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فهرست مطالب مازیار عزیزی سعادتلو

  • مازیار عزیزی سعادتلو، احمد عبدی*، جواد مهربانی، آسیه عباسی دلویی

    فعالیت ورزشی استقامتی شدید با افزایش التهاب، احتمال بیماری قلبی-عروقی را افزایش می دهد. نشان داده شده مکمل های حاوی نیترات قادر به مهار التهاب می باشد. هدف از پژوهش حاضر بررسی تاثیر مصرف دو مقدار مکمل کافیین-آب چغندر پیش از فعالیت هوازی شدید بر سطوح سلکتین اندوتلیال (E-SELECTIN)، فاکتور تمایز رشدی-15 (GDF-15) و فاکتور نکروز دهنده تومور آلفا (TNF-α) در دوندگان حرفه ای استقامتی بود.

    روش شناسی

    در این مطالعه تجربی، 10 دونده نخبه مرد (سن 8/3±5/27، وزن 8/7±9/69، شاخص توده بدنی 5/1±3/22 و حداکثر اکسیژن مصرفی 6/4±2/52) انتخاب و به صورت دوسوکور و تصادفی معکوس در سه شرایط 1، 2 و 3 به مدت هفت روز و با فاصله 2 هفته اجرا شد، مورد مطالعه قرار گرفتند؛ 1: دوز بالا (6/9 میلی مول نیترات و 400 میلی گرم کافیین)، 2: دوز پایین (8/4 و 200) و 3: دارونما تقسیم شدند. آزمودنی ها روزانه 250 سی سی مکمل مصرف کردند. فعالیت هوازی شدید شامل پنج کیلومتر دویدن بود.

    یافته ها

    تعیین اثر تعاملی مداخله ‎ها، شرایط مختلف و عامل زمان با آزمون های MANOVA تکراری و بونفرونی نشان داد مصرف مکمل آب چغندر-کافیین (اثر مداخله) پیش از فعالیت شدید هوازی اثر معناداری بر میزان E-SELECTIN و GDF-15 نداشته، ولی باعث کاهش TNF-α (038/0=p) شد. همچنین افزایش معنی داری در GDF-15 (024/0=p)، TNF-α (0001/0=p) و  E-SELECTIN (047/0=p) به همراه داشت؛ مصرف مکمل بعد از هفت روز (اثر زمان) سبب کاهش TNF-α (033/0=p)، GDF-15 (021/0=p) و  E-SELECTIN (004/0=p) پس از فعالیت ورزشی شد.

    نتیجه گیری

    افزایش متغیرها بعد از فعالیت و کاهش آن ها بعد از هفت روز مکمل یاری نشان داد کاهش شاخص های التهابی، احتمالا بر کاهش اختلال قلبی ناشی از فعالیت ورزشی شدید موثر است.

    کلید واژگان: کافئین, نیتریک اکساید, فعالیت ورزشی, بیماری قلبی, ورزشکار}
    Maziar Azizi Saadatloo, Ahmad Abdi *, Javad Mehrabani, Asieh Abbassi Daloii

    Chronic inflammation as an integral part of cardiovascular disease is associated with endothelial dysfunction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of pre-intensive aerobic workout caffeine-beetroot supplementation on indicators related to vascular function including endothelial selectin (E-SELECTIN), growth differentiation factor-15 (GDF-15) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) in elite  endurance runners.


    In this experimental study, 10 elite male runners (age: 27.5±3.8 y, height: 176.7±7.8 cm, BMI: 22.3±1.5 kg/m2 and VO2max 52.2±4.6 ml/kg/min, were selected and with a double-blind, counterbalance, crossover and randomized design, were participated into three short-term conditions with 2 week washout. 1: high dose (9.6 mmol nitrate and 400 mg caffeine), 2: low dose (4.8 and 200) and 3: placebo. Subjects consumed 250cc of the supplement twice daily. Aerobic exercise included 5-km high intensity indoor running.


