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برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب mohammad sadegh talebi

  • محمدصادق طالبی*، امیر مردانی

    در دهه ی گذشته، محرک های پلاسما به عنوان زیرمجموعه ای در حوزه دستگاه های کنترل جریان فعال شناخته شده اند. همان طور که تحقیقات در مورد محرک های پلاسما به تکامل خود ادامه می دهد، مدل سازی محاسباتی برای تکمیل تحقیقات محرک ها موردنیاز است. در این مطالعه، مدل سوزن-هوانگ [1] به دلیل توانایی آن در شبیه سازی چگالی بار و نیروی حجمی لورنتز [2] انتخاب شده است. استفاده از این مدل در زمینه های مختلف ازجمله آیرودینامیک تاکنون به کاربردهای فراوانی منجر شده است، اما به علت پیچیدگی شبیه سازی اثرات پلاسما، بیشتر به شبیه سازی اثرات نیرویی آن پرداخته شده است. در زمینه ی احتراق و کاربرد پلاسما در این حالت، بیشتر فعالیت ها و بررسی ها در کارهای تجربی دیده می شود. در این کار براساس مدل سوزن-هوانگ به شبیه سازی اثر نیرویی پلاسما از نوع تخلیه سد دی الکتریک [3] در محیط احتراقی مایلد و نقش آن در اختلاط بهتر سوخت و اکسنده پرداخته ایم. لازم به ذکر است در این مطالعه، احتراق مایلد شبیه سازی نشده و تنها اثر پلاسما در یک مشعل از نوع مایلد مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. نتایج امیدبخش بوده و حاکی از اثر مثبت پلاسما در اختلاط بهتر سوخت و اکسنده پیش از احتراق است.

    کلید واژگان: پلاسما, تخلیه سد دی الکتریک, مدل سوزن-هانگ, اختلاط, احتراق مایلد}
    Mohammadsadegh Talebi *, Amir Mardani

    In the last decade, plasma actuators have been recognized as a subset in the field of active flow control devices. As research on plasma actuators continues to evolve, computational modeling is needed to complement actuators research. In this study, the Suzen-Huang model is chosen because of its ability to simulate the charge density and Lorentz volume force. The use of this model in various fields, including aerodynamics, has led to many applications, but due to the complexity of simulating the effects of plasma, it is mostly focused on the simulation of its force effects. In the field of combustion and the use of plasma in this state, most of the activities and investigations are seen in experimental works. In this work, based on the Susen-Hong model, it is tried to simulate the plasma force effect of the dielectric barrier discharge type in the combustion environment and its role in better mixing of fuel and oxidant. It should be noted that in this study, the mild combustion was not simulated and only the effect of plasma in a mild burner was investigated. The results are promising and indicate the positive effect of plasma in better mixing of fuel and oxidizer before combustion.

    Keywords: Plasma, Dielectric Barrier Discharge, Suzen-Huang Model, Mixing, MILD Combustion}
  • محمدصادق طالبی*

    مکان یابی دفن بهداشتی زباله یکی از موضوعات محیط زیستی در شهرها است. اگر طراحی مراکز دفن زباله مناسب نباشد، موجب تهدید سلامتی انسان ها می شود. هدف پژوهش حاضر مکان یابی دفن پسماند با استفاده از سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی در شهربم است. این تحقیق از نظرهدف، کاربردی و روش آن توصیفی _تحلیلی است. بر این اساس معیارهای موثر در مکان یابی دفن زباله شهربم شناسایی، آماده سازی، و استانداردسازی شد. سپس با رقومی کردن و وزن دهی هشت لایه بر اساس استانداردهای موجود شامل: توپوگرافی، زمین شناسی، شیب، گسل، آبراهه ها، خطوط ارتباطی، و فاصله از شهر و وارد کردن لایه های یادشده به محیط نرم افزار و تشکیل پایگاه های اطلاعاتی ویژه دفن زباله واجرای مدل های مختلف تصمیم گیری چندمعیاره تحلیلی بر لایه های موجود انجام شد. با توجه به لایه های استفاده شده و نقشه نهایی به دست آمده، منطقه مورد مطالعه در قالب چهار کلاس بسیار مناسب، مناسب، نامناسب، و بسیار نامناسب طبقه بندی شد و مشخص شد در جنوب شرق منطقه بیشترین فضای بهینه دفن پسماند و در شمال غرب شهرستان کمترین فضای بهینه وجود دارد. موضوع مدیریت پسماندها یا فراتر از آن مدیریت چرخه مواد امروزه یکی از محورهای اصلی و بسیار مهم توسعه پایدار است. بنابراین، لازم است زیرساخت های موردنیاز برای مدیریت هرچه بهتر پسماند شهری، که هنوز انجام نشده و نیازمند مدیریت و اعمال صحیح برنامه های اقتصادی درجهت انجام است در دستور کار قرار گیرد.

