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فهرست مطالب ameneh balavi

  • Ameneh Balavi*, Mohsen Ghanbarzade

    Airways resistance and broncho-spasm due to exercise are very common. Factors such as exercise, temperature, humidity, air pollution, and disease affect this complication. This study was performed due to the increase in physical disability of muscle weakness in patients with MS and the lack of information on the effect of different strength training exercises on air resistance.


    The current study aimed to investigate the effect of resistance training with different intensities on airway resistance indices of women with MS.


    Thirty six women with Multiple sclerosis who had a disability criterion ranged from 1 to 4 (based on Krutzke’s disability scale) were sampled using the targeted and purposive sampling methods. They were selected based on the initial health conditions and then were randomly assigned to each of the three groups (each consisting of 12 participants). The first group received resistance training for 12 weeks, three sessions a week with intensity 60% 1RM, and the second group received resistance training for 12 weeks, three sessions a week with intensity 80% 1RM. Those in the control group didn’t have an exercise program.


    Airway resistance indices were measured both before and after 12 weeks of resistance training, airway resistance indices in both groups was significantly decreased, and these changes were significant in both experimental groups as compared to the control group.


    According to the findings, in addition to improving balance, fatigue, andmuscle endurance, high-intensity resistance training had similar effects to moderate-intensity exercise on pulmonary function indices in women with MS.

    Keywords: Resistance Training, Airway Resistance, Multiple Sclerosis, Fatigue, Muscular Endurance}
  • آمنه بالوی *، محسن قنبرزاده

    مالتیپل اسکلروزیس یک بیماری مزمن پیش ‍رونده سیستم عصبی مرکزی با علایم متفاوت و ناتوان کننده فیزیکی و روان‍شناختی می‍باشد که مشکلات عدیده‍ای را برای فرد بیمار به همراه دارد. هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی تاثیر تمرینات مقاومتی با شدت‍های مختلف بر شاخص‍های عملکرد ریوی زنان مبتلا به مولتیپل اسکلروزیس می‍باشد. این پژوهش یک مداخله نیمه تجربی به شیوه پیش‌آزمون – پس‌آزمون با گروه کنترل بود. جامعه پژوهش را کلیه بیماران زن دارای پرونده فعال در انجمن ام‌اس شهر اهواز تشکیل می‌دادند که بر اساس ملاک‍های ورود و خروج به مطالعه تعداد 36 زن مبتلا به روش هدفمند و در دسترس از بین زنان داوطلب واجد شرایط انتخاب شدند و به صورت کاملا تصادفی در سه گروه جای گرفتند. گروه‍های تمرینی 12 هفته، هفته‍ای 3 جلسه به تمرین پرداختند. گروه اول تمرین مقاومتی در سه ست،10-12 تکرار با شدت (60% 1RM)  وگروه دوم در چهار ست، 6-8 تکرار تمرین مقاومتی با شدت (80% 1RM)  و گروه کنترل بدون برنامه تمرینی بودند. قبل و بعد از دوره تمرینی، شاخص های تنفسی، ترکیب بدن، قدرت و استقامت عضلانی و حداکثر اکسیژن مصرفی انداز‌ه‌گیری شدند و تست اسپیرومتری گرفته شد. نتایج باکمک تحلیل واریانس با اندازه‍گیری مکرر نشان داد که پس از 12 هفته بین تاثیر دو شدت تمرین بر ,FEV1, FVC, MVV, VC FEV1/FVC، شاخص توده بدنی و محیط کمر به لگن، تفاوت معنی داری وجود نداشت (05/0P>). و این تغییرات در گروه‍های تجربی نسبت به گروه کنترل نیز معنادار بود. توده بدون چربی در گروه‍های تمرینی افزایش معناداری را نشان داد (03/0P=). علاوه بر بهبود تعادل، خستگی و استقامت عضلانی، یافته های حاضر نشان داد تمرینات مقاومتی با شدت بالا تاثیرات مشابه با تمرینات با شدت متوسط بر شاخص های عملکرد ریوی زنان مبتلا به مالتیپل اسکلروزیس داشتند. سطح معنی داری نیز (05/0P≤) در نظر گرفته شد.

    کلید واژگان: تمرین مقاومتی, شاخص های عملکرد ریوی, مولتیپل اسکلروزیس}
    Ameneh Balavi*, Mohsen Ghanbarzadeh

    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic progressive disease of the central nervous system with different physical and psychological disabling symptoms, which causes a lot of problems for the patient. This study aimed to investigate the effect of different intensities of resistance training on pulmonary function indexes of women with multiple sclerosis. Having control group, this study was a quasi-experimental intervention in a pretest-posttest. The research population includes all active registered female patients of Ahwaz MS Society. According to the including and excluding criteria, 36 MS suffering patients were entered to the study among the eligible, available and voluntary women, purposefully. They were completely randomized in three groups. The training groups were trained for 12 weeks, 3 sessions per week. The first and second groups were resistanly trained in three sets (10-12 repetitions with 60% 1RM severity) and four sets (6-8 repetitions with 80% 1RM intensity), respectively; while the third group was control without any exercise program. Before and after training, respiratory performance indicators, body composition, maximum oxygen consumption, muscle strength and muscular endurance were measured and spirometry tests were performed. Using variance analysis with repeated measurements, the results were analyzed. There were no significant difference for FEV1, FVC, MVV, VC, FEV1/FVC, BMI and waist to hip ratio after 12 weeks (P> 0.05) between the two training intensities. Meanwhile, as compared to the control group, these changes were significant for the experimental groups. Lipid mass in training groups showed a significant increase (P = 0.03). In addition to improved balance, fatigue and muscular endurance, our findings showed that moderate and high intensity exercises had similar effects on pulmonary function indices in women with multiple sclerosis. Significant level was considered as P≤ 0.05.

