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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب ali ebadian

  • Sajad Abdollahnajad, Javad Shokri, Mohammadali Abolfathi *, Ali Ebadian

    In this paper, we introduce the concept of ternary Hom-Jordan derivation and solve the new 3D-Jensen $\rho$-functional equations in the sense of ternary Banach algebras. Moreover, we prove its Hyers-Ulam stability using the fixed point method.

    Keywords: Ternary Hom-Jordan Derivation, 3D-Jensen Ρ-Functional Equations, Fixed Point Method}
  • Fatolah Hasanvand, Shahram Najafzadeh *, Ali Ebadian
    We introduce a new subclass of convex functions as follows:\[  \mathcal{K}_{IC}:=\left\{f\in \mathcal{A}:{\rm  Re}\left(1+\frac{zf''(z)}{f'(z)}\right)>\left|f'(z)-1\right|,\quad  |z|<1\right\},\]where $\mathcal{A}$ denotes the class of analytic and normalized functions in the unit disk $|z|<1$. Some properties of this particular class, including subordination relation, integral representation, the radius of convexity, rotation theorem, sharp coefficients estimate and Fekete-Szeg\"{o} inequality associated with the $k$-th root transform, are investigated.
    Keywords: Univalent, Convexity, Subordination, Fekete-Szego inequality, Coefficients estimates, Rotation theorem}
  • Shahram Najafzadeh, Tahereh Behpour, Ali Ebadian, Robab H. Haghi

    By considering a fixed point in the punctured unit disk and using the --derivative, a new subfamily of meromorphic and univalent functions is defined. Also, the first and second order { --derivative} of meromorphic functions are introduced. Coefficient bounds, extreme points, radii of starlikeness and convexity are obtained. Furthermore, the convexity and preserving under convolution with some restrictions on parameters are investigated

    Keywords: Meromophic functions, --derivative, Convex set, Extreme points, Coefficient estimate}
  • زهرا مقدم، حمزه دیدار *، کیومرث شهبازی، علی عبادیان

    هدف این مقاله تشریح و تبیین رفتار استراتژیک مدیران و سهامداران در محیط تعاملی-تعارضی شرکت های سهامی با استفاده از ابزار نظریه بازی ها و در قالب بازی های علامت-دهی است. بدین صورت که ابتدا مدیر با در نظر گرفتن سطح کیفیت کنترل های داخلی، اقدام به (مدیریت سود فریبنده، آگاهی دهنده) کرده و سپس سهام دار با استراتژی های (هزینه سرمایه بالا، هزینه سرمایه پایین) و نیز (دریافت خدمات حسابرسی با کیفیت بالا، دریافت خدمات حسابرسی با کیفیت پایین) به آن واکنش نشان می دهد. یافته های مقاله ، به-صورت نظری، شروط لازم برای برقراری تعادل در استراتژی های (مدیریت سود فریبنده، هزینه سرمایه بالا)، (مدیریت سود فریبنده، دریافت خدمات حسابرسی با کیفیت بالا) در محیط کنترل های داخلی ضعیف و همچنین استراتژی های (مدیریت سود آگاهی دهنده، هزینه سرمایه پایین)، (مدیریت سود آگاهی دهنده، دریافت خدمات حسابرسی با کیفیت پایین) در محیط کنترل های داخلی قوی را بیان می دارد. نتایج این مقاله ضمن ارائه بینشی در زمینه علل گزینش استراتژی های گوناگون از جانب مدیران و سهام داران، به یافتن نقطه تعادلی در منافع طرفین بازی منجر می شود که در آن طرفین بازی یعنی مدیر و سهام دار از منافع خود راضی باشند.