    کلید واژگان: تصمیم گیری چندمعیاره, شهرستان بم, مکان یابی دفن زباله}
    MohammadSadegh Talebi *

    The location of sanitary landfills is one of the most important environmental issues in cities. If the design of landfills is not appropriate, it will threaten human health. The aim of the current research is to locate waste burial using geographic information system in the city of Bam, this research is applied in terms of its purpose and its method is descriptive-analytical. Based on this, the effective criteria in the location of Bam's landfill were identified, prepared and standardized. Then by digitizing and weighting 8 layers based on the existing standards, including: topography, geology, slope, fault, waterways, communication lines and distance from the city, and importing the mentioned layers into the software environment and forming special burial databases. Waste and implementation of various analytical multi-criteria decision-making models on the existing layers. According to the layers used and the final map obtained, the studied area was classified in the form of four classes: very suitable, suitable, unsuitable and very unsuitable, and it was determined that the most optimal waste burial space is in the southeast of the region, and the least optimal space is in the northwest of the city. There is. The issue of waste management, or beyond that, material cycle management, is one of the main and very important axes of sustainable development today. Therefore, it is necessary to put the necessary infrastructures for the best possible management of urban waste, which has not yet been done and requires proper management and implementation of economic plans.

    Keywords: waste disposal location, GIS, Bam city, Multi-criteria Decision-making}
  • یاشار ذکی، محمدصادق طالبی*، مرجان بدیعی ازنداهی، محمد یوسفی شاتوری

    امروزه آب به منزله بقا و راه دستیابی به قدرت تلقی می شود. کشورهای بالادست رودخانه های بین المللی به فکر مدیریت آب هایی هستند که از خاک آن ها خارج می شود که پروژه گاپ در ترکیه نمونه ای از این اقدامات می باشد. پژوهش حاضر با روش توصیفی تحلیلی و منابع اسنادی و کتابخانه در پی پاسخ به این سوال است که نقش پروژه گاپ در هیدروپلیتیک حوضه رودخانه های دجله و فرات چیست و استراتژی ترکیه از اجرای این طرح چست؟ نتایج مطالعه حاضر بر پایه رویکرد نظری هیدروریالسیتی نشان می دهد که ترکیه به عنوان کشوری هیدروهژمون در بالادست دو رودخانه فرامرزی دجله و فرات و با بکارگیری استراتژی یک جانبه گرا(خود تفسیری) در الگوی روابط هیدروپلیتیکی با سایر کشورهای حوضه باعث شده تا چالش های هیدروپلیتیکی گوناگونی در ابعاد مختلف زیست محیطی و اجتماعی اقتصادی متوجه کشورهای پایین دست شود. لذا، تقویت دیپلماسی آب با رویکرد مصالحت آمیز در روابط هیدروپلیتیکی کشورهای منطقه، تغییر نگرش نظامی و امنیتی به موقعیت رودخانه های دجله و فرات به نگرش تعاملی و همکاری، اصلاح و توسعه روابط هیدروپلیتیکی کشورهای حوضه برای مذاکرات دو یا چندجانبه، تشکیل شورای هماهنگی حقوق آب در منطقه از مهم ترین راهکارها در این مطالعه می باشد.

    کلید واژگان: هیدروپلیتیک, حوضه آبریز دجله و فرات, gap, هیدروهژمون, هیدرورئالیسم}
    Yashar Zaki, Mohammad Sadegh Talebi *, Marjan Badiee Azandehi, Muhammad Yusefi Shatoori

    Today, water is considered as a way of survival and gaining power. The upstream countries of the international rivers are thinking about managing the water that comes out of their soil, as the GAP project in Turkiye is an example. The present study seeks to answer the question of what is the role of the GAP project in the hydropolitics of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and what is Turkiye’s strategy for the implementation of this project? The results of the present study, based on the theoretical approach of hydraulicity, show that Turkiye, as a hydro-hegemonic country upstream of the Tigris and Euphrates transboundary rivers, has adopted a unilateral (self-interpretive) strategy in the pattern of hydropolitical relations with other watersheds in the basin. Therefore, strengthening water diplomacy with a conciliatory approach in the hydropolitical relations of the countries of the region, changing the military and security attitude to the Tigris and Euphrates rivers to an interactive and cooperative attitude, reforming and developing the hydropolitical relations of the basin countries for bilateral or multilateral negotiations are important.

