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فهرست مطالب zarir salehpourservak

  • نوید شنبدی، سید یعقوب ذوالفقاری فر*، زریر صالح پور سروک

    امروزه افزایش عمر سرویس دهی مفید، دوام پذیری و نگهداری روسازی جاده ها مسائل مهم تحقیقی متخصصین و متولیان این زمینه هست. هدف از این تحقیق بررسی و اولویت بندی عوامل موثر بر عمر مفید روسازی جاده های برون شهری با رویکرد سلسله مراتبی فازی برای مسیر قائمیه - شیراز بود. روش انجام تحقیق به لحاظ اجرا توصیفی- پیمایشی و به لحاظ هدف از نوع تحقیق کاربردی بود که بصورت پرسشنامه وکمی انجام شد. بدلیل اینکه موضوع تحقیق حاضر یک موضوع خاص در زمینه راهسازی (مهندسی و جاده) بود، نمونه گیری غیراحتمالی از نوع قضاوتی بود. جامعه آماری تحقیق شامل 12 خبره شامل متخصصان و مهندسان حوزه راهسازی در استان فارس بود و روش تحلیل سلسله مراتبی فازی برای اولویت بندی عوامل موثر استفاده شد. نتایج عوامل موثر بر عمر مفید روسازی جاده های برون شهری نشان داد که نوع قیر و مصالح مورد استفاده، پیمانکار، تجهیزات و ماشین آلات راهسازی، آب و هوا و نوع خودروهای تردد کننده بترتیب رتبه های اول تا پنجم عوامل موثر بر عمر مفید روسازی جاده های برون شهری را در راه قائمیه - شیرازبودند. که پیشنهاداتی کاربردی جهت عمر مفید روسازی جاده های برون شهری برای مسیر قائمیه - شیراز ارائه شد.

    کلید واژگان: عمر سرویس دهی مفید, دوام پذیری, نگهداری, روسازی راه, جاده برون شهری}
    Navid Shanbedi, Seyyed Yaghoub Zolfegharifar, *, Zarir Salehpourservak

    Nowadays, increasing useful service life, durability and maintenance of road pavements are important research issues of experts and trustees in this field. The purpose of this research is to investigate and prioritize the factors affecting the useful life of suburban road pavements with a fuzzy hierarchical approach for the Ghaemieh -Shiraz route. The research method was descriptive-survey in terms of execution and applied research in terms of purpose, which was done in the form of a questionnaire and quantitative. Due to the fact that the topic of this research was a specific topic in the field of road construction (engineering and roads), non-probability sampling was a judgmental type. The statistical population of the research included 12 experts, including specialists and engineers in the field of road construction in Fars province, and the fuzzy hierarchical analysis method was used to prioritize the effective factors. The results of factors affecting the service life of suburban road pavements showed that the type of bitumen and materials used, contractor, road construction equipment and machinery, weather and the type of traffic vehicles ranked first to fifth in the order of factors affecting the service life of road pavements. They were in suburban areas on the road from Ghaemieh to Shiraz, that practical suggestions for the useful service life of suburban road pavements for Ghaemieh -Shiraz route were presented.

    Keywords: Useful Service Life, Durability, Maintenance, Road Paving, Suburban Road}
  • محمود سلیمی، سید یعقوب ذوالفقاری فر*، زریر صالح پور سروک

    نتخاب روش بهینه برای حفر تونل مستلزم شناخت کامل روش های حفر تونل و پارامترهای تاثیرگذار بر آنها می باشد. از جمله پارامترهای مهم که باید مورد مطالعه و ارزیابی قرار گیرد می توان به مشخصات هندسی، مشخصات زمین شناسی و ژئومکانیکی، شرایط پروژه و زیرساخت های موجود، زمان به اتمام رسیدن پروژه و مسائل زیست محیطی اشاره کرد. همچنین پیش بینی و کنترل نشست هم از لحاظ ایمنی و هم از نقطه نظر اقتصادی از اهمیت قابل توجهی در مناطق شهری برخوردار می باشد. در سال های اخیر، استفاده از تونل کاری در عمق کم برای حفاری فضاهای زیرزمینی از جمله ایستگاه مترو و فضاهای مشابه در خاک های مختلف مورد استفاده قرار گرفته که به دلیل عدم ایجاد خلل در ترافیک، در فضاهای شهری مورد علاقه می باشد. تونل کاری در عمق کم و در خاک ضعیف، (STM (Shallow Tunneling Method نام گذاری می شود. استفاده از STM در فضاهای شهری می بایست از نظر نشست در سطح زمین و اثرات آن بر سازه های روزمینی به طور دقیق ارزیابی گردد. به منظور بررسی هر کدام از روش ها از مدل سازی عددی به روش سه بعدی استفاده و هدف از مدل سازی عددی به روش سه بعدی، بررسی دقیق میزان نشست حین اجرا و تعیین بهترین روش اجرا با کمترین میزان نشست بوده است. روش های مختلفی با تقسیم بندی های متفاوت جهت حفاری مورد بررسی قرار گرفت که در نهایت روش قابل استفاده در این مطالعه ارائه و بهترین روش با کمترین میزان نشست به عنوان گزینه برتر معرفی گردید.

