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مقالات رزومه زهرا آذری

  • زینب برادران خانیان*، زهرا آذری، حسین اصغرپور

    شهرنشینی فزاینده، افزایش روز افزون جمعیت و مشکلات عظیم اجتماعی، اقتصادی و زیست محیطی حاصل از آن ها، به همراه رشد و گسترش فناوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات، شاخص اصلی قرن 21 در سطح جهان است. برای مقابله با چالش شهرها، مفهوم شهر هوشمند و حکمرانی خوب شهری به عنوان یک پیش شرط از سوی سازمان های ملی و بین المللی ارائه شده است؛ به عبارت دیگر، در حکمرانی خوب شهری و شهر هوشمند، گفت وگوی باز بین شهروندان و مقامات شهری از طریق یک پلتفرم ICT فعال است. هدف از این مطالعه، پاسخ به این پرسش است که با تغییرات جدید در حوزه فناوری در شهرهای کشور، به ویژه کلان شهرها، وضعیت شاخص های حکمرانی خوب در کلان شهر مورد مطالعه به چه صورت است؟ و آیا مدیریت شهری در کلان شهر تبریز قادر به ارتقای شاخص های حکمرانی مطلوب شهری در راستای شاخص های شهری هوشمند است؟ پاسخ به سوال های پژوهش، با به کارگیری ترکیبی از مدل های کمی و کیفی انجام شده است. شاخص های شهر هوشمند و حکمرانی خوب شهری با استفاده از ابزار پرسش نامه و آمار موجود در سالنامه های آماری استخراج شده و در محیط برنامه نویسی پایتون تجزیه و تحلیل شده است. نتایج نشان می دهد که امتیاز کلی حکمرانی خوب در کلان شهر تبریز، 436/0 از واحد است. از مجموع پنج شاخص معرفی شده برای حکمرانی خوب شهری توسط سازمان ملل، شاخص «اثربخشی» مطلوب ترین و شاخص «تساوی» نامطلوب ترین وضعیت را در میان سایر شاخص ها به خود اختصاص داده اند.

    کلید واژگان: شهر هوشمند, حکمرانی خوب شهری, فناوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات, محیط برنامه نویسی پایتون}
    Zeinab Baradaran Khanian *, Zahra Azari, Hossein Asgharpur

    Increasing urbanization, population growth and the social, economic and environmental problems resulting from them, along with the growth and expansion of information and communication technology - as the main axis of transformation in the world - is the main feature of the 21st century. To deal with the challenge of cities, the concept of smart city has been presented. Good urban governance is presented as a prerequisite for a smart city by national and international organizations. Therefore, the idea of urban management and governance has been removed from its traditional state and improved. In other words, good and smart governance involves an open dialogue between citizens and city officials through an active ICT platform. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to answer the question that with the new changes in the field of technology in the cities of the country, especially the metropolises, what is the state of good governance indicators in the studied metropolis? And is the urban management in Tabriz metropolis able to improve the desirable urban governance indicators in line with the smart city indicators? The answers to the research questions have been done by using a combination of quantitative and qualitative models. The indicators of smart city and good urban governance have been extracted using questionnaire tools and statistics available in statistical yearbooks and analyzed in Python programming environment. The results show that the overall score of good governance in Tabriz metropolis is 0.436. Among the five indicators introduced by the United Nations, the effectiveness index is the most favorable and the equality index is the most unfavorable among other indicators.

    Keywords: Smart City, Good Urban Governance, information, communication technology, Python software}
  • زینب برادران خانیان*، زهرا آذری، داود بهبودی

