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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « dye » در نشریات گروه « محیط زیست »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «dye» در نشریات گروه «علوم پایه»
  • Olufunmilayo Olayinka, Morenikeji Egbeyemi, Adedayo Oyebanji *
    Phenols have attracted global interest in the sphere of environmental management due to their potential toxicity on human health. This study determined concentrations of three priority phenolic compounds in effluent and water of a local textile industry in Abeokuta, Nigeria.  During tie-dye production, triplicates of effluent, well water, stream and control water were collected three times from five points to give a total of forty-five samples. Physicochemical parameters of samples including temperature, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total suspended solids (TSS) and total dissolved solids (TDS) were determined according to standard methods while the concentrations of the priority phenolic compounds (4-nitrophenol, 4-chloro-3-methylphenol and 2, 4-dinitrophenol) were determined using High Performance Liquid Chromatography equipped with Ultra-Violet detector (HPLC/UV). Data obtained were subjected to descriptive (mean and standard deviation) and inferential (ANOVA) statistics. pH, EC and TSS of effluent and water samples were higher than the permissible limits of World Health Organization (WHO) and Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA) while temperature of the effluent samples and TDS of the well water samples were within standard values. Higher concentrations of the priority phenolic compounds occurred in effluent than water samples but 4-nitrophenol was below detection limit (DL) in water samples. Concentrations of 4-nitrophenol, 4-chloro-3-methylphenol and 2,4-dinitrophenol in effluent exceeded stipulated standard of WHO (0.01 mg/L) and water samples. High concentrations of phenols in water bodies at the local textile industry suggest uncontrolled discharge of effluent from the industry which could eventually reach surface and ground water with potential significant health implications to the populace.
    Keywords: Phenols, Wastewater, Physicochemical properties, Dye}
  • مریم فیاضی*

    در این پژوهش، جذب متیلن بلو (MB) از محلول آبی بر روی گرانول های مس (II)-آلژینات (Cu (II) -A)  حاوی کربن فعال مشتق شده از پلی اتیلن ترفتالات (PETAC) تحت شرایط تجربی مختلف مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. ترکیب و ساختار گرانول ها با روش های SEM و BET مورد مشخصه یابی قرار گرفت. تاثیر پارامترهای مختلف از قبیل غلظت رنگ زا، pH، مقدار جاذب و زمان تماس به وسیله روش ناپیوسته بررسی شد. داده های تعادلی با استفاده از ایزوترم لانگمویر، فرندلیچ و تمکین مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. ایزوترم جذب تطابق خوبی با مدل لانگمویر دارد (9973/0)، که نشان دهنده همگن بودن فرآیند جذب MB بر روی گرانول ها می باشد. بیشینه ظرفیت جذب تحت شرایط بهینه برای حذف متیلن بلو مقدارmg.g-1  96/86 به دست آمد. داده های سینتیکی با استفاده از معادله شبه مرتبه اول و شبه دوم لاگرگرن مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت. مدل شبه مرتبه دوم بهترین تناسب را برای مطالعات سنتیکی نشان داد (9997/0=R2). علاوه بر این، هیچ کاهش آشکاری پس از پنج چرخه جذب مشاهده نشد، که نشان می دهد جاذب PETAC/Cu (II) -A پایداری و قابلیت استفاده مجدد خوبی دارد. در مجموع، نتایج نشان داد که گرانول های آماده شده می تواند  به عنوان یک جاذب کارآمد برای تصفیه پسآب های رنگی مورد استفاده قرار گیرد.

    کلید واژگان: آلژینات, پلی اتیلن ترفتالات, جذب سطحی, رنگ زا, کربن فعال}
    Maryam Fayazi *

    In this study, the adsorption of methylene blue (MB) from an aqueous solution on copper-alginate (Cu(II)-A) granules containing activated carbon derived from polyethylene terephthalate (PEtAC) with different experimental conditions was investigated. The composition and structure of the granules were characterized by SEM and BET methods. The effect of various variables including dye concentration, pH, adsorbent amount, and contact time was investigated by batch method. Equilibrium data were evaluated using Langmuir, Freundlich, and Temkin isotherms. The adsorption isotherm fits well with the Langmuir model (0.9973), which shows that the MB dye adsorption on the granules is homogeneous. The maximum adsorption capacity under optimal conditions for the removal of MB was 86.96 mg/g. Kinetic data were analyzed using the first-order and second-order Lagergren equations. The quasi-second-order model showed the best fit for the synthetic studies (R2 = 0.9997). In addition, no obvious decrease was observed after up to five adsorption cycles, indicating that the PETAC/Cu (II) -A adsorbent has good stability and reusability. Overall, the results show that the prepared granules can be used an am efficient adsorbent for the treatment of colored effluents.

