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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « urban image » در نشریات گروه « جغرافیا »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «urban image» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
  • عبدالرسول رمضانی، غلامرضا جعفری نیا*، مولود کیخسروانی
    این پژوهش از نظر هدف از نوع تحقیقات کاربردی و از نظر روش گردآوری داده ها توصیفی-پیمایشی است. ابزار گردآوری داده ها پرسشنامه ای است. جامعه آماری در این پژوهش شامل کلیه کارکنان سازمان تبلیغات اسلامی، شهرداری بوشهر، استانداری بوشهر و همچنین شرکتهای فعال در حوزه تبلیغات شهری و همچنین شرکتهای عمرانی فعال در حوزه سیمای شهری نظیر شرکتهای پیمانکاری در سال 1403 فعال در زمینه تبلیغات و مدیریت شهری به صورت احتمالی ساده در نظر گرفته شدند که با استفاده از فرمول کوکران از بین 2980 نفر تعداد 340 نفر به عنوان نمونه آماری انتخاب شدند. آزمون فرضیه های پژوهش با استفاده از نرم افزارهای SPSS 26 و Smart PLS 4 انجام شد و نتایج نشان داد که مشارکت و مسئولیت پذیری اجتماعی شهروندان با مدیریت تبلیغات شهری و توسعه و تکامل سیمای شهر بوشهر رابطه معنی دار دارد و همچنین رابطه بین مشارکت اجتماعی شهروندان با مدیریت تبلیغات شهری و توسعه و تکامل سیمای شهر بوشهر با ضریب مسیر مشارکتهای اجتماعی بر دو متغیر مدیریت تبلیغات شهری و الگوهای توسعه و تکامل سیمای شهری به ترتیب برابر 0.503 و 0.167 با احتمال 95 درصد تایید کرد. در ادامه نیز مشخص شد که رابطه بین مسئولیت پذیری اجتماعی شهروندان با مدیریت تبلیغات شهری و توسعه و تکامل سیمای شهر بوشهر با ضریب مسیر ب 0.133 و 0.979 برای دو متغیر مدیریت تبلیغات شهری و الگوهای توسعه و تکامل سیمای شهری با احتمال 95 درصد تایید شد.
    کلید واژگان: تبلیغات, سیمای شهری, مدیریت تبلیغات شهری, مشارکت اجتماعی, مسئولیت پذیری اجتماعی}
    Abdulrasool Ramezani, Gholamreza Jafari Nia *, Moloud Keykhosravani
    The statistical population in this research includes all the employees of the Islamic Advertising Organization, Bushehr Municipality, Bushehr Governorate, as well as companies active in the field of urban advertising, as well as construction companies active in the field of urban appearance, such as contracting companies in the year 1403 active in the field of advertising and urban management, possibly were considered simple, and using Cochran's formula, 340 people were selected as a statistical sample out of 2980 people. The research hypotheses were tested using SPSS 26 and Smart PLS 4 software, and the results showed that the participation and social responsibility of citizens has a significant relationship with the management of urban advertising and the development and evolution of the image of Bushehr city, as well as the relationship between social participation Citizens with the management of urban advertising and the development and evolution of Bushehr's appearance with the path coefficient of social participation on the two variables of urban advertisement management and patterns of development and evolution of the urban appearance were confirmed as 0.503 and 0.167, respectively, with a probability of 95%. In the following, it was found that the relationship between the social responsibility of citizens with the management of urban advertisements and the development and evolution of the image of Bushehr city was confirmed with a probability of 95% with the path coefficient b of 0.133 and 0.979 for the two variables of urban advertisement management and the patterns of urban image development and evolution.