    کلید واژگان: ابعاد مدیریت سود, تئوری بازی ها, تعادل نش, کیفیت حسابرسی, نرخ هزینه سرمایه سهام عادی}
    Zahra Moghadam, Hamzeh Didar*, Kiumars Shahbazi, Ali Ebadian

    This article aims to describe and explain the strategic behavior of managers and shareholders in the interactive conflict environment of joint-stock firms using the tools of game theory, specifically through signaling games. Managers, considering the quality of internal controls, engage in both deceptive and informative earnings management strategies. Shareholders then respond with strategies involving high or low capital costs and opt for either high or low-quality audit services. The findings of the research outline the theoretical conditions necessary for establishing balance in strategies such as deceptive earnings management with high capital costs and deceptive earnings management with high-quality audit services in environments characterized by weak internal controls. Additionally, it highlights the conditions required to establish equilibrium in strategies like informative earnings management with low capital costs and informative earnings management with low-quality audit services within environments boasting strong internal controls.

    Keywords: Aspects Of Earnings Management, Game Theory, Nash Equilibrium, Audit Quality, Cost Of Equity}
  • Reza Alizadeh, M. Jahangiri, Ali Ebadian, F. Dastmalchi

    This article discusses the replicating kernel interpolation collocation method related to Jacobi polynomials to solve a class of fractional system of equations. The reproducing kernel function that is executed as an (RKM) was first created in the form of Jacobi polynomials. To prevent Schmidt orthogonalization, researchers compare the numerical solutions achieved by varying the parameter value. Through various numerical examples, it is demonstrated that this technique is practical and precise.

    Keywords: Reproducing, Shifted Jacobi Polynomials, Two-dimensionalfractional integral equation, Fractional derivative}
  • Somayeh Fadaei, Shahram Najafzadeh, Ali Ebadian

    In this paper, we introduce a newly defined  subclass $\mathcal{S}_{\Sigma}(\vartheta,\gamma,\eta;\varphi) $ of bi-univalent functions by using the Tremblay differential operator satisfying subordinate conditions in the unit disk. Moreover, we use the Faber polynomial expansion to derive bounds for the Fekete-Szego problem and first two \emph{Taylor-Maclaurin coefficients} $|a_2|$ and $|a_3|$ for functions of this class.

    Keywords: Analytic function, Bi-univalent function, Coefficient estimates, Faber polynomial expansion, Tremblay fractional derivative operato}
  • Mehri Alizadeh, Rasoul Aghalary, Ali Ebadian

    In this paper we define a new subclass $S_{LH}(k, \gamma; \varphi)$ of log-harmonic mappings, and then basic properties such as dilations, convexity on one direction and convexity of log functions of convex- exponent product of elements of that class are discussed. Also we find sufficient conditions on $\beta$ such that $f\in S_{LH}(k, \gamma; \varphi)$ leads to $F(z)=f(z)|f(z)|^{2\beta}\in S_{LH}(k, \gamma, \varphi)$. Our results generalize the analogues of the earlier works in the combinations of harmonic functions.

    Keywords: Univalent function, Log-harmonic function, Convex in the one direction, Sense-preserving functions}
  • فریبا فرجپور، علی عبادیان*، شهرام نجف زاده

    فرض کنید A یک جبر باناخ و X یک باتاخ A-دومدول باشد. نگاشت D:A->X را یک اشتقاق مکعبی نامند هرگاه برای هر a,bin A داشته باشیم D(ab)=a^3D(b)+D(a)b^3. نگاشت D را یک نگاشت همگن مکعبی نامند هرگاه برای هر ain A و lambdain C داشته باشیم D(lambda a)=lambda D(a). در این مقاله نگاشت خطی-مکعبی و اشتقاق خطی-مکعبی را به صورت زیر تعریف می کنیم. نگاشت همگن مکعبی D:A->X را یک نگاشت خطی-مکعبی گوییم هرگاه برای هر a,bin A و lambdain C داشته باشیم D(lambda a+b)=lambda D(a)+D(b) و علاوه براین اگر D یک اشتقاق مکعبی باشد آن را یک اشتقاق خطی-مکعبی نامیم. در این مقاله اشتقاق های خطی-مکعبی را روی رده های مختلفی از جبرهای باناخ شامل جبرهای باناخ حاصل از ضرب theta-لایو، جبرهای باناخ توسیع مدولی و جبرهای باناخ ملقمه ای توصیف می کنیم. برای توصیف، theta-اشتقاق مکعبی و نگاشت های مکعبی مدولی را تعریف می کنیم. برای جبرباناخ Atimes_theta B که thetainsigma{A}cup{0} و A یکدار است، نشان می دهیم که اشتقاق خطی-مکعبی است اگروتنهااگر theta-اشتقاق مکعبیD_B,A:B—>A و اشتقاق های خطی-مکعبی D_A:A—>A و D_B:B—>Bموجود باشند که برای هر (a,b)in Atimes_theta B ، به صورت D(a,b)=(D_A(a)+D_B,A(b),D(b)) باشد و برای هر (a,b)in Atimes_theta B در شرط داده شده صدق کند. نتایجی مشابه برای جبرهای باناخ توسیع مدولی و ملقمه ای بدست می آوریم.

