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فهرست مطالب gholamreza vafaei saiah

  • Yousef Panahi*, MohammadAmin Monazzah, Gholamreza Vafaei Saiah

    This research aims to investigate the protective action of menthol dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) on experimental epileptiform activity induced by the intraperitoneal (IP) injection of pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) in male rats.


    Thirty adult male Wistar rats weighing 200-250 g were randomly assigned to five equal groups. The control animals received normal saline (200 µL) and the rest four cohorts were considered as treatment. Menthol was dissolved in DMSO and intraperitoneally injected at the doses of 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg into the first, second, and third groups (M100, M200, and M400 V=200 µL), respectively. The fourth treatment was injected with the solvent (200 µL). The animals were anesthetized, then underwent cranial surgery and a recording electrode was implanted in the stratum radiatum of the hippocampal carbonic anhydrase 1 (CA1) region (AP=-2.76 mm, ML=-1.4 mm and DV=3 mm). The seizure activity was induced by PTZ (IP) and assessed by counting and measuring amplitudes of the spikes for 10 minutes using the eTrace program.


    Menthol was observed to significantly reduce the activity level of PTZ-induced epileptiform activity, as well as exert a protective and inhibitory action on proconvulsant effect of DMSO in a dose-dependent manner. 


    Menthol can potentially be used as an adjuvant to prevent seizure activity.

    Keywords: Menthol, Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), Pentylenetetrazol, Rat, Epileptiform activity}
  • Sara Hosseinchi Gharehaghaji, Yousef Panahi, Emad Khalilzadeh, Gholamreza Vafaei Saiah
    Background and purpose

    The purpose of the current study was to investigate the protective effects of acute and chronic administration of different doses of vitamin D3 on pentylenetetrazol (PTZ)-induced epileptiform activities in rats. 

    Experimental approach:

    Sixty Wistar rats in chronic and acute groups were used in this study. In the chronic groups, animals received vitamin D3 at 50, 100, and 150 μg/kg; vitamin D3 (50 μg/kg, i.p.) + diazepam (0.1 mg/kg, i.p.), and almond oil (i.p.) daily for two weeks whereas, in the acute groups the animal received a single dose of chemicals just 30 min before PTZ administration. The electrophysiological recording was performed by implanting a unilateral bipolar electrode in the pyramidal cell layer of the CA1 region of the hippocampus. Epileptic activities were induced by intraperitoneal injection of PTZ (80 mg/kg, i.p.). The spike count and amplitude were analyzed using the eTrace software.

    Finding/ Results

    Chronic administration of all doses of vitamin D3 and its combination with diazepam significantly reduced both spike counts and amplitudes following PTZ administration. While the acute doses were ineffective. 

    Conclusion and implication:

    The results of the study indicated that chronic but not acute administration of vitamin D3 has a protective effect on PTZ-induced epileptiform activity in rats.