    کلید واژگان: خاکریز سست و نرم, تسلیح کننده, ژئوگرید, ظرفیت باربری, پی, بارگذاری ترکیبی استاتیکی}
    Mahmood Salimi, Sayyed Yaghoub Zolfegharifar *, Zarir Salehpourservak

    Always considering risk, cost and time reduction, the best method for tunnel excavation should be selected and implemented. Choosing the optimal method for tunnel digging requires full knowledge of tunnel digging methods and the parameters affecting them. project conditions and existing infrastructure, project completion time, and environmental issues. Also, the prediction and control of settlement is of significant importance in urban areas, both from the point of view of safety and from the economic point of view. In recent years, the use of working tunnels at a shallow depth has been used to dig underground spaces, including subway stations and similar spaces in different soils, which is popular in urban spaces due to the lack of disruption to traffic. Tunneling at a shallow depth and in weak soil is called STM (Shallow Tunneling Method).Using STM in urban spaces it should be accurately evaluated in terms of settlement on the ground surface and its effects on surface mining structures. In order to check each of the methods, three-dimensional numerical modeling will be used. The purpose of numerical modeling by 3D method is to accurately check the amount of settlement during execution and to determine the best execution method with the least amount of settlement. Different methods with different classifications for drilling have been examined and finally the method that can be used in this study is presented and the best method with the least amount of settlement is introduced as the best option.