    * فرمول ها به درستی نمایش داده نمی شوند.

    کلید واژگان: اشتقاق خطی-مکعبی, اشتقاق مکعبی, ضرب -لائو, جبر باناخ توسیع مدولی, جبر باناخ ملقمه ای}
    Fariba Farajpour, Ali Ebadian *, Shahram Najafzadeh

    Let A be a Banach algebra and X be a Banach A-bimodule. A mapping D:A--->X is called a cubic derivation if, for all a,bin A we have D(ab)=a^3D(b)+D(a)b^3 . The mapping D:A--->X is called a cubic homogenous map if we have D(lambda a)=lambda^3 D(a) for all ain A and lambdain C. In this paper, we define linear-cubic map and linear-cubic derivation as follows. We say the cubic homogenous map D:A--->X is a linear-cubic map if we have D(lambda a+b)=lambda^3D(a)+D(b) , for all a,bin A and lambdain C and moreover if D:A--->X is a cubic derivation, then we call it a linear-cubic derivation. In this paper, we characterize linear-cubic derivations on various class of Banach algebras such as Banach algebras obtained by theta-Lau product, module extensions of Banach algebras and amalgamated Banach algebras. For characterizing, we define theta-cubic derivation and module cubic mappings. For Banach algebra Atimes_theta B , where thetainsigma(A)cup{0} and A is unital, we show that D:A--->X is a linear-cubic derivation if and only if there are theat -cubic derivation D_B,A:B--->A and linear-cubic derivations D_A:A--->A and D_B:B---> B such that for any (a,b)in Atimes_theta B, be as follows D(a,b)=(D_A(a)+D_B,A(b),D(b)) and these mappings satisfy in the given condition. We obtain similar results for module extensions of Banach algebras and amalgamated Banach algebras.

    * The formulas are not displayed correctly.

    Keywords: amalgamated Banach algebra, cubic derivation, linear-cubic derivation, module extensions of Banach algebras, -Lau product}
  • ابوالقاسم علیشاهی*، سعیده شمسی گمچی، علی عبادیان

    در این مقاله، مطالعات انجام شده در مورد ویژگی های مجموع متناهی از عملگرهای ترکیبی وزن دار روی فضاهای L را ادامه می دهیم. در ابتدا شرایط لازم و کافی برای فشردگی این عملگر روی فضاهای اندازه پذیر و اتمیک p اندازه پذیر L آورده و سپس در برخی از حالت ها کران هایی برای نرم اساسی این عملگر محاسبه شده است.

    کلید واژگان: عملگر ترکیبی وزندار, فشردگی, فضاهای اندازه اتمیک&rlm, نرم اساسی}
    Aboalghasem Alishahi *, Saeedeh Shamsigamchi, Ali Ebadian

    ‎In this paper‎, we continue the study of finite sum of weigted composition operators betweem different ‎‎L‎^{p}‎-spaces. ‎indeed,‎ ‎we first obtain some necessary and sufficient conditions for the compactness of finite sum of weighted composition operators between distinct L^p of atomic measure space ‎. ‎We also estimate the essential norms of these operators‎.

    Keywords: weighted composition operator&lrm, Compactness&lrm, &lrm, essential norms, atomic measure space}
  • سعید استادباشی*، علی عبادیان

    در این مقاله، اشتقاق های بالاتر را روی مشبکه ها بررسی و توصیف می کنیم. هم چنین، مثال هایی را برای روشن کردن مطالب، ارایه می کنیم.