    Keywords: resistance training, pulmonary function, multiple sclerosis}
  • Ameneh Balavi, HojaatAllah Nik Bakht *, Mandana Gholami, Khosro Ebrahim

    Dust has become one of the serious problems of people, and (more) especially in the cities of western and southwestern Iran. Despite the importance of the issue of dust, little has been done on this phenomenon, and there are many questions about many aspects of this phenomenon. This study sought to investigate the effect of aerobic exercise in dust -filled air and compare it with clean air on non-athletic overweight male using pulmonary function indicators.


    Of the eligible candidates, 30 persons were selected in a targeted and accessible manner. The subjects were given two separate days in the clean and dusty air at the physiology lab of the Islamic Azad University of Sousangerd to perform a daily treadmill incremental aerobic exercise session. A spirometry test was used to determine the pulmonary function indicators before and after an incremental exercise test session in both days of clean air and high dust (with similar humidity and temperature). For statistical analysis of data Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and paired sample t test (p≤0.05) were used.


    Paired sample t test for changes in both airs indicated that there was significant difference in changes of FEV1 (p=0.004) and MVV (p=0.004) after incremental aerobic exercise between clean and dusty airs, nevertheless there were no significant difference in changes of FVC (p=0.27), FEV1/FVC (p=0.50) and VC (p=0.16) after incremental aerobic exercise between clean and dusty airs.


    One session of incremental aerobic exercise in dusty air is associated with decreasing pulmonary function indicators and decreasing pulmonary function capacity.

    Keywords: Dusty Air, Exercise, Pulmonary Function}
  • امیرحسین حقیقی، آمنه بالوی، محمدرضا حامدی نیا، رویا عسکری
    هدف از تحقیق حاضر بررسی تاثیر دو برنامه تمرین هوازی با شدت های متفاوت بر برخی شاخص های خطر بیماری قلبی – عروقی در دختران جوان بود. به همین منظور، 42 دختر (با میانگین های سن 46‎/1 ±59‎/20 سال، قد 75‎/4 ±29‎/160 سانتی متر، وزن 82‎/8± 23‎/59 کیلوگرم، شاخص تودهبدن 41‎/3± 08‎/22 کیلوگرم بر مترمربع، درصد چربی بدن 85‎/3 ±42‎/15 و حداکثر توان هوازی 96‎/3 ±34‎/25 میلی لیتر بر کیلوگرم وزن بدن در دقیقه) به صورت داوطلبانه انتخاب شدند و به طور تصادفی در سه گروه قرار گرفتند: الف) تمرین هوازی با شدت 75-65 درصد ضربان قلب بیشینه، ب) تمرین هوازی با شدت 90-80 درصد ضربان قلب بیشینه و ج) گروه کنترل. سپس دو گروه تجربی به مدت 8 هفته و هر هفته 3 جلسه، تحت تاثیر تمرین های هوازی قرار گرفتند. تحلیل اطلاعات با استفاده از آزمون آنالیز واریانس یکطرفه (ANOVA)‎ نشان داد که بین سه گروه کنترل، تمرین هوازی با شدت 90-80 درصد ضربان قلب بیشینه و تمرین هوازی با شدت 75-65 درصد ضربان قلب بیشینه، در شاخص های کلسترول تام، تری گلیسرید، ApoAI،HDL3،HDL2، HDL، LDL-C سرمی تفاوت معنی داری وجود ندارد (05‎/0P>). همچنین مشخص شد که تمرینات هوازی با هر دو شدت، موجب افزایش معنادار حداکثر توان هوازی می شود (05‎/0 P<).
    می توان گفت انجام دو برنامه تمرین هوازی با شدت های مختلف بر شاخص های خطر بیماری های قلبی – عروقی در دختران جوان سالم تاثیر معنی داری ندارد، اما می تواند موجب بهبود آمادگی هوازی در آنها شود.
    کلید واژگان: شاخص های خطر قلبی - عروقی, تمرین هوازی, شدت, دختران جوان}
    Amirhossein Haghighi, Ameneh Balavi, Mohammad Reza Hamedinia, Roya Askari
    The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of two aerobic training programs with different intensities on some cardiovascular risk factors in young girls. For this purpose, 42 girls (mean age 20.59±1.46 years, height 160.29±4.75 cm, weight 59.23±8.82 Kg, BMI 22.08±3.41 kg/m2, %BF 15.42±3.85 and Vo2max 25.34±3.96 ml/kg/min) were voluntarily participated in this study and divided into three groups randomly: aerobic training (intensity 65-75% maximal heart rate), aerobic training (intensity 80-90% maximal heart rate) and control group. Then, two experimental groups performed aerobic training three sessions per week for 8 weeks. One-way ANOVA showed no significant differences among the three groups in total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL-C, HDL, HDL2, HDL3 and apoA-1 (P>0.05). Moreover, the results indicated that aerobic training with both 65-75% maximal heart rate and 80-90% maximal heart rate significantly increased VO2max in young girls (P<0.05). This study showed that aerobic training with two mentioned intensities had no significant effect on cardiovascular risk factors in healthy young girls, but in it can improve aerobic fitness in these volunteers.
    Keywords: Aerobic Training, Young Girls, Intensity, Cardiovascular Risk Factors}
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