    Keywords: HydroPolitics, Tigris, Euphrates Basin, gap, hydro-hegemony, Hydro-realism}
  • محمدصادق طالبی*
    انتخاب محل دفن زباله یکی از مهمترین مسایل موجود در مدیریت شهری در دهه های میانی و پایانی قرن بیستم بوده است. این تحقیق با هدف مکان یابی محل دفن پسماندهای غیر خطرناک شهر اردکان با استفاده از مدل سازی تصمیم گیری چند معیاره در محیط GIS انجام پذیرفته است. دراین پژوهش، از 10 فاکتور مهم جهت مکان یابی محل دفن پسماندها نظیر:کاربری اراضی، شیب، ارتفاع ، خاک، فاصله از کاربری مسکونی، جاده ها، رودخانه ها، چشمه ها، چاه ها و روستاها در منطقه استفاده و جهت تهیه نقشه پهنه بندی نهایی، از مدل AHP استفاده شد. با توجه به نتایج به دست آمده از روش تحلیل سلسله مراتبی چندمعیاره با نرم افزار Expert choise ، وزن معیارهای کاربری اراضی، شیب ، ارتفاع، فاصله از کاربری مسکونی، خاک ، فاصله از جاده ها، رودخانه ها، چشمه ها، چاه ها، فاصله از روستاها برای منطقه مورد مطالعه به ترتیب 166، 0، 033، 0، 040، 0، 232، 0، 083، 0، 144، 0، 063، 0، 071، 0، 05، 0، 119 و 0 به دست آمد. در این منطقه معیار فاصله از مناطق مسکونی بالاترین وزن و معیار شیب کمترین تاثیر را در مکان یابی مناطق دفن پسماند داشته است. با بررسی نقشه نهایی، مناطق کاملا مناسب دفن زباله در اردکان شمال غرب، غرب و جنوب غرب و بخش های کمی از مناطق نزدیک به مرکز محدوده قرار دارد.
    کلید واژگان: مکان یابی پسماند, اردکان, تصمیم گیری چندمعیاره, AHP}
    Mohammadsadegh Talebi *
    Choosing a landfill site has been one of the most important issues in urban management in the middle and last decades of the 20th century. This research was conducted with the aim of locating the non-hazardous waste landfill site in Ardakan using multi-criteria decision making modeling in GIS environment. In this research, 10 important factors for locating waste landfills such as: land use, slope, height, soil, distance from residential use, roads, rivers, springs, wells and villages in the area were used and to prepare area map. AHP model was used for the final classification. According to the results obtained from the multi-criteria hierarchical analysis method with Expert choice software, the weight of land use criteria, slope, height, distance from residential use, soil, distance from roads, rivers, springs, wells, distance 166, 0, 033, 0, 040, 0, 232, 0, 083, 0, 144, 0, 063, 0, 071, 0, 05, 0, 119 and 0 were obtained from the villages for the studied area. .In this area, the distance criterion from residential areas has the highest weight and the slope criterion has the least impact on the location of waste burial areas. By examining the final map, the most suitable areas for landfilling are located in Ardakan in the northwest, west, and southwest, and a few parts of the areas near the center of the range
    Keywords: waste location, Ardakan, Multi-criteria decision making, AHP}
  • MohammadSadegh Talebi

    This research was conducted with the aim of investigating temporal and spatial changes in the quality of underground water in Marvast plain in order to be used in planning for these resources. For this reason, the underground water quality data of Marvast Plain was prepared and selected for the research through the review and test of Run Test and Makos for the statistical period of 21 years (2001 to 2021). By performing trend analysis, the presence of trend in all data was determined and during the implementation of geostatistical methods, the trend was removed. Also, for the implementation of geostatistical methods, half-variable and half-variable cross-plot were chosen and due to the higher R2, lower RSS and stronger spatial structure, the best model was selected, and the exponential model was found to be suitable for most of the parameters. Then RBF, IDW with powers of 1 and 2, normal kriging and normal cokriging were used to perform interpolation. The most accurate method was selected for each parameter with the mutual evaluation method and three error estimation indices MAE, MBE and RMSE. The results showed that the normal cokriging method is the best method for most parameters (cation, anion, Ec, Cl, Ca, K, Mg, Na and TH). For the SAR, So4 and pH parameters, the normal kriging method and for the Na percentage parameter, the radial basis function was found to be the most suitable method. The results showed that the concentration of most parameters has an upward trend from west to east and south to north. Also, with the passage of time, the trend of reducing the quality of underground water was observed.

    Keywords: Water quality, Marvast plain, Underground water}
  • Mohammadsadegh Talebi *
    Today, due to lack of water resources, particularly safe drinking water, countries are experiencing a turmoil resulting in the formation of many crises in them. Hence, Iran is one of the countries all over the world where the water crisis is more pronounced compared to other countries, leading to the formation of security consequences in various parts of the country. Thus, this crisis in the country must be especially taken into account so that an organized space can be witnessed. Accordingly, this study is aimed at investigating and analyzing the water crisis and its security consequences in Iran. Hence, the present study is conducted in a descriptive-analytical format and based on library data. The research results reveal that over the recent decades, the situation of Iranian water resources has reached an alert status, so that it is considered on the verge of entering a water crisis by many experts and some others consider it as a country with a severe water crisis. Accordingly, it is forecasted that with the current situation in Iran, this country will be propelled to a supercritical situation and the conflict will increase over water resources in Iran, in such a way that its consequences will threaten the security of cities and settlements and on the other hand, lead to environmental degradation. On this basis, considering water crisis and resolving it as a major process necessitates the use of elites and presentation of their constructive suggestions to organize the situation of water resources in the country.
    Keywords: Water Crisis, Security, Iran, Consequences}
  • Mohammad Sadegh Talebi *, Mehran Fatemi
    Growing water demand in various sectors including agriculture, industry, drinkingwater and eventually increasing production and risk of pollution have imposedmounting pressure on water resources. The relative stability of renewable waterresources makes it necessary to pay special attention to the conservation andoptimal use of these resources, especially in desert areas such as Iran, and thisrequires careful and principle planning for the optimal use of existing waterresources. In this research, a descriptive-analytical method was adopted. The datawere collected from fifteen wells during an 8-year period (2010-2017). TheKolmogorov-Smirnov method was recruited to assess the normality of datadistribution. Also, since the classical data (water quality data) did not take intoaccount the spatial distribution of groundwater quality parameters, we used thegeostatistics for this purpose. The results suggested that the dominant groundwatertype in the Bahadoran region was sodium chloride (NaCl), which is highly volatile.This volatility can be attributed to cationic and anionic exchanges as well as thedissolution of salt and gypsum in the neogene formation of the region. On the otherhand, overexploitation and increasing drainage of agricultural, residential and evenindustrial wastewaters in the plain water resources have drastically influenced thegroundwater quality. In the second period of the studied period (2012-2013), thelevel of maximum classes of most parameters has increased compared to the firstperiod, and these changes have increased with a greater slope in the third period.According to the studies, the most important formations in terms of reservoir rock,feed source of alluvial plains and groundwater quality are lower cretaceouscalcareous sediments of Bahadoran.
    Keywords: Groundwater, Bahadoran plain, Geostatistics, Water quality, Hydrochemical software, Yazd province}
  • مهدی نارنگی فرد*، مهران فاطمی، عبدالعلی کمانه، محمدصادق طالبی