    Keywords: alginate, Absorption, Activated carbon, Dye, Polyethylene terephthalate}
  • Rajnikant Prasad *, Kunwar Durg Yadav
    In this study, the adsorptive removal of two dyes (crystal violet (CV) and methylene blue (MB)) with HNO3 pre-treated water hyacinth powder (WHP) adsorbent was analysed. The experiments were designed using response surface methodology (RSM) with variable input parameter pH (2-12), adsorbent dose (0.5-3 g/L), initial dyes concentration (25-200 mg/L) and time (10-180 min). The optimization condition for dye removal were (pH = 7.22, adsorbent dose = 3.0 g/L, initial dye concentration = 195.28 mg/L and time of contact = 99.29 min) for CV with removal of 98.20% and (pH = 9.82, adsorbent dose = 2.96 g/L, initial dye concentration = 199.36 mg/L and contact time = 111.74 min) for MB with removal of 97.843%. The above findings observed that pre-treated water hyacinth powder can be utilised as a cost-effective and efficient adsorbent for dye effluent wastewater treatment.
    Keywords: Adsorption, Central composite design, Dye, Water hyacinth}
  • سبحان هوشمند، ییتا آیتی*
    زمینه و هدف

    فرآیندهای اکسیداسیون پیشرفته، روش هایی امیدبخش و کارا برای حذف و تجزیه مواد سخت تجزیه پذیر از جمله رنگ ها از محیط های آبی هستند. روش فنتون یکی از مناسب ترین روش های اکسیداسیون پیشرفته است که به طور موثر برای حذف مواد سمی بدون تولید محصولات جانبی استفاده شده است.

    روش بررسی

    در این تحقیق به منظور بررسی فرایند فنتون در حذف رنگزای اسید آبی 25 از راکتور آزمایشگاهی مکعب مستطیل شکل از جنس پلکسی گلاس به حجم مفید 500 میلی لیتر استفاده شد. پارامترهای اصلی موثر بر فرایند شامل نسبت [Fe2+]/[H2O2]، غلظت پراکسید هیدروژن، pH، زمان ماند، غلظت ماده رنگزا، دما و دور همزن بودند که به روش OFAT بهینه شدند.

    یافته ها

    نتایج تحقیق حاضر نشان می دهد که فرایند فنتون قابلیت حذف 96 درصدی رنگزای اسید آبی 25 از محیط آبی را در مدت زمان 10 دقیقه در شرایط بهینه شامل 3pH=، نسبت 3/0=[Fe2+]/[H2O2]، غلظت اولیه رنگزا mg/L 150، غلظت آهن mg/L 100، سرعت چرخش همزن rpm100 و دمای oC 43 داراست.

    بحث و نتیجه گیری

    فرایند فنتون برای حذف رنگزای اسید آبی 25 به عنوان روش مناسب پیشنهاد می شود.

    کلید واژگان: رنگزا, آهن, دما, پراکسید هیدروژن}
    Sobhan Hooshmand, Bita Ayati *
    Background & Objective

    Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are recognized as the most effective and capable available methods to remove and degrade different kind of dyes. Among various advanced oxidation processes, Fenton process is one of the most effective techniques that are used successfully to remove dyes without producing additional toxic by-products.


    In the present study, all experiments were performed in a 500 mL rectangular plexiglass cubic reactor. The effect of different system parameters including pH, [Fe2+] to [H2O2] ratio, initial dye concentration, H2O2 concentration, stirrer velocity and temperature were examined and optimized using one- factor- at- a- time (OFAT) method.


