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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه "freeway" در نشریات گروه "علوم انسانی"

جستجوی freeway در مقالات مجلات علمی
  • فرشته حافظی، مسعود بیژنی*، عنایت عباسی

    شبکه های حمل و نقل به عنوان یکی از زیرساخت های اساسی هر کشوری مطرح بوده و از جنبه های اقتصادی، اجتماعی، سیاسی و زیست محیطی حائز اهمیت هستند. آزادراه ها به عنوان یکی از مهم ترین زیرساخت های حیاتی، به لحاظ شرایط فنی فیزیکی و در صورت دارا بودن کیفیت محیطی می توانند ازجمله عناصر مهم تمدن و پیشرفت هرکشور به حساب آیند. هدف از این پژوهش بررسی  اثرات احداث آزادراه خرم آباد اراک  بر مناطق روستایی با تاکید بر محورهای توسعه پایدار می باشد. روش شناسی در این پژوهش از نوع کیفی (نظریه داده بنیاد) می باشد. نمونه ها به صورت هدفمند و با روش گلوله برفی به تعداد 19 نفر از بین ساکنان محلی، کارگران، مهندسان مشاور و کارکنان اداره راه و شهرسازی انتخاب شدند. نتایج حاصل از این بررسی نشان داد احداث آزادراه در مجموع باعث ایجاد آثار اقتصادی و اجتماعی و نهادی مثبتی در روستاهای همجوار گردیده است، به طوری که باعث کاهش استهلاک خودروها وکاهش مصرف سوخت، کاهش طول مسیر، افزایش سرعت در انتقال محصولات کالاهای کشاورزی، اشتغال زایی برای افراد بومی و افزایش تنوع شغلی در منطقه، افزایش ایمنی و کاهش تصادفات و تلفاتی انسانی، دسترسی مناسب برای حضور گردشگران و افزایش نظارت نیروهای اداری بر منطقه شده است. اما در بعد زیست محیطی و در زمینه کشاورزی آثار این طرح شامل انتشارگازهای سوخت های فسیلی ماشین آلات و گردوغبار و آلودگی صوتی ناشی از فعالیت خودروها و ماشین آلات، تولید زباله در اطراف کارگاه های موقت خصوصی و کارگری، تغییر کاربری زمین های کشاورزی و قطع درختان و  غیره می باشند که منفی ارزیابی می شوند.

    کلید واژگان: آزادراه, مناطق روستایی, خرم آباد اراک, توسعه پایدار
    Fereshteh Hafezi, Masoud Bijani *, Enayat Abbasi

    Transportation networks are considered fundamental infrastructures in any country and are significant in terms of economic, social, political, and environmental aspects. Freeways, as one of the vital lifeline infrastructures, can be among the essential elements of civilization and progress for any country, considering their technical and physical conditions and environmental quality. The aim of this research is to investigate the effects of constructing the Khorramabad-Arak freeway on rural areas, with an emphasis on sustainable development goals. The methodology in this research is qualitative (data base theory). The samples were selected purposefully and by snowball method among local residents, workers, consulting engineers and employees in department of Roads and Urban Development. The results of this study indicate that the overall construction of the freeway has had positive economic, social, and institutional effects on neighboring villages. It has led to a reduction in vehicle consumption and fuel consumption, decreased travel distance, increased speed in the transportation of agricultural products, job creation for local people, increased job diversity in the region, enhanced safety, reduced accidents and human casualties, improved accessibility for tourists, and increased supervision by administrative forces in the area. However, in terms of environmental and agricultural aspects, the impacts of this freeway include the emission of fossil fuel gases from machinery, dust and noise pollution from vehicle and machinery activities, waste production around temporary private and labor workshops, changes in land use, deforestation, etc., which are evaluated as negative.

    Keywords: Freeway, Rural areas, Khorramabad-Arak, Sustainable Development
  • Mehdi Ajami, Mohammad Moonesun *, Tahere Taghizade Firozjaee

    This article discusses the favorable benefits of the Jask-Mashhad motorway on the regeneration of the country's eastern half while providing a new plan for its construction. This freeway, with an estimated length of 1200 kilometers, a budget of around $2 billion, and a construction time of 8 years, has the potential to significantly alter the livelihood, economics, and population of the country's eastern half. This freeway, which links the landlocked northern countries with the neighboring countries of Iran, the Indian subcontinent, and East Asia, can handle 15-20 million passengers and tourists per year, as well as 15–25 million vehicles (cars, trailers, tankers, and trucks). It is especially critical for Shanghai Cooperation members. Presently, around 2 million people reside along the course of this highway; if the freeway is completed, this number would increase to more than 4 million. Furthermore, in the 25-year view (until 1424), this freeway will play a significant role in the north-south corridor, regeneration of ports on the Oman Sea's border, and achievement of sea axis development and land development. Transportation infrastructure is a critical component of population concentration and land improvement. Freeways are one of the most significant transportation facilities, providing rapid, safe, and inexpensive road access to all sections of the country, particularly for goods transit and tourism growth. A glance at the country's freeway map reveals that there are no freeways in the eastern half of the country, and none are planned for the future by the Ministry of Roads. This issue has made land access to the eastern provinces and the beaches of the Oman Sea problematic, and as a result, significant sections of Iran are unoccupied and underused.