    هرچند که نگاه به بخش خدمات در فرایند توسعه متفاوت است، بخش خدمات غالب اقتصاد جهانی را تشکیل می دهد و از ارکان اساسی فعالیت های اقتصادی است که با ظهور شهرنشینی شکل گرفته و با گسترش آن پوشش وسیع تری می یابد. با توجه به اهمیت این بخش به عنوان یکی از بخش های عمده اقتصادی و تاثیرگذاری در فرآیند توسعه کشور، این مطالعه با هدف شناسایی هسته های کلیدی بخش خدمات استان آذربایجان شرقی انجام شده است. در گام نخست با استفاده از مدل MSA به شناسایی و اولویت بندی هسته های کلیدی بخش خدمات استان آذربایجان شرقی پرداخته است که یافته ها نشان می دهد زیر بخش گردشگری به عنوان هسته کلیدی بخش خدمات با امتیاز 72/0 انتخاب شده است. در گام دوم با استفاده از ادبیات موضوع 5 شاخص گردشگری پایدار شامل شاخص های اقتصادی، زیست محیطی، فرهنگی، اجتماعی و نهادی تدوین و با استفاده از ابزار پرسش نامه و آمار موجود در سالنامه های آماری استان و در محیط برنامه نویسی پایتون مورد تجزیه وتحلیل قرار گرفته که نتایج حاصل بیانگر این است که گردشگری پایدار در استان آذربایجان شرقی در مقیاس کلان با امتیاز 256/0 از یک واحد قرار دارد و علی رغم وجود جاذبه ها و پتانسیل های موجود در این بخش جایگاه مناسب خود را نیافته است و تا رسیدن به پایداری فاصله زیادی دارد. همچنین بررسی وضعیت شاخص های پنج گانه نشان می دهد که شاخص زیست محیطی با امتیاز 299/0 از واحد، بالاترین امتیاز را در میان سایر شاخص ها به خود اختصاص داده است؛ این در حالی است که شاخص اجتماعی با 166/0 از کمترین امتیاز در گردشگری پایدار برخوردار است.

    کلید واژگان: گردشگری پایدار, مدل تحلیلی MSA, محیط برنامه نویسی پایتون, استان آذربایجان شرقی}
    Zeinab Baradaran Khanian *, Zahra Azari, Davood Behboudi

    In order to eliminate the imbalances in economic sectors, especially in developing countries, due to limited resources and emphasis on investment and allocation of capital resources to key sectors, the government adopts policies that the society has the ability to implement. This causes more attention to the sectors with higher priority for investment. Considering the very high share of services in recent years, investment in this sector, in addition to economic growth, provides the necessary resources for investment in other economic sectors. Hirschman believes that economic development is a continuous process that is created by the growth of the leading sector and the establishment of connections between this sector and other economic sectors. Since the share of the service sector in GDP and employment has always been higher than other sectors of the economy in recent years, the service sector has been identified as a large or strategic or dominant sector in the country. In recent years,investment in this sector, in addition to economic growth, has provided the necessary resources for investment in other economic sectors and has acted as a leading sector in Iran's economy.On the other hand, not paying attention to the talents and potential possibilities of Iran and its provinces, among other things, has faced serious challenges to development. East Azarbaijan province has not been exempt from this problem with its unique natural and human facilities that can stimulate development in different sectors. According to the material presented about the contribution of the service sector as a productive and profitable sector in the economy and the position of its sub-sectors in the economic and social system of countries including Iran, recognizing and explaining the current situation of the country's provinces and accordingly, East Azerbaijan province is one of the most important and influential provinces in the economic growth and development of the country, and as the pole of the northwest region and having unique natural and human resources that can stimulate development in various sectors, it has great importance.


    For the first time, Peru (1968) proposed another group of theories in economic literature, which are known as growth pole theories. In Peru's theory, simultaneous growth does not occur everywhere, but occurs at points or poles of development that have high attraction power. In developing countries, it is not possible to develop all economic sectors at the same time. In the initial stages of the formation of the pole, although the activities are concentrated in the center of the pole and cause aggravation of imbalances and imbalances, but the supporters of this theory believe that after the formation of the pole, the diffusion stage comes and during those positive effects flow to the surrounding environment. Therefore, according to this theory, there is a need to identify the key sectors of developing societies in order to prioritize them.


    The first part of the present research was conducted in terms of the purpose of the evaluation type and from the perspective of the method in a descriptive and analytical manner and based on qualitative data, the data was collected by a survey method through the distribution of questionnaires. Multi-sector analysis (MSA) has been used to examine the key core of the service sector of East Azarbaijan province. In the second part of the methodology, according to the indicators mentioned in the theoretical foundations for the sustainable development of tourism, it is possible to obtain a complete assessment of the level of access to each of these indicators in East Azerbaijan province, which is the main step in answering this question. What is the state of the province in each of the indicators related to the development of sustainable tourism? To extract the value of the identified indicators, using the Cochran sampling method, the sample size was estimated to be 384 people. After designing the questionnaire tool and verifying its validity using the content and form method, by distributing the questionnaire, field data was collected by random sampling method from among the residents of different regions of East Azarbaijan province, and in the next stage, the indicators were used using Python software and scaled and standardized between zero and one as follows.


