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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب parisa salehi

  • پریسا صالحی *

    مرگ را می توان مهم ترین موضوع مشترک میان انسان ها در تمام زمان ها، مکان ها و تنها رقیب زندگی دانست. بیان ماهیت مرگ، نوعی نمایش نگرش افراد مختلف، به ماهیت زندگی است. هیچ یک از شاعران از این دغدغه برکنار نبوده اند .لذا پرداختن به تفکرات ادبا و شعرا، در این باره، در شناخت بهتر و آشنایی با دیدگاه فکری و معرفتی این شاعران موثر خواهد بود. برای رسیدن به این هدف باید به تحلیل متون و اشعار این شاعران پرداخت. یکی از روش های تحلیل متون، تحلیل گفتمان انتقادی است. که در آن به کشف نگرش نویسنده و شاعر در لابه لای اثرش می پردازند. از آنجا که ادبیات و اجتماع رابطه ای دوسویه با هم دارند و تاثیرپذیری شعر معاصر از جامعه و تاثیر ادبیات معاصر در شکل گیری بسیاری از تحولات اجتماعی - سیاسی امری اثبات شده است، در این پژوهش برآنیم تا تاثیر جامعه را در مرگ اندیشی شاعر و بازتاب آن در آثارش بررسی کنیم. از میان شاعران معاصر، قیصر امین پور مسائل اجتماعی و سیاسی مهم هر دوره را به صورت صریح و با لحن متناسب در شعرش بیان کرده است و همین موضوع ما را وارد قلمرو تحلیل گفتمان آثارش می کند. به ترتیب در این پژوهش با به کارگیری سطح تبیین در تحلیل گفتمان انتقادی در پی اثبات فراز و نشیب های مرگ اندیشی شاعر در دوره های مختلف شعری اش هستیم. به نظر می رسد نگرش او به مرگ که نگاه به زندگی را هم در خود دارد، در دوره های مختلف زندگی اش تغییر کرده است.

    کلید واژگان: تحلیل گفتمان انتقادی, قیصر امین پور, مرگ اندیشی, ادبیات معاصر}
    Parisa Salehi *

    Death can be considered the most important common issue among humans in all times, places and the only rival of life. Expressing the nature of death is a kind of representation of different people's attitude towards the nature of life. None of the poets have removed this concern. Therefore, addressing the thoughts of writers and poets, in this regard, will be effective in better understanding and getting to know the intellectual and epistemological views of these poets. To achieve this goal, one should analyze the texts and poems of these poets. One of the methods of text analysis is critical discourse analysis. in which they discover the author's and poet's attitude towards his works.
    Since literature and society have a two-way relationship and the influence of contemporary poetry on society and the influence of contemporary literature in the formation of many socio-political developments has been proven. In this research, we aim to examine the influence of society on the poet's thought about death and its reflection in his works. Among the contemporary poets, Aminpour has expressed the important social and political issues of each period in his poetry explicitly and with appropriate tone, and this issue brings us into the realm of discourse analysis of his works. Accordingly, in this essay, by applying the level of explanation in the analysis of critical discourse, we seek to prove the ups and downs of the poet's death thoughts in his different poetic periods. It seems that his attitude towards death, which includes the outlook on life, has changed in different periods of his life.

    Keywords: Critical Discourse Analysis, Qaiser Aminpour, Death Thought, Contemporary Literature}
  • پریسا صالحی*، قدرت الله طاهری

    یکی از مسائلی که ناقدان ادبی از قدیم به آن توجه داشته اند تقسیم بندی آثار ادبی براساس انواع ادبی است. در تعاریف انواع ادبی، آثار را به گروه های مشخص طبقه بندی می کنند. از این طریق، به خوبی می توان ماهیت آثار ادبی را شناخت، ارزش هر اثر ادبی را نسبت به سازگاری آن با ویژگی های نوعی از پیش مقرر شده تعیین کرد، علل و عوامل بروز و ظهور انواع را پی برد و نیرو یافتن یا ضعف و از بین رفتن آنها را در دوره ه ای ادبی و تاریخی مختلف، بررسی کرد. متون ادب فارسی را نیز به انواع گوناگونی تقسیم کرده اند مانند: ادبیات حماسی، ادبیات تعلیمی، ادبیات غنایی؛ البته محققان درباره معرفی برخی از انواع ادبی دیگر هم، تحقیقات مستقلی انجام داده اند. در پژوهش های انجام شده، تاکنون تکلیف متونی همچون تاریخ بلعمی، تاریخ بیهقی، تاریخ جهانگشای جوینی، تاریخ وصاف و آثاری از این دست که تمییز صبغه تاریخی آنها از رنگ و ارزش ادبیشان دشوار و حتی غیر ممکن است، روشن نشده است و هیچ گاه این متون به عنوان یک مجموعه واحد بررسی نشده اند تا هم ویژگی های کلی و مشترکشان بررسی شود و هم دسته بندی دقیقی از شاخه ها و زیرشاخه های گوناگون آن به عنوان «نوع ادبی مستقل» ارائه گردد. به نظر می رسد به دلیل وجود برخی ویژگی های مشترک بین متن های تاریخی و همچنین به دلیل تمایزهای این متون با آثار دیگر انواع ادبی، می توان آنها را یک نوع ادبی مستقل به حساب آورد و نام آن نوع را «ادبیات تاریخی» نهاد، هم چنین ویژگی های این نوع ادبی جدید را مشخص کرد و تعریفی از آن ارائه داد.

    کلید واژگان: ادبیات, تاریخ, متون تاریخی زبان فارسی, انواع ادبی(ژانر), ادبیات تاریخی}
    Parisa Salehi *, Ghodratolaah Taheri

    Categorization of literary works into various types has been a focal point for literary critics since ancient times. Persian literary texts have been classified into genres, such as epic literature, didactic literature, and lyrical literature. However, there has been independent research on the introduction of other literary genres. To date, the role of texts, such as the histories of Bal'ami, Bayhaqi, Jovini Jahāngoshā, and Wasāf, which blur the lines between their historical and literary values, has not been clearly defined. These texts have not been collectively examined to identify their general and common characteristics and establish a precise classification of their various branches and sub-branches as an "independent literary genre." Due to the shared features among historical texts and their distinctions from other literary works, they can be considered an independent literary type termed "historical literature." This study aimed to define the characteristics of this new literary genre and provide a comprehensive classification.