    intervention, conditions and time effects with MANOVA repeated measures and bonferroni statistical analysis tests showed that the short term beetroot-caffeine supplementation (intervention effect) had no significant effect on E-SELECTIN and GDF-15, but decreased TNF-α (p=0.038). Also, that increased the GDF-15 (p=0.024), TNF-α (p=0.0001) and E-SELECTIN (p=0.047) and the supplementation after seven days (time effect) decreased the levels of TNF-α (p=0.033), GDF-15 (p=0.021) and E-SELECTIN (p=0.004) following exercise. 


    an increase in the variables after exercise and decrease after seven days of the supplementation, indicates that may improves cardiac dysfunction caused by intensive aerobic exercise.

    Keywords: Caffeine, Nitric oxide, Exercise, Heart Diseases, Athlete}
  • مازیار عزیزی سعادتلو، احمد عبدی*، جواد مهربانی، آسیه عباسی دلویی
    زمینه و هدف

    بررسی ویژگی های فیزیولوژیکی و شناخت عوامل پاتولوژیکی قلبی هنگام فعالیت های ورزشی استقامتی می تواند زمینه مناسبی را در شناسایی ورزشکارانی که در معرض خطر هستند، فراهم کند. هدف این پژوهش بررسی تاثیر مکمل کافیین-نیترات بر NTproBNP و IL-6 به دنبال یک دوره فعالیت هوازی در دوندگان حرفه ای استقامتی بود.

    روش کار:

     این مطالعه از نوع نیمه تجربی- میدانی آزمایشگاهی بود، 15دونده نخبه مرد با میانگین سنی 8/3±5/27، میانگین قد 7±7/176، میانگین وزن 8/7±9/69 و شاخص توده بدنی 5/1±3/22 و حداکثر اکسیژن مصرفی (ml/kg/min) 6/4±2/52 انتخاب و به صورت سه سوکور و تصادفی، به سه گروه: 1) دوز بالا (9.6میلی مول نیترات و 400میلی گرم کافیین)، 2) دوز پایین (4.8 و 200) و 3) دارونما تقسیم شدند. آزمودنی ها از هفت روز قبل از آزمون، روزانه دو بارمکمل را به همراه 250سی سی  آب مصرف کردند. فعالیت ورزشی هوازی شامل دویدن روی تردمیل به مسافت 5 کیلومتر بود.

    یافته ها:

     نتایج نشان داد که مصرف مکمل تاثیر معناداری بر میزان NTproBNP (821/0=p) نداشته، ولی باعث کاهش IL-6 (001/0=p) شد. همچنین یک جلسه فعالیت ورزشی سبب افزایش معنی داری در سطح NTproBNP (05/0<p) و IL-6 (05/0<p) شده و مصرف مکمل بعد از هفت روز سبب کاهش سطح NTproBNP (071/0=p) و IL-6 (092/0=p)  به دنبال فعالیت ورزشی شد.

    نتیجه گیری:

     افزایش معنی دار مقادیر NTproBNP و IL-6 بلافاصله بعد از فعالیت و کاهش معنی دار آن ها بعد از هفت روز همراه با مصرف مکمل کافیین-نیترات، نشان دهنده این بود که استفاده از مکمل کافیین-نیترات  باعث بهبود اختلال قلبی ناشی از فعالیت ورزشی شدید می شود.

    کلید واژگان: کافئین-آب چغندر, فعالیت ورزشی, قلبی عروق, دوندگان استقامتی}
    Maziyar Azizi, Ahmad Abdi*, Javad Mehrebani, Asiyeh Abbasi Deloyi
    Background & Aims

    The study of physiological characteristics and recognition of cardiac pathological factors during exercise and endurance activities can provide a good background in identifying athletes who are at risk. NTproBNP has been reported as a biological marker for the diagnosis of heart failure and disease progression in response to increased stress on the heart wall, increased volume, ventricular and atrial pressure, and other conditions such as ischemia or myocardial infarction and in response to various signals Increased myocardial infarction On the other hand, several studies have shown that elevated cytokines, particularly IL-6, severely modulate cardiac function and can lead to myocyte damage. Increased plasma IL-6 levels during exercise are associated with left ventricular dysfunction and are an important factor in the development of heart failure. It was a professional profession.


