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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « value chain » در نشریات گروه « اقتصاد »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «value chain» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
  • احمد تشکینی*، افسانه شفیعی

    هدف این مقاله تحلیل وضعیت زنجیره ارزش صنعت نساجی و پوشاک به تفکیک اجزا، استخراج چالش های صنعت نساجی و پوشاک برحسب زیربخش های مختلف آن و ارائه راهکارهای توسعه و تکمیل زنجیره ارزش صنعت نساجی و پوشاک به منظور بهبود توان رقابت پذیری این صنعت می باشد. سهم 8.2 درصدی از بنگاه های صنعتی (10 نفر کارکن به بالا)، سهم 7.3 درصدی از اشتغال صنعتی و سهم 3.5 درصدی از تشکیل سرمایه ثابت نشان می دهد این صنعت را می توان در زمره صنایع مهم با سرمایه بری پایین برشمرد که همزمان قادر است هر سه هدف تولید صنعتی، توسعه ای (اشتغال زایی) و ارزآوری کشور را تامین نماید. نتایج مطالعه نشان می دهد مهمترین چالش صنعت نساجی و پوشاک ایران را باید در ضعف زنجیره ارزش و همچنین نقایص ناظر بر قوانین و مقررات پشتیبان ارتقای زنجیره ارزش در این صنعت جستجو کرد. در این راستا سیاست ها و سازوکارهای اجرایی برای توسعه صنایع نساجی و پوشاک در ایران شامل بازمهندسی ساختار زنجیره ارزش صنایع نساجی و پوشاک با حداکثر بهره مندی از محتوای داخلی، حمایت از انتقال فناوری و تجهیزات به این حوزه و تجهیز آن با خدمات جانبی و پشتیبان پیشنهاد شده است.

    کلید واژگان: زنجیره ارزش, صنعت نساجی و پوشاک, تولید صنعتی, بهره وری, اشتغال زایی و صادرات}
    Ahmad Tashkini *, Afsaneh Shafiei

    This article's objectives are to assess the current state of the textile and apparel industry's value chain by breaking it down into its component parts, identify industry challenges based on its various subsectors, and offer solutions for the industry's development and completion of its value chain in order to increase its competitiveness. This industry can be considered important due to its low capital intensity and ability to meet all three of the country's goals of industrial production, development (employment), and foreign exchange; Its 8.2% share of industrial enterprises (10 employees and above), 7.3% share of industrial employment, and 3.5% share of fixed capital formation demonstrate this. The study's conclusions demonstrate that the main issues facing Iran's textile and apparel sector are related to the value chain's fragility as well as the inadequacies of the regulations that are supposed to encourage it. The development of the textile and clothing industries in Iran is facilitated by policies and executive mechanisms that include re-engineering the value chain's structure to maximize the benefits of internal content, facilitating the transfer of technology and equipment to this sector, and outfitting it with ancillary and support services. This is what recommended in this article.

    Keywords: Value Chain, Textile, Clothing Industry, Industrial Production, Job Generation, Export}
  • Hossein Nasirnateri *, Asadollah Mehrara, Mehrdad Matani

    The purpose of job rotation policies is to create a talent pool for the organization along with mutual training of employees. Ensuring that a planned job transfer is beneficial to both the employee and the organization requires consideration of the organization and the company's value chain. The current research has been conducted with the aim of designing a job rotation implementation model based on the organization, methods, and value chain of Iran's National Gas Company. The qualitative research method is based on foundational data theorizing. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect information, and data analysis was done using the Strauss and Corbin method and the paradigm model. Sampling was done theoretically and with the benefit of targeted (judgmental) and snowball (chain) techniques, based on which 18 interviews were conducted with knowledgeable professors and experts in the field of human resource management and public administration. The results of the data analysis obtained from the interviews during the process of open, axial, and selective coding led to the creation of a job rotation implementation model based on the foundation's data theory including 6 main dimensions, 64 sub-dimensions, and 186 characteristics.