    Keywords: Advertising, Urban Image, Urban Advertising Management, Social Participation, Social Responsibility}
  • منیژه لاله پور*، پروانه امیرحسینی

    هر یک از شهرها به فراخور ظرفیت، امکانات و فعالیت های خود از نوعی شهرت و آوازه مخصوص به خود برخوردارند که آن ها را از دیگر شهرها ممتاز و متمایز می سازد. این شهرت و آوازه که از آن به برندشهری تعبیر می شود، آمیزه ای از هویت تاریخی، ویژگی های اجتماعی، نمادهای تمدنی، فعالیت های تجاری، امکانات رفاهی، تفریحی، مناسبات سیاسی و بین المللی هر شهر است که برآیند آن، برندشهری است. مولفه های متعددی در برندینگ شهری موثر هستند که در این پژوهش باتوجه به مولفه های چهارگانه ای (فرهنگی، اجتماعی، اقتصادی و زیست محیطی) که سازمان ملل برای توسعه برند شهری در نظر گرفته است، این چهار مولفه مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. تحقیق حاضر، به روش توصیفی - تحلیلی و با اتکاء بر مطالعات اسنادی -کتابخانه ای و میدانی (پرسشنامه)، انجام گرفته است و نوع پژوهش کاربردی است. جامعه آماری تحقیق تعداد 25 نفر از متخصصان شهری مراغه در حوزه های مختلف شهری بودند. برای بررسی فرضیه های پژوهش از آزمون های آماری t تک نمونه ای و رگرسیون خطی استفاده شد. نتایج پژوهش بیانگر این مطلب است که مولفه های اقتصادی و اجتماعی با میانگین کمتر از 3، دارای وضعیت مطلوبی نیستند؛ و مولفه های فرهنگی با میانگین بزرگتر از 3 و p-value، 043/0 دارای وضعیت مطلوب است. مولفه زیست محیطی با میانگین بزرگتر از 3 و p-value، 000/0 دارای وضعیت مطلوب است. نتایج رگرسیون خطی نشان داد که مولفه اجتماعی بیشترین همبستگی را با برندشهری و مولفه اقتصادی در جایگاه دوم همبستگی و مولفه فرهنگی در مرحله سوم و مولفه زیست محیطی در پایین ترین جایگاه قرار دارد. به عبارتی جهت برندسازی شهر مراغه مولفه های اجتماعی و اقتصادی نیازمند توجه بیشتری هستند، چراکه لازمه موفقیت در برندسازی یک شهر توجه همزمان به ظرفیت ها و پتانسیل ها و رفع محدودیت ها است.

    کلید واژگان: برند, مولفه های برند شهری, تصویر شهری, مراغه}
    Manijeh Lalepour *, Parvaneh Amirhosaini

    Urban branding is a valuable tool for cities to effectively manage domestic and foreign opportunities and turn them into competitive advantages. In an increasingly globalized world, cities are increasingly competing to attract businessmen, investors and new citizens to their area, many of these areas use branding techniques to distinguish their identity from others. Or this method is used to have a unique offering. Urban brand is the city's stable reputation and nature, showing its special value and has a competitive advantage. Cities and countries need to take advantage of this process to survive in today's competitive world and stability of their competitive advantage. Urban branding is a new topic in the field of urban studies and the history of branding is about two or three decades ago. The present study seeks to identify the potentials and constraints that this city faces in utilizing its urban branding capabilities and to identify priorities for planning and orientation of urban branding. To this end, the research hypotheses are that: Maragheh is in a desirable position in terms of (economic, social, cultural and environmental) urban brand. And the second hypothesis is that there seems to be a significant difference between the components of the urban brand in Maragheh. Evaluating these hypotheses will determine not only the status of each component for urban branding, but also the components that are most strongly correlated with urban branding. Now, given the importance of this issue, one of the most important means of distinguishing and recognizing the city's reputation is to create urban branding. One of its most important goals is to capture factors contributing to economic growth such as purchasing power, investment, product capability and city-wide innovation. The results of the one-sample t-test for the first hypothesis show that the average social component in Maragheh is 2.718, which is smaller than the baseline (3.00), indicating an undesirable status of the components. Is a social brand; Also, the P-value obtained (1.00) is greater than the alpha at the significance level of 0.5 With 0.95 confidence, it can be concluded that the social component of the urban brand in Maragheh is not favorable. One of the main reasons for the poor status of the social component is the low level of cooperation of urban managers with the private sector, low participation of people in the implementation of urban plans, high poverty in some neighborhoods, etc. The calculated average for the economic component is 2.931 which is smaller than the base number (3.00). The P-value (0.998) was also greater than the alpha at the significant level of 0.7. It can be