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فهرست مطالب مهنوش اقتداری

  • مهنوش اقتداری، عباس مهروان*، مریم انصاری منش، سید علی نوری
    زمینه و هدف
    افزایش جمعیت، رشد سریع تکنولوژی و از بین رفتن محیط زیست، موجب بر هم خوردن شرایط طبیعی در بسیاری از نقاط جهان شده است. در این میان ساختمان ها به دلیل مصرف زیاد انرژی های فسیلی و تولید گازهای گلخانه ای یکی از عوامل تهدید کننده توسعه پایدار به شمار می روند. افزایش مصرف سوخت های فسیلی در ساختمان به ویژه در بخش تهویه مطبوع، سهم عمده ای در افزایش آلودگی محیط زیست و گرم شدن کره زمین دارد. در این تحقیق جهت تهویه ساختمان و تامین نیازهای آسایش افراد در تابستان، سیستم ایستای صفر انرژی در اقلیم گرم و خشک طراحی شد. این سیستم ترکیبی سرمایشی ایستا(PCHS) شامل دو سیستم متمایز دودکش خورشیدی(SC) و کانال خنک کننده تبخیر ی (ECC) می باشد. هدف این تحقیق استفاده از انرژی های پاک (باد و نور خورشید) است تا علاوه بر تهویه ساختمان؛ مانع تخریب محیط زیست شده و باعث صرفه جویی در انرژی شود.
    روش بررسی
    این تحقیق به صورت تجربی- تحلیلی  و شبیه سازی توسط نرم افزار دیزاین بیلدر صورت گرفت و قابلیت سیستم جهت خنک سازی ساختمان در مرداد ماه سال 1397 از ساعت 9 صبح تا 3 بعدازظهر در ده روز متوالی در محوطه دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد کرمانشاه مورد آزمایش قرار گرفت. دمای هوا، رطوبت و سرعت جریان هوای محیط، دهانه خروجی کانال خنک کننده تبخیری و دهانه ورودی دودکش خورشیدی اندازه گیری شد.
    یافته ها
    نتایج نشان داد که کانال خنک کننده تبخیری می تواند دمای هوا را به طور متوسط 10 درجه سلسیوس کاهش دهد و رطوبت هوا را 34% افزایش دهد. با توجه به داده های به دست آمده سرعت هوای دودکش خورشیدی با گرم شدن هوا افزایش یافت، بیشترین سرعت هوای ورودی دودکش خورشیدی در ساعت 3 بعداز ظهر به بیشترین مقدار(8/2 متر بر ثانیه) رسید. با توجه به اینکه افزایش سرعت هوای خروجی از بادگیر تا 41/0 متر بر ثانیه در ساعت 3 بعدازظهر نسبت به ساعت 9 صبح، معادل با کاهش دمای هوا تا 3/6 درجه سلسیوس است بنابراین اتاقک با استفاده از سیستم هیبرید در ساعت 3 بعدازظهر نیز در شرایط آسایش قرار گرفت.
    بحث و نتیجه گیری
    نتایج به دست آمده نشان می دهد که با استفاده از سیستم ترکیبی ایستای طراحی شده، اتاقک از ساعت 9 صبح تا 3 بعدازظهر در شرایط آسایش قرار می گیرد. محاسبه هزینه ساخت و نصب سیستم ایستای هیبریدی و مقایسه آن با کولر آبی نشان می دهد که سیستم پیشنهادی از زمان مورد استفاده سود آور می باشد و زمان برگشت سرمایه پس از اجرا و راه اندازی سیستم می باشد. با افزایش تعداد افراد از 1 نفر تا 4نفر، اتاقک در ساعت 9 صبح و ظهر در شرایط آسایش قرار دارد ولی در ساعت 3 بعدازظهر اتاق با تعدا 4 نفر  خارج از محدوده آسایش قرار می گیرد.
    کلید واژگان: سیستم سرمایشی ایستا, دودکش خورشیدی, بادگیر, کانال خنک کننده تبخیری}
    Mahnoosh Eghtedari, Abbas Mahravan *, Maryam Ansarimanesh, Ali Nouri
    Background and Objectives
    Increasing fossil fuel consumption in the building, especially in the air conditioning sector, has increased environmental pollution and global warming.In this research, a zero-energy passive system was designed in a warm and dry climate to ventilate the building and provide comfortable conditions for people in the summer. This Hybrid Passive Cooling System (HPCS) includes two distinctive systems: the Solar Chimney (SC) and Evaporative Cooling Cavity (ECC).
    This research experimental-analytical and simulation studied and tested the ability of the system in cooling the building in the warmest month of the year from 9: 00 am to 3:00 pm for ten consecutive days. The air temperature, humidity, and ambient air velocity were measured at the outlet of the evaporative cooling channel and the inlet of the solar chimney.
     The findings showed this system could reduce the air temperature by an average of 10  and could increase the air humidity by 34%. Moreover, the air velocity of the SC increased as the air got warm so that the maximum inlet air velocity in the solar chimney reached the highest level (2.8) at 3 pm. In addition. Since the outlet air velocity of the windcatcher rose to 0.41  at 3:00 pm compared to 9:00 am, which is equivalent to an air temperature drop of 3.6, the chamber was in comfort condition by using the hybrid system at 3:00 pm.
    Discussion and
    The results show that using a passive hybrid system, the chamber is in comfortable condition from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Calculating the cost of constructing and installing a hybrid passive system and comparing it with a water cooler indicates that the proposed is profitable since used, and the return time of the system after running and launching the system.With an increase in the number of people from 1 to 4 people, the room is in comfortable conditions at 9 am and noon, but at 3 pm the room is placed with 4 people out of the comfort zone.
    Keywords: Passive cooling system, Solar Chimney, Windcatcher, Evaporative Cooling Cavity}
  • مهنوش اقتداری، عباس مهروان*، مریم انصاری منش

    رشد سریع جمعیت جهانی، باعث مصرف بی رویه منابع طبیعی زمین شده است سیستم های تهویه مطبوع در ساختمان ها به دلیل مصرف زیاد برق و آب در تابستان باعث از بین رفتن منابع زمین جهت تولید آب و انرژی برق می شوند. به منظور جلوگیری از مصرف بی رویه منابع طبیعی از شاخصی به نام رد پای اکولوژیکی استفاده می شود. هدف این تحقیق طراحی سیستم خنک کننده ایستایی است که علاوه بر ایجاد شرایط آسایش، با حداقل مصرف آب و برق موجب کاهش رد پای اکولوژیکی و رد پای آب و نیز کاهش مصرف برق در ساختمان شود. این تحقیق به صورت تجربی-تحلیلی صورت گرفت. قابلیت خنک سازی ساختمان و مصرف آب آن توسط سیستم طراحی شده در گرمترین ماه سال(مرداد ماه) از ساعت 9 صبح تا 3 بعدازظهر در سه روز متوالی مورد آزمایش قرار گرفت. نتایج نشان داد که کانال خنک کننده تبخیری می تواند شرایط آسایش محیط داخلی را در گرمترین روزهای سال فراهم نماید. رد پای اکولوژیکی برق مصرفی این سیستم صفر می باشد درحالیکه رد پای اکولوژیکی برق کولر آبی Gj⁄year05/1 می باشد. رد پای آب کولر آبی 10 برابر بیشتر از رد پای آب سیستم ایستا در سه ماه تابستان می باشد.

    کلید واژگان: ردپا, اکولوژیکی, سیستم ایستا}
    Mahnoosh Eghtedari, Abbas Mahravan *, Maryam Ansarimanesh

