشگران مذهبی از خدمات پلیس در شهر مشهد است
    کلیدواژگان: رضایت مندی، گردشگر مذهبی، خدمات پلیس، نظم و امنیت، کلان شهر مشهد
  • رسول حیدری سورشجانی*، فرشاد فلاحتی، طاهره عزت خواه صفحات 55-74

    پارک ها و فضاهای سبز شهری دارای خصیصه های مهمی هستند که موجب سلامت انسان ها، ایجاد زمینه فعالیت های اجتماعی، خاطره جمعی و افزایش روحیه همبستگی برای همه گردشگران و شهروندان می گردد و در نتیجه شناسایی و تحلیل عوامل موثر بر جذب گردشگران به جاذبه های گردشگری شهری می تواند به بررسی نیازهای گردشگران برای مدیریت موفق پارک ها و تفرجگاه ها شهری کمک نماید، در این پژوهش عوامل موثر بر جذب گردشگران به پدیده های گردشگری شهری در نمونه موردی پارک ساحلی شهر یاسوج مورد شناسایی و تحلیل قرارگرفته است. روش تحقیق توصیفی تحلیلی و داده های پژوهش با استفاده از ابزار پرسشنامه گردآوری شد. حجم نمونه تحقیق گردشگران و شهروندان ورودی به پارک ساحلی در شهر یاسوج با استفاده از نرم افزار SAMPLE POWER به تعداد 200 نفر محاسبه و برای انجام تحلیل های آماری با استفاده از دو نرم افزار SPSS و AMOS تجزیه وتحلیل انجام شد. نتایج نشان می دهد که عامل اجتماعی بیشترین بار عاملی را با وزن 97/0 در رتبه اول به خود اختصاص داده است. عامل جذابیت محیط طبیعی با بار عاملی 91/0 در رتبه دوم قرارگرفته است. عامل های امکانات داخلی با وزن 57/0، کیفیت محیطی با وزن 56/0، وفاداری و اقتصادی به صورت مشترک با بار عاملی 49/0 و عامل دسترسی و حمل ونقل با وزن 39/0 در مرتبه های بعدی قرارگرفته اند. همچنین از نظر گردشگران مهم ترین ویژگی های پارک ساحلی پاکیزگی آب وهوا، رضایت از محیط طبیعی، آرامش محیط، مفرح و شادی بخشی محیط و عدم رضایت گردشگران از وضعیت دسترسی آسان به آب آشامیدنی، کمبود خدمات پارکینگ و سطح متوسط امکانات ورزشی مناسب تشخیص داده شد.

    کلیدواژگان: گردشگری، پارک ساحلی، محیط طبیعی، فضای سبز، شهر یاسوج
  • Explaining the principles of urban tourism development in northern Iran; Case study: Kelardasht
    Mina Hasani Moghadam, Hossein Kalantari Khalilabad *, Maryam Rezghi Page 0

    In the process of globalization, cities rely on their various capabilities to improve the lives of their residents, and at the same time, they will be centers for attracting other people on a national and international scale. One of the most important advantages in this is to rely on the capabilities of tourism, especially urban tourism. Meanwhile, achieving the development of urban tourism requires the provision of facilities and compliance with the standards that determine the principles and criteria of tourism development. Based on this, the current research aims to explain the principles of urban tourism development in northern Iran; the case study of Kalardasht city has been done.

    Research method

    This research is of applied type and in terms of nature and method, survey and exploratory. The data collection method in this research includes library and field methods, the most important tool in data collection is the researcher's self-made questionnaire, the reliability of the research questionnaire based on Cronbach's alpha is equal to 0.872, which shows the good internal reliability of the questionnaire. The statistical population in this research consists of all the tourists entering Kalardasht, and due to the lack of accurate information on the number of tourists, 384 samples were selected based on Cochran's formula, which were distributed and collected among tourists by non-probability sampling method. In addition, SPSS software (arithmetic mean tests and paired t-test) was used for data analysis.

    Discussion and findings

    The results of prioritizing the dimensions of urban tourism development in Kalardasht city based on pairwise differences, show the effective role of political development and the extra hand documents of pairwise differences (mean difference) (-2.44983) which has the highest rank and The priority among the 5 dimensions is investigated. Besides, the other dimensions, in order of importance and priority, are the managerial and infrastructure dimension (-1.48865), the economic and capital dimension (-1.34430), the environmental and natural dimension (-1.19094) and the social and cultural dimension with paired differences (average difference) (-0.85110), which respectively play the greatest role in the development of urban tourism in Kalardasht city.


