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فهرست مطالب n. zand

  • مهسا سلیم خانیان، لیلا ناطقی*، نازنین زند
    استفاده از فیلم های زیست تخریب پذیر حاوی ترکیبات ضدمیکروبی برای بسته بندی یکی از روش های موثر در کاهش آلودگی های زیست محیطی و ایمنی در محصولات غذایی است. هدف از این تحقیق بررسی اثر فیلم زیست تخریب پذیر بر پایه پلی وینیل استات/ ژلاتین حاوی اسانس گلپر بر افزایش زمان ماندگاری نان پیتا بود. فیلم بر پایه پلی وینیل استات و ژلاتین با نسبت های 100/0، 80/20، 60/40، 40/60، 20/80، 0/100 با یکدیگر مخلوط شدند و اسانس گلپر با غلظت 1250 میکروگرم/میلی لیتر افزوده شد. خواص ضدمیکروبی و مکانیکی آن ها طی 9 روز نگهداری در دمای 25 درجه سلسیوس ارزیابی شد. سپس فیلم بهینه با بالاترین خاصیت ضدمیکروبی برای بسته بندی نان پیتا انتخاب گردید و خواص میکروبی آن با نان پیتا بسته بندی شده در پلی اتیلن طی دوره نگهداری مقایسه گردید. بالاترین میزان هاله عدم رشد آسپرژیلوس نایجر و پنی سیلیوم اکسپانسوم متعلق به فیلم زیست تخریب پذیر پلی وینیل استات 40 درصد و ژلاتین 60 درصد بود. بنابراین فیلم مذکور برای بسته بندی نان پیتا انتخاب شد. میزان کپک و مخمر و شمارش کلی در نان پیتا بسته بندی شده در فیلم  بهینه به صورت معنی داری کمتر از نان پیتا بسته بندی شده در پلی اتیلن بود. با افزایش میزان ژلاتین و کاهش پلی وینیل استات میزان نفوذ به بخار آب، حلالیت، جذب آب، نفوذ به اکسیژن و ضخامت فیلم ها افزایش یافت. استفاده از فیلم های زیست تخریب پذیر حاوی ترکیبات ضدمیکروبی می تواند گام موثری بر کاهش بار میکروبی و افزایش خواص کیفی نان طی دوره نگهداری باشد.
    کلید واژگان: نان پیتا, پلی ونیل استات, ژلاتین, اسانس گلپر, فیلم زیست تخریب پذیر}
    M. Salimkhaniyan, L. Nateghi *, N. Zand
    The use of biodegradable films containing antimicrobial compounds for packaging is one of the effective methods in reducing environmental pollution and the safety of food products. This study aimed to investigate the effect of biodegradable films based on polyvinyl acetate/gelatin containing Angelica essential oil on increasing the shelf life of pita bread. Films based on polyvinyl acetate and gelatin were mixed with 0/100, 20/80, 40/60, 60/40, 80/20, 100/0 ratios and given Angelica essential oil with a concentration of 1250 µg/ml was added. Antimicrobial and mechanical properties were evaluated during 9 days of storage at 25 °C. The optimal film with the highest antimicrobial properties was selected for packing pita bread and its microbial features were compared with pita bread packed in polyethylene. The highest growth inhibition zone of Aspergillus niger and Penicillium expansum belonged to the biodegradable film of 40% polyvinyl acetate and 60% gelatin. Thus, the film was selected for packaging pita bread. Loads of yeast and mold as well as the total bacteria in pita bread packed in the optimal biodegradable film were significantly less than a pita bread packed in polyethylene. With increasing gelatin and decreasing polyvinyl acetate, water vapor permeability, solubility, water absorption, oxygen permeability, and film thickness were increased. The use of biodegradable films containing antimicrobial compounds can be an effective step in reducing the microbial load and increasing the quality properties of bread during storage.
    Keywords: Pita bread, polyvinyl acetate, Gelatin, Heracleum persicum essential oil, Biodegradable film}
  • عماد یوسفی، لیلا ناطقی*، نازنین زند
    زمینه مطالعاتی

    رنگ ها برای ایجاد تنوع و افزایش جذابیت در مواد غذایی استفاده می شوند. رنگ دانه گلبرگ گل گاوزبان علاوه بر رنگ دانه طبیعی حاوی ترکیبات فراسودمند مانند آنتوسیانین ها و پلی‎فنل ها هستند.


    این تحقیق به منظور بررسی خصوصیات فیزیکی شیمیایی نوشیدنی فراسودمند بر پایه آب آلویه ورا و آب‎سیب حاوی رنگ دانه استخراج ‎شده از گلبرگ گل گاوزبان انجام شد.

    روش کار

    بدین منظور رنگ دانه از گلبرگ گل گاوزبان استخراج شد و به دو نوع نوشیدنی آب آلویه ورا و آب سیب با غلظت‎های 5 و 10 درصد وزنی/حجمی اضافه شد و نوشیدنی های تهیه شده در دو دمای 4 و oC25 طی 15 روز نگهداری شدند؛ بنابراین هشت تیمار مطابق با طرح کاملا تصادفی طراحی گردید و آزمون های pH، اسیدیته، محتوای ترکیبات پلی فنل، مقدار آنتوسیانین، شاخص تخریب آنتوسیانین و هیدروکسی‏متیل‎فورفورال روی تیمارها انجام گرفت.


    پس از 15 روز نگهداری، بالاترین میزان pH و پایین ترین میزان اسیدیته در نوشیدنی های آب سیب حاوی 10 درصد وزنی/حجمی رنگ دانه و نگهداری شده در دمای oC4 مشاهده شد. لازم به ذکر است نمونه مذکور بالاترین میزان ترکیبات پلی فنلی و مقدارآنتوسیانین را داشت. مطابق با نتایج افزایش دما و زمان نگهداری و غلظت رنگ دانه موجب افزایش شاخص تخریب آنتوسیانین و میزان هیدروکسی متیل فورفورال شد و در شرایط مشابه نوشیدنی های حاوی آب آلویه ورا شاخص تخریب آنتوسیانین و هیدروکسی متیل فورفورال بالاتری نسبت به نوشیدنی های حاوی آب سیب داشتند.

    نتیجه گیری نهایی

    نوشیدنی آب سیب نگهداری شده در دمای oC4 و حاوی 10 درصد وزنی/حجمی رنگ دانه به علت داشتن ترکیبات آنتوسیانینی و پلی فنلی بالاتر، به عنوان تیمار برتر از نظر سلامت بخشی انتخاب گردید.

    کلید واژگان: آب سیب, آب آلوئه ورا, آنتوسیانین, گل گاوزبان, نوشیدنی فراسودمند}
    E Yousefi, L Nateghi *, N Zand

    Colors are used to create diversity and enhance the attractiveness of food. Pigment of Echium Amoenum petal in addition to having a natural pigment contain functional compounds such as anthocyanin’s and polyphenols. Research has shown that consuming foods rich in phenolic and anthocyanin compounds increases the body's ability to contract with the disease. Phenolic compounds are one of the most important compounds of fruits, vegetables and juices, and they have an important role in taste properties. It should be noted the phenolic compounds within the fruits, are anthocyanin’s, which play an important role in the color of the fruit. The compounds are soluble in water and are involved in water systems and have very beneficial effects on the health of the body. The use of phenolic compounds, antioxidants and anthocyanin’s in fruits such as pomegranate, strawberry, raspberries, cherries, cranberries, Echium Amoenum petal and etc., prevents the oxidation of LDL in blood (low protein density proteins). The other benefits of these compounds on the body can be cited to reduce cholesterol and anti-diabetic properties, increase prostatic antibodies to help improve heart disease, alzheimer's, breast cancer and intestinal cancer cells. Recently, many restrictions have been expressed by the international organization and research institutes on the use of artificial dye materials. On the other hand, consumers' desire to consume functional products has increased. The purpose of this study was to investigate the physical, chemical characteristics of functional drink based on apple juice and aloe vera containing pigment of Echium Amoenum petal.

