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مقالات رزومه مجتبی محمدپور

  • محمد مسعود محمدپور خویی، محسن ناصری*

    بررسی الگوی تغییرات متغیرهای اقلیمی همواره از موضوعاتی است که توجه بسیاری از محققان را به خود جلب کرده است. این الگوی می تواند در تصمیم مدیران حوزه آب در آینده اثر گذاشته و آن ها را به منظور اخذ تصمیم بهینه در مدیریت منابع آب یاری رساند. هدف از این پژوهش بررسی تغییرات توزیع بارش در ایستگاه های مختلف در کشور ایران است. آمار طولانی مدت مشاهداتی و تخمین شرایط آتی بارش در سه سناریو مختلف بررسی شده و با استفاده از آماره های مختلف همچون فاصله انرژی، کولموگرف-اسمیرنوف، جنسون-شنون، من-کندال در سناریوهای مختلف و دوره مشاهداتی بررسی شده است. توزیع بارش متاثر از تغییر اقلیم و بر اساس سناریوهای مربوطه در سال های آینده در مناطق شمال شرقی و همچنین قسمت جنوبی دامنه زاگرس بصورتی ویژه تری نسبت به سایر مناطق (در ارتباط مستقیم با اثر افزایش گاز های گلخانه ای) تغییرات بیشتری را تجربه می کنند. همچنین تنوع مقادیر در روش فاصله انرژی بسیار محسوس تر از دیگر روش هاست که این خود به معنای قدرت تفکیک با توجه به این شاخص در میان ایستگاه های مورد بررسی است. همچنین با محاسبه دوره بازگشت های مختلف بارش بیشینه سالانه در دوره مشاهداتی و در سناریوهای انتشار مختلف در آینده، مقادیر بیشینه بارش نیز مورد مطالعه و تحلیل قرار گرفتند. بر اساس این نتایج، جابجایی قابل توجه الگوی توزیع و مقادیر مد و میانه بارش حدی را متناسب با افزایش شدت اثر گازهای گلخانه ای نسبت به مقدار متناظر در دوره مشاهداتی در کل کشور را شاهد هستیم. تحلیل این مقادیر مبین تغییر توزیع بارش های حدی در دوره آتی بود بطوریکه با افزایش میزان رهاسازی گازهای گلخانه ای، بازه تغییرات و مقدار مد و میانگین افزایش خواهد یافت نتایج این تحقیق نشان داد افزایش سطح رهاسازی گازهای گلخانه ای می تواند موجب افزایش میانگین بارش و بروز بارش های گسترده و شدید شود.

    کلید واژگان: ناایستایی توزیع بارش, تغییر اقلیم, بارش حدی, شاخص فاصله انرژی, شاخص جنسون-شنون}
    Mohammad M. Mohammadpour Khouie, Mohsen Nasseri *

    Greenhouse gases emission cause the rising average temperature of the Earth and has disturbed the global and local water cycle (IPCC, 2007). Precipitation is one of the most important climatic variables, which has been affected spatiotemporally by climate change. Its effects are not uniformly influenced the terrsitrial areas. Changes in the number of rainy days, extreme statitics of precipitation (and their variation of mean and standard deviation), etc. are those reported consequences of climate change over the world. The aim of this study is not to analyze the significances of climate change on the precipitation patterns and its extreme behavior, and which stations would be behaved in the projected future climate change scenarios farther from their historical pattern. The implemented methods are briefly explained in the following.


    To assess the effects of climate change on distribution of precipitation in Iran, the downscaled precipitation over the network of 288 rain gauge stations have been adopted from Pahlavan et al. (2018), which are scattered over different areas/provinces on Iran. They used CanESM2 GCM model and statistically downscaled the precipitation values to project future climate with three different scenarios according to the various GHGs emission levels. The outputs of the current research are used to investigate the effects of climate change on precipitation distributions and their extreme values. To achieve the goal, three different steps have been performed. In the first step, the stationarity of precipitation was examined both in the historical and projected future scenarios via the Mann-Kendal test (Kendall, 1948; Mann, 1945). In the second step, the deviation of precipitation distributions in each scenario from their historical periods was determined. To assess the issue, three divergence methods were performed which are known in the literature as Energy Distance (Székely & Rizzo, 2013), Kolmogorov Smirnov test (Massey, 1951), and Jenson-Shannon divergence (Fuglede & Topsoe, 2004). Finally, the annual maximum precipitation values (in each period and scenarios) have analyzed via GEV distribution to examine how would be distributions of the extreme values of climate change scenarios in Iran. In the follow, the results are described in brief.