    Keywords: Literature, History, historical texts of Persian language, Literary genres, historical literature}
  • اسماعیل سنگاری*، پریسا صالحی

    جیرفت که به باور برخی از پژوهشگران و باستان شناسان، همسان و همپایه میان رودان رخ می نماید، بستری غنی از آثار باستانی ارزشمند دارد. این آثار که به واسطه وقوع سیلی در سال 1380خورشیدی سر از زیر خاک برآوردند، خبر از فرهنگی چند هزار ساله در این خطه از سرزمین ایران دادند که می توان گفت برای چند هزاره در این خاک خفته مانده بود. این آثار که راویان فرهنگ کهن جیرفت قلمداد می شوند، چنانچه رمزگشایی گردند، ناگفته های بسیاری از مباحث اساطیری، آیین ها، اعتقادات و باورهای جامعه زمان خویش را بازگو خواهند کرد. این پژوهش بر آن است تا با واکاوی سه مورد از آثار دربردارنده نقش مایه درخت نخل، در فهم زبان غیر نوشتاری فرهنگ جیرفت کوشش نماید و بدین وسیله در بازسازی بافت و ساختار آن یاری رساند. پژوهش حاضر بر آن است تا با بهره گیری از رویکردهای مطرح در شمایل نگاری و شمایل شناسی، به درک راز پنهان در سه اثری بپردازد که نقش مایه درخت نخل را در دل خود به تصویر کشیده اند و با نگاهی موشکافانه به عناصر و کنشگرهای سازنده آثار مذکور، در جستجوی صدایی ناشنوده و گم مانده در ژرفای این فرهنگ پرشکوه باشد که زمان شکل گیری آن به سه هزار سال پیش از میلاد باز می گردد. بدین سان، این پژوهش با بهره گیری از روش توصیفی- تحلیلی، مشاهده گری آثار مکشوفه، با تکیه بر داده های باستان شناختی و پژوهش کتابخانه ای، چگونگی تصویرگری نقش نخل در هنر جیرفت را مورد واکاوی قرار داده است.

    کلید واژگان: هنر جیرفت, نقش مایه درخت نخل, شمایل نگاری, شمایل شناسی, میان رودان}
    Esmaeil Sangari *, Parisa Salehi

    Jiroft, which according to some researchers and archaeologists, is identical and tantamount to Mesopotamia civilization, has a rich context of admirable and valuable ancient materials. These materials, appeared out of the ground due to a flood in 2002AD, are sign of a culture of thousand years in this region of Iran, which could be said to have been dormant in this landscape for several millennia. These materials are regarded as relaters of ancient culture of the jiroft, that in case of being decoded, they have so many unsaid about mythological debates, rituals, beliefs and notions dominating on the society of their own period. Analyzing the three works containing the leitmotiv of palm tree, this study aims to conceive non-written language of culture of Jiroft by which, they assist in renovation of context and framework of this ancient culture. By using the descriptive-analytical method, observation of discovered works and relying on archeological data and library research, this study aims to analyze and portrait the leitmotiv of the palm tree in art of the Jiroft.

    Keywords: Art of Jiroft, Palm Tree motif, Iconography, iconology, Mesopotamia}
  • Parisa Salehi, Mojgan Shavakhi, Sepideh Nazari, Shabnam Ajami*

    White spot formation is one of the common side effects in orthodontic treatments and multiple enamel conditioning might happen even during on session of fixed orthodontic treatments. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of multiple enamel conditioning with different methods on enamel micro‑hardness (MH).

    Materials and Methods

    In this In vitro experimental study, the buccal surfaces of 105 extracted premolars were evaluated in seven groups: One control and six experimental groups. The enamel conditioning was performed in three ways: Etching with phosphoric acid 37%, etching with phosphoric acid 37% followed by primer application and conditioning with self‑etch primer. The conditioning process in each way was also performed twice consecutively. The specimens were submitted in pH cycling model with demineralization and re‑mineralization solutions for 14 days. Afterward Vickers MH test was applied with 0.981N force on the teeth for 10 s indentation time. Data were analyzed using One‑Way ANOVA and Tukey HSD (honestly significant difference) test for multiple comparisons. A value of P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.


    MH analysis showed statistically significant differences between the control group and the other conditioned groups (P < 0.05). The groups conditioned with acid‑etch and primer, particularly twice, showed the lowest amount of MH in comparison to other groups. Self‑etch primer had the least effect on MH of the enamel. Single time etching without using primer, made no considerable difference when compared to multiple etching.


    Etching process and covering the enamel with primer decrease enamel MH. Using self‑etch primer is a more conservative method of enamel conditioning

    Keywords: Dental caries, dental tissue conditioning, hardness, tooth demineralization}
  • Parisa Salehi, Meghedy Khodabakhshian *

    The Iranian tribes have their unique architecture due to their lifestyle. They resort to a portable shelter type, the black tent, that can be carried and assembled easily. This article introduces this shelter type applied in the Bakhtiari tribe, which has a history dating back to the Iranian civilization. This structure has retained its identity due to its ability to meet the needs of its inhabitants for centuries and remains a valuable legacy of Iranian architecture. The field study of Bakhtiari tribes is run by assessing their spatial conditions and adapting them to the library studies. The uniqueness of this architecture is in its flexibility and compatibility with the environment. The harmony and rhythm used in interior decoration are directed by climate, culture, customs, and living conditions, thus forming temporary architecture. According to the given site, the natural material type consumed in this structure is feet, creating comfort in the inhabitants' lives. The seasonal and functional condition flexibly dictates the size and plan of the black tent. In this context, to preserve this heritage running in-depth studies on this issue is of the essence.

    Keywords: Architectural heritage, Temporary architecture, Local architecture, Bakhtiari tribe, Black tent}
  • Farzaneh Golfeshan, Parisa Salehi *, Kimiya Beygi

     The objective of this research was to compare the orthodontic treatment need and demand using Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI) and Occlusal Index (OI) among dentistry students of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences.


     This descriptive cross-sectional study was performed on 113 dental students in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. The demand for orthodontic treatment was assessed using a standardized questionnaire and 10 photographs of aesthetic component (AC) of IOTN for the self-assessment of subjects about their dental attractiveness. Occlusal Index (OI) and Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI), which were calculated by clinical examination and dental model analysis, were used to assess the orthodontic treatment need. Students with a history of orthodontic treatment were excluded.


     Final analysis was done on 113 cases (48 men and 65 women). The study showed that there was a significant relationship between the demand for orthodontic treatment and the self-assessment of subjects about their dental attractiveness (according to the photograph they had chosen) (P = 0.015). There is also a significant relationship between the self-assessment of subjects about their dental attractiveness (according to the photographs) and the orthodontic treatment need based on DAI (P = 0.008). Furthermore, a significant connection was found between the self-assessment of subjects about their dental attractiveness (according to the photographs) and the orthodontic treatment need based on OI (P < 0.001).


     The results of our study revealed that both indices show that the need for orthodontic treatment is in line with the demand, which could be used for planning public orthodontic and dental services.

