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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Fuzzy Theory » در نشریات گروه « صنایع »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «Fuzzy Theory» در نشریات گروه «فنی و مهندسی»
  • Esmaeil Akhondi Bajegani *, Seyed Hosein Eiranmanesh, Amirreza Zare
    Nowadays, not only improving service levels is not sufficient for consumer satisfaction, but also, the consumers themselves determine product or service quality. In other words, we can interpret quality as "the degree of accordance with the consumer's need." Therefore, we should look for solutions to identify consumers' needs and requirements for applying them in the design and development of the product or service. One of these methods is the Kano model. This model shows the decision maker if any of the consumers' requirements are in the product/service or not and how much it will affect their satisfaction. This tool classifies consumers' needs for converting them to design requirements. But, human mentality and behavior always are accompanied by uncertainties. Linguistic variables or fuzzy numbers have been used in the literature to overcome this defect. Researchers developed the fuzzy Kano's model using this method and enhanced the model's efficiency compared to the deterministic one. The efficiency of this model has increased compared with the deterministic one. However, the decision-makers are unsure how to classify customers' needs using this strategy. This research uses a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) to tackle this challenge. The essential contribution is developing a fuzzy Kano's model based on FIS for consumer requirements analysis. A case study from the restaurant industry in Yazd city of Iran was considered to validate the proposed model. The results show the superior performance of the proposed model compared with fuzzy Kano's model in recognizing consumers' needs.
    Keywords: Kano’s model, Fuzzy theory, fuzzy Kano’s model, Fuzzy inference system}
  • Nasser Safaie *, Seyed Amir Nasri

    Risk management improves and increases the speed of development and optimal implementation of the company's strategy to achieve a competitive advantage. Risk identification and assessment are known as one of the main tools of safety management, which helps the safety manager better select risk reduction measures and standardization of automobile oil filter by creating a suitable information platform. In this regard, evaluating and analyzing failure modes and their effects is an appropriate tool for risk management and improving product quality. Due to the weaknesses of the traditional method the complexities of the fuzzy method, a new type of risk non-priority is presented by assigning different weights to each of the risk factors under uncertainty and the proposed method is compared with the traditional and fuzzy methods simultaneously. The purpose of this study is to analyze the failure mode and risks in operation and various stages of manufacturing automobile oil filter, then to prioritize and compare risks by applying the fuzzy theory method and robust data envelopment analysis. Oil filter is an essential part of the automobile that its standardization reduces fuel consumption, improves engine performance and consequently decreases environmental pollution. This research has used the combination of Failure Mode and Effect Analysis( FMEA) method for analyzing the reliability of the oil filter and fuzzy theory has been used to record experts' opinions on failure modes and calculate the risk priority of each subsystem under uncertainty. In order to eliminate the existing defects, a new method is introduced for calculating the risk priority number in the failure mode and effect analysis based on the data envelopment analysis method. In this research, the robust optimization method covers the results of the data envelopment analysis (DEA) and is less complex than the fuzzy method has been used. The results of the case study indicate that the proposed model is more effective and reliable than the traditional and fuzzy Risk Priority Number (RPN) and also the proposed method has less has complexity than the fuzzy method. This method provides a complete ranking and convincing prioritization of failure modes. After calculating the RPNs, the operations related to the spiral tube, fiber folding, ring bending and cutting, and fiber folding are the highest number of RPNs, respectively, and their corrective actions were also determined.