    Keywords: Epileptiform activity, PTZ, Vitamin D3}
  • آزاد عبدالله زاده، داود کیانی فرد، غلامرضا وفایی سیاح، جواد اشرفی هلان
    متیل فنیدات (MPH) از داروهای مورد استفاده در حفظ هوشیاری و بهبود تمرکز است. مونوسدیم گلوتامات (MSG) به عنوان تشدیدکننده طعم به مواد غذایی افزوده می شود. در این مطالعه اثرات این ترکیبات بر روی دستگاه تولید مثل در سن رشد مورد بررسی قرار گرفت.
    مواد و روش ها
    متیل فنیدات (mg/kg 10 و 5) و مونوسدیم گلوتامات (mg/kg 60 و 6) به موش های صحرایی در حال رشد تجویز شد. در انتهای دوره شصت روزه، اندازه گیری هورمون های محور هیپوفیز-بیضه و مطالعات هیستومورفومتری بافت بیضه صورت گرفت.
    یافته های پژوهش: مصرف همزمان متیل فنیدات (mg/kg5) و مونوسدیم گلوتامات (mg/kg60) موجب افزایش غلظت خونی FSH گردید (P<0. 05). بیشترین میزان سطح خونی هورمون LH متعاقب مصرف دوز بالای MPH و MSG به صورت مجزا یا ترکیبی مشاهده شد. اثر MPH و MSG بر تغییرات خونی تستوسترون به صورت وابسته به دوز و متضاد یکدیگر مشاهده گردید (P>0. 05). مصرف MSG منجر به کاهش جمعیت سلول های سرتولی، اسپرماتوگونی و اسپرماتوسیت گردید. استفاده هم زمان MPH و MSG شدت کاهش جمعیت را تقلیل داد. در مطالعات مورفومتری، کاهش قطر لوله های اسپرم ساز و ارتفاع اپیتلیوم زایگر (P<0. 05) به ویژه در دوز پایین MPH و دوز بالای MSG مشاهده گردید. تغییرات مشاهده شده در ضرایب اسپرماتوژنز همانند مطالعات مورفومتری بود. تغییر شکل لوله ها، ادم بافت بینابینی و کاهش سلول های اسپرماتوژنز در گروه های دریافت کننده MPH و MSG مشاهده شد. دریافت هم زمان ترکیبات مذکور منجر به افزایش سلول های اسپرماتید با هسته پیکنوزه گردید.
    بحث و
    نتیجه گیری
    نتایج این مطالعه نشان داد که مصرف متیل فنیدات و مونوسدیم گلوتامات با القاء تغییرات هورمونی و تغییر در بافت بیضه، می تواند منجر به ایجاد تغییر در عملکرد طبیعی دستگاه تولید مثلی گردد.
    کلید واژگان: موش های صحرایی در حال رشد, متیل فنیدات, مونوسدیم گلوتامات, اسپرماتوژنز, بافت شناسی بیضه}
    Azad Abdollahzadeh, Davoud Kianifard, Gholamreza Vafaei Saiah, Javad Ashrafi Helan
    Methylphenidate (MPH) is one of the common medications used for maintaining alertness and improving attention. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a food additive, which acts as an enhancer of palatability. The aim of this study was to evaluate the various effects of these compounds on the reproductive system during adolescence.

    Materials and Methods
    Methylphenidate (5 and 10 mg/kg) and monosodium glutamate (6 and 60 mg/kg) were administrated to adolescent rats. After 60 days, the pituitary-testicular axis hormones were assayed and testicular histomorphometric studies were performed.

    Findings: The coadministration of MPH (5 mg/kg) and MSG (60 mg/kg) led to elevation in serum FSH levels (P<0.05). The highest blood level of luteinizing hormone was observed following high doses of MPH and MSG separately or in combination form. The effect of MPH and MSG on serum testosterone level was observed dose dependently and contradictorily (P>0.05). The administration of MSG led to a reduction in the population of Sertoli cells, spermatogonia, and spermatocyte. Coadministration of MPH and MSG also reduced this population. Morphometric studies revealed decrement of tubular diameter and germinal epithelium height (P<0.05), especially with low doses of MPH and high doses of MSG. The changes in spermatogenic indices were similar to morphometric results. Tubular atrophy, interstitial edema, and depopulation of spermatogenic cells were observed in MPH and MSG treated groups. Coadministration of these compounds increased spermatids with pyknotic nucleus.