  • محمدعلی روزگار، محمدنبی صالحی*، پریسا صالحی، خدیجه ابدال
    زمینه و هدف

    در زندگی همه افرادی که دارای شغل هستند فرسودگی شغلی و استرس وجود دارد و به گونه های مختلف بر آن ها فشار روانی وارد می کند و فرد را دچار هیجانات منفی، آشفتگی، نگرانی و اضطراب می نماید. لذا تنظیم شناختی هیجان می تواند نقش مهمی در مقابله با فرسودگی شغلی و سازگاری با وقایع استرس زای زندگی ایفا کند. این پژوهش با هدف بررسی رابطه بین راهبردهای تنظیم شناختی هیجانی و فرسودگی شغلی در دندانپزشکان شهر ایلام انجام گرفت.

    روش بررسی

    روش پژوهش حاضر توصیفی و از نوع همبستگی بود. جامعه آماری شامل کلیه دندانپزشکان شهر ایلام در سال 1398 بود که با روش نمونه گیری تصادفی ساده تعداد 81 نفر از دندانپزشکان شهر ایلام به عنوان نمونه انتخاب شدند. ابزار پژوهش شامل پرسشنامه تنظیم شناختی هیجانی (CERQ-P) و پرسشنامه فرسودگی شغلی مسلش (MBI) بود. داده ها به وسیله نرم افزار SPSS22 در سطح آمار توصیفی توسط شاخص های میانگین و انحراف استاندارد، و در سطح استنباطی توسط آزمون ضریب همبستگی پیرسون تجزیه و تحلیل شدند.

    یافته ها: 

    نتایج نشان داد که بین راهبردهای تنظیم شناختی هیجانی سازگارانه و فرسودگی شغلی در دندانپزشکان رابطه منفی و معکوس معنی داری وجود دارد (000/0, P<862/0-r=). همچنین بین راهبردهای تنظیم شناختی هیجانی ناسازگارانه و فرسودگی شغلی در دندانپزشکان رابطه مثبت و مستقیم معنی داری وجود دارد (000/0, P<829/0r=).

    نتیجه گیری:

     با توجه به نتایج این پژوهش، به نظر می رسد دندانپزشکان به منظور پیشگیری و کاهش فرسودگی شغلی، باید بیشتر به مولفه های تنظیم هیجانی و هیجانات اهمیت بدهند.

    کلید واژگان: تنظیم شناختی هیجانی, فرسودگی شغلی, دندانپزشکان}
    MohammadAli Rozegar, MohammadNabi Salehi*, Parisa Salehi, Khadijeh Abdal
    Background and Aims

    There is a lot of burnout and stresses in various ways of people’s lives which could result in psychological pressure, negative emotions, confusion, worry, and anxiety. Therefore, emotion cognitive regulation can play an important role in coping with burnout and adapting to stressful life events. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the emotional cognitive regulation strategies and burnout in dentists in Ilam.

    Materials and Methods

    The method of the present study was descriptive and correlational. The statistical population included all dentists in Ilam in 2019. By simple random sampling method, 81 dentists in Ilam were selected as sample. The research instruments included the Emotional Cognitive Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ-P) and the Employee Burnout Questionnaire (MBI). Data were analyzed by SPSS 22 software at the level of descriptive statistics by mean and standard deviation indices, and at the inferential level by Pearson correlation coefficient test.


    The results showed that there was a significant negative and inverse relationship between the adaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies and burnout in dentists  (r=-0.862, P<0.000). There was also a significant positive and direct relationship between the maladaptive emotional cognitive regulation strategies and burnout in dentists (r=0.829, P<0.000).


    According to the results of this study, it seems that dentists should pay more attention to the components of emotion regulation and emotions in order to prevent and reduce job burnout.

    Keywords: Emotional cognitive regulation, Burnout, Dentists}
  • پریسا صالحی *

    بازتاب مولفه‌های تعلیمی در ادبیات تمدن‌ها رواج بسیار داشته است. این موضوعات تعلیمانه در متون تاریخی فارسی نیز مورد توجه قرار گرفته که با آموزه‌های اخلاقی عارفان نیز قرابت بسیار دارد، اگرچه متون تاریخی و متون عرفانی از دو نوع ادبی جداگانه هستند، اما نضج و شکل‌گیری این مولفه‌های اخلاقی سبب بوجود آمدن اشتراکاتی بین این متون شده که این مقاله قرار است به یکی از این اشتراکات یعنی شیوه اندرز دادن بپردازد. در میان مورخان، آنکه ماهرانه‌تر آموزه‌های تعلیمی را بیان می‌کند، ابوالفضل بیهقی است و در میان عرفا، مولانا شاخص‌ترین فرد در ارایه پندهای غیر مستقیم است. شباهت شیوه این دو در ساختار روایی و کاربرد شگرد قصه در قصه برای بیان آموزه‌های اخلاقی، نگارنده را بر آن داشت که در این پژوهش به قرایت بینامتنی تاریخ بیهقی و مثنوی معنوی، بپردازد. به نظر می‌رسد که نویسندگان این متون اهدافی تعلیمی داشته و به اندرز‌های اخلاقی مستقیم و غیرمستقیم پرداخته‌اند. در بیان مضامین اخلاقی شگردهای مشترکی بین آنها دیده می-شود که احتمالا از آبشخورهای واحد نیز سرچشمه می‌گیرد آنان با کاربست اندرزگویی به دنبال بیان اندیشه‌های خود هستند؛ نگاه بیهقی دربردارنده اهداف سیاسی مورخانه اوست و منظر مولوی از چشم‌انداز عارفانه او مایه می‌گیرد.

    کلید واژگان: اشتراک انواع ادبی, بینامتنیت, تاریخ بیهقی, مثنوی مولوی, اندرزگویی}
    parisa salehi*

    The reflection of educational components has been very common in the literature of civilizations. These didactic issues have also been considered in Persian historical texts, which are closely related to the moral teachings of mystics. Although historical texts and mystical texts are two separate literary types, the maturation and formation of these moral components give rise to There are commonalities between these texts, and this article is supposed to address one of these commonalities, namely the method of giving advice. Among historians, the one who most skillfully expresses the teachings is Abolfazl Beyhaqi, and among mystics, Rumi is the most prominent figure in providing indirect advice. The similarity of the two methods in the narrative structure and the application of the story-by-story technique to express moral teachings, led the author to read the intertextual history of Bayhaqi and the spiritual Masnavi in ​​this research. The authors of these texts seem to have had educational purposes and to have addressed direct and indirect moral advice. In expressing moral themes, there are common tricks between them, which probably also originate from single sources. They seek to express their thoughts by using counseling; Beyhaqi's view embodies the political goals of his history, and Rumi's view draws on his mystical perspective.

    Keywords: Sharing literary genres, Intertextuality, history of Bayhaqi, Rumi's Masnavi, advice}
  • پریسا صالحی، ندا بهزادفر*، همایون مهدوی نسب

    پس از کشف اشعه ایکس با استفاده روزافزون از سیستم های تصویربرداری دیجیتال، پردازش تصاویر پزشکی اهمیت بیشتری پیدا کرده است. پردازش تصاویر پزشکی به متخصصان در زمینه تشخیص بیماری ها کمک شایانی می کند. علاوه بر روش های اصلی دیجیتالی مانند توموگرافی کامپیوتری (CT) یا تصویربرداری رزونانسی مغناطیسی (MRI) در حال حاضر روش های تصویر برداری آنالوگ مانند آندوسکوپی یا رادیوگرافی اکنون به سنسورهای دیجیتالی مجهز شده اند. با پردازش تصاویر با استفاده از روش های مختلف می توان رویه اعمال شده در بیماران را بهبود بخشد. الگوریتم ها نقش اصلی را در فیلتر کردن نویزها، بخش بندی، استخراج و طبقه بندی خصوصیات دارند که باعث تشخیص بیماری ها می شود. نرم افزار متلب و جعبه ابزار پردازش تصویر طیف گسترده ای از توابع پیشرفته پردازش تصویر و ابزارهای تعاملی را برای بهبود و تجزیه و تحلیل تصاویر دیجیتال فراهم می کند. در این مقاله با استفاده از چند الگوریتم طراحی شده در متلب، کیفیت تصاویر را بررسی می شوند و الگوریتم مناسب تر انتخاب می گردد.

    کلید واژگان: پردازش تصویر, تصاویر پزشکی, اپراتور, سیمولینک متلب}
    Parisa Salehi, Neda Behzadfar*, Homayoun Movahedi-Nasab

    After the discovery of X-rays with the increasing use of digital imaging systems, medical image processing has become more important. Medical image processing helps specialists in diagnosing diseases. In addition to major digital techniques such as computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), analog imaging techniques such as endoscopy or radiography are now equipped with digital sensors. By processing images using different methods, the procedure applied to patients can be improved. Algorithms play a key role in noise filtering, segmentation, extraction, and characterization that diagnose diseases. MATLAB software and image processing toolboxes provide a wide range of advanced image processing functions and interactive tools for enhancing and analyzing digital images. In this article, using several algorithms designed in MATLAB, the quality of images is examined and a more appropriate algorithm is selected.

    Keywords: Image processing, Medical images, Operator, Simulink MATLAB}
  • Parisa Salehi, Niloofar Azadeh *, Negin Beigi, Mitra Farzin
    Statement of the problem
    As an important determinant of social acceptability, facial attractiveness can be influenced by decisions of orthodontists through treatment.
    The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in perception of facial attractiveness among male and female raters in different age groups through comparison of silhouettes.
    Materials and Method
    208 subjects (99 male, 109 female) aged between 18 to 70 years were assigned to three groups of young adults, middle-aged and senior and rated pre-designed silhouettes on a 7-level rating scale (1= the least esthetic, 7=the most esthetic). Two series of 7 silhouettes were prepared for men and women in which the mandible was protruded or retruded in 2-mm increments from the average. The evaluators were asked to grade the profiles separately for male and female. T-test and one-way ANOVA were used for the statistical analysis with α = 0.05.
    The first and third age groups, favored female profile 2 among class II profiles. However, the second age group preferred the average profile. Male class II profiles were rated exactly as female ones among the three age groups. The average female class III silhouette was preferred in all age groups. The first and second age group preferred the average male profile in male class III silhouettes. The oldest group however, preferred profile 2. For both sexes, the least acceptable profile in each set of silhouettes was the most protruded or retruded.
    There were few differences in perception of facial attractiveness between different age groups. In all groups, even small mandibular protrusion was unacceptable and mild retrusion was considered attractive.
    Keywords: Age groups, Esthetics, Mandibular Prognathism, Mandibular Retrognathism}
  • Shoaleh Shahidi, Parisa Salehi, Parnian Abedi, Mehrnoush Dehbozorgi, Shahram Hamedani, Nazanin Berahman
    Statement of the Problem: Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD) may show a poor correlation between their clinical findings and radiological characteristics.
    The aim of this study was to assess the osseous alterations of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) in symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects by employing cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images.
    Materials And Method
    In this study, CBCT images of 120 temporomandibular joints in 30 patients with TMJ disorder and 30 age- and sex-matched individuals without TMJ complaints were evaluated. Osteoarticular derangements of the joint were assessed by two experienced examiners. Data was statistically analyzed with SPSS software using chi-square test (p
    Out of 120 CBCT images (60 in each group), at least one osseous change was observed in 90% and 86.7% joints in symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects, respectively. There were no significant differences between symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects regarding frequency of osteoarticular changes including flattening (73.3% vs. 75%), irregularity (36.7% vs. 48.3%), sclerosis (20% vs. 8.3%), cyst (3.3% vs. 3.3%), erosion (13.3% vs. 21.7%), hypoplasia (3.3% vs. 5%), ankylosis (1.7% vs. Zero), osteophyte (43.3% vs. 40%), decrease joint space (3.3% vs. 3.3%), and increase joint space (5% vs. 5%). (p> 0.05)
    By employing CBCT as a modern diagnostic imaging tool, findings of this study revealed that the frequency of various temporomandibular joint alterations on CBCT images is comparable in patients with and without TMD complaints, suggesting that some people with TMJ structural damage may not display clinical manifestations. Moreover, CBCT imaging might not be necessary for TMD patients and more attention should be given to clinical examination.
    Keywords: CD68, Immunohistochemistry, Macrophage Density, Odontogenic Lesions}
  • Parisa Salehi, Behnam Malekpour, Ali Roshan *, Shahram Hamedani
    Statement of problem: Numerous studies report significant changes in tooth color that occur during orthodontic treatment. The adverse effects of bleaching procedures during orthodontic treatments have not been studied comprehensively.
    This study investigated the effects of two methods of dental bleaching on the degree of microleakage beneath orthodontic brackets.
    Materials And Methods
    We selected 45 extracted premolar teeth and bonded them to orthodontic brackets. These teeth were stored in normal saline for 24 hours and thermocycled. We randomly divided the samples into 3 groups of 15 teeth per group. The first group (control) received no bleach treatment; the second group (office bleaching) was treated with 35% hydrogen peroxide (Whiteness HP Maxx); and the third group (home bleaching) was treated with 22% carbamide peroxide (Whiteness Perfect). The apices were sealed with sticky wax, rinsed in tap water, and air-dried. We applied nail varnish to the entire surface of each tooth, except for an area approximately 1 mm away from the brackets. The samples were immersed in basic fuchsine and cleaned after 24 hours. Microleakage was determined by direct measurement using a stereomicroscope. Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn post-hoc statistical tests, and SPSS software were used for statistical analysis. The significance level was set at P≤0.05.
    The office bleaching group had significantly more microleakage scores under the brackets at both the occlusal (P=0.04) and gingival (P =0.040) margins of the brackets compared to the home bleaching group. The home bleaching group showed statistically more significant microleakage scores than the control group in both the gingival (P=0.006) and occlusal (P=0.014) margins of the brackets. All three groups had statistically more significant microleakage at the gingival margins of the brackets than the occlusal margins.
    Office bleaching caused the most microleakage under the brackets and home bleaching caused more microleakage than the control group. We observed more microleakage at the gingival margins of the brackets compared to the occlusal margins.
    Keywords: Bleaching, Microleakage, Orthodontic}
  • پریسا صالحی*
    متون ادبی زبان فارسی از همان آغاز، رابطه ای تنگاتنگ با تاریخ و مطالعات تاریخی داشته است. در شیوه های سنتی و مدرن، پیوسته توجه به این رابطه مطرح بوده است. اما از آنجا که بحث پیرامون ادبیات و تاریخ، برای اولین بار در آرای غربیان و بر اساس اطلاعات فعلی ما از یونان باستان، نشات گرفته است. یکی از قدیمی ترین نوشته ها که در آن به رابطه ادبیات با تاریخ پرداخته شده، کتاب فن شعر ارسطو است. با توجه به آراء او که قرن ها بر اندیشه و تفکر غربی حاکمیت داشته است، از منظری محتواگرایانه، همواره تاریخ و ادبیات دو امر متفاوت تلقی می شدند و بین آنها دوگانگی برقرار بوده است. در مقاله حاضر، با بررسی آرای ارسطو، به اصلی ترین دلیلش، مبتنی بر تفکیک این دو مقوله پرداختیم. در این بررسی عیان می شود که چگونه رویکرد سنتی، تاریخ و ادبیات را به مثابه دو بخش مستقل مطرح کرده است. سپس اندیشه های متفکرین معاصر نقد ادبی را در رد تمایز تاریخ با ادبیات، تبیین کرده ایم. نتایج بررسی ما نشان می دهد، در رویکردهای مدرن، این رابطه در چارچوبی تعاملی و نظام مند قرار دارد. با این تبیین زمینه ای مهیا می شود برای هدف اصلی این مقاله، که همانا تاکید بر ماهیت بینارشته ای ادبیات و تاریخ است. همچنین، در بخش پایانی این نوشتار در راستای نظریه پیوند ادبیات با تاریخ، حلقه های واسط و پیوندهای آن دو در متون تاریخی زبان ادبیات فارسی، احصا و تبیین شده است.
    کلید واژگان: تاریخ, ادبیات, متون تاریخی- ادبی, نظریه ادبی, گفتمان, روایت}
    * Parisa Salehi