    The development of tourism in Kalardasht city can be based on principles such as the preservation and promotion of natural resources, development of infrastructure, promotion of tourism services, promotion of culture and art, development of recreational and sports activities, promotion of sustainable tourism, and by observing these principles, The development of urban tourism in northern Iran and the city of Kalardasht can be improved and bring profitability to the region.development of urban tourism in Kalardasht city.

    Keywords: Urban Management, Tourism, Urban Tourism, Political Development, Kalardasht
  • Analysis of the relationship between the development of health tourism in Iran and content marketingCase example: Tehran city
    Jaber Khodayi Sarkhanlou, Hossein Gharehbiglo *, Suleiman Iranzadeh, Ali Shahinpour Page 0

    The purpose of the current research is to analyze the relationship between the development of health tourism and content marketing, which in terms of purpose is applied with an exploratory approach and in terms of data analysis, it is mixed (qualitative-quantitative). The statistical population in the qualitative phase included managers and senior managers of health tourism and university professors in the fields of marketing management and tourism management, and 11 experts were selected using the purposeful sampling method. The main tool of data collection in this phase was in-depth and semi-structured interviews with experts and were analyzed by thematic analysis method. In the quantitative phase, the senior, middle and operational managers of public and private medical centers in Tehran province who were in contact with the reference sites and digital media in the field of health tourism were considered as the community, and among them, 400 people were selected based on the sampling method. available were selected as a statistical sample. In this phase, a researcher-made questionnaire consisting of 15 items was used as the main tool for data collection. SPSS and PLS software were used to perform descriptive and inferential analyses. The research results led to a research model including six overarching themes (causal factors, environmental factors, strategic factors, value of the country's health tourism brand, primary outcomes, and secondary outcomes), and fifteen constructive themes, and the hypothetical relationships of the model were tested in a large community. were approved.The purpose of the current research is to analyze the relationship between the development of health tourism and content marketing, which in terms of purpose is applied with an exploratory approach and in terms of data analysis, it is mixed (qualitative-quantitative). The statistical population in the qualitative phase included managers and senior managers of health tourism and university professors in the fields of marketing management and tourism management, and 11 experts were selected using the purposeful sampling method. The main tool of data collection in this phase was in-depth and semi-structured interviews with experts and were analyzed by thematic analysis method. In the quantitative phase, the senior, middle and operational managers of public and private medical centers in Tehran province who were in contact with the reference sites and digital media in the field of health tourism were considered as the community, and among them, 400 people were selected based on the sampling method. available were selected as a statistical sample. In this phase, a researcher-made questionnaire consisting of 15 items was used as the main tool for data collection. SPSS and PLS software were used to perform descriptive and inferential analyses. The research results led to a research model including six overarching themes (causal factors, environmental factors, strategic factors, value of the country's health tourism brand, primary outcomes, and secondary outcomes), and fifteen constructive themes, and the hypothetical relationships of the model were tested in a large community. were approved.The purpose of the current research is to analyze the relationship between the development of health tourism and content marketing, which in terms of purpose is applied with an exploratory approach and in terms of data analysis, it is mixed (qualitative-quantitative). The statistical population in the qualitative phase included managers and senior managers of health tourism and university professors in the fields of marketing management and tourism management, and 11 experts were selected using the purposeful sampling method. The main tool of data collection in this phase was in-depth and semi-structured interviews with experts and were analyzed by thematic analysis method. In the quantitative phase, the senior, middle and operational managers of public and private medical centers in Tehran province who were in contact with the reference sites and digital media in the field of health tourism were considered as the community, and among them, 400 people were selected based on the sampling method. available were selected as a statistical sample. In this phase, a researcher-made questionnaire consisting of 15 items was used as the main tool for data collection. SPSS and PLS software were used to perform descriptive and inferential analyses. The research results led to a research model including six overarching themes (causal factors, environmental factors, strategic factors, value of the country's health tourism brand, primary outcomes, and secondary outcomes), and fifteen constructive themes, and the hypothetical relationships of the model were tested in a large community. were approved.400 people were selected based on the sampling method. available were selected as a statistical sample. In this phase, a researcher-made questionnaire consisting of 15 items was used as the main tool for data collection. SPSS and PLS software were used to perform descriptive and inferential analyses. The research results led to a research model including six overarching themes (causal factors, environmental factors, strategic factors, value of the country's health tourism brand, primary outcomes, and secondary outcomes), and fifteen constructive themes, and the hypothetical relationships of the model were tested in a large community. were approved.