    کلید واژگان: اشتقاق, اشتقاق بالاتر, مشبکه}
    Saeid Ostadbashi*, Ali Ebadian

    In this paper, we study and describe the higher derivatives on the lattices. We also provide examples to clarify the content.

    Keywords: Derivation, higher derivation, lattice}
  • ابوطالب شیخعلی *

    فرض کنیم فرض کنیم f:X×Y×Z→W نگاشتی سه خطی کران دار بر فضاهای نرم دار باشد. نگاشت f را نزدیک به منظم می نامیم هرگاه (f^(t****s)=f^(s****t و آن را آرون- برنر منظم می نامیم هرگاه تمامی توسیع های طبیعی آن برابر باشند. در این مقاله برخی نتایج را برای نزدیک به منظمی نگاشت های سه خطی کران دار مورد بررسی قرار می دهیم.

    کلید واژگان: منظم پذیر آرنز, آرون-برنر منظم, نزدیک به منظم}
    Abotaleb Sheikhali *, Kazem Haghnejad Azar, Ali Ebadian

    Let $f:Xtimes Ytimes Zlongrightarrow W $ be a bounded tri-linear map on normed spaces. We say that $f$ is close-to-regular when $f^{t****s}=f^{s****t}$ and we say that $f$ is Aron-Berner regular when all natural extensions are equal. In this manuscript, we have some results on the close-to-regular maps and investigate the close-to-regularity of tri-linear maps.

    *The formula is not displayed correctly

    Keywords: Arens regularity, Aron-Berner regular, Close-to-regular}
  • امیر علی یان*، یوسف استارمی، علی عبادیان

    در این مقاله، ما با استفاده از روش های کارلسون، نرم اساسی عملگرهای امید شرطی وزن دار را در فضاهای برگمن تخمین می زنیم. به عنوان یک نتیجه، ما برای فشردگی این عملگرها یک شرط هم ارزی بدست می آوریم. نتایج ما، نتایج مشابهی را که برای عملگرهای ضربی در فضاهای برگمن حاصل شده است، گسترش می دهد.

    کلید واژگان: اندازه کارلسون شرطی, فضای برگمن, امید شرطی, نرم اساسی}
    Amir Aliyan *, Yousef Estaremi, Ali Ebadian

    In this paper, we estimate the essential norm of weighted conditional expectation operators on Bergman spaces by means of related Carleson measures. As a consequence, we get an equivalence condition for compactness of these operators And we will mention an example. Our results extend similar results that were proven for multiplication operators on Bergman spaces.

    Keywords: conditional Carleson measure, Bergman space, Conditional expectation, Essential norm}
  • Moosa Ebadi∗, AhmadReza Haghighi, Isfand Malih Maleki, Ali Ebadian

    Solving optimal control problems (OCP) with analytical methods has usually been difficult or not cost-effective. Therefore, solving these problems requires numerical methods. There are, of course, many ways to solve these problems. One of the methods available to solve OCP is a forward-backward sweep method (FBSM). In this method, the state variable is solved in a forward and co-state variable by a backward method where an explicit Runge–Kutta method (ERK) is often used to solve differential equations arising from OCP. In this paper, instead of the ERK method, three hybrid methods based on ERK method of order 3 and 4 are proposed for the numerical approximation of the OCP. Truncation errors and stability analysis of the presented methods are illustrated. Finally, numerical results of the four optimal control problems obtained by new methods, which shows that new methods give us more detailed results, are compared with those of ERK approaches of orders 3 and 4 for solving OCP.

    Keywords: FBSM, OCP, Stability analysis, Hybridmethods}
  • رحیم کارگر، علی عبادیان، نادر کنزی*

    فرض کنید رده همه توابع تحلیلی و نرمال شده در قرص واحد باشد. برای هر تابع  از خانواه  ضرایب لگاریتمی  به صورت زیر تعریف می شوند:هم چنین، زیررده  از  را به صورت زیر تعریف می کنیم که در آن " " رابطه تبعیت است. هدف ما در این مقاله تخمین دقیق نامساویها شامل ضرایب لگاریتمی برای توابعی است که به رده    تعلق دارند.