    The results of stationarity analysis showed that in the historical period, there are some stations (5.5% of them) with non-stationary behavior. As reported in the previous report (Kottek et al., 2006), these stations are located in warm and dry areas, as well. The stationarity tests of the projected future scenarios show the share of non-stationary stations increases as well as the RCPs. According to the results, the portion of non-stationarity stations of the projected climate change scenarios (2.6, 4.5, and 8.5 RCPs) are increased up to 13%, 22%, and 56% of the whole stations, respectively.In the next step, three divergence metrics have been used to evaluate the future climate scenarios, and the results showed that the stations in the northeast and southwest of Zagros Mountains are more diverged from their historical distributions. Comparing the historical and future scenarios of climate change, this is worthwhile to mention that with increasing the GHGs level, the deviations of precipitation patterns grow up. Calibrating the GEV distribution over the historical and evaluation of different return period values, positive trends of precipitation statistics (mean, mode, and range of extreme values) are obviously detected.


    In this study, the patterns of precipitation distributions over Iran both in historical and future climate change scenarios have been analyzed. The results of trend analysis via Mann-Kendal test showed the same increasing trends of precipitation and GHGs level. So, the divergence methods were implemented to analyze the distance between rainfall distributions. The results showed some stations are more sensitive than the others and have more divergence from historical distributions. The extreme values of the recorded precipitation also analyzed using GEV distribution showed for a certain return period, the carbon emission level is directly correlated with the means and standard deviations of the extreme values. In conclusion, the results of this study showed that the increasing the level of emitted GHGs forces the statistical distribution to behaved more chaotic than the historical period. This makes the extreme values higher and more frequent than before. To further investigations, detection and attribution on Iran can be used to reflect the reality of national climate change and variabities. Also, considering the potential of climate change and climate classes, future (and probable) climate change patterns can be examined using the results of decreasing temperature and evaporation scales.

    Keywords: Nonstationary of precipitation, climate change, Precipitation Extreme values, Energy Distance, Jensen&ndash, Shannon Divergence}
  • Hossein Mahdiyanfar *, Mojtaba Mohammadpoor, Maryam Mahdavi
    In this research, support vector machine (SVM) as a supervised classification method has been used to explore the relationship between the geochemical anomaly and the surface alterations quantitatively in the Tanurcheh mineralization area. The Tanurcheh area has been located in the Khorasan Razavi province, Iran. This area has been considered as a high potential region for Cu and Au mineralization. The different mineralization processes of Au and Cu have unclearly been intertwined in this area and have created extreme surface alterations.Determination of the major origin of mineralization that has created strong alterations in this area is an important issue that can be addressed using a new proposed scenario. The relationship between the geochemical distribution map and the alteration zone was mathematically calculated using the proposed approach and then the geochemical anomaly map was predicted based on the alteration zones as an innovative achievement.In this paper, the Au and Cu geochemical data were divided into three classes, namely background, regional anomaly and local anomaly using the probability plot method. Two threshold values for Cu (70 and 300 PPM) and Au (0.13 and 0.4 PPM) were obtained by the probability plot method. Then the SVM was utilized to classify the geochemical samples using the ASTER images based on these obtained thresholds. The ASTER 14-band images were used as features in this classification. Using this novel scenario, the relationships between the Au and Cu mineralization processes with the intensity of alterations were determined and therefore the origin of these alteration zones was clarified. The SVM classification indices of correct classification rate (CCR) and confusion matrix demonstrate the main origin of alterations is related to the Cu mineralization process in this area. The CCR indices obtained based on the Au and Cu thresholds are 0.66 and 0.85 respectively. It demonstrates the intensity of alterations has more been affected by the Cu mineralization process and there is a relatively good relationship between the alteration zone and the Cu geochemical distribution map. Finally, the geochemical anomaly and background maps were properly predicted using the SVM and the ASTER bands. This paper shows the new application of SVM as a powerful tool for the interpretation of geochemical anomaly and the intensity of alteration.
    Keywords: anomaly separation, ASTER images, Geochemical data, pattern recognition, Support vector machine}
  • علی میرزاخانی، مجتبی محمدپور*

