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فهرست مطالب farnaz hoseini

  • فرناز حسینی *، حامد سپهرزاده

    تشخیص چهره، یک عمل تشخیص الگوست که به طور خاص بر روی چهره ها انجام می شود و کاربردهای فراوانی در شناسایی کارت های اعتباری، سیستم های امنیتی و موارد دیگر دارد. ایجاد یک سیستم تشخیص چهره با دقت بالا، یک چالش بزرگ می باشد که در سال های اخیر مورد توجه محققان مختلفی قرار گرفته است. فرایند استخراج ویژگی و طبقه بندی، دو مسئله مهم در سیستم های تشخیص هستند که می توانند در افزایش دقت تشخیص نقش بسزایی را ایفا کنند. با توجه به این موضوع در این مطالعه با درنظرگرفتن ویژگی های ترکیبی و بهینه سازی الگوریتم فاخته، روشی برای بهبود میزان دقت در تشخیص چهره پیشنهاد شده است. در روش ارائه شده، هفت ویژگی از روی تصاویر موجود در پایگاه داده استخراج شده، سپس با به دست آوردن بردار ویژگی مطلوب، مراحل مربوط به انتخاب ویژگی با استفاده از الگوریتم فاخته انجام می شود. روش پیشنهادی با نرم افزار Matlab پیاده سازی گردیده و با روش های دیگر مورد مقایسه قرار گرفته است. نتایج مربوط به ارزیابی نشان می دهند که روش پیشنهادی توانسته عمل تشخیص بر روی تصاویر دو بانک داده ORL و FDBB را به ترتیب با دقت 00/93% و %12/95% انجام دهد. نتیجه به دست آمده برای این معیار ارزیابی نسبت به سایر روش های مقایسه شده از مقدار بالاتری برخوردار است.

    کلید واژگان: تشخیص چهره, بهینه سازی ویژگی ها, الگوریتم بهینه سازی فاخته, الگوریتم بهینه سازی}
    Farnaz Hoseini*, Hamed Sepehrzadeh

    Face recognition is a pattern recognition process that is specifically performed on faces. Face recognition has many applications in identifying credit cards, security systems, and other cases. Creating a face recognition system with high accuracy is a big challenge that has been the focus of various researchers in recent years. The feature extraction process and classification are two important issues in diagnosis systems that can play a significant role in increasing the accuracy of diagnosis. Considering this issue, in this study, taking into account the combined features and optimizing the cuckoo algorithm, a method to improve the accuracy of face recognition is proposed. In the presented method, seven features are extracted from the images in the database, and then by obtaining the feature vector, the steps related to feature selection are performed using the cuckoo algorithm. The proposed method has been implemented with MATLAB software and compared with other methods. The evaluation results show that the proposed method was able to perform the detection on the images of ORL and FDBB databases with 93.00% and 95.12% accuracy, respectively. The result obtained for this evaluation criterion has a higher value than other compared methods.

