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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Achievement » در نشریات گروه « فقه و حقوق »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «Achievement» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
  • علی اکبر جعفری ندوشن*

    بانی نظری نظام بهره برداری از منابع آب در حقوق، مبتنی بر نظریات گوناگونی است که می تواند از مالکیت مطلق مالک اراضی، نظریه حریم، نظریه حق تقدم، نظریه احراز و نظریه امانت عمومی را در برگیرد. این نظریات که در طول تاریخ حقوق، مبانی حق بهره برداری منابع آب را فراهم آورده اند، در نظام فقهی و حقوقی ما نیز کم و بیش مورد استناد بوده است. در فقه امامیه هرچند بنا به قاعده فقهی «من حاز ملک» حق بهره برداری آب را مبتنی بر نظریه احراز دانسته اند که همگان در بهره مندی از آب های مباح حق برابر دارند و هر کس زودتر آن را حیازت کند دارای اولویت خواهد بود، اما قانون اساسی و قانون توزیع عادلانه آب ذیل مفاهیم انفال و اموال و مشترکات عمومی از نظریه ای پیروی کرده اند که با نفی نسبی مالکیت خصوصی و عمومی، مدیریت و نظارت بر نظام بهره برداری از منابع آب را با رعایت مصالح عامه در اختیار دولت قرار داده است. ازاین رو می توان مبنای نظام بهره برداری از منابع آب در ایران را در چارچوب نظریه ای موسوم به «نظریه امانت عمومی» ارزیابی کرد.

    کلید واژگان: ‎‏ احراز, امانت عمومی, انفال, حریم, حقآبه, مشترکات. ‏}
    AliAkbar Jafarinadoushan *

    Due to its predominantly arid and water-deficient climate, Iran faces the challenge of dehydration. The rate of exploitation and consumption of water resources plays some role. Iranian civil law, which is the first law governing the processes of water resources exploitation, inspired by Shi’i  law, has based its relevant rules on theories such as absolute ownership of land, priority, privacy, and acquisition. The theoretical bases of the legal system of water resources management is thus based on private property, which along with the development of new technologies of drilling and exploitation has led to uncontrolled consumption of water resources. Therefore, the revision of these theoretical foundations is necessary in order to limit and regulate the exploitation of water resources. The first theory listed above, absolute ownership of land,  crystallized in Article 96 of the Civil Code, holds that whoever owns a piece of land has the absolute ownership of the water resources under it and can use them however he wishes without any restrictions. Apart from giving rise to disputes among, A second theory, the right of precedence, regulates the use of  water resources based on the date of first discovery and exploitation, which is an implication of the precedence rule in Shi’i law according to which prearrangements for reclamation of resources is a basis for priority in possession. . A third theory, territory of land (harim), is another basis granting the owner of a piece of land  surrounding a surface water source such as a river or lake the right to own and exploit these water resources. Accordingly, the ownership of water is a function of the land ownership, and there is no right to transfer the ownership of water, independent of the adjacent lands. Some jurists in these cases have relied on the rule ‘Al-Aqrab fa al-Aqrab’ (‘Who is closer takes priority’), based on the fact that whoeveris closer to the water stream, is superior to others, and Article 156 of the Civil Code has been influenced by this theory. But the theory of attainment,which has more supporters in Shi’i law, is based on the possession of water., According to this everyone owns any amount of water that he or she obtained through the possession and branching of surface water or digging wells and aqueducts. Article 149 of the Civil Code regarding the possibility of acquiring surface water and Article 160 of the same Code governing the digging and acquisition of wells and aqueducts have been taken from this theory.  These theories, which have led to the private ownership and management of water resources, have led to the development of mechanized methods of exploitation and, in turn, to the destruction of water resources. Articles of civil law and other regulations that are influenced by the aforementioned theories, on the one hand, and a tendency towards a state-centered view of public ownership, on the other, as in the Law of Equitable Distribution of Water, which recognizes the government as the owner of water, by applying proprietary behaviors, makes it an instrument for its economic and social policies, has permitted the unwarranted exploitation and has exacerbated the water crisis. Therefore, based on the environmental needs and the international trends viewing water as a national asset belonging to future generations, this article seeks  a theory that can be based on environmental, jurisprudential and legal principles and provides grounds for  revising laws and regulations governing the ownership and management of water resources, in particular Articles 149 to 160 of the Civil Code, which make water a common property that is open to free acquisition and private ownership.  Accordingly, Article 1 of the Law of Equitable Distribution of Water, enacted in 1982, which is influenced by Article 45 of the Iranian Constitution, has a great potential to change the approach to the ownership of water, based on the concept of public trust, private ownership to one based on the concept of trust. The article relies on the explicit use of the word trust in the Law to lead to more effective policies and regulations in the protection of water resources and in the issuance of licenses for its exploitation, and to prevent unrelenting competition in the consumption of this common resource and uncontrolled harvesting and drastic reduction ofthe country's water reservoirs. This article uses an analytical and descriptive research. Relying on library resources it studies different perspectives in order to answer the question what is the basis of the right to use water resources in the jurisprudential andlegal system of Iran and which theoretical bases can be selected for it. to ensure protection and preservation of water resources. It first suggests and examines various theories, and then seeks to formulate, under the final theory which is based on the concept of public trust, a view in accordance with environmental conditions and water resources crisis based on Islamic legal principles. By amending existing laws and regulations, water can be used as a trust in the hands of the government in the public interest.

