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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب mohsen naderi beni

  • Mohsen Naderi Beni, Mansour Sharifi *, Jafar Kord Zanganeh

    In recent years, fertility developments have led to the announcement of population policies. The purpose of this study is to investigate the fertility trend in the censuses of the last three periods based on the Parity progression ratios. Parity progression ratios is actually the proportion of women of a given parity who go to have another child. The findings show that the PPR in young women in the age group of 20 to 35 years is lower than that of women in the age group of 35 to 49 years. Women's fertility reaches a significant percentage when they reach the reproductive age. The first and second ranks are significant, it respects the limit of succession, but it decreases in the fifth ranks and later, and in fact, this is the reason for the decrease in childbearing. As a result, the fertility of married women is also in an acceptable situation, but demographic policies based on strengthening the economic and welfare infrastructure will increase marriage, which will ultimately boost childbearing.

    Keywords: Parity progression ratio, birth order, Population policy, Total fertility rate, Marital fertility}
  • Mohsen Naderi Beni, Mansour Sharifi*, Jafar Kord Zanganeh
    Background and aims

    The fertility trend in Isfahan, as in other parts of the country, has decreased significantly in recent years. This study aimed to investigate the parity progression ratio (PPR) and factors affecting fertility.


    This is a cross-sectional study that was conducted using a researcher-made questionnaire. Moreover, the study method was a survey, and the sample size included 662 married women aged 15 to 49 years. The study also employed a multi-stage cluster sampling method.


    The results revealed that the cumulative fertility rate ((CFR=1.5) has decreased in Isfahan. There was also a significant relationship between the number of children with abortion (P=0.001), education (P=0.000), and employment of women (P=0.02). The results of multivariate regression with the control of women’s job type also indicated that the variables of the age of marriage and literacy of women (r=0.355, P<0.05) in householders, age of marriage (r=0.286, P=0.00) in unemployed, and literacy of women (r=0.336, P=0.016) in employed women have the highest explanation in childbearing.


    To increase fertility and childbearing, more attention should be paid to economic issues, inflation reduction, and employment rise so that we can witness an increase in marriage, followed by childbearing to the level of succession. The best way to maintain the level of substitution is the full and comprehensive implementation of population policies and the implementation of adaptive policies appropriate to the level of fertility.

    Keywords: Parity progression ratio, Fertility, Population policies, Total fertility, Parity, Birth order}
  • محسن نادری بنی، منصور شریفی*، جعفر کرد زنگنه
    تحولات باروری مهم ترین مسئله جمعیتی سال های اخیر ایران بوده است که منجر به ابلاغ سیاست های جمعیتی شد که درآن بر نقش همه ارگان های مرتبط با مسایل جمعیتی تاکید شده است. هدف پژوهش حاضر، بررسی روند باروری در سرشماری های سه دوره گذشته بر مبنای نسبت فزایندگی زنده زایی است. این شاخص نسبت زنانی را نشان می دهد که تعداد مشخصی فرزند داشته و فرزندان بعدی را می خواهند. لذا اطلاعات مربوط به رتبه موالید در میان نمونه زنان همسردار 15 تا 49 ساله در نمونه دو درصدی سرشماری سال های 85 تا 95 که معادل 983000 نفر هستند، مورد تحلیل قرار گرفتند. نسبت توالی زنده زایی از بدون فرزند به یک (85 درصد) و از یک به دو فرزند (76درصد) تقریبا ثابت بوده اما از سه به چهار فرزند کاهش داشت (75 درصد به 61 درصد). باروری تجمعی از 3.2 در سال 85  به 5.2 در سال 1395 رسید. درنتیجه فرزندآوری زنان متاهل در وضعیت قابل قبولی است، لیکن سیاست های جمعیتی مبتنی بر تقویت زیرساخت های اقتصادی، رفاهی مانند کاهش تورم و افزابش اشتغال و بهبود وضعیت مسکن منجر به افزایش ازدواج شده و در نهایت فرزندآوری را تقویت خواهد کرد.
    کلید واژگان: نسبت توالی زنده زایی, باروری کل, باروری نکاحی, سیاست های جمعیتی, فرزندآوری}
    Mohsen Naderi Beni, Mansour Sharifi *, Jafar Kordzanganeh
    Fertility changes have been the most important population issue in Iran in recent years, which led to the announcement of population policies, emphasizing the role of all organizations related to population issues. The purpose of this study is to investigate the fertility trend at the last three censuses based on the parity progression ratio. This indicator shows the proportion of women of a given parity who want more children. Therefore, the information about married women aged 15 to 49 in the 2% of the sample of the 2006 to 2016 census, which is equivalent to 983,000 persons, were analyzed. Parity progression ratios were almost constant from childless to one child (85%) and from one child to two children (76%) but decreased from three to four children (75% to 61%). The cumulative fertility increased from 2.3 in 2006 to 5.2 in 2016. As a result, the fertility of married women is acceptable but population policies based on strengthening economic and welfare infrastructure such as reducing inflation, increasing employment and improving housing will lead to increased marriage and ultimately enhance childbearing.
    Keywords: Parity progression ratio, Total Fertility Rate, marital fertility, Population Policies, Childbearing}
  • احسان آبشناس، مهدی تختائی، محمد کریمی زاده اردکانی*، محسن نادری بنی

    جمعیت استفاده کنندگان از اینترنت و به دنبال آن افراد وابسته به اینترنت در سراسر جهان در حال افزایش است. اعتیاد به اینترنت می تواند مشکلات جسمی و روحی فراوانی را برای افراد به دنبال داشته باشد؛ بنابراین هدف از تحقیق حاضر مقایسه اختلالات اسکلتی عضلانی و درد بین افراد وابسته و غیروابسته به اینترنت با تاکید بر سطوح مختلف فعالیت بدنی است.

    مواد و روش ها

    تعداد 202 نفر از دانشجویان کوی دانشگاه تهران به صورت تصادفی وارد روند تحقیق شدند. از پرسش نامه اعتیاد به اینترنت یانگ برای بررسی وابستگی به اینترنت و از پرسش نامه بین المللی فعالیت بدنی برای تعیین سطح فعالیت بدنی استفاده شد. نمونه ها در سه سطح غیروابسته به اینترنت (97 نفر)، در معرض خطر وابستگی به اینترنت (81 نفر) و وابسته به اینترنت (24 نفر) و سه سطح فعالیت بدنی کم (101 نفر)، متوسط (63 نفر) و خوب (38 نفر) قرار گرفتند. درد از طریق پرسش نامه درد نوردیک و مقیاس دیداری درد و اختلالات اسکلتی عضلانی با استفاده از گونیامتر، خط کش منعطف، اینکلاینومتر و کولیس سنجیده شد. برای مقایسه بین گروه های پژوهش از روش آماری کوریسکال والیس استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

    بین گروه های پژوهش در متغیرهای درد نواحی گردن، شانه، ناحیه فوقانی پشت، مچ دست، کمر، آرنج و زانو و همچنین میزان زاویه سربه جلو، شانه نابرابر، تیلت جانبی لگن و کایفوز تفاوت معناداری وجود داشت که افراد وابسته به اینترنت با فعالیت بدنی کم بیشترین میزان درد و ناهنجاری و افراد غیروابسته با فعالیت بدنی خوب کمترین میزان درد و ناهنجاری را نشان دادند.

    نتیجه گیری

    با توجه به نتایج تحقیق کنونی، استفاده بیش از حد از اینترنت می تواند ناهنجاری ها و دردهای اسکلتی عضلانی را برای افراد به دنبال داشته باشد، در نتیجه آگاه سازی افراد نسبت به این عوارض و نحوه صحیح وضعیت های بدنی هنگام استفاده از اینترنت و تاثیر مثبت فعالیت بدنی بر سلامت افراد ضروری به نظر می رسد.

    کلید واژگان: اختلالات اسکلتی عضلانی, درد, افراد وابسته به اینترنت, فضای مجازی, نوردیک, مقیاس دیداری درد}
    Ehsan Abshenas, Mehdi Takhtaei, Mohammad Karimizadeh Ardakani *, Mohsen Naderi Beni
    Background and Aims

    The number of Internet users and those with Internet dependence is growing worldwide. Internet dependence can cause many physical and mental problems for people. The present study aims to compare musculoskeletal disorders and pain between students with and without Internet dependence and having different levels of physical activity.


    Participants were 202 university students. Young’s Internet Addiction Test and International Physical Activity Questionnaire were used to assess their Internet dependency and physical activity, respectively. Samples were divided into three groups of non-internet dependent, at risk of Internet dependence, and Internet-dependent with low, moderate, and good physical activity. Pain was assessed using the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire and the Visual Analogue Scale. Goniometer, inclinometer, flexible ruler, and caliper were used to assess musculoskeletal disorders. Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare the research groups.


    There was a significant difference between the study groups in the variable of pain in neck, shoulders, upper back, wrists, lower back, elbows and knees, and disorders of head forward angle, uneven shoulders, lateral pelvic tilt, and kyphosis. Internet-dependent group with low physical activity had higher musculoskeletal pain and disorders, whereas the non-internet dependent group had lower musculoskeletal pain and disorders.


    Overuse of the Internet can cause many musculoskeletal disorders and pain. Therefore, it is necessary to inform people about its consequences, the proper posture when using the Internet, and the positive effect of physical activity on the health.

    Keywords: Musculoskeletal Disorders, Pain, Internet addiction}
  • Ehsan Abshenas, Mohammad Karimi Zadeh Ardakani*, Mehdi Takhtaei, Mohsen Naderi Beni

    Changes in the position of the scapula due to its multiple roles, including acting as a muscle binding site and stabilization in this area can reduce the physiological and biomechanical efficiency of the shoulder, which ultimately increases shoulder injury. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare the functional stability of shoulder girdle between asymmetric and symmetric scapula.


    This was conducted on 156 male students in Tehran who were selected by purposeful cluster and enrolled in the research after obtaining informed consent. Kibler test was used to examine the symmetry of the scapula; 78 subjects had symmetrical and 78 asymmetrical scapula. We used Davis and Y tests to evaluate the stability of the shoulder girdle. To study the difference between groups, an independent t-test was used at a significant level of P≤0.05 using SPSS software.


    The mean scores of the two groups in the Davis test were significant (P=0.0001) and also there was a significant difference between the symmetric and asymmetrical scapular groups in the normalized scores of each direction and the combined score of each hand (P=0.0001).


    Asymmetry of the scapular bones due to disruption of the position of the scapula, and consequently a decrease in functional stability and quality of the optimal function can be considered to predict shoulder injuries.

    Keywords: Scapular asymmetry, Davis test, Upper quarter Y balance test, Shoulder girdle stability}
  • Mohsen Naderi Beni *, Gholamreza Espareh, Masoud Asgari
    Background And Aims
    Hypothyroidism is the most prevalent cause of mental dysfunctions. The rate of this problem in Iran is higher than the average rate of the world. Other studies have shown different prevalence rates of this disease. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of caesarean operation on the increase of hypothyroidism.
    This study was a case-control study performed on the newborns in Chadegan County during 2016-2017. The number of cases (TSH >3.5) was 84 and the number of controls (TSH ≤3.5) was 176. After matching at individual and group levels,analysis was done based on odds ratio and the confidence interval.
    This study showed that there was no relationship between caesarean and hypothyroidism (odds ratio [OR] = 1.235) with the confidence interval of 0.73-2.08.
    This study did not show any relationship between caesarean and hypothyroidism and therefore the role of other risk factors especially genetic and environmental risk factors should be emphasized. Other studies also reported such relationship.
    Keywords: Caesarean, Hypothyroid, TSH, Congenital hypothyroidism}
  • Mojdeh Mirzaei *, Mohsen Naderi Beni, Mohammad Reza Fadaei, Azam Safarai
    Background And Aims
    The study investigated mortality rates of children in west area of Isfahan province in 2006-2012.
    This cross- sectional study performed in a seven- years period by using information received from Isfahan Health center on neonatal mortality rate, infant mortality rate,under 5 years mortality rate in the west of Isfahan province.
    The results showed that the NMR in rural areas was 13.5 and in urban areas was 9.5, IMR in rural areas was 18.6 and in urban areas was 13.5, and also U5MR in rural areas was 21.8 and in urban areas was 15.3, Results showed significant relation between indicators of NMR and IMR and U5MR with their life area showing?
    The results showed that the family physician design has been effective in reducing child mortality, but child mortality rates are still higher in rural areas than urban areas. Therefore, it can be concluded that with implementation family physician design only couldn’t change healthy indications in different areas by itself. Other social and economic factors such as income and health education should be improved along with it.
    Keywords: Child mortality rate, Family physician, West area of province, Isfahan}
  • محسن نادری بنی، روح الله لک، مژده میرزایی
    برای بیان وضعیت موجود در یک منطقه، شاخص های جمعیتی و بهداشتی از اهمیت خاصی برخوردارند. هدف کلی این تحقیق تحلیل و بررسی برخی شاخص های جمعیتی از سال 1383 تا سال 1388 بود.
    روش ها
    جامعه هدف در این تحقیق مردم شهرستان چادگان طی سال های 88-1383 بودند. اطلاعات جمعیتی خام که از مرکز بهداشت شهرستان جمع آوری شده بود، به عنوان معیار ورود در طی این سال ها مورد تحلیل دموگرافیک قرار گرفت. تحقیق از نوع توصیفی بود که به روش اسنادی انجام گردید.
    یافته ها
    طبق نتایج تحقیق جمعیت شهرستان در طی این پنج سال کاهش چشم گیر داشته است. میزان تولدهای خام در سال 83، 2/14 در هزار و در سال 88، 4/15 در هزار بود. مرگ و میر خام در سال 83، 8/4 و در سال 88، 4/4 در هزار بود. میزان مرگ و میر زیر یک سال در سال83، 7/26 و در سال88، 7/16؛ مرگ و میر زیر پنج سال در سال 83، 4/29 و در سال 88، 2/18؛ درصد پوشش تنظیم خانواده در سال 83، 5/73 و در سال 88، 5/71؛ نسبت جنسی در سال 83، 5/98 و در سال 88، 2/99 و بالاخره میزان ناخالص تجدید نسل در سال 83، 34/0 و در سال 88، 35/0 در هزار بوده است.
    نتیجه گیری
    کاهش رشد جمعیت به دلایل مختلفی از جمله مهاجرت، عوامل اقتصادی، اجتماعی، فرهنگی و بهداشتی، سیاست های جمعیتی و یا مجموعه ای از عوامل فوق الذکر بوده است. ضعف بهداشتی در منطقه و کمبود امکانات باعث گردیده است که میزان مرگ و میر در حد بالایی نسبت به استان و کشور قرار داشته باشد. عدم ثبت دقیق و عدم دقت در اعلام گزارش نیز از مشکلات مربوط به آمارهای داده شده می باشد.
    کلید واژگان: شاخص های جمعیتی, شاخص های بهداشتی, شهرستان چادگان}
    Mohsen Naderi Beni, Rohollah Lak, Mojdeh Mirzaee
    To evaluate the situation in a district demographic and health indexes are of great importance. The aim of this article is to analyze some Demographic and Health Indexes in Chadegan district during 2004-2009.
    This was a descriptive study and the target population was the population of Chadegan district from 2004-2009. Data collection was done according to registered data in the Health Center of Chadegan district and then the data were analyzed.
    The population of the district has decreased dramatically during the 6 years. Crude birth rate in 2004 was14.2/1000 and 15.4 in 2009, crude mortality rate in 2004 was 4.8 and in 2009 4.4, infant mortality rate was 26.7 in 2004 and 16.7 in 2009 and mortality rate under five years of age in 2004 was 29.4 and in 2009 it was18.2. Family planning coverage in 2004 was 73.5% and 71.5% in 2009. The sex ratio was 98.5 in 2004 and 99.2 in 2009. Moreover, the gross regeneration rate was 0.34 in 2004 and 0.35 in 2009.
    The reduction in population growth was due to a variety of reasons, including migration, economic factors, social, cultural and health, population policies and a set of factors outlined above. Cover family planning in the city has undergone many changes and this has different causes. The weakness and lack of health facilities in the region has made indexes such as mortality rates at a high level in comparison to the province and the country. Lack of accurate registration and inaccuracy in the report are also of the problems related to the statistical data.
    Keywords: Demographic Indexes, Health Indexes, Chadegan District}
سامانه نویسندگان
  • محسن نادری بنی
    نادری بنی، محسن
اطلاعات نویسنده(گان) توسط ایشان ثبت و تکمیل شده‌است. برای مشاهده مشخصات و فهرست همه مطالب، صفحه رزومه ایشان را ببینید.
  • در این صفحه نام مورد نظر در اسامی نویسندگان مقالات جستجو می‌شود. ممکن است نتایج شامل مطالب نویسندگان هم نام و حتی در رشته‌های مختلف باشد.
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درخواست پشتیبانی - گزارش اشکال