    کلید واژگان: تابع تک ارز, ستاره واری, تبعیت, ضرایب لگاریتمی, ضرب پیچشی}
    Rahim Kargar, Ali Ebadian, Nader Kanzi*

    Let  be the open unit disc in the complex plane  and  be the class of all functions of  which are analytic and normalized in  The subclass of consisting of all univalent functions  in  is denoted by  We say that a function  is said to be starlike function if and only if for all We denote by  the class of all satrlike functions in If  and  are two of the functions in  then we say that  is subordinate to  written  or  if there exists a Schwartz function  such that  for all  Furthermore, if the function  is univalent in  then we have the following equivalence: Also for and   their Hadamard product (or convolution) is defined by The logarithmic coefficients   of , denoted by , are defined by These coefficients play an important role for various estimates in the theory of univalent functions. For example, consider the Koebe function where  It is easy to see that the above function  has logarithmic coefficients where  and  Also for the function  we have and the sharp estimates and hold. We remark that the Fekete-Szego theorem is used. For  , the problem seems much harder and no significant upper bounds for  when  appear to be known. Moreover, the problem of finding the sharp upper bound for for  is still open for . The sharp upper bounds for modulus of logarithmic coefficients are known for functions in very few subclasses of . For functions in the class  it is easy to prove that  for  and the equality holds for the Koebe function. The celebrated de Brangeschr('39') inequalities (the former Milin conjecture) for univalent functions  state that where   with the equality if and only if De Branges used this inequality to prove the celebrated Bieberbach conjecture. Moreover, the de Brangeschr('39') inequalities have also been the source of many other interesting inequalities involving logarithmic coefficients of  such as    Let  denote the class of functions  and satisfying the following subordination relation where .

    Material and methods

    In this paper, first we obtain a subordination relation for the class  and by making use of this relation we give two sharp estimates for the logarithmic coefficients of the function 

    Results and discussion

    We obtain two sharp estimates for the logarithmic coefficients of the function 


    The following conclusions were drawn from this research. Logarithmic coefficients  of the function  are estimated.

    Keywords: Univalent functions, Starlikeness, Subordination, Logarithmic coefficients, Hadamard product}
  • MohammadReza Yasamian *, Ali Ebadian, MohammadReza Foroutan

    In the present paper, we introduce and investigate three interesting superclasses SD, SD* and KD of analytic, normalized and univalent functions in the open unit disk D. For functions belonging to these classes  SD, SD* and  KD, we derive several properties including (for example) the coefficient bounds and growth theorems. The various results presented here would generalize many well known results. We also get a new univalent criterion and some interesting properties for univalent function,starlike function,convex function and close-to-convex function. Many superclasses which are already studied by various researchers are obtained as special cases of our two new superclasses.

    Keywords: Univalent functions, starlike functions, Convex functions, Close-to-convex function}
  • Zahra Orouji *, Ali Ebadian
    ‎In this note, we study the integral operators $I_{g}^{gamma, alpha}$ and $J_{g}^{gamma, alpha}$ of an analytic function $g$ on convex and starlike functions of a complex order. Then, we investigate the same operators on $H^{infty}$ and Besov spaces.
    Keywords: Integral operators, Besov spaces, Convex functions of complex order, Starlike functions of complex order, Schwarzian norm}
  • Ahmad Mohammaddoost *, Mir Feiz Falah Shams Dialestani, Madjid Eshaghi Gordji, Ali Ebadian

    Implementation credit rating for Corporates is influenced by Different circum-stances, systems, processes, and cultures in each country. In this study, we pro-posed a Factor analysis modified approach for determine important factors on real data set of 123 accepted corporate in Tehran Securities Exchange for the years 2009-2017 of diverse range of 52 variable. We estimated the priority score for 49 factors. The three factors, Debt to Equity Ratio, Current debt-to-equity ratio and proprietary ratio exclude due to high correlation with others. The results indicated that three macroeconomic factors: Price Index of Consumer Goods and Services, exchange rate and Interest rate determinants were more effective on the credit ratings. In addition, Financial Ratios and non-Financial Ratios such as Return on equity (ROE), Long-term debt-to-equity ratio, Benefit of the loan, ratio of com-modity to working capital, Current capital turnover, Return on Working Capital, Quick Ratio, Current Ratio, Net Profit margin, Gross profit margin, had effect on credit rating accepted corporate in Tehran Securities Exchange. The Nonparametric statistical test to validate the consistency between AHP ranking and Factor analysis revealed, the new approach has a moderated consistency with AHP. In conclusion, the Factor analysis modified approach could be applied significantly to evaluate efficiency and ranking factors with minimum loss of information.

