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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب fatemeh mirzaie

  • Khadije Rezaie-Kheikhaie, Marie Hastings-Tolsma, Mohammadreza Firouzkouhi *, Abdolghani Abdollahimohammad, Fatemeh Mirzaie, Sanaz Nehbandani

    Pregnant women represent a vulnerable demographic to COVID-19. In addition to the physical health risks posed to both the mother and fetus, COVID-19 engenders intricate and unique post-recovery experiences among pregnant women. This study explored the lived experiences of pregnant women who have recovered from COVID-19.


    A descriptive phenomenological approach was employed for this research, conducted in southeastern Iran from January to May 2021. A purposive sampling method was utilized to select 12 participants, and data collection was accomplished through semi-structured interviews. The Colaizzi approach was employed for data analysis.


    The study initially generated 278 codes, from which three principal themes aligned with the research objective. These primary themes encompass health risks, maternal responsibilities, and challenges associated with recovery.


    Pregnant women in the process of recovering from COVID-19 confront various health-related challenges, as well as those about child health. Policymakers, obstetricians, and midwives must provide support to enhance these individuals’ postrecovery quality of health.

    Keywords: Survivorship, COVID-19, Pregnant women, Descriptive phenomenology, Lived experience}
  • Fatemeh Mirzaie*, Mahin Badakhsh, Maleknaz Badiei Nasab, Zahra Mousaei

    A variety of vaccinations have been developed to fight the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) 2 years after the coronavirus epidemic spread globally. During clinical studies, these vaccinations were linked to mild to severe side effects. This study aimed to evaluate the short-term side effects of Covid-19 vaccination in pregnant women in Zabol (Iran).  


    This cross-sectional study was conducted between August and October 2021 to collect data on the adverse side effects of Covid-19 vaccinations among 117 pregnant women in Zabol (Iran). A questionnaire was used to collect demographic data, vaccination information, and vaccine complications. SPSS software Version 22 was used to analyze the data at 2 levels descriptive and inferential statistics.  


    A total of 117 pregnant women aged 27.67 ± 5.14 years were included. After the first and second doses of Covid-19 vaccinations, 91 (86.7%) and 84 (71.8%) pregnant women, respectively, suffered adverse effects. Moreover, after the first dose, 55(51.4%) and 60 (56.1%) of pregnant women reported fatigue and headache, and after the second dose, 39 (33.3%) and 37 (31.6%) reported fatigue and headache, respectively.  


    The side effects reported in our study after receiving Covid-19 vaccinations in pregnant women were similar to those described in clinical studies of vaccines and were mild to moderate, showing that injectable vaccines had safe profiles. More research is needed, however, to assess the long-term side effects of existing vaccines.

    Keywords: Coronavirus Disease 2019, Oxford-Astrazenka, Pregnant Women, Side Effects, Sinofpharm, Vaccine}
  • نادیه ایمانی*، فاطمه میرزایی

    ‏    مفهوم سلیقه یکی از مفاهیم مطرح در هنر و معماری است. این مفهوم کاربرد زیادی در عرصه های گوناگون، مانند معماری داخلی، دارد. از یک ‏سو به نظر مفهومی ساده و بدیهی می نماید که در تجربه انتخاب کالای هر روز ما حضور دارد. از سوی دیگر با توجه به پیچیدگی ها و وابستگی آن ‏به عوامل گوناگون، به نظر می رسد که تامل و تعمق روی این موضوع پیچیده و بغرنج ضروری باشد؛ با این پرسش که چه معنا (هایی) از مفهوم ‏سلیقه در هنر و معماری-معماری داخلی یافتنی است؟.‏‎ ‎هدف این تحقیق فهم لایه های معنایی گوناگون مفهوم سلیقه است تا گستره معنایی آن را ‏روشن کند و راه ورود به بحث درباره آن فراهم شود. بدین منظور تحقیق با شناخت زبانی مفهوم سلیقه آغاز شد. سپس تبار مفهوم سلیقه، یعنی ‏خاستگاه این مفهوم از زمانی که به هنر و معماری نفوذ پیدا کرد و تغییرات و تحولاتی که تاکنون یافته، کاوش شدند. به عبارت دیگر، چگونگی و ‏روند دگرگونی مفهوم سلیقه از دیرباز تا به امروز پیگیری شد تا تبیین ها و تفسیرهای متفاوت بازشناسی شود. پس این تحقیق بر مرور پیشینه ‏مفهوم سلیقه از آغازین لحظات قابل جستجو به عرصه های هنر و معماری-معماری داخلی متمرکز است؛ سه حوزه عمده فلسفه، علوم اجتماعی، و ‏روانشناسی امکان شناخت لایه های گوناگون مفهوم سلیقه را فراهم آورد تا ابعاد و زمینه های گوناگون قابل تببین شود. از مجموع این مطالعات به ‏نظر می آید پنج مفهوم کلی از مفهوم سلیقه در لایه های متفاوت آن نهفته است: زیبایی، تمایز، سبک زندگی، مد، و ترجیح. هر کدام از این لایه ها ‏در عین پیوستگی، گستره معنایی خاص در حوزه مشخصی دارند؛ و وجه معینی از سلیقه را بر ما می نمایانند که در بطن مقاله با شرح و بسط به ‏بحث آمده است.‏

