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فهرست مطالب t. salehi

  • غلامحسین مهدوی*، تابنده صالحی

    رفتارهای غیراخلاقی حسابرسان بخش عمومی می تواند اعتماد مردم به دولت و خدمات عمومی را کاهش دهد. بنابراین، پژوهش حاضر رابطه بین جو اخلاقی، تعهد حرفه ای، ارزش های اخلاقی شرکت و ایدیولوژی اخلاقی با رفتار حسابرسان بخش عمومی را بررسی می کند.


    روش پژوهش توصیفی از نوع همبستگی است. از جامعه حسابرسان بخش عمومی تعداد 252 نفر با استفاده از روش نمونه گیری در دسترس  انتخاب شدند. ابزار پژوهش پرسش نامه است. برای تجزیه وتحلیل داده ها از نرم افزار Smartpls2 و روش معادلات ساختاری با رویکرد حداقل مربعات جزیی و ضریب همبستگی پیرسون استفاده شده است.

    یافته ها

    نتایج نشان می دهد که بین جو استقلال، جو مراقبت، جو ضوابط، جو قوانین و مقررات، تعهد حرفه ای، ارزش های اخلاقی شرکت و آرمان گرایی با رفتار غیراخلاقی رابطه منفی و معنی دار است. هم چنین، بین نسبی نگری و جو ابزاری با رفتار غیراخلاقی رابطه مثبت و است.

    نتیجه گیری

    بهبود درک حسابرسان از عوامل موثر بر رفتار غیراخلاقی گامی مهم در جهت اعتلای حرفه حسابرسی در بخش عمومی است و باید مورد توجه سیاستگذاران قرار گیرد.

    کلید واژگان: ارزش های اخلاقی شرکت, ایدئولوژی اخلاقی, تعهد حرفه ای, جو اخلاقی}
    G Mahdavi*, T Salehi

    Unethical behavior of public sector auditors can reduce people's confidence in the government and public services. Therefore, the present study examines the impact of ethical climate, professional commitment, corporate ethical values and ethical ideology on the behavior of public sector auditors.


    The research method is descriptive and correlation. The population consisted of public sector auditors. Among the population, 252 people were selected using available sampling method. The research tool is a questionnaire. For data analysis, Smartpls2 software and structural equation method with partial least squares and Pearson correlation coefficient have been used.


    The results showed that there is a negative and significant relationship between the climate of independence, the climate of caring, the climate of the rules, the climate of the law and code, the professional commitment, the corporate 's ethical values and idealism with the unethical behavior. Also, there is a positive and significant relationship between relativism and the climate of instrumental with the unethical behavior.


    Improving auditors' understanding of the factors influencing unethical behavior is an important step in improving the audit profession in the public sector, and should be taken into consideration by policymakers.

    Keywords: Ethical behavior, Ethical climate, Ethical ideology, Corporate ethical values, Professional commitment}
  • تهمینه صالحی، زینب معروفی*، شیما حقانی
    زمینه و هدف

    غذا نقش مهمی در تامین سلامت فرد دارد و آموزش مبتنی بر مدل اعتقاد بهداشتی می تواند عادت بد غذایی در افراد را بهبود بخشد. هدف از این مطالعه ارزشیابی اثر آموزش مبتنی بر الگوی اعتقاد بهداشتی بر آگاهی و عملکرد تغذیه ای زنان سفیر سلامت است.

    روش بررسی

    این مطالعه یک پژوهش ارزشیابی از نوع تحلیل اثر، با طرح پیش آزمون- پس آزمون است، نمونه ها به روش تصادفی ساده به تعداد 48 نفر انتخاب شدند. برای آنها برنامه آموزشی مدونی در زمینه تغذیه اجرا گردید برای انجام این پژوهش از پرسشنامه ساختارمند (NUTRI- KAP) استفاده شد. برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها از نرم افزار SPSS نسخه 16 استفاده شد. در تمام آنالیزهای آماری ، مقدار P کمتر از 05/0 معنی دار در نظر گرفته شد..

    یافته ها: 

    به دنبال مداخله آموزشی میانگین نمره آگاهی و عملکرد مشارکت کنندگان در پژوهش قبل از مداخله 39/4 ± 39/18 و 87/1 ± 81/8 بود که پس از مداخله به 41/4 ± 70/24 و 67/2 ± 27/12 تغییر یافت. اختلاف میانگین نمرات کسب شده در آگاهی با میزان اثر 43/1 و عملکرد با میزان اثر 52/1 و تفاوت معنی داری بین قبل و بعد از مداخله در زمینه آگاهی (001/0 <p)  و عملکرد (001/0 <p)  مشاهده شد و نرمال بودن متغیرهای پژوهش با بررسی کشیدگی و چولگی مورد تایید قرار گرفت.