    Keywords: Loose Embankment, Reinforcement, Geogrid, Foundation, Static Combined Loading, Bearing Capacity}
  • زریر صالح پور سروک*
    د گسترش شهرها امری غیرقابل اجتناب است، و این رشد زمانی مشکل آفرین می شود که فرایند گسترش بدون برنامه و به صورت خود به خودی صورت گیرد. در نتیجه، نظارت، تجزیه و تحلیل و برنامه ریزی پیش بینی گسترش شهر مورد توجه قرار گرفته است. هدف از این مطالعه؛ توسعه شهر یاسوج با مدل اتوماتای سلولی مبتنی بر GIS به منظور بررسی توسعه افقی شهری تا سال 1410 است. ابتدا پارامترای تناسب فیزیکی، راه های ارتباطی و اثر همسایگی محاسبه شدند. سپس با توجه به تقاضای کاربری های مختلف، اقدام به شناسایی مناطق توسعه یافته و توسعه نیافته شد. در مرحله بعدی تخصیص کاربری های دارای تقاضا با استفاده از تعامل میان تقاضا و تناسب کلی هر قطعه ملکی و متناسب با بیشترین ارزش به دست آمده در بین نقشه های تناسب کاربری انجام شده است. نتایج نشان داد مدل سازی پیشنهادی، توسعه شهر یاسوج از مناطق بیرونی شعاع آن زیاد می شود و بخصوص از ناحیه جنوب غربی، زیرا که در شمال و شرق شهر موانع طبیعی مانع از گسترش آن می شود. ارزیابی مدلسازی اتوماتای سلولی بیانگر دقت 61 درصدی رشد افقی می باشد.
    کلید واژگان: مدلسازی, توسعه افقی شهری, اتوماتای سلولی, یاسوج}
    Zarir Salehpour Servak *
    Expanding cities is unavoidable, and this growth becomes problematic when the expansion process is spontaneous. As a result, urban development monitoring, analysis and forecasting planning has been considered. The purpose of this study is to develop the city of Yasuj using a GIS-based cellular automata model to evaluate urban horizontal development by 1410. At first, physical fitness parameters, communication paths and neighborhood effect were calculated. Then, according to the demand of different land uses, the developed and undeveloped areas were identified. In the next step, the allocation of demand-side land uses has been made using the interaction between demand and the overall proportion of each real estate and proportional to the maximum value obtained among the land-use maps. The results showed that the proposed modeling increases the development of Yasuj city from its outer radius and especially from the southwest area, because the natural obstacles in the north and east of the city prevent its expansion. Cellular automata modeling evaluation indicates 61% accuracy for horizontal growth. In general, the results of this study can be a reference for future urban planning.         Extended Abstract
          Human civilization is currently entering the urban century (Korit et al., 2014). Urban areas are experiencing rapid growth, mainly as a result of population growth, rising incomes, and declining travel costs (Brochner and Larji, 2008), especially in developing countries, as cities grow rapidly and the number Metropolises have increased significantly. According to the United Nations in 2014, 54% of the world's population is urban. That number was about 30 percent in 1950. In 2050, it is projected to reach 66 percent, making population control and urban area a major challenge (World Urbanization Prospects, 2014). Also, according to the census of the Statistics Center of Iran in 2016, 74% of the population is urban, while the growth in 1390 was equal to 71.4% and the urban population in 2016 compared to 1390 has grown by 2.6% (center) Statistics of Iran, 2016). The city of Yasuj is an immigrant city due to its low urbanization history and being located as a political, administrative and service center and favorable weather conditions, and it is facing a large increase in population every year. So, this city is moving towards development and growth, willingly or unwillingly. In recent years, the development of the city of Yasuj is one of the most important proposals on the agenda of the authorities.        In this article, we seek to answer the question of how modeling urban space patterns can provide a good view of the development of cities under different social, economic and environmental conditions. Therefore, the purpose of this article is the horizontal development of Yasuj city with GIS-based cellular automatic model. By the way, it is adjacent to developed urban areas. Some areas such as green spaces, gardens, military areas and zoos are not expandable.
          Steps must be taken in modeling the horizontal development of the city using the cell automation model. In the first phase of the study, the overall fit of the undeveloped parts with the parameters of the physical fitness factors, access to the transport infrastructure, and the neighborhood effect were calculated. In the next step, the allocation of demand-driven applications is done using the interaction between demand and the overall fit of each property and in proportion to the maximum value obtained among the fitness maps. Using physical fitness factors, access to transportation infrastructure and neighborhood effects, overall fit of underdeveloped parts was calculated and a separate map of each factor was prepared. Finally, according to statistical relationships, they are combined using multi-criteria evaluation method.
    Results and Discussion
          Criteria for urban growth and development of these cells are the result of a combination of environmental and environmental criteria (slope, land capability) and physical (distance from the communication network and land use). Combining these criteria using the raster model creates 3 modes suitable for development, somewhat suitable and unsuitable for development for cells. Therefore, 6 features are expressed for cells, including: urban development, rural development, communication network, suitable for development, somewhat suitable, unsuitable for development. In order to calculate the neighborhood effect, all neighboring parts of the desired piece up to a radius of 700 meters (Optimal radius) Selected and tailored to the type of use and level of service (neighborhood, district and region), the interactions of the target user and the neighboring user are extracted in three categories of adaptation, dependence and centralization and based on the distance and area of ​​use. Neighbor to the target property piece, the final score of compatibility, dependency and centralization was calculated. Finally, after standardization and application of the weight of expertise, they were combined. In this section, the cellular automatic model with the characteristics specified in the study area was simulated in 10 two-year time periods on the data of 1390 and the future growth path of Yasuj city until 1410. The area of the city extends from the outer areas of its radius, especially from the southwestern part, because in the north and east of the city, natural barriers have prevented its expansion. The inner development of the city has occurred to a small extent in the northeastern parts. But an important part of the future growth of Yasuj city has taken place in the form of development outside the area and in the southwest.
           The city of Yasuj expanded in three axes during 1986-1995, and as a result, a large number of neighboring villages merged with the city. Yasuj is an immigrant city due to its low urbanization history and being located as a political, administrative and service center and favorable weather conditions, and it is facing a large increase in population every year. Therefore, in this study, the horizontal development of Yasuj city was investigated using cellular automatic model. The results of modeling the development of Yasuj city using cellular automata showed that the city increases its radius from the outer areas and especially from the southwestern area, because in the north and east of the city, natural obstacles prevent its expansion. It can help urban planners and decision makers understand the implications of their decisions about urban growth and development. Urban planners also use dynamic systems to control urban growth, given that the factors influencing the formation and change of cities change over time and even vary from city to city and from region to region. , It is suggested that in future studies, different parts of the city be considered to find the optimal parameters of cellular automation. Also, in this article, cellular automata have been used to model the horizontal development of Yasuj city. Therefore, in the next step, the mentioned model can be used to model the vertical growth of Yasuj city.
    Keywords: Modeling, Urban Horizontal Development, Cellular Automata, Yasuj}
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