    In this study, using multi-sector analysis, tourism has been identified as the key core and the most effective service sub-sector of East Azerbaijan province. Examining the indicators related to sustainability, which includes 5 economic, social, environmental, cultural and social dimensions, shows that the level of sustainability of tourism on a macro scale is 0.256 of one unit. This means that despite the existing attractions and potentials in the province, this sector has not found its proper place and is far from achieving sustainability. Also, the examination of the status of the five indices shows that the environmental index with a score of 0.299 of the unit has the highest score among other indices, while the social index with a score of 0.166 is one of the lowest.


    According to the findings of the study, it can be said that in order to improve and develop indicators related to sustainable tourism in the province, it is necessary to continue the current programs and activities related to the sustainable development of tourism, and those responsible should focus more on two economic and social components. Because, first of all, tourism can create jobs if it is sustainable, and if the stated goals are achieved, sustainable tourism can provide opportunities for employment and income for local residents and the development of infrastructure structures to enable sustainable development. Therefore, in the future research, it is suggested to develop tourism sustainability strategies in East Azarbaijan province.

    Keywords: sustainable tourism, MSA Analytical Model, Python programming environment, East Azerbaijan province}
  • زهرا آذری، پرویز محمدزاده*، داوود بهبودی

    یکی از اسنادی که معمولا، به عنوان سند بالادستی و هدایتگر توسعه، مبنای عمل مجریان قرار می‏ گیرد، برنامه ‏های پنج ساله توسعه کشور است. هدف تحقیق حاضر، پاسخ به این پرسش محوری است که در این برنامه‏ ها، رفع فقر که از اهداف نظام جمهوری اسلامی است، چگونه در سیاست‏ گذاری‏ ها مورد توجه واقع شده است؟ برای پاسخ‏گویی به سوال پژوهش، از تکنیک تحلیل محتوای کمی استفاده شده است. نظریه مبنایی درنظرگرفته شده برای تحلیل محتوای برنامه‏ های توسعه، رویکرد فقر درآمدی، فقر قابلیتی و طرد اجتماعی است. جامعه آماری پژوهش، مفاد شش برنامه توسعه اقتصادی، اجتماعی، فرهنگی جمهوری اسلامی ایران است. نتایج بیانگر این است که در این بین، برنامه دوم توسعه بیشترین توجه و برنامه اول توسعه کمترین توجه را به سه رویکرد مورد مطالعه داشته‏ اند. برنامه‏ های اول، چهارم و پنجم توجهی به فقر درآمدی نداشته اند و برنامه‏ های دوم، سوم و ششم، با در نظر گرفتن فقر درآمدی، به فقر قابلیتی و طرد اجتماعی توجه نموده ‏اند. باتوجه به حرکت پرنوسان برنامه ‏های توسعه جمهوری اسلامی ایران، درجهت مبارزه با فقر و محرومیت، و تحقق نیافتن هدف نظام جمهوری اسلامی ایران، پیشنهاد می ‏شود که سندی تحت عنوان «سند اصلاحات نهادی» جهت اصلاح نهادهایی همچون قواعد رسمی و حکمرانی (نهادهای سطوح دوم و سوم، مطابق نظریه چهار سطح تحلیل اجتماعی ویلیامسون) تدوین شده و برنامه‏ های توسعه پیش‏رو، درجهت پیش‏برد آن سند نگاشته و عملیاتی شوند. اصلاحات نهادی زمینه لازم برای رشد فراگیر را فراهم خواهد آورد که نتیجه آن، رفع فقر قابلیتی و طرد اجتماعی در کشور و ارتقای وضعیت درآمدی افراد خواهد بود.