    Persian literary texts from the very beginning have been closely related to history and historical studies. In the traditional and modern ways, attention has always been paid to this relationship. But since the discussion of literature and history has originated for the first time in Western votes and based on our current knowledge of ancient Greece. One of the oldest writings in which the relationship between literature and history is discussed is Aristotle's poetry book. According to his views that dominated Western thinking and thinking for centuries, from a sociocultural point of view, history and literature were always considered to be two different things, and there was a duality between them. In the present article, by analyzing Aristotle's votes, the main reason was the separation of these two categories. It explains how the traditional approach has introduced history and literature as two independent parts. Then, we have explained the thoughts of modern thinkers about literary criticism in rejecting the distinction between history and literature. Our survey results show that in a modern approach, this relationship is in an interactive and systematic framework. This explains the ground for the main purpose of this article, which is to emphasize the nature of interdisciplinary literature and history. Also, in the final section of this article, in line with the theory of linking literature with history, the intermediary circles and their links in the historical texts of the Persian language language have been explained.
    Keywords: History, literature, historical-literary texts, literary theory, discourse, narrative}
  • Shabnam Ajami, Afsoon Javidi, Parisa Salehi, Behnam Malekpou
    Facial beauty is becoming more and more important worldwide. This is defined as being close to what is advertised as attractiveness by the media and is determined mainly by golden proportions. This study aimed to observe the soft tissue facial angular and proportional norms of South Iranian population attending Shiraz Dental School’s clinic.
    Materials And Methods
    Seventy subjects (34 males and 36 females; 16 - 30 years of age) with Persian origin who had a skeletal class I pattern and almost well-aligned maxillary and mandibular dental arches who participated in this cross-sectional study were selected from patients attending Shiraz Dental School’s orthodontic clinic in 2013. Standardized frontal facial view digital photographs were taken from subjects and were traced. Four angular and eight proportional facial variables were analyzed using AutoCAD software. For statistical evaluation, a Student’s t-test was used and the reliability of the method was assessed using Inter-class Correlation Coefficient within a four-week interval.
    Men had a higher facial asymmetry, a higher facial Index, a higher proportion of the distance between inner canthus of the eyes divided by the mean of the width of the right and left eyes, and a lower facial aperture modified angle average compared to females.
    The average measurements of most facial variables of this study’s population deviated from the ideal values suggested in texts and from those of the comparison population.
    Keywords: Esthetics, Photogrammetry, Cosmetic Dentistry}
  • Vahid Moshkelgosha, Arghavan Raoof, Ahmadreza Sardarian, Parisa Salehi
    Statement of the Problem: Achieving a normal soft tissue facial profile is consid-ered to be the main concern of class III patients and the goal of most class III treat-ments.
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of facemask treat-ment on profile with photogrammetric method.
    Materials And Method
    Before (T0) and after (T1) treatment photograms of 40 class III patients profiles (20 male and 20 female individuals) treated with protraction face mask that met the inclusion criteria were digitized and analyzed using Aesthetic Analyzer software. Selected linear and angular measurements were performed for each patient and the changes were noted.
    An increase in inferior facial height (p
    Remarkable advancement in the middle face and consequent fullness in the soft-tissue profile can be achieved by using protraction face mask. The response to treatment is not different between males and females.
    Keywords: Class III malocclusion, Dental photographs, Removable orthodontic Appliance}
  • Zahra Javanmardi, Parisa Salehi
    Background And Aims
    Elastomeric chains and NiTi coil springs are two major traction aids in orthodontic tooth movements. Force degradation occurs over time in both groups, with higher percentages in elastic chains. The effects of environmental factors and some mouth rinses on this force decay have been previously studied. No study has been performed to evaluate the effect of current popular mouth rinses such as Orthokin, Sensikin and Persica on this force degradation.
    Materials And Methods
    Forty pieces of elastic chains consisting of 5 loops (Ortho Technology, USA) and 40 NiTi closed coil springs (3M Unitek, Germany) were divided into 4 groups: control (artificial saliva), Orthokin mouthwash, Sensikin mouthwash and Persica mouthwash. All the groups were kept in an incubator at 37°C for 3 weeks. In the test groups, the samples were immersed in mouthwash twice a day. Force productions were measured at 5 time intervals: baseline, 1 hour, 24 hours, 1 week and 3 weeks, using a digital force gauge. Repeated-measures ANOVA and one-way ANOVA were used for statistical analysis.
    Overall force decay occurred over time in both elastic chain and coil spring groups. In elastic chain group, after 3 weeks, Orthokin mouth rinse had significantly lower force degradation compared to other groups (P0.05).
    According to the results of this study, these three mouthwashes did not increase the force degradation of these orthodontic traction aids.
    Keywords: elastomeric chain, force degradation, mouth rinse, NiTi coil spring}
  • Parisa Salehi, Shoaleh Shahidi, Betina Majdi, Mahsa Omidi, Sepideh Rezapoor Gavareshki, Shahram Hamedani
    Introdouction: This study investigated the potential relationship between vertical facial growth patterns and airway volumes in a sample of Iranian adult patients.
    Materials And Methods
    This cross sectional study was conducted on 72 adult patients (44 females, 28 males), ages 18–45 years, who had been referred to the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology at the Shiraz University of Medical Science. The vertical growth pattern was assessed by a lateral cephalometric radiograph using two indices: morphological facial index (defined as the ratio of N-Mn and Zy-Zy distance) and Jarabak index (defined as the ratio of S-Go and N-Gn). The sizes of the superior and inferior airway compartments were measured by employing cone beam computed tomography. Data were analyzed on SPSS 21 using the Shapiro–Wilk test, p-p plot test, one-way ANOVA, t-test, and chi square tests (P
    The total airway volume for all individuals was 21.72 ± 6.69 mm. There were no statistically significant differences between subjects with long, medium, or short faces regarding lower (p = 0.160) or upper (p = 0.183) airway sizes. The gender of the participants did not have a significant relationship with the lower, upper, or total airway sizes.
    Based on the findings of the current study, we found that the cone beam computed tomography data did not indicate any correlation between airway volume and vertical facial growth pattern.
    Keywords: Tidal Volume, Cone Beam Computed Tomography}
  • Parisa Salehi, Alayar Gerami, Amirhosein Najafi, Sepideh Torkan*
    Statement of the Problem: The use of miniscrews has expedited the true maxillary incisor intrusion and has minimized untoward side effects such as labial tipping.
    The aim of this study was to assess the stress distribution in the periodontal ligament of maxillary incisors when addressed to different models of intrusion mechanics using miniscrews by employing finite element methods. The degree of relative and absolute intrusion of maxillary incisors in different conditions was also evaluated.
    Materials And Method
    Finite element model of maxillary central incisor to first premolar was generated by assembling images obtained from a three-dimensional model of maxillary dentition. Four different conditions of intrusion mechanics were simulated with different placement sites of miniscrews as well as different points of force application. In each model, 25-g force was applied to maxillary incisors via miniscrews.
    In all four models, increased stress values were identified in the apical region of lateral incisor. Proclination of maxillary incisors was also reported in all the four models. The minimum absolute intrusion was observed when the miniscrew was placed between the lateral incisor and canine and the force was applied at right angles to the archwire, which is very common in clinical practice.