concluded with 0.95 confidence that the economic component of the urban brand in Maragheh is not favorable. One of the main reasons for the low economic component is the low level of domestic and foreign investment in the city, the low quality and quantity of business centers and Concerning cultural components, since the median value 3 is within the confidence interval (2.989–3.161 / 161), with respect to the P value (0.44) that is smaller than the alpha at the level of 0.7. As a result, the successor assumption is accepted. then, that the cultural components of the brand in Maragheh are in good standing. One of the main reasons for the desirability of the cultural component is the city's historical presence, the presence of 300 recorded monuments, and . The average environmental component of the brand is 3.505, which indicates a higher value than the baseline (3.000) and the condition is favorable and Null hypothesis is rejected. The obtained p-value (0.00) is also smaller than the alpha at the level of 0.5, thus the successor assumption is accepted. Therefore, it is concluded that the environmental component of the brand in Maragheh is in good condition. The main reasons for the high environmental footprint are: favorable climate and pollution, being a paleontological indicator of the world's fossil paradise, having many springs, being a city garden. The test results for the second hypothesis show that the p-value obtained is (0.000) which is lower than the alpha level of 0.05 which means that there is a significant difference between the brand components in Maragheh. Next, Tukey's test is used to examine the details of this difference. Which shows that the socio-economic components do not differ significantly. Environmental component and cultural component There is a significant difference between them and other components. he results of linear regression showed that social component has the highest affinity to urban brand and economic component is in the second place of correlation and cultural component is in the third stage and the environmental component is in the lowest position. This research is done based on descriptive-analytic and documentary-library studies, as well as field studies (questionnaire and interview), and the type of this research is applied. In this regard, for each of the studied components, the indicators and descriptors were designed and attended by experts in Delphi Method in the form of multi-stage questionnaires. The provided questionnaires were given to the statistical community by a panel consisting of 15 experts from Maragheh city in different specialties. The obtained data were analyzed by Mini-Tab software. Validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by the professors. Cronbach's alpha method was used to reliability evaluation of measure instrument, which indicates the data is reliable (0.93). One sample t-test was used to investigate the first hypothesis of research and to identify the status of the components of urban brand. One-way ANOVA and Tukey's test were used to examine the significance of differences between components of urban brand. Then, using linear regression, correlation between components and brand was obtained.

    Keywords: Brand, Urban Brand Components, urban image, Maragheh}
  • کتایون علیزاده، حامد روشنایی
    وجود یک سیستم مدیریتی خوب می تواند در زمینه سازی برای شکل گیری یک برند مناسب برای شهر تاثیرگذار باشد که این مهم در گرو حکمروایی خوب شهری است. هدف از این پژوهش، بررسی نقش حکمروایی خوب شهری در برندسازی شهر شاندیز می باشد. روش پژوهش به صورت توصیفی- تحلیلی است و جمع آوری اطلاعات به صورت میدانی، کتاب خانه ای انجام گرفته است. جامعه آماری این پژوهش مشتمل بر جمعیت شهر شاندیز در سال 1395 به تعداد 13987 نفر و همچنین، گردش گران ورودی به این شهر در سال 1395 به تعداد 30154 نفر که در مجموع (44141نفر) می باشند. حجم نمونه براساس فرمول کوکران 380 نفر انتخاب شدند که به صورت در دسترس بودند. برای تحلیل اطلاعات از روش های آمار توصیفی و استنباطی و آزمون های اسپیرمن و تی تست استفاده شد. نتایجی که از محاسبات میدانی حاصل شده، نشان دهنده این است که وضع موجود حکمروایی شهری و تصویر شهر در بین شهروندان شهر شاندیز مناسب است. همچنین، آزمون هم بستگی اسپیرمن بین حکمروایی خوب شهری و تصویر ذهنی شهروندان نشان داد هم بستگی با مقدار 0.674درصد وجود دارد و این میزان برای رابطه حکمروایی و برند 0.578درصد می باشد. به طور کلی، وضعیت محاسبات نشان دهنده این است که در صورت تحقق شاخص های حکمروایی خوب در شهر شاندیز، این امر می تواند تاثیر زیادی بر تصویر ذهنی شهروندان داشته باشد و به راحتی می توان از این پتانسیل برای برندسازی شهر شاندیز استفاده کرد.
