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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب shima hosseini

  • Shima Hosseini, Maryam Rahimi*, Ali Farmoudeh, Amirali Fallah Amoli, Niloufar Beheshti Monfared
    Background & Objective

    Dietary antioxidants may play a protective role in the pathophysiology of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of magnesium-vitamin E co-supplementation on glycemic control and pregnancy outcomes in women with GDM.

    Materials & Methods

    This randomized clinical trial was conducted among GDM pregnant women at 24-28 weeks of gestation. The study did not include mothers who needed medication to control their blood glucose levels or had a history of DM. The subjects were randomly divided into two 30-member groups, one of which received magnesium (250 mg), and vitamin E (400 mg) daily, while the other was given a placebo. Blood samples were taken at the study baseline and six weeks after the intervention to quantify oxidative stress biomarkers, fasting plasma glucose (FPG), and fasting plasma insulin (FPI). Additionally, the effect of supplementation was assessed on neonatal outcomes. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 20 (SPSS, Chicago, IL)


    A significant decrease was observed in the FPG and FPI of the supplementation group (p<0.05). However, FPI elevated by progressing pregnancy in the placebo group (p=1.99×10-4). The homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) revealed that supplementation was associated with improved insulin sensitivity (p=3.38×10-13). In addition, total antioxidant capacity increased to 5.66 ± 0.86% in the treatment group. Finally, no significant difference was found between the groups regarding neonatal outcomes.


    The results represented that magnesium-vitamin E co-supplementation significantly reduced oxidative biomarkers and improved glycemic control in GDM.

    Keywords: Magnesium, Vitamin E, Pregnancy, Diabetes Mellitus, Oxidative stress}
  • Elham Saffarieh, Setare Nassiri*, Maedeh Brahman, Soheila Amini Moghaddam, Shima Hosseini

    Carcinoma of the uterine cervix is the most common gynecological malignancies in developing countries. Human papilloma virus is known as the main etiology. In addition, the spread of uterine cervical cancer often occurs through direct local extension and the lymphatics although the hematogenous spread is uncommon. Further, the scalp metastasis of cervical cancer is extremely rare.

    Case Presentation

    In this regard, a 50-year-old woman with scalp metastasis of previous cervical cancer was discussed in the present study. She was suffering from a fast-growing and painful nodule, located on the frontal part of the scalp as a sole site of metastasis. A multidisciplinary approach was considered for her, which consisted of radical excision, followed by radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Given the lack of abundant evidence for the efficacy of this treatment, our patient has fortunately survived for more than two years.


    During the follow-up period after the completion of treatment, it is not sensible to only focus on the primary site of the tumor and thus entire examination is mandatory in this regard.

    Keywords: Cervical cancer, Metastasis, Scalp}
  • شیما حسینی، زهرا نقش*، اعظم مقدم

    هدف پژوهش حاضر تحلیل پرسشنامه "اعتیاد به شبکه های اجتماعی مبتنی بر موبایل" با استفاده از مدل اندازه گیری راش بود. جامعه مورد بررسی دانش آموزان مقطع متوسطه دوم و نمونه انتخابی، مشتمل بر 345 نفر با شیوه انتخاب در دسترس بود. ابزار مورد بررسی پرسشنامه اعتیاد به شبکه های اجتماعی مبتنی بر موبایل بوده که توسط خواجه احمدی و همکاران (1395) تدوین گردید. روش استفاده شده جهت تحلیل ابزار، مدل مقیاس رتبه بندی راش-اندریچ (RSM) برای سوالات چندارزشی مبتنی بر نظریه سوال-پاسخ بود. نرم افزارهای مورد استفاده SPSS-25، jMetric-4 و winsteps بود. یافته ها نشان داد در صورتی که هر مولفه یک بعد جداگانه در نظر گرفته شود، این پرسشنامه از مدل تک بعدی پیروی می کند و با استفاده از مدل مقیاس رتبه بندی راش-اندریچ، دارای برازش مطلوب می باشد. همچنین پایایی ابزار نیز با استفاده از شاخص های جداسازی فرد و سوال سنجیده شد. علاوه بر این شاخص جداسازی فرد و سوال و ضریب اعتبار نیز به مقدار مطلوب حاصل شد.

