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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « منطقی سازی » در نشریات گروه « ادبیات و زبان ها »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «منطقی سازی» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
  • لادن مختارزاده، زهرا جان نثاری*، نگار شریف
    مطالعه حاضر به بررسی رمان خانه گرد اثر لوییز اردریک در پرتو «مفهوم تاثیر» می پردازد. پاتریک کوم هوگان با ارایه نظریه «مفهوم تاثیر» روایت تجربه عاطفه و احساس در سوژه ها را مورد هدف مطالعه قرار می دهد. پژوهشگران این مقاله می کوشند تا مفاهیم عاطفه،روایت عاطفه، شرایط برانگیختن،همانند سازی،تعدیل ومنطقی سازی عاطفه را در رمان اردریک ردیابی کنند.سعی بر آن است تا به این فرایند پرداخته شود که چگونه در روایت،احساسات و عواطف همانند سازی می شوند و در پی آن تعدیل و منطقی سازی احساسات و عواطف رخ می دهد. چنین فرایندی، به ویژه، بر پیشبرد روایت اثر و رفتار سوژه ها تاثیر می گذارد.این پژوهش به طور خاص، نشان می دهد که رمان یادشده نمونه ای مناسب برای مطالعه روایت عاطفه و احساسات است زیرا بازتابنده رنج زنان و خشونت علیه آنها در جامعه سرخپوستان آجیبوا، و در مقیاسی بزرگ تر،در کل جامعه است. رمان اردریک تلاشی است برای بر زبان آوردن تجربه های دردناک زنان که البته تبعات آن، مردان و کل جمعیت و تاریخ سرخپوستان را نیز در بر می گیرد. بنابراین،این مطالعه به بررسی پارادایم های هستی شناختی و معرفت شناختی در زندگی و تاریخ بومیان آمریکا می پردازد که به دلیل عوامل اجتماعی و هستی شناختی ناشناخته مانده یا به ندرت به آنها پرداخته شده است.در خانه گرد،صدا و روایت یک مرد انعکاس دهنده شرایط زنان آسیب دیده و زخم خورده ای است که به تسخیر حافظه عاطفی درآمده اند.چنین روایتی بناست آسیب های گذشته را بازتابد تا تغییرات بزرگی را برای زنان و همچنین کل ملت سرخپوست آمریکا به ارمغان آورد. هدف پژوهش حاضر این است که با خوانش تاثیر عاطفه و احساس بر اساس آراء هوگان، تلاش اردریک برای دستیابی به اصلاحات هستی شناختی و معرفت شناختی را در جامعه بومیان آمریکا بازنمایاند.
    کلید واژگان: مطالعه تاثیر, نظریه روایت احساس, شرایط برانگیختگی, همانند سازی, تعدیل, منطقی سازی}
    Ladan Mokhtarzadeh, Zahara Jannessari Ladani *, Negar Sharif
    The present study examines Louise Erdrich's novel The Round House in the light of Patrick Colm Hogan’s affect notions of narrative concerning the emotional experiences of the subjects. This paper attempts to trace the concepts of affect, emotional narrative, eliciting conditions, simulation, modulation and rationalization of emotion in Erdrich’s novel in order to explore how emotions are simulated, modulated and rationalized in the narrative, particularly, in what affects the narrative and the subjects in fiction. The present paper, specifically, demonstrates how Erdrich’s mentioned novel acts as an example for the affect study and narrative of emotion that vocalizes the suffering and violence against the women in the Native American population of the Ojibwa, and consequently the whole population, the ones which have not been divulged due to social and ontological factors. Erdrich's novel is an attempt to narrate the painful experiences of women, which of course embraces men and the entire population and history of the Indians.Background of Study: Louise Erdrich’s fiction explicitly articulates conceptions that highlight the contemporary Native Americans’, specifically Ojibwas’, concerns primarily with the themes of history, land, love and hate, violence, injustice and survival. They illustrate the impacts of a devastating experience that disturbs the subject’s self and identity, a traumatic experience that has the capacity to remain overwhelmingly present. Her narrators range from the single to the multi-ones, reflecting the past through the present experiences and the affect on the subjects and their emotional concerns and obsessions. In order to survive, the subjects either surrender their emotions or endeavor to maintain their positions or ignore their emotions and flee their history, land and geography and real selves. The emotional narrative of events, such as the rape of the mother of the Indian family, along with the parallel elaborations of the violence against three other women in the community, is central in RH. The spirit and emotion of the Ojibwa are blended in her work, seeking the desire to alter the situation for the better.
