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فهرست مطالب monika bhadauria

  • Sadhana Shrivastava*، Deepmala Joshi، Monika Bhadauria، Sangeeta Shukla، Ramesh Mathur
    وانادیوم یک ماده آلوده کننده محیطی و صنعتی مهم می باشد. این ماده اثرات کمی بر روی تولید مثل داشته و گزارش شده که ازسد جفتی رد می شود.
    مطالعه حاضر جهت بررسی اثرات درمانی تیرون و ترکیب آن با سلنیوم بر علیه اثرات سمی وانادیوم در رت های شیرده و شیرخوار انجام شد.
    مواد و روش ها
    رت ها تحت تاثیر دوز mg/kg/day 5/7 وانادیوم خوراکی برای 20 روز از روز صفر بعد از زایمان قرار گرفتند. از روز 21 تا 25 بعد از زایمان به رت ها تیرون (606 mg/kg/day, i.p.) و سلنیوم (0.5 mg/kg/day, p.o.) داده شد.
    تجویز وانادیوم باعث کاهش سطح قند خون و افزایش ترانس آمینازها و آلکالین فسفاتاز سرم شد. (01/0p<). همچنین افزایش ذخیره گلیکوژن در کبد و کلیه ی رت های شیرخوار و کلیه ی رت های شیرده، افزایش فعالیت آنزیم اسید فسفاتاز در کبد رت های شیرده و شیرخوار و کلیه ی رت های شیرخوار دیده شد. در حالیکه برعکس این مورد، فعالیت آلکالین فسفاتاز و آدنوزین تری فسفاتاز به طور واضحی در تمام گروه ها مهار شده بود (01/0p<). پراکسیداسیون لیپید، تحریک گردید در حالی که گلوتاسیون در کبد رت-های شیرده و شیرخوار کاهش یافته بود (01/0p<). وانادیوم همچنین باعث حساسیت هیستوپاتولوژیک شد. درمان با Tiron به تنهایی و همچنین Tiron با سلنیوم باعث کاهش ضایعات ناشی از وانادیوم در رتهای شیرخور و شیرده شد.
    نتیجه گیری
    Tiron به همراه سلنیوم دارای اثرات بیشتری از Tiron به تنهایی بر علیه اثرات سمی ناشی از وانادیوم در رتهای شیرده و شیرخوار است.
    کلید واژگان: وانادیوم, سلنیوم, شیرخور, شیرده, Teratogenecity, تیرون}
    Sadhana Shrivastava*, Deepmala Joshi, Monika Bhadauria, Sangeeta Shukla, Ramesh Mathur
    Vanadium is an important environmental and industrial pollutant. It has a status of reproductive toxicant and is reported to cross placental barrier.
    The current study was performed to assess the therapeutic efficacy of Tiron and its combination with selenium against vanadium induced toxicity in lactating and suckling rats.
    Materials And Methods
    Rats were exposed to vanadium at a dose of 7.5 mg/kg/day (p.o.) for 20 days from 0 day of post partom (p.p.). Tiron (606 mg/kg/day, i.p.) and selenium (0.5 mg/kg/day, p.o.) were administered for 5 days on 21-25 day PP.
    Vanadium exposure decreased blood sugar level while serum transaminases and serum alkaline phosphatase showed increased values significantly (p<0.01). Elevation in glycogen content of liver and kidney of suckling and kidney of lactating rats was found after toxicant administration. Toxicant intoxication increased the enzymatic activity of acid phosphatase in liver of suckling and lactating and kidney of suckling rats. On the contrary alkaline phosphatase and adenosine triphosphatase activities were inhibited significantly (p<0.01) in all the organs. Lipid peroxidation was enhanced whereas glutathione was reduced significantly in liver of suckling and lactating rats (p<0.01). Vanadium also caused histopathological lesions. Therapies of Tiron per se and Tiron along with selenium maintained almost all blood and tissue biochemical parameters towards normal. Tiron along with selenium reduced vanadium induced lesions in lactating and sucklings rats.
    Tiron along with selenium is more effective than Tiron alone against vanadium induced toxic effect on lactating and suckling rats.
  • Monika Bhadauria, Satendra Kumar Nirala, Sangeeta Shukla
    Hepatoprotective efficacy of propolis extract (honeybee hive product, 200 mg/kg, p.o.) was studied against carbon-tetrachloride-(CCl4, 0.15 ml/kg, i.p.) induced biochemical and histopathological changes. Silymarin, a known hepatoprotective drug was used as a positive control. Subchronic exposure to CCl4 for 3 weeks (5 days a week) caused sharp elevation in the activity of liver enzymes i.e., serum transaminases, alkaline phosphatase and lactate dehydrogenase. CCl4 administration significantly decreased blood glucose level and increased serum proteins. Tissue biochemistry revealed significant reduction in total protein and glycogen contents, alkaline phosphates activity and adenosine triphosphatase along with significant increase in acid phosphatase activity both in liver and kidney. CCl4-induced oxidative stress was measured by estimating reduced glutathione level and amount of TBARS formed as an index of lipid peroxidation. Hepatorenal glutathione level showed marked depletion whereas lipid peroxidation was enhanced significantly. Posttreatment of propolis extract after toxicant administration reversed for five days alterations in blood and tissue biochemical variables including liver function test and markers of oxidative stress, which was similar to silymarin-treated positive control. Histopathological studies of liver and kidney showed improved cellular architecture after propolis therapy and confirmed its hepatoprotective efficacy. In conclusion, propolis extract is a natural product with hepatoprotective properties.
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