    بیشتر انسان ها حداقل یک بار در طول زندگی شان درد در ناحیه پایین کمر را احساس نموده اند. فتق دیسک بین مهره ای کمر یکی از عمده ترین علل درد در ناحیه پایین کمر می باشد. روش های درمان فتق دیسک بین مهره ای کمر بسیار متنوع می باشند. بنابراین، تشخیص اندازه دقیق فتق و مکان آن می تواند به متخصص ها در انتخاب بهترین روش درمان بسیار یاری رساند. در این پژوهش یک روش خودکار برای تشخیص بیماری دیسک کمر با استفاده از تصاویر MR  ارایه شده است. برای رسیدن به این منظور، از130 تصویر MR استفاده شده است. در روش پیشنهادی با استفاده از سه الگوریتم رشد ناحیه ای، آتسو و کانتور فعال دیسک های بین مهره ای کمر و محدوده آن ها به دقت از پس زمینه تصویر جدا شده است. و در ادامه پس از استخراج ویژگی های شاخص تصویر، نمونه ها توسط دسته بند SVM با دقت 89.9% به دو دسته سالم و ناسالم تقسیم شدند. دقت کار با سایر دسته بندها نظیر KNN، Ensemble و درخت تصمیم مورد مقایسه قرار گرفت. درنهایت مشخص شد، دسته بند SVM بالاترین دقت در دسته بندی داده ها را دارا می باشد.

    کلید واژگان: دیسک بین مهره ای کمر, MRI, SVM, دسته بندی, استخراج ویژگی}
    Ali Mirzakhani, Mojtaba Mohammadpoor*

    Most people experience low back pain at least once in their lifetime. Lumbar disc herniation is one of the major causes of low back pain. Treatment methods for disc herniation are very diverse. So, diagnose the exact size of herniation and it`s location can greatly helps specialists in choosing the best treatment methods. In this research, an automated method for diagnosing lumbar disc herniation using MR images is proposed. To achieve this goal, 130 MR images was collected . In the proposed method, using three algorithms, namely region growing, OTSU and active contour, the intervertebral discs and their boundary were precisely separated from the background of the image. In the next step, after extracting the most significant features of the image, images were divided into healthy and unhealthy classes by SVM classifier with 89.9% accuracy. Classification accuracy also compared with other classifiers such as KNN, ensemble, decision trees, and finally determined, SVM classifier has the highest accuracy in classification.

    Keywords: Intervertebral Disc, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, SVM, Classification, Feature Extraction}
  • بهروز اکبری آدرگانی، مرتضی محمدزاده مقدم*، مهدی کریمی نوقابی، مجتبی محمدپور، محمد خلیلیان موحد

    زعفران یکی از گرانترین ادویه های جهان محسوب می شود. زعفران ادویه ای که بسیار مورد تقلب قرار می گیرد. توسعه تکنیکهای مبتنی بر ابزار ساده، ارزان قیمت، مناسب و سریع در صنایع غذایی جهت تشخیص تقلباتی همچون تقلبات زعفران ضروری است. در پژوهش حاضر، ترکیب پردازش تصویر و روش ماشین بردار پشتیبان (SVM) برای ارزیابی سریع و غیر مخرب تشخیص زعفران واقعی از زعفران تقلبی به کار رفته است. پس از تهیه تصاویر از توده زعفران خالص و تقلبی و کلاله های مجزا، تصاویر وارد مراحل پیش پردازش شدند و در نهایت، ویژگیهای آماری مرتبط با بافت تصاویر و ویژگیهای مورفولوژی شامل 105 ویژگی استخراج شدند. به منظور افزایش سرعت و دقت طبقه بندی، از روش آنالیز مولفه های اصلی PCA برای کاهش ابعاد ماتریس ویژگی استفاده شد. همچنین طبقه بندی تصاویر به کمک توابع کرنل مختلف SVM ،به صورت دو کلاس انجام شد. سپس شاخصهای آماری نظیر دقت، صحت، حساسیت، اختصاصی بودن و سطح زیر منحنی به منظور ارزیابی طبقه بند محاسبه شدند که مقادیر این شاخصها برای طبقه بندی با کرنل کوبیک SVM برای زعفران واقعی به ترتیب برابر با 97، 98، 99، 93 و 97 درصد و برای زعفران تقلبی به ترتیب 97، 93، 83، 5/97و 97 درصد بدست آمد. نتایج حاصل از این طبقه بندی نشان داد که این سیستم به عنوان یک روش هوشمند، سریع، غیرمخرب و دقیق، قابلیت تشخیص زعفران واقعی را از تقلبی دارد.