    Keywords: Face Recognition, Feature Optimization, Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm, Optimization Algorithm}
  • فرناز حسینی*، حامد سپهرزاده، معصومه خیری
    نظریه سرطان سینه، رایج ترین سرطان در میان زنان به خصوص در بین زنان بالای 50 سال است. مطالعات اخیر ثابت کرده اند که اگر سرطان سینه در مراحل اولیه تشکیل بافت های سرطانی تشخیص داده شود، احتمال حیات به طور قابل توجهی افزایش یافته و هزینه های ناشی از کنترل بیماری به شدت کاهش یافته است بنابراین راه حل اصلی، شناسایی زودهنگام سرطان سینه است. تاکنون پژوهش های مختلفی برای تشخیص سرطان سینه ارائه شده است اما به دلیل انتخاب ویژگی های غیرموثر و همچنین استفاده نکردن از یک روش تحلیلی مناسب بر روی ویژگی ها نتوانستند به دقت کافی برسند. در این مطالعه از تحلیل LSD و استخراج ویژگی های موثر توسط طبقه بند KNN برای تشخیص خودکار سرطان سینه استفاده شده است. هدف از ارائه روش پیشنهادی، افزایش دقت تشخیص برای کلاس های نرمال و غیرنرمال می باشد. روش پیشنهادی در محیط متلب و بر روی بانک تصاویر ماموگرافی MIAS اجرا شده است. نتایج حاصل از خروجی پیاده سازی، بیانگر شناسایی سرطان سینه با دقت 92 درصد است. نتایج به دست آمده با سایر روش ها مقایسه شدند که نشان دهنده عملکرد بهتر روش پیشنهادی از نظر معیار دقت می باشد.
    کلید واژگان: سرطان سینه, تصاویر ماموگرافی, موجک گابور, تحلیل LSD, استخراج ویژگی, بانک داده MIAS}
    Farnaz Hoseini *, Hamed Sepehrzadeh, Masume Kheyri
    Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, particularly among women over 50 years old. Recent studies have proven that if breast cancer is diagnosed in the early stages of the formation of cancerous tissues, the chance of survival increases significantly and the costs of controlling the disease are greatly reduced. Therefore, the main solution is early detection of breast cancer. Until now, various research has been presented to diagnose breast cancer, but due to the selection of ineffective features and also the lack of using a suitable analytical method on the features, they could not achieve sufficient accuracy. In this study, LSD analysis and extraction of effective features by KNN classifier are used for automatic detection of breast cancer. The purpose of presenting the proposed method is to increase the accuracy of diagnosis for normal and non-normal classes. The proposed method was implemented in MATLAB environment and on the MIAS mammography image bank. The results obtained from the implementation output demonstrated the detection of breast cancer with 92% accuracy. The obtained results were compared with other methods, which shows the better performance of the proposed method in terms of accuracy criteria.
    Keywords: Breast Cancer, Mammography Images, Gabor Wavelet, LSD Analysis, Feature Extraction, MIAS Database}
  • Farnaz Hoseini *
    The knapsack problem is known as a NP-hard problem. The knapsack or rucksack problem consists of determining, given a set of items, each of which has a cost and a value, the number of items included in a collection such that the total cost is less than a given cost and the total value is as large as possible. There is a dynamic programming solution for this problem called the 0-1 knapsack. The 0-1 knapsack problem restricts the number of individual items to zero or one. The shuffled frog-leaping algorithm (SFLA) has long been considered a meta-heuristic algorithm that derives from how frog groups search for food. SFLA can improve computing performance by letting all frogs participate in memetic evolution and access an excellent ability for global search by adding the self-variation behavior to the frog. This study represents an efficient solution for the 0-1 knapsack problem using SFLA. Regarding the parallel nature of most meta-heuristic algorithms, they can be successfully used for speedup. Since it is time-consuming to test all the cases when the problems become larger, Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) is used to implement the solution in parallel. The results of simulating the 0-1 knapsack problem using SFLA on the CUDA platform show that the execution time for a parallel solution decreases as the population of frogs increases. For the 0-1 Knapsack problem, it is 252 times faster than the sequential solution.
    Keywords: Knapsack problem, the 0-1 Knapsack Problem, Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm, SFLA, CUDA}
  • Farnaz Hoseini *, Ghader Mortezaie Dekahi
    Image segmentation is one of the most common steps in digital image processing. The area many image segmentation algorithms (e.g., thresholding, edge detection, and region growing) employed for classifying a digital image into different segments. In this connection, finding a suitable algorithm for medical image segmentation is a challenging task due to mainly the noise, low contrast, and steep light variations of medical images. Due to the inherently parallel nature of image segmentation algorithms, they suit well for implementation on a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). The main goal of this paper is to improve the performance of fuzzy c-means clustering through the parallel implementation of this algorithm. Although fuzzy c-means clustering is an important iterative clustering algorithm, it is computationally intensive and uses the same data between the iterations. The center of the clusters changes in each iteration, which requires a considerable amount of time for large data sets. The parallel fuzzy c-means clustering is implemented by applying pipeline parallelism on GPU. The experimental results show that the performance is improved up to 23.35x. Next, the watershed algorithm is applied to the final segmentation. In this paper using parallel fuzzy c-means clustering and computations we have attained competing results with other papers. The implementation results on the BRATS2015 show that the accuracy of diagnosis in Dice Similarity Coefficient metric 97/33% is obtained. This improvement is achieved using enhancing edges and reducing noises in images.
    Keywords: Parallel Fuzzy C-Means Clustering, Watershed Algorithm, FCM, CUDA, GPU}
  • Farnaz Hoseini*, Asadollah Shahbahrami, Anaram Yaghoobi Notash, Peyman Bayat
    According to world health organization, breast cancer is one of the most deadly cancers occurred in women. Therefore accurate diagnosis and prediction is important to decrease the high death rate. The aim of this paper is twofold. First, improving breast cancer detection accuracy using Modified Fuzzy Logic (MFL) then improving the performance of MFL algorithm using GPU platform. The experimental results show that the accuracy of the breast cancer detection using MFL is higher than other techniques. In addition, by exploiting loop-level parallelism and pipeline parallel communication pattern in MFL algorithm, its performance is improved up to 19.17x for different image sizes.
    Keywords: Edge Detection Algorithms, Fuzzy Logic, Breast Cancer, GPU, MATLAB, Parallel Computing}
سامانه نویسندگان
  • دکتر فرناز حسینی
    حسینی، فرناز
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