    کلید واژگان: سلیقه, زیبایی, تمایز, سبک زندگی, مد, ترجیح}
    Nadieh Imani*, Fatemeh Mirzaie

     The concept of taste’ is one of the prominent concepts in art and architecture. This concept is widely used in various fields, such as interior architecture: from deciding on the quality and overall quality of the interior space to determining the materials of the place, choosing furniture and arranging the elements of the interior space, we can trace the presence of ‘taste decision’. On the one hand, it seems like a simple and obvious concept that is present in our daily product selection experience. On the other hand, due to its complexities and dependence on various factors, it seems that it is necessary to pay attention on this complex and complicated issue; With this question, ‘what meaning(s) of taste can be found in art and architecture-interior architecture? The purpose of this research is to understand the different semantic layers of taste to clarify its meaning and provide a way to enter into the discussion about it. For this purpose, the research started with the linguistic study of taste. Then, the origin of taste since it penetrated into art and architecture and the changes and transformations it has undergone until now, were explored. In other words, the way and process of the transformation of the concept of taste from long ago to the present day was followed in order to recognize different explanations and interpretations. So, this research is focused on reviewing the background of the concept of taste from the beginning of searchable moments to the fields of art and architecture-internal architecture; The three main fields of philosophy, social sciences, and psychological sciences provide the possibility of knowing the different layers of the concept of taste so that different dimensions and contexts can be explained. Studies show that almost two important milestones can be identified in the genealogy of taste in art and architecture: first, it is the moment of its emergence in the field of art and architecture, which is used instead of the word ‘judgment’. In this era, the concept of taste created a great change in understanding of subject-object relationship. The second one is the moment of its entry into the field of social sciences. This time, the concept of taste had become a means to understand consumer behavior. From the sum of these studies, it seems that five general concepts are hidden in different semantical layers of taste: beauty, distinction, lifestyle, fashion, and preference. Each of these layers, while being continuous, has a specific meaning range in a specific field; And they show us a certain aspect of taste, which will be briefly mentioned here. The concept of beauty is more theoretical and philosophical. In the philosophical discussions of taste, these two terms are mostly together. The other four terms are related to when taste comes together with choice and emerges. The concepts of distinction, lifestyle, and fashion have more social meaning and each of them shows how social conditions and status can affect taste. And finally, it should be said that when we use preference, the goal is mostly to understand the internal conditions and activities and developments in the brain.

    Keywords: Taste, Beauty, Distinction, Lifestyle, Fashion, Preference}
  • Fatemeh Mirzaie*, Khadije Rezaie Keikhaie, Mahin Badakhsh, Bahareh Khajehpour, Samira Ghofrani
    Background & Objective

    Pregnancy is a stressful event in and of itself, which may have an impact on the present prevalence of COVID-19 illness. It is crucial to think about what factors can help pregnant women cope with the anxiety brought on by the COVID-19 outbreak. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of COVID-19 in pregnant women, as well as the impact of COVID-19 anxiety on pregnant women's Apgar scores and birth weights of newborns.