    Keywords: Job Rotation, Value Chain, National Iranian Gas Company, Grounded Theory}
  • Abdolhosein Bayat *, Farhad Rahbar, Ali Vatani, Seyyed Abdollah Razavi

    As one of the mother industries, the petrochemical industry is one of the most important pillars of development and the driving engine of various sectors of the country's economy. This industry will achieve several important goals such as increasing export income, expanding downstream industries, creating jobs, and increasing GDP. This importance has been emphasized in the country's upstream documents, such as the general policies of the resistance economy, focusing on the development of petroleum refineries, to prevent the vulnerability of oil and gas revenues by developing the value chain and increasing the export of these products. The current thesis aims to investigate the value chain of the petrochemical industry with the new approach of petrochemical refineries, as well as the pathology and evaluation of the current state of the aforementioned chains in the country with the descriptive research method and the library method using policy research. The results of the research show that the chain of petrochemical products with the approach of creating petrochemical refineries has relatively high advantages compared to focusing on chains with the traditional approach.

    Keywords: Petro refinery, Value chain, Petrochemical industry}
  • احمد موسایی*، محمدعلی هاتفی، محمدمهدی حیدری اصل

    امروزه، گرایش جهانی به کاربرد گاز طبیعی در عرصه های تولید و حمل و نقل، رشد چشمگیری داشته است و عواملی چون هزینه پایین، ایمنی، دردسترس بودن، مزایای زیست محیطی و توسعه تکنولوژی و کاربرد آن به خصوص در توربین های گازی، باعث شده تا این محصول جایگزین سوخت های نفتی شود. بسیاری از راه حل های فناورانه مطرح در بازار، چالش ها و فرصت های استفاده از گاز طبیعی را با هدف شناخت مسیرهای بهره ورانه ذیربط، بررسی می کنند. به عنوان یکی از این راه حل ها، در این مقاله، مدلی برای انتخاب بهترین سوخت در زنجیره ارزش گاز طبیعی در کشور ایران، از بین چهار گزینه معرفی شده است: گاز طبیعی فشرده، گاز طبیعی مایع، دی متیل اتر و گازبه مایع. ابتدا بر اساس یک مطالعه جامع، شاخص های موثر بر انتخاب سوخت، شناسایی شد. سپس از طریق تکنیک دلفی و به کمک نظرات خبرگان متبوع، شاخص ها غربالگری شدند و 20 مورد نهایی انتخاب گشت. در گام بعدی، شاخص ها رتبه بندی شدند که این امر از طریق توافق گروهی بین خبرگان و با ضریب تطبیق کندال معادل 0.808 محقق گشت. به منظور تبدیل رتبه به وزن از تکنیک معتبر مرکز ثقل استفاده شد. در نهایت، با داشتن اوزان شاخص ها و همچنین چهار گزینه فوق الذکر، از تکنیک جدید کوکازو بهره گرفته شد تا سوخت برتر مشخص گردد. بر طبق نتایج حاصله، در حال حاضر بهترین گزینه برای کشور، گاز طبیعی مایع است؛ و در رتبه بعدی، گاز طبیعی فشرده قرار می گیرد. واقعیت های موجود در جهان، درستی نتایج کسب شده را تایید می کنند.

    کلید واژگان: زنجیره ارزش, گازطبیعی, سوخت نفت}
    Ahmad Mosaee *, Mohammad Ali Hatefi, Mohammad Mahdi Heydari Asl

    The global trend towards natural applications in the fields of production and transportation is growing rapidly, and factors such as low cost, safety, availability, environment, and the development of technology and its application, especially in gas turbines, have made the product an alternative to petroleum fuels. Be. Many of the technological ways on the market explore the challenges and opportunities of using natural gas with the aim of identifying relevant productivity paths. As one of these solutions, in this article, a model for selecting the best fuel in the natural value chain in Iran is introduced from four options: compressed natural gas, natural gas, dimethylator and Gas- To- Liquid (GTL). First, based on a comprehensive study, fuel selection indicators were identified. Then, using Delphi technique and with the help of relevant experts, the indicators were screened and the final 20 cases were selected. In the next step, the indices were ranked, which was achieved through a group agreement between experts with a Kendall matching coefficient of 0.808. In order to convert rank into weight, a Rank Order Centroid (ROC) technique was used. Finally, with the weights of the indicators as well as the four options mentioned above, the CoCoSo technique is taken to determine the superior fuel. According to the results, liquefied natural gas is currently the best option for the country. And in the next rank, compressed natural gas is placed. The facts of the world confirm the accuracy of the results obtained.

    Keywords: Value chain, Natural Gas, Hydrocarbon Fuel}
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