    Keywords: Mashhad, Jask, Freeway, Makoran, Transit
  • حسن مومنی*، احمد ایرانخواه
    ایران به دلیل موقعیت استراتژیک جغرافیایی، اتصال به آسیای میانه و خلیج فارس از شمال به جنوب، دسترسی به دریاهای آزاد، همسایگانی محصور در خشکی و ارتباط نزدیک با قاره اروپا و آفریقا همواره یکی از راه های مهم مواصلاتی بین المللی شناخته می شود. ازاینرو ایجاد راه های ارتباطی مناسب در آن پر اهمیت است. پروژه های متعددی نیز در این زمینه اجرایی شده که از جمله آن، ساخت آزادراه تهران-شمال است، با بهره برداری از پروژه مذکور، نواحی پیرامونی به ویژه روستاهای منزوی در دامنه البرز میانی به شریانهای اصلی حمل و نقل مرتبط شده و دگرگونی های سریع محیطی، اقتصادی و اجتماعی را تجربه می کنند. بنابراین سوال پژوهش اینگونه مطرح است که ساخت آزادراه چه تآثیراتی بر روستای سنگان خواهد داشت، جامعه آماری پژوهش را خانواده های ساکن در روستای سنگان(باغ دره) تشکیل می دهد. نمونه گیری پژوهش، با روش خوشه ایصورت پذیرفت، بدین منظور از میان خوشه ها به تصادف نمونه گیری بعمل آمد. در تهیه پرسش نامه پژوهش 30 شاخص لحاظ گردید که هر10 شاخص به صورت 3دسته زیرمعیار؛ ثبات اقتصادی، عدالت اقتصادی و رفاه اقتصادی قراردارد. تحلیل داده ها با استفاده از نرم افزار GIS انجام شد. نتایج تحقیق نشان داد در معیار ثبات اقتصادی، شاخص تاثیر ایجاد آزادراه در دگرگونی روستایی و تغییر ساختار بیشترین تاثیر را داراست. در معیار عدالت اقتصادی بیشترین ارتباط بین شاخصهای میزان رضایت از شغل و محل زندگی، میزان گسترش خدمات اجتماعی و میزان بکارگیری از اینترنت است. در معیار رفاه اقتصادی بیشترین ارتباط با شاخص میزان افزایش درآمد اهالی به صورت ارتباط دو طرفه برقرار است.
    کلید واژگان: آزادراه, مزایای اقتصادی, بخش کن- سولقان
    Hassan Momeni *, Ahmad Irankhah
    Due to the strategic location of the region, its connection to Central Asia and the Gulf from the north to the south, access to the Free Seas, neighborhoods in the land and close ties with the continents of Europe and Africa is always one of the most important ways of international relations. It is therefore important to create the appropriate communication channels. Several projects have been implemented in this area, including the construction of the Tehran-North Freeway, and the periphery, especially the isolated villages in the middle of the Alborz slope, are linked to the main transport arteries and metamorphosis Fast, environmental, economic and social experiences. Therefore, the research question is that what effect the construction of the freeway will have on the Sangan village, the statistical society of the study is made up of families living in Sangan village (Garden of Dareh). Sampling was done using cluster sampling method. For this purpose, cluster random sampling was done. In the preparation of the research questionnaire, 30 indicators were considered, each of the 10 indicators being three categories of sub-criteria: economic stability, economic justice and economic well-being. Data analysis was performed using GIS software. The results of the study showed that in the criterion of economic stability, the index of the effect of freeway creation on rural change and restructuring has the greatest impact. In the criterion of economic justice, the most is the relationship between job satisfaction and living standards, the extent to which social services are expanded, and the rate of use of the Internet. In the criterion of economic welfare, the highest relationship with the indicator of the increase in income of residents is bilaterally.
    Keywords: Freeway, Economic Benefits, Kan-Saleqan District
  • داریوش یاراحمدی، سیامک شرفی
    آزادراه خرم آباد- پل زال به عنوان یکی از مهم ترین مسیرهای حمل ونقل جاده ای کشور، با طول 104 کیلومتر در استان لرستان واقع شده است. هدف از این تحقیق که از نوع تحقیقات کاربردی و روش آن توصیفی- تحلیلی و میدانی می باشد، بررسی مخاطرات طبیعی آزادراه خرم آباد- پل زال با رویکرد پدافند غیرعامل است. در این مطالعه از ابزارهای فیزیکی و مفهومی مانند نقشه های توپوگرافی 1:25000، زمین شناسی 1:100000، تصاویر ماهواره ای، GPS، فرم های برداشت اطلاعات میدانی و نرم افزارهایی مانند Arc GIS جهت تحلیل داده ها و نتیجه گیری استفاده شده است. نتایج حاصل از تحقیق نشان می دهد که رخداد خطر زمین لغزش و ریزش های فعال در مسیر مورد مطالعه مهم ترین تهدید برای مسیر و تاسیسات احداث شده در طول مسیر بوده و مهم ترین عامل در رخداد آن ها، ویژگی های سنگ شناسی است. بررسی و اولویت بندی آزادراه ازنظر مخاطرات ذکر شده حاکی از این است که 5/42 کیلومتر از مسیر در معرض زمین لغزش و 7/23 کیلومتر در معرض ریزش های خطرناک (فعال) قرار دارند؛ بنابراین مسیر آزادراه ازنظر مخاطرات طبیعی با رویکرد پدافند غیرعامل، دارای وضعیت مطلوبی نیست.
    کلید واژگان: زمین لغزش, ریزش, آزادراه, پدافند غیرعامل, خرم آباد, پل زال
    Dariush Yarahmadia, Siyamack Sharafib
    Transport network, as a basic infrastructure, is of economic, social, and political importance to any country. Among the various ways of transport (that is, road, rail, air,
    and sea), road transport, due to its unique features, basically is known to be the most
    commonly used one. Nowadays, one of the important ways to bring down an under-attack country is to seriously damage its vital arteries (i.e. roads and transportation ways).
    Therefore, in order to defend a country against such attacks, it is imperative to know how to deal with them. Passive defense, as one of the influential factors in many projects, is one of the most effective and sustainable ways to defend against such threats. It refers to a number of strategies, utilization of which in the design and construction of facilities and biological buildings, automatically increases the defense power of the construction without pressuring the human resources, and, as a result, decreases the possibility of crisis.
    One of the factors contributing to passive defense is paying attention to geological features when locating and routing facilities and constructions. Slope instabilities are among such phenomena that are related to geological features; in addition to road blockage, these instabilities cause the parts on which facilities and structures are built to move and be displaced. Based on the aforementioned argument, it is imperative to consider the geological features while building infrastructures such as roads; it is also crucial to evaluate active geological forms and phenomena, having passive defense in mind, when locating and routing such infrastructures in order to minimize the risk of damage made by geological movements to them. In this regard, Khorram abad-Pole Zal Freeway as the main south-north road artery of the country that has a diverse range of natural hazards due to its geological characteristics is studied using the passive defense
    Khorrram abad-Pole Zal Freeway, the area of study, as part of Tehran-Bandar Imam
    Khomeini’s route, has a length of about 104 km. The freeway extends from some parts of
    Lorestan Province (that is, Dore-Chegeni and Poldokhtar) to Andimeshk in Khuzestan
    Province. The path starts from the latitude of 33˚ 25′ and the longitude of 48˚ 12′ east and ends at the latitude of 33˚ 48′ North and the longitude of 48˚ 03′ east.