    The results obtained from this study showed that Fenton process can remove 96 percent of Acid Blue 25 from aqueous solution. The optimal condition using Fenton process included initial concentration of 150 mg/l, pH= 3, molar ratio of [Fe2+]/[H2O2] = 0.3, stir. vel.= 100 rpm, temperature 43°C and 10 min contact time.

    Discussion and Conclusions

    Fenton process is suggested as a suitable method for the removal of Acid Blue 25.

    Keywords: Dye, iron, temperature, Hydrogen Peroxide}
  • عاطفه رحیمی، یحیی همزه*، علی عبدالخانی، سحاب حجازی، زیبا فتحی
    تبدیل پسماندهای کشاورزی به محصولات ارزشمند یکی از روش های کاهش آلودگی ناشی از سوزاندن آنهاست. یکی از این محصولات نوین و ارزشمند آئروژل های لیگنوسلولزی هستند که به دلیل تخلخل و سطح ویژه زیاد می توانند به عنوان جاذب انواع آلودگی ها مانند رنگ ها استفاده شوند. در این تحقیق، آئروژل لیگنوسلولزی حاصل از کلش برنج برای جذب رنگ اسید اورانژ (AO7) از آب استفاده شد و اثر پارامترهای مختلف بر کارایی جذب بررسی شد. نتایج نشان داد که با کاهش pH و دما کارایی جذب کاهش می یابد. مدت زمان رسیدن به تعادل جذب در غلظت های مختلف حداکثر 120 دقیقه تعیین شد. ایزوترم جذب از معادله لانگمویر تبعت خوبی داشت و میزان حداکثر جذب 1/52 میلی گرم بر گرم آئروژل محاسبه شد که حدودا دو برابر ظرفیت جذب کلش برنج خام است. بررسی سینتیک جذب نشان داد که فرایند جذب از سینتیک شبه مرتبه دوم تبعیت می کند. با توجه به تبعیت ایزوترم جذب از معادله لانگمویر و سینتیک جذب از سینتیک شبه مرتبه دوم، مکانیسم غالب جذب شیمیایی است که تحت تاثیر گروه های عاملی موجود در رنگ و سطح جاذب است.
    کلید واژگان: کلش برنج, آئروژل, جذب, رنگ, ایزوترم}
    Atefe Rahimi, Yahya Hamzeh *, Ali Abdulkhani, Sahab Hedjazi, Ziba Fathi
    Conversion of agricultural wastes to valuable products is one of the sustainable method to prevent air pollution thet arises from biomass open burning. One of these new and valuable products are lignocellulosic aerogels, which due to their superior characteristics, such porous structure and large surface area can be used for removal of various pollutants such as dye. In this study, lignocellulosic aerogel obtained from rice straw were used to remove the Acid Orange 7 (AO7) from water and the effect of absorption process parameters on adsorption were investigated. The results demonstrated that the efficiency of adsorption greatly influenced by solution pH and temperature. For various concentrations of dye, the equilibrium was reached at 120 minutes. Isotherm data were well adapted to the Langmuir model and maximum adsorption capacity estimated from linear Langmuir was 52.1 mg/g that was approximately twice of the rice straw adsorption capacity. The kinetics results well interpreted by pseudo second order mode, indicating chemisorption as the rate-limiting step which correspond to the interactions between the active sites of aerogel surface and the functional groups of dyes.
    Keywords: “Rice straw”, “aerogel”, “dye”, “Adsorption”, “Isotherm”}
  • Abdellah Lacherai *, Mohammed Elkhomri, Noureddine El messaoudi, safae bentahar, Abdellah Dbik