    کلید واژگان: اعتیاد به شبکه های اجتماعی, مدل مقیاس رتبه بندی راش-اندریچ (RSM), نظریه سوال-پاسخ}
    Shima Hosseini, Zahra Naghsh *, Azam Moghadam

    The aim of the present study was to analyze the "Addiction to Mobile-Based Social Networks" questionnaire using the Rasch measurement model. The study population of secondary school students. the sample selected included 345 people with the available method of selection. The study instrument was a mobile-based social network addiction questionnaire developed by Khajeh Ahmadi et al. (2016). The methods used for the analysis were one-dimensional partial validity of the Rush family model. The software used was spss version 25, winsteps and jMetric version 4. The findings showed that 2 questions 17 and 21 were inappropriate at the selected sample level, but the other 21 questions in this questionnaire followed the one dimensional model and had the desired fit. The reliability of the instrument was also measured using PSI and compared with the common method of measuring this index in CTT, which is the alpha coefficient, which showed more favorable results.

    Keywords: Social Network Addiction, Measurement Model, Rasch, PSI, CTT}
  • عباسعلی حسین خانزاده*، شهربانو ابراهیمی، شیما حسینی، فائزه خداکرمی

    هدف این پژوهش بررسی تاثیر آموزش ریاضی از طریق برنامه های آموزشی رایانه ای بر یادگیری مفاهیم ریاضی و علاقه به ریاضی دانش آموزان دیرآموز بود.


     این پژوهش از نوع شبه آزمایشی با طرح پیش آزمون- پس آزمون با گروه کنترل بود. جامعه آماری شامل تمامی دانش آموزان دیرآموز پایه دوم ابتدایی شهر سنگر در سال تحصیلی 1395-1396 بود، که 30 نفر از آنها به روش نمونه گیری در دسترس انتخاب شدند و در دو گروه آزمایش و کنترل قرار گرفتند (15 نفر گروه آزمایش و 15 نفر گروه کنترل). گروه آزمایش تحت تاثیر متغیر مستقل آموزش از طریق برنامه های آموزشی رایانه ای (طی10جلسه 45دقیقه ای) قرار گرفت، اما گروه کنترل هیج مداخله ای را دریافت نکرد. ابزارهای مورد استفاده ی پژوهش عبارت اند از پرسشنامه توانمندی های یادگیری ریاضی پایه دوم (تبریزی، 1389)، مقیاس هوشی وکسلر کودکان ویرایش چهارم (وکسلر، 2004) و پرسشنامه علاقه به ریاضی (نعمتی، 1388). در نهایت، داده های حاصل از پژوهش به روش تحلیل کوواریانس یک متغیره و چندمتغیره و با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS 16.0 تحلیل شدند.

    یافته ها

    نتایج تحلیل کوواریانس نشان داد که آموزش ریاضی از طریق برنامه های آموزشی رایانه ای باعث بهبود یادگیری مفاهیم ریاضی و افزایش علاقه به ریاضی در دانش آموزان دیرآموز شده است (001/0>P).

    نتیجه گیری

     با توجه به تاثیر این برنامه آموزشی، استفاده از فناوری آموزشی با کمک کامپیوتر در آموزش دانش آموزان دیرآموز ضروری است.

    کلید واژگان: آموزش ریاضی, برنامه های آموزشی رایانه ای, یادگیری ریاضی, علاقه به ریاضی, دانش آموزان دیرآموز}
    Abbas Ali Hosein Khanzadeh*, Shahrbano Ebrahimi, Shima Hosseini, Faeze Khodakarami

    computer training programs on learning mathematics concepts and interest in mathematics of slow learner students.