    هدف از این پژوهش بررسی ساختار مقاطع مختلف زمانی بارش در ایستگاه همدید شیراز برای شناخت تغییرات و تعیین موقعیت فضایی ساختار بارش در بازه پایداری و ناپایداری، بوده است. در این راستا ساختار حاکم بر فراسنج آب و هوایی بارش در بازه زمانی 58 ساله (1956-2013) در مقاطع سه گانه زمانی مختلف (سه دوره 20 ساله) بارش روزانه با رویکرد فراکتالی مورد واکاوی و بررسی جداگانه قرار گرفت. برای انجام این پژوهش پس از هم مرجع سازی ریاضی فراسنج بارش با اعمال ساختار مثلثاتی فراکتالی بر روی داده های بدست آمده به مقایسه نتایج حاصله با هندسه کلاسیک فراکتالی پرداخته شد. بر اساس یافته های این پژوهش، در مقطع زمانی نخست از 1 ژانویه سال 1956 تا 7065 روز پس از آن با اعمال ساختارهای جبری فراکتالی، نشان داد که این مقطع زمانی از منطق فراکتالی پیروی نمی نماید. همچنین در مقطع زمانی دوم نیز همانند بازه نخست ساختار بارش از منطق فراکتالی پیروی نمی کند. به بیان دیگر منطق حاکم بر ساختار فراسنج بارش در مقاطع زمانی نخست و دوم از حالت تعادل به ناتعادلی است. اما برخلاف دو بازه زمانی گذشته، در بازه زمانی سوم، از منطق فراکتالی پیروی می نماید، که این یافته بیانگر گذار دینامیک این مقطع زمانی از حالت ناتعادلی به عدم تعادل می باشد؛ بنابراین با توجه به سه بازه زمانی دینامیک تعادلی ساختار بارش روزانه از آشوب به سمت فراکتال میل می کند.

    کلید واژگان: شیراز, آشوب, برخال, تعادل, بارش}
    Mahdi Narangifard *, Mehran Fatemi, Abdolali Kamaneh, Mohammad Sadegh Talebi

    Recently, issues raised by changes in precipitation, especially problems brought about by floods and droughts, along with the environmental effects of diminished rainfall, have underscored the importance of precipitation studies at different temporal and spatial scales. Due to the pervasive impact of precipitation parameter in various urban, industrial and agricultural fields with respect to water supply, the identification of fluctuations, changes and precipitation structure is of particular importance, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. The similarity feature in climatic variables allows the use of fractal geometry and analysis of temporal and spatial changes. Accordingly, the use of fractal geometry in predicting the behavior of many natural processes, including precipitation in different regions, has a special place. The goal of this study is to investigate the structure of different time periods of precipitation in Shiraz synoptic stations to explore changes and determine the spatial position of precipitation in the stability and instability period.


    In this study, daily precipitation data was received over a period of 58 years (1956-2013) from the Meteorological Organization of Fars Province to investigate the structure governing precipitation parameter. Then, statistical deficiencies were corrected by restructuring using difference ratio and linear regression. The methodology and algebraic logic of calculations in this study are such that in the first step, research parameters are arranged from minimum to maximum in an ascending order. Then, based on the triangular threshold coordinates(2Π), the minimum and maximum were extracted based on linear structures of the desired criteria and algebraic mathematical reference was conducted using Relation (1). Relation (1)  F (x) =    Then, in order to apply the fractal structure by applying the criterion for mathematical reference using Relation (2), the real structure of the desired meteorological parameters was obtained. Relation (2) Y = m2 × sin (1/m)   Finally, by overlapping the output charts of the actual structures and the classical structure of the fractal (Figure 2) in the algebraic ranges of -0.4 to +0.4, the algebraic process of each climatic parameter was evaluated separately.  

    Results and discussion 

    In this study, based on the results, in addition to the daily analysis of the governing structure of precipitation over a 58-year period (1956-2012), which covered 21185 days, the governing structure along with the analysis of equilibrium dynamics of structures and its functions in three time periods (three 20-year periods) of different daily precipitation were also examined separately. The first period began in January 1, 1956 and lasted for 7065 days. The relevant calculations were performed on the data derived from the first period, which based on the findings of this study, precipitation in Shiraz''s synoptic stations do not follow the fractal logic in the first period by applying fractal algebraic structures, Also, in the second period, similar to the first one, the precipitation structure does not comply with a particular fractal logic. In other words, the logic governing precipitation parameter during the first and second periods changes from equilibrium to non-equilibrium. However, unlike the previous two periods, the fractal logic is followed in the third period.


    The self-similarity feature in climatic variables allows the use of fractal dimension and analysis of temporal and spatial changes. Accordingly, the use of fractal geometry in predicting the behavior of many natural processes, including precipitation in different regions, has a special place. The goal of this study was to investigate the structure of different periods of precipitation in Shiraz synoptic station to identify changes and determine the spatial position of precipitation structure in the period of stability and instability. The behavior of meteorological parameters in various parts of the world is a function that never follows uniform algebraic structure. Therefore, the analysis of complex systems and changes in nonlinear climate parameters using chaotic, fractal and fuzzy concepts offers a suitable way to understand the equilibrium state and dynamic analyses of climate fractal changes. The results indicate the dynamic transition of this time period from non-equilibrium to equilibrium. Therefore, according to the three time periods, the equilibrium dynamics of the daily precipitation structure approaches fractal structure.

    Keywords: Shiraz, Chaos theory, Balance, Precipitation}
  • حجت رضایی، مهران فاطمی*، محمدصادق طالبی

    امروزه مقوله امنیت شهری بویژه در فضاهای عمومی مانند پارک ها و فضاهای سبز که همواره مامنی برای آرامش، آسایش و تفریح شهروندان است، حائز اهمیت بسیاری است. در این زمینه  پژوهش حاضر با نظر به اهمیت و جایگاه بحث امنیت و احساس آن در عرصه های مختلف زندگی اجتماعی به عنوان مقوله بنیادی نیاز انسان، ضمن مشخص ساختن سطح احساس امنیت از نظر جامعه میزبان به مطالعه رابطه این موضوع با گذران اوقات فراغت شهروندان در سطح پارک های ناحیه ای شهر یزد پرداخته است. پژوهش حاضر از لحاظ روش تحقیق، توصیفی- تحلیلی و از نظر ماهیت، از نوع پژوهش های کاربردی است. نحوه گردآوری داده ها و اطلاعات نیز در پژوهش حاضر کتابخانه ای و میدانی است. جامعه آماری تحقیق را 384 شهروند یزدی تشکیل می دهند که به صورت تصادفی ساده در سطح پارک های ناحیه ای شهر یزد انتخاب گردیده اند. برای تجزیه وتحلیل داده ها از آمار توصیفی (شامل فراوانی، انحراف معیار و میانگین) و آمار استنباطی (آزمون اسمیرنوف، آزمون خی دو و ضریب همبستگی پیرسون) استفاده شده است. نتایج پژوهش نشان می دهد میزان احساس امنیت در پارک های ناحیه ای شهر یزد در سطح نسبتا مطلوبی (متوسط) قرار دارد.

    کلید واژگان: احساس امنیت, اوقات فراغت, امنیت انتظامی, فضای سبز, پارک های ناحیه ای}
    Hojjat Rezaie, Mehran fatemi*, Mohammad Sadegh Talebi

    The existence of security in a place of recreation is considered as one of the most important parameters in decision making for visiting and spending leisure time in that location. On the other hand, the lack of security not only does not lead people to public places, promenades and walkways, but because of the lack of presence and isolation of these places, crime and its dimensions are spreading in these places, and therefore it is said that between security and leisure mutual and complementary relationship exists. Therefore, considering the importance of the subject, this study aims to investigate the relationship between the sense of security and spending leisure time in the public spaces of Yazd (regional parks in Yazd city). Because parks are one of the most prominent public spaces in the city and the most important components of the urban, human and natural body, which, taking into account the conquest of the green space element, attract the population and provide the ground for social interaction and spending leisure time in terms of recreation, entertainment, sports, Studying and relaxing nature-based recreations.


    The present research is descriptive-analytic in terms of applied purpose and is based on observation, interview and questionnaire. The dominant view in the methodology of the present study is the systematic approach based on the structural-functional approach, which is carried out in a deductive-inductive method, considering the combination of natural formations (green spaces-parks) and human formations (security and Feeling of security). To collect information in this study, two methods of library and survey using a questionnaire have been used. Its content validity has been confirmed by the opinion of 10 specialists in urban planning, social sciences and law enforcement and necessary corrections. The population of the study consisted of citizens of Yazd city, which according to the Cochran formula, 384 citizens at 0.05% error rate were randomly selected in 7 parks under study for two consecutive weeks. Data analysis in this research has been carried out in two descriptive and inferential sections. In the inferential part of the test, Smirnov test, Chi square test and Pearson correlation coefficient have been used to answer the research questions. It should be noted that in this study, in order to measure the level of feeling of security and to clarify its relationship with spending leisure time in the parks, according to the opinion of the panel of 10 experts from among the security dimensions in view of the impact of the high level of human, financial, and moral security And law enforcement on the mental and psychological health of citizens in the city; these four dimensions of security have been selected for research.