    2. Material and
    The present study has used an applied research type; moreover, for the research
    of the study, the analytical field studies method was employed. Data were gathered using
    data from both library and field studies methods. Library resources were tapped on in
    order to make theoretical assessments and to develop a theoretical framework of the
    research literature. In the field studies that form the fundamentals of the present research, the freeway was firstly studied to identify the natural hazards that endanger the path.
    Afterwards, using GPS, hazardous places along with places were landslides had occurred
    were identified. The rest of the qualitative and quantitative data from hazardous points
    were collected in field studies. In the present study, physical tools such as geological
    maps of 1: 100000, topographic maps of 1: 25000, digital elevation model with a
    resolution of 30 meters, satellite images (Landsat-Sensor TM and ETM), images of
    Google Earth, conceptual tools such as software Arc GIS, ENVI, Google Earth, and other
    similar software were used to create a database; satellite imagery, spatial analysis and
    map drawing have also been employed in the study.
    After providing the basic information, the hazardous places along with the identified
    hazardous points, according to the data gathered from the field studies, were prioritized
    using Delphi method and the opinion of experts in Geological Sciences. Finally, the
    hazards were analyzed after dividing them into different sections according to their risk
    Results And Discussion
    The survey of Khorram abad-Pole Zal Freeway and its surrounding areas indicated that
    mass movements, landslides, and collapses occur frequently in the given areas. Based on
    the field studies, 21 active landslide zones threaten the road. Most landslides occurred in
    the north side of the freeway in poor resistant limestone formations; the geological
    formation, trenching, and tilt have been the most important factors in these occurrences.
    The study of the position of active landslides on the route showed that the most dangerous parts of the freeway in terms of landslide risk are from km 1.5 to km 36 and from km 56 to km 62. Landslides either have not occurred in other parts of the roads or have only had non-threatening volumes. Prioritizing the risks of 21 active landslides, based on the considered factors, indicated that 11 landslides have the highest amount of risk, 3 are highly risky, and 7 are of a moderate risk. These landslides are mainly observed in two
    sectors of the route – the first part is from km 16 to km 36 and the second is from km 57
    to km 60. According to the risk of landslides, the 104 km freeway is divided into 5
    sections. The first section has a length of 1.5 km and is located in the area that has no risk.
    The second section has a length of 36 km and is in a dangerous area. The third section
    has a length of 19 km and is in an area that, in terms of being risky, ranges from slight to
    moderate. The forth section has a length of 6.5 km and is in a dangerous area. The fifth,
    and the last section has a length of 41 km and is located in an area of no risk. Thus, in
    terms of landslide risk, 42.5 km of the freeway is located in dangerous areas and 42.5 km
    of it is situated in areas that have no risk of landslide.
    The risk of rockfall in the freeway was also studied as another natural hazard to the road.
    Based on the field studies, 30 areas of active rockfalls were identified. Most of the active
    rockfalls have occurred in the north slopes with weathered, and mixed soil, bedrock and
    mainly in limestone formations combined with other stones. The identified rockfall areas
    are of high frequency of occurrence in two parts of the freeway. The first section is located in the distance between km 13 to km 20 of the freeway and includes 12 points of rockfall.
    In this section, rockfalls mainly consist of big rocks. The second part is located in the
    distance between km 23 to km 39 of the freeway and includes 12 points of rockfall.
    Rockfalls occur sporadically in other parts of the freeway. The prioritized areas of active
    rockfall, based on the hazard level, indicated that 6 points are of great danger, 18 points
    involve a high risk of rockfall, and 6 points are of medium risk level. Out of the 6 highly
    dangerous areas, 4 are located in the first part of the route (i.e. from km 30 to km 36), and the other two points are located in the second part of the freeway (i.e. from km 63 to km 93). The area of high risk of rockfall is located in the first part of the freeway (i.e. from km 13 to km 19.5) and in the second part of it (i.e. from km 25 to km 39). The areas with medium risk of rockfall are located in different parts of the road, especially at the beginning of the freeway.
    Based on the passive defense approach, the survey of Khorram abad-Pole Zal Freeway
    indicated that natural hazards such as landslides and rockfalls have a high frequency of
    occurrence in the area and that these phenomena are serious threats to the 104 km freeway as well as to structures such as tunnels, electric towers, etc. The study and mapping of landslides along the freeway indicated that the landslides are of more abundance and density in two specific sections of the route. The length of the route, considering active and dangerous landslides, is 42.5 km which includes 21 active landslide zones.
    Active areas of rockfall are also of serious threat to the freeway. The classification of the
    route into 7 different sections, based on the risk of rockfalls, showed that 3 sections
    involve no risk, 2 are of medium risk, and 2 are dangerous and highly risky. Accordingly,
    17.2 km of the freeway is located in the risk-free zone, 63.1 km in the zone with moderate risk, and 27.3 km in the danger zone. Moreover, out of the 30 active areas of rockfall along the freeway, 6 points are highly dangerous, 18 have a high risk level, and 6 are of medium risk. Hence there are 24 active areas of rockfall that are of actual risk to the road.
    The results of the study showed that Khorram abad-Pole Zal Freeway is not in an
    acceptable condition from a passive defense point of view. The main reason for this is
    that the geological feature of the area have not been taken into account when designing
    the freeway. Natural hazards such as landslides and active rockfalls, due to overlooking
    the geological features of the area, have blocked, and destroyed, parts of the freeway and structures alongside it.
    Keywords: Freeway, Khorram abad-Pole Zal, Landslides, Passive defense, Rockfall
  • معین عسکری، سیداحسان سیدابریشمی*
    زمینه و هدف