    Keywords: Credit ratings, factor analysis, analytic hierarchy process, Financial ratios, Non-financial ratios}
  • ابراهیم امینی *

    این مقاله ، جواب معادلات دیفرانسیل تاخیری خطی و غیر خطی را در فضای هسته‌ی بازتولید بدست می‌آوریم. بدین منظور با توجه به معادله مذکور و شرایط حاکم بر آن، یک عملگر خطی تعریف می‌کنیم و در ادامه با استفاده از عملگر الحاقی آن و تابع هسته بازتولید یک دستگاه متعامد یکه کامل برای فضای هسته‌ی بازتولید بدست می‌آوریم. سپس جواب معادلات مذکور را بر حسب یک سری از توابع پایه‌ای بدست می‌آوریم. در واقع جواب تحلیلی به‌صورت یک سری نامتناهی نمایش داده می‌شود و با استفاده از یک روش تکراری، جواب تقریبی نظیر سری مذکور بدست آورده می‌شود. به‌عنوان یکی از اهداف اصلی, آنالیز همگرایی و خطا را برای روش مورد نظر در حل معادلات دیفرانسیل تاخیری بررسی می‌کنیم. در پایان برخی از مثالهای عددی برای نشان دادن درستی و کاربرد روش پیشنهادی مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است و نتایج حاصل از این روش با جواب دقیق کارهای قبلی مقایسه می‌شوند. نتایج بدست آمده از مثالهای عددی نشان می‌دهد که روش پیشنهادی مفید و مناسب است.

    کلید واژگان: هسته ی بازتولید, معادله ی دیفرانسیل تاخیری, آنالیز خطا, آنالیز همگرایی}
    Ebrahim Amini *, Ali Ebadian

    In this paper, we obtain the solution of linear and nonlinear delay differential equations in reproducing kernel space. For this purpose, regarding the equation and conditions governing it, a linear operator is defined and subsequently an orthonormal complete system for reproducing kernel space is obtained by using the adjoint operator and reproducing kernel function. Then, the solution of these equations is obtained in the form of a series of the basic functions. Indeed, the analytical solution is represented by infinite series, and the approximate solution is obtained by using an iterative method. As one of the main aims, the convergence analysis and error behavior are discussed for the proposed method. Finally, some numerical examples are studied to demonstrate the validity and applicability of the proposed method. The obtained results of the proposed method are compared with the exact solutions and the earlier works. The outcomes from numerical examples illustrate that the proposed method is very effective and convenient.

    Keywords: Reproducing kernel, Delay differential equations, Error analysis, Convergence analysis}
  • Hamideh Mohammadzadehkan *, Ali Ebadian, Kazem Haghnejad Azar
    In this paper, we discuss some properties of joint spectral {radius(jsr)} and  generalized spectral radius(gsr)  for a finite set of upper triangular matrices with entries in a Banach algebra and represent relation between geometric and joint/generalized spectral radius. Some of these are in scalar matrices, but  some are different. For example for a bounded set of scalar matrices,$Sigma$, $r_*left(Sigmaright)= hat{r}left(Sigmaright)$, but for a bounded set of  upper triangular matrices with entries in a Banach algebra($Sigma$), $r_*left(Sigmaright)neqhat{r}left(Sigmaright)$. We  investigate when the set is  defective or not and equivalent properties for having a norm equal to jsr, too.
    Keywords: Banach algebra, Upper Triangular Matrix, Generalized Spectral Radius, Joint Spectral Radius, Geometric Joint Spectral Radius}
  • ابوطالب شیخعلی *

    در این نوشتار ما معیارهایی برای منظمی نگاشت سه خطی کران دار معرفی می کنیم. برای نگاشت سه خطی کران دار f : X × Y × Z −→ W و نگاشت خطی کران دار h : W −→ S نشان می دهیم f منظم است اگر و تنها اگر hof منظم باشد. همچنین شرایط لازم و کافی را بدست می آوریم که تحت آن شرایط الحاقی چهارم ****^D از سه اشتقاقD، سه اشتقاق باشد.

