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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « time series forecasting » در نشریات گروه « فنی و مهندسی »

  • مهسا رجبی، حمید خالوزاده*

    سری های زمانی مالی اساسا پیچیده، دینامیک، نویزی، غیرخطی، غیرپارامتری و آشوبگونه هستند، لذا پیش بینی بازارهای مالی به عنوان یکی از چالش برانگیزترین زمینه ها در حوزه مهندسی و اقتصاد مطرح می باشد. با پیشرفت روزافزون هوش مصنوعی و روی کارآمدن روش های نوین یادگیری عمیق، مساله پیش بینی بازار سهام با تحولات چشمگیری بخصوص در زمینه مدل های پیاده سازی و نیز حجم عظیمی از انواع داده های ورودی همراه شده است. چهار گام مهم برای ایجاد یک ساختار پیش بینی هوشمند سیستماتیک شامل: ورودی های مدل، انتخاب الگوریتم های پیش بینی و ارایه ساختار کلی مدل پیش بین، بکاربردن توابع خطای متناسب با مساله جهت آموزش الگوریتم یادگیری و در نهایت ارزیابی صحیح نتایج با توجه به معیارهای مورد نظر می باشد. در این مقاله مرور جامعی بر رویکردهای اخیر مساله پیش بینی بازار سهام با تمرکز بر چهار عامل فوق ارایه گردیده است. مهم ترین دست آورد های این مقاله عبارتند از: 1- بررسی همه جانبه مساله شامل: مرور انواع ورودی های مدل، ساختارهای مختلف پیش بینی، آموزش مدل و انواع توابع خطای بکار برده شده، و نیز سنجه های ارزیابی نتایج، بصورت کاملا طبقه بندی شده و ساختاریافته بطوریکه نقشه راه مساله و چالش های موجود را بسادگی در اختیار علاقه مندان قرار دهد و هر بخش زمینه پژوهشی مهمی را به پژوهشگران ارایه نماید. 2- تحلیل کامل هر بخش، مشخص کردن کاربرد هریک از روش ها و بحث و بررسی مزایا و معایب آن ها براساس آخرین پیشرفت ها و ارایه چشم اندازهایی از مرزهای پژوهشی مساله 3- مشخص کردن مسیر تحقیقاتی درحال انجام، رویکردهای آینده و مسایل باز جهت کمک به محققان و پژوهشگران علاقه مند به این حوزه.

    کلید واژگان: بازارهای مالی, پیش بینی سری زمانی, روش های یادگیری عمیق, توابع خطا, سنجه های ارزیابی}
    Mahsa Rajabi, Hamid Khaloozadeh*

    Financial time series are fundamentally complex, dynamic, noisy, non-linear, non-parametric and chaotic, so forecasting financial markets is one of the most challenging fields in engineering and economics. With the increasing progress of artificial intelligence and the emergence of deep learning methods, the problem of stock market forecasting has been faced with significant developments, especially in the field of prediction models and big data. Four important steps to create a systematic intelligent forecasting model include model inputs, selection of forecasting algorithms and design of the general structure of the forecasting model, using appropriate loss functions to train the algorithm and finally suitable evaluation of the results, according to the desired criteria. In this paper, a comprehensive review of recent approaches to stock market forecasting is provided, focusing on the above steps. The most important achievements of this paper are: 1- A comprehensive review of the problem, including: reviewing the types of model inputs, different prediction structures, training the model and types of loss functions used, and the evaluation metric of the results, in a fully classified and structured way to easily provide the road map and existing challenges for the enthusiasts and also an important research field of each section for the researchers. 2- Complete analysis of each part, specifying the application of each method and discussing their advantages and disadvantages based on the latest developments and providing perspectives on the research boundaries. 3- Determining the ongoing research path, future approaches and open issues for researchers interested in this field.

    Keywords: Financial markets, time series forecasting, deep learning methods, loss function, evaluation metric}
  • مرتضی عبدالحسینی*

    بیماری کرونا ویروس (کووید-19) یک بیماری همه گیر است که همه کشورهای جهان را درگیر کرده است. پیش بینی روند گسترش بیماری کرونا منجر خواهد شد که تدابیر لازم جهت کنترل این بیماری از سوی مسیولین انجام شود. این موارد شامل افزایش واکسیناسیون، قرنطینه کردن شهرها و ممنوعیت ورود و خروج، افزایش ظرفیت تخت های بیمارستانی، ایجاد مراکز واکسیناسیون شبانه روزی، الزام به استفاده از ماسک در اماکن عمومی و رعایت فواصل اجتماعی به صورت کلی آمادگی لازم جهت برخورد با پیک جدید بیماری کرونا است. لذا پیش بینی چنین مواردی سبب کاهش آمار مبتلایان به کرونا و لذا کاهش نرخ مرگ ومیر خواهد شد.