    From the results yield by this study, it seems that the apical region of lateral incisor is the most susceptible region to root resorption during anterior intrusion. When the minimum flaring of maxillary incisors is required in clinical situations, it is suggested to place the miniscrew halfway between the roots of lateral incisor and canine with the force applied to the archwire between central and lateral incisor. In order to achieve maximum absolute intrusion, it is advised to place miniscrew between the roots of central and lateral incisors with the force applied at a right angle to the archwire between these two teeth.
    Keywords: Finite Element Method, Intrusion, Miniscrew}
  • Sepide Torkan, Hamid Reza Pakshir, Hamid Reza Fattahi, Morteza Oshagh, Shahla Momeni Danaei, Parisa Salehi, Zohreh Hedayati
    Statement of the Problem: The validity of the Index of Complexity, Outcome and Need (ICON) which is an orthodontic index developed and introduced in 2000 should be studied in different ethnic groups.
    The aim of this study was to perform an analysis on the ICON and to verify whether this index is valid for assessing both the need and complexity of orthodontic treatment in Iran.
    Materials And Method
    Five orthodontists were asked to score pre-treatment diagnostic records of 100 patients with a uniform distribution of different types of malocclusions determined by Dental Health Component of the Index of Treatment Need. A calibrated examiner also assessed the need for orthodontic treatment and complexity of the cases based on the ICON index as well as the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN). 10 days later, 25% of the cases were re-scored by the panel of experts and the calibrated orthodontist.
    The weighted kappa revealed the inter-examiner reliability of the experts to be 0.63 and 0.51 for the need and complexity components, respectively. ROC curve was used to assess the validity of the index. A new cut-off point was adjusted at 35 in lieu of 43 as the suggested cut-off point. This cut-off point showed the highest level of sensitivity and specificity in our society for orthodontic treatment need (0.77 and 0.78, respectively), but it failed to define definite ranges for the complexity of treatment.
    ICON is a valid index in assessing the need for treatment in Iran when the cut-off point is adjusted to 35. As for complexity of treatment, the index is not validated for our society. It seems that ICON is a well-suited substitute for the IOTN index.
  • Parisa Salehi, Hamid Reza Pakshir, Seyed Ali Reza Hoseini
    Statement of the Problem: Orthodontists often find challenges in treating the anterior open bite and maintaining the results.
    This retrospective study was aimed to evaluate the stability of corrected open bite in the retention phase during permanent dentition.
    Materials And Method
    A total number of 37 patients, including 20 males and 17 females, with the mean age of 18±2.1 years at the beginning of the treatment were studied after correction of the anterior open bite. Overbites of the patients were measured from their lateral cephalograms before (T1), at the end (T2) and at least 3 years after the end of the treatment in the presence of their fixed retainers (T3).The mean overbite changes and the number of patients with open bite, due to treatment relapse, at T3 were calculated. The relationship between the pre-treatment factors and the treatment relapse was assessed at T1 and T2. Also the effects of treatment methods, extraction and adjunctive use of removable appliances on the post-treatment relapse were evaluated.
    The mean overbite change during the post-treatment period was -0.46±0.7 mm and six patients (16.2%) had relapse in the follow-up recall. Cephalometric Jaraback index showed statistically significant, but weak correlation with overbite changes after the treatment (p= 0.035; r= -0.353). No significant difference was found between the extraction and non-extraction groups (p= 0.117) the use and the type of the removable appliances (p= 0.801).
    Fixed retainers alone are insufficient for stabilizing the results of corrected open bite. The change of overbite in the retention phase could not be predicted from cephalometric measurements. Extraction and use of adjunctive removable appliance did not have any effect on the treatment relapse.
  • Aliasghar Soleymani, Zahra Bahrololoomi, Shahrzad Javadinejad, Parisa Salehi
    Micro-leakage, one of the major reasons for recurrent decays, may lead to uncontrollable flow of liquids, pulp inflammation and peri-apical pathology. The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate micro-leakage of pit and fissure sealants after using three different pit and fissure preparation techniques: 1) acid etching, 2) fissure enameloplasty and acid etching, and 3) air abrasion and acid etching.
    Materials And Methods
    Sixty-nine extracted sound molars and premolars were randomly divided into three groups (23 samples in each group). Teeth were prepared using one of three occlusal surface treatments. Then the sealant was applied on the occlusal fissures of all teeth. The teeth were thermocycled and stored in normal saline. All teeth were sealed apically and coated with nail varnish and then were immersed in a 2% solution of methylen blue. Two buccolingual sections were made. The surfaces were scored 0 to 3 for the extent of micro-leakage using a stereomicroscope. Data were analyzed by Kruskal- wallis and Dunn procedure.
    Enameloplasty and acid etching were significantly different regarding micro-leakage (P= 0.016), but no significant difference in micro-leakage was observed between air abrasion and the other methods.
    Enameloplasty followed by acid etching produced significantly less micro-leakage than the acid etching technique. Air abrasion acid etching was better than the acid etching technique in reducing micro-leakage too.
    Keywords: Fissure Sealants, Air Abrasion, Dental}
  • هومن ظریف نجفی، مرتضی عشاق، پریسا صالحی، حمید کشاورز
    زمینه و هدف
    همکاری بیماران ارتودنسی نقش تعیین کننده ای در نتیجه درمان دارد. هدف از این مطالعه ارزیابی ارتباط همکاری بیماران طی درمان ارتودنسی با متغیرهایی از قبیل سن، جنس، محل زندگی، مدت درمان و ناراحتی های فانکشنال و اجتماعی ایجاد شده حین درمان بود.
    روش بررسی
    نمونه آماری شامل 100 بیمار ارتودنسی (36 نفر مرد و 64 نفر زن) با دامنه سنی 35-13 سال (میانگین سنی 69/1 ± 57/22) بود. مشخصات دموگرافیک، مدت درمان و مشکلات فانکشنال و اجتماعی ایجاد شده ناشی از درمان ارتودنسی به وسیله یک پرسشنامه که توسط بیمار یا والدین آنان تکمیل گردید ارزیابی شد. میزان همکاری بیماران به وسیله یک پرسشنامه تغییر یافته] مقیاس همکاری بیماران ارتودنسی [(OPCS) که توسط یک ارتودنتیست تکمیل گردید ارزیابی شد. از آزمون های آماری آنالیز واریانس، T-test، Intraclass correlation coefficient و Pearson correlation برای تجزیه تحلیل داده های حاصل استفاده شد.
    یافته ها
    تفاوت آماری معنی داری بین همکاری بیماران مرد و زن (867/0= P) و همکاری بیماران ساکن مناطق شهری و روستایی وجود نداشت (613/0= P). مدت درمان و میزان همکاری ارتباط آماری منفی ضعیفی نشان دادند که از نظر آماری معنی دار نبود (155/0-= r و 127/0 P=). مشکلات فانکشنال- اجتماعی و همکاری بیماران نیز ارتباط آماری منفی ضعیفی نشان دادند که از نظر آماری معنی دار نبود (118/0-= r و 244/0 P=). همبستگی آماری معنی داری بین همکاری و سن (002/0= r و 988/0 P=)، طول دوره درمان و مشکلات فانکشنال و اجتماعی ناشی از درمان (164/0= r و 105/0 P=) مشاهده نشد.
    نتیجه گیری
    به نظر می رسد همکاری بیماران یک موضوع پیچیده است که نمی توان به راحتی تنها به وسیله متغیرهایی از قبیل سن، جنس، شرایط زندگی، مدت درمان و مشکلات فانکشنال و اجتماعی آن را پیش بینی کرد.
    کلید واژگان: همکاری, بیمار, ارتودنسی}
    Hooman Zarif Najafi, Morteza Oshagh, Parisa Salehi, Hamid Keshavarz
    Background And Aims
    Orthodontic patients’ cooperation is a determining factor in treatment outcomes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between patient cooperation during orthodontic treatment with variables such as age, sex, life setting, treatment duration and functional and social discomfort experienced.
    Materials And Methods
    Specimens were consisted of 100 orthodontic patients (36 males and 64 females) between 13-35 years old (average age: 22.57±1.69 years). Patients’ demographic traits, treatment duration andfunctional-social discomfort by the orthodontic treatment were evaluated using a questionnaire answered by the patients or their parents. The degree of patient cooperation was assessed by the modified cooperation questionnaire (Orthodontic Patient Cooperation Scale [OPCS]) which was completed by an orthodontist. Data were analyzed using One-way ANOVA, T-test, intraclass correlation coefficient and Pearson Correlation.