    نتیجه گیری کلی: 

    نتایج این مطالعه افزایش دانش و بهبود عملکرد تغذیه ای و تاثیر آموزش براساس الگوی اعتقاد بهداشتی بر دانش و عملکرد زنان سفیر سلامت را نشان داد.

    کلید واژگان: آموزش تغذیه, الگوی اعتقاد بهداشتی, دانش و عملکرد, سفیران سلامت}
    T. Salehi, Z. Maroufi*, SH. Haghani
    Background & Aims

    The nutrition of every individual is closely correlated with their physical and mental health. Adequate consumption of nutrients maintains health and increases efficiency, while improper nutrition leads to physical and mental complications. Foodborne illnesses constitute a very large group of diseases in the world and are considered to be a major health concern in different countries. Improper nutrition is an inherent element of an unhealthy lifestyle, as well as an important cause of this issue. Improper nutrition leads to the further progression of chronic diseases, such as type II diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and cancers, which cost billions of dollars in medical care and reduce annual production. Malnutrition and obesity are among the major causes and contributing factors to mortality. Studies of the dietary patterns of Iranians have indicated significant deficiencies in the daily food consumption of various social groups. Furthermore, a national health survey has shown that Iranians consume more saturated fatty acids and energy than the recommended amount. Changing health behaviors is the greatest hope for reducing the burden of disease and mortality worldwide. The importance of womenchr('39')s nutritional health as part of the society and mothers and their impact on maintaining the health of other family members make them a suitable target group to improve nutritional behavior. Women constitute about half of the worldchr('39')s population, and their health guarantees community health and is of particular importance. With the implementation of the comprehensive program of health ambassadors in the urban and rural health centers in Iran, women were considered as the main educators of the family. The majority of health ambassadors are women, who are often selected from among the covered families by various healthcare units. Female health ambassadors are the housewives or employed women who help improve community health by receiving education and passing it on to other family members and the population under their care. Studies have indicated that using the patterns and theories of behavior change could increase the likelihood of the higher impact of health education programs by considering the individual and environmental characteristics that influence behaviors. Researchers have used multiple models for behavioral change, with the training primarily based on an educational model, so that the initiation and continuity of the training would be more effective. The health belief model is an effective model to provide education on various aspects of health, including nutritional behaviors. It is a waiting value model that emphasizes decision balance. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of nutrition education based on the health belief model on the nutrition knowledge and performance of female health ambassadors.

    Materials & Methods

    This study was conducted as an evaluation research with effect analysis and a pretest-posttest design on the female health ambassadors of the health centers of Saqez, Iran in 2019. In total, 48 subjects were selected via simple random sampling using a random numbers table. Sampling started on November 5, 2019 and ended on December 12, 2019. A written training program in the field of nutrition based on the health belief model was implemented in three sessions (120 minutes each). Data were collected using the structured questionnaire of the Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education, which was designed in 2011 in collaboration with Tehran University of Medical Sciences (NUTRI-KAP). The questionnaire was completed by the participants before the training intervention and one month after the training in three sections containing questions on demographic characteristics (age, education level, marital status, occupation status, number of family members, and history of working as a health ambassador), nutrition knowledge, and nutrition performance regarding the basic principles of nutrition, food groups, nutrient sources, and nutritional needs at different stages of life. The reliability of the tool was measured using the retest method. For this purpose, the tool was completed by 18 individuals with the same characteristics as the research community (not among the research samples) and re-completed by the same individuals two weeks later. Based on these data, the reliability of the tool was calculated using the Kuder-Richardson formulas. The reliability for knowledge was estimated at 83% and 97% for performance, which indicated the acceptable reliability coefficient. The validity of the educational content was also examined by three faculty members of the School of Nursing and Midwifery, and corrections were made based on their opinions. In terms of ethical considerations, the required permit was obtained from the Ethics Committee of Iran University of Medical Sciences, and the necessary coordination was also made with Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences. The research process was explained to the participants, and they were morally informed that participating in the research was voluntary. In addition, the female health ambassadors were assured of the confidentiality of their personal information. After completing the training sessions and data collection, data analysis was performed in SPSS version 16 using descriptive and inferential statistics. With regard to the descriptive statistics, frequency distribution tables were used for the qualitative variables, and the numerical indices of minimum, maximum, mean, and standard deviation were used for the quantitative variables. As for the inferential statistics, paired t-test was used, and the P-value of less than 0.05 was considered significant in all the statistical analyses.