    Materials & Methods

    From early January to late March 2021, 102 pregnant women were included in this descriptive cross-sectional study using any accessible sampling method. Questionnaires such as the "Demographic" and "Corona Anxiety Scale" were used to collect data. SPSS software version 22 was used to analyze the data.


    The mean score of total anxiety caused by COVID-19 in pregnant women was 20.88 ± 21.08, which was moderate. Among the components of anxiety, the mean score of psychological symptoms (13.05 ± 5.31) of pregnant women was higher than physical symptoms (5.64 ± 5.72). There was no statistically significant link between demographic characteristics and COVID-19-induced anxiety (P>0.05). The findings also revealed no statistically significant connection between COVID-19-induced anxiety and newborn weight or Apgar score 1 and 5 minutes after birth (P>0.05).


    The definitive incidence of COVID-19 in pregnant women was low. They experienced a moderate level of anxiety caused by COVID-19, which requires the necessary measurements to be taken by the relevant authorities, family and others to reduce this anxiety during the coronavirus pandemic.

    Keywords: Anxiety, Apgar, COVID-19, Pregnancy, Pregnant women, Newborns}
  • منصوره نیکوگفتار*، فاطمه میرزایی
    این پژوهش با هدف تعیین رابطه بین بازخوردهای ناکارآمد مادران با خودکارآمدی و سبک های مقابله‎ای دانش آموزان دختر انجام شد. 400 نفر (200 دانش آموز دختر پیش دانشگاهی رشته علوم انسانی در مناطق نوزده گانه آموزش و پرورش شهر تهران و 200 نفر مادران همان دختران) به روش خوشه ایتصادفی به عنوان نمونه انتخاب شدند با تکمیل فرم بلند مقیاس بازخورد های ناکارآمد (بک و وایسمن، 1978)، مقیاس خودکارآمدی عمومی (شرر و دیگران، 1982) و سیاهه سبک های مقابله ای (بیلینگز و موس، 1981) در این پژوهش شرکت کردند. نتایج نشان داد بین بازخورد های ناکارآمد مادران با خودکارامدی و راهبردهای مقابله ای دختران رابطه معنادار وجود دارد و نتایج تحلیل کانونی نشان داد که هر سه ریشه کانونی از لحاظ آماری معنادار بوده و 42درصد از تغییرات خودکارآمدی، 21درصد از تغییرات سبک مقابله‎ای مسئله‎محور و 19درصد از تغییرات سبک مقابله‎ای هیجان‎محور توسط بازخوردهای ناکارآمد تبیین می‎شود. بر این اساس می‎توان از بازخورد‎های ناکارآمد مادران به منزله یکی از عوامل پیش‎بینی کننده خودکارآمدی و راهبردهای مقابله ای دختران نام برد و در سطح سیاست گذاری، برنامه ریزی و آموزش های والدین مورد توجه قرار داد.
    کلید واژگان: بازخوردهای ناکارآمد, خودکارآمدی, سبک های مقابله‎ای}
    Mansooreh Nikoogoftar *, Fatemeh Mirzaie
    The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between dysfunctional attitudes of mothers with self-efficacy and coping styles of girl students. 400 students (200 male students of humanities in 19th grade educational district of Tehran and 200 mothers of the same girls) were selected by random cluster sampling and by responding to the Long-form of Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale (Beck & Weisman, 1978), General Self-Efficacy Scale (Sherer et al., 1982) and the Coping Style Inverntory (Billings & Mouse, 1981) participated in this study. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between dysfunctional attitudes of mothers and girls’ self-efficacy and coping strategies, and the results of focal analysis showed that all three focal roots were statistically significant and 42% of self-efficacy, 12% of coping style and 19% of emotion-focused style variance can be explained by dysfunctional attitudes. Accordingly, mothers' dysfunctional attitudes can be considered as one of the predictors of self-efficacy and coping strategies of girls, and at the level of policy-making, planning and parenting education.
    Keywords: dysfunctional attitudes, self-efficacy, coping styles}
  • Fatemeh Mirzaie *, Hajar Vatankhah, Peyman Arasteh
    Epidemiologic studies have shown the relationship of maternal hemoglobin level and abnormal findings in uterine Doppler sonography with pregnancy- related complications. In this study, we evaluated the relationship of uterine artery Doppler velocimetry findings and hemoglobin level with the outcomes of pregnancy in women with preeclampsia and healthy women.