    In this work, Crystal Violet (CV), cationic dye, is removed from aqueous solution, using wood of Argan shell(ARS) and Almond shell (ALS), as low-cost and eco-friendly biosorbants. The parameters influencing the adsorption of CVon each of our adsorbents, contact time (5–180 min), adsorbent dose (0.2–2 g), pH of the solution (3–11), temperature (20–50°C) and the initial dye concentration (50–500 mg.L-1), were studied.The modeling of experimental results obtained, shows that the CV adsorption on both biomaterials follows a pseudo-second-order kinetic and in perfect agreement with Langmuir isotherm. Also CV is better adsorbed on ALS that ARS, with maximum biosorption amounts 51.99 mg.g-1 and 37.32mg.g-1, respectively, at 40 ° C. Thermodynamic calculations have shown that the sorption is spontaneous, endothermic and random at the solid / solution interface. Adsorption capacities of dyes by ARS and ALS are better or comparable to those of several other biomaterials already studied.ALS and ARS biomaterials studied can be considered as alternative biosorbants low-cost and eco-friendly.
    Keywords: Isotherm, FTIR, dye, biosorption, water treatment}
  • پویا ارباب، بیتا آیتی *، محمدرضا انصاری
    سابقه و هدف
    بسیاری از آلاینده های موجود در فاضلاب های صنعتی از قبیل رنگزاها به دلیل ماهیت پیچیده و مقاومشان به راحتی به وسیله فرآیندهای متداول تصفیه فیزیکی، بیولوژیکی و شیمیایی قابل حذف نمی باشند. بنابراین دستیابی به یک فناوری تصفیه موثر که بتواند مولکول های مقاوم را بطور کامل تجزیه کرده و یا به مولکول های کوچکتر قابل تجزیه با فرآیندهای مرسوم تبدیل کند، امری ضروری به نظر می رسد. کاویتاسیون چنین تکنیک امروزی ای است که به دلیل قابلیت تولید رادیکال های آزاد با فعالیت بالا، به منظور شکست ترکیب های شیمیایی آلی و تجزیه آلاینده های مقاوم به تجزیه بیولوژیکی، مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. کاویتاسیون هیدرودینامیکی، توانایی به کارگیری در مقیاس بزرگتر به دلیل قابلیت تولید رادیکال های هیدروکسیل در شرایط محیطی با هزینه پایین تر در جهت به کارگیری اقتصادی تر را دارا است. هدف از این پژوهش به کارگیری کاویتاسیون هیدرودینامیکی به منظور تجزیه رنگزای راکتیو مشکی 5 و بهینه سازی پارامترهای موثر بر فرآیند (pH، فشار ورودی، قطر روزنه و غلظت رنگزا) با توجه به میزان راندمان و انرژی مصرفی بود.
    مواد و روش ها
    در این پژوهش تجزیه رنگزای راکتیو مشکی 5 به وسیله کاویتاسیون هیدرودینامیکی مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. 25/8 لیتر محلول رنگی در هر تست مورد آزمایش قرار گرفت. کاویتاسیون از طریق به کارگیری پمپ و صفحه روزنه دار تولید شد. به منظور بهینه سازی فرآیند، آزمایش های مختلف در pHهای 3 الی 11 و نیز با به کارگیری صفحه های با قطر روزنه مختلف 2، 3، 5 و 7 میلیمتر در فشارهای 2، 3، 4 و 5 بار و غلظت های رنگزای 30، 50 و 100 میلی گرم بر لیتر انجام گرفت. با توجه به ولتاژ ثابت برق شهری، جریان الکتریکی به عنوان شاخصی برای انرژی مصرفی به وسیله آمپرمتر مورد اندازه گیری قرار گرفت. نتایج و بحث: با توجه به نتایج با کاهش pH، میزان رنگبری افزایش یافت و صفحه های روزنه دار با قطر روزنه بزرگتر در فشارهای بالاتر راندمان بهتری داشتند. مشاهده گردید که افزایش غلظت اولیه رنگ، سبب کاهش راندمان حذف شد. صفحه با روزنه 7 میلیمتر در فشار ورودی 5 بار، بیشترین بازده را به دست داد ولی با در نظر گرفتن میزان انرژی مصرفی و با توجه به میزان بازده فرآیند به میزان مصرف انرژی، صفحه با قطر روزنه 7 میلیمتر و فشار ورودی 4 بار به عنوان بهینه انتخاب شد. pH برابر با 3، صفحه با روزنه به قطر 7 میلیمتر در فشار ورودی 4 بار و غلظت اولیه رنگزا برابر با 30 میلی گرم بر لیتر (با توجه به میزان انرژی مصرفی پمپ از طریق اندازه گیری جریان الکتریکی و راندمان فرآیند) به عنوان شرایط بهینه در نظر گرفته شد. در این شرایط پس از 120 دقیقه، میزان رنگبری برابر با 21/38 درصد به وسیله کاویتاسیون هیدرودینامیکی به دست آمد.
    نتیجه گیری
    کاویتاسیون هیدرودینامیکی، توانایی به کارگیری در مقیاس بزرگتر به دلیل قابلیت تولید رادیکال های هیدروکسیل در شرایط محیطی را دارا است. مشخص شد که میزان مصرف انرژی عاملی تاثیر گذار در انتخاب شرایط بهینه بود. با کاهش غلظت اولیه رنگزا و pH، میزان حذف رنگ افزایش یافت و صفحه های روزنه دار با قطر روزنه بزرگتر در فشارهای بالاتر راندمان بهتری داشتند.