    No significant difference was found between the cooperation of male and female patients (P=0.867) and also between the cooperation of the patients who lived in the urban and rural setting (P=0.613). Treatment duration and compliance showed a low negative correlation which was not statistically significant (r=-0.155, P=0.127). Functional-social discomfort and compliance showed a low negative correlation which was not statistically significant (r=-0.118, P=0.244). No significant correlations were found between the compliance and age (r=0.002, P=0.988); and also the treatment duration and functional-social discomfort experienced(r=0.164, P=0.105).
    Patient compliance appears to be a complex issue that cannot easily be predicted only by factors such as age, gender, life setting, treatment duration and functional-social discomfort experienced.
    Keywords: Compliance, patient, Orthodontic}
  • Parisa Salehi, Hamidreza Pakshir, Navid Naseri, Tahereh Baherimoghaddam
    Background And Aims
    This in vitro study was designed to evaluate the effect of composite resin types and orthodontic debonding pliers on the amount of adhesive remnants and enamel damages using a novel method of measurement.
    Materials And Methods
    120 extracted human premolars were randomly divided into four groups (n = 30). The standard edgewise metallic brackets were bonded to the teeth with light-cured composite resin “Transbond XT” in the first and second groups, and No-mix composite resin “Unite” in the third and fourth groups. Bracket debonding was carried out with Lift Off Debonding Instrument “LODI” (3M Unitek) in the first and third groups, and with Bracket Removing Pliers (Dentaurum) in the second and forth groups. yStereomicroscopic evaluation was performed by unbiased sterelogy. All teeth were evaluated for the amount of adhesive remnants and the number and length of enamel cracks. The obtained data on each step was analyzed by two-way ANOVA, chi-square, Wilcoxon, and Kruskal-Wallis.
    Teeth in group 4 had the lowest adhesive remnants on the enamel surface (p < 0.01); and the highest increase in the number of enamel cracks (p < 0.01) among the groups. In addition, groups bonded with Unite showed the highest increase in the length of enamel cracks.
    Dentaurum debonding pliers with sheer–peel force, when used with the Unite adhesive (group 4), decreased the amount of adhesive remnants on the enamel surface while it increased enamel damages.
  • پریسا صالحی*، ناصر نیکوبخت
    از آنجا که اسطوره و نماد در بازنمود تحولات فکری فردی و اجتماعی می تواند نقشی عمیق ایفا کند، در این مقاله می کوشیم با بررسی کارکرد اسطوره و نماد در آثار قیصر امین پور، به تحلیل گفتمانی آثار او مبادرت کنیم. شایان ذکر است که اسطوره ها عینی شدن تجربه اجتماعی بشرند و می توانند بیانگر اوضاع اجتماعی مخاطبان خود باشند و به مخاطبان خود کمک کنند تا دنیایی را که در آن زندگی می کنند بهتر درک نمایند. امین پور به فراخور قدرت ادبی، بضاعت ذوقی و دست مایه های علمی و هنری خویش و با الهام گرفتن از مفاهیم نمادین و اسطوره ای، به بازآفرینی هنرمندانه آن ها با پرداختی تازه و متناسب با نیازهای اجتماعی دست زده است. این پژوهش به بررسی اسطوره و نماد از منظر تحلیل گفتمان در شعر قیصر امین پور می پردازد. به نظر می رسد عامل اصلی تجلی این اسطوره ها و نمادها در شعر امین پور، بازتاب جریانات اجتماعی و سیاسی و گاه اعتقادی است. به تحقیق وجود این مولفه های اسطوره ای و نمادین سبب نفوذ شعر او در بین عامه مردم شده است.
    کلید واژگان: اسطوره, نماد, تحلیل گفتمان, امین پور, بافت اجتماعی}
    Dr. Naser Nikoobakht, Parisa Salehi*
    Since myth and symbol play a significant role in revealing the individual and societal evolutions, this paper is an attempt to survey the functions of myth and symbol in the works of Aminpour and to analyze them from a discourse analytic perspective. Myths are the realization of human social experiences and they can be the mouthpiece of the audience's social conditions and also help them understand the world in which they are living. Based on his literary strength and poetic versatility, Aminpour has attempted to render an artistic re-creation of myth and symbols in light of the status quo. This paper investigates myth and symbol from a discourse analytic perspective in Aminpour's poetry. It seems as if the major impetus for the realization of myth and symbol in his poetry is social and political forces. The myth and symbol element in his works is the reason why lay people are attracted to his poems.
    Keywords: myth, symbol, discourse analysis, Aminpour, social texture}
  • پریسا صالحی، سمیه حیدری، فرزانه خواجه
    یک مشکل اساسی در درمان بیماران با مال اکلوژن کلاس IIIاسکلتی، تشخیص افتراقی بین نیاز بیمار به درمان ارتودنسی به تنهایی و یا درمان ارتودنسی توام با جراحی است که این تصمیم گیری معمولا باید در سنین پایین انجام شود. هدف از این پژوهش، بررسی رابطه بین مساحت سینوس فرونتال با اندازه فک پایین در بالغین بود تا زمینه برای استفاده از این ساختار آناتومیک به عنوان شاخصی در پیش بینی رشد فک پایین در مطالعات آینده فراهم شود.
    مواد و روش ها
    این مطالعه مقطعی بر روی 71 رادیوگرافی سفالومتری لترال که از پرونده بیماران بالغ یک مطب خصوصی ارتودنسی استخراج شده بودند، انجام شد. نمونه ها شامل 20 بیمار با رابطه کلاس I اسکلتی، 19 بیمار کلاس II اسکلتی و 32 بیمار با مال اکلوژن کلاس III اسکلتی از هر دو جنس بودند. مساحت سینوس فرونتال (میلی متر مربع)، SNA (Sella-nasion-subspinal)، SNB (Sella-nasion-supramental)، ANB (Subspinal-nasion-supramental)، ویتز، اورجت، زوایای سادل، گونیال و فاسیال، طول کل مندیبل و طول تنه مندیبل بر روی تصاویر سفالومتری ارزیابی گردید. با استفاده از آزمون آماری Pearson Correlation، همبستگی بین مساحت سینوس فرونتال با سایر شاخص های سفالومتریک در سطح اطمینان 95/0 مورد بررسی قرار گرفت.
    یافته ها
    رابطه همبستگی معنی دار و مستقیمی بین مساحت سینوس فرونتال با SNB، زاویه گونیال، زاویه فاسیال، طول بادی مندیبل و طول کل مندیبل وجود داشت. رابطه معکوس بین اندازه سینوس فرونتال با ANB، اورجت و ویتز، نیز از نظر آماری معنی دار بود. مساحت سینوس فرونتال بیشترین میزان همبستگی را با طول مندیبل (69/0 = r) و طول تنه مندیبل (60/0 = r) نشان داد (001/0 > p value).
    نتیجه گیری
    به نظر می رسد مساحت سینوس فرونتال می تواند به عنوان شاخص کمکی برای تعیین اندازه نهایی مندیبل مورد استفاده قرار گیرد که در این صورت نقش ارزشمندی در کمک به فرایند تشخیص و طراحی درمان بیماران خواهد داشت.
    کلید واژگان: سینوس, فرونتال, مندیبل, مال اکلوژن}
    Parisa Salehi, Somayeh Heidari, Farzaneh Khajeh
    A main problem in the treatment of patients with skeletal Class III malocclusion is making the decision whether only orthodontic therapy or a combination of orthodontic therapy and surgery will solve the problem، which usually has to be made at a young age. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the frontal sinus surface area and size of mandible in adults to assess the possibility of the use of this anatomic structure as an indicator for prediction of mandibular growth in future studies.
    Materials And Methods
    In this cross-sectional study، 71 cephalograms from a private orthodontic clinic were analyzed، consisting of 20 adults with skeletal Class I، 19 adults with skeletal Class II and 32 adult patients with skeletal Class III malocclusions of both male and female subjects. The surface area of the frontal sinus (mm2)، SNA، SNB، ANB، Wits، overjet، saddle angle، gonial angle، facial angle، mandibular length and body length were assessed on cephalograms. Pearson’s correlation test was used to assess the relationship between frontal sinus area and other cephalometric indices at a significant level of 0. 95.
    The results revealed significant direct relationships between frontal sinus size and SNB، gonial angle، facial angle، body length and mandibular length and inverse relationships with ANB، Wits and overjet. The frontal sinus area showed the highest correlations with mandibular length (r = 0. 69) and body length (r = 0. 60) (p value < 0. 0001).
    The frontal sinus surface area can possibly be used as an additional indicator for predicting the final mandibular size، with a valuable role in the diagnosis and treatment planning.
    Keywords: Frontal, Malocclusion, Mandible, Sinus}
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