Explanation and analysis of Iconographical of Palm Tree in Art of Jiroft
Jiroft, which according to some researchers and archaeologists, is identical and tantamount to Mesopotamia civilization, has a rich context of admirable and valuable ancient materials. These materials, appeared out of the ground due to a flood in 2002AD, are sign of a culture of thousand years in this region of Iran, which could be said to have been dormant in this landscape for several millennia. These materials are regarded as relaters of ancient culture of the jiroft, that in case of being decoded, they have so many unsaid about mythological debates, rituals, beliefs and notions dominating on the society of their own period. Analyzing the three works containing the leitmotiv of palm tree, this study aims to conceive non-written language of culture of Jiroft by which, they assist in renovation of context and framework of this ancient culture. By using the descriptive-analytical method, observation of discovered works and relying on archeological data and library research, this study aims to analyze and portrait the leitmotiv of the palm tree in art of the Jiroft.