    Keywords: content marketing, health tourism, theme analysis, Tehran city
  • Correspondence Analysis of Reputation and Emotional Attraction of Travel for Effective Branding; Case Study: Ahvaz Metropolis
    Mohammadali Firoozi *, Ahmad Pourahmad, Mahyar Sajadian Page 0

    The global economy is witnessing an increase in the level of competition between companies and countries and consequently cities. Therefore, the future of countries and cities is directly dependent on the degree of their competitiveness in economic indicators, especially competitiveness. In this regard, in today's competitive world where cities are trying to outdo each other in various fields, urban tourism, branding and marketing for tourism purposes has also become an arena for cities to compete. The brand of a city in tourism is the winning edge of a city in economic and social competition and a strategic tool to increase the competitiveness, credibility, power and influence of cities. Therefore, in society today, creating and maintaining an urban brand and in this context, positive imagery and reputation promotion along with emotional attraction to travel to the desired city, is one of the basic points considered by city managers and is a topic in which success It can bring prosperity, prosperity and prosperity to the inhabitants while keeping the cities alive. Therefore, it is in this context that The variables of fame and emotional attraction of traveling to a place and proportional promotion of the position of these two variables are among the most important factors in effective branding and creating an attractive image of the destination for the purpose of tourism development and attracting tourists and consequently gaining capital. according to this, The present article examines the relationship between fame and emotional appeal of traveling to the metropolis of Ahvaz and also determines the position of this city in corresponding of these two variables in comparison with other metropolises of the country.


    This research is in the field of behavioral geography. The research method is descriptive-analytical and applied in terms of purpose. In doing so, statistical analysis of Kendall Tao and Spearman correlation and location reputation matrix and SPSS and Excel software have been used. While the, to confirm the use of the two non-parametric tests mentioned above and to measure the significance of the variables in this framework, the Kalmogorov-Smirnov statistical test was used. The data collection tool was a researcher-made electronic questionnaire based on a five-point Likert scale, the validity of which was confirmed by professors and its reliability was confirmed by using Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 79%. The statistical population of the study consists of people who have never traveled to the metropolis of Ahvaz; In this regard, by combining cluster snowball sampling methods and supervised network, 627 questionnaires were received.

    Finding and discussion

    Based on the research findings, finally, this study identified the position of place reputation in relation to emotional attraction in four main groups; And provided solutions in accordance with the position obtained. According to the research findings, there is a positive relationship between the fame of Ahvaz metropolis and the emotional attraction of traveling to this city, and the current situation of this city is in a quarter of losers and is not appropriate. The order of extreme heat, dust, destruction and war, deprivation, sewage and bad smell, urban chaos and traffic, lack of infrastructure, lack of security, cultural problems and ethnicity and dirty city are the most important imagine that have caused this situation in the city. This situation and such imagins, which are deeply rooted in the facts, have been the result of policies and, in other words, the dominant view in the body of the metropolis of Ahvaz from management at all levels to the citizens of this city; Also, on a macro-scale national scale we must overcome the Dominance of the centralist view, the success of the central and peripheral landscape, the historical emphasis on the oil-based mono-product economy, and the mere exploitative view of oil-rich provinces, Lack of environmental priority and sustainable development, Lack of a grand brand strategy national, regional and so on.


    In the context of the principles of behavioral geography related to branding, the destination image can be considered as a set of knowledge, feelings, ideas, expectations and feelings that people have about a place. The destination image is a multidimensional structure that has three basic cognitive, emotional, and motivational dimensions. The cognitive dimension includes a person's knowledge and beliefs about the physical characteristics of the destination. The emotional dimension involves evaluating the quality of one's emotions in relation to physical characteristics and the environment. The motivational dimension is considered corresponding to the behavior and originates from the cognitive and emotional dimensions. Based on the above analysis, by promoting the environment within the framework of a branding macro strategy, and alongside and thereby, increasing cognition; And at a higher level, believing people and putting pressure on it, can increase the positive reputation and then, increase the emotional appeal of traveling to this city and ultimately increase the motivation and attract more tourists and thus increase the competitive capacity. And attracted more capital in this metropolis compared to other metropolises in the country; The result will be the attraction of capital and the achievement of sustainable development, according to the majority of urban planning experts. Finally, based on the findings of research, discussion and conclusions, solutions were presented in three areas: scientific domain, metropolitan area and macro area of branding.