    به طورکلی آزادراه ها به دلیل شرایط هندسی، سرعت و تعداد خطوط عبور زیاد، درصد زیادی از حجم جریان ترافیک را عبور می دهند. پدیده تغییر خط می تواند باعث کاهش ظرفیت عملکردی آزادراه ها شده و درنتیجه زمان سفر جریان ترافیک را افزایش داده و باعث کاهش سرعت و ایمنی شود. تغییر خط به دو نوع تغییر خط اختیاری و اجباری تقسیم بندی می شود. تغییر خط اختیاری به منظور بهبود شرایط رانندگی و تغییر خط اجباری در جهت پیروی از هدف مسیر است. هدف از این مطالعه، ارایه مدل رگرسیون شمارشی برای پیش بینی تعداد تغییر خط اختیاری در آزادراه ها است.


    اطلاعات استفاده شده در این مطالعه، از پردازش داده های یک آزادراه بین ایالتی آمریکا به دست آمده است. سپس با استفاده از این داده، دو نوع مدل رگرسیون خطی و رگرسیون پوآسن و سپس به منظور بررسی خوبی مدل ها، نمودار مشاهده - برآورد آن ها نیز ارایه شده است. ازجمله مهم ترین کاربردهای این مدل، استفاده از آن در نرم افزارهای شبیه سازی در سطح ماکروسکوپیک و استفاده در مدل های تعیین سطح سرویس است.

    یافته ها

    متغیرهای مجازی شماره خط عبور، تعداد خودروهای خط عبور جاری و پس ازآن میانگین سرعت خط عبور جاری و خط عبور هدف، بیشترین تاثیر را در برآورد این مدل داشته اند.

    نتیجه گیری

    در مقایسه بین دو مدل رگرسیون خطی و رگرسیون شمارشی، مشاهده شد که مدل رگرسیون شمارشی به دلیل نزدیکی مشخصات نسبت به ویژگی تغییر خط، این پدیده را بهتر توصیف می کنند. همچنین پیشنهاد می شود که در پژوهش های آینده، تغییر خط اجباری و تفاوت های دو مدل نیز بررسی شود.