    کلید واژگان: رنگزا, انرژی, کاویتاسیون هیدرودینامیکی, صفحه روزنه دار, فشار}
    Pouya Arbab, Bita Ayati*, Mohammad Reza Ansari
    Many pollutants in industrial wastewaters, such as dyes, can't be removed easily by the conventional physical, biological and chemical purification processes, because of their complexity and intractability. Therefore, it is necessary to find an effective treatment technology that can degrade complex bio-refractory molecules or can breakdown them into smaller molecules which can be further degraded by conventional methods. Cavitation is one such recent technique which has been extensively studied for the treatment of complex wastewater due to its ability of generating highly reactive free radicals. Hydrodynamic cavitation has a potential of application on larger scale due to its capability in generating hydroxyl radicals at ambient condition, easy scale up and less material cost making it more economical to employ. The purpose of this study was application of hydrodynamic cavitation process for removing Reactive Black 5 and optimization the affecting parameters (pH, inlet pressure, hole diameter and initial concentration of dye) based on the amount of efficiency and energy consumption. Material and methods: In this research, removal of Reactive Black 5 with the use of hydrodynamic cavitation process was studied. 8.25 liters of colored solution was examined in each test. The cavitation was produced by orifice plate and pump. In order to optimize process, various trials were performed in pH of 3 to 11 and also using different orifice plates with hole diameter of 2, 3, 5 and 7 mm at inlet pressures of 2, 3, 4 and 5 bar and dye concentration of 30, 50 and 100 ppm. Due to the constant voltage of urban electricity, the electric current was measured as an indicator of energy consumption by ammeter.
    Results and discussion
    According to the results by reducing the pH, dye removal was increased and orifice plates with larger hole diameter in upper pressures had better efficiency. It was observed that increasing the initial concentration of dye resulted in decreasing dye removal efficiency. The orifice with 7 mm hole diameter at 5 bar inlet pressure yielded the highest efficiency, but by involving the amount of energy consumed and considering the process efficiency to energy consumption, the orifice with 7 mm hole diameter at 4 bar inlet pressure was chosen as the best. The pH of 3, orifice with 7 mm hole diameter at 4 bar pressure and initial concentration of 30 ppm (with regards to pump energy consumption obtained from measuring the electrical current and the efficiency of process) were selected as optimum conditions. In these conditions after 120 minutes, 38.21% dye removal was obtained using hydrodynamic cavitation.
    Hydrodynamic cavitation has a potential of application on larger scale due to its capability in generating hydroxyl radicals at ambient condition. It was found that the energy consumption was an effective factor in selecting the optimum conditions. By reducing the initial dye concentration and pH, dye removal was increased and orifice plates with larger hole diameter in upper pressures had better efficiency.
    Keywords: Dye, Energy, Hydrodynamic Cavitation, Orifice Plate, Pressure}
  • محدثه توکلی *، فریبا استوار

