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فهرست مطالب میلاد پیرایه گر

  • اسماعیل شیعه، کیومرث حبیبی، میلاد پیرایه گر*

    توجه به پیاده و پیاده مداری از ضروریات برنامه ریزی شهری در راستای توسعه پایدار است. زمانی که صحبت از قدم زدندر فضاهای شهری به میان می آید، بیشترین ارتباط بین پیاده و مقوله توسعه پایدار، در بخش اجتماعی احساس می شود. اینمقاله در پی آن است تا شاخص هایی را تبیین نماید که برای جانمایی پیاده راه در شهرهای ایران مناسب بوده و از طرفیاهداف توسعه پایدار اجتماعی را نیز دربر داشته باشد. استخراج شاخص های مورد نظر طی یک فرایند نظام مند انجام شدهاست. تلفیق شاخص های اجتماعی توسعه پایدار و شاخص های ایجاد پیاده راه توسط ماتریس گولر، انتخاب خیابان برتر ازمیان هشت نمونه مورد مطالعه به کمک فرایند تحلیل شبکه ای و ارایه پیشنهاداتی برای آن از جمله موارد طی شده در اینفرایند است. در انتها نیز نکاتی برنامه ریزانه برای ایجاد یک پیاده راه پایدار بیان می شود.

    کلید واژگان: پیاده راه, توسعه پایدار اجتماعی, بخش مرکزی شهر رشت, شاخص های جانمایی پیاده راه}
    Esmaeil Shieh, Kioumars Habibi, Milad Pirayegar *

    Sustainable development has been defined as development that meets the needs of present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Today's urban planning is no doubt affected by the sustainable development and also by the sustainability. The concept concerns the advancement of quality of life and an emphasis on equity and provision for the least advantaged sections of present and future generations. Social equity both between and within generations is a major stated aim, and working towards harmonious intra-human and human-environment relationships is similarly central to this approach. This concept has traditionally been used predominantly in a narrow environmental definition and to underpin the preservation of historical and cultural heritage. Town planners have been aware of sustainable issues for some time, although the priority this has been afforded is certainly both varied and debatable. Social sustainability concerns the ‘greening’ of trade, investment and service industries and the notion of improved ‘personal’ responsibility for all members of society. Attention to the needs of pedestrians and pedestrian-orientation is among the necessities of urban planning towards sustainable development. Making a connection between pedestrian and sustainable development topics is a serious issue. In the new urban development, spatial locating dedicated to pedestrians is beyond the sidewalks parallel to the roadways and the pedestrian way acts as a safe and secure space for the pedestrians. Main relevance between the sidewalk and the concept of sustainable development in the social sector is considered mostly during movement and walking through urban areas. Locating a pedestrian way that would have the principles of social sustainable development requires some indexes that would consider all traffic and physical aspects of a pedestrian path and also meet the social objectives of sustainable development. This article aims to explain the measures that would be appropriate for locating pedestrian paths in cities of Iran and on the other hand would also consider norms and goals of social sustainable development. Extraction of desired parameters has been done through a systematic process. In such a way that by studying of scientific texts and the resources relevant to the article, two general categories of indicators have been obtained: First category: the indicators for the construction of pedestrian ways and the second category: social indicators for Sustainable Development. After removal of deficiencies and overlapping in these two categories, all indicators measured by Gueller matrix to obtain the final output thereof; then, twenty final indicators in the form of four sections of traffic, physical, economic and ecological took place. Studying eight streets of the central district of Rasht and exact identification of them led to locating a pedestrian path using network analysis process. After binary comparison of the criteria and subcriteria in the mentioned format, the Alam al-Hoda Street was the elected pedestrian way for locating. In the conclusion section, a series of proposals, regulations and principles were introduced that could be guidance for construction of pedestrian ways in Iran. The method of this paper is descriptive - analytical together with field interpretations.

