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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « medium-sized cities » در نشریات گروه « جغرافیا »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «medium-sized cities» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
  • هادی رضایی راد*، سیده زهرا اکبریان

    ازآنجایی که محله بنیادی ترین عنصر یک شهر است و شهروندی یک احساس مشترک عمومی نسبت به هویت ملی و اجتماعی در یک محدوده مشخص می باشد، بدون شک مدیریت محله محوری نقش بسزایی در مدیریتی شهری ایفا می کند؛ اما متاسفانه امروزه شهروند مداری در مدیریت شهرهای کشورمان به موضوع کم اهمیتی بدل شده است. پژوهش حاضر به دنبال آن است تا میزان توجه مدیران شهری به پتانسیل ها و ظرفیت های محله محوری در شهرهای میام اندام (همچون شهر بهار) موردسنجش و ارزیابی قرار دهد. همچنین سنجش و ارزیابی نقاط قوت و ضعف چنین نگرشی موردتوجه بوده است. روش پژوهش حاضر توصیفی و تحلیلی می باشد و از ابزار پرسش نامه جهت گردآوری داده های موردنیاز تحلیل استفاده شده است. جامعه آماری شامل مدیران و کارشناسان حوزه مدیریت شهری در شهر بهار می باشد که با استفاده از فرمول مورگان 196 نفر تعیین شده است. نتایج تحقیق حاکی از آن است که مدیریت شهری به شکل رایج کنونی اداره بهینه شهرها را به دنبال ندارد چراکه مسائل و مشکلات شهرها بسیار پیچیده هستند. لذا توجه به رویکرد مدیریت محله محوری به عنوان نقطه اتصال بین اجتماع محلی و حکومت مرکزی امری ضروری می باشد. نتایج آزمون t تک نمونه ای حاکی از آن بود که مولفه شفافیت (امتیاز 3.25) به عنوان یکی از مولفه های مدیریت شهری دارای بیشترین اهمیت است چراکه در سال های اخیر تلاش های سودمندی توسط شهرداری بهار برای اطلاع رسانی عمومی در رابطه با فعالیت های شهرداری صورت گرفته است. همچنین میانگین محله محوری تقریبا با میانگین آماری (3) نشان از حد متوسط و مناسب محله محوری این شهر در استان همدان می باشد.

    کلید واژگان: شهر بهار, شهرهای میان اندازه, محله محوری, مدیریت شهری}
    Hadi Rezaei Rad *, Seyedeh Zahra Akbarian

    Due to the fact that neighborhood is the most basic element in a city and citizenship is a common general feeling on national and social identity in a particular area, undoubtedly, neighborhood-oriented management plays a significant role in urban management. But unfortunately, citizen-oriented perspective in urban management of our country has been of little importance nowadays. This paper seeks to evaluate the level of urban managers' attention to the potentials and capacities of neighborhood oriented in medium-sized cities like Bahar. Furthermore, measuring and evaluating the strengths and the weaknesses of such an attitude has been considered. The method of this present study is descriptive-analytics and the questionnaire is used for collecting the data needed to carry out the analysis. The statistical population includes managers and experts in the field of urban management in the city of Bahar, and 196 people were selected using Morgan Formula. The results of the research indicate that urban management in its current form does not lead to optimal management in cities because the problems of cities are very complex. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the neighborhood oriented approach as a connection point between the local community and the central government. The results of One-Sample t-Test showed that transparency (score 3.25) as one of the factors of urban management is the most important one because, in recent years, beneficial efforts have been made by the municipality of Bahar to inform the public about their activities. Also, the neighborhood centrality with the statistical mean of (3) indicates the medium and suitable level of this element in this city of Hamadan Province.

    Keywords: The City Of Bahar, Medium-Sized Cities, Neighborhood Oriented, Urban Management}
  • جواد عابدی آبش احمدلو، عباس ارغان*، ناصر اقبالی