    It has been concluded that the coadministration of MPH and MSG through the induction of some hormonal and structural alterations could induce some changes in the normal structure and function of the reproductive system
    Keywords: Adolescent rats, Methylphenidate, Monosodium glutamate, Spermatogenesis, Testicular tissue}
  • Emad Khalilzadeh, Gholamreza Vafaei Saiah
    This study aimed to assess the effect of intra-habenular injection of morphine on acute trigeminal pain in rats. Also here, we examined the involvement of raphe nucleus opioid and 5HT3 receptors on the antinociceptive activity of intra habenular morphine to explore the possibility of existence of descending antinociceptive relay between the habenula and raphe nucleus. The numbers of eye wiping response elicited by applying a drop (40 µL) of NaCl (5 M) solution on the corneal surface were taken as an index of acute trigeminal nociception. Intra habenular microinjection of morphine at a dose of 2 μg was without effect, whereas at doses of 5 and 8 μg significantly produced antinociception. Microinjection of naltrexone (4 µg) and ondansetron (1 µg) into the dorsal raphe nucleus prior to intra-habenular saline did not produce any significant effect on corneal pain perception. Pretreatment of the raphe nucleus with ondansetron but not naltrexone prevented intra habenular morphine (8 μg) induced antinociception. Also, intra habenular injection of lidocaine (2%, 0.5 µL) reduced corneal pain response. Moreover, intra-habenular microinjection of L-glutamic acid (1 and 2 µg/site) did not produce any analgesic activity in this model of pain. In conclusion, the present results suggest that the activation of the habenular µ opioid receptor by microinjection of morphine or inhibition of habenular neurons by microinjection of lidocaine produced an analgesic effect in the acute trigeminal model of pain in rats. The analgesic effect of intra habenular morphine was blocked by intra-dorsal raphe injection of serotonin 5-HT3 antagonist.
    Keywords: Lateral habenula, Morphine, Ondansetrone, Dorsal raphe, Acute trigeminal pain, Rats}
  • ژیلا حمیدی، داوود کیانی فرد *، غلامرضا وفایی سیاح، رضا حضرتی
    مونوسدیم گلوتامات به عنوان تشدیدکننده طعم به مواد غذایی افزوده می شود. در مطالعات مختلف، به برخی اثرات این ترکیب بر اختلالات ساختاری و عملکردی دستگاه تناسلی نر و کاهش باروری اشاره شده است. با توجه به وجود اثرات اکسیداتیو مونوسدیم گلوتامات و وجود خواص آنتی اکسیدانی برگ درخت به، در این تحقیق اثرات حفاظت کننده عصاره برگ به در کاهش تغییرات ساختاری و عملکردی بافت بیضه متعاقب مصرف مونوسدیم گلوتامات بررسی گردید.
    مواد و روش ها
    تعداد 60 سر موش صحرایی بالغ به شش گروه 1) گروه کنترل؛ 2) گروه مونوسدیم گلوتامات(30 mg/kg/day i.p.)؛ 3) گروه مونوسدیم گلوتامات(60 mg/kg/day i.p.)؛ 4) گروه مونوسدیم گلوتامات(30 mg/kg/day i.p.)+عصاره برگ به (500 mg/kg/day p.o.)؛ 5) گروه مونوسدیم گلوتامات(60 mg/kg/day i.p.)+عصاره برگ به(500 mg/kg/day p.o.) و 6) گروه کنترل+عصاره برگ به(500 mg/kg/day p.o.) تقسیم بندی شدند. در پایان هفته هشتم، مطالعات هیستومورفومتری و ارزیابی اسپرماتوژنز بر روی نمونه های بافت بیضه انجام شد.
    یافته های پژوهش: نتایج این مطالعه نشان داد که مصرف مونوسدیم گلوتامات موجب ایجاد تغییرات ساختاری و عملکردی نظیر تغییر شکل لوله های اسپرم ساز و اختلالات اسپرماتوژنز در بافت بیضه می گردد و استفاده از عصاره برگ به، باعث کاهش تغییرات ایجاد شده می شود.
    بحث و نتیجه گیری
    با توجه به نتایج این مطالعه استنباط می شود که استفاده از ترکیبات آنتی اکسیدانی نظیر برگ به، می تواند در کاهش اختلالات ساختاری بافت بیضه به دنبال مصرف مونوسدیم گلوتامات موثر باشد.
    کلید واژگان: هیستومورفومتری, مونوسدیم گلوتامات, برگ به, موش صحرایی, بافت بیضه}
    Jhila Hamidi, Davoud Kianifard *, Gholamreza Vafaei Saiah, Reza Hazrati
    Monosodium glutamate is a food additive which acts as preservative or enhancer of palatability. Some studies show some adverse effects of this agent on reproductive system like as structural and functional alterations and reduction of fertility. According to various antioxidant properties of quince leaves and the cytotoxic effects of monosodium glutamate, the aim of this study was to evaluate the protective effects of quince leaf extract on testicular tissue alterations induced by monosodium glutamate.
    Materials and Methods
    60 adult rats were divided into six groups: 1) control; 2) monosodium glutamate (30mg/kg i.p.); 3) monosodium glutamate (60mg/kg i.p.); 4) monosodium glutamate (30mg/kg i.p.) quince leaf extract (500mg/kg p.o.); 5) monosodium glutamate (60mg/kg i.p.) quince leaf extract (500mg/kg p.o.) and 6) control quince leaf extract (500mg/kg p.o.). At the end of eight weeks, histomorphometeric and spermatogenic evaluations were done on testicular samples.
    Findings: The results showed that, administration of monosodium glutamate lead to structural and functional alteration of testicular tissue such as tubular atrophy and spermatogenic amendments while, use of quince leaf extract can reduce the revealed alterations.
    Discussion &
    According to the findings, it is concluded that antioxidant herbs such as quince leaf, can be effective in reducing of structural alterations of testicular tissue induced by monosodium glutamate.
    Keywords: Histomorphometry, Monosodium glutamate, Quince leaf extract, Rat, Testicular tissue}
  • Emad Khalilzadeh *, Reza Hazrati, Gholamreza Vafaei Saiah
    Clinical studies suggest that essential oil of Eugenia caryophyllata (Clove) buds (EOEC) is efficacious in the treatment of dental pain. In the present study, we investigated the analgesic and local anesthetic effects of EOEC and its possible mechanisms of action in acute corneal pain in rats. EOEC was extracted by hydro-distillation in a Clevenger type apparatus from clove buds. The acute corneal pain was induced by applying a drop (40 µl) of 5 M NaCl solution on the corneal surface, and the numbers of eye wipes were counted during the first 30 s. The mechanical sensation of the cornea was evaluated by calibrated Von Frey filaments. Systemic administration of EOEC (100 and 200 mg/kg, SC) and morphine (2.5 and 5 mg/kg, IP) produced a significant antinociceptive effect in acute corneal pain. Pretreatment with naloxone or atropine prevented the EOEC-induced analgesia. However, L-arginine and methylene blue did not change the suppressive effect of EOEC on corneal pain response. Topical application of EOEC, eugenol and lidocaine significantly decreased corneal sensitivity. Combination treatments of eugenol (25 µg) with lidocaine (0.5%) and EOEC (50 µg) with lidocaine (0.5%) also significantly suppressed corneal sensitivity. Systemic administration of EOEC produced analgesia in the acute corneal pain through mechanisms that involved both opioidergic and cholinergic systems. In addition, topical instillation of EOEC, eugenol, and lidocaine produced local anesthesia in the rat cornea. Sub-anesthetic doses of EOEC or eugenol produced a significant local anesthetic effect when concurrently used with the sub-anesthetic dose of lidocaine.
    Keywords: Eugenia caryophyllata, Analgesic, Corneal pain, Lidocaine, Local anesthesia, Eugenol}
  • Emad Khalilzadeh, Gholamreza Vafaei Saiah, Hamideh Hasannejad, Adel Ghaderi, Shahla Ghaderi, Gholamreza Hamidian, Razzagh Mahmoudi, Davoud Eshgi, Mahsa Zangisheh
    Vitex agnus-castus (VAC) and its essential oil have been traditionally used to treat many conditions and symptoms such as premenstrual problems, mastalgia, inflammation, sexual dysfunction, and pain. In this study, the effects of essential oil extracted from Vitex agnus-castus (EOVAC) leaves were investigated in three behavioral models of nociception in adult male Wistar rats.
    Materials And Methods
    Chemical composition of EOVAC was analyzed using gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and also its possible toxicity was determined in mice. Analgesic effect of EOVAC was determined using tail immersion test, formalin test, and acetic acid-induced visceral pain in rats.
    EOVAC (s.c.) and morphine (i.p.) significantly (p<0.05) reduced pain responses in both formalin and tail immersion tests. In the study of evolved mechanisms, pretreatment with naloxone or atropine significantly (p <0.05) reversed the essential oil-induced analgesia in both formalin and tail immersion tests. Moreover, EOVAC and Piroxicam produced significant (p<0.05) inhibition in the acetic acid-induced writhing response.EOVAC did not show any mortality even at high dose (5 g/kg, p.o.) of administration in toxicity test. Moreover, according to GC-MS results, major components of the EOVAC were α-pinene (14.83%), limonene (10.29%), β-caryophyllene (6.9%), sabinene (5.27%), and β-farnesene (5.9%).
    These results suggest that endogenous opioidergic system as well as muscarinergic receptors of cholinergic system may be involve in the antinociceptive activity of Vitex agnus-castus essential oil in these models of pain in rats.
    Keywords: Vitex agnus, castus, Antinociception, Acute toxicity, Chemical composition, Rat}
  • عماد خلیل زاده *، رضا حضرتی، غلامرضا وفایی سیاح
    مقدمه و هدف
    میخک، با نام علمیEugenia caryophyllataدرختی از خانواده Myrtaceae می باشد که قسمت های متعددی از این گیاه به صورت سنتی در مراقبت های دندانی به عنوان ضد عفونی کننده و نیز ضد درد استفاده می گردد. این مطالعه جهت بررسی ترکیب شیمیایی و نیز فعالیت ضد التهابی و ضد دردی اسانس تخلیص شده از جوانه میخک طرح ریزی گردید.
    روش تحقیق
    اسانس جوانه میخک توسط روش تقطیر آبی در دستگاه کلونجر استحصال شده و سپس توسطGC-MSمواد موثره آن مورد آنالیز قرار گرفت. فعالیت ضد دردی اسانس میخک توسط مدل درد فرمالینی دهانی- صورتی و نیز مدل غوطه وری دم در آب گرم در موش صحرایی ارزیابی شد. فعالیت ضد التهابی اسانس نیز با استفاده از مدل التهاب گوش ناشی از استعمال گزیلن در موش سوری ارزیابی گردید. اسانس در مقادیر(200 و 100 ، 50 میلی گرم) و کتوپروفن (160 و 80 میلی گرم) فقط موجب مهار مرحله دوم درد اوروفاسیال شدند.
    نتایج و بحث
    اسانس در مقادیر(200 و 100 ، 50 میلی گرم) و کتوپروفن (160 و 80 میلی گرم) فقط موجب مهار مرحله دوم درد اوروفاسیال شدند. مورفین (5 میلی گرم) بصورت معنادار(p <0.05) موجب کاهش پاسخ های درد در هر دو مرحله درد اوروفاسیال گردید. پیش تزریق نالوکسان نتوانست از اثر ضد دردی اسانس ممانعت به عمل آورد. تزریق هم زمان مقادیر زیر ضد درد اسانس (50 میلی گرم) و کتوپروفن (40 میلی گرم) بصورت معنادار(p <0.05)موجب کاهش رفتار درد فقط در مرحله دوم در مقایسه با گروه کنترل گردید. بعلاوه تجویز اسانس نتوانست موجب افزایش مدت زمان نهفته در تست درد حرارتی گردد. در ضمن اسانس میخک ( 200 و 100 میلی گرم) و کتوپروفن (80 میلی گرم) بصورت معنا دار (p<0.001)موجب کاهش التهاب گوش ناشی از استعمال موضعی گزیلن در موش سوری شدند.
    توصیه کاربردی/ صنعتی
    این یافته ها نشان دادند که اسانس میخک دارای فعالیت ضد التهابی قوی بوده و بدون اثر ضد دردی در مدل درد حرارتی، می تواند موجب ایجاد بی دردی غیر وابسته به سیستم اپیوئیدی در مرحله التهابی درد فرمالینی دهانی-صورتی گردد.