    *فرمول ها به درستی نمایش داده نمی شوند.

    Abotaleb Sheikhali *, Ali Ebadian, Kazem Haghnejad Azar

    In this Article, we give a simple criterion for the regularity of a tri-linear mapping. We provide if f : X × Y × Z −→ W is a bounded tri-linear mapping and h : W −→ S is a bounded linear mapping, then f is regular if and only if hof is regular. We also shall give some necessary and sufficient conditions such that the fourth adjoint D^∗∗∗∗ of a tri-derivation D is again tri-derivation.

    * The formula is not displayed correctly.

    Keywords: Fourth adjoint, Regular, Tri-derivation, Tri-linear}
  • Zahra Bakhtiari, S. Mansour Vaezpour*, Ali Ebadian

    In this article we consider the system of operator equations TiX = Ui for i = 1, 2, 3, ..., n, between Hilbert spaces and give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of common Hermitian solutions to this system of operator equations for arbitrary operators without the closedness condition. Also we study the Moore-Penrose inverse of a n × 1 block operator matrix and then give the general form of common Hermitian solutions to this system of equations. Cosequently, we give the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of common Hermitian solutions to the system of operator equations TiXVi = Ui , for i = 1, 2, 3, ..., n and also present the necessary conditions for solvability of the equation Pn i=1 TiXi = U.

    Keywords: Operator equation, Hermitian solution, Common solution, Existence of solution, Moore Penrose inverse.20.. MSC: Primary ...., Secondary ...}
  • Saeed Hashemi Sababe *, Ali Ebadian
    This paper is devoted to the study of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. We focus on multipliers of reproducing kernel Banach and Hilbert spaces. In particular, we try to extend this concept and prove some related theorems. Moreover, we focus on reproducing kernels in vector-valued reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. In particular, we extend reproducing kernels to relative reproducing kernels and prove some theorems in this subject.
    Keywords: Reproducing kernel, Multipliers, Vector-valued spaces}
  • Rahim Kargar *, Ali Ebadian, Janusz Sokol
    In this paper, we define new subclass of analytic functions related with bounded positive real part, and coefficients estimates, duality and neighborhood are considered.
    Keywords: starlike function, duality, Hadamard product, subordination, neighborhood}
  • Ali Ebadian*, Saman Azizi, Shahram Najafzadeh
    In this paper, the problem of stability for certain subclasses of harmonic univalent functions is investigated. Some lower bounds for the radius of stability of these subclasses are found.
    Keywords: Stability of the convolution, Integral convolution, Harmonic univalent, starlike, convex functions}
  • Farzaneh Ebrahimi *, Seyed Ebrahim Mousavi, Sevda Nezafat Takaleh, Ali Ebadian, Hassan Jafarzadeh Dashbolagh
    The purpose of this study was to examine the compare of perceived stress and feeling lonely in breast cancer patients and normal individuals.
    This research is causal-comparative. The population consist of all patients with breast cancer in hospitals of Ardebil. 60  patients and 60  normal individuals were selected with sampling method. The students answered the same questionnaire including social and emotional loneliness scale for adults  (SELSA_S) and questionnaire  of  perceived stress scale. Data analysis included MANOVA analyses and SPSS software (package of Spss / pc + + ver18).
    The results showed that there is a significant relationship between perceived stress positive,  negative andfeeling lonely in breast cancer patients and normal individuals. According the results the there is a significant relationship between loneliness in breast cancer patients and normal individuals and mean loneliness feeling in patients with breast cancer more than normal subjects.
    Keywords: Perceived stress, Feeling lonely, Breast cancer patients}
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