    اقتصاد گردشگری بهترین محرک برای کشورهایی است که به دلیل تک محصولی بودن یا محدود کردن منابع درآمدی دارای اقتصادی ناکارآمد هستند. توسعه گردشگری یکی از رویکردهای ایجاد تحول اقتصادی - اجتماعی در مناطق جهان می باشد که همواره مورد توجه پژوهشگران و برنامه ریزان قرار دارد. مناطق آزاد و ویژه اقتصادی ایران دارای مجموعه وسیعی از فرصت های گردشگری هستند. منطقه آزاد ارس در استان آذربایجان شرقی به علت دارا بودن آب و هوای معتدل و جاذبه های گردشگری متنوع، همه ساله جاذب تعداد کثیری از گردشگران و مسافران می باشد .پژوهش حاضر با هدف ارزیابی توسعه گردشگری منطقه آزاد ارس و مناطق پیرامونی انجام گرفته است. جامعه آماری این پژوهش 75 نفر از ساکنین مناطق پیرامونی و مسیولین و کارشناسان شهری بوده است. برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده های پژوهش از آزمون من ویتنی و ضریب همبستگی اسپیرمن استفاده شده است. با توجه به نتایج به دست آمده (زیرساخت راه و ارتباطات، دسترسی به آب، دسترسی به اقامتگاه ها و مهمان خانه ها، زیرساخت گاز، دسترسی به امکانات ورزشی، دسترسی به خدمات غذا و تغذیه، دسترسی به امکانات مناسب ارتباطی، برپایی نمایشگاه ها، دسترسی به امکانات مناسب برای اوقات فراغت، حمل و نقل مناسب زمینی و حمل و نقل درون شهری، اطلاع رسانی و تبلیغات مناسب) به ترتیب دارای بالاترین رتبه می باشند.

    کلید واژگان: منطقه آزاد, گردشگری, توسعه گردشگری, منطقه آزاد ارس, شهرهای کوچک و میانی}
    Javad Abedi Abash Ahmadlou, Abbas Arghan *, Naser Eghbali

    The tourism economy serves as the most effective stimulus for countries grappling with an inefficient economy, often caused by overreliance on a single product or limited income sources. Tourism development stands out as a key strategy for fostering economic and social transformation in regions worldwide, consistently attracting the attention of researchers and planners. Iran’s free and special economic zones offer a wide array of tourism opportunities. One such example is the Aras Free Zone in East Azarbaijan province, which, owing to its temperate climate and diverse tourist attractions, attracts a substantial number of tourists and travelers each year. The statistical population for this research comprised 75 residents of the surrounding areas, as well as city officials and experts. The research data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test and Spearman’s correlation coefficient. The results revealed that the following factors (in descending order) have the highest ranks: road and communication infrastructure, access to water, access to residences and guest houses, gas infrastructure, access to sports facilities, access to food and nutrition services, access to suitable communication facilities, setting up exhibitions, access to suitable facilities for leisure, transportation suitable for land and intra-city transportation, and appropriate information and advertising.

    Keywords: Free Zone, Tourism, tourism development, Aras Free Zone, small, medium-sized cities}
  • غلامرضا ملکشاهی*، طاهر پریزادی، کلثوم رضایی

    بررسی نقش و عملکرد شهرها و تحولات آن ها، مقوله مهمی در مطالعات نوین جغرافیایی به شمار می رود. توزیع فضایی نامتعادل جمعیت، مهاجرت های بی رویه به سمت کلانشهرها و عدم تعادل در توزیع امکانات و فرصت های اقتصادی در سطح مناطق منجر به تمرکز روی ایده شهرهای میانی به عنوان یکی از رویکردهای موثر برنامه ریزی منطقه ای شده است. از این رو هدف این مقاله بررسی عملکرد شهر نسیم شهر به عنوان یک شهر میانی در ساختار توسعه فضایی استان تهران است. روش تحقیق از «نوع توصیفی- تحلیلی» و روش گردآوری اطلاعات مبتنی بر دو روش کتابخانه ای و میدانی است. برای بررسی نقش شهر از روش ها و مدل های کمی استفاده شده است. مدل های اقتصادی نشان می دهند که سهم این شهر در قیاس با استان تهران به لحاظ اشتغال زایی صنعتی از میانگین بیشتر است. شاخص تغییرات ساختاری نشان می دهد که تغییرات در نسیم شهر بیشتر از استان تهران بوده است. نتایج مدل تغییر سهم حاکی از آن است که بخش خدمات رشد بالاتری نسبت به استان داشته است. در بررسی ساختار فضایی نیز بدون در نظر گرفتن نقش این شهر، عدم تعادل فضایی در شبکه شهری استان محسوس است. مدل های جمعیتی نشان می دهند که نسیم شهر از کشش پذیری بالایی در رابطه با جذب جمعیت سر ریز استان برخوردار بوده، لذا این شهر با توجه به نقاط قوت و داشتن فرصت های مناسب می تواند در سطح بندی منطقه ای به عنوان مرکزیت خدماتی و صنعتی سکونتگاه های جنوب غرب استان نقش اساسی داشته باشد.