    کلید واژگان: درد دهانی صورتی, آزمون غوطه ور سازی, دم اسانس, جوانه میخک, مورفین, کتوپروفن}
    Emad Khalilzadeh *, Reza Hazrati, Gholamreza Vafaei Saiah
    Background & Aim
    Eugenia caryophyllata well known as Clove is a tree from Myrtaceae family that several parts of this plant traditionally used in dental care as an analgesic. This study aimed to assess the chemical composition, anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive activities of the essential oil extracted from Clove buds.
    The essential oil of Clove buds (EOC) was extracted by Clevenger type apparatus and its chemical composition determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Analgesic activities of EOC were measured by formalin-induced orofacial pain and tail immersion test in rat. Also anti-inflammatory effect of the EOC was evaluated by using xylene induced ear edema test in mice.
    EOC (100, 200 mg/kg, SC) and ketoprofen (80 and 160 mg/kg, IP) inhibit only the second phase of orofacial pain. Morphine (5 mg/kg) as a positive control significantly (p <0.05) reduced pain response in the both phases of pain. Pre-treatment of animals with naloxone did not prevent the EOC (200 mg/kg) analgesic activity. Co-administration of sub-analgesic doses of EOC (50 mg/kg) and ketoprofen (40 mg/kg) significantly (p <0.05) reduced nociceptive behavior in second phase. Also EOC (100 and 200 mg/kg) failed to increase nociceptive response latency in the tail immersion test. Meanwhile, EOC (100 and 200 mg/kg) and ketoprofen (80 mg/kg) significantly (p <0.001) attenuated xylene-induced ear edema in mice. Also according to GC-MS results the major components of the EOC were eugenol (54.86%), β-Caryophyllene (20.19%), α-Humulene (7.11%), eugenol acetat (4.85%) and Chavibetol (2.23%).
    Recommended applications/industries
    These data showed that EOC possessed potent anti-inflammatory activity and produced non-opioid mediated analgesia in the second phase of orofacial pain without any effect on tail immersion response.
    Keywords: Clove essential oil, Ketoprofen, Morphine, Naloxone, Orofacial pain, Tail immersion}
  • غلامرضا وفایی سیاح، اسماعیل تمدنفرد
    تزریق داخل صفاقی هیستیدین در ساعات7و19، در مقادیر 30 و 60 میلی گرم به ازاء هر کیلوگرم وزن بدن اثر معنی داری ایجاد نکرد. تزریق در ساعت 7 به مقدار 120 میلی گرم به ازاء هر کیلوگرم وزن بدن، تعداد پلت های مدفوع را تا 8 ساعت و در مقادیر 240 و 480 میلی گرم به ازاء هر کیلوگرم وزن بدن، تعداد پلت های مدفوع را تا 24 ساعت پس از تزریق کاهش داد. تزریق در ساعت 19 در مقادیر 120، 240 و 480 میلی گرم به ازاء هر کیلوگرم وزن بدن، تعداد پلت های مدفوع را به ترتیب در 2، 8 و 24 ساعت پس از تزریق کاهش داد. اثر کاهش دهنده هیستیدین در دوره روشنایی نسبت به دوره تاریکی شدیدتر و طولانی تر بود. میانگین تعداد پلت ها برای هر مورد قبل از انجام هرگونه مطالعه مداخله گر به عنوان کنترل منفی ثبت گردید.
    کلید واژگان: هیستیدین, پلت های مدفوع, خرگوش}
    Gholam Reza Vafaei Saiah, Esmaeel Tamaddonfard
    Histidine at the doses 30 and 60ml /kg had no effect when injected at 7: OOh, or at 19:00h. Histidine at the doses of 120, 240 and 480 mg / kg decreased defecation at the first 8 and 24 hours post injection, respectively, when injected at 07:00h. The amino acid at the doses of 120, 240 and 480 mg / kg decreased the number of fecal pellets at 2, 8 and 24 h post injection, respectively, when injected at 19:00h. Suppressive effect of histidine in the light period was more intense and lasted longer than that in the dark period. The mean number of pellets for each individual prior to the interventional study was recorded as interval negative control.
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