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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Sociological Analysis » در نشریات گروه « جغرافیا »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «Sociological Analysis» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
  • رسول اسماعیلی کیا، اقباله عزیزخانی*، صمد عابدینی

      از نگاه جامعه شناختی، توریسم پدیده ای است که از دیرزمان در جوامع انسانی وجود داشته است و به تدریج در طی مراحل تاریخی مختلف به پدیده ای فراگیر و جهانی مشتمل بر موضوعات متعدد فنی اقتصادی و اجتماعی رسیده است.


      تحلیل جامعه شناختی روند توسعه گردشگری ایران و ترکیه و تدوین راهبرد برای گردشگری ایران است.

    روش شناسی: 

     این تحقیق یک تحقیق توصیفی- تحلیلی محسوب می شود، هرچند این پژوهش بر اساس هدف، از نوع تحقیقات کاربردی است، بر اساس نحوه گردآوری داده ها و ماهیت داده ها از نوع ترکیبی یا آمیخته (کمی- کیفی) است. جامعه آماری این تحقیق در بخش کمی، شامل تمام شهروندان بالای 18 سال شهر اردبیل است که با استفاده از فرمول کوکران به تعداد 384 نفر برآورد گردیده است. شیوه نمونه گیری نیز به روش خوشه ای چندمرحله ای انجام شده است. پرسشنامه محقق ساخته با پایایی 97/0 به روش نمونه گیری خوشه ای چندمرحله ای در اختیار 400 نفر از آن ها قرار داده شد. در بخش کیفی، جامعه آماری شامل متخصصین حوزه گردشگری است. در بخش کیفی روش نمونه گیری نظری، هدفمند و در دسترس خواهد بود به این معنی که با در نظر گرفتن امکان ارتباط و دسترسی، انتخاب نمونه ها صورت می گیرد و در مواردی هم نمونه بعدی با واسطه و هماهنگی نمونه قبلی انتخاب می شود. در انتها نتایج با استفاده از روش دلفی و اعداد فازی استخراج و رتبه بندی گردید.

    قلمرو جغرافیایی پژوهش: 

     شهر اردبیل که در شمال غرب ایران واقع شده است. و شهر ترابزون ترکیه که شهری ساحلی و در مجاورت دریای سیاه در شمال شرقی ترکیه واقع شده است.

    یافته ها و بحث:

      نتایج نشانگر این است که مهم ترین موانع توسعه گردشگری استان اردبیل عبارتند از فقدان امکانات و تسهیلات مناسب ورود و خروج اتباع خارجی، وضعیت تبلیغات مناسب جاذبه های گردشگری در رسانه های اجتماعی، شبکه های رادیو و تلویزیونی و تبلیغات محیطی و بیلبوردها، سطح و میزان آگاهی اجتماعی پایین مردم جامعه میزبان از فرهنگ جامعه گردشگران، وضعیت سرمایه گذاری داخلی و خارجی در بخش توریسم و بخش های وابسته به آن؛ عکس این موانع، در واقع عوامل توسعه توریسم ترابزون هستند. در انتها نتیجه این تحلیل برای تدوین راهبرد می تواند مورد استفاده قرار گیرد.

    نتیجه گیری

    نتایج بررسی موانع توسعه گردشگری اردبیل با دلایل توسعه گردشگری در ترابزون ترکیه نشان می دهد عوامل مشترک مورد بحث در این منطقه دارای اولویت بندی متفاوتی است.

    کلید واژگان: تحلیل جامعه شناختی, گردشگری ایران, گردشگری ترکیه, راهبرد توسعه گردشگری}
    Rasul Esmailikia, Eqbale Azizkhani *, Samad Abedini

    From a sociological point of view, tourism is a phenomenon that has existed for a long time in human societies and has gradually reached a pervasive and global phenomenon including various technical, economic and social issues during different historical stages.The purpose of this study is a sociological analysis of tourism development trends in Iran and Turkey and the development of a strategy for tourism in Iran; Therefore, this research consists of the main part of cognitive analysis.This research is a descriptive-analytical research, although this research is applied research based on its purpose.Depending on how the data is collected and the nature of the data is of the combined or mixed (quantitative-qualitative) type.The statistical population includes all experts and activists in the field of tourism in the cities of Ardabil and Trabzon, Turkey, which was estimated to be 384 people using the Cochran's formula.The sampling method is multi-stage clustering. In the end, the results were extracted and ranked using the Delphi method and fuzzy numbers. Radio and television networks and environmental advertisements and billboards, low level and level of social awareness of the people of the host community about the culture of the tourist community, the situation of domestic and foreign investment in the tourism sector and related sectors; The opposite of these barriers are in fact the development factors of Trabzon tourism. Finally, the result of this analysis can be used to formulate a strategy.

    Keywords: Sociological Analysis, Iranian Tourism, Turkish Tourism}
  • مریم مافی، مصطفی ازکیا*، غلامرضا لطیفی

    درجه توان گردشگری در ایجاد توسعه در یک منطقه به مقدار زیادی به همسویی فرهنگ ضمنی و فرهنگ عینی تصمیم‏ گیری‏ های مدیریتی حکومت محلی بستگی دارد. قزوین یکی از شهرهای تاریخی و فرهنگی ایران است که دارای بیشترین تعداد آثار باستانی ثبت‏شده در کل کشور است. هدف از پژوهش حاضر تحلیل جامعه ‏شناختی تاثیرات صنعت گردشگری بر توسعه منطقه‏ ای استان قزوین (مورد مطالعه: شهرستان قزوین) است. روش پژوهش حاضر توصیفی- تحلیلی است. برای تدوین راهبردها با استفاده از تکنیک SWOT از دو گروه گردشگران 140 نفر و ذی‏نفعان (مشاغل مرتبط با گردشگری) 120 نفر داده‏ها جمع‏آوری انجام شد. سپس، برای پیش‏بینی آینده گردشگری قزوین اتفاق نظر 41 نفر از مسیولان و متخصصان در طی سه راند تکنیک دلفی به‏دست آمد. نتایج یافته‏ها نشان می‏دهد نیاز به استراتژی بازنگری و نگاه جامع و مثبت به گردشگری منطقه است. تفاوت فرهنگ ضمنی و فرهنگ عینی برآمده از اهداف و ارزش‏های همه ذی‏نفعان منطقه تعارض منافع متعددی را به ‏وجود آورده است که ارتباط تنگاتنگی با آینده صنعت گردشگری قزوین دارد. بنابراین، مدیران تصمیم‏ گیرنده از حیث توان تعیین هدف و وصول به آن در سیاست‏گذاری ‏ها عاجز می‏شوند و با قدرت بسیار اندک کار می ‏کنند. توسعه اقتصادی گردشگری در گرو هماهنگ‏ نمودن منافع متعارض است. تنظیم اصول سیاست‏گذاری گردشگری قزوین می ‏تواند در جهت توانمندسازی حکومت محلی با استفاده از رویکرد انطباق تکرارشونده مسئله ‏محور و همچنین گردشگری اجتماع‏ محور از مولفه ‏های مهم توسعه منطقه ‏ای در سایه صنایع خلاق و صنایع فرهنگی امکان‏ پذیر شود.

    کلید واژگان: جامعه‏ شناختی, توسعه منطقه ‏ای, شهرستان قزوین, صنعت گردشگری, SWOT}
    Maryam Mafi, Mostafa Azkia *, Gholamreza Latifi

    With the development of soft technologies with their value-oriented nature in the context of culture, in the form of creative industries in line with the tourism industry can be a specific goal for development strategies in the context of regional economic planning. The degree of tourism potential in creating development in a region largely depends on the alignment of tacit culture and objective culture of tourism stakeholders in the region, especially decision-makers at different levels of local government. Qazvin is one of the historical and cultural cities of Iran that has the largest number of registered antiquities. Due to the loss of the opportunity of Qazvin tourism pilot by the United Nations Human Settlement Program in 2005, in which tourism was introduced as an important factor of public welfare and income for all segments of the population, and according to statistics It is stated that the increasing and decreasing trend of credits allocated to the tourism sector, the current situation and the impact of tourism on the regional development of Qazvin and its future forecast from the perspective of tourism stakeholders in the region. The main purpose of this study is to identify and study the impact of tourism industry on regional development of Qazvin province (case study of Qazvin city). - What is the sociological analysis of the effects of tourism indicators related to the regional development of Qazvin province (case study of Qazvin city) from the perspective of tourists and stakeholders in the region? And predicting the future of the tourism industry according to the current situation from experts and officials How is it with tourism in the region?


    Descriptive-analytical in three stages, using the SWOT technique to develop a strategy from two groups of tourists to 140 people and stakeholders (tourism-related jobs) 120 people and using the Delphi method in three rounds, officials and experts up to 41 people to advance Forecast of the future of tourism in Qazvin Data collection has been done. According to the Likert scale and gaining a maximum of 5 points in each case with 41 participants, the maximum score of each agent could be 143.5 points and gaining 70% of this point.

    Results and discussion

    The SWOT results of tourists:the top strengths of the region:diversity of historical and natural landscapes of tourism, sense of security and confidence of tourists during the trip, clean climate of the region and its opportunities, ability and potential of the region for tourism development. Recommend to friends, good travel experience due to reasonable costs, weaknesses:poor quality and high cost of accommodation centers, traffic on communication routes within the historical context, lack of proper access to information centers and Tourism guidance as well as threats:Lack of proper use of natural and historical resources in the region in the form of sustainable development, incoherence in tourism management, lack of proper investment in the tourism sector. Stakeholder SWOT results the strengths of the region: people agree to the expansion of tourism, life satisfaction in the region according to the business environment and increase the personal income of residents related to tourism, knowledge and interest of people in reviving history And Opportunity:The Ability and Potential Necessary for the Development of Tourism in the Region, The Originality and Specialness of the Works and Places of the Region and the Presence of Women in the Footsteps of Men in Tourism Jobs Quality in the facilities needed by tourists and is faced with serious threats:lack of systematic planning and planning of tourism, lack of appropriate investments in tourism, inappropriate change of use, including the traditional garden of Qazvin. In the third stage of the analysis using the Delphi technique process in three rounds, the consensus of Delphi panel members, officials and experts related to tourism in the province, predict the future of tourism .In the economic dimension: Reconstruction of tourist places in order to create a hotel and visit historical centers, direct supply and prosperity in the production of handicrafts, impact on increasing newly established urban spaces and impact on the growth of value added in the tourism sector. In the cultural dimension: impact In the prosperity of Saad al-Saltanah and the reconstruction of such historical collections, the impact on the preservation of archeological and historical monuments, the effects of original architecture and historical memory.In the social dimension: the impact on facilitating communication services, the impact on Public transport services. In the environmental dimension: an effect on the attractiveness of the environment of historical places and attractions, the impact on the development of ecotourism, tourism advocates and conservation of the natural environment. In providing and training skilled and experienced manpower at management levels, his work The purpose of the tourism sector is to comply with international tourism laws and international relations between governments in order to improve the standards of the region.


    The difference between tacit culture and objective culture derived from the goals and values of all stakeholders, including people and managers, has created a conflict of interest. It is closely related to the future of Qazvin tourism industry. decision-makers in terms of the ability to set a goal and achieve it in policy fail and work with very little power. Economic development of tourism depends on coordinating these conflicting interests.Development requires change, and change always happens in the context. In order to make improvements, one must pay attention to the context and create accessories that are both functional and in line with the goals. Principles of Qazvin tourism policy can be used with a recurring problem-based adaptation approach to empower local government and community-based tourism from the component Regional development opportunities are possible. especially in the city and region with a rich historical and cultural background of Qazvin.

    Keywords: Tourism Industry, Regional Development, Qazvin County, Sociological Analysis, Swot}
  • علی صمدی، سید یعقوب موسوی*، مصطفی ازکیا

    گسترش فیزیکی شهرها موجب جدایی گزینی مکانی و نابرابری فضایی از نظرتوزیع امکانات و خدمات شهری شده است. این نابرابری ها در فضاهای عمومی متاثر از عوامل جامعه شناختی و کالبدی می باشد. پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی میزان تاثیر عوامل جامعه شناختی همچون سرزندگی، تنوع و سازگاری و عوامل کالبدی مانند تسهیلات، تجهیزات و خدمات شهری در استفاده از فضاهای عمومی شهری در بین ساکنین مناطق مختلف شهر تهران سعی در پاسخگویی به سوال اصلی پژوهش حاضر دارد که ساکنین مناطق مختلف شهر تهران به استفاده بیشتر از کدام فضاهای عمومی شهری گرایش دارند و کدام عوامل جامعه شناختی و کالبدی در استفاده از این فضاها تاثیرگذار هستند. روش تحقیق توصیفی - تحلیلی و از نوع کاربردی می باشد. جامعه آماری افراد بالای 18 سال شهر تهران در سرشماری سال 1395و براساس فرمول کوکران حجم نمونه 385 نفرو روش نمونه گیری خوشه ای در نظر گرفته شده است. نتایج پژوهش نشان می دهد که در بین ساکنین مناطق شهر تهران تفاوت معناداری در نوع و میزان استفاده از فضاهای عمومی وجود دارد .در این میان عوامل جامعه شناختی به میزان 5/13درصد وعوامل کالبدی به میزان 7/45 درصد ودر مجموع نتایج این پژوهش 2/59درصد از میزان استفاده شهروندان از فضاهای عمومی شهرتهران را تبیین می نماید و 8/30درصد به عوامل دیگری خارج از یافته های جامعه شناختی و کالبدی این پژوهش ارتباط پیدا می کند.