    کلید واژگان: برنامه توسعه, فقر درآمدی, فقر قابلیتی, طرد اجتماعی و تحلیل محتوا}
    Zahra Azari, Parviz Mohamadzade *, Davoud Behboudi

    One of the most important documents that are usually viewed as an upstream document and the guide of the development process is the five-year development plans of the country. The purpose of the present research is to answer the main question of how poverty alleviation, which is one of the goals of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), has been considered in the policies of such plans. To this end, quantitative content analysis techniques and comparative application of categories were utilized in this study. The basic theory considered for the content analysis of the development plan is based on the approach of income poverty, capability poverty, and social exclusion. The statistical population of the research is the contents of six economic, social, and cultural development plans of the IRI. The hidden and implicit content of the text of the development plan was deduced using the existing theoretical foundations. The results show that among the development plans, the second one has dealt more with the category of poverty and deprivation. The first, fourth, and fifth plans have not paid any attention to income poverty, and the sixth program, considering income poverty, took account of capability poverty and social exclusion. Considering the fluctuating movement of the development plans of the IRI for confronting poverty and deprivation, and the non-fulfillment of its goals, it is suggested that a document be drafted to reform institutions such as formal rules and governance. Also, future development plans should be written and implemented in line with the realization of the document. Institutional reforms will provide the necessary ground for inclusive growth, which will result in the removal of functional poverty and social exclusion in the country, and the improvement of people's income.

    Keywords: Development plans, social exclusion, Capability poverty, Income poverty, content analysis}
  • زهرا آذری*، زینب برادران خانیان، حسین اصغرپور

    در مبحث اقتصاد منطقه ای، با توجه به محدودیت منابع موجود، شناخت ویژگی ها و مزیت های اقتصادی هر منطقه، امکان برنامه ریزی بهتر را در جهت تحقق اهداف توسعه فراهم می نماید. از این رو، هدف مطالعه حاضر تحلیل وضعیت مزیت نسبی بخش های مختلف اقتصادی استان گیلان در سال های 1393، 1395 و 1397، تحلیل مزیت رقابتی بخش ها و تعیین وضعیت ارزش افزوده بخش ها در استان گیلان نسبت به کشور طی سال های 1397-1393 است. برای این منظور از مدل اقتصاد پایه و شاخص ضریب مکانی و مدل تغییر سهم استفاده می شود. نتایج مطالعه نشان می دهد که استان گیلان در سال های 1395 و 1397 در بخش کشاورزی دارای مزیت نسبی بوده و در حوزه فعالیت برنده اقتصادی قرار داشته و دارای مزیت بالقوه برای رشد اقتصادی است. بخش های مربوط به کشاورزی، ساختمان، عمده فروشی، خرده فروشی، تعمیر وسایل نقلیه و کالاها، فعالیت های خدماتی مربوط به تامین جا و غذا، فعالیت های اداری و خدمات پشتیبانی، اداره امور عمومی و خدمات شهری و آموزش دارای مزیت رقابتی بوده و روند رو به اعتلا را در سال های مورد مطالعه طی کرده اند. نتایج مدل تغییر سهم نشان می دهد که در بخش مربوط به کشاورزی و فعالیت های خدماتی مربوط به فعالیت های مالی و بیمه استان گیلان نسبت به کشور عملکرد بهتری داشته اما در بخش مربوط به فعالیت های حرفه ای و علمی کشور نسبت به استان گیلان عملکرد بهتری را طی کرده است.

    کلید واژگان: اقتصاد توسعه, اقتصاد منطقه ای, مدل اقتصاد پایه, مدل تغییر سهم, استان گیلان}
    Zahrā Ᾱzari *, Zeinab Barādarān Khāniān, Hossein Asgharpour

    Considering the limited available resources, in the field of regional economy, knowing the characteristics and economic advantages of each region provides the possibility of better planning in order to achieve development goals. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the comparative advantage of different economic sectors in Guilān province in 2014, 2016 and 2018, analyze the competitive advantage of sectors and determine the value added of sectors in Guilān province compared to the country during 2014-2016. For this purpose, the basic economy model and spatial coefficient index and shift share model were used. The results of the study showed that Guilān province in 2016 and 2018 has a relarive advantage in the agricultural sector and is in the field of economic activity and has a potential advantage for economic growth. Sectors related to agriculture, construction, wholesale, retail, vehicle and goods repair, food and shelter service activities, administrative and support services, public affairs and municipal services, and education have a competitive advantage and have undergone an upward trend in the years under study. The results of the share change model show that in the sector related to agriculture and service activities related to financial and insurance activities, Guilan province has the best performance in the country, but in the sector related to professional and scientific activities, the country has a better performance than Guilān province.

