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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب z.s.s.zarabadi

  • Z. Yaghoubpour, F. Habib *, Z.S.S. Zarabadi
    Urban pause refers to those places where social interactions, human communication and the presence of people, which is the identity and meaning of the environment, are formed and are a place for citizens to gather. In fact, it is a pedestrian area or a public place for urban open space. In modern applications, the social interactions of citizens in today's cities, including Tehran, have been severely damaged. The purpose of this study is to achieve a conceptual model including principles and criteria to increase social interactions of citizens in 15 Khordad Square in Tehran, Iran to determine how to realize the appropriate urban pause space, increase social interactions of residents and passers-by in this area.
    The present study has been done in a descriptive-analytical manner and based on a survey strategy with an exploratory and mixed approach, various aspects of urban space, urban pause space and citizens' social interactions are examined. The statistical population included researchers and academic elites with knowledge relating to the research topic, as well as urban planning experts, senior managers and social science experts working in Municipality of Tehran. Using a snowball sampling method, a researcher made questionnaire were distributed to 100 people. Cronbach's alpha test was performed in order to achieve reliability and validation of criteria and sub-criteria of field measurement tools. Spss software were used to analyze the obtained data. 
    The results showed that based on the standard deviation calculations, the average score of all       propositions (sub-criteria and criteria) was higher than 4 (based on 5 and average 3) accepted by experts and specialists.  The standard deviation of the propositions below 1 showed that 3 functional, physical and semantic dimensions and a total of 18 components and 54 indicators in the formation of the final research model were accepted and approved by experts and specialists.
    Social interactions in parts of the city not only lead to the identity of the neighborhood and the region, but also lead to human communication and the presence of people and personality and give meaning to specific places with historical and nostalgic background in the city. Biological, spiritual and psychological needs and the most important aspect of the principles of urban management. Such a city can be the main link between dynamic urban spaces and tourists.
    Keywords: Cultural, social values, social interactions, Sustainable urban development, Urban pause space}
  • بهناز عبادالله زاده ملکی، زهرا سادات سعیده زرآبادی *، سعید پیری، محمدرضا فرزادبهتاش

    مروری بر تجارب بلایای طبیعی از جمله زلزله نشان می‌دهد که زلزله به‌خودی‌خود باعث تخریب نمی‌شود بلکه این انسان‌ها هستند که میزان آسیب وارده توسط زلزله را مشخص می‌کنند. با توجه به عدم کارایی رویکردهای مبتنی بر آسیب‌پذیری در زمان پس از زلزله، دیدگاه‌های جدید بر رویکرد تاب‌آوری تکاملی تاکید دارند؛ اما مسئله تعدد شاخص‌ها با روابط پیچیده و در نتیجه دشوار بودن فرایند ارزیابی آن است که لزوم استفاده از مدل‌های متناسب را ضروری می‌سازد. پژوهش حاضر از نظر هدف، کاربردی و به تحلیل روابط علی و معلولی بین شاخص های تاب آوری تکاملی شهری در برابر زلزله در شهر زنجان، با توجه به موقعیت این شهر نسبت به گسل های اطراف آن پرداخته است تا عوامل کلیدی و تاثیرگذار در تاب آوری این شهر مشخص گردد. بدین منظور، پس از بررسی متون و استخراج شاخص ها ابتدا با استفاده از روش دلفی دو مرحله‌ای از طریق نمونه‌گیری‌های هدفمند و متوالی، 27 پرسشنامه در قالب ماتریس 40*40 توسط مدیران و کارشناسان شهرداری زنجان تکمیل گردید و در ادامه با استفاده از تحلیل تفسیری ساختاری پارامتری با استفاده از نرم‌افزار میک مک، روابط علی و معلولی و عوامل کلیدی موثر بر تاب‌آوری شهری شناسایی شد. یافته‌های پژوهش نشان می‌دهد که شاخص‌های مرتبط با عوامل نهادی و شبکه ارتباطی به‌عنوان شاخص‌های تاثیرگذار و کلیدی در تاب آوری شهر زنجان عمل می‌کنند و می‌توان با ارتقای وضعیت این دسته از شاخص‌ها به علت تاثیرات مستقیم و غیرمستقیم آن‌ها بر سایر شاخص‌ها در شبکه روابط علی- معلولی میزان نهایی تاب‌آوری را بهبود بخشید.