    کلید واژگان: شهرمیانی, توسعه فضایی, شهر نسیم شهر, استان تهران}
    Gholamreza Malekshahi*, Taher Parizadi, Kolsoum Rezaei

    The study of the roles and functions of cities and their developments is an important question in modern geographic studies. The unbalanced spatial distribution of populations, irregular migration to metropolises and imbalances in the distribution of economic opportunities between regions have led to focus on the idea of ​​medium-sized cities as one of the most effective approaches to planning of the territory. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to study the performance of the city of Nasimshahr as an intermediary city in the spatial development structure of Tehran province. The research method is "descriptive-analytical" and the data collection method is based on both library and field methods. Quantitative methods and models have been used to study the role of the city. Economic models show that the city's share of industrial employment is above average in terms of industrial employment. The structural change index shows that the changes in Nasimshahr were greater than those in Tehran province. The results of the share change model show that the service sector has grown faster than the province. Considering the spatial structure, whatever the role of the city, the spatial imbalance in the urban network of the province is obvious. Demographic models show that Nasimshahr has great elasticity to attract the overwhelming population of the province. Therefore, given its strengths and possibilities, it can play a key role in regional leveling as a service and industrial center in the southwest of the province.

    Keywords: Medium-sized cities, Spatial Development, Nasimshahr, Tehran Province}
  • هادی حکیمی*، هادی نقیبی، عادل شری زاده

    با بروز تحولات جدید در ایران، شهرهای بزرگ به سرعت عوامل مهم رشد و توسعه را به خود اختصاص داده و باعث ایجاد شکلی از نظام نامتعادل و نامتوازن در شبکه شهری کشور شدند. در این بین، تقویت شهرهای میانه اندام در سطوح گوناگون کالبدی- فیزیکی، اقتصادی و اجتماعی به عنوان یکی از موثرترین راهکارها در راستای به تعادل رساندن توزیع جمعیت و فعالیت های اقتصادی در سطح مناطق مطرح شد.


    در این راستا هدف این پژوهش، شناسایی نیروهای تاثیرگذار و در نهایت عوامل کلیدی موثر بر رشد و توسعه شهر میانه اندام خوی می باشد. بدین منظور، برای شناسایی عوامل موثر بر وضعیت آینده سیستم از روش دلفی استفاده شد که در نتیجه آن 30 عامل اولیه موثر بر روند آینده سیستم شناسایی شدند. در ادامه برای استخراج عوامل کلیدی تاثیرگذار بر وضعیت آینده سیستم، روش تحلیل تاثیرات متقاطع با بهره گیری از نرم افزار MICMAC به کار گرفته شد.

    یافته ها

    نتایج تحقیق حاکی از آن است که سیستم مورد مطالعه، سیستمی ناپایدار بوده و در صفحه پراکنش متغیرها، پنج دسته از عوامل (عوامل تاثیرگذار، دووجهی، مستقل، تاثیرپذیر و تنظیمی) قابل شناسایی هستند، در نهایت نرم افزار MICMAC از مجموع 30 عامل اولیه، 11 عامل را به عنوان عوامل کلیدی مورد شناسایی قرار داد.

    نتیجه گیری

    این عوامل در واقع به عنوان بازیگران اصلی در توسعه شهر خوی ایفای نقش می کنند. با در نظر گرفتن این عوامل در برنامه ریزی ها و سیاست گذاری های شهری، می توان شاهد روندی مثبت و محسوس در توسعه شهر خوی در سطح استان بود.

    کلید واژگان: شهرهای میانه اندام, روش تحلیل تاثیرات متقاطع, شهر خوی}
    Hadi Hakimi *, Hadi Nagibi, Adel Sherizadeh