    Keywords: Ahvaz, Fame, emotional appeal, Tourism, Brand, City Image
  • Afshin Mottaghi *, Arash Ghorbani Sepehr, Parisa Ghorbani Sepehr Pages 1-16
    A B S T R A C T
    Urban tourism is one of the most dynamic and essential components of the current development of cities, which is effective in branding at (local, national, and international) levels. Therefore, the issue of the current research is, what are the drivers that are effective on the future state of tourism geopolitics of Tehran metropolis, and what is the relationship between these variables in terms of influence and effectiveness? This research method is quantitative-qualitative (mixed), and the future studies approach has been used in its analysis. The research findings show that in the first stage, 30 factors were identified with the Delphi method. What can be understood from the state of dispersion of variables affecting the geopolitical state of tourism in the Tehran metropolis is the system's unstable state; most of the variables are scattered around the diagonal axis of the plane. Therefore, four categories can be identified (influential, two-dimensional, influential, and independent factors). The results of the research showed that five variables have been identified as the most influential factors in the tourism geopolitics of the Tehran metropolis, including in terms of direct and indirect influence matrix; it can be said that the H1 index (private sector investments) is ranked first in direct and indirect influence. Index A5 (hotels, malls, and large commercial centers) is ranked second in terms of direct and indirect influence. Index H8 (holding festivals, exhibitions, conferences, and seminars) is ranked third in terms of direct and indirect influence. The C4 index (economic centrality) is ranked fourth in terms of direct and indirect influence. Index A4 (Urban Metro) is ranked fifth in terms of direct and indirect influence.
    Extended Abstract
    Today, in the 21st century, tourism has become one of the most critical functions of cities, and this function is so vital that it provides the basis for cities to obtain much economic capital and, in the next step, to establish themselves as an important city among other ones to propose. Also, this function has become important in such a way that it has provided the ground for the competition of cities to accept more tourists, which we can call the geopolitics of urban tourism which cities have become so essential and are seeking to increase their functions, especially the function of tourism as a global city to compete with other cities at (local, national, regional and global) levels. The current research employs a future studies approach to identify the geopolitical factors driving urban tourism in Tehran; this will help select key drivers for planning the future of tourism.
    This article is a mixed type of research (quantitative-qualitative). Therefore, in order to answer the research question, its indicators have been extracted with the help of a multi-stage interview with eight experts and an elite panel and refined based on structural analysis.  Drawing the future is based on these indicators. Thus, the Delphi method has been used to screen these indicators. Structural analysis of this question has been done with the help of Mic Mac software to refine indicators and variables in the direction of forecasting, and the presented future is also exploratory in terms of typology. Finally, by identifying and extracting relevant components and selecting panel members based on expertise, the components that did not get the necessary points were removed from the questionnaire, and the final questionnaire was designed in the form of (number zero; no effect), (number one; low impact), (number two; medium impact), (number three; high impact), were provided to the respondents to rate each component.
    Result and discussion
    As a place with the most natural and human tourist attractions, Tehran city spends the most urban expenses on building tourist places to attract tourists and earn more foreign currency. Thus, improving the quality of urban life in Tehran is affected by various factors that exist in Tehran. Therefore, in this context, the development of tourism in Tehran is considered as a source of changing economic, social and environmental characteristics, which has the potential to be effective in improving the quality of urban life. In any case, Tehran, following the example of European cities in building entertainment environments, has the first rank in the country, as these entertainment environments are available in all parts of Tehran. Many of these environments in Tehran are well known in the country, attracting many tourists from different cities. Nevertheless, it can be said that the entertainment industry (urban tourism) is one of the geopolitical components of Tehran metropolis, which provides the ground for the development of Tehran compared to other cities. The existing findings show that, due to the transition process, tourism in Tehran will become a geopolitical issue on a national and transnational scale, and it is necessary to identify the driving forces affecting its importance.
    The present research was conducted to identify the drivers influencing the tourism geopolitics of Tehran metropolis. Scientific and logical tools are necessary in order to identify and determine the key effective drivers on the geopolitics of tourism in Tehran metropolis with a future studies approach like other approaches, based on the results obtained from the structural analysis in the Mic Mac software, 30 factors such as key variables were selected for the hydropolitical relations of the Zayandeh-Rood watershed. These drivers, in order of priority, include private sector investments H1, hotels, malls, and large commercial centers A5, holding festivals, exhibitions, conferences and seminars H8, economic centrality C4, urban subway A4, financial resources A3, large sports complexes and cultural centers A10, urban symbols (both Azadi and Milad Tower) A6, holding sports events H7, central and focal location C1, political-administrative centrality C3, information-media centrality A1, production and industrial centrality C2, historical monuments and museums C6, technology and technology centrality A2, creation of large recreational structures (including nature bridge, cable car, ski lift, and amusement parks) A9, style administrative issues in tourism sectors H4, security and social welfare H5, strengthening medical and health tourism H2, places of pilgrimage (including courts and imamzadehs) C7, service and relief infrastructure capacity A8, Universities and the development of university-related disciplines H3, access to freeways and urban passages A7, judicial centrality C5, artists (including actors, singers, and musicians) H6, favorable climate N1, forest parks and urban spaces greenery N3, natural landscapes (mountains and green meadows) N5, the extent and quality of space N2, plant and animal species N4 were obtained as the most influential variables in the future of tourism geopolitics of Tehran metropolis.
    There is no funding support.
    Authors’ Contribution
    All of the authors approved the content of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work.
    Conflict of Interest
    Authors declared no conflict of interest.
    We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.
    Keywords: urban geopolitics, Geopolitics of Urban Tourism, Future Studies, Tehran Metropolis
  • Fatemeh Meymandi, Saman Keyvannia, Ali Shirmohammadi * Pages 17-35
    A B S T R A C T
    The ever-increasing progress of Information and communication technologies has caused tourism to move away from its traditional form, and the application of smart tourism has received much attention as one of the critical components of the development of the tourism industry. In the meantime, eco-lodges as one of the accommodation facilities whose demand has grown significantly in the recent years, must move towards developing smart tourism to meet the emerging needs of tourists, improve the tourist experience and increase their competitive advantage. However, there hasn't been enough research on the development of smart tourism in eco-lodges. Hence, the aim of this study is to identify the challenges of developing smart tourism in eco-lodges. The research method is practical in terms of its purpose and descriptive survey in data collection, and a qualitative approach has been used to answer the research questions. Sampling was done in a judgmental way and the number of samples was obtained based on the repetition of data and theoretical saturation during the interview. The information analysis in this research has been done using the theme analysis method. By extracting the challenges affecting the smartness of eco-lodges (codes, concepts, and categories), the researchers decided to present the relevant structure. Content validity was checked with the strategy of triangulation (researcher triangulation, methodological triangulation, theoretical triangulation), and the reliability of the research was also controlled by preparing and using a written framework (interview protocol) for the interview. Interviews were conducted by 12 owners and professional and experienced managers of eco-lodges. Then, by analyzing the themes of the interviews, 28 extraction codes and 5 concept extraction codes were formed. Technological challenges, economic challenges, specialized knowledge challenges, psychological challenges, and implementation challenges are the identified concepts, which have finally created the structure of smarting challenges of eco-lodges from the perspective of owners and managers by creating the category of smarting challenges.
    Extended Abstract
    The ever-increasing progress of Information and communication technologies has caused tourism to move away from its traditional form, and the application of smart tourism has received much attention as one of the critical components of the development of the tourism industry. Given the growing effect of smart technologies on the tourism industry, the growing impact of smart technologies on the tourism industry has prompted major international organizations, such as the World Tourism Organization and the World Economic Forum, to actively commit to promoting and fostering smart tourism globally. These entities recognize the transformative potential that smart technologies hold for the tourism industry, and their commitment serves as an acknowledgment of the imperative role that smart tourism plays in shaping the future of global tourism. In the meantime, the digitalization of tourism in Iran is also expanding rapidly, which can promise a future full of golden opportunities for tourism industry operators. However, smart tourism in Iran is still in the early stages of its development. Smart tourism and its benefits, especially in Ecotourism and Eco-lodge accommodations, have been neglected. Eco-lodges, one of the accommodation facilities whose demand has grown significantly in recent years, must move towards developing smart tourism to meet the emerging needs of tourists, improve the tourist experience and increase the competitive advantage. However, there hasn't been enough research on developing smart tourism in eco-lodges. When eco-lodges want to move towards smartening, they will face challenges; some are at the macro level and some at the micro level. Hence, this study aims to identify the challenges of developing smart tourism in eco-lodges from the point of view of the owners and managers of these accommodations. To address the purpose of this study, the following questions have been raised:
    which factors (challenges) affect the development of smart tourism in eco-lodge accommodations from the point of view of owners and managers of eco-lodges?
    What are the dimensions and structures of the model of the challenges of developing smart tourism in eco-lodges?