    کلید واژگان: زعفران, تقلب, پردازش تصویر, ماشین بردار پشتیبان}
    Behrouz Akbari Adergani, Morteza Mohammadzade Moghadam *, Mehdi Karimi Noghabi, Mojtaba Mohammadpour, Mohammad Khalilian Movahhed

    Saffron is one of the most expensive spices in the world. Saffron is a spice that is widely cheated. The development of techniques based on simple, inexpensive, appropriate and fast tools in the food industry is essential for detecting adulteration such as saffron adulterated. In the present study, the combination of image processing and Support vector machine (SVM) method has been used for fast and non-destructive evaluation of distinguishing authentic saffron from adulterated saffron. After preparing images from pure and counterfeit saffron and separate stigmas, the images entered the pre-processing stages and finally, statistical features related to the texture of the images and morphological features including 105 features were extracted. In order to increase the speed and accuracy of classification, PCA principal component analysis method was used to reduce the properties of the feature matrix. Also, the images were classified into two classes using different SVM kernel functions. Also, the images were classified into two classes using different SVM kernel functions. Then statistical indicators such as accuracy, precision, sensitivity, specificity and AUC were calculated to evaluate the classification. The values of these indices for classification with SVM cubic kernel for authentic saffron were 97, 98, 99, 93 and 97%, and for adulterated saffron, 97, 93, 83, 97.5 and 97% were obtained, respectively. The results of this classification showed that this system, as an intelligent, fast, non-destructive and accurate method, has the ability to distinguish the authentic saffron from adulterated saffron.

    Keywords: Saffron, Fraud, image processing, SVM}
  • مجتبی محمدپور*، عاطفه علیزاده

    الکتروانسفالوگرافی (EEG) متداول ترین روش برای مطالعه عملکرد مغز است. این مقاله یک مدل رایانه ای برای تمایز بین افراد صرعی و سالم با استفاده از سیگنال های EEG با دقت نسبتا بالا ارایه می دهد.

    مواد و روش ها

    پایگاه داده EEG مورد استفاده در این مطالعه از داده های موجود در Andrzejak گرفته شده است. این مجموعه داده متشکل از 5 مجموعه سیگنال های EEG (مشخص شده از A تاE) است که هر یک شامل 100 بخش EEG می باشد. مجموعه های A و B شامل سیگنال های EEG هستند که از 5 داوطلب سالم گرفته شده اند. مجموعه های C و D به EEG های بیماران مبتلا به صرع کانونی (بدون ضبط ictal) می باشند و مجموعه E از یک بیمار با ضبط ictal گرفته شده است. ماشین های بردار پشتیبان پس از استفاده از تجزیه و تحلیل مولفه های اصلی یا تجزیه و تحلیل تفکیکی خطی از ویژگی های سیگنال ها استفاده شدند. نرم افزار متلب برای پیاده سازی و آزمایش الگوریتم طبقه بندی پیشنهادی استفاده شده است. برای ارزیابی روش پیشنهادی، ماتریس سردرگمی، میزان موفقیت کلی، منحنیROC  و AUC هر کلاس استخراج شد. برای تایید نتایج از روش اعتبارسنجی متقابل K برابر استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

    میزان موفقیت کلی به دست آمده در این مطالعه بالاتر از 82 درصد بود. الگوریتم های کاهش ابعاد می توانند دقت و سرعت آن را بهبود بخشند. نتیجه گیری: پیش بینی دقیق و زود هنگام وقوع تشنج بسیار مفید است. استفاده از مدل رایانه ای ارایه شده در این مطالعه می تواند این هدف را محقق سازد.

    کلید واژگان: تشنج, الکتروانسفالوگرافی, آنافیلاکسی پوستی منفعل}
    Mojtaba Mohammadpoor*, Atefe Alizadeh

    Electroencephalography (EEG) is the most commonly used method to study the function of the brain. This study represents a computerized model for distinguishing between epileptic and healthy subjects using EEG signals with relatively high accuracy.

    Materials and Methods

    The EEG database used in this study was obtained from the data available in Andrzejak. This dataset consists of 5 EEG sets (designated as A to E), each containing 100 EEG sections. Collections A and B comprised EEG signals that have been taken from 5 healthy volunteers. The C and D sets referred to EEGs from patients with focal epilepsy (without ictal recordings) and the E set was derived from a patient with ictal recording. Support vector machines were used after applying principal components analysis or linear discriminant analysis over the features of the signals. MATLAB has been used to implement and test the proposed classification algorithm. To evaluate the proposed method, the confusion matrix, overall success rate, ROC, and the AUC of each class were extracted. K-fold cross-validation technique was used to validate the results.


    The overall success rate achieved in this study was above 82%. Dimension reduction algorithms can improve its accuracy and speed.


    It is helpful to be able to predict the occurrence of a seizure early and accurately. Using the computerized model represented in this study could accomplish this goal.

    Keywords: Seizures, Electroencephalography, Passive Cutaneous Anaphylaxis}
  • Keyvan Saneipour, Mojtaba Mohammadpoor *
    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) plays an important role in clinical diagnosis. The ability of fuzzy c-mean (FCM) algorithm in segmenting MR images has been proven. Some MR images are contaminated with noise. FCM performance is degraded in noisy images. Several efforts are done to overcome this weakness.

    The aim of this study was to propose a new method for MR image segmentation which is more resistant than other methods when noisy MR images are confronted.

    Materials and Methods
    In this study, simulated brain database prepared by BrainWeb was be used for analysis. First FCM and its improvements were analysed and their ability in segmenting noisy MR images were evaluated. Next, knowing that applying genetic algorithm on improver fuzzy c-mean (IFCM) could improve its performance, a new segmentation method was proposed by applying particle swarm optimization on IFCM.

    The proposed algorithm was applied on some intentionally noise-added MR images. Similarity between the segmented image and the original one was measured using Dice index. Other off-the-shelf algorithms were also tested in the same conditions. The indices were presented together. In order to compare the algorithms’ performances, the experiments were repeated using different noisy images.

    The obtained results show that the proposed algorithms have better performance in segmenting noisy MR images than existing methods.
    Keywords: MRI Images, Segmentation, Fuzzy}
  • Mojtaba Mohammadpoor *, Abbas Mehdizadeh, Hava Alizadeh Noghabi
    Handwritten digit recognition has got a special role in different applications in the field of digital recognition including; handwritten address detection, check, and document. Persian handwritten digits classification has been facing difficulties due to different handwritten styles, inter-class similarities, and intra-class differences. In this paper, a novel method for detecting Persian handwritten digits is presented. In the proposed method, a combination of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG), 4-side profiles of the digit image, and some horizontal and vertical samples was used and the dimension of the feature vector was reduced using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The proposed method applied to the HODA database, and Support Vector Machine (SVM) was used in the classification step. Results revealed that the detection accuracy of such method has 99% accuracy with an adequate rate due to existing unacceptable samples in the database, therefore, the proposed method could improve the outcomes compared to other existing methods.
    Keywords: Histogram of oriented gradients (HOG), Principle component analysis (PCA), Support vector machine (SVM)}
فهرست مطالب این نویسنده: 7 عنوان
  • مجتبی محمدپور
    محمدپور، مجتبی
  • نویسندگان همکار
  • محسن ناصری
    : 1
    ناصری، محسن
    دانشیار دانشکده مهندسی عمران، دانشگاه تهران
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