    کلید واژگان: تاب آوری تکاملی, تحلیل تفسیری-ساختاری پارامتری, شهر زنجان, زلزله}
    B.Ebadolazadehmaleki, Z.S.S.Zarabadi*, S.Piri, M.R.F.Behtash

    A review of the experiences of natural disasters, including earthquakes, shows that earthquakes do not cause destruction on their own, but it is human who determines the extent of damage caused by earthquakes. Given the ineffectiveness of vulnerabilitybased approaches after earthquake, new perspectives emphasize on the evolutionary resilience approach; but the main problem is the multiplicity and diversity of indicators with complex and networked relationships and the difficulty of the evaluation process, which necessitates the use of appropriate models. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and analyzes the causal relationships between urban evolutionary resilience indicators against earthquakes in Zanjan, according to the position of this city in relation to the surrounding faults to key and effective factors in resilience. The city should be identified. For this purpose, after reviewing the texts and extracting the indicators. First by using two-stage Delphi method through purposeful and consecutive sampling, 27 questionnaires in the form of 40 * 40 matrix are completed by managers and experts of Zanjan Municipality, then by the use of parametric interpretive structural model using Mic Mac software causal relationships and key factors influencing urban resilience were identified. Results show that indicators related to institutional factors and communication network act as effective and key indicators in the network and increasing the status of these indicators due to their direct and indirect effects on other indicators in the network of causal relationships the ultimate rate of resilience can be improved

    Keywords: evolutionary resilience, parametric interpretive structural model, Zanjan city, Earthquake}
  • M. Bagaei *, Y.A. Ziyari, Z. S. S. Zarabadi, H. Majedi

    Parameters of urban morphology and its elements such as building mass density as well as the type of direction and width of passages and block structure in addition to climate change, also affect the behavior of citizens, targeting the type of variable change and indexing and the quality of sub-branch communication. Their works are among the most essential analytical provisions. The main purpose is to investigate our relationship between variables affecting the creation of urban climate-micro according to the different morphology of the urban fabric of Tehran metropolis, which is practically not the type of fabric in the form of scenario, which can be referred to our relationship between SVF and urban FAR. In addition, the analysis of the effects of urban morphological parameters on micro-climate variables such as enclosed temperature (T) and mean radiation temperature (mrt) can also show optimal results in the form of parametric study considering the interactions between urban morphology and urban micro-climate. As a result, according to the general analysis and results in the current research, the two groups of the mentioned scenarios have a significant and affected relationship between morphological parameters and variables of urban micro-climate. This research is based on field perception, data and simulation using It is one of the basic software and also energy analysis in the topic of urban climate such as ENVI.met. In addition, the two groups of findings can be expressed in such a simple way that one; The SVF decreases when the BSC is increasing at a constant FAR. In addition, in the case of a sample with a fixed FSI, this factor increases as FAR increases. Enclosed temperature and average radiation temperature are also strongly correlated with urban morphological parameters in the presence of a constant FAR. According to these results, the BSC 25 was the best manifestation of reducing and calming the intensity of the heat island as well as the thermal comfort of the climate during summer nights.

    Keywords: Urban morphology, Artificial Climate, Urban Micro-climate, Building density}
  • V. Arian, H. Majedi *, Z.S.S. Zarabadi

    Urban land is one of the most significant constituents’ portfolio of urbanhouseholds in Iran; Land prices also have the greatest impact on real estate prices. In the construction of urban management of Iran, valuation of urban land prices is not a special trustee, and in fact, the offices of the estate consultant, the builders and owners of each one, agreeing to their interests, determine the value of a domain. On the other hand, the value of urban land has a direct relationship with access to the city’s physical-spatial facilities. This article is a physical-spatial factors affecting the value of residential land in Zaferanieh neighborhood in Tehran as a case study, identified during the literature review and interviews with experts, investors and residents of the neighborhood, using components derived from The ANP method is prioritized and weighed. The results show that contents of research including visibility into surrounding areas of land, access to facilities and urban activities, the structure of land plots, comfort, image and security of the residents of the environment. The model for estimating the physical-spatial components affecting the value of residential land derived from the research in the case study; can provide an effective tool for determining and controlling the price of urban land, as well as creating a real estate tax map for country-land.

    Keywords: Validity Conceptual Model, Spatial-Based Components, Urban Land Value Management, Network Analysis, Zaferanieh neighborhood, Tehran}
  • F. Moradi, Z. S.S Zarabadi *, H Majedi

    The aim of this research is an explanation of culture-led regeneration model in city centers in order to contend in the context of urban management issues. This research seeks to codify the theoretical framework and drawing the conceptual model of culture-led regeneration in urban centers in society to compete by examining the concepts and positions. It likewise undertakes to make a good example of culture- led by examining the theory. The research method founded on the objective is employed and is descriptive- analytically in terms of information aggregation. In the descriptive portion of the study is a field study and in the analytical section, the research is exploratory and field research. Also, the structural equation method has been applied in order to the analysis of the effects between variables. For this determination, a questionnaire with closed questions and in the form of the Likert spectrum has been employed as a tool for information collection and LISREL software as a data analysis tool. The theoretical consequences of this research show that the culture-led regeneration, as a comprehensive and integrated action, uses culture as the catalyst for development and seeks to strengthen the multi-functional spirit. It likewise seeks to preserve and make the valuable urban resources to get into the internal competition and transnational. This intent is pursued by the consolidation of four approaches which include creative and cultural industries, shoes making, cultural tourism and eventful and city branding. As according to practical findings of research, creative and cultural industries, Functional component, physical- design component, the semantic component  have  significant effects on city competitiveness.

    Keywords: Culture-led Urban Regeneration, Urban Management, City Centers, Competitiveness, Structural Equation Method}
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