    کلید واژگان: حکمروایی خوب شهری, تصویر شهری, برند شهری, شاندیز}
    Katayoon Alizadeh, Hamed Roshanaie
    Introduction The existence of a good management system can influence the formation of an appropriate brand for the city, which depends on good urban governance. The purpose of this research is to investigate the role of good urban governance in branding of Shandiz. Today's brand-building is rapidly becoming the apex of management and marketing efforts (Williams, Gill, & Chura, 2004). Brands not only differentiate products and evaluate a contract, but they also inspire beliefs, invoke feelings, and trigger activities that are the main goals of target management organizations. In addition to attracting tourists, a strong brand also attracts traders and investors (Kotler, Haider, & Rein, 1994). One of the factors that can play a key role in shaping a brand in the city is good urban governance. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to investigate the role of good urban governance in branding of Shandiz, and it tries to produce and collect the required information.
    Methodology This research is of an applied-development type. According to the nature of the subject and the components studied, the approach of this survey is quantitative using a questionnaire. Then, the field information required for this research was collected by designing a questionnaire and distributing it among the residents and tourists of Shandiz. The data were analyzed using descriptive-inferential statistics and applying SPSS and Excel softwares. The statistical population of this study includes the population of Shandiz in 2016, and 2018 people as well as 3,0154 tourists entering the city in 2016 form the total population which is 44141 people. The sample size was chosen based on the Cochran formula from among 380 people who were available.
    Results The results of the field studies indicate that the current status of urban governance among the citizens of Shandiz is not acceptable and has a score of 2.15, which is not desirable. Also, based on the results of field calculations, the status of urban governance among the citizens of Shandiz has been lower than the average and has a score of 2.15, which is not in a desirable condition. The results of the hypothesis test showed that the level of good governance indicators among the citizens of Shandiz is lower than the average. In explaining this, one can say that the average level of good urban governance indicators is 2.17, which indicates the unfavorable condition of these indicators in the urban areas of Shandiz. As a result, the first hypothesis was confirmed. It was also found that the level of urban image index and urban brand among the citizens of Shandiz is lower than average. The explanation is that the average level of urban image and urban brand index is 2.25, which indicates the unfavorable condition of these indicators in Shandiz. As a result, the second hypothesis was rejected, and finally, Spearman's correlation test between good urban governance and the mental image of the citizens showed a correlation with the value of 0.578% 74, and it can be said that the third hypothesis was confirmed.
    Conclusion In general, the calculations indicate that if good governance indicators in Shandiz are realized, this can have a great impact on the citizen's mental image, and this potential can easily be used to branding the city of Shandiz. In general, the results of this study have been consistent with the results of Razavizadeh's (2016) research, who studies the impact of good urban governance on the quality of urban life (i.e., Marand city). The results indicated that good urban governance had a positive and significant effect on the quality of urban life (subjective dimension) and the quality of urban environment (objective dimension). Also, according to the results of a study done by Mosulpour and DavarPanah (2016), good urban governance had an impact on achieving sustainable development (a case study in Ardabil city). The results indicated that the governing indicators in the city of Ardabil were relatively average. Accordingly, it is suggested that desirable and suitable places for walking in different parts of the city center, suitable hobby areas as well as suitable places for children and families in different parts of the city, and various exhibitions and festivals of products, industries, food, culture, literature, and local music be created to provide a unique image in the minds of tourists in order to illustrate the culture, and customs of the city of Shandiz. The good urban governance index is in a bad situation. Considering the low willingness of citizens to participate in urban management, it is suggested that the municipality and city council create local councils in the urban areas of Shandiz to provide the ground for the participation of interested and informed localities in the city administration. This can be achieved by identifying people in public places such as mosques, parks, and so on. Interested and informed people can be identified by interviews and questionnaires. In this regard, the municipality and city council can also help students and academic forces.
    Keywords: Good urban governance, Urban image, Urban brand, Shandiz}
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