    The research method is practical in terms of its purpose and descriptive survey in data collection, and a qualitative approach has been used to answer the research questions. Sampling was done in a judgmental way, and the number of samples was obtained based on the repetition of data and theoretical saturation during the interview. The information analysis in this research uses the theme analysis method. By extracting the challenges affecting the smartness of eco-lodges (codes, concepts, and categories), the researchers decided to present the relevant structure. Content validity was checked with the strategy of triangulation (researcher triangulation, methodological triangulation, theoretical triangulation), and the reliability of the research was also controlled by preparing and using a written framework (interview protocol) for the interview.
    Results and discussion
    As it is clear, the current research, in order to investigate willingness/unwillingness, faces the questions that we have mentioned in the first step and at the beginning of the research. According to the stated questions and as mentioned before, the present research has been done in the qualitative phase. In order to answer the questions, firstly, by creating an interview, we had a conversation with 12 owners and experienced managers of eco-lodges who were selected by judgment. The interview continued until the required data reached the point of saturation. After each interview, the text of the interview was written on paper. The process of analyzing and Code extraction has been done by considering the issues and questions and open coding. It should also be noted that the coding process continued until theoretical adequacy was achieved. After the interview with the ninth person, we reached the point of saturation and coding, and to ensure this, we continued the interview until the twelfth person. Then, by analyzing the themes of the interviews, 28 extraction codes and 5 concept extraction codes were formed.
    Technological challenges, economic challenges, specialized knowledge challenges, psychological challenges, and implementation challenges are the identified concepts which have finally created the structure of smarting challenges of eco-lodge accommodations from the perspective of owners and managers by creating the category of smarting challenges. Identifying these challenges could be the first step in smoothing the path toward developing smart tourism in eco-lodges. On the one hand, the result of this research can be used in future research to identify solutions to overcome the challenges of developing smart tourism in the eco-lodges. On the other hand, it can be used in tourism development policies and programs, especially smart and sustainable tourism development programs. Moreover, it can provide a clear vision to move towards smartness for the owners of tourism businesses, especially eco-lodges accommodations.
    There is no funding support.
    Authors’ Contribution
    All of the authors approved the content of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work.
    Conflict of Interest
    Authors declared no conflict of interest.
    We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.
    Keywords: Eco-lodge accommodations, Smartening challenges, Smart tourism, Hotel management
  • Naser Bayat, Ebrahim Davoodi Dehaghani *, Ali Heydarbeigi Pages 37-53
    A B S T R A C TThe effective role of the police in creating order and security is one of the most important variables affecting tourists' satisfaction. The current research aims to identify ways to improve pilgrims' satisfaction with police management services in Mashhad. The research is applied in terms of purpose and mixed in nature. The participants were selected from three groups, including police experts, tourism specialists, trustees, and those involved in the affairs of tourist accommodation places and service, commercial and hospitality centers. The data of the qualitative stage were obtained from 13 semi-structured interviews and were analyzed using a qualitative content analysis approach. The results of the findings of this stage became the basis for the design of the questionnaire for the Delphi survey. The number of participants in the Delphi survey was 40. The calculation of Kendall's consensus coefficient was based on the consensus in the survey stages. This value is between 0 and 1; the closer the calculated number is to 1, the higher the degree of agreement and consensus. In the second stage of the Delphi survey phase, this value was higher than the acceptable limit (0.5) in all dimensions, and therefore, the opinion polling process was stopped. So, the values of Kendall's consensus coefficient about improving the satisfaction of pilgrims with the police by three dimensions, including urban traffic and transportation, tourist accommodation places, and service, commercial and hospitality centers, are respectively 0.72, 0.71, and 0.66. The results of this research include practical approaches to improve religious tourists' satisfaction with police services in Mashhad Extended AbstractIntroductionHowever, suppose the law enforcement management performs well by adopting effective measures and methods in preventing, confronting, and controlling violations, crimes, and violations. In that case, it can provide a reliable image of the public image of Mashhad as a destination by improving the satisfaction of religious tourists (pilgrims). Draw the main religious tourism in the country, the region, and even the Islamic world in the minds of tourists. After Tehran, Mashhad is considered Iran's largest metropolis and spiritual capital, and its urban population is increasing every year. Every year, millions of eager pilgrims from all over the country and other Islamic countries visit Mashhad to visit the royal court of Hazrat Samen-Al-Hajj. According to the statistics provided by the Director-General of the Pilgrim Welfare Affairs Office of Khorasan Razavi Governorate in 2018, more than 28 million and 590 thousand pilgrims (religious tourists) visited the holy shrine of Imam Reza (AS), of which more than 3.5 million; it consists of foreign pilgrims (mostly from Arabic-speaking countries such as Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Yemen, and Urdu-speaking countries from India and Pakistan, as well as Turkey and Azerbaijan). Mashhad also has a particular position in the country due to its geographical, religious, and cultural conditions. It is important to note that over 30 million pilgrims visit the city of Mashhad annually, which is three times the city's population of 3.5 million. Therefore, it is crucial to effectively manage the reception and satisfaction of these religious tourists, especially on such a large scale. Thus, the present study emphasizes increasing the satisfaction of Imam Reza (AS) pilgrims in Mashhad, and the main issue of the research is religious tourism and law enforcement management from the point of view of experts. MethodologyThe present study is mixed research (qualitative-quantitative) in terms of practical purpose and the nature of the data. Tourism and experts in the field of research were identified by the method of "improbable and targeted sampling," and an interview was conducted. For this study, four groups of participants were selected, including police experts, religious tourism specialists, individuals in charge of tourism accommodation and service centers, and those in the business and hospitality industry. Due to the heterogeneity of the groups, initial estimates were made based on every 10 participants, resulting in 40 Delphi panel members. Results and discussionIn the present study, sub-questions were developed according to the purpose of the research. These questions are ways to improve the satisfaction of pilgrims from law enforcement services in Mashhad in three main categories; "urban traffic and transportation," "tourist accommodation," and "service centers." "Commerce and Hospitality." A questionnaire to examine these three categories was used to answer the research sub-questions. Answers to some of the research questions were possible by examining descriptive statistics such as frequency/percentage, mean, and standard deviation of the answers given, and answers to some other questions were possible by the inferential analysis of the collected data by calculating the Kendall coordination coefficient and average categories. According to the results, the Kendall agreement's value for 7 sub-categories related to "urban traffic and transportation in Mashhad" increased from 0.451 in the first round of the Delphi survey to 0.716 in the second round. The value of the Kendall agreement coefficient for 12 sub-categories related to "tourist accommodation places in Mashhad" increased from 0.435 in the first round of the Delphi survey to 0.711 in the second round. The value of the Kendall agreement coefficient for 11 sub-categories related to "service, commercial, and hospitality centers in Mashhad" increased from 0.387 in the first round of the Delphi survey to 0.657 in the second round. ConclusionDue to reaching an acceptable consensus among the members participating in the Delphi survey regarding how to improve the pilgrims' satisfaction with the law enforcement management services in Mashhad, the three main categories of the Delphi survey were completed. Based on the research findings, it is suggested that based on the results, in the discussion of traffic and urban transportation in the holy city of Mashhad, creating one-way routes to the holy shrine of Razavi is the priority in promoting pilgrims' satisfaction, so it is necessary in order to facilitate the passage of pilgrims to the holy shrine, traffic plans around the holy shrine of Razavi have been reviewed, and one-way traffic routes have been created. Also, since in the component related to law enforcement management services in the discussion of traffic and urban transportation in Mashhad, the parking in commercial areas is one of the most critical issues and it seems that parking the car in a suitable place is one of the concerns have been raised. The lack of parking is evident, especially in commercial areas in Mashhad, so it is suggested that appropriate parking lots be constructed around commercial areas. FundingThere is no funding support. Authors’ ContributionAll of the authors approved the content of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work. Conflict of InterestAuthors declared no conflict of interest. AcknowledgmentsWe are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.
    Keywords: Satisfaction, Religious Tourist, Police Services, Order, security, Mashhad Metropolis
  • Rasol Heidary Soreshjani *, Farshad Falahati, Tahere Ezatkhah Pages 55-74