    Results and discussion

    The results of the Smirnov test at 99% confidence level show, firstly, the data are normal and then indicate that the sanity, financial, ethical, and law enforcement in the parks are inappropriate. Because Z score has been evaluated, four security dimensions below the average level have been evaluated. Among the four dimensions of the security feeling studied, law enforcement with a 3.11 test statistic at the highest level and moral security with the 2.98 statistics was at the lowest level.The results of the general Chi-square test showed that the society of citizens, respectively, had a sense of security with a 255,487 statistics, a security sense of 249,321, a sense of moral security with a 229,189 statistics, and a sense of financial security of 220,979 with a statistically significant effect on increasing leisure time of citizens In the Regional parks in the Yazd city.The results of Pearson correlation coefficient at 99% confidence level for the citizens of the community indicate that there is a direct relationship between the feeling of security and the leisure time of citizens in the parks. The correlation coefficient between the sense of human security and the leisure time of citizens equal to 0.953, between the feeling of financial security and spending leisure time 0.712, between the sense of moral security and spending leisure time 0.806 and between the sense of security and leisure time spent 0.950 was assessed. This the coefficients show the severity of the relationship between these two variables and the impact of the feeling of security on the leisure time of citizens in the parks.


    The results of this study indicate that the safety of the studied parks is relatively desirable and not quite desirable. According to the results, security at the highest level of moral and moral security has been at the lowest level. There is a significant safety effect on leisure activities in Yazd parks. Among the dimensions examined, the feeling of personal safety has the greatest impact on the quality of leisure time and the feeling of financial security. Finally, it was found that in the parks in Yazd there is a significant and direct relationship between safety and leisure time; it was also found that there was a significant relationship between the four security dimensions studied, and these four dimensions Have a positive and significant impact on each other, and as the community of citizens has pointed out, security law enforcement plays a more important role in creating the moral, financial, and moral security. Therefore, it is suggestes that through the provision and provision of military and security infrastructures at the level of parks in the region, such as the establishment of regular military, security and ethical patrols, the establishment of a police station, and the continued establishment of park ranger , will enhance the sense of security in urban parks in Yazd.

    Keywords: Feeling of security, free time, Security guard, green space, Regional parks}
  • حسین ابرقویی، مهندس محمدصادق طالبی

    از آنجایی که خشکسالی پدیده ‏ای بسیار پیچیده است، درک و فهم تمام جنبه ‏های آن و نیز شناسایی کلیه مشکلات ناشی ازاین پدیده کاری بسیار دشوار می‏ باشد. براین اساس هنوز تعریف جامع و شیوه بررسی واحد و قابل قبول همگان در این مقوله ارایه نشده است. در این مطالعه روند خشکسالی استان یزد با استفاده از شاخص انحراف از میانگین بارش ماهیانه درطول دوره آماری(30 ساله) در26 ایستگاه ازدو جنبه فراوانی ماه های خشک یا فاقد بارش و فراوانی ماه های با بارش کمتراز میانگین ماهیانه بررسی و نشان داده شد که در ایستگاه های ابرکوه، خویدک، دهشیر، ساغند ومزرعه ‏نو در 54 درصد زمان مورد مطالعه فاقد بارش و در ایستگاه های ابرکوه، دهشیر، خویرک، ساغند و یزد بالغ بر77 درصد طول دوره آماری بارش کمتر از نرمال ماهیانه بوده است .

    Mohammad Sadegh Talebi, Hosein Abarghou'ei

    Since drought is a very complicated phenomenon, it is very difficult to understand all aspects of this phenomenon and all the problems arising from it. On this basis, there is still no comprehensive definition or a single type of examination of drought unanimously accepted by experts in the field. In this study, drought trend of Yazd province was examined in terms of frequency of dry and rainy months using standard deviation index (compared to the monthly average rainfall) during a statistical period of 30 years in 26 stations, and it was shown that in the Abarkuh, , Dehshir, Khuyrak, Saghand and Mazra’e-no stations 54% of the time examined was without rain, and in the Abarkuh, , Dehshir, Khuyrak, Saghand and Yazd stations in almost 77% of the statistical period the precipitation was less than the normal monthly precipitation.

سامانه نویسندگان
  • دکتر محمدصادق طالبی
    طالبی، محمدصادق
  • محمدصادق طالبی
    طالبی، محمدصادق
    دانشجوی دکتری دانشگاه صنعتی شریف / دانشکده مهندسی هوافضا، دانشگاه صنعتی شریف
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