    In this prospective study performed from September 2013 to September 2014, 50 patients with Preeclampsia in the third trimester (more than 28 weeks) referred to Afzalipour Hospital, Kerman/ Iran and 50 healthy pregnant women who attended the perinatology clinic for prenatal care, were randomly selected. The results of uterine artery Doppler, hemoglobin concentration and outcome of pregnancy were compared between the two groups.
    Twenty nine patients (51%) with preeclampsia and 17 patients (34%) in the control group had abnormal Doppler findings. In both groups, birth weight was lower in women with abnormal Dopller findings compared to the women who had normal sonography findings (p=0.024 and p=0.008, respectively); furthermore, in both groups, gestational age at birth time was lower in women with abnormal sonography findings (p=0.044 and p=0.012, respectively). The average hemoglobin concentration was not statistically different between the two groups and abnormal Doppler findings showed no significant relationship with the mean concentration of hemoglobin in none of the two groups.
    This study showed that abnormal findings in Doppler of the uterine artery are associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes such as low birth weight and premature births and the coexistence of preeclampsia is associated with worse pregnancy outcomes.
    Keywords: Doppler sonograghy, hemoglobin, Perinatal outcome, Pregnancy, preeclampsia}
  • نرگس سرلک*، فاطمه میرزایی
    هدف این پژوهش، بررسی رابطه رقابت در بازار با سیاست های تقسیم سود شرکت های پذیرفته شده در بورس اوراق بهادار تهران در دوره زمانی 1387 تا 1391 است. فرضیه های پژوهش برمبنای نظریه های پیامد، جانشینی و شکار مربوط به تاثیر رقابت در بازار بر سیاست های تقسیم سود تدوین شده اند. برای آزمون فرضیه ها از الگوهای رگرسیون چندگانه با استفاده از داده های تلفیقی و رگرسیون لجستیک استفاده شده است. برای سنجش رقابت در بازار از شاخص انتروپی استفاده شد. نتایج پژوهش نشان می دهد بین رقابت در بازار و سود تقسیمی، رابطه مثبت و معنی داری وجود دارد. همچنین رقابت در بازار با افزایش سود تقسیمی نیز رابطه مثبت و معنی داری دارد. بین رقابت در بازار و حذف سود تقسیمی نیز رابطه منفی و معنی داری وجود دارد.
    کلید واژگان: رقابت در بازار, شاخص انتروپی, سود تقسیمی}
    Narges Sarlak *, Fatemeh Mirzaie
    This article investigates the relation between market competition and dividend policies. Using a sample of listed companies in the Tehran Stock Exchange in the period of 1387-1391, we find that firms in highly competitive industries prefer to pay more dividends. Research hypotheses are developed based on the outcome theory and substitution theory. In order to investigate the impact market competition on dividend policies. To test the hypothesis were used panel data regression model and logistic regression. Results indicate that there is a significant positive relation between dividends paid and market competition, return on assets and lifecycle. Also there is a significant negative relation between dividends paid and financial leverage. On the other hand, using the logit model, results indicate that there is a significant positive relationship between increase dividends paid and market competition. Results also demonstrate that there is a significant positive relation between omit dividends paid and return on assets and financial leverage. Also there is a significant negative relation between omitted dividends paid, market competition, growth opportunities and life cycle.
    Keywords: Market competition, The entropy index, Dividends}
  • فاطمه میرزایی*، پروین مرادی
    پارگی زودرس کیسه آب یکی از علل زایمان زودرس، مرگ و میر و عوارض دوره قبل از تولد (جنینی) می باشد. هدف از مطالعه حاضر، بررسی اثر پروژسترون (شیاف رکتال، تزریق هفتگی 17-هیدروکسی پروژسترون کاپروات) بر روی فاز نهفته بیماران با پارگی زودرس کیسه آب بود.
    این مطالعه به صورت کارآزمایی بالینی دوسوکور بر روی 171 زن باردار با پارگی زودرس کیسه آب در سن حاملگی 34-24 هفته انجام گردید. بیماران به صورت تصادفی در سه گروه قرار گرفتند. به گروه اول شیاف رکتال پروژسترون 400 میلی گرم روزانه و به گروه دوم 17-هیدروکسی پروژسترون کاپروات هفته ای 250 میلی گرم به صورت تزریقی و گروه سوم بدون تجویز دارو تا زمان ختم بارداری پیگیری شدند. در نهایت سه گروه از نظر طول فاز نهفته، وزن و سن زمان تولد، کوریوآمنیونیت، عفونت نوزادی و مرگ و میر جنینی و نوزادی با هم مقایسه شدند. تحلیل داده ها توسط آزمون های آماری 2? و Kruskal-Wallis و با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS انجام شد.
    یافته ها