    Keywords: ‎ Achievement, Anfal, Commonalities, Public trust, Privacy, water rights.‎}
  • مهین محمدی، محمدعلی راغبی*، عباسعلی حیدری، سید علیرضا حسینی

    طلاق غیابی با حکم قضایی یکی از راه های جدایی بین دو همسر است که حاکم شرع، به درخواست زوجه، انجام می دهد، به این بیان که زوجه با هدف تحقق حقوقش و رفع تحیر و سرگردانی، ضمن مراجعه به قاضی، صدور حکم طلاق را از ایشان مطالبه می کند. این موضوع مسئله ای پیشینه دار است و همواره محل بحث فقهای مذاهب پنج گانه بوده است. از این جهت پرسش اساسی مقاله حاضر این است که: آیا «عدالت» در شهادت شاهدان چنین طلاقی شرطیت دارد؟ آثار و ویژگی های چنین شهادتی کدام است؟ بدیهی است یکی از روش های تامین حقوق زوجه در چنین اموری، ورود حاکم شرع برای رساندن زوجه به حق شرعی و قانونی اش است. بر این اساس، نوشتار حاضر با روش توصیفی تحلیلی و با اتکا بر منابع اصیل دینی، این مسئله را تجزیه و تحلیل کرده است. نتیجه آنکه لزوم شرط عدالت برای شهود مرد و تاثیر حکمی آن در تحقق این نوع طلاق بیانگر آن است که در اثبات عدالت فرد، احراز عدالت فرد به حسن ظاهر و اشتهار عرفیه کفایت از اثبات می کند و مسئولیت شرعی و حقوقی آن بر عهده تعیین کننده است و در صورت احرازنشدن، طلاق کان لم یکن خواهد بود، ولی حکم صادرشده باقی و معتبر است.