    رنگ ها، یکی از مهم ترین گروه های آلاینده آب می باشند و تنها یک بار ورود آن ها به آب می تواند کیفیت آب را به طور چشمگیری کاهش دهد. ضمن این که به سبب منشاء سنتزی و حضور مولکول های پیچیده در ساختار رنگ ها، فرآیند تصفیه در بعضی مواقع با مشکلاتی نیز، همراه می باشد. نانوذرات کلوئیدی فلزات نقش مهمی در تکنولوژی به خصوص در ساخت شیشه و سرامیک ایفا می کنند و به عنوان روش مناسبی جهت تصفیه آلاینده های موجود در آب و فاضلاب استفاده می شوند. در این مطالعه، از روش احیای شیمیایی به منظور سنتز نانو ذرات نقره کلوئیدی استفاده گردید. سپس به منظور بررسی کارایی نانوذرات نقره سنتزی، چندین محلول رنگینه و رنگزای گوگردی، آزو، راکتیو، کاتیونی و آنیونی تهیه شد و از ماده سنتزی در جهت تخریب رنگ های متفاوتی استفاده گردید. در نهایت، به مقایسه تاثیر این نانو ذره کلوئیدی بر هر کدام از آن ها پرداخته شد. نتایج نشان داد که نانوذرات کلوئیدی نقره، توانایی تخریب و حذف رنگینه های متیل رد و متیل اورانژ ار نمونه های آبی را دارند و می توان از این نانوذرات جهت تصفیه آب و پساب حاوی این رنگینه ها استفاده نمود.