    روش شناسی پژوهش:

     در این مقاله با استفاده از آنالیز طیفی منفرد (SSA)، پیش بینی میزان پیک ششم مبتلایان کرونا با لحاظ کردن وضع فعلی صورت گرفته است. به منظور بهبود فرآیند گروه بندی الگوریتم SSA، انتخاب مقادیر ویژه به صورت فرآیند بهینه سازی صورت گرفته است به طوری که سری زمانی پیش بینی شده با توجه به شاخص خطای مدنظر به طور قابل توجهی بهبود یافته است.

    یافته ها

     با مقایسه روش پیشنهادی با سایر روش های پیش بینی شامل میانگین متحرک خود همبسته یکپارچه (ARIMA)، ARIMA کسری (ARFIMA)، TBATS و خود همبسته شبکه عصبی (NNAR)، مشاهده می شود که خطای پیش بینی به حد قابل قبولی بوده و می تواند روش SSA جهت پیش بینی مورد استناد قرار گیرد.

    اصالت/ارزش افزوده علمی:

     در این مقاله با استفاده از روش کارآمد SSA، موارد مبتلا جدید کرونا ویروس را پیش بینی می کند و نتایج ارایه شده اثربخشی روش پیشنهادی را تایید می کند.

    کلید واژگان: بیماری کرونا (کووید 19), پیش بینی سری زمانی, آنالیز طیفی منفرد, پیک ششم کرونا, SSA}
    Morteza Abdolhosseini *

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a pandemic that has affected all countries of the world. Forecasting the spread of corona disease will lead to the necessary measures to be taken by the authorities to control this disease. These include increasing vaccinations, quarantining cities and banning entry and exit, increasing the capacity of hospital beds, setting up round-the-clock vaccination centers, requiring the use of masks in public places, and observing social distances. Therefore, predicting such cases will reduce the number of corona cases and therefore reduce the mortality rate.


    In this paper, using the Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) algorithm, the sixth peak of coronavirus in Iran is predicted by considering the current situation. To improve the grouping process of the SSA algorithm, eigenvalues have been selected in the optimization process, so that the predicted time series of which has been significantly improved according to the error-index.


    Comparing the proposed method with other forecasting methods include Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA), Fractional ARIMA (ARFIMA), TBATS, and Neural Network Autoregression (NNAR), it is observed that the forecasting error is acceptable and the SSA method can be used for forecasting.


    This article predicts a new case of COVID-19 using efficient method SSA and the presented results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method.

    Keywords: COVID-19, Corona Sixth Peak, Singular Spectrum Analysis, Time series forecasting}
  • مهدی بهزاد*، سید علی حسین لی، حسام الدین ارغند، افشین بنازاده

    در این مقاله، بیشینه ی دامنه ی سیگنال زمانی شتاب به عنوان مشخصه ی ارتعاشی مناسب که نمایش گر خوبی از روند زوال یاتاقان غلتشی است انتخاب شده و به منظور پیش بینی روند زوال و عمر مفید باقیمانده به کار رفته است. در گام نخست با به کار بردن یک انتقال لگاریتمی، این مشخصه ی ارتعاشی به یک سری زمانی پایدار تبدیل شده است. سپس با کمک شبکه ی عصبی بازگشتی حافظه ی طولانی کوتاه مدت، نحوه ی رشد این مشخصه ی ارتعاشی پیش بینی شده است. این پیش بینی روی داده های دو نمونه از یاتاقان های آزمایش پرونوستیا که در ادبیات فن شناخته شده بوده و مورد استفاده محققین بسیاری قرار گرفته، اعمال شده است. با توجه به نتایج پیش بینی مدل، مدت زمان باقیمانده تا رسیدن این مشخصه ی ارتعاشی به یک آستانه ی معین ارایه شده است. همچنین اگر آستانه ی تعیین شده به معنی پایان عمر مفید یاتاقان باشد، می توان از الگوریتم پیشنهاد شده به منظور تخمین عمر مفید باقیمانده نیز بهره جست. نحوه ی عملکرد الگوریتم در راستای این هدف نیز ارایه و ارزیابی شده است.نتایج حاکی از مطابقت خوب پیش بینی مدل با داده های تجربی است.