    The rapid growth of global population has placed an immense stress on the demand of natural resources and contributes to the destruction of the natural environment. As the planet is now consuming natural resources in the production of goods and services faster than the environment can regenerate, strategies are urgently required to manage the ecological assets in a more effective way. The planet has biophysical limits on natural resources production and waste absorption.Buildings are one of the main factors in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.Buildings consume about 40% of global energy consumption. All building services such as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems consume more than 60% energy in buildings, which is mainly supplied by fossil resources. Today, because of the need for an effective method to achieve efficient energy and biocompatible architecture, the use of natural ventilation systems in buildings has become more significant. One of the methods to create comfortable conditions in the interior is a use of evaporative cooling in the cooling systems. Unlike air conditioners, evaporative cooling can be considered as an acceptable solution for sustainable construction, which reduces energy consumption and greenhouse gases.Evaporative cooling is widely used as a passive cooling method in the built environment. In the system, the movement of air on a wet surface causes the water evaporation through the air energy absorption, thereby reducing the temperature and increasing the amount of vapor contained in the air.We need indicators to demonstrate the current carrying capacity of the Earth so that decision makers are better informed to set goals, establish options for actions, and monitor progress regarding stated goals. Footprint is a quantitative measurement of natural resources and it is used to assess the extent of human activities impact on global sustainability. Ecological footprint was initially developed by Wackernagel and Rees in 1992 , and is now widely used as an indicator for environmental sustainability. The international average water footprint is 7452(〖Gm〗^3⁄year) and this amount is reported to be 102/65(〖Gm〗^3⁄year) for Iran .
    The aim of this study is to design a Passive cooling system to provide comfortable conditions in residential Buildings. Also, with minimal water and electricity consumption, it will reduce ecological footprints and water footprints and also reduce the amount of electricity consumption in the building. This research was done experimentally-analytically. In order to calculate the efficiency of the proposed system, on August 4th to 7th, the temperature, humidity, and wind speed of the interior room were measured by considering the system. The Hybrid Passive Cooling System (HPCS) consisted of two distinctive systems: the Solar Chimney (SC) and Evaporative Cooling Cavity (ECC). The ECC system was connected to the northern view of the room and SC system was installed to the southern view of the room. The air entered the tower via the openings of the head tower in all directions and passed through the clay cylinders. In this section, the air is cooled and diverted downward. The SC system creates sufficient temperature difference between the interior and exterior by maximizing the solar energy gain and performed air ventilation in the SC and ECC systems. The proposed hybrid system was built in the campus of Azad University, Kermanshah branch in August and was tested from August 4th to 7th. In order to calculate the efficiency of the proposed system, on August 4th to 7th, the temperature, humidity, and wind speed of the interior room were measured by considering the HPCS. To evaluate the water consumption of the HPCS, two scenarios were considered and their results were compared with each other. Scenario (1):on August 4th-7th, the amount of water reduction inside the clay cylinders was measured from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Scenario (2): On August 18, the room temperature and humidity were measured from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.Based on the results,Cool performance of HPCS: the lowest temperature was recorded 21.1 ° C at 9:00 AM on the 5th of August. The lowest temperature is noon on 22.9℃ and on the 6th of August. At 3 PM, the lowest air temperature of 23.72 was reached on the 5th of August. The highest difference between the temperature of the inlet windcatcher and the outside environment is 16.3℃, which is on the 7th of August and at 3:00 PM. the ECC system can increase the RH of air by an average of 34 %. the highest outlet air velocity of the tower is 0.72 m⁄s, at 3:00 PM on the 5th of August. The lowest air velocity is 0.5 m⁄s at 9:00 AM on the 6th of August. Water and electricity consumption of evaporative cooler in scenario 2: To investigate scenario 2, on August 18, the temperature and humidity inside the room and the outside environment were measured from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The lowest and highest levels of indoor humidity are 16% at 3 PM and 27% at Noon, respectively, while the outdoor humidity is 13% at 3 PM and 19% at 12 Noon. The evaporative cooler lowers the indoor ambient temperature by an average of 5% and increases the ambient humidity by an average of 7%.Comparison of electricity and water used in scenarios 1 and 2: The amount of electricity consumed in Scenario 1 is zero, but in Scenario 2, this value is 12112.9 kJ per day. The environmental footprint of electricity consumed in Scenario 1 is zero, but in Scenario 2, it is 1.05 Gigabits per year. The water used in Scenario 2 is 0.04 m^3more than Scenario 1.The results showed that the chamber can provide comfort conditions with zero energy consumption by using a hybrid system during the hottest days of the year from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The power consumption of the evaporative cooler in the 3 months of summer is 1.13 GJ, while the power consumption of the designed hybrid system is zero. The ecological footprint of the power consumption of this system is zero, while the ecological footprint of the evaporative cooler is 1.05(Gj⁄year). From the data obtained, we conclude that the passive hybrid cooling system has the lowest ecological footprint of water and electricity compared to evaporative coolers. The system is also able to provide indoor comfort on the hottest days of the year.

    Keywords: ecological, footprint, passive, System}
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