    Keywords: Economic Development, Regional economy, Basic economy model, Shift Share model, Guilan Province}
  • عبدالرحیم هاشمی دیزج*، زهرا اذری، زینب برادران

    در مبحث اقتصاد منطقه ای، با توجه به محدودیت منابع موجود، شناخت ویژگی ها و مزیت های اقتصادی هر منطقه، امکان برنامه ریزی بهتر را در جهت تحقق اهداف توسعه فراهم می نماید. از این رو، هدف مطالعه حاضر تحلیل وضعیت مزیت نسبی بخش های مختلف اقتصادی استان های شمال غرب در سال های 1393، 1395 و 1397، تحلیل مزیت رقابتی بخش ها و تعیین وضعیت ارزش افزوده بخش ها در استان های شمال غرب نسبت به کشور در سال های 1393، 1395 و 1397 است. برای این منظور از مدل اقتصاد پایه و شاخص ضریب مکانی و مدل تغییر سهم استفاده می شود. نتایج مطالعه نشان می دهد که استان های آذربایجان شرقی، آذربایجان غربی، اردبیل در سال های مورد مطالعه بخش صنعت، فعالیت های حرفه ای و علمی و کشاورزی دارای مزیت نسبی بوده و در حوزه فعالیت برنده اقتصادی قرار داشته و دارای مزیت بالقوه برای رشد اقتصادی است. در استان زنجان در سال 1393 و 1395 بخش کشاورزی و در سال 1397 بخش صنعت دارای مزیت رقابتی است. نتایج مدل تغییر سهم نشان می دهد که روند بسیاری از بخش ها در چهار استان شمال غرب با روند بخش های کشوری همخوانی ندارد.

    کلید واژگان: اقتصاد توسعه, اقتصاد منطقه ای, مدل اقتصاد پایه, مدل تغییر سهم}
    Abdolrahim Hashemi Dizaj *, Zahra Azari, Zeinab Baradaran

    In the field of regional economy, due to the limited resources available, recognizing the economic characteristics and advantages of each region, provides the possibility of better planning to achieve development goals. The economy of a region mainly depends on the strength and weakness of the various economic sectors in it, the dynamics of the industrial structure and the unique factors of the region. The economy of a region usually develops when parts of the region develop over time. Because we are always faced with limited resources in the economy; Knowing the characteristics and economic advantages of each region allows better and smart planning to achieve development goals. Today, however, attention to macro-policies in regional policy-making is accepted as a principle; But this does not mean that what is appropriate at the national level will be useful for all provinces and regions. Failure to pay attention to this point, ie ignoring the talents, abilities and comparative advantages of each region in the field of economic activities, has caused investments not to be commensurate with the potential facilities and capacities, despite the implementation of the program. Of national development, the trend of underdevelopment has continued in some areas, which has caused a gap between different regions of the country in terms of production and employment. Despite having rich natural resources, climatic diversity, abundant water, vast plains, young labor force, abundant tourism capabilities, the northwestern provinces of Iran in recent years have not been able to do as they should and perhaps in proportion to their capabilities. 'S opportunities to gain a fair share of the national economy; So that the share of East Azerbaijan, West Azerbaijan, Ardabil and Zanjan provinces in GDP in 2018 was 3.4, 2, 0.9 and 0.9 percent, respectively, which is proportional to the capacity of these provinces in creating added value. is not. East Azarbaijan, West Azarbaijan, Ardabil and Zanjan provinces in 2018 experienced unemployment rates of 10.9, 14.7, 9.3 and 8.5 percent, respectively, which among Zanjan province with 0.9 shares Of the value added, it has an unemployment rate of 8.5 percent, which has had the best performance among other provinces.