    The method of this research is laboratory, cross-sectional, laboratory, cross-sectional, and three-blind, by randomly selecting professional runners with the aim of investigating the effect of caffeine and beet juice supplementation on nitrate on NTproBNP and IL-6 followed by a The course of aerobic activity was performed in professional endurance runners. 15 elite male runners with a mean age of 27.5 3 3.8, mean height of 176.7 7 7.7, mean weight of 69.9 7 7.8 and body mass index of 22.3 1 1.5 and maximum oxygen consumption (ml / kg / min) Select 5.2 4 4.6 and randomly, into three groups: 1) High dose (9.6 mmol nitrate and 400 mg caffeine), 2) Low dose (4.8 and 200) and 3) Placebos were divided. Subjects consumed the supplement twice daily with 250 cc of water for seven days before the test. Aerobic exercise included running on a treadmill for 5 km. Plasma concentration of NTproBNP was measured in picograms per ml (pg / ml) and by electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (Elecsys NTproBNP 2010) with a sensitivity of 125 pg / ml. Plasma IL-6 was measured by BMS213HS kit with a sensitivity of 0.02 pg / ml and the results were shown in picograms per ml. Beet powder in powder form Beet powder Sun Say extract completely herbal and organic without sugar, gluten and other preservatives and synthetic chemicals and license made 10645/14 and caffeine in powder form made by Karen company and natural beet juice placebo It was examined by a food quality control laboratory and determined as a placebo with a little basic nitrate. The supplements were combined in three forms by the researcher's colleague in water and provided to the researcher as a solution for consumption. Random help supplement: 1) 9.6 mmol beet extract and 400 mg caffeine for high dose group, 2) 4.8 mmol beet extract and 200 mg caffeine for low dose group and 3) placebo water Natural beets were obtained for the placebo group.


    The results showed that supplementation had no significant effect on NTproBNP (p = 0.821), but decreased IL-6 (p = 0.001). Also, one session of exercise significantly increased the levels of NTproBNP (p <0.05) and IL-6 (p <0.05) and supplementation after seven days decreased the levels of NTproBNP (p = 0.071) and IL-6 (p = 0.092) followed by sports activities.


    Considering the increase in plasma levels of NTproBNP and IL-6 immediately after exercise intervention and their significant decrease seven days after intervention, it can be said that due to doubts about the increase in these parameters after exercise, an activity with such a temporal and intense nature does not seem to lead to harm. However, the greater intensity in competitions and the effect of repetition of this training pattern in the long run cannot be ignored and it is suggested that in addition to interpreting the study results of plasma levels of NTproBNP and IL-6 in athletes, comprehensive cardiological studies and physiological factors affect Examine the secretion of these markers in other endurance sports activities for more accurate information on the physiological function of athletes' hearts during endurance sports activities. Also, due to the lack of significant effect of caffeine nitrate supplement on NTproBNP and significant reduction of this supplement on IL-6 after intense and short anaerobic exercise, it is not possible to be confident about taking caffeine-nitrate supplement to control inflammatory factors after intense anaerobic exercise. Commented; However, taking this supplement, due to its anti-oxidant properties and findings based on previous studies, will probably be somewhat beneficial for athletes who train hard. It may need to be used for a longer period of time to be more effective, and more studies are needed to find out more about the anti-inflammatory effects of caffeine-nitrate supplementation in humans. The limitations of this study were low number of samples, duration of sports intervention, lack of control over mental states and motivation of the subjects. Also, although the subjects were given a 24-hour reminder form, it was not possible to precisely control their feeding. In general, according to the findings of the present study and regardless of its limitations and considering the precautionary aspects, it can be recommended to young athletes that they can use caffeine-nitrate supplement to modulate cardiovascular risk factors.

    Keywords: Caffeine-Beet Supplementation, Aerobic Activity, Cardiovascular, Endurance Runners}
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