    Keywords: Pedestrian Way, Social Sustainable Development, Central District of the City of Rasht, LocatingIndicators of the Pedestrian Way}
  • Pouyan Shahabian, Samira Saeidpourmilad Pirayegar
    Residential satisfaction is one of the most important issues surrounding residential environment. Furthermore, due to the fact that this type of satisfaction is related to all parts of life, it can be considered as the highest level of life satisfaction. Hence, this paper has attempted to survey effective factors on residential satisfaction within two neighborhoods of the city of Rasht: KhahareEmam&Manzarieh (two different types of neighborhoods: traditional and modern) and compare the satisfaction of life in three levels: "neighborhoods, neighborhood unit and residential unit". In the theoretical literature of the paper as the main part, the concept of residential satisfaction, its assessment scale, the expert's opinions, etc are reviewed. The effective factors of residential satisfaction are resulted from expert's opinions and these criteria are compiled into a questionnaire which was filled out by local residents. Then the completed questionnaires were analyzed using Multiple Regression Analysis technique using SPSS software. So that qualitative criteria were converted to quantitative types. Finally, some strategies were selected according to the analysis and research findings to improve residential satisfaction. It should be noticed, however, that the guidelines and research findings are specifically for these two neighborhoods and according to Haryhans view, the effective factors of residential satisfaction in every neighborhood are relevant to the characteristics of its residents.
    Keywords: Residential satisfaction, old texture, new texture, Manzarie neighborhood, KhaharEmam neighborhood}
  • پویان شهابیان *، میلاد پیرایه گر
    برقراری اصول توسعه پایدار در هر جامعه ای ضروری به نظر می رسد. یکی از اصول مهم آن، مباحث اجتماعی است. زمانی که بحث از شهر و برنامه ریزی شهری است به کارگیری اصول اجتماعی توسعه پایدار اهمیت دوچندان پیدا می کند. استفاده از اصول توسعه پایدار، در هر نوع برنامه ریزی، نیازمند شاخص هایی است که بومی سازی شده و مختص به فضای جامعه مورد نظر باشد. این شاخص ها برآمده از مبانی نظری و متون علمی و همچنین سوابق موضوع در ایران و جهان خواهد بود که با نمونه های بومی تلفیق و نقاط قوت و ضعف آن ها تلفیق شده است. عدم وجود تعاملات مثبت در شهرها، درگیری و نزاع شهروندان با یکدیگر، عدم تمایل به مشارکت در ساکنین شهر از جمله مواردی هستند که برقراری پایداری اجتماعی در شهرها را تحت الشعاع قرار داده است. هدف این مقاله تبیین شاخص های پایداری اجتماعی در شهرها و سنجش آن ها توسط نمونه های مورد مطالعه است. با توجه به تمرکز بر روی وجه اجتماعی توسعه شهری پایدار، فضای شهری مد نظر مقاله، خیابان شهری انتخاب شده است. در فرآیند سنجش پایداری اجتماعی در نمونه های موردی پژوهش از شیوه پرسش نامه تدوین شده بر اساس طیف لیکرت و همچنین روش رگرسیون چند متغیره به منظور مشخص کردن شاخص های منتخب و در نهایت از ماتریس گولر برای مقایسه امتیازات پایداری اجتماعی دو نمونه موردی پژوهش نسبت به هر یک از شاخص های پایداری اجتماعی استفاده شده است. نتایج حاصل بیانگر این موضوع است که در خیابان 22 بهمن شاخص ارتقا بهداشت و سلامت شهروندان و در خیابان مطهری شهر رشت دسترسی آسان به خدمات شهری برای همگان بیشترین امتیاز را از نظر پایداری اجتماعی کسب کرده است.
    کلید واژگان: پایداری اجتماعی, شاخص ها, مقایسه, خیابان مطهری, خیابان 22 بهمن}
    Pooyan Shahabian *, Milad Pirayegar
    Sustainable development has been defined in many ways¡ but the most frequently quoted definition is from “Our Common Future”¡ also known as the Brundtland Report: “Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations¡ to meet their own needs. It contains two key concepts: • The concept of needs: in particular the essential needs of the world’s needy¡ to which overriding priority should be given; and • The idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment’s ability to meet present and future needs”. Sustainable development constantly seeks to achieve social and economic progress in ways that will not exhaust the earths finite natural resources. The needs of the todays world are real and immediate¡ although it’s necessary to meet these needs in ways which do not disregard the future. The capacity of our ecosystem is not limitless which means that future generations may not be able to meet their needs the same as us. Establishing the principles of sustainable development seems necessary in every society. One of these important principles is social aspects. When it comes to city and urban planning¡ establishing social principles of sustainable development becomes more significant. Utilizing principles of sustainable development¡ in every kinds of planning¡ requires indexes which are localized and appropriate for target especial society. These indexes are extracted from theoretical principles¡ scientific documents and also background of the issue in Iran and the world which are combined with local samples and also their weak and strong points. Absence of positive interactions in cities¡ struggle between citizens¡ and unwillingness to participation are some of the reasons that influence negatively on sustainability in cities. Sustainable social development has been studied in different researches and also several domestic and international articles. Despite of it¡ there are some points which differentiate this article from other similar works. Since social sustainability is a new concept and in Iran and there are not enough background and rich experience about it¡ therefore¡ the present article theoretically have presented this issue and in general¡ have tried to explain it¡ rather than expanding and developing its dimensions and indexes. The goal of this article is explaining indexes of social sustainability and assessing it through studied samples. Due to the focus on social aspect of sustainable development¡ urban streets were chosen as study samples. These samples are Motahari Street and Bahman 22nd Street¡ both situated in central zone on Rasht¡ Iran. Both of these two streets are parts of main routes of the city and according to the fieled studies and reports in comprehensive plan of Rasht¡ they are among the second type of arterial streets. The main reason for selecting these two streets as study sample is their multi-functionality and also being all-inclusive. In addition¡ their physical¡ economic and social features are similar which make them comparable. In the process of assessing social sustainability among samples of this study¡ questionnaires designed by Likert Scale and also multi-functional regression were used to determine the selected indexes. In addition¡ Goeller matrix was applies to compare scores for social sustainability in these two samples with every social sustainability indexes. Results gathered by multi-functional regression analysis show that three indexes including Reducing poverty and social gap¡ preventing from different pollutions and climate-specific design in each area are not related to dependent variable regarding to the significant level¡ since it must be less than 0.05 to prove the relation. Meanwhile¡ Person coefficient shows the amount of dependency of each dependent variable to other variables. It indicates that promoting the health and hygienic condition of citizens is the most effective factor while paying attention to children and their activities is the least effective factor in establishing social sustainability in the society. Resulted figures show that Bahman 22nd Street has preceded the other street based on the social indexes of sustainable development. However¡ in other indexes¡ Motahari Street was superior. This result can be traced to different issues including differences between them in attracting population. Motahari Street¡ with its mixture of traditional and modern structure attracts different groups of people with different requirements. Therefore¡ it can be concluded that its structural deficiencies are hidden by visual and practical attractions in this street. In addition¡ among different indexes of social sustainability¡ health and hygienic condition of citizens and easy access to urban services for all citizens gained the highest score in Bahman 22nd Street.
    Keywords: Social Sustainability, Index, Comparison, Bahman 22nd Street, Motahari Street}
  • میلاد پیرایه گر، رضا حسن پور، وحید خوش خلق

    رشد شهرنشینی و به تبع آن ازدیاد چالش های موجود در شهر از مهمترین موارد پیش روی مسیولین و متخصصین مدیریت شهری است. یکی از این چالش ها برهم خوردن نظم و وقوع جرایم در فضاهای شهری است. هر ساله هزینه های زیادی از سوی نیروهای انتظامی و نهادهای برقرارکننده امنیت در راستای کاهش جرم و خلق فضایی امن مصرف می شود؛ و این در حالی است که ریشه بسیاری از جرایم، ضعف در طراحی فضاهای شهری است. این مقاله تلاش دارد تا به معرفی رویکردهای طراحی امن پرداخته و با بررسی مهمترین آن ها، کامل ترین رویکرد را مورد شناسایی قرار دهد. در این راستا رویکرد CPTED به عنوان یک شیوه نوین در طراحی امن شناخته شده که موارد مثبت و نقاط قوت سایر رویکردها را دربردارد و از قابلیت انطباق بالایی با شرایط موجود در ایران برخوردار است. این رویکرد به طور کامل مورد تشریح قرار گرفته و در انتها اصول و راهکارهای آن بیان می گردد.

    کلید واژگان: امنیت, فضای شهری, طراحی امن, رویکردهای طراحی, CPTED}

    Urbanization growth and consequently increasing challenges in the cities are the most significant issues for urban management authorities and experts. One of these challenges is disrupting the order and occurring crimes in urban areas. Every year a huge amount of money is spent by police organizations and security agencies to reduce crime and create a safe environment. Nevertheless the root of many crimes is weaknesses in the design of urban areas. This paper intends to introduce safe design approaches, investigate the most important ones, and identify the most comprehensive of all. Therefore, having high adaptability with Iran’s conditions and positives and strengths of other approaches, CPTED approach has known as a modern way of safe design. This approach has completely been analyzed and finally, its solutions and principels have been stated.

    Keywords: Security, Urban areas, Safe design, Designapproaches, CPTED}
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  • همه مقالات ترجمه فارسی یا انگلیسی ندارند پس ممکن است مقالاتی باشند که نام نویسنده مورد نظر شما به صورت معادل فارسی یا انگلیسی آن درج شده باشد. در صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته می‌توانید همزمان نام فارسی و انگلیسی نویسنده را درج نمایید.
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