    کلید واژگان: تحلیل جامعه شناختی, فضاهای عمومی, شهر تهران}
    Ali Samadi, Yaghoub Mousavi *, Mostafa Azkia


     Urban public spaces are places that belong to all citizens and not just limited to the physical aspect, in fact they have been identified by the presence of people and their activities. The urban public spaces usage rate and its psychological and sociological effects on social health as one of the urban sustainable development variables has great importance among citizens. Therefore, production, distribution, accessibility and use of urban public spaces and their effects have been become an important issue in urban sociology. According to that social interactions are one of the basic needs of human beings in collective life and their civic nature, it can be confirmed that public spaces provide the basis for social interactions in the city. Also, urban public space is an essential element of urban construction, which is related to the center of social strategies and shapes people's behavior and social life. On the other hand, social and sociological factors affect the physical and appearance and design of city. Tehran city is one of the metropolises that has experienced inequality in the use of urban public spaces in recent years. A metropolis such as Tehran has various and different areas and regions in terms of physical, therefore, increasing the social and economic distance and unequal distribution of facilities and services has made it a heterogeneous city in the social environment, so it seems that analysis of public spaces in terms of the impact of social factors on the physical as an issue that needs to be raised, must be explained. Based on the subject importance, the study seeks to examine the tendency and use of public spaces in Tehran, the physical factors affecting the manner and public spaces usage rate among residents of different regions and sociological factors among them.


    The present study is applied and descriptive-analytical in terms of purpose and method, respectively. The method of data collection in the theoretical framework is library and documentary and in the information analysis section is to use the attitudes and opinions of citizens in the form of a questionnaire and base on the fieldwork. The statistical population of the present study is people over the age of 18 of 22 districts of Tehran in 2016 and the sample size according to Cochran's formula is 385 people. In order to explain the statistics and inferential tests and also answer the research question, the T-test was used to measure the desirability of the indicators. In view point of the study aim that is to investigate the effect of variables on each other, Pearson test and linear regression tables were also used. 

    Results and discussion: 

    In order to show the desirability of physical and sociological indicators of public spaces in Tehran, the T-Test was used. The results of the test indicated that the physical condition of public spaces is at moderate level of desirability and the sociological status of spaces is at low one. The Pearson test was also used to investigate the relationship between physical and sociological indicators. According to the test result, the p-value rate between the studied indicators is less than 0.05 and the sociological variables intensity of dependence to physical ones is less than the physical indicators dependence intensity to sociology ones that indicates the sociological factors susceptibility of physical factors is relatively at low level. In regression analysis, the physical and sociological factors are the independent and dependent variables, respectively. The results of this test showed that the value of the adjusted coefficient of determination is 0.421 that indicates the low ability of the independent variable to explain the variance of the dependent variable. That is to say, the independent variable explains 42% of the dependent changes, and the rest of these changes, known as the error quantification, are influenced by variables outside the model. Also, the value of the Watson camera is 1.23 that illustrated the remnants are independent of each other. The model regression value is 25.29 and the remnant value is 19.79, and due to the amount of remnant square roots are smaller than the sum of the regression square roots, it indicates that the model high explanatory power of the dependent variable changes explanation. The beta value in the model is 0.489. And the large value of beta indicates relative importance and its role in predicting the dependent variable. Therefore, the regression model is statistically significant and the research question, which is the effect of physical factors on sociological factors, is evaluated to some extent positively. 


     The results demonstrate that physical factors affect a total of nearly 48% of the sociological factors changes and 62% of the effective factors in the strengthening of sociological factors in urban public spaces depend on variables outside the research. Therefore, it can be said that physical infrastructures improvement and their development in public spaces of Tehran as one of the effective factors in the production of public spaces and also accessibility and usage of these spaces and the sociological condition enhancement of public spaces do not play a decisive role. In addition to physical and sociological factors, there are other elements that need to be considered. Thus, according to different areas resident’s opinion of Tehran, physical factors have a very small effect on sociological factors in public spaces and sociological factors reinforcement in public spaces of Tehran is not only affected by physical factors and other components have more impressions. These factors may be psychological, economic, environmental, cultural, political ones and so on.

    Keywords: Sociological Analysis, public spaces, Tehran city}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
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