    With the new developments in Iran, big cities quickly took over the growth and development factors and created a form of unbalanced system in the country's urban network. Meanwhile, strengthening middle-class cities at various levels of physical, economic and social was proposed as one of the most effective strategies to balance the distribution of population and economic activities in the regions. In this regard, the aim of this study is to identify the influential forces and ultimately the key factors affecting the growth and development of the central city of Khoy. In order to do this, Delphi technique was used for identifying the effective factors on the future condition of the system the result of which showed 30 initial effective factors on the future condition of the system were identified. In the next step, for extracting the key factors effective on the future procedure of the system, Cross Impact Analysis method was used by software Micmac. The results of the study show that the studied system is and unstable one and in the table of variables spread; five classes of factors (effective, Twosided, independent, influential and regulatory) can be identified. Finally, out of the 30 factors, 11 are the key factors for the main actors and affect the future status of the system. These factors actually play role as main players in the development of Khoy city. Given these factors in urban planning and policy making, one can witness a positive and tangible trend in the development of Khoy city at the provincial level. Nowadays, the world is at the bridge of significant developments and changes for which no match can be found in the history of mankind. It is a thorough revolution which has dominated all the fields and aspects of human life and will make a great gap between past and the future. There is no doubt that the world in the future will be the ground for developments and inconstancies and only those will be able to cope with different events who deal with changes in an active and preemptive way and even are the reason and agents of desirable changes. Here, the science of future studies, with an intelligent management of the future, has the ability to manage in a dynamic, inconstant, and unexpected environment and can pave the way for creating and architecting a desirable future by using modern managerial principles. It can be said that future-studies deals with change management.  This major, with its prospective, traditional planning, based on forecasting, challenges trends and designs beneficial guidelines and policies for mid-term and long-term periods in order to achieve a desirable future by using its comprehensive and systematic approach. Regional development through the growth of functional diversity of habitat and establish a strong relationship between them starts. Same basis of relationships and functional roles of settlements, settlement hierarchy is required in order to get the right pattern. With regard to the actual and potential role of central cities in regional development and it also accounts for a major share of its urban settlements, urban development, such as one of the ways to achieve a balanced network, more attention has been on the settlement.


      this study is applied-developmental and in terms of nature, it is descriptive-analytical.In order to do this, Delphi technique was used for identifying the effective factors on the future condition of the system the result of which showed 30 initial effective factors on the future condition of the system were identified. In the next step, for extracting the key factors effective on the future procedure of the system, Cross Impact Analysis method was used by software Micmac. The methods used in this study include: Delphi technique (for identifying effective factors on the future of the system), Cross Impact Analysis method (for identifying the effective key factors on the future condition of the system). The statistic society in this study was the experts and specialists of urban field and also the location of the study is  khoy city.

    Results and discussion

     This study, by using Cross Impact Analysis Approach  studies discusses the effective Components Affecting the Development of Medium-Sized City khoy. The goal of this study is to identify the key factors effective on the future condition of Components Affecting the Development of Medium-Sized City khoy. In order to do this, Delphi technique was used for identifying the effective factors on the future condition of the system the result of which showed 30 initial effective factors on the future condition of the system were identified. In the next step, for extracting the key factors effective on the future procedure of the system, Cross Impact Analysis method was used by software Micmac. The results of the study show that the studied system is and unstable one and in the table of variables spread; five classes of factors (effective, Twosided, independent, influential and regulatory) can be identified. Finally, . The structural analysis method was used with the help of MicMac software to extract key factors, where 11 factors were selected as key factors. These factors actually play role as main players in the development of Khoy city. Given these factors in urban planning and policy making, one can witness a positive and tangible trend in the development of Khoy city at the provincial level.


     Studying the future and planning for it is an inseparable part of the process of planning. In most cases, studying future, with emphasis on predicting and analyzing methods, has made innumerable problems in conducting different programs. These problems often arise from inattention to political, social, economic, and cultural effects and also an indifference to the novel or developing technologies in human’s life, or they could be because of neglecting the leading forces and key factors affecting the facilitation of the resolution of future problems. Nowadays, the world is at the bridge of significant developments and changes for which no match can be found in the history of mankind. It is a thorough revolution which has dominated all the fields and aspects of human life and will make a great gap between past and the future. There is no doubt that the world in the future will be the ground for developments and inconstancies and only those will be able to cope with different events who deal with changes in an active and preemptive way and even are the reason and agents of desirable changes. Here, the science of future studies, with an intelligent management of the future, has the ability to manage in a dynamic, inconstant, and unexpected environment and can pave the way for creating and architecting a desirable future by using modern managerial principles. It can be said that future-studies deals with change management.  This major, with its prospective, traditional planning, based on forecasting, challenges trends and designs beneficial guidelines and policies for mid-term and long-term periods in order to achieve a desirable future by using its comprehensive and systematic approach.An important feature of developing countries is the strong concentration of resources and populations in large cities and the spatial and geographical imbalances at the territorial level. In discussing decentralization of these cities, one of the basic issues is the need to look at the middle sections of the hierarchy of settlements, which in the meantime, Meanwhile, strengthening middle-class cities at various levels of physical, economic and social was proposed as one of the most effective strategies to balance the distribution of population and economic activities in the regions  With the growth and development of these cities, one can see a form of balanced urban system.

    Keywords: Medium-Sized Cities, Cross Impact Analysis, Khoy City}
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