    Before the intervention, the mean score of the nutrition knowledge and performance of the participants was 18.39 ± 4.38 and 8.81 ± 1.87, respectively, which reached 24.70 ± 4.41 and 12.27 ± 2.67, respectively after the intervention. A significant difference was observed before and after the intervention in terms of knowledge (effect size: 1.43; P<0.001) and performance (effect size: 1.52; P<0.001). Moreover, the normality of the research variables was confirmed based on skewness and kurtosis.  


    According to the results, the nutrition knowledge and performance of the female health ambassadors improved after the educational intervention based on the pattern of the health belief model, and the effects would persist even after the training. Given the efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and efficacy of this model, it could be used as a framework for nutrition educational programs alongside other educational methods in every healthcare center. It is also recommended that educational programs based on this model be developed and implemented for female health ambassadors on a larger scale, and model- and theory-based educational interventions are also suggested for this group, particularly training based on the health belief pattern.

    Keywords: Nutrition Education, Health Belief Model, Knowledge, Performance, Health Ambassadors}
  • T. Salehi, D. Yousefi Kebria *
    The present study focused on the synergistic effects bioremediation of phenol in aqueous solution using combination of anaerobic mixed culture and Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) as a biological GAC (BGAC). Meanwhile, the effect of contact time and various phenol concentrations on adsorption and biosorption process investigated. The phenol concentration was analyzed using UV/Vis spectrophotometer. The morphology and structure of two adsorbents (GAC and BGAC) were characterized by FESEM and BET specific surface area analysis. The batch experiments using mixed bacterial culture, isolated from wood and paper factory wastewater, were adapted to high concentrations of phenol and employed in order to evaluate the tolerance and biosorption capability of microorganisms for phenol biodegradation. The synergetic effect of phenol removal using combination of GAC with an anaerobic biofilm indicated that the removal efficiency for concentration of 700, 800, and 1000 mg/l at initial stages increased to 4, 10, and 12%, respectively and while by increment of the retention time did not shown significant impact on the removal efficiency. These results conducted both desorption of adsorbates due to biotransformation in the aqueous solution and direct assimilation of adsorbates on GAC by the microorganism’s biofilm. The adsorption data were fitted with pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order models and it was found that the pseudo-second-order model explains the adsorption kinetics more efficiently. The compatibility of the Freundlich and Langmuir adsorption models to equilibrium data were investigated. In fact, the Langmuir isotherm was found to be the best fitting isotherm.
    Keywords: Anaerobic culture, Bioremediation, Equilibrium Isotherms, Granular Activated Carbon, Kinetic Models, Phenol}
  • طوبی صالحی، مجید قادری*، نعمت الله رشیدنژاد عمران

