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برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه "cultural studies" در نشریات گروه "میان رشته ای"

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «cultural studies» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
جستجوی cultural studies در مقالات مجلات علمی
  • Shokouh Navabinejad

    Cultural festivals are a significant aspect of social life, providing communities with opportunities for celebration, identity expression, and social cohesion. While there has been extensive research on the economic and social impacts of festivals, there is a pressing need to delve deeper into how these events influence family cohesion and dynamics. This letter aims to highlight the importance of studying the impact of cultural festivals on family relationships, drawing on existing literature to advocate for more comprehensive research in this area.In conclusion, cultural festivals play a significant role in promoting family cohesion by offering shared experiences that reinforce social bonds and cultural identity. However, there is a need for more focused research on how these events impact family dynamics across different cultural contexts. By addressing this gap, we can better understand the potential of cultural festivals to strengthen family relationships and promote social cohesion.We urge researchers and practitioners in the field of psychosociology to prioritize studies on the impact of cultural festivals on family cohesion. Such research will not only contribute to the academic understanding of family dynamics but also inform the design and implementation of festivals to maximize their positive impacts on families.

    Keywords: Cultural Festivals, Family Cohesion, Cultural Studies, Family Studies
  • Yaliu. Yang *

    Cultural psychology has significantly advanced our understanding of the family unit, providing a nuanced perspective on how cultural contexts shape family dynamics, roles, and interactions. As societies become increasingly multicultural, it is imperative to explore these cultural dimensions to enhance our comprehension of family psychology. Furthermore, cultural psychology addresses developing family policies and programs that are responsive to the cultural realities of different communities. Policies that recognize and support diverse family structures and practices can enhance the well-being of families from various cultural backgrounds. The field of cultural psychology continues to evolve, with emerging research exploring new dimensions of family and culture. Additionally, there is a growing interest in the role of technology and globalization in shaping family dynamics. As families become more interconnected through digital platforms, cultural psychologists are examining how these technologies impact communication, relationship building, and the transmission of cultural values. Advancements in cultural psychology have significantly enriched our understanding of the family unit, emphasizing the importance of cultural contexts in shaping family dynamics, roles, and interactions. By integrating cultural perspectives into family psychology, researchers and practitioners can develop more comprehensive and culturally sensitive approaches to supporting families. As societies continue to diversify, the insights from cultural psychology will be invaluable in promoting the well-being of families across different cultural settings.

    Keywords: Cultural Psychology, Family Unit, Family Psychology, Cultural Studies
  • ابوالفضل حری*
    این مقاله، بر نقش مطالعات میان رشتگی و فرهنگی در تبیین ادبیات تطبیقی تاکید می کند. در این جا، پای چند مساله به میان می آید. اول، ادبیات فقط محدود به متون مکتوب نمی شود و همه نوع متون نوشتاری و غیرنوشتاری را در برمی گیرد. دوم، تعریف دقیقی از ادبیات تطبیقی به مثابه «رشته» یعنی نظام مطالعاتی در دست نداریم. سوم، علاوه بر مطالعات رشته ای، بحث مطالعات میان رشته ای، چندرشته ای، بینا رشته ای، پسارشته ای و فرارشته ای نیز به میان می آید. همه بحث این است که ادبیات تطبیقی چه موقع و چگونه ممکن است به مطالعه فرهنگی بدل شود؟ این مقاله، می کوشد به برخی مسایل مرتبط با پیوند مطالعات فرهنگی، میان رشتگی، و ادبیات تطبیقی اشاره و روابط میان آنها را به اختصار تبیین کند. از این رو، ابتدا به پیشینه مطالعاتی اشاره، و سپس، مبانی نظری بحث تبیین می شود. به تعاریف مختلف فرهنگ نیز اشاره، و مباحث میان رشتگی در ارتباط با مطالعات فرهنگی و ادبیات تطبیقی مرور می شوند. آن گاه تلاش می شود، مسایل میان رشتگی ادبیات تطبیقی به مثابه رشته، مرور شود. این مقاله، درآمدی بر بحث ارتباط ادبیات تطبیقی با سایر هنرها محسوب می شود.
    کلید واژگان: میان رشتگی, مطالعات فرهنگی, ادبیات تطبیقی, نخبگی, عامه پسندی
    Abolfazl Horri *
    This paper lays emphasis on the role of interdisciplinary and cultural studies in explaining comparative literature. Here, some issues are raised. First, literature is not limited to written texts and all types of written and non-written texts are possible. Second, we do not have a precise definition of comparative literature as a "discipline," that is, a system of study. Third, in addition to disciplinary studies, there is also discussion of interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, postdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary studies. The debate is when and how can comparative literature become a cultural study? This paper tries to briefly point out some issues related to the connection between cultural studies, interdisciplinary, and comparative literature and explain the relationship between them. Hence, first the background is mentioned, and then the theoretical foundations of the discussion are explained. Different definitions of culture are also mentioned, and interdisciplinary discussions related to cultural studies and comparative literature are reviewed. An attempt is then made to review the interdisciplinary issues of comparative literature as a discipline. This paper is an introduction to the discussion of the relationship between comparative literature and other arts.
    Keywords: Interdisciplinary, Cultural Studies, Comparative literature, elite, Popularity
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