    The present study is applied research in terms of purpose and analytical-descriptive research in terms of information analysis. The required statistical data have been collected from the statistical yearbooks section of the Statistics Center of Iran using the library method. The statistical population of this study is the northwestern provinces (East Azerbaijan, West Azerbaijan, Ardabil, Zanjan) in 2014, 2016 and 2018. The measurement tools of the present study are the basic economy model and spatial coefficient index and the share change model. If the spatial coefficient is greater than one, the province has more production expertise in the activity in question than the whole country, and that activity is considered as a basic activity. If it is equal to one, the production expertise of the province and the country in the desired activity is the same and the province is self-sufficient. If it is less than one, the province has less production expertise in the activity in question than the whole country, and the activity is considered a non-basic activity. Share change model with three elements, total growth of the reference economy (A), relative growth of economic sectors in the total reference economy (B) and the performance of each sector in the province relative to the performance of each sector in the province relative to the performance of the same sector at the reference level (C) The method of change of share is one of the applied methods in regional sciences, which is used to understand the imbalance at the regional level and based on comparing changes at two different levels. It is based on the idea that it evaluates growth differences and inequalities in each region with a larger average level. This difference, which may be positive or negative, indicates a shift or shift in the share of the province's economy in the reference economy.

    Research variables:

    The variables of this research based on different economic sectors are considered as follows. Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing, mining, industry, electricity supply, steam and air conditioning, water supply, waste management, wastewater and treatment activities, buildings, wholesale, retail, vehicle and commodity repair, transportation, warehousing And post, service activities related to accommodation and food, information and communication, service activities related to financial and insurance activities,Real estate, professional and scientific activities, administrative activities and support services,Office of Public Affairs and Urban Services, education, human health and social work activities, arts, entertainment, recreation and other services.


    The results show that the share of value added of industry in East Azerbaijan province has increased during the studied years. The sector of professional and scientific activities as a sector in which the province of West Azerbaijan has a comparative advantage has gone up in the studied years. In Ardabil province, the share of agriculture as a sector with comparative advantage has been declining during the years under study. In Zanjan province, the sector with comparative advantage has changed during the studied years. According to the above results, it can be said that provincial officials need to be in accordance with development programs that emphasize the spatial organization and geographical distribution of population and activities, commensurate with the comparative advantages of each region; By identifying the basics and activities that have a comparative advantage, adopt their own strategies and policies that prioritize investment in core and core activities; So that supportive policies to achieve economic growth in the regions to be directed to these activities. Considering that East Azerbaijan province has a comparative advantage in the industrial sector of West Azerbaijan in the field of professional and scientific activities, Ardabil province in the field of agriculture and Zanjan province in the field of agriculture and industry, so it is necessary for provincial officials to pay attention to these sectors. It is necessary for provincial officials in accordance with development plans that emphasize the spatial organization and geographical distribution of population and activities in proportion to the comparative advantages of each region; By identifying the basics and activities that have a comparative advantage, adopt their own strategies and policies that prioritize investment in core and core activities; So that supportive policies to achieve economic growth in the regions are directed to these activities. Considering that East Azerbaijan province has a comparative advantage in the industrial sector of West Azerbaijan in the sector of professional and scientific activities, Ardabil province in the agricultural sector and Zanjan province in the sector of agriculture and industry, so it is necessary for provincial officials to pay attention to these sectors.

    Keywords: Development economics, Regional Economics, Basic Economy Model, Share Change Model}
  • زینب برادران*، زهرا آذری، حسین پناهی
    هدف پژوهش حاضر، شناسایی هسته کلیدی بخش زیربنایی استان آذربایجان شرقی، با رویکرد تحلیل چندبخشی (MSA) است. با توجه به ماهیت پژوهش حاضر، روش پژوهش مبتنی بر رویکرد تحلیل چندبخشی است و از تکنیک هایی مانند مدل تحلیلی SWOT جهت تحلیل یافته ها بهره گرفته شده است و در پایان راهبرد های ارایه شده با استفاده از روش ماتریس برنامه ریزی استراتژیک کمی (QSPM) اولویت بندی شده اند. این پژوهش در گام نخست به استخراج فناوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات به عنوان کلیدی ترین زیربخش بخش زیربنایی استان با بکاربست مدل تحلیلی MSA و نرم افزار اکسل پرداخته و بااهمیت ترین معیارها را در این بخش استخراج می کند. نتایج یافته ها بیانگر این است که در سطح زیربخش ها فناوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات به عنوان هسته کلیدی با 72/0 امتیاز و در سطح معیار ها، ایجاد ارزش افزوده بالا، ارتقاء توان تولید (فرآیند، تجهیزات و فناوری) و جذب سرمایه خارجی به ترتیب بیشترین اهمیت را دارند. از سویی فناوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات به عنوان تاثیرپذیرترین و تاثیر گذار ترین زیربخش نیز شناخته شده است. در گام بعدی این مطالعه با روش SWOT به بررسی نقاط قوت و ضعف، فرصت ها و تهدید های هسته کلیدی استخراج شده از تحلیل MSA و با استفاده از روش ماتریس برنامه ریزی استراتژیک کمی (QSPM) به اولویت بندی راهبرد های ارایه شده پرداخته شد. یافته های تحقیق نشان می دهد فناوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات در استان آذربایجان شرقی جایگاه مناسب خود را نیافته و اگر استان بخواهد در این بخش پیشرفت کند باید استراتژی های گروه تدافعی (WT) را که مبتنی بر کاهش نقاط ضعف و پرهیز از تهدید هاست، در اولویت قرار دهد که طبق نتایج، استراتژی فراهم سازی بستر مناسب کسب وکارهای الکترونیک و ایجاد واحد استانی توانمند سازی کسب وکارهای اینترنتی جهت افزایش امنیت اطلاعات و توانمند سازی متخصصان فاوا و صاحبان ایده های کسب وکار در استان آذربایجان شرقی توصیه می شود.
    کلید واژگان: بخش زیربنایی, مدل تحلیلی MSA, استان آذربایجان شرقی}
    Zeinab Baradaran *, Zahra Azari, Hossein Panahi
    Extended abstract
    Economic theories and experiences of different countries show that there are different paths for economic growth and development, and the rate of growth and development depends on what sectors of the economy to invest in. the growth rate also varies according to the sectors in which it is invested. for this reason, the production system is usually divided into two parts: production and consumer goods, and it is often said that the productive goods sector is the driving force of growth. therefore, in the long run, maximizing growth depends on allocating as much investment as possible to key sectors of the economy.
    In general, growth and development theories are classified into three main groups in order to identify the importance of economic sectors and how resources are allocated: balanced growth theory, unbalanced growth theory and growth pole theory. Rosenstein-Roden (1943), the founder of the theory of balanced growth, argues that one sector alone cannot provide economic development, but if several sectors start producing with increasing and related returns, so that each demand for the product provide another, economic development will be possible. due to the skepticism of the theory of balanced growth, the theory of unbalanced growth was proposed in the economic literature by Hirschman (1958).  according to this theory, investment should be made in sectors so that the benefits of this investment penetrate into other economic sectors and investment conditions are provided in these sectors. in this theory, Hirschman (1958) believes that in order to achieve development, we have to choose one or more projects from different investment plans, according to our possibilities. other categories of theories for providing a path to development are known as growth pole theories. other categories of theories for providing a path to development are known as growth pole theories, first proposed by Peru (1968) in the economic literature. Peru’s innovative concept is actually derived from Schumpeter’s idea that growth is a direct and indirect product of innovation. in Peru’s theory, simultaneous growth does not occur everywhere, but at points or poles of development that have high gravity. these points spread development through channels and affect the entire economy.
    The aim of this study is to identify the key core of the infrastructure sector of East Azerbaijan province with the multi-sector analysis (MSA) approach. In the first step, this research extracts information and communication technology as the key subdivision of the infrastructure sector of the province using MSA analytical model and Excel software and extracts the most important criteria in this sector. In the next step of this study, the SWOT method examined the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the key core extracted from the MSA analysis, and using the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) method, the proposed strategies were prioritized.
    4- RESULTS &
    The results indicate that at the level of subsectors, ICT as a key core with 0.72 points and at the level of criteria, creating high added value, improving production capacity (process, equipment and technology) and absorption. Foreign capital is the most important, respectively. On the other hand, information and communication technology is also known as the most influential and influential sub-sector. Research findings show that information and communication technology has not found its proper place in East Azerbaijan province.
    Findings show that information and communication technology in East Azerbaijan province has not found its proper place and if the province wants to progress in this area, the strategies of the Defensive Group (WT), which is based on reducing weaknesses and avoiding threats, should be given priority. According to the results, the strategy of providing a suitable platform for e-businesses and creating a provincial unit for empowering Internet businesses to increase information security and empower ICT professionals and business idea owners in East Azerbaijan Province is recommended.
    Keywords: Information, Communications Technology, MSA Analytical Model, East Azerbaijan province}
  • داود بهبودی، زینب برادران خانیان*، زهرا آذری

    هر چند که نگاه به بخش خدمات در فرایند توسعه متفاوت است، در حال حاضر بخش خدمات غالب اقتصاد جهانی را تشکیل می دهد. با توجه به اهمیت این بخش به عنوان یکی از بخش های عمده اقتصادی و تاثیرگذاری آن در فرآیند توسعه کشور، این مطالعه با هدف شناسایی و اولویت بندی هسته های کلیدی بخش خدمات استان آذربایجان شرقی انجام شده است. این پژوهش از لحاظ هدف کاربردی و از حیث شیوه مطالعه توصیفی-تحلیلی است. در این پژوهش در گام نخست با استفاده از مدل تحلیلی MSA به شناسایی و اولویت بندی هسته های کلیدی بخش خدمات استان آذربایجان شرقی پرداخته است. نتایج یافته ها نشان می دهد که در بین زیربخش ها، زیر بخش گردشگری به عنوان هسته کلیدی بخش خدمات انتخاب شده است.در بخش بعدی با روش SWOT به بررسی نقاط قوت و ضعف، فرصت ها و تهدید های هسته کلیدی استخراج شده از تحلیل MSA پرداخته شده و در پایان راهبرد های ارایه شده با استفاده از روش ماتریس برنامه ریزی استراتژیک کمی (QSPM) اولویت بندی شده اند. یافته های تحقیق نشان گر آن است که گردشگری در استان آذربایجان شرقی جایگاه مناسب خود را نیافته و اگر استان بخواهد در این بخش پیشرفت کند باید استراتژی های گروه تدافعی (WT) را در اولویت قرار دهد.  طبق نتایج، استراتژی تشکیل کارگروه توسعه سرمایه گذاری در توسعه کانون های گردشگری، ارتقا گردشگری سلامت به وسیله مسیولان دولتی مرتبط و کارآفرینان، دعوت از سرمایه گذاران داخلی و خارجی و ایجاد تسهیلات و امتیاز های ویژه سرمایه-گذاری برای زیربخش گردشگری در استان آذربایجان شرقی توصیه می شود.

    کلید واژگان: خدمات, گردشگری, مدل تحلیلی MSA, استان آذربایجان شرقی}
    Davood Behboudi, Zeinab Baradaran *, Zahra Azari

    Although the service sector is viewed differently in the development process, it now forms the dominant sector of the global economy. Considering the importance of this sector as one of the major economic sectors and its impact on the development process of the country, this study aims to identify and prioritize the key cores of the service sector of East Azerbaijan province. This research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of descriptive-analytical study method. In the first step, this research using the analytical model of MSA, identify and prioritize the key nuclei of the service sector of East Azerbaijan province. The results show that among the sub-sectors, the tourism sub-sector as the key core of the service sector. Then the SWOT method examined the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. of the key core extracted from the MSA analysis and at the end, the strategies presented using the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) method are discussed Are prioritized. The research findings indicate that tourism in East Azerbaijan province has not been properly positioned. To progress in this sector, defensive strategies (WT) at the provincial level should be prioritized, aiming to mitigate weaknesses and avoid threats. In this respect, forming an investment development task force in the province is recommended. This, in turn, helps develop tourism hubs, promote health tourism by governmental officials and entrepreneurs, invite domestic and foreign investors and provide investment facilities in the tourism sub-sector in the region

    Keywords: Services, Tourism, MSA analytical model, East Azarbaijan Province}
فهرست مطالب این نویسنده: 7 عنوان
  • زهرا آذری
    آذری، زهرا
    (1395) کارشناسی ارشد علوم اقتصادی، دانشگاه تبریز
  • نویسندگان همکار
  • دکتر داود بهبودی
    : 3
    بهبودی، داود
    استاد تمام علوم اقتصادی، گروه توسعه اقتصادی و برنامه ریزی، دانشکده اقتصاد و مدیریت، دانشگاه تبریز
  • دکتر حسین پناهی
    : 1
    پناهی، حسین
    استاد اقتصاد، توسعه اقتصادی و برنامه ریزی، دانشکده اقتصاد و مدیریت، دانشگاه تبریز
  • دکتر حسین اصغرپور
    : 1
    اصغرپور، حسین
    استاد اقتصاد، دانشگاه تبریز
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