    کلید واژگان: تغییر خط, رگرسیون شمارشی, آزادراه, تغییر خط اختیاری
    Moein Askari, Seyed Ehsan Seyedabrishami *
    The field and purpose

    In general, freeways, due to geometric conditions, the speed and number of overpass lines, pass a large percentage of traffic flow volume. Lane change phenomenon can decreases their functional capacity and as a result, the travel time increased traffic flow and reduces speed and safety. Line change is divided into two types of optional and mandatory line change. Mandatory lane change (MLC) occurs when a driver must change lane to follow a specified path and Discretionary lane change (DLC) occurs when a driver changes to a lane perceived to offer better traffic conditions, he attempts to achieve desired speed, avoid following trucks, avoid merging traffic, etc. The aim of this research is predicting the number of the Discretionary lane change in freeways with count regression models.


    The information used in this study has been processed by the data of an interstate freeway in America. Then, using this data, two types of linear regression models, poisson regression has been paid and then, for a good evaluation of the models are presented their observation and estimation charts. One of the most important usage of this model is its use in macroscopic simulation software and use in service-level design models.


    The virtual variables of the number of crossing line, the number of vehicles on the current crossing line and then the average speed of the current crossing line and the target crossing line have the most impact on the estimation of this model.


    In the comparison between the two linear regression and count regression models, it was observed that The count regression model describes this phenomenon better because of the proximity of the characteristics to the line change feature. It is also suggested that in future research should also be considered the mandatory line change and the differences between the two models.

    Keywords: lane change, count regression, Freeway, mandatory lane change
  • سید محمد قادر زرین کیا، مصطفی آدرسی، محمود صفارزاده، امیررضا ممدوحی
    امروزه نرم افزارهای شبیه ساز جریان ترافیک ابزاری کارآمد جهت مدیریت و کنترل اطلاعات ترافیکی، شبیه سازی حرکات و رفتار رانندگان است. ابزاری که هزینه های کار میدانی را کم کرده و قابلیت بروزرسانی نیز دارد، و همچنین محققان و کارشناسان بخش حمل ونقل را در مطالعه و بررسی و حل مشکلات ترافیک یاری می کند. شبیه سازی مناسب ترافیک، نیازمند داده ها و اطلاعات خرد جریان ترافیک چه از نظر کمی و چه از نظر کیفی از وضع موجود ترافیک در معابر است. این داده ها به منظور کالیبره نمودن شبیه ساز با وضع موجود استفاده می شود. به منظور کسب چنین داده هایی زیرساخت ها متعددی به منظور جمع آوری اینگونه اطلاعات از سطح راه نیاز است. متاسفانه عدم وجود زیرساخت های لازم باعث شده تا استفاده از شبیه سازها در کشور به اندازه مطلوب نباشد. در این تحقیق به بررسی مشکلات عدم وجود چنین داده هایی در ایران و معرفی پروژه NGSIM پرداخته خواهد شد. همچنین مروری جامع بر کارآیی و کاربرد وسیع شبیه سازی و داده های NGSIM در تحقیقات وسیع محققان حمل ونقل در سال های اخیر پرداخته شده است. در این تحقیق استفاده از داده های خرد جریان ترافیک، گردآوری شده در پروژه NGSIM به دلیل عدم وجود اینگونه داده ها در کشور به منظور مطالعات حمل و نقلی و کالیبراسیون اولیه شبیه سازها به عنوان راهکاری مناسب پیشنهاد شده است.
    S.M.Zarinkia, M.Adresi, M.Saffarzade, A.Mamdoohi
    Nowadays, traffic flow simulator softwares are useful tool for management and traffic information control, movement simulation and drivers behaviours. This tool decreases field act costs and also has updating capability. Also, this tool helps researchers and experts in transportation branch for traffic problem resolution. Traffic proper simulation needs datas and informations about traffic flow in qualitative and quantative. This datas use for simulator calibration with present situation. For obtaining these datas, we need various infrastructures toward informations collecting of road surface. Unfortanately, absent of necessary infra structures causes simulators using aren’t in valued surface. In this research, we investigate these problems in IRAN and we introduce NGSIM project. Also, we overview simulation efficienq and and NGSIM datas in transportation researches. In this research, we recommend to use traffic flow micro datas and simulators primary calibration
    Keywords: Simulation, NGSIM Datas, Freeway, Traffic flow
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