    کلید واژگان: آلاینده, رنگینه, نانوذرات نقره, کلوئید, تخریب}
    Mohadeseh Tavakoli*, Fariba Ostovar

    Colors are one of the most important pollutants of water, and only one entry into the water can significantly reduce the quality of water. In addition, due to the synthetic origin and the presence of complex molecules in the structure of colors, the purification process is sometimes accompanied by some problems. Colloidal nanoparticles play an important role in technology, especially in the manufacture of glass and ceramics, and are used as a suitable method for cleaning pollutants in water and wastewater. In this study, a chemical regeneration method was used to synthesize colloidal silver nanoparticles. Then, to evaluate the efficiency of synthetic silver nanoparticles, several solutions of dye and pigments such as sulfur, azo, reactive, cationic and anionic dyes were prepared and synthetic material was used for degradation of different colors. Finally, the effect of this colloidal nanoparticle on each of them was studied and compared. The results showed that silver colloidal nanoparticles have the ability to degradation and removal of methyl orange and methyl red dyes from aqueous samples, and these nanoparticles can be used for treatment the water and wastewater containing these dyes.

    Keywords: Pollutant, Dye, Ag Nanoparticle, Colloid, Destruction}
  • یحیی زندسلیمی، بهزاد شاهمرادی، افشین ملکی، کی. بایراپا
    حفظ محیط زیست بخصوص سلامت محیط آبی امروزه امری مهم می باشد. رنگزا ها به دلیل ماهیت شان از آلاینده های ظاهری بوده و حتی در غلظت های به نسبت پایین شفافیت و کیفیت زیبایی شناختی آب های سطحی را از بین می برند. تا کنون از فرایندهای متعددی برای حذف رنگ از پساب استفاده شده است. در این مطالعه بررسی حذف رنگزای Cat Blue 41 از محلول های آبی با استفاده از نانوذرات اکسید تیتانیم دوپ شده با اکسید آهن در حضور نورخورشید انجام شد. بر مبنای یک مطالعه تجربی- آزمایشگاهی با استفاده از طراحی آزمایش RSM، بررسی تاثیر متغیر های مستقل شامل pH، غلظت نانو ذره، غلظت اولیه رنگزا، غلظت پراکسید هیدروژن و زمان تماس بر راندمان حذف رنگزا با تعداد 30 تیمار انجام شد. تحلیل مدل پیشنهادی به روش آنالیز واریانس ANOVA انجام شد. مدل پیشنهادی برای میزان راندمان حذف رنگزا از نظر آماری در سطح اطمینان 95 درصد معنی دار بود. نتایج نشان داد افزایش غلظت نانو ذره، زمان تماس و غلظت پراکسید هیدروژن موجب افزایش کارایی می گردد. به گونه ای که افزایش غلظت نانو ذره از 5/0 به 3 گرم در لیتر راندمان از 6/48 به 9/88 رسید. هم چنین افزایش pH و غلظت اولیه رنگزا موجب کاهش راندمان گردید به نحوی که با افزایش غلظت رنگزا از 25 به 200 میلی گرم در لیتر راندمان از 8/69 به 5/35 کاهش یافت. طراحی آزمایش به نحو مطلوبی فرایند حذف را بهینه می سازد و کاهش تعداد آزمایش ها سبب افزایش بازده حذف آلاینده می گردد.
    کلید واژگان: رنگزا, Cat Blue41, نانوذره, RSM}
    Yahya Zandsalimi, Behzad Shahmoradi, Afshin Maleki, K. Byrappa
    Nowadays, protecting environment, especially aqueous medium is a crucial task in modern world. Because of their nature, dyes have not only negative impacts on the aesthetic aspects of the environment, but also result in serious biological and chemical side effects on the environment. Various processes have been applied for removal of dyes from effluent. The aim of this research was to assess the removal of Cat Blue 41 from aqueous media using Fe:TiO2 in the presence of sunlight. Based on a descriptive-laboratory scale experiment using RSM design experiment, the effect of independent variables of pH, nanoparticles dosage, initial dye concentration, H2O2 concentration and contact time on the photodegradation of the dye was carried out through 26 experimental run. Analysis of the proposed model was performed using ANOVA. The proposed model for the removal of dye was statistically significant at the 95 percent confidence level. The removal efficiency was function of the independent variables of nanoparticles dosage, initial dye concentration, and contact time. The photodegradation of Cat Blue 41 showed high photodegradation efficiency of Fe:TiO2 nanoparticles under sunlight irradiation. It was found that increasing the nanomaterials dosage, contact time, and H2O2 concentration results in increasing removal efficiency so that increasing nanomaterials dosage from 0.3 to 3 g/l resulted in increasing dye removal efficiency from 48.6 to 88.9% respectively. In addition, increasing pH and initial dye concentration led into reducing removal efficiency so that increasing dye concentration from 25 to 200 mg/l resulted in decreasing its removal efficiency from 69.8 to 35.5% respectively. Therefore, design of experiment suitably optimized the removal process and reducing the number of runs resulted in increasing efficiency of the pollutant removal.
    Keywords: Dye, Cat Blue 41, nanoparticle, RSM}
  • E. Kalipci*, S. Sahinkaya, M. Dortkol, S. Aras
    In this study, removal of methylene blue (MB) and maxilon blue SL 200% (MB SL) dyes from aqueous solutions by using raw clay (RC) of Nevsehir (Turkey) vicinity and ultrasonic-acid modified clay (MC) was investigated. Adsorption was carried out with 500 mg/L MB and 50 mg/L for MB SL in terms of different adsorbent dosages, contact time, solution pH, temperature and stirring speed. The fitting of adsorption process with respect to Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms was examined. In this study, it was determined that the experimental data for MB dye removal by using RC (R2= 0.9737, Qo=3333 mg/g) and MC (R2=0.9914, Qo=5000 mg/g) were well fitted to Langmuir isotherm model. In addition to this, the experimental data for the removal of MB SL dye by using RC (R2= 0.9104, KF =19.45 mg/g) and MC (R2=0.9933, KF =44.62 mg/g) were well fitted to Freundlich isotherm model. As a result; it was indicated that raw clay can be used for the removal of cationic MB and MB SL dyes and ultrasonic-acid modified clay has high adsorption capacity for both of the dyes. Low-cost clay can be used for the removal of MB and MB SL dyes in preference to other adsorbents. Ultrasonic-acid modification was found as an alternative significant method for adsorbent modification.