    This research was quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest design and control group. The statistical population consisted of all elementary second grade slow learner students of Sangar City in the academic year of 2016-2017, from among whom 30 students were selected through convenient sampling method and were divided into two groups of experiment and control (15 in the experiment group and 15 in the control group). The experiment group was trained through computer training programs (within 10 sessions of 45 minutes), but the control group did not receive any educational intervention. The research tools included the Mental Learning Ability Questionnaire of Secondary Grade (Tabrizi, 2010), Wechsler IQ Scale for Children (Wechsler, 1949) and Interest in Mathematics Questionnaire (Nemati, 2009). Finally, the data were analyzed using one-way and multivariate analysis of covariance and analyzed using SPSS 16.0 software.


    The results of covariance analysis showed that mathematical education through computer training programs, improves learning of mathematical concepts and increases interest in mathematics in slow learner students (P<0/001).


    Regarding the effect of this training program, the use of computer-aided teaching technology is essential in teaching slow learner students.

    Keywords: Mathematical education, computer training programs, learning mathematics, interest in mathematics, slow learner students}
  • Shima Hosseini, Massoud Saidijam, Hamid Eslami, Ali Reza Soltanian, Seyed Habibollah Mousavi, Bahar, Ali Mahdavinezhad *
    Numerous molecular changes are involved in the development andprogression of bladder cancer. Regular follow-up of patients is crucial due to the highrecurrence rate of bladder cancer. The aim of this study is to determine the role ofB-Raf proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase and ZEB2 expressions in onset andprogression of bladder cancer. We have also investigated their relationships topathological characteristics.
    We conducted this case-control study on bladder cancer and its healthyadjacent tissue, and normal bladder tissue from patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia.After extraction of total RNA and cDNA synthesis, quantitative expression analysis wasperformed in duplicate using real-time PCR. Changes in the gene expression werecalculated according to the 2(-ΔΔCt) equation. The products were confirmed by 1% agarosegel electrophoresis and sequenced by Bioneer Company. Data was analyzed using theSPSS software (version 16).
    There was significantly greater B-Raf proto-oncogene, serine/threoninekinase expression in 82% of bladder tumor samples compared to the adjacent tissues.In 91.1% of tumor samples, the gene expression was also significantly higher than healthybladder tissues from patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. We observedoverexpression of B-Raf proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase in 61.7% of thehealthy margin tissue samples compared to healthy bladder tissues of patients with benignprostatic hyperplasia (P<0.001). Expression of ZEB2 in 52.9% of the bladder tumorsamples was significantly higher than healthy peripheral tissues. This increase wasobserved in 94.1% of tumor samples compared to healthy bladder tissues of patientswith benign prostatic hyperplasia (P<0.001). Pearson correlation coefficient showeda positive relationship between B-Raf proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase and ZEB2in cancerous samples (r = 0.75) and healthy margin tissue samples (r = 0.49).
    During the carcinogenesis process, molecular changes are seen inhealthy margin tissue. These molecular changes may be the reason for the highrecurrence rate of bladder cancer. B-Raf proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase canpotentially be a target cancer therapy in antisense technologies.
    Keywords: Biomarkers, BRAF, ZEB2, Urinary bladder neoplasm}
  • Reza Bidaki, Bita Tavana *, Shima Hosseini, Negar Neshati, Mojtaba Babaei Zarch