    سن حاملگی زمان پارگی کیسه آب (664/ 0 = P) و تعداد بارداری های قبلی (Parity) (P = 0.275) در سه گروه مشابه بود. طول فاز نهفته در گروه های تحت درمان با پروژسترون (07/ 15 ± 50/ 15 و 03/ 16 ± 15/15 روز) به طور معنی داری طولانی تر از گروه بدون درمان (05/ 10 ± 49/ 11 روز) بود (006/ 0 = P). سن حاملگی زمان ختم بارداری (378/ 0 = P)، روش زایمان (845/ 0 = P)، وزن زمان تولد (185/ 0 = P)، بستری در واحد مراقبت های ویژه نوزادان (336/ 0 = P) و همچنین شیوع کوریوآمنیونیت (915/ 0 = P) در سه گروه تفاوت معنی داری نداشت.
    نتیجه گیری
    درمان با پروژسترون شاید موجب طولانی شدن فاز نهفته در بیماران با پارگی زودرس کیسه آب شود، اما تاثیرآن بر روی پیامد بارداری نامشخص است. برای بررسی تاثیر پروژسترون بر روی پیامد بارداری، مطالعات کارآزمایی بیشتری لازم است.
    کلید واژگان: پارگی زودرس کیسه آب, شیاف پروژسترون, 17, هیدروکسی پروژسترون کاپروات, فاز نهفته}
    Fatemeh Mirzaie*, Parvin Moradi
    Background and Aims
    Preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) is the leading cause of preterm birth and perinatal mortality and morbidity, and complications. The objective of the present study was to assess the effect of progesterone agents (rectal suppositories and weekly injection of 17-hydroxyprogesterone caproate) on latency period in women with PPROM.
    This randomized, double-blind study included 171 pregnant women with PPROM between 24 and 34 weeks of gestation. The participants were randomized into 3 groups; 17-hydroxyprogesterone caproate (n = 57), rectal progesterone (n = 57), no treatment (n = 102). The first group was administered rectal progesterone 400 mg daily, second group 17-hydroxyprogesterone caproate 250 mg weekly, and the third group was not administered any medicine. The 3 groups were followed until delivery. All groups were compared in terms of latency period duration, gestational age and weight at delivery, chorioamnionitis, neonatal infections, neonatal and fetal mortality, and sepsis. Data analysis was performed using SPSS, chi-square and Kruskal-Wallis tests.
    Gestational age at the time of rupture of membranes (P = 0.664) and parity (P = 0.275) were similar in the 3 groups. The duration of the latency period was significantly longer among the progesterone groups (P = 0.006) compared with the no treatment group. The 3 groups were significantly different in terms of gestational age at delivery (P = 0.378), mode of delivery (P = 0.845), birth weight (P = 0.185), admission at neonatal intensive-care unit) NICU ((P = 0.336), and chorioamnionitis prevalence (P = 0.915).
    Progesterone agents may prolong the latency period in women with PPROM, but its effect on pregnancy outcome is uncertain. Further randomized trials are required to determine the effect of this treatment on pregnancy outcome.
    Keywords: Preterm premature rupture of membrane (PPROM), Progesterone suppository, 17, hydroxyprogesterone caproate, Latency period}
  • Fatemeh Rahimi-Sharbaf, Mamak Shariat, Fatemeh Mirzaie, Padideh Dehghan, Ebrahim Dastgardy, Khadijeh Adabi
    Our aim was to compare different thresholds of middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity (MCA-PSV) and amniotic fluid delta optical density (Delta-OD) with fetal hemoglobin (Hb) during first and second intrauterine transfusions (IUT).
    We determined serial MCA-PSV and Delta-OD in 27 red blood cell alloimmunized fetuses who needed IUT. Before the second IUT, MCA-PSV was measured. The sensitivity and specificity of MCA-PSV and Delta-OD were calculated and compared with fetal hemoglobin levels.
    From 27 fetuses, first time IUT MCA-PSV with a normal median value (MOM) cutoff of > 1.29 detected 60% of the moderate and 100% of the severe anemia cases. MCA-PSV of MOM > 1.5 detected none of the moderate and 93% of severe anemia cases. Delta-OD detected 50% of moderate anemic and 80% of severe anemic cases. At the second IUT, 91% of severe anemia cases were confirmed by MCA-PSV with MOM > 1.5 whereas MCA-PSV with MOM > 1.29 confirmed all cases. One case of moderate anemia was de-tected by MCA-PSV of MOM > 1.29 and none were detected by MCA-PSV with MOM > 1.5.
    Different thresholds of MCA-PSV have higher sensitivity and specificity for detecting moderate and severe fetal anemia compared with Delta-OD. It also has a high sensitivity at the second IUT.
  • Fatemeh Mirzaie, Nahid Eftekhari, Sedigheh Goldozeian, Jamileh Mahdavinia