    Keywords: Adsorption, Clay, Dye, Ultrasonic, acid modification}
  • S.A. Bapat, D.K. Jaspal*
    Heavy metals and dyes are major contributors in contamination of water streams. These contaminants enter into our eco- system, thus posing a significant threat to public health, ecological equilibrium and environment. Thus a combined discharge of these contaminants results in water pollution with high chemical oxygen demand, biological oxygen demand, color, particulate matter, suspended particles and odor. The mounting pollution of the water bodies has attracted attention of the researchers towards the development of novel techniques and materials for water pollution. The paper describes the use of such a material Parthenium hysterophorus, a weed, explored for water purification. The potential of the weed has been tested for several heavy metals and dyes as described in this paper. As per literature the weed is capable of showing adsorption tendency up to 90% in certain cases for some heavy metals and dyes. Powdered weed, activated carbon, ash etc. of Parthenium have been employed for the removal process.
    Keywords: Adsorption, Dye, Heavy metals, Isotherms, Parthenium hysterophorus, Wastewater}
  • B. Gowtham*, S. Pauline
    Several industries are using dyes as colouring agents. The effluents from these industries are discharged mainly in to river streams which increasingly creates an environmental problem. The removal of dyes from aqueous solution has a great potential in the field of environmental engineering. There are many methods being employed in the dye removal. Among these methods, Fenton process-based advanced oxidation processes are an emerging prospect in the field of dye removal. This project focuses on the suitability of photo-Fenton process for the degradation of methylene blue dye in terms of COD removal and it is optimized for experimental parameters such as pH, H2O2 concentration, FeSO4.7H2O concentration and contact time. The photo Fenton process is effective under pH 3. The maximum efficiency of COD removal for 50 mg/L of methylene blue is attained at optimum concentration of 10 mg/L of H2O2, 50 mg/L of Fe2+ and contact time of 30 minutes.
    Keywords: Dye, Advanced oxidation process, Photo, Fenton process, COD removal, Methylene blue}
  • S. Bentahar, A. Lacherai*, A. Dbik, N. El, Messaoudi, M. El, Khomri
    This study reports the adsorption of crystal violet (CV) cationic dye on natural clay originated from Agadir region (south Morocco) through batch adsorption experiment, in order to develop a low-cost, natural, eco-friendly and alternative adsorbent for the removal of organic pollutants. Several analytical techniques (XRD, BET, TDA, TGA and FTIR) were used to characterize the studied material. The effect of different parameters were studied such as pH (3–10), adsorbent mass (0.02- 0.3 g), contact time (20–120 min), initial dye concentration (100–900 mg/L), and temperature (25– 65 °C) on the adsorption of CV dye. The results Showed That CV adsorption on the natural clay depends on pH, initial dye concentration and temperature. The adsorption equilibrium data were fitted in Langmuir, Freundlich and Timken adsorption isotherm models. The adsorption data obtained were well described by Langmuir isotherm model with correlation coefficients (2 =0.99). Maximum adsorption capacity of clay was found to be 250 mg/g. Adsorption kinetics were well fitted by Pseudo-second order kinetic model (R2= 0.999). Thermodynamic study revealed that the adsorption of CV on clay is spontaneous physical sorption process, endothermic and favorable. Experimental results indicate that the clay studied is a promising adsorbent for the removal of cationic dye molecules from aqueous solutions.
    Keywords: Adsorption, Clay, Dye, Kinetic, Isotherm models, Thermal Analysis}
  • Mohammad Sadegh Niknam, Afsaneh Shahbazi, Javad Farajlou
    Adsorption process is proven as one of the world''s best water purification technology according to its efficiencies and widespread usage. Up to now، very valuable efforts have been done to the application of municipal and industrial solid waste usage in wastewater treatment. The use of agricultural waste is appropriate as a low cost adsorbent، based on their effect on reducing the cost of waste disposal and on helping to protect the environment. In this study، the adsorption efficiency of various agricultural wastes in removal of hazardous pollutant، such as heavy metals and organic dyes from wastewater، have been investigated. Analyzing the respective literature، it seems that the agricultural wastes have a great potential for the removal of pollutants. The related studies about heavy metals removal showed that maximum absorption efficiency was obtained by the rice husk، green pistachio peel and orange peel with more than 99 percent efficiency، and the minimum performance occurs in the pomegranate peel with 55 percent efficiency. For dyes removal، the maximum absorption efficiency was occurred by hazelnut shell، maize stem، and pistachio shell with over than 99 percent and the minimum color removal efficiency was approximately 44 percent by removal of potato peel.
    Keywords: Wastewater treatment, Agricultural waste, Heavy metal, Dye, Adsorption, Adsorption efficiency}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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