    کلید واژگان: شبکه ی عصبی بازگشتی, شبکه ی عصبی حافظه ی طولانی کوتاه مدت, پیش بینی عمر یاتاقان غلتشی, پیش بینی ادامه ی سری زمانی, تست عمر پرشتاب یاتاقان}
    M. Behzad *, S.A. Hosseinli, H.A. Arghand, A. Banazadeh

    This paper proposes a remaining useful life (RUL) prediction method that uses the peak of the vibration acceleration signal as an appropriate feature to indicate the degradation process in the rolling element bearings (REBs). In the first step, this feature is transformed into a stationary time series using logarithmic transformation. That is because the long short-term memory neural network (LSTM-NN) works better with the stationary time series. Training the LSTM-NN is performed by this stationary time series as the input and the response is the training time series with values shifted by one time step. Therefore, the LSTM-NN learns to predict the value of the next time step at each point. In other words, to forecast the values of multiple time steps in the future, previous forecasted steps are used as inputs. Next, the values of the future time steps are returned to the main non-stationary form to predict the trend of the peak in the future. Importantly, new measured data can be used to perform new predictions. For this purpose, for every new measured data, the LSTM-NN repeats the mentioned steps and generates a new trend. This algorithm is a trend-dependent method. Therefore, an REB that has a slow degradation stage in its life, which is corresponding to the growth and expansion of defects in REBs, is appropriate to be studied by this algorithm. This method is implemented on two REBs from PRONOSTIA accelerated-life test which have been used by many researchers in the literature. According to the prediction results, the remaining time that peak amplitude trend touches a given threshold is provided. If this threshold is a criterion for the end of life (EoL), this method can be used to determine the RUL. The performance of the proposed method has been evaluated and the presented results are in a good agreement with the experimental data.

    Keywords: Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Remaining Useful Life (RUL), Time series forecasting, Bearing accelerated-life test}
  • Zahra Hajirahimi, Mehdi Khashei *
    With the increasing importance of forecasting with the utmost degree of accuracy, utilizing hybrid frameworks become a must for obtaining more accurate and more reliable forecasting results. Series hybrid methodology is one of the most widely-used hybrid approaches that has encountered a great amount of popularity in the literature of time series forecasting and has been applied successfully in a wide variety of domains. In such hybrid methods is assumed that there is an additive relationship among different components of time series. Thus, based on this assumption, various individual models can apply separately on decomposed components, and the final forecast can be obtained. However, developed series hybrid models in the literature are constructed based on the decomposing time series into linear and nonlinear parts and generating linear-nonlinear modeling order for decomposed parts. Another assumption considered in the traditional series model is assigning equal weights to each model used for modeling linear and nonlinear components. Thus, contrary to traditional series hybrid models, to improve the performance of series hybrid models, these two basic assumptions have been violated in this paper. This study aims to propose a novel weighted MLP-ARIMA model filling the gap of series hybrid models by changing the order of sequence modeling and assigning weight for each component. Firstly, the modeling order is changed to nonlinear-linear, and then Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Network (MLPNN) -Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average(ARIMA) models are employed to model and process nonlinear and linear components respectively. Secondly, each model's weights are computed by the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) weighting algorithm. Thus, in this paper, a novel improved weighted MLP-ARIMA series hybrid model is proposed for time series forecasting. The real-world benchmark data sets, including Wolf's sunspot data, the Canadian lynx data, and the British pound/US dollar exchange rate data, are elected to verify the effectiveness of the proposed weighted MLP-ARIMA series hybrid model. The simulation results revealed that the weighted MLP-ARIMA model could obtain superior performance compared to ARIMA-MLP, MLP-ARIMA, as well as the ARIMA and MLPNN individual models. The proposed hybrid model can be an effective alternative to improve forecasting accuracy obtained by traditional series hybrid methods.
    Keywords: series hybrid model, weighted MLP-ARIMA model, Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA), multi-layer perceptron neural network (MLPNN), Time series forecasting}
  • M. Khedmati *, F. Seifi, M. J. Azizi
    Bitcoin as the current leader in cryptocurrencies is a new asset class receiving significant attention in the financial and investment community and presents an interesting time series prediction problem. In this paper, some forecasting models based on classical like ARIMA and machine learning approaches including Kriging, Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Bayesian method, Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Random Forest (RF) are proposed and analyzed for modelling and forecasting the Bitcoin price. While some of the proposed models are univariate, the other models are multivariate and as a result, the maximum, minimum and the opening daily price of Bitcoin are also used in these models. The proposed models are applied on the Bitcoin price from December 18, 2019 to March 1, 2020 and their performances are compared in terms of the performance measures of RMSE and MAPE by Diebold-Mariano statistical test. Based on RMSE and MAPE measures, the results show that SVM provides the best performance among all the models. In addition, ARIMA and Bayesian approaches outperform other univariate models where they provide smaller values for RMSE and MAPE.
    Keywords: Time series forecasting, Machine Learning, bitcoin, Multivariate Models}
  • Hossein Abbasimehr*, Mohammad Khodizadeh Nahari

    Demand forecasting is a vital task for firms to manage the optimum quantity of raw material and products. The demand forecasting task can be formulated as a time series forecasting problem by measuring historical demand data at equal intervals. Demand time series usually exhibit a seasonal pattern. The principle idea of this study is to propose a method that predicts the demand for every different season using a specialized forecaster. In this study, we test our proposal using the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) which is a deep learning technique for time series forecasting. Specifically, the proposed method instead of learning an LSTM model using the whole demand data builds a specialized LSTM model corresponding to each season. The proposed method is evaluated using different topologies of the LSTM model. The results of experiments indicated that the proposed method outperforms the regular method considering the performance measures. The proposed method can be used in other domains for demand forecasting.

    Keywords: LSTM, Time series forecasting, Demand prediction}
  • فاطمه چاهکوتاهی*، مهدی خاشعی

    روش های پیش بینی از کارآمدترین ابزارهای موجود به منظور اتخاذ تصمیمات مدیریتی در حوزه های مختلف علوم هستند. دقت پیش بینی ها یکی از مهم ترین عامل های موثر بر کیفیت تصمیمات اتخاذی است که رابطه ی مستقیمی با کیفیت این تصمیمات دارند. پیش بینی تقاضای الکتریسته یکی از چالش برانگیزترین حوزه های پیش بینی است. مشخصه ی منحصربه فرد الکتریسته، که پیش بینی را در مقایسه با سایر کالاهای تولیدی دشوارتر می سازد، عدم امکان ذخیره سازی آن به منظور مصرف در آینده است. این موضوع سبب ایجاد سطح بالایی از ابهام در داده های مرتبط با این گونه از بازارها می شود. ابزارهای هوش محاسباتی و محاسبات نرم از جمله دقیق ترین روش های حال حاضر به منظور مدل سازی عدم قطعیت موجود در داده ها هستند. در این مقاله، با ترکیب روش های مذکور، یک روش هوشمند نرم به منظور پیش بینی الکتریسیته ارائه شده است. ایده ی اصلی مدل استفاده ی هم زمان از مزایای ابزارهای هوش محاسباتی و محاسبات نرم در مدل سازی سیستم های پیچیده است. نتایج نشان دهنده ی دقت بالاتر روش پیشنهادی نسبت به سایر مدل هاست.

    کلید واژگان: ابزارهای هوش محاسباتی و محاسبات نرم, پیش بینی سری های زمانی, تقاضای فصلی الکتریسیته, پرسپترون های چندلایه (MLP), خودرگرسیون میانگین متحرک انباشته ی فصلی (SARIMA)}
    F. Chahkoutahi *, M. Khashei

    Forecasting methods are one of the most efficient available approaches to make managerial decisions in various fields of science. Forecasting is a powerful approach in the planning process, policy choices and economic performance. The accuracy of forecasting is an important factor affects the quality of the decisions that generally has direct and non-strict relationship with the quality of decisions. This is the most important reason that why endeavor for improving the forecasting accuracy has never been stopped in the literature. Electricity demand forecasting is one of the most challenging areas forecasting and important factors in the management of energy systems and economic performance. Determining the level of electricity demand is essential for careful planning and implementation of the necessary policies. For this reason electricity demand forecasting is important for financial and operational managers of electricity distribution. The unique feature of the electricity which makes it more difficult forecasting in comparison with other commodity is the impossibility of storing it in order to use in the future. In other words, the production and consumption of electricity should be taken simultaneously. It has caused to create a high level of complexity and ambiguity in electricity markets data. Computational intelligence and soft computing approaches are among the most precise and useful methods for modeling the complexity and uncertainty in data. In this paper a soft intelligent method by combining mentioned methods is proposed in order to electricity demand forecasting. The main idea of the proposed model is to simultaneously use advantages of these models in modeling complex and ambiguous systems. Empirical results indicate that proposed model can achieve more accurate results rather than its component (Seasonal auto-regressive Integrated Moving Average models, artificial neural network) and also other current single forecasting methods such as classic regression, Seasonal Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average-fuzzy models and support vector machine

    Keywords: Computational intelligence and soft computing tools, time series forecasting, seasonal demand of electricity, multilayer perceptron, seasonal auto-regressive integrated moving average models}
  • شیدا تربت، مهدی خاشعی*، مهدی بیجاری

    تصمیم گیری یکی از ارکان اساسی مدیریت و عامل مهمی در شکوفایی سازمان هاست. این اهمیت تا جایی است که مدیران به دنبال به کارگیری ابزارهای کارآمد به منظور بهبود کیفیت تصمیمات خود هستند. صنعت فولاد نیز، یکی از صنایع زیربنایی کشور، از این قاعده مستثنی نیست و شایسته ی توجهی عمیق است. در این مقاله سعی شده است تا با به کارگیری روش های علمی، مدلی به منظور مدیریت مصرف فولاد خام کشور ارائه شود. پیشینه ی موضوع نشان می دهد که به دلیل سطح بالای پیچیدگی و ابهام موجود در بازارهای مالی حصول نتایج دقیق در پیش بینی مصرف به ویژه در افق های بلندمدت دشوار است. از این رو در این مقاله به منظور مدل سازی هم زمان پیچیدگی ها و عدم قطعیت های موجود در داده ها، ترکیبی از مدل های هوشمند و محاسبات نرم به کار گرفته شده است. نتایج حاصل از این بررسی ها بیان گر کارایی مدل های هوشمند نرم نسبت به مدل های کلاسیک نرم و نیز برتری مدل های هوشمند سخت در مقابل مدل های کلاسیک سخت هستند.

    کلید واژگان: پیش بینی سری های زمانی, مصرف فولاد خام, انتخاب متغیر, ابزارهای هوش محاسباتی, محاسبات نرم}
    Sh. Torbat, M. Khashei *, M. Bijari

    Decision-making as one of the principles of management is considered an important factor in prosperity of the organizations. This is so important that managers use efficient tools to improve the quality of their decisions. Steel industry is one of the major industries in this country; consequently, it deserves special attention. In this paper, the main aim is to use scientific methods to manage crude steel consumption in the country. However, the literature shows that it is relatively difficult to yield accurate results in the prediction of consumption, especially in long-term horizon. Researchers believe that high level of complexity and uncertainty in financial markets is main reason of this matter. Therefore, in this paper, a hybrid of intelligent and soft computing models have been used as an effective way in order to model the complexities and uncertainties simultaneously in the data. In this way, the list of variables is recognized based on the literature and expert opinions. Then the linear and nonlinear relationships and also correlations between variables are evaluated and final explanatory variables specified. Finally, four models including hard classic, soft classic, hard intelligent and soft intelligent are designed to predict steel consumption in both short and long term horizons and their results are compared with each other. Empirical results indicate that using the hard intelligent model makes improvement 22.68% and 41.41% in comparison with hard classic model in short and long term horizons respectively in Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). In addition, the soft intelligent model makes improvement 43.01% and 92.72% in comparison with soft classic model and hard classic model respectively in short term horizon and 34.68% and 91.53% in long term horizon. Results of the study indicate superiority of the soft intelligent models over hard intelligent models and superiority of hard intelligent models over hard classic models. Results of the study indicate superiority of the soft intelligent models and hard intelligent models over hard intelligent models and hard classic models respectively.

    Keywords: Time series forecasting, crude steel consumption, feature selection, computational intelligence tools, soft computing}
  • Majid Khedmati *, Babak Ghalebsaz-Jeddi
    Petroleum (crude oil) is one of the most important resources of energy and its demand and consumption is growing while it is a non-renewable energy resource. Hence forecasting of its demand is necessary to plan appropriate strategies for managing future requirements. In this paper, three types of time series methods including univariate Seasonal ARIMA, Winters forecasting and Transfer Function-noise (TF) models are used to forecast the petroleum demand in OECD countries. To do this, we use the demand data from January 2001 to September 2010 and hold out data from October 2009 to September 2010 to test the sufficiency of the forecasts. For the TF model, OECD petroleum demand is modeled as a function of their GDP. We compare the root mean square error (RMSE) of the fitted models and check what percentage of the testing data is covered by the confidence intervals (C.I.). Accordingly we conclude that Transfer Function model demonstrates a better forecasting performance.
    Keywords: Time series forecasting, OECD countries, Petroleum demand}
  • Abbas Koochari *, Mohsen Soryani
    Despite recent advances in video inpainting techniques, reconstructing large missing regions of a moving subject while its scale changes remains an elusive goal. In this paper, we have introduced a scale-change invariant method for large missing regions to tackle this problem. Using this framework, first the moving foreground is separated from the background and its scale is equalized. Then, a nonlinear dimension reduction is performed using manifold learning. We interpolate the missing values using motion analysis based on 3D body pose changing. The motion of the subject is considered as two different time series for which values are forecasted in the missing region. Since the subject motion may be non-periodic and forecasted series being different, a single series in the missing region is interpolated using blending of two forecasted series. Finally, the interpolated points are refined using weighted signal matching. In this method, a radial basis function (RBF) network has been used for mapping from spatial to manifold space. Experimental results, for a number of videos, show that the proposed approach is better than other methods and 3D body pose changing is smooth in the inpainted sequences.
    Keywords: Video Inpainting, Manifold Learning, Time Series Forecasting, Body Pose}
  • مهدی خاشعی، مهدی بیجاری، فریماه مخاطب رفیعی
    پیش بینی از ابزارها و راهکارهای موثر به منظور برنامه ریزی و تدوین استراتژی های مالی است. دقت پیش بینی ها از مهمترین فاکتور های موثر در انتخاب روش پیش بینی است. امروزه علی رغم وجود روش های متعدد پیش بینی، هنوز پیش بینی های دقیق، به ویژه در بازارهای مالی کار چندان ساده ای نبوده و اکثر محققان درصدد به کارگیری و ترکیب روش های متفاوت به منظور حصول نتایج دقیق ترند. ترکیب مدل های مختلف یا استفاده از مدل های ترکیبی یک راه معمول در غلبه بر محدودیت های روش های تکی و بهبود عملکرد آنهاست. در ادبیات موضوع، روش های ترکیبی متعددی بر اساس مدل های پرسپترون های چندلایه و به منظور رفع نقایص و محدودیت های موجود در این گونه از روش ها طراحی و به کارگرفته شده اند. دراین مقاله، یک روش ترکیبی جدید از پرسپترون های چندلایه با استفاده از شبکه های عصبی احتمالی ارائه شده است. روش پیشنهادی با به کارگیری قابلیت های منحصر به فرد شبکه های عصبی احتمالی در تشخیص نقاط شکست، تغییرات و الگوهای خاص موجود در سری های زمانی مورد مطالعه را بهتر و کامل تر مدل سازی کرده و لذا عملکرد و دقت مدل در پیش بینی سری های زمانی را افزایش می دهد. نتایج حاصله از بکارگیری روش ترکیبی پیشنهادی به منظور پیش بینی نرخ ارز بیانگر کارامدی روش پیشنهادی در افزایش دقت پیش بینی ها بوده است.
    M. Khashei, M. Bijari, F. Mokhatab Rafiei
    Forecasting is one of the effective tools for planning and establishing the financial strategies. Forecasting accuracy is also one of the most important factors in choosing the forecasting method. Nowadays, despite the numerous forecasting models available, accurate forecasting is not yet a simple task, especially in financial markets. Thus, different models have been combined together in order to achieve more accurate results. Combining different models or using hybrid forecasting models is a common way for overcoming deficiecies of the single models and improving their performance. In the literature, several hybrid models of multilayer perceptrons have been proposed in order to overcome the disadvantages of these models. In this paper, a new hybrid model of multilayer perceptrons is proposed using probabilistic neural classifiers. The proposed model improves the performance of the multilayer perceptrons using the unique advantages of the probabilistic neural classifiers in detecting the break points and better and more complete modeling of the specific patterns in the under-study time series. Empirical results of exchange rate forecasting indicate the efficiency of the proposed model in comparison with other models.
    Keywords: Multilayer perceptrons (MLPs), Probabilistic Neural Networks (PNNs), Hybrid models, Time series forecasting, Financial markets, Exchange rate}
  • Mehdi Khashei, Farimah Mokhatab Rafiei, Mehdi Bijari
    In recent years, various time series models have been proposed for financial markets forecasting. In each case, the accuracy of time series forecasting models are fundamental to make decision and hence the research for improving the effectiveness of forecasting models have been curried on. Many researchers have compared different time series models together in order to determine more efficient once in financial markets. In this paper, the performance of four interval time series models including autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA), fuzzy autoregressive integrated moving average (FARIMA), hybrid ANNs and fuzzy (FANN) and Improved FARIMA models are compared together. Empirical results of exchange rate forecasting indicate that the FANN model is more satisfactory than other those models. Therefore, it can be a suitable alternative model for interval forecasting of financial time series.
    Keywords: Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Auto, Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA), Time series forecasting, Hybrid forecasts, Interval models, Exchange rate}
  • Mehdi Khashei*, Farimah Mokhatab Rafiei, Mehdi Bijari, Seyed Reza Hejazi

    Computational intelligence approaches have gradually established themselves as a popular tool for forecasting the complicated financial markets. Forecasting accuracy is one of the most important features of forecasting models; hence, never has research directed at improving upon the effectiveness of time series models stopped. Nowadays, despite the numerous time series forecasting models proposed in several past decades, it is widely recognized that exchange rates are extremely difficult to forecast. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are one of the most accurate and widely used forecasting models that have been successfully applied for exchange rate forecasting. In this paper, a hybrid model is proposed based on the basic concepts of artificial neural networks in order to yield more accurate results than the traditional ANNs in short span of time situations. Three exchange rate data sets—the British pound, the United States dollar, and the Euro against the Iran rial-are used in order to demonstrate the appropriateness and effectiveness of the proposed model. Empirical results of exchange rate forecasting indicate that hybrid model is generally better than artificial neural networks and other models presented for exchange rate forecasting, in cases where inadequate historical data are available. Therefore, our proposed model can be a suitable alternative model for financial markets to achieve greater forecasting accuracy, especially in incomplete data situations.

    Keywords: Computational Intelligence, Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Fuzzy logic, Time series forecasting, Financial markets, Exchange rate}
  • مهدی خاشعی، فریماه مخاطب رفیعی، مهدی بیجاری
    مدل های میانگین متحرک خودرگرسیون انباشته فازی (FARIMA) از جمله مدل های بهبودیافته مدل های میانگین متحرک خودرگرسیون انباشته کلاسیک (ARIMA) اند که به منظور مرتفع ساختن محدودیت تعداد داده های مورد نیاز این گونه از مدل ها ارائه شده اند. در این مقاله، به منظور حصول نتایج دقیقتر در شرایط داده های قابل حصول کم، یک مدل ترکیبی از مدل های میانگین متحرک خودرگرسیون انباشته فازی با طبقه بندی کننده های احتمالی، ارائه شده است. نتایج حاصله از بکارگیری روش ترکیبی پیشنهادی در بازارهای ارز (پوند انگلستان، دلار امریکا و یورو همگی در مقابل ریال ایران) بیانگر کارآمدی روش پیشنهادی است، لذا مدل مذکور قابلیت بکارگیری بعنوان ابزار و جایگزینی مناسب برای پیش بینی نرخ ارز، بویژه مواقعی که با داده های اندک سروکار داریم، را دارد.
    M. Khashei, M. Bijari, F. Mokhatab Rafiei
    Fuzzy autoregressive integrated moving average models are improved versions of the classic autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models, proposed in order to overcome the data limitation of ARIMA models. In this paper,FARIMA models are combined with probabilistic classifiers in order to yield a more accurate model than FARIMA in financially incomplete data situations. Empirical results of using proposed hybrid model in exchange rate market forecasting indicate that the proposed model exhibits effectively improved forecasting accuracy. Thus, the proposed model can be used as an alternative to exchange rate forecasting tools, especially when the scant data is made available over a short span of time.
    Keywords: Fuzzy autoregressive integrated moving average (FARIMA), Artificial neural networks (ANNs), Probabilistic neural networks (PNNs), Time series forecasting, Exchange rate}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
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