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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه "الحیاه العائلیه الامثال" در نشریات گروه "ادبیات و زبان ها"

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «الحیاه العائلیه الامثال» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
جستجوی الحیاه العائلیه الامثال در مقالات مجلات علمی
  • حمیده صالحی، علی خالقی*، ناظم نعیم کاظم الفرحان

    الاسره هی اللبنه الاولی فی بناء المجتمع فلذلک حظیت بعنایه فائقه فی الإسلام بحیث تعد الاولاد و الزوجه امانه یسال عنهم الزوج کما ان للاسره و الزواج و الإنجاب و ما یتعلق بها مکانه بارزه فی الثقافه العربیه و لدیها تقالید و سنن اختصت بها. إضافه إلی ذلک یکتنز التراث العربی بامثال و حکم فی مجال العلاقات الاسریه لاسباب انتجتها و مناسبات اقتضتها فصار المثل الذی یضرب فی امر من الامور کالعلامه التی یعلم بها الشیء و ذلک لإیجازها و شده اختصارها. ترجع اهمیه توظیف المثل و استلهامه فی الکلام إلی کونه بمثابه العرف الذی تعارفت علیه محموعه من الناس باعتباره من الحجج و الاله التی نقوی بها ما ارتاحت إلیه ضمائرنا و استقر فی اذهاننا من مواقف لان فی الامثال یتجلی صفه العقل و الحکمه لانها شواهد المعنی المراد و هی خاصیه العقل و لبه و ثمرته. فلذلک کله تهدف هذه الدراسه إلی الکشف عن صوره الاسره فی الامثال العربیه القدیمه و الوقوف علی القضایا و المعانی التی یتناولها العرب. فاستعان الباحث بالمنهج الوصفی- التحلیلی لتسلیط الضوء علی مضامین الامثال و دلالتها للکشف عن صوره الاسره و العلاقات الاسریه و سائر القضایا المرتبطه بالاسره کالزواج و الطلاق و الخیانه و کانت بعض نتائج البحث تشیر إلی وجود امثال فی اللغه العربیه تمجد مکانه الزواج و الاسره کما تشیر إلی وجود نظم و اصول و تقالید التزم بها العربی فی حیاته الاجتماعیه و اهتمامه الخاص بتعدد الزوجات و ذلک من اجل کثره إنجاب الذریه و علاقته الوثیقه ببنی اعمامه و اخواله و ذلک شیء اقتضته الحیاه الصحراویه.

    کلید واژگان: اسره, الإسلام, الحیاه العائلیه الامثال, النثر
    Hamideh Salehi, Ali Khaleghi*, Nazem Na'im Kazem al-Farhan

    The family is the first building block in building society. Therefore, it received great attention in Islam, such that the children and the wife are considered a trust that the husband is asked about. Family, marriage, procreation and everything related to them also have a prominent place in Arab culture and have traditions and laws that are specific to them. In addition, the Arab heritage is full of proverbs and sayings in the field of family relations for the reasons that produced them and the occasions that necessitated them. So the proverb that is used regarding a matter has become like a sign by which a thing is known, due to its brevity and extreme brevity. The importance of employing proverbs and drawing inspiration from them in speech is due to the fact that it is a custom that a group of people have become acquainted with, as it is one of the arguments and the tool with which we strengthen the positions that our consciences are comfortable with and the positions that have settled in our minds. Because in proverbs the quality of reason and wisdom is evident because they are evidence of the intended meaning and they are the property of the mind, its core and its fruit. For all this reason, this study aims to reveal the image of the family in ancient Arabic proverbs and to identify the issues and meanings that the Arabs deal with. The researcher used the descriptive-analytical method to shed light on the contents of proverbs and their significance. To reveal the image of the family, family relationships, and other issues related to the family, such as marriage, divorce, and infidelity. Some of the research results indicated the existence of proverbs in the Arabic language that glorify the status of marriage and family. It also indicates the existence of systems, principles and traditions that Arabs adhered to in their social life and their special interest in polygamy. This is due to his large number of offspring and his close relationship with his paternal uncles and uncles, something necessitated by desert life.

    Keywords: family, Islam, family life, proverbs, prose
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