    Keywords: FMEA technique, fuzzy theory, risk management, reliability, Failure Modes, Effects Analysis, Robust Data Envelopment}
  • Vahid Razmjooei *, Iraj Mahdavi, Mohammad Mahdi Paydar
    The design and establishment of a logistics network is a strategic decision that lasts several years to work and the parameters of customer demand and return may be changed during this time. Therefore, an efficient logistics network should be designed in a way that can respond to uncertainties. The applications of such a network can be found in different industries like the battery industry. This study aims to determine the number of products sent among the centers at each time so that the total cost of reverse logistics and delay time is minimized. To address the uncertainty in the reverse logistics network (RLN), a fuzzy programming method is utilized. To tackle the complexity of the problem, the cuckoo optimization algorithm (COA) and genetic algorithm (GA) were developed. To compare these two optimization algorithms and find the superiority of them, a series of problem instances were generated. The obtained results demonstrated a satisfactory efficacy for both meta-heuristic algorithms. It was also revealed that the sum of values sent to the main manufacturer is equal to the values obtained from the exact solution method.
    Keywords: Reverse logistics, time, cost optimization, Fuzzy theory, cuckoo optimization algorithm, Genetic Algorithm}
  • Behzad Aghaei Fishani, Ali Mahmoodirad *, Sadegh Niroomand, Mohammad Fallah
    Nowadays, the internationalization of supply chains makes the management of operation affairs face a great challenge. On the other hand, vague parameters have challenged decision-makers to drive decision-making. To cope with these challenges, this study tries to model a green SCM (GSCM) model which considers fuzzy parameters. The objective function of our model is to minimize total fuzzy cost including fuzzy establishment costs of the plants and distribution centers, fuzzy transportation costs among the suppliers, facilities, and customers, fuzzy hiring cost of the transportation facilities, and miscellaneous fuzzy environmental impact costs. The developed model also includes facilities location constraints, material flow constraints, open transportation routing from plants to customers and from distribution centers to customers. Also, determining alternative products for customers has not been addressed in the literature.  Therefore, this paper tries to focus on the mentioned complex problem and develop a comprehensive model. Because of the level of complexity of the developed model, two empowered meta-heuristic approaches, named fuzzy hybrid genetic algorithm (FHGA) and fuzzy hybrid biogeography-based optimization algorithm (FHBBO), are implemented to solve the NP-hard developed problem. According to the best of our knowledge, the proposed FHGA is not addressed in the literature in this way. For instance, most of the fuzzy algorithms either are not hybrid or get out of the fuzzy environment in one of their complex evolution processes. However, our fuzzy hybrid algorithms follow a fuzzy environment from beginning test initialization to calculating the objective function and presenting the convergence plots and none of our parameters are defuzzied in all steps of these processes. Besides, miscellaneous Figures, illustrations, and tables support the explanations of results.
    Keywords: Green SCM, fuzzy theory, Green Transportation, Fuzzy Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Algorithms}
  • Adel Azami, Hanif Kazerooni *, Hossein Mohammadkhani Ghiasvand

    The production and service functions in the innovation system emphasize producing new products. As any innovation system’s final output must ultimately produce new products and deliver new services, the considered function is essential in the innovation system. This study seeks to extract the challenges and give solutions to improve the production and deliver services in the innovation system. Producing and delivering services does not occur in a vacuum and should occur in a context called the Supply Chain (SC). In this paper, qualified experts were interviewed to discover the challenges and solutions to improve production. Fifteen elite researchers in the innovation field then discussed the results in focus sessions and refined practical solutions after an in-depth review of the extracted information. The role of responsible institutions was determined, and the necessary indicators were extracted to evaluate the factors of innovative production after providing the required infrastructure to achieve production promotion. One of the Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision Making (FMADM) techniques is also used to prioritize the discovered solutions based on the importance of influencing the producing promotion. Finally, a model is presented for improving the production and service functions in the innovation system. The results showed the main solution is to collaborate and create efficient integration at different SC levels.

    Keywords: Innovation System, Production, Service Functions, Improving Production Capability, Multi-Attribute Decision-making, Fuzzy theory}
  • مرتضی شفیعی*، هیلدا صالح، عاطفه کاوه
    ارزیابی قابلیت اطمینان و دردسترس بودن سیستم تولیدی، احتمال وقوع توقف های ناگهانی و هزینه بر که بسیار پرخطر است را کاهش می دهد. به همین منظور در این مقاله سعی شده است، یک روش  جدید برای تعیین قابلیت اطمینان و دردسترس بودن یک سیستم تولید ارایه شود که برای انواع مولفه های شکست مانند مواد، تدارکات، پرسنل و ماشین آلات کاربرد داشته. لذا با استفاده از روش بیزین فازی به پردازش وقایع غیرقطعی که دقیقا در واقعیت در یک سیستم تولیدی به وجود می آید پرداخته شده است و مدل پیشنهادی برای ارزیابی وضعیت کارخانه شیر پگاه فارس استفاده شده است به اینصورت که نرخ خرابی و تعمیر  و قابلیت اطمینان اجزاء و سیستم  با روش بیزین محاسبه گردید و چون فضای اطلاعات موجود دارای عدم قطعیت می باشد پارامترهای قابلیت اطمینان فازی شدند. سپس در دسترسبودن اجزاء و سپس کل سیستم با استفاده از فرمول ارایه شده مارتز و والر و روش بیزی محاسبه شد و پارامترهای دردسترس بودن نیز فازی شدند و در مرحله نهایی به تجزیه وتحلیل اطلاعات بهدست آمده درخصوص قابلیت اطمینان و در دسترسبودن سیستم و اجزاء پرداخته شده است که نتایج نشان میدهند رویکرد بهبودیافته برآورد دقیق تری از قابلیت اطمینان و دردسترس بودن را فراهم می کند.
    کلید واژگان: ارزیابی قابلیت اطمینان, در دسترس بودن سیستم تولید, نظریه فازی, روش بیزین}
    Morteza Shafiee *, Hