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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Optical Properties » در نشریات گروه « علوم پایه »

  • فهیمه تکلو، احمد قلی زاده*، مهدی اردیانیان

    در این کار، ویژگی های ساختاری، نوری و فوتوکاتالیزوری فریت های Cu1-3xNixZn2xFe2O4 تهیه شده به روش سیترات نیترات بررسی شد. نمونه ها به روش های پراش پرتو ایکس (XRD)، و طیف سنجی فرابنفش-مرئی UV-Vis در دمای اتاق مشخصه یابی شدند. الگوهای XRD گویای یک گذار فاز ساختاری اسپینلی از فاز چارگوشی به مکعبی و یک افزایش تقارن با جانشانی همزمان نیکل و روی در فریت مس هستند. مقادیر گاف نواری نمونه ها یک مقدار کمینه eV 43/1 را با 05/0 x = نشان می دهد. بیشترین فعالیت کاتالیزوری 95 درصد در تخریب متیلن بلو با نمونه 05/0 x = به دلیل کوچکتر بودن گاف انرژی بدست آمد.

    کلید واژگان: فریت اسپینل مس, روش سیترات-نیترات, اثر جانشانی, ویژگی های نوری, فعالیت فوتوکاتالیزوری}
    Fahimeh Takalloo, Ahmad Gholizadeh *, Mahdi Ardyanian

    In this work, the structural, optical and photocatalytic properties of Cu1-3xNixZn2xFe2O4 ferrites prepared by citrate-nitrate method were investigated. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and UV-Vis spectrometer at room temperature. Examining the XRD patterns indicates the presence of a spinel structural phase transition from a tetragonal to cubic structure, which shows an increase in symmetry with the co-substitution of Ni and Zn in the copper ferrite. The bandgap values of the samples show a minimum value of 1.43 eV for x = 0.05. The highest catalytic activity of 95% in the degradation of methylene blue is obtained for the x = 0.05 sample due to its smaller energy gap.

    Keywords: Cu Spinel Ferrite, Nitrate Citrate Method, Substitution Effect, Optical Properties, Photocatalytic Activity}
  • Ali Emad *, Zaid Hasan
    The current study uses the casting method to make PMMA/ZnSe/Si nanocomposites and then looks at their structural and optical properties. From the XRD, it found the nature amorphas for the PMMA and with additive high loading (7 wt.%) for the ZnSe and Si NPs, the nature amorphas for the PMMA convert to the polycrystalline. The Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) analysis showed that the ZnSe and Si nanoparticles were uniformly distributed throughout the PMMA matrix polymers. The images taken with an optical microscope showed the growth of network pathways for charge carriers within the polymeric matrix. These pathways got stronger as the number of nanoparticles increased. The PMMA/ZnSe/Si nanocomposites have better optical qualities and can absorb more UV light. Because of this behavior, the nanocomposites might be useful in optoelectronics. The optical properties of nanocomposites, like their absorbance, attenuation coefficient, refractive index, real and imaginary dielectric constants, and optical conductivity, get better as the amounts of ZnSe and Si nanoparticles used rise. This nanocomposites’ transmittance, on the other hand, goes down as the number of nanoparticles goes up. The optical energy gap for allowed indirect transitions drops from 4.4 eV to 3.2 eV at a concentration of 7 wt.%. For banned indirect transitions, it drops from 4.3 eV to 3.1 eV. The narrowing of the energy band gap is very good for many fields that use optical devices.
    Keywords: Nps, OM, Optical Properties, Optoelectronic Devices, PMMA, Znse Nps}
  • Fatiha Saidi, M. Dergal, A. Dendane, Nawal Ameur

    To enhance the electrical and optical properties of zirconium dioxide for industrial applications, we conducted a study investigating the influence of two transition metals on the characteristics of monoclinic ZrO2. The investigation involved the use of the plane-wave ultrasoft pseudopotential technique, which relies on first-principles density-functional theory (DFT). Our comprehensive analysis covered various aspects, including the assessment of structural parameters, elastic behavior, electronic structure, bonding properties, and optical characteristics of monoclinic ZrO2, along with its (V-Y)-doped and V, Y-codoped variations. Our estimations of the structural properties and independent elastic constants of ZrO2 aligned well with previous research findings. To examine the electronic structure and bonding characteristics, we utilized densities of states and charge densities. Notably, the analysis of optoelectronic properties revealed that the addition of V and Y dopants led to a significant reduction in the band gap of ZrO2. This phenomenon is attributed to the appearance of impurity states linked to V and Y in the valence band's up spin. Moreover, the incorporation of V and Y separately or together into ZrO2 resulted in a remarkable increase in the refractive index and the generation of distinct absorption peaks within the visible range.

    Keywords: ZrO2, Electronic properties, Optical properties, First-principles, Substitution, Doping, VY-ZrO2}
  • امیر علی اکبری *، پیمان امیری، زینب آموده

    در پژوهش کنونی محاسبات به طور عمده با استفاده از بسته محاسباتی کوانتوم-اسپرسو و روش شبه پتانسیل در چارچوب نظریه تابعی چگالی و تقریب چگالی موضعی انجام شده است. علاوه براین از تقریب فاز تصادفی در بررسی خواص نوری استفاده شده است. مقادیر منفی بزرگ سهم حقیقی تابع دی الکتریک نشان می دهد که مواد رفتاری شبیه درود از خود نشان می دهند. جایی که مقدار منفی است یا خیلی نزدیک به صفر است، موج الکترومغناطیسی منتشر نمی شود و فرایندهای جذب و اتلاف صورت می گیرد. نمودار سهم موهومی تابع دی الکتریک نشان می دهد که فرآیند جذب از انرژی های کوچک شروع شده است و مکسین های ایتریوم کاربید (Yn+1Cn ; n=1, 2, 3) فاقد گاف انرژی هستند که ماهیت فلزی را تایید می کند، هم چنین بارزترین قله ها در راستای محور y نشان دهنده برهمکنش بیشتر الکترون و فوتون در این راستا است. نسبت معکوس سهم حقیقی تابع دی الکتریک و طیف بازتاب نشان می دهد که در جایی که سهم حقیقی تابع دی الکتریک منفی است، طیف بازتاب برای ترکیبات Y2C، Y3C2 و Y4C3 بالاترین مقدار را دارد و این قله ها در محدوده انرژی فوتون 6 الی 7 الکترون ولت به صفر نزدیک می شوند.

    کلید واژگان: نظریه تابعی چگالی, نانو مکسین, ماهیت فلزی, خواص نوری}
    Amir Aliakbari *, Peiman Amiri, Zeynab Amoudeh

    In the current research, the calculations were mainly done using Quantum-Espresso computing package and pseudo-potential method in the framework of density functional theory and local density approximation (LDA). In addition, random phase approximation has been used in the investigation of optical properties. The large negative values of the real part of the dielectric function, show that the materials exhibit a behavior similar to that of Drude-like. Where the value of is negative or very close to zero, the electromagnetic wave does not propagate and absorption and dissipation processes take place. The diagrams of the imaginary part of the dielectric function indicate that the absorption process started from small energies and yttrium carbide MXenes (Yn+1Cn; n=1, 2, 3) have no energy gap, which confirms the metallic nature. Also the most obvious peaks in the y-direction indicate the greater interaction of electrons and photons in this direction. The inverse ratio of the real part of the dielectric function and the reflection spectrum shows that where the real part of the dielectric function is negative, the reflection spectrum has the highest value for Y2C, Y3C2, and Y4C3 compounds. These peaks approach zero in the photon energy range of 6-7 eV.

    Keywords: Density Functional Theory, Nano-Mxenes, Metallic Nature, Optical Properties}
  • Othman Abdulrahman Hamad, Rebaz Obaid Kareem *, Yosif Hussein Azeez, Mehmet Hanifi Kebiroğlu, Rebaz Anwar Omer, Osama Ismail Haji Zebari
    The novelty of the work lies in the application of quantum computing analysis, specifically employing density functional theory (DFT) and Hartree-Fock (HF) techniques with various basis sets (aug-cc-pVQZ, 3-21G, 6-31G, 6-311G, and SDD), this work examined the structure and characteristics of naphthalene. The theoretical nature of naphthalene's structure and characteristics:  Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital (HOMO), Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital (LUMO), band gap BG, density of state (DOS), Ultraviolet (UV), and Natural Bond Orbital (NBO) are explored. Several additional characteristics have been studied: thermochemical properties at standard temperature and pressure, and their optical properties (Optical BG with the indirect and direct transition).  The DFT/aug-cc-pVQZ basis was used with a fixed value of 4.75 eV to determine the HOMO-LUMO gap of naphthalene in this investigation. We find that the gaps of 4.71, 4.873, and 4.74 eV, respectively, in a recent density-functional theory (DFT) study that agrees with our results.
    Keywords: Naphthalene, DFT, HF, Optical Properties, Thermochemistry, Dos}
  • آزاده احمدیان*

    در این تحقیق، ما ویژگی های نوری شیشه های سرب بورات و بیسموت بورات را بررسی و مقایسه می کنیم. از ضریب شکست و شکاف باند انرژی استفاده کردیم؛ که با روش های تجربی در مرجع 22 تعیین شده بودند. دریافتیم شکست مولی و قطبش پذیری الکترونیکی رفتار مشابهی را نشان می دهند. متالیزاسیون از630/0 تا 568/0 برای شیشه های سرب بورات و از 526/0 تا 435/0 برای شیشه های بیسموت بورات با افزایش مقدار PbO/Bi2O3 متغیر است. ضریب انتقال (T) از 884/0 به 846/0 برای شیشه های PbB و از 818/0 به 751/0 برای شیشه های BiB کاهش یافت، در صورتی که ثابت دی الکتریک (ε) از 755/2 به 276/3 برای شیشه های PbB و از 094/3 به 884/4 برای شیشه های BiB افزایش یافت. الکترونگاتیویتی نوری   از 964/0 به 792/0 برای PbB و از 857/0 به 760/0 برای BiB کاهش یافت. حساسیت دی الکتریک خطی () از 139/0 به 181/0 برای شیشه های سرب بورات و از 214/0 به 309/0 برای شیشه های بیسموت بورات افزایش یافت. حساسیت دی الکتریک غیرخطی () از 13-10 647/0 تا 13-10 829/1 برای PbB و از 12-10 395/0 تا 12-10 551/1 برای BiB تغییر کرد؛ که افزایش 5 برابری را نشان می دهد. ضریب شکست غیرخطی  نیز از 12-10 470/1 به 12-10 810/3 برای شیشه های سرب بورات و از 11-10 704/0 به 11-10 646/2 برای شیشه های بیسموت بورات افزایش یافت. نتایج تایید می کند که بیسموت بورات برای کاربردهای نوری بهتر از سرب بورات است.

    کلید واژگان: شیشه, خصوصیات نوری, سرب بورات, بیسموت بورات}
    Azadeh Ahmadian *

    In this research, we investigate and compare the optical properties of lead borate and bismuth borate glasses. We used the Refractive index and the energy band gaps determined experimentally in Ref [22]. We found that molar refraction and electronic polarizability demonstrate similar behavior. The metallization varies from 0.630 to 0.568 for lead borate glasses and from 0.526 to 0.435 for bismuth borate glasses with increasing PbO/Bi2O3 content. The transmission coefficient decreased from 0.884 to 0.846 for PbB glasses and from 0.818 to 0.751 for BiB glasses, while the dielectric constant increased from 2.755 to 3.276 for PbB glasses and from 3.094 to 4.884 for BiB glasses. The optical electronegativity decreased from 0.964 to 0.792 for PbB and from 0.857 to 0.760 for BiB. The linear dielectric susceptibility increased from 0.139 to 0.181 for lead borate glasses and from 0.214 to 0.309 for bismuth borate glasses. The nonlinear optical susceptibility changed from 0.647  to 1.829  esu for PbB and from 0.359  to 1.551  esu for BiB , indicating more than fivefold increment. The nonlinear refraction index varied from 1.470  to 3.810  esu for lead borate glasses and from 0.704  to 2.646  esu for bismuth borate glasses. The results confirm that bismuth borate is better than lead borate for optical applications.

    Keywords: Glass, Optical Properties, Lead Borate, Bismuth Borate}
  • مریم عزیزی، حمدالله صالحی*

     در این کار با استفاده از محاسبات نظری به بررسی خواص ساختاری و اپتیکی مانند ضریب شکست، ضریب خاموشی، ضریب جذب، ضریب بازتاب و رسانندگی اپتیکی ترکیب کلکوژنیدی Ag2SiS3 که دارای ساختار کریستالی مونوکلینیک می باشد، پرداخته می شود. در این کار از نظریه تابعی چگالی در تقریب LDA با روش شبه پتانسیل استفاده شده است که از نمودار چگالی حالت ها مقدار گاف نواری را eV 2/1،eV 4/1 و eV 37/2 به ترتیب در تقریب LDA، LDA+U و HSE با شبه پتانسیل بار پایسته بدست آمد. همچنین مقدار مدول حجمی نیز بترتیب GPa 81 در LDA و GPa 4/79 در LDA+U و GPa 5/76 در HSE به دست آمده است. در نهایت به بررسی خواص اپتیکی مانند ضریب شکست، ضریب خاموشی، ضریب جذب ، ضریب بازتاب و رسانندگی اپتیکی پرداخته شد که از بررسی خواص اپتیکی مقدار گاف اپتیکی که از ضریب جذب به دست می آید با مقدار گاف نواری انطباق خوبی دارد که مقدار ضرایب اپتیکی در راستاهای مختلف به دلیل ناهمسانگرد بودن ساختار، متفاوت است. مقدار گاف اپتیکی که از نمودار ضریب جذب خوانده شد در تقریب LDA، LDA+U و HSE به ترتیب eV 27/1 ، eV 4/1 و eV 37/2 به دست آمده از بررسی های اپتیکی مشخص گردید این ترکیب دارای قابلیت خوبی برای کاربرد در سلول خورشیدی و مواد اپتوالکترونیک است.

    کلید واژگان: DFT, چگالی حالت ها, مدول حجمی, کلکوژنید, خواص اپتیکی}
    Maryam Azizi, Hamdollah Salehi *

    In the LDA approximation with the pseudo-potential method, and from the density of states diagram, the value of the band gap are 1.2 eV, 1.4 eV, and 2.37 eV, in the LDA and LDA+U and HSE approximations, respectively, were obtained with norm conserving pseudo-potential. Also, the calculated bulk moduls value were 81 GPa in LDA, 79.4 GPa in LDA+U, and 76.5 GPa in HSE approximation. Finally, the optical properties were computed, such as refractive index, extinction coefficient, absorption coefficient, reflection coefficient and optical conductivity. From the examination of the optical properties, the optical gap value obtained from the absorption coefficient is in good agreement with the band gap value, which is Optical coefficients are different in different directions due to the anisotropy of the structure. The value of the optical gap that read from the absorption coefficient diagram in the approximation of LDA, LDA+U and HSE was 1.27 eV, 1.4 eV and 2.37 eV, respectively. Based on the optical investigations, this compound is useful in solar cells and optoelectronic materials.The value of the optical gap that read from the absorption coefficient diagram in the approximation of LDA, LDA+U and HSE was 1.27 eV, 1.4 eV and 2.37 eV, respectively.

    Keywords: DFT, Chalcogenide, Density Of States, Bulk Modul, Optical Properties}
  • مریم گودرزی*، سارا سادات پرهیزگار، جواد بهشتیان
    در این مقاله با استفاده از نظریه تابعی چگالی (DFT)، ابتدا خواص الکترونی و ساختاری کلاسترهای آهن Fe2O3، Fe3O4، Fe4O6 و Fe6O9 (که از پایدارترین کلاسترهای اکسید آهن هستند) و سپس با قرار دادن این کلاسترها بین دو لایه گرافن و بهینه کردن ساختار حاصل، تغییر در خواص الکترونی و مغناطیسی دو لایه گرافن بررسی شده است. یافته ها نشان می دهند که با جایگذاری این کلاسترها بین دو لایه گرافن، لایه های گرافن و همچنین کلاسترها که در ابتدا خنثی هستند، دارای بار الکتریکی می شوند بطوری که اندازه بارها با یکدیگر برابر ولی علامت آنها مخالف یکدیگر است. همچنین ساختارهای حاصل در اثر جایگذاری این کلاسترها مغناطیسی می شوند و اسپین آنها با اسپین کلاستر جایگذاری شده بین دو لایه گرافن برابر است. با جایگذاری کلاسترهای Fe2O3، Fe3O4 و Fe4O6 میان دو لایه گرافن، بین این کلاسترها و لایه گرافن پیوند به وجود آمده از نوع شیمیایی و برای کلاستر Fe6O9، پیوند فیزیکی است.
    کلید واژگان: نظریه تابعی چگالی, گرافن دولایه, کلاسترهای اکسید آهن, خواص ساختاری و الکترونی}
    Maryam Goudarzi *, Sara Sadat Parhizgar, Javad Beheshtian
    Structural and electronic properties of Iron oxide clusters (Fe2O3, Fe3O4, Fe4O6 and Fe6O9) and change this properties in bilayer graphene Due to placement of clusters between two layer of graphene have been investigated computationally using density functional theory (DFT). We find that By placing the studied clusters between two layers of graphene, graphene layers and clusters, which are initially neutral, are electrically charged, and their charges are equal in opposite sign. Also by placing the clusters between the two graphene layers, the resulting structures are magnetic, and total spin is equal to the cluster spin between the two graphene layers. so by placing Fe2O3, Fe3O4 and Fe4O6 clusters between two graphene layers, a chemical bond is formed between them and graphene layers, while the adsorption Fe6O9 cluster between two graphene layers is a physical adsorption.Keywords: Density Functional Theory, Bilayer Graphene, Iron Oxide clusters, Structural and Optical properties
    Keywords: density functional theory, Bilayer Graphene, Iron Oxide clusters, Structural, Optical properties}
  • Raheem A. Ejbarah *, Musaab Khudhur Mohammed, Ali Jassim Mohammed, Ahmed Hashim
    In this paper, a solution casting technique has been used to investigate the nanocomposite from polyvinylalcohol (PVA) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) with additive different (1.5, 3, and 4.5) wt.% of zirconium carbide nanoparticles (ZrC NPs). The absorption spectrum between 200 and 800 nm was examined using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The addition of ZrC nanoparticles to the polymeric system improves the absorption of ultraviolet waves. While transmittance ratios (85-70%) are maintained allowing it to be employed for a variety of purposes, including solar radiation shields, low-cost UV protection, and drug packaging. The optical energy gap for indirect transitions (allowed and forbidden) shrank as ZrC NP content increased. Also, every optical constant has been studied, The parameters that have been experimentally studied for the nanocomposite (PVA-PEG-ZrC) have shown results that are identical to the theoretical studies and the mathematical relationships that govern these parameters.
    Keywords: Absorbance Of Nancomposites, Energy Gap, Optical Properties, PVA, Zrc}
  • توکل توحیدی*
    در این کار، نقاط کوانتومی CdS به صورت کلوییدی در بستر پلیمر پلی ونیل الکل (PVA) با روش لایه نشانی حمام شیمیایی (CBD) تهیه شدند. از سه ترکیب مختلف در حمام شیمیایی برای تهیه نقاط کوانتومی CdS مورد استفاده قرار گرفت. در حالت اول نسبت یون های Cd2+ بیشتر از یون های S2- بود. در حالت دوم نسبت یون های Cd2+ کمتر از یونهای S2- بود و در حالت سوم نسبت یون های Cd2+ مساوی یونهای S2- بود. خواص اپتیکی شامل طیف جذبی، طیف نورتابی و گاف انرژی مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت. با توجه به طیف XRD می‏توان گفت فاز تشکیل شده برای نانو ذرات CdS ترکیبی از ساختار شش گوشی و مکعبی زینک بلند می باشد. از نتایج AFM مشاهده می شود که در هر سه نمونه نانو ذرات CdS در بستر پلیمری جای گرفته اند و نمونه ی تهیه شده از محلول 2 دارای توزیع یکنواخت تری از اندازه ذرات نسبت به دو تای دیگر هستند. تصاویر TEM نشان داد که ذرات CdS تقریبا کروی شکل بوده و با افزایش غلظت یون Cd2+ در محلول اندازه ذرات بزرگ می شود. گاف انرژی نمونه ها در محدوده ی eV 45/2 تا eV 84/2 بدست آمد که در مقایسه با مقدار گاف انرژی ماده ی کپه ایی CdS یعنی eV 42/2 بزرگتر می باشد.
    کلید واژگان: خواص اپتیکی, نانوکامپوزیت, CdS, PVA, روش حمام شیمیایی}
    Tavakkol Tohidi *
    In this work, CdS quantum dots embedded in polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) polymer were prepared in colloidal form using the chemical bath deposition (CBD) method. Three different compounds were used in the chemical bath to prepare CdS quantum dots. In the first case, the ratio of Cd2+ ions was higher than that of S2- ions. In the second case, the ratio of Cd2+ ions was lower than that of S2- ions, and in the third case, the ratio of Cd2+ ions was equal to that of S2- ions. Optical properties including energy gap, and absorption and emission spectra were studied. According to the XRD spectrum, it can be said that the phase formed for CdS nanoparticles is a combination of hexagonal and zinc blende cubic structures. From the results of atomic force microscopy (AFM), it can be seen that CdS nanoparticles are embedded in the polymer matrix, and the sample prepared from Solution 2 has a more uniform distribution of particle size than the samples from the other two solutions. The TEM images showed that CdS particles are nearly spherical, and with increasing concentration of Cd2+ ions in the solution, the particle size increases. The energy gap of the samples was found to be in the range of 2.45 eV to 2.84 eV, which is larger than the energy gap of CdS bulk, i.e., 2.42 eV.
    Keywords: Optical Properties, Nanocomposite, CdS, PVA, Chemical bath deposition method}
  • Md Komol Hassan, Md Tauhidul Karim, Prosenjeet Biswas, Debashis Howlader, Mohammad Harun-Ur-Rashid, Ajoy Kumer *
    In pursuit of advancing the field of photocatalysis, a comprehensive investigation was undertaken to elucidate the electronic structure, structural geometry, and optical characteristics of Zn(GaS2)2, Zn(GaSe2)2, and Zn(GaTe2)2, followed by a comparative analysis of these properties. Initial explorations involved the employment of four distinct Density Functional Theory (DFT) functionals, specifically the Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA) with Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE), GGA with Revised Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (RPBE), GGA with Perdew-Wang 1991 (PW91), and GGA with Wu-Cohen (WC) functionals, to conduct a preliminary assessment of the electronic band structures and structural configurations of the crystalline materials. However, it was noted that the band gap values for Zn(GaS2)2 exhibited variations across the different DFT functionals, registering at 2.068 eV for GGA-PBE, 2.214 eV for GGA-RPBE, 2.033 eV for GGA-PW91, and 1.936 eV for GGA-WC, where the latter value of 1.936 eV closely approximated the reference value of 1.93 eV. Consequently, the GGA-WC method emerged as the most accurate and reliable functional among the evaluated options. Furthermore, the band gap values for Zn(GaSe2)2 and Zn(GaTe2)2 were determined to be 1.726 eV and 0.329 eV, respectively, utilizing the GGA-WC functional. The total electron density was meticulously examined to delineate potential electron localization sites within the crystals, particularly concerning their capacity to activate or bond with environmental pollutants, thereby serving as efficient photocatalysts. Conspicuously, Zn(GaTe2)2 has emerged as a distinguished contender, showcasing remarkable photocatalytic effectiveness in wastewater treatment, outperforming its fellow materials. This revelation harbors substantial potential for propelling advancements in the realm of photocatalysis and environmental remediation.
    Keywords: Photocatalyst, Dos, Band Gap, Optical Properties, DFT}
  • Abbas Farhadikoutenaei *, Marwa Ali Mahdi, Ali Bahari, Ali Al-Jelif
    In the present work, the electronic, optical, and nano structural properties of boron nitride samples (in monolayer, bilayer and bulk form) were determined with the help of density functional theory (DFT) and calculations using the Siesta package and the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). -PBE) has been discussed. It is found that the bond length, bond angles, and curvature values of boron nitride are almost the same in monolayer, bilayer, and bulk states. Of course, these structures are considered to have planar forms. Considering the existence of the low band gap energy between the bottom of the conduction band and the maximum of the valence band, (although the size of the bandgap decreases with the increase in the number of layers), it can be concluded that the samples are semiconductors.Since there is a relationship between refractive index, magnetic permeability, and electrical permeability (magnetic parameters are not discussed in the present work), dielectric function, reflection coefficient, absorption coefficient, and refractive index are also investigated. The two real and imaginary components of the dielectric function are important in the properties of materials in terms of nanocomposites. Here, special attention is paid to the main peak in the real part of the dielectric constant.
    Keywords: Boron nitride, monolayer, Bilayer, Optical properties, DFT}
  • عارفه اسفندیاری نژاد، نجمه نعمتی پور، مریم نورافشان*

    در این پژوهش ویژگی های اپتیکی و الکترونی انبوهه و نانولایه سلنیدروی (ZnSe) و سولفید روی (ZnS) مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. محاسبات بر اساس حل معادله شرودینگر بس الکترونی در چارچوب نظریه تابعی چگالی و با استفاده از کد محاسباتی (WIEN2K)  انجام شده است. انرژی تبادلی- همبستگی با استفاده از رهیافت های تقریب شیب تعمیم یافته و انگل- وسکو بدست آمده است. به منظور بررسی ویژگی های الکترونی و اپتیکی نانولایه های سلنیدروی و سولفیدروی، ساختارنواری و تابع دی الکتریک حقیقی و موهومی انبوهه و نانولایه این ترکیبات با ضخامت های مختلف محاسبه و با یکدیگر مقایسه شده است. نتایج محاسبات ساختار الکترونی  بدست آمده نشان می دهد که شکاف نواری نانولایه های سلنیدروی و سولفیدروی به صفر کاهش یافته است و این ترکیبات که در حالت انبوهه نیمه رسانا هستند در حالت نانولایه رسانا می باشند. همچنین، نتایج محاسبات قسمت حقیقی تابع دی الکتریک نشان می دهد که ضریب دی الکتریک استاتیک در راستای موازی سطح نانولایه و عمود بر سطح نانولایه برای هر دو ترکیب سولفیدروی و سلنیدروی با مقدار ثابت دی الکتریک انبوهه ترکیبات مورد مطالعه متفاوت است. مقایسه نمودارهای قسمت حقیقی نانولایه های سولفید روی و سلنید روی با نمودارهای متناظر حالت انبوهه نشان می دهد که فرآیند جذب موج الکترومغناطیس در نانولایه های سولفید روی و سلنید روی در مقایسه با حالت انبوهه متناظر در انرژی های پایین تر رخ می دهد.

    کلید واژگان: نظریه تابعی چگالی, ویژگی های اپتیکی, ویژگی های الکترونی, نانولایه سلنید روی, نانولایه سولفیدروی}
    Arefeh Esfandiari Nejad, Najme Nemati Poor, Maryam Noorafshan *

    In this study, the optical and electronic properties of bulk and nano-layer of zinc selenide (ZnSe) and zinc sulfide (ZnS) are investigated. The calculations for solving the many-body Schrodinger equations are performed in the framework of density functional theory using the WIEN2K computational package. The Engel-Vosko and gradient generalized approximation (GGA) treat the exchange-correlation potential. To investigate the electronic and optical properties of zinc selenide and zinc sulfide nano layers, the electronic band structure and the real and imaginary parts of complex dielectric function for the bulk and nano-layer with different thicknesses are calculated and compared. The results of electronic band structures show that the energy band gap of zinc selenide and zinc sulfide nano-layers with various thicknesses decreases to zero and are metal. In contrast, the bulk of zinc selenide and zinc sulfide compounds are semiconductors. The results also show that for each compounds the static dielectric function for the perpendicular and parallel direction to the nano-layer surface is different from the bulk static dielectric function. Comparison between the real parts of complex dielectric function for the bulk and nano-layer shows that absorption of electromagnetic radiation for the ZnSe and ZnS nano-layer in comparison to corresponding bulk results occur in lower energies.

    Keywords: density functional theory, Electronic properties, optical properties, ZnSe nano-layer, ZnS nano-layer}
  • عرفان چولکی، برهان ارغوانی نیا*، محمدحسین صحافی

    در این مقاله با استفاده ازمحاسبات اصول اولیه در چارچوب نظریه ی تابعی چگالی بررسی ویژگی های ترموالکتریکی، فونونی، الکترونی و اپتیکی تک لایه C3N توسط کد محاسباتی Wien2K  پرداخته شده است. مطالعه ی ویژگی های الکترونی رفتار نیمه رسانایی غیر مغناطیسی با شکاف غیرمستقیم با مقدار 5/0الکترون ولت را برای این ساختار دوبعدی نشان می دهد. همچنین، ویژگی های نوری از جمله تابع دی الکتریک، بازتاب، تابع اتلاف انرژی، ضریب جذب و هدایت نوری محاسبه می شوند. ویژگی های اپتیکی نیز نشان دهنده ی ناهمسانگردی اپتیکی تک لایه C3N برای دو راستای x وz است، که با توجه به نمودار ضریب شکست منجر به ایجاد ویژگی دوشکستگی در این ساختارمی شود، که یک پارامتر کلیدی برای عملکرد نوری خطی این ترکیب است. نتایج یک درک اساسی از طراحی ساختارهای کامپوزیتی مورد استفاده در دستگاه های نانو بر اساس مواد پیشرفته دو بعدی ارایه می دهد. دیاگرام پاشندگی فونونی با استفاده از رهیافت پاسخ خطی در امتداد نقاط پرتقارن محاسبه می گردد. نتایج نشان دهنده نبود مدهای منفی در طیف فونونی است که بیان می کند ساختار به صورت دینامیکی در تعادل قرار دارد. بررسی ویژگی های ترموالکتریکی تک لایه C3N با استفاده نظریه نیمه کلاسیکی بولتزمن نشان می دهد که این تک لایه در دمای اتاق و دماهای پایین تر از دمای اتاق دارای ضریب ارزشی (ZT) نزدیک به یک است. در نتیجه می تواند به عنوان گزینه ای برای کاربردهای ترموالکتریکی مطرح گردد.

    کلید واژگان: نظریه تابعی چگالی, ویژگی های اپتیکی, تک لایه C3N, نیمه رسانا}
    Erfan Cholaki, Borhan Arghavani Nia *, MohammadHossein Sahafi

    In this paper, the thermo-electric, phonon, electronic, and optical properties of the C3N monolayer have been investigated using the Wien2K computational code based on first principles calculations in the framework of the density functional theory. The study of electronic properties shows the behavior of non-magnetic semiconductors with an indirect gap with a value of 0.5 electron volts for this two-dimensional structure. Also, optical properties such as dielectric function, reflection, energy loss function, absorption coefficient, and optical conductivity are calculated. C3N monolayer is optically anisotropic in z and x direction, which according to the refractive index diagram leads to birefringence, which is a key parameter for this compound's linear optical performance. The results provide a fundamental understanding of the design of composite structures used in nanodevices based on two-dimensional advanced materials. The linear response approach along the symmetric points calculates the phonon dispersion diagram. The results indicate the absence of negative modes in the phonon spectrum, indicating that the structure is dynamically stable. Investigating the thermoelectric properties of the C3N monolayer using the semi-classical Boltzmann theory shows that this monolayer has a value coefficient (ZT) close to one at room temperature and temperatures lower than room temperature. As a result, it can be proposed as a candidate for thermoelectric applications.

    Keywords: density functional theory, optical properties, The C3N Monolayer, Semiconductor}
  • Reza Torkamani, Bagher Aslibeiki *, Hamid Naghshara, Masih Darbandi
    In this study, the effect of oxidation temperature and substrate type on the morphology and optical properties of the ZnO films were investigated. The films were prepared by oxidation of metallic zinc layer under air atmosphere. To examine the effect of oxidation on the growth process, the temperatures of 400, 600, and 800 C were considered. To study the impact of the substrate, amorphous quartz and crystalline silicon substrates were used. At 400 C and quartz substrate, the thin layer grows in the form of particles, while it grows in the nanoflake-like shape when using silicon substrate. The surface roughness increases by the increasing the oxidation temperature. The samples prepared on silicon substrate indicate higher surface roughness than those prepared using quartz substrate. The band gap energy of the films elevated by increasing the oxidation temperature from 400 to 600 C, and then decreased by further increasing the annealing temperature to 800 C. The photoluminescence (PL) spectra of the films confirmed the emission due to exciton recombination related to near band edge emission (NBE) and emission due to defects.
    Keywords: ZnO, Thin film, Sputtering, Substrate, optical properties}
  • Mahsa Sadat Sarmalek, Mehdi Adelifard *
    This study focused on the synthesis and characterization of CZTS thin films using a spray pyrolysis method followed by sulfurization. Three different samples were prepared by varying the molar ratios of zinc to tin: Cu2ZnSnS4 (PV), Cu2Zn0.9Sn1.1S4 (NC), and Cu2Zn1.1Sn0.9S4 (PC). The samples were annealed in the presence of sulfur at 300℃. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis revealed the formation of a kesterite crystal structure in all samples, with the (112) plane being the dominant orientation. The CZTS thin films showed a maximum crystallite size of 11.6 nm in the PC sample. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) was used to investigate the morphological properties, providing insights into the surface characteristics and microstructure of the thin films. The optical properties of the CZTS thin films were examined using UV-Vis spectroscopy. It was observed that the band gap energy increased in all samples after sulfurization, ranging from 1.50 eV to 1.66 eV.  This indicates the potential suitability of the films as absorber layers in solar cell applications. The electrical properties were evaluated through Hall effect measurements, which revealed that the CZTS thin films exhibited p-type conductivity. The NC sample demonstrated the lowest specific resistivity of 1.43 Ω.cm.
    Keywords: Copper Zinc Tin Sulfur, Optical properties, Electrical properties, Sulfurization}
  • Hadis Mohammadpour, Pouran Pourhakkak *, Ren Guogang, Hamidreza Shamlouei, Mohammadreza Aallaei, Nasimeh Mohammadian

    Sumanene (C21H12) is the smallest bowl-shaped molecule containing a central benzene ring, which is alternately surrounded by another 3 benzene rings and cyclopentadiene rings. In this study, the effect of various electron donor and receptor substitutions on its structure, electrical and optical properties were investigated. The results showed that the electron-bonding and electron-donor-acceptor groups to sumanene greatly affected the electrical properties. In contrast, the most significant effect occurred when NO and CH2Li substitutions were at the two positions simultaneously. These substitutions also greatly influenced optical properties and significantly increased its polarization and polarization values. The most significant effect occurred when BH2 and NCH3Li were replaced in position 1. Finally, the absorption spectrum of the substituted molecules was examined when the BH2-NCH3Li groups were in position 1.

    Keywords: Sumanene, Orbital Energy, Absorption spectra, Optical properties}
  • Saman Rahimi, Yasser Rajabi *

    A poly(m-phenylene diamine) (PmPDA)/sulfonated single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT-SO3H) nanocomposite was synthesized via in situ polymerization. Successful incorporation of SWCNT-SO3H into the PmPDA matrix was confirmed through Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, UV-visible spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis. The nanocomposite exhibited a red shift of 6 nm in the UV-visible spectrum compared to the pristine polymer, attributed to the conductivity of the incorporated nanotubes. The thermogravimetric analysis also showed improved thermal stability for the nanocomposite over the polymer. Importantly, the nonlinear optical properties were studied via Z-scan measurements. The nanocomposite displayed a nonlinear refractive index on the order of 10−3 m2/W and a nonlinear absorption coefficient on the order of 10−5 m/W, demonstrating self-defocusing behavior. Varying the concentration from 0.3 to 0.7 mg/mL and input laser intensity from 6.2 to 164.5 mW/cm2 tuned the optical nonlinearity. Overall, the easy integration of carbon nanotubes makes the PmPDA nanocomposite a useful self-defocusing material for optical limiting and switching applications.

    Keywords: Optical properties, poly(m-phenylene diamine), sulfonated single-walled carbon nanotubes, nanocomposite}
  • Rebaz Kareem *, Mehmet Hanifi Kebiroğlu, Othman Abdulrahman Hamad Hamad, Omer Kaygili, Niyazi Bulut
    This study employs Density Functional Theory (DFT) methodology to comprehensively investigate the structural and physicochemical characteristics of epinephrine, a molecule of physiological relevance. By employing DFT approaches, a more precise description of epinephrine's structure and properties is achieved compared to prior studies. A detailed examination of epinephrine's structure and various properties, such as the Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital (HOMO), Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital (LUMO), Band Gap (BG), Density of States (DOS), Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR), Ultraviolet (UV) absorption, and Natural Bond Orbital (NBO) analysis. Furthermore, we explore non-covalent interactions (NCI) through the examination of Reduced Density Gradient (RDG) and Molecular Electrostatic Potential (MEP) maps. Incorporating FT-IR results, we delve into the vibrational properties of epinephrine, highlighting C-H vibrations at 3700, 3176.20, and 2986.14 cm-1, along with specific vibrational modes of the benzene ring at 1558.43 and 1461.14 cm-1. Additionally, we provide a comprehensive analysis of epinephrine's thermochemical properties at temperatures ranging from 100 to 200 K under constant pressure conditions (1 atm), including optical transitions. This comprehensive investigation enhances our understanding of epinephrine's structure and properties, paving the way for a more profound comprehension of its biological and pharmacological significance.
    Keywords: Epinephrine, Physicochemical, Thermochemistry, Optical properties, NCI, RDG}
  • M. Abd Shahoodh, F.T. Ibrahim *, S. Guermazi
    The spray pyrolysis technique is a versatile and cost-effective method for producing TiO2-NiO@In2O3 NCTFs on glass substrates with varying molar ratios. NCTFs have been studied for gas-sensing applications due to their excellent sensing properties. The films' structural, morphological, and gas-sensing characteristics were analyzed. The XRD analysis indicates that the NCTFs are polycrystalline, meaning that they are made up of many small crystals. The crystals are oriented in a random fashion, which is why the XRD pattern is broad. The anatase phase of TiO2 is a tetragonal crystal structure. The NiO and In2O3 phases are both cubic crystal structures. The presence of nanostructure cubic phases indicates that the nanoparticles in the films are small enough to significantly affect the crystal structure of the films. Scanning electron microscopy images showed surface homogeneity, with small granular grains of nanostructures without any cracks. The gas sensor created using the prepared samples showed high sensitivity to NO2 and H2S gases, and its sensitivity was measured at different operation temperatures, along with response and recovery times. The optical properties of In2O3 are affected by the addition of TiO2 and NiO impurities. The In2O3 transmittance increases as the NiO ratio increases and the TiO2 ratio decreases.
    Keywords: TiO2-NiO@In2O3 NCTFs, glass substrate, crystal structure, High sensitivity, NO2, H2S gas sensors, Optical properties}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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