    کلید واژگان: طلاق, طلاق قضایی, اشهاد, عدالت, احراز}
    Mahin Mohammadi, Mohammadali Raghebi *, Abasali Heidari, Seyyed Alireza Hosseini

    Divorce in absentia by court order is one of the ways of separation between the spouses that the ruler of Sharia performs at the request of the wife, in such a way that the wife with the aim of fulfilling her rights and removing bewilderment, by referring to the judge, demands the issuance of the divorce decree. This is a long-standing issue and has always been the subject of discussion among the jurists of the five denominations. Therefore, the main question of the present article is: Is "justice" conditional on the testimony of witnesses to such a divorce? What are the effects and characteristics of such testimony? Obviously, one of the methods of securing the wife's rights in such matters is the action of the ruler of Sharia to bring the wife to her religious and legal rights. Accordingly, the present paper has analyzed the issue using the descriptive-analytical method and relying on authentic religious sources. The conclusion is that the necessity of the condition of "justice" for the male witnesses and its legal effect in the realization of this type of divorce indicates that for proving the justice of an individual, recognizing his justice by good appearance and customary reputation is sufficient and its religious and legal responsibility is upon the discerner. And if the justice is not recognized, the divorce will be void, but the verdict will remain valid.

    Keywords: Divorce, judicial divorce, testimony, Justice, Achievement}
  • Mousa Ghonchepour *, Mahdiye Pakzad Moghaddam, Ezatollah Kalantari Khandani, Mohammad Hasan Farrokhi Barfe
    This study examined attitude and motivation in teenage Iranian students learning English as a foreign language to explore whether they were instrumentally motivated or integratively. The participants were 85 eleventh-grade high school students who were in the 14 -18 age range. Their language competence was investigated through an EFL test measuring vocabulary, grammar, writing and reading comprehension. They were also asked to fill out a two-part attitude/motivation questionnaire. The SPSS, version 25 and Pearson correlation coefficient were used to analyze data. The results proved that the male participants were equally integratively and instrumentally motivated. The female students were more integratively motivated proving the effect of gender on motivation. They had higher interest and a more positive attitude in learning English than male subjects. Better performance of females in language achievement test confirmed the major part of beginning age in learning English. Moreover, experiencing more dynamic and enjoyable teaching styles had an impact on language learning.
    Keywords: achievement, Attitude, foreign language, motivation, socio-demographic}
  • Amir Asadifard, Akbar Afghari *
    Substantial claims have been made that Formative Assessment (FA), if practiced effectively, improves learning. This study aimed at exploring the effect of FA on EFL learners’ academic achievement. The population included high school teachers and their students in Khorramabad, Lorestan, Iran. The sample included 40 teachers and their students (n=651) who were randomly selected and assigned to two groups of experimental and control. Teachers in the experimental group participated in a workshop on FA before the treatment. However, teachers in the control group followed the usual syllabus based on Iran’s educational system. The students’ academic achievement was measured in both groups by an achievement test before the treatment. Trained observers attended the classes in the experimental group and completed Formative Assessment Observation Report, which reports teachers’ practice of FA. After the treatment, posttests on students’ achievement in both groups were conducted. To analyze the data, ANCOVA was used. The results indicated that effective implementation of FA enhances students’ academic achievement. However, gender was not a determining factor. Moreover, among FA components, clarifying learning targets was the most and monitoring was the least frequent strategy used by teachers.
    Keywords: Achievement, EFL learners, Formative Assessment, Gender}
  • Mousa Ghonchepour *, Mahdiye Pakzad Moghaddam
    This study aimed to investigate the relationship between intelligence and learning English in general, and learning grammar and reading comprehension in particular. Participants were teenage Iranian learners from Kerman high schools in second grade. The tests were administered at the end of the year to two mixed classes of 60 learners whose ages ranged from 15 to 19. Standardized tests were employed to assess learner's performance in reading comprehension, grammar and intelligence (both verbal and nonverbal). The correlation between the two variables was determined through Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient. Results of the investigation showed that unlike first language acquisition, there was a positive correlation between verbal and nonverbal intelligence and learner's English language development. Data analysis showed that the relationship between intelligence scores and those of comprehension and grammar scores was significant across all the groups. The results of this research prove that intelligence is one of the important factors in acquisition of English as a foreign language, but it is not the only factor.
    Keywords: Achievement, comprehension, Foreign language learning, Grammar, Intelligence}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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