    کانسار روی- سرب- مس (نقره) گمیش تپه در 90 کیلومتری جنوب غرب زنجان و در بخش شمال غربی زون ارومیه- دختر قرار دارد. رخنمون های سنگی منطقه معدنی را توالی های آتشفشانی- رسوبی و رسوبی الیگومیوسن و مجموعه ولکانو- پلوتونیکی پلیوسن (دایک های با ترکیب آندزیت پورفیری، توده نیمه عمیق داسیتی و ولکانیک های ریوداسیتی) تشکیل می دهند. از دگرسانی های موجود در کانسار می توان به دگرسانی های سیلیسی، سیلیسی- سولفیدی، سریسیتی، کربناتی، آرژیلیکی و پروپیلیتی اشاره کرد. کانه زایی اصلی در کانسار گمیش تپه، به صورت رگه ای و در امتداد گسلی نرمال با روند شمال شرقی- جنوب غربی و شیب تقریبا قائم در سنگ های میزبان چون کریستال لیتیک توف داسیتی، گنبد نیمه عمیق داسیتی، خصوصا توف ریولیتی رخ داده است. پاراژنز کانی شناسی در رگه های کانه دار از پیریت، آرسنوپیریت، کالکوپیریت، بورنیت، اسفالریت فقیر از آهن، گالن، تتراهدریت و اسپکیولاریت تشکیل شده است که کانی هایی مانند کوارتز، کلسیت، کلریت و کانی های رسی، آنها را همراهی می کنند. براساس نتایج آنالیزهای شیمیایی، میانگین عیار عناصر از رگه های کانه دار، شامل 6% روی؛ 4% سرب؛ 2% مس و ppm 88 نقره است. همچنین، الگوی توزیع عناصر نادر خاکی نمونه های دگرسان شده توده نیمه عمیق داسیتی (پلیوسن) و توف ریولیتی (الیگومیوسن) در مقایسه با نمونه های سالم، از عناصر LREE غنی شدگی دارند، در صورتی که HREE رفتارهای متفاوتی نشان می دهند. بی هنجاری منفی Eu در الگوهای بهنجار شده کندریتی سنگ های فوق، در ارتباط با افزایش نسبت سنگ/سیال و تجزیه پلاژیوکلازهایی است که از Eu نسبتا غنی هستند. الگوی عناصر نادر خاکی توف سیلتی (کمرپایین ماده معدنی) در مقایسه با سنگ دیواره رگه های کانه دار، غنی شدگی از همه REE و بی هنجاری مثبت از Eu نشان می دهد. اما در نمونه های کانسنگی، نسبت LREE به HREE و میزان Eu در مقایسه با توف ریولیتی (میزبان رگه های معدنی) و توف سیلتی، غنی شدگی بیشتری نشان می دهند که علت آن، تاثیر سیالات ماگمایی- گرمابی غنی از کلر است که سبب دگرسانی در طول زون کانه زایی، تهی شدگی از LREE و Euدر سنگ های میزبان و سرانجام، تمرکز و حمل این عناصر در سیال کانه ساز شده است.

    T. Salehi, M. Ghaderi, N. Rashidnejad-Omran

    Gomish-Tappeh Zn-Pb-Cu (Ag) deposit is located 90 km southwest of Zanjan, in northwestern part of Urumieh-Dokhtar volcano-plutonic zone. Exposed rocks at the area include Oligo-Miocene volcano-sedimentary and sedimentary sequences as well as Pliocene volcano-plutonic sequence (andesite porphyry dykes, dacitic subvolcanic dome and rhyodacitic volcanics). Alteration in the deposit developed as silicic, silicic-sulfidic, sericitic, carbonate, argillic and propylitic. Main mineralization at the Gomish-Tappeh deposit is observed as veins occurring in a steeply-deeping normal fault defined by an NE-SW trend in host rocks such as dacitic crystal litic tuff, dacitic subvolcanic dome, specifically the rhyolitic tuff. Paragenetic minerals in the ore veins consist of pyrite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, low-Fe sphalerite, galena, tetrahedrite and specularite. Gangue minerals accompanying the ores include quartz, calcite, chlorite, sericite and clay minerals. Based on geochemical data, average grades for samples from the ore veins at the Gomish-Tappeh deposit are: 4% Pb, 6% Zn, 2% Cu and 88 ppm Ag. Moreover, REE distribution patterns for altered samples of the dacitic subvolcanic dome and acidic tuff when campared with fresh samples, show enrichment in LREE, while HREE demonstrate various bahaviours. The negative Eu anomaly in chondrite-normalized REE patterns for these rocks is related to the increase in fluid/rock ratio and destruction of those grains of plagioclase enriched in Eu. REE distribution patterns for the silty tuff (footwall to the ore) campared with acidic tuff represent enrichment in all REE as well as positive Eu anomalies. However, the ore samples indicate more enrichment in LREE/HREE ratios and higher Eu contents when campared with wallrock of the ore veins (silty tuff). This is due to the influence of chloric magmatic-hydrothermal fluids that caused alteration along the ore zone, releasing LREE and Eu from the host rocks and finally, concentrating and transporting these elements in the ore fluid.

سامانه نویسندگان
  • طاهره صالحی
    صالحی، طاهره
  • طاهره صالحی
    صالحی، طاهره
    دانش آموخته کارشناسی مهندسی فضای سبز، دانشگاه بین المللی امام خمینی (ره)
  • دکتر تهمینه صالحی
    صالحی، تهمینه
    معاون آموزشی دانشکده پرستاری مامایی
  • دکتر تابنده صالحی
    صالحی، تابنده
    استادیار حسابداری، مجتمع آموزش عالی بافت، دانشگاه شهید باهنر کرمان
اطلاعات نویسنده(گان) توسط ایشان ثبت و تکمیل شده‌است. برای مشاهده مشخصات و فهرست همه مطالب، صفحه رزومه ایشان را ببینید.
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