    Hypothyroidism is a common disorder of the endocrine system in which the production of thyroid hormones is inadequate. In addition to various physical manifestations, patients who suffer from hypothyroidism may also present with psychological problems, as described in previous studies.
    Case Presentation
    Herein, the reports of 2 patients who suffered from hypothyroidism and experienced improvement in their psychological symptoms after levothyroxine therapy are presented. The patients referred with depressive mood with psychotic features and psychomotor retardation. Treatment simultaneously with psychopharmacotherapy and hormone therapy was considered.
    Although hypothyroidism and depressive disorders are separate issues, hypothyroidism can induce depression and psychosis, and psychopharmacotherapy plus hormone therapy can be effective and boost treatment.
    Keywords: Hypothyroidism, Persecutory Delusion, Psychological Disturbance}
  • شیما حسینی*، علیرضا صادقی ماهونک، سید مهدی جعفری، محمد قربانی، آزاده سلیمی
    هدف این پژوهش استفاده از روش سطح پاسخ به منظور رسیدن به امولسیون بهینه روغن پوست پرتقال، موسیلاژ دانه به (QSM[1]) و مالتودکسترین (MD[2])، و استفاده از این امولسیون در فرایند ریزپوشانی این روغن بود. بدین منظور و به هدف رسیدن به یک امولسیون پایدار، اثر سه متغیر مستقل شامل مقدار روغن پوست پرتقال (25- 15 ٪ وزنی/وزنی)، نسبت QSM/MD (02/0- 015/0) و مقدار ماده جامد (QSM + MD) (35- 25٪ وزنی/وزنی) بر سه متغیر وابسته شامل اندازه قطرات امولسیون، اندیس کرمی شدن و ویسکوزیته بررسی شد. امولسیون بهینه بدست آمده (شامل مقدار ماده جامد 25٪، QSM/MD 02/0 و مقدار روغن پوست پرتقال 25٪) به روش انجمادی خشک، و به منظور بررسی پایداری آن در طول دوره نگهداری به مدت 6 هفته در سه دما 4، 25، 42 درجه سانتی گراد قرار گرفت. نتایج بدست آمده نشان داد که خصوصیات رئولوژیکی QSM به ویژه ویسکوزیته آن بیشترین تاثیر را بر پایداری و خصوصیات امولسیون ها داشته و این موسیلاژ حتی در مقادیر خیلی پایین نیز قادر به تولید امولسیون هایی کاملا پایدار در طول زمان است. همچنین نتایج نشان دادند که نمونه های ریزپوشانی شده به طور معناداری نسبت به نمونه های شاهد نیمه عمر و سرعت رهایش پایین تری داشتند.
    کلید واژگان: موسیلاژ بهدانه, روغن پوست پرتقال, ریزپوشانی, RSM}
    Shima Hosseini *, Ali Reza Sadeghi Mahoonak, Seyed Mahdi Jafari, Mohammad Ghorbani, Azadeh Salimi
    In the present research work, response surface methodology was used to achieve optimum condition to prepare orange peel oil – quince seed mucilage (QSM) and maltodextrin (MD) emulsion and using this emulsion in microencapsulation. For this purpose and in order to access stable emulsion, effect of three independent variables including orange peel oil concentration (15-25% w/w), QSM/MD (0.015-0.02) and solid concentration (QSM)(25-35% w/w) on the three dependent variables including droplet size, creaming index and viscosity were investigated. Optimized emulsion (25% solid concentration, 0.02 QSM/MD and 0.025 orange peel oil concentration) were dried by freeze dryer, and were kept in three temperature (4, 25 and 42 °C) in order to investigation its stability during 6 week storage. The results showed that rheological properties of QSM, in particular its viscosity, had the highest effect on the stability and properties of emulsions and QSM could make quite stable emulsion over time. Also, our results revealed that half-life and release rate of encapsulated samples were significantly lower than control samples.
    Keywords: Quince Seed mucilage, Orange peel oil, Microencapsulation, RSM}
  • در این صفحه نام مورد نظر در اسامی نویسندگان مقالات جستجو می‌شود. ممکن است نتایج شامل مطالب نویسندگان هم نام و حتی در رشته‌های مختلف باشد.
  • همه مقالات ترجمه فارسی یا انگلیسی ندارند پس ممکن است مقالاتی باشند که نام نویسنده مورد نظر شما به صورت معادل فارسی یا انگلیسی آن درج شده باشد. در صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته می‌توانید همزمان نام فارسی و انگلیسی نویسنده را درج نمایید.
  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را با شرایط متفاوت تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مطالب نشریات مراجعه کنید.
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