    Material and methods

    In the first stage, the pigment of Echium Amoenum petal was extracted. In order to extract pigment from Echium Amoenum petal the maceration and solvent method was used. For this purpose, methanol and water in the ratio of 0.5 to 1.5 were used as the solvent system for extraction. 50 ml of solvent is added to 250 ml of laboratory erlenmeyer flask containing 5 g petals and then erlenmeyer is coated with a strong polyethylene coating to prevent solvent evaporation. The mixture was stored in a German WB22-memmert orbital oscillator at 50 °C for min 5 min until all the pigments are completely extracted. The extract was then separated from the petals by Watman's filter paper No. 1 and condensed by rotary evaporator Buchi water bath B-480 (Germany) at a temperature of 50 °C to Brix 60. The extracted pigments of Echium Amoenum petal were added to two types of beverages aloe vera and apple juice at concentrations of 5 and 10 percentages of volumetric, and the beverages were stored at two temperatures at 4 °C and 25 °C for 15 days. So, eight treatments were designed according to a completely randomized design. The pH test by pH meter, acidity was determined by titration with sodium hydroxide 0.1 N in the presence of phenolphthalein, the content of polyphenol compounds was evaluated using a spectrophotometer apparatus at a wavelength of 725 nm. Total amount of polyphenolic compounds in beverages in terms of gallic acid equivalents was calculated using the equation obtained from the standard curve and the results were expressed in mg gallic acid per milliliter of the extract. Measurement total anthocyanin level by using the differential pH method was measured by a spectrophotometer at 510 to 700 nm. Anthocyanin degradation index by using Spectrophotometer was obtained by dividing the absorption rate at 420 nm to absorbance at 520 nm. The amount of hydroxymethylfurfural contained in beverages was calculated in ppm by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). For this purpose, the samples were heated for 20 h. Then 1 ml of each sample was taken and 4 ml of distilled water was added to each of them along with 15% potassium ferrocyanide and 30% acetate. After stirring the samples were placed for 10 min in a 5000 rpm centrifuge and repeated twice. After centrifugation, the floating solution was removed each time, added to each other, and brought to a volume of 10 ml by distilled water. 5 ml of the sample was pour in the separating balloon, and added 5 ml of ethyl ether and mixed well. The bottom solution was discarded and the top solution was kept, and this was repeated. Finally, both solutions were poured together and 5 ml of distilled water was added to the solution. Samples were placed at temperature of 40 °C to remove diethyl ether, then the sample was filtered through 4.5 µm filter paper and injected into the HPLC Infinity 1200, made by Agilent, Germany. The amount of hydroxymethyl furfural in beverages in ppm and was calculated using the equation obtained from the standard curve (National Standard 19709, 2013). For data analysis, Duncan's one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed using Minitab 16 with 95% confidence.

    Results and discussion

    Based on the results the samples containing aloe vera had lower pH and acidity than apple juice samples. Therefore, after 15 days of storage, the highest pH and the lowest acidity in apple juice containing 10% w/v of pigment were observed at 4 ˚C storage temperature. The amount of anthocyanin’s and polyphenolic compounds increased with increase pigment concentration in samples. The process of reducing these compounds in the beverages stored at 4 ˚C and containing apple juice during 15 days’ storage, was milder. Anthocyanin degradation index and hydroxymethylfurfural amount were lower than samples containing aloe vera juice and increasing the temperature and storage time increased these parameters. In other words, it can be said the effect of the type of drink, storage temperature and extract concentration can have a significant effect on the increase or decrease of all mentioned parameters. Over time, polyphenols content and anthocyanin decrease and over time the pH of the drinks decreased and the acidity increased, also, the amount of hydroxymethylfurfural during the time increased which was a sign of the destruction of sugars over time. In other words, it can be said, the effect the type of drink, storage temperature, and the concentration of the extract has been effective on increasing and decreasing all of the mentioned parameters.


    The results of this study indicated that the apple juice stored at temperature 4 ˚C and containing 10% w/v pigment of Echium Amoenum petal had the highest amount of polyphenol, anthocyanin and the least anthocyanin degradation, acidity and pH changes, as well as the production of hydroxymethylfurfural over the course of time that it was known as the superior treatment and functional beverage.

    Keywords: Aloe vera juice, Anthocyanin, Apple juice, Echium Amoenum petal, Functional drink}
  • ندا زند *، رضا فتوت، دیاکو رسولی

    مقاومت القایی (IR) نوعی از مقاومت است که هم با آلودگی با مواد بیولوژیکی قبل از آلودگی با پاتوژن و هم به وسیله تیمار با مواد شیمیایی فعال می شود. یکی از مهم ترین انواع آن، که بیش ترین مطالعات بر روی آن انجام شده، مقاومت اکتسابی سیستمیک (SAR) است که نقش مهمی در مقاومت به بیماری ها در گیاهان به عهده دارد. برخی از مواد شیمیایی باعث ایجاد SAR در گیاهان می شوند. بنزوتیادیازول (BTH) از جمله مواد شیمیایی موثر است که کاربرد خارجی آن به عنوان یک ترکیب جدید برای کنترل بیماری ها شناخته شده می باشد که پاسخ آن در سرتاسر گیاه انتقال می یابد و پاسخ های دفاعی در مقابل بیماری را افزایش می دهد. به منظور بررسی مکانیسم های فعالیت بیوشیمیایی BTH و ژن های القا شده توسط آن، داده های توالی ESTهای مربوط به BTH در برنج از سایت NCBI اخذ شدند. با دسته بندی و هم گذاری حدود 370 توالی EST برنج بعد از تیمار با BTH 33 کانتیگ و 234 سینگلتون تشکیل شد، سپس گروه های کارکردی مشخص و با انجام مقایسه بین دو کتابخانه ژن های مشترک تعیین شدند. نتایج حاصل از این تحقیق مشخص کرد که پس از کاربرد BTH در برنج پروتئین های کیناز، LHCB، OEEP، هم چنین آنزیم کربنیک انهیدراز و نیز آنزیم Ribulose بیان می شوند. در این مطالعه برای نخستین بار تاثیر BTHبر دستگاه فتوسنتزی گیاهان مشاهده شد، هم چنین مسیرهای سیگنال دهی دفاعی در برنج را پس از تیمار با BTH مشخص کرد. در این مطالعه ژن هایی که ممکن است در تنظیم مکانیسم های دفاعی گیاه در برابر بیماری ها دخالت داشته باشند شناسایی شدند. این نوع مطالعات بیوانفورماتیکی می تواند در طرح های اصلاحی برای توسعه واریته های متحمل در برابر بیماری ها کمک کننده باشد.

    کلید واژگان: بنزوتیادیازول, مقاومت القائی, مقاومت اکتسابی سیستمیک, EST}
    n Zand *, r Fotovat, d Rasouli

    Induced resistance (IR), activated either by a prior pathogen infection (biological induced resistance) or by treatment with a chemical. Induced resistance is thought to play an important role in the preservation of plants in nature. Although several types of IR have been identified, the one that has been studied most extensively is systemic acquired resistance (SAR). Systemic acquired resistance is an inducible defense mechanism that plays an important role in disease resistance in plants. It has been found that agrochemical components cause SAR in plants. One of the effective agrochemicals is benzothiadiazole (BTH). The exogenous application of BTH to leaves augments the sensitivity of cells to respond to elicitation. BTH has been developed as a novel disease control compound that is translocated throughout the plant where it acts by inducing an inherent disease resistance response. In order to investigate the mechanisms of BTH biochemical activity and its induced genes, BTH-related EST sequences were mined from NCBI site. Clustering and assembling about 370 rice EST sequences were formed after treatment with BTH resulted in 33 contig and 234 singltone, and then functional groups were determined and compared with the two libraries of common genes. The results of this study indicated that after application of BTH on rice, kinase, LHCB and OEEP proteins as well as the carbonic anhydrase and Ribulose enzymes are expressed. This study is the first report that effect of BTH on plant photosynthesisc. In this study novel candidate genes were identified which may have a possible involvement in plant defense mechanism. This kind of bioinformatics studies may be useful in molecular breeding programs in rice for development of diseases tolerance varieties.

سامانه نویسندگان
  • دکتر نازنین زند
    زند، نازنین
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