    Parks and urban green spaces have important characteristics that contribute to people's health, creating a context for social activities and collective memory and increasing the spirit of solidarity for all tourists and citizens. As a result, identifying and analyzing factors affecting the attraction of tourists to urban tourist attractions can be used to examine the needs of tourists for the successful management of urban parks and resorts; in this research, the factors influencing the attraction of tourists to urban tourism phenomena have been identified and analyzed in the case of Yasouj Beach Park. The descriptive-analytical research method and research data were collected using a questionnaire tool. The research sample size of tourists and citizens entering the beach park in Yasouj city was calculated using SAMPLE POWER software to the number of 200 people, and statistical analysis, SPSS and AMOS software programs was exerted for analysis. The results show that the social factor has the highest factor load, with a weight of 0.97 in the first place. The attractiveness factor of the natural environment is ranked second with a factor load of 0.91. Factors of internal facilities with a weight of 0.57, environmental quality with a weight of 0.56, loyalty and economy jointly with a factor load of 0.49 and access and transportation factor with a weight of 0.39 are placed in the following ranks. Also, from the point of view of tourists, the essential characteristics of the beach park are the cleanliness of the weather, satisfaction with the natural environment, peace of the environment, fun and happiness of the environment, and the dissatisfaction of the tourists with the easy access to drinking water, the lack of parking services and the average level of suitable sports facilities.