    This study examines the ontological and epistemological paradigms in the life and history of Native Americans that have been silenced or rarely addressed due to social and ontological factors. The study thus investigates the ontological and epistemological paradigms in Native American life and history experienced by Ojibwa survivors. In addition, it argues how emotionalogy works for the minority subjects and how the notion of affect in terms of Hogan’s theory is traceable in Erdrich’s novel. In The Round House, the affected women and survivors are haunted with the emotional memory vocalized by the single adult narrator to reflect the past trauma in order to bring great changes for the women as well as the whole nation. Erdrich’s goal is to gain ontological and epistemological rights to the Native American community. The purpose of the present study is to read the impact of Hogan's emotion and emotion on Erdrich’s attempt to obtain ontological and epistemological improvements for Native American society.
    Erdrich initially as a Native women and subsequently as an Indian author goes through a battle for portrayal of the women condition in the reservation. Such battle is Erdrich’s style of modulation for relieve the painful emotions elicited not only in the women spirit and body but the whole generation. Erdrich’s fiction is her tool to gain modulation in the present collective and improve the life condition for the next generation, the modulation that fosters the ontological and epistemological emotions and values.
    Keywords: Affect Study, Emotional Narrative Theory, Eliciting Conditions, Simulation, Modulation, Rationalization}
  • شهریار نیازی، جواد اصغری، انسیه سادات هاشمی*
    ترجمه قرآن، به عنوان حساس ترین متن مقدس، نیاز به ارزیابی دقیق دارد. ارزیابی نظام مند، باید بر پایه نظریه ها و الگوهای علمی انجام پذیرد. نظریه پردازان ترجمه، الگوهای مختلفی برای ارزیابی ترجمه ارایه داده اند. در این میان، الگوی ارزیابی ترجمه آنتوان برمن (Berman, 2010) که بر حفظ اصالت متن مبدا و پرهیز از ایجاد تغییر در ترجمه تاکید دارد، برای ارزیابی ترجمه مبدامدار رضایی اصفهانی (Rezaee Isfahani, 2005) از قرآن کریم انتخاب شده است. برمن (Berman, 2010) با بیان سیزده گرایش ریخت شکنانه در ترجمه، به تحلیل منفی ترجمه های قوم مدار می پردازد. وی تاکید می کند که این الگو باید با تحلیل مثبت به وسیله مترجم های دیگر کامل شود. مقاله حاضر، با هدف بررسی میزان کارآمدی الگوی برمن (Berman, 2010) در ارزیابی ترجمه قرآن، گرایش منطقی سازی را در ترجمه رضایی اصفهانی (Rezaee Isfahani, 2005) مورد بررسی قرار می دهد. این پژوهش، نشان می دهد که منطقی سازی در ترجمه گاه اجباری و گاه اختیاری است. منطقی سازی اختیاری، در تحلیل منفی و پرهیز از آن در تحلیل مثبت جای می گیرد. هر چند، منطقی سازی اجباری باید به عنوان تبصره ای در به کارگیری الگوی برمن (Berman, 2010) در ارزیابی ترجمه قرآن در نظر گرفته شود. عامل منطقی سازی اجباری را در ترجمه قرآن کریم می توان در ناخوش ساخت شدن ترجمه فارسی، تفاوت در چگونگی نشان داری سازه های دو زبان و خدمت واژه به معنا در زبان قرآن جستجو کرد.