    Anemia in pregnancy is associated with increased rates of maternal and perinatal mortality.


    To study the prevalence and risk factors of women with anemia during pregnancy in Kerman, Iran.

    Materials And Methods

    A retrospective cross-sectional study was performed based on 2213 pregnancies delivered during the years 2005-2007 in Kerman, Iran. Women with hemoglobinopathies such as thalassemia were excluded from analysis. Anemia was defined as hemoglobin (Hg) lower than 11 g/dl during pregnancy. Categorical variables were compared using the chi-square or Fisher’s exact test.


    Overall, 104 (4.7%) women were anemic (Hg<11g/dl), out of which 4.8% had severe anemia (Hg<7g/dl), 15.4 % had moderate anemia (Hg=7-8.9 g/dl) and 79.8% had mild anemia (Hg=9-10.9 g/dl). The frequency of anemia were 5%, 3.4% and 5.7% in the first, second and third trimester, respectively. Multiparity was associated with lower hemoglobin concentration during the second/third trimester of pregnancy (p=0.03 and p<0.001, respectively). Prevalence of anemia was significantly higher in smokers and opium users (p=0.01 and p=0.003, respectively).


    Our study showed that prevalence of anemia was not high in this study. Factors associated with anemia during pregnancy were parity, smoking, opium use and not using Iron supplement.

    Keywords: Anemia, Prevalence, Pregnancy, Risk factors}
  • فاطمه میرزایی
    در این مقاله وقوع کوریوآمنیونیت در حاملگی سرویکال در یک زن 30 ساله G3 P2002 گزارش می شود. این بیمار به علت تب و لرز و آبریزی که شروع آن از سه روز قبل بوده مراجعه می کند. در سونوگرافی حجم مایع آمنیوتیک صفر و سن حاملگی 14هفته گزارش می شود. بیمار با تشخیص سقط اجتناب ناپذیر و کوریوآمنیونیت به دنبال آن تحت کورتاژ قرار می گیرد حین کورتاژ به علت خونریزی شدید و غیر قابل کنترل اقدام به لاپاراتومی شد و نهایتا با تشخیص حاملگی سرویکال، تحت هیسترکتومی با حفظ تخمدان ها قرار می گیرد. بیمار با حال عمومی خوب بعد از چهار روز مرخص شده و در گزارش پاتولوژی حاملگی سرویکال تایید می شود.
    کلید واژگان: حاملگی سرویکال, کوریوآمنیونیت, هیسترکتومی}
    Fatemeh Mirzaie
    In this study a case of chorioamnionitis in a cervical pregnancy in a 30- year old woman is presented. The patient referred with fever and chills and rupture of membrane 3days prior to her referral. Sonography report indicated a 14 week gestational sac without amniotic fluid. With the diagnosis of inevitable abortion; curettage was done which led to laparotomy. Finally after diagnosing cervical pregnancy, hysterectomy with ovary preservation, due to sever hemorrhage, was performed. The patient was discharged after 4 days in good health condition and in her pathological study the diagnosis of cervical pregnancy was confirmed.
    Keywords: Cervical pregnancy, Chorioamnionitis, Hysterectomy}
  • فاطمه میرزایی*، گلرسته خلاصی زاده، حمید بخشی، علی مظفری
    مقدمه و هدف