    Urban tourism is considered a significant factor in the development of cities, and its wise development and management require planning based on the wishes of tourists. In recent years, city parks have become the main tourist entertainment center. On the other hand, urban green spaces play a key role in improving the environmental quality, livability and sustainability of cities. Based on this, among the types of green spaces, linear green spaces are usually formed along a natural factor (sea, river, etc.) in a longitudinal or strip form with public use, and the creation of coastal parks in addition to establishing a relationship between human and nature, it can act in the direction of preserving natural resources and preventing the destruction of the ecological potential of the region. Parks are one of the public spaces that are very important according to the research topic. Parks are significant in human life, and it should be noted that urban parks, as one of the types of urban spaces, play an essential role in creating (recreational) opportunities and functions for urban populations. In the meantime, Iran is a vast country with an ancient history and civilization, which has many attractive natural and human attractions that are suitable for tourism. Yasouj has major natural tourism resources due to its climatic and geographical diversity. Natural environments provide many attractions for the development of the tourism industry. In the meantime, Yasouj Beach Park is located on Bashar River, which is at the entrance of Yasouj. By examining the effective dimensions of attracting tourists to Yasouj Beach Park, city managers and policymakers will be given the opportunity to improve the ecological, recreational and environmental aspects of the city by strengthening the effective components of tourism development. Therefore, the purpose of the current research is to investigate the state of Yasouj beach park in terms of attracting tourists and citizens. 


