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فهرست مطالب محسن دارائی قادیکلائی

  • محسن دارایی قادیکلائی، علی مهدی زاده اشرفی*، توریج مجیبی میکلائی، فرشاد حاج علیان

    هدف اصلی پژوهش حاضر، ارایه تحلیل پیرامون آثار عوامل محیطی بر تدوین خط مشی های کارآفرینانه در بانک سپه است. الگوی ارایه شده در قالب دو دسته عوامل بیرونی  شامل عامل فرهنگی، اجتماعی، اقتصادی، سیاسی و عوامل درونی شامل عامل حمایت های مالی، تکنولوژی، ساختار و فرآیند مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. روش تحقیق حاضر از نظر هدف بنیادی و از نظر روش اکتشافی است. جامعه خبرگی پژوهش اساتید دانشگاهی متخصص در حوزه ی مربوطه، خبرگان و کارشناسان بانکی آگاه به حوزه ی کارآفرینی هست که به علت محدود بودن جامعه خبرگی، نمونه گیری انجام نشد و از روش سرشماری، تعداد 15 نفر به عنوان نمونه تعیین گردید. در این تحقیق از تکنیک دلفی فازی به منظور تعیین مولفه ها و ابعاد عوامل محیطی برای تدوین خط مشی های کارآفرینانه در بانک سپه استفاده شده است. برای این کار پرسشنامه ای تهیه و برای اعضای جامعه خبرگی فرستاده شد که در مجموع 7 بعد اصلی، 21 بعد فرعی و 40 مولفه را به عنوان عوامل محیطی موثر بر تدوین خط مشی های کارآفرینانه در بانک سپه شناسایی شد.

    کلید واژگان: کارآفرینی, خط مشی کارآفرینانه, عوامل محیطی, روش دلفی فازی}
    Mohsen Daraei Ghadikolei, Ali Mehdizadeh Ashrafi *, Toroj Mojibi Mikalaei, Farshad Haj Alian

    The main purpose of this study is to provide an analysis of the effects of environmental factors on the development of entrepreneurial policies in Bank Sepah. The proposed model was examined in the form of two categories of external factors including cultural, social, economic, political and internal factors including financial support, technology, structure and process. The method of the present study is a fundamental research in terms of purpose and an exploratory research in terms of method. The expert population of the study is university professors specializing in the relevant field, experts and banking experts aware of the field of entrepreneurship. Due to the limited expert population, sampling was not done and 15 people were selected as the expert sample by the census method. In this research, fuzzy Delphi technique has been used to determine the components and dimensions of environmental factors to formulate entrepreneurial policies in Bank Sepah. For this purpose, a questionnaire was prepared and sent to members of the expert population, which identified a total of 7 main dimensions, 21 sub-dimensions and 40 components as environmental factors affecting the development of entrepreneurial policies in Bank Sepah.


    In recent decades, entrepreneurship has been considered as one of the key issues in the field of policy (Nurbek et al., 2014). Entrepreneurship is considered as the engine of economic growth and social development, and policymakers are currently looking for how to create a dynamic and competitive entrepreneurial economy (Tessi et al., 2011). Economic development is growth along with increasing productive, physical, human and social capacities. The purpose of economic development is to increase the wealth and well-being of the people of the society and create employment. The trend of economic development in developed countries reflects the fact that the economy is influenced by entrepreneurship, so that entrepreneurs play a pivotal role in the economic development of developed countries (OECD, 2017).In recent decades, governments have strongly encouraged entrepreneurship. Governments by formulating strategies, policies and practical programs to promote entrepreneurial spirit and behavior, education and consulting, creating a suitable environment for entrepreneurs in various socio-economic areas, removing barriers, establishing communication and cooperation between them And facilitating their access to global markets play an effective role in entrepreneurship development in providing the necessary conditions and facilities for entrepreneurs to start their activities (Lindstrom and Stevenson, 2005).
    This study aims to fill this gap in knowledge and for the development of this phenomenon in the bank, looking for answers to these questions:What are the environmental factors and components affecting the formulation of entrepreneurial policies in Bank Sepah?

    Case study

    The population of the preparation of the questionnaire consisted of experts is that the two groups of scientific experts, including professors, policy making and academic entrepreneurship consists of 5 members and experts in the organization, including senior management of Bank Sepah, which on entrepreneurship necessary information and in formulating policies for the banks involved , which numbers 10 people. We also do not have sampling in this study.Theoretical frameworkIn this research, through library studies and research background, the primary environmental factors of entrepreneurial policies in Bank Sepah were identified. Subsequently, during interviews with experts within the organization, these components were classified into two categories, internal and external, and unrelated components were removed. Finally, the conceptual framework of the research was designed using the performed classification, which includes 7 dimensions in the form of 40 components. In order to identify and reach an agreement to identify the final environmental factors, I will use the scientific technique, ie the fuzzy Delphi method. A questionnaire was designed and distributed among the community of experts, which included 15 university professors and senior managers of Bank Sepah. After collecting the questionnaires and collecting information from the fuzzy Delphi technique, we will identify and rank the factors.


    The present study is a fundamental research in terms of purpose because it seeks to develop a new model of the policy-making process with an entrepreneurial approach for Bank Sepah. Also, considering that there is not much information about Bank Sepah policy model and it seeks to explore the effective components in developing a policy model, so in terms of nature, it is also an exploratory research. This research has an integrated approach that is used simultaneously qualitatively and quantitatively by deductive and inductive methods. In this research, first, the initial content was prepared based on the existing literature in the field of entrepreneurial policies with a systematic approach. Then, a number of experts and managers with banking experience, as well as experienced employees of Bank Sepah (queue and headquarters) along with a qualitative description of entrepreneurial policies with systemic approach and a description of mental conditions about the people in question, the options that The basis of the extracted literature is selected according to their compliance with the conditions of Bank Sepah.

    Discussion and Results

    According to the research results, it can be concluded that according to the values, average Likert score, fuzzy numbers, average acceptance threshold, component rank and agreement percentage, members of the expert population 40 components and 7 cultural, social, economic, political dimensions. , Identified financial support, technology, structure and process as environmental dimensions influencing the development of entrepreneurial policies.


    In this article, we identified the environmental factors affecting the development of entrepreneurial policies in Bank Sepah. First, a conceptual framework for the influential environmental factors of the research was prepared through previous studies and interviews with experts in the field of entrepreneurship. Then, in order to identify and reach an agreement to identify the final environmental factors, we used the scientific technique, ie the fuzzy Delphi method. A questionnaire was designed and distributed among the community of experts, which included 15 university professors and senior managers of Bank Sepah. After collecting the questionnaires and collecting information, the fuzzy Delphi technique was performed in two rounds.Finally, members of the Delphi panel consisting of 15 experts in the field of entrepreneurship, the bank had a total of 7 dimensions and 40 factors as dimensions and parameters affecting policy entrepreneurial Bank Sepah have identified that a comprehensive model process for policy Entrepreneurship is in the field of banking and can be a reference for future studies of entrepreneurship researchers in the field of banking. The second advantage of this research is in discussing the method, which is a mixed method of quantitative and qualitative analysis appropriate to the organizational environment of Bank Sepah.

    Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Policy, Environmental Factors, Fuzzy Delphi Method}
  • محسن دارائی قادیکلائی، علی مهدی زاده اشرفی*، تورج مجیبی میکلائی، فرشاد حاج علیان

    امروزه کارآفرینی به عنوان موتور رشد و توسعه سازمان ها و جوامع شناخته شده است، از این رو سازمان ها موظفند خط مشی های گوناگونی را در راستای ایجاد، حمایت و توسعه کارآفرینی تدوین نمایند. در این پژوهش به شناسایی و اولویت بندی عوامل موثر تدوین خط مشی های کارآفرینانه در بانک سپه به عنوان قدیمی ترین و یکی از بانک های تجاری ایران پرداخته می شود. این تحقیق در دو مرحله کیفی و کمی انجام خواهد شد. به اینصورت که ابتدا با مطالعه کتابخانه ای انواع مدل های خط مشی با عوامل آن شناسایی خواهند شد. در ادامه از طریق مصاحبه با خبرگان بانکی و دانشگاهی در حوزه تدوین خط مشی گذاری، عوامل اصلی تدوین خط مشی گذاری در بانک سپه شناسایی و نهایی گردید. در ادامه از روش تحلیل سلسله مراتبی فازی (FAHP) به اولویت بندی مولفه ها و زیر مولفه ها در تدوین خط مشی کارآفرینانه پرداخته می شود، به طوریکه نتایج تحقیق حاکی از آن است که برای مولفه ها "فرآیند" و برای زیر مولفه ها "اطلاع رسانی" در اولویت اول قرار می گیرند.

    کلید واژگان: خط مشی کارآفرینی, عوامل خط مشی های کارآفرینی, تحلیل سلسله مراتبی فازی, بانک سپه}
    Mohsen Daraei Ghadikolaei, Ali Mehdizadeh Ashrafi *, Toroj Mojibi Mikalaei, Farshad Haj Alian

    Today, entrepreneurship is known as the engine of growth and development of organizations and societies, so organizations are required to develop various policies to create, support and develop entrepreneurship. In this research, the effective factors of formulating entrepreneurial policies in Sepah Bank as the oldest and one of the commercial banks in Iran are identified and prioritized. This research will be done in two qualitative and quantitative stages. In this way, first, by studying the library, various policy models with its factors will be identified. Then, through interviews with banking and academic experts in the field of policy development, the main factors of policy development in Sepah Bank were identified and finalized. In the following, the Fuzzy Hierarchical Analysis (FAHP) method prioritizes the components and sub-components in the formulation of entrepreneurial policy, so that the research results indicate that for the components "process" and for the sub-components "Information" are the first priority.

    Keywords: Entrepreneurship Policy, Entrepreneurship Policy Factors, fuzzy hierarchical analysis, Sepah Bank}
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