    زایمان بدون درد یک روش نوین زایمان در کشور است،که در مراکز محدودی انجام می شود. در صورت آگاهی زنان جامعه از این روش و تجهیز مراکز درمانی به انجام آن می توان از موارد سزارین کاست. هدف از این مطالعه تاثیر آموزش بر آگاهی زنان در مراجعه کنندگان به مرکز بهداشتی (حامله - غیر حامله) در مورد زایمان بدون درد است.

    مواد و روش ها

    این مطالعه روی 72 زن مراجعه کننده به یکی از مر اکز بهداشتی شهرستان رفسنجان انجام شد. که بطور تصادفی ساده انتخاب شدند. پرسشنامه ای شامل مشخصات فردی و اطلاع سنجی از زایمان بی درد تهیه و در دو مرحله توسط آنها تکمیل شده است. مرحله اول قبل از ارایه اطلاعاتی در مورد زایمان بی درد و مرحله دوم بعد از آموزش توسط متخصص زنان مجددا تکمیل شده است. نهایتا اطلاعات با استفاده از آزمون مجذور کای و تی تست مورد تجزیه و تحلیل آماری قرار گرفته است.

    یافته ها

    این مطالعه نشان داد که میزان آگاهی زنان در مورد زایمان بی درد قبل از آموزش در‎75% زنان در حد کم و جزیی بود که بعد از آموزش ‎7/66%در حد متوسط تا زیاد ارتقاء پیدا کرد (001/0>p).

    نتیجه گیری

    با مجهزکردن مراکز درمانی به امکاناتی جهت زایمان بی درد و ارایه کلاس هایی در مورد زایمان بی درد می توانیم میزان آگاهی زنان را افزایش داده و از این طریق موارد سزارین انتخابی را کاهش می دهیم.

    کلید واژگان: آموزش, آگاهی, زایمان بی درد}
    Fatemeh Mirzaie *, Golrasteh KHolase zadeh, Hamed Bakhshi, Ali Mozafari

    A new field of pain relief in labor has developed in Iran, that doing in some centers. They can reduce to cesarian by education of women and equipment of care centers. The purpose of this study is the effect of education on women knowledge to pain relief in labour, reffered to health centers.

    Material and methods

    In this study were 72 Evaluated women. That referred To health center in Rafsanjan. They were selected by a simple – random method to answered a questionnaire in two stages , based on personal information’s and their knowledge on pain relief of labor one before and one after the education, by gynecologist, finally the information’s were analyzed with t-test and chi-square.


    This study showed that the level of knowledge before the education was low and little in 75% of women, and after education was increased medium to many in 66.7% of women.


    We could increase the level of knowledge of women with equipment of care centers and the present glasses about pain relief in labor. We could reduce elective caesarian.

    Keywords: Pain relief, Labor, Pducation, knowledge, women}
  • در این صفحه نام مورد نظر در اسامی نویسندگان مقالات جستجو می‌شود. ممکن است نتایج شامل مطالب نویسندگان هم نام و حتی در رشته‌های مختلف باشد.
  • همه مقالات ترجمه فارسی یا انگلیسی ندارند پس ممکن است مقالاتی باشند که نام نویسنده مورد نظر شما به صورت معادل فارسی یا انگلیسی آن درج شده باشد. در صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته می‌توانید همزمان نام فارسی و انگلیسی نویسنده را درج نمایید.
  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را با شرایط متفاوت تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مطالب نشریات مراجعه کنید.
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