    The current research method is descriptive- analytical. The method of data collection was done by using survey research and questionnaire tools and distributing it randomly among the tourists who visited the beach park of Yasouj city so that the resources and information required in the literature section of the research have been done through library studies and research background. To analyze the data, sample t-test and structural equation modeling were used in SPSS and AMOS software environments. Based on the subject of the research and the type of questions, Sample Power software was used to estimate the sample size and 200 people were studied as a study sample.

    Results and discussion

    Urban planners and designers are trying to build places that are effective in attracting tourists and citizens, according to the environmental capabilities of cities, and one of these places is urban parks and promenades. The creation of urban parks is one of the important urban users, urban green spaces; the lack of green spaces in cities is unimaginable today because the health of urban people and related issues can provide suitable conditions for citizens and tourists. The current research is in line with the research of Adiyati et al. (2018) because the results of the research showed that the access variable (parking space available, connected to the main route and public transportation available). On the other hand, the results of the research findings of Zainali et al. (2013) are in line with the current research because, in that article, the dimensions of the tourism product, including attraction, accessibility, and facilities, have been directly and significantly satisfied by tourists. Also, the research of Ravanbakhsh and Mirabadi (2017) overlaps with the results of the current research, in which it was determined that the coastal park space of Yasouj has a significant and almost equal role and contribution to sociability. Finally, this research is in line with Sarwar and Asghari's article (2021) because, in that article, social factors, especially social interactions, play the greatest role in the vitality and happiness of Miandoab citizens in Park Ata.


    Descriptive results showed that according to tourists, the most important feature of Yasouj Beach Park is the cleanliness of the weather (absence of air pollution). If the tourists know about the suitable green space, the calmness of the environment, the beautiful landscape, and the fun and happiness of the beach park environment, it is suitable. The set mentioned above of conditions has resulted in the loyalty of tourists. The willingness to introduce and visit the beach park to family and friends has been another sign of tourists' loyalty. Also, the inferential results showed that the attractiveness of the natural environment of the coastal park was high because it evokes the feeling of being in nature, and this association is one of the characteristics of the natural environment of the coastal park, which was built by the Bashar Yasouj river. Other factors affecting the attraction of tourists, including internal facilities, environmental quality, access and transportation to the beach park, were evaluated. The interpretation of the results of the structural model of the research regarding the identification and prioritization of indicators effective in attracting tourists in the beach park indicates that among the indicators effective in attracting tourists, the social factor has the highest factor load with a weight of 0.97 in the first place. On the other hand, the second most important factor in attracting tourists to the beach park is the attractiveness of the natural environment, with a factor loading of 0.91. Also, internal facilities with a factor loading of 0.57, environmental quality with a factor loading of 0.56, loyalty and economy jointly with a factor loading of 0.49, and the factor of access and transportation with a factor loading of 0.39 are ranked next.

    Keywords: Tourism, coastal park, Natural environment, Green space, Yasouj city