    کلید واژگان: الگوی ارزیابی ترجمه, آنتوان برمن, رضایی اصفهانی, منطقی سازی, تحلیل مثبت, تحلیل منفی}
    Shahriar Niazi, Javad Asghari, Ensiye Sadat Hashemi *
    Translation of the Qur'an as the most sensitive text needs to be accurately assessed. Reviewing and evaluating the Holy Qur'an's translation have been the subject to different books and articles for many years, but these reviews are often empirical and do not follow any special theoretical basis or pattern. Translation theorists have presented different models for evaluating translation, but there has not been a rigorous scientific model for evaluating translation from Arabic to Persian, and in particular, translating the Holy Qur'an so far. Systematic evaluation should be based on scientific theories and models. The focus of the present paper for evaluating Rezaee Isfahani’s ST-oriented translation is on five surahs of the Holy Qur'an, based on Antoine Bremen's translation assessment model, which emphasizes the maintenance of the nobility of the ST and avoidance of alteration in translation. According to Berman's explanation, translation is the “trial of the foreign”. To create a sense of familiarity with the foreign text, it will construct a relationship between the “self-same” and the foreign. Again, it is a trial of the foreign since the root of the foreign work is its language ground. In Berman's word, this trial, often an exile, can also exhibit the most singular power of the translating act: to reveal the foreign work’s most original kernel, its most deeply buried, most self-same, but equally the most ‘distant’ from itself. Therefore, he attends to inspect the system of textual deformation that operates in all translations to prevent them from being a “trial of the foreign” and called this the analytic of translation. As he claims the analysis to be provisional, he strongly believes that it requires additional inputs from other “domains”. Deforming tendencies interfere in the domain of literary prose. Language-based cosmos is in some aspects shapeless, which has generally been described negatively. Negative analytic should be considered through its positive counterpart. By presenting 13 deforming tendencies in translation, Burman proposes the negative analytic for ethnocentric, annexationist, and hypertextual translations. He also stresses that a positive counterpart by other translators should extend this analysis. To study the effectiveness of Berman's model in the evaluation of the Qur'an translation, this paper renders an analysis to the rationalism of Rezaee Isfahani’s translation. Rezaee Isfahani introduces his method of translation as “sentence for sentence” rather than “word for word” and free. The priority in his translation is precision and it follows certain interpretive, theological, lexical, and literary principles. Another important notion, which we faced with, is rationalization that is concerned with syntactical structures of the original, starting with punctuation. Rationalization recomposes sentences and the sequence of sentences, rearranging them according to a certain idea of discursive order and destroys the element of the drive towards concreteness in prose. Generally, rationalization deforms the original by reversing its basic tendency. This paper attends to the positive and negative analytic of data. In positive analytic, the translator's success and failure in the case of avoiding rationalization will be evaluated against other translators.According to Berman, positive analytic will construct a kind of anti-system the purpose of which is impoverishing or limiting the deformation of negative tendencies.In negative analytic, on the other hand, the cases in which the translator has used rationalization will be studied and it will be determined if it is possible to avoid rationalization or not after comparing the translation with other translations and text analytics. This study also shows that rationalization is both compulsory and optional. Optional rationalization should be used in negative analytic while it should be avoided in positive analytic. Optional refers to unnecessary changes that are related to the translator's style and preferences. Compulsory rationalization, on the other hand, should be considered as a supplement in using the Bremen’s model to evaluate the translation of the Qur'an. Compulsory refers to the change of grammatical categories and meaning when it is necessary, and it is related to the differences between the two languages. The cause of compulsory rationalization in the translation of the Qur'an can be searched in three sources. The first one is the probable oddness of the translated text owing to the lack of similar structures in TL which lead to literal translation. However, the absolute avoidance of rationalization in translation from Arabic to Persian is not possible due to fundamental differences between the two languages. This problem is minimized in the languages of the same family. The second factor is rooted in the language of Qur'an. The Arabic language is much more widespread than the Arabic grammar, and the Quran is revealed in the Arabic language, not Arabic grammar. On the other hand, some Qur'anic scholars believe that the language of the Qur'an uses the word for the sake of meaning and rationalization is in conflict with these principles. The third point is to pay attention to the cause of displacement in recognizing the necessity or unnecessary maintenance of displacement of Quranic expressions. The displacements caused by the differences between the two languages constitute unmarked information structure and do not harm the translation. However, the stylistic and rhetorical displacements that constitute the marked information structures must be preserved in translation.
    Keywords: Translation Evaluation Model, Antoine Burman, Rezaee Isfahani, Rationalization, Positive Analytic, Negative Analytic}
  • محمدرحیم احمدی*
    در این مقاله پس از معرفی نظریه «گرایش های ریخت شکنانه» آنتوان برمن، ترجمه شناس فرانسوی و تبیین آن با استفاده از مثال های برگرفته از ترجمه آثار ادبی فرانسه به فارسی، برآنیم تا به بررسی کاربست پذیری و همچنین موانع احتمالی کاربرد این نظریه در نقد ترجمه در ایران بپردازیم. کاربست این نظریه در نقد متون ترجمه شده به فارسی حاکی از قابلیت استعمال آن در ترجمه های ادبی (به زبان فارسی) است.
    کلید واژگان: گرایش های ریخت شکنانه, منطقی سازی, نقد ترجمه, آنتوان برمن, کاربست پذیری, بوتیقا}
    Dr, Mohammad Rahim Ahmadi*
    The article presents these trends through examples from French translations into Persian, we propose to study the possibility of applying the theory to the analysis of Persian translations and comment on the potential pitfalls of such an application. The application of this theory to the critical study of French texts translated into Persian shows its universal character.
    Keywords: Deconstructive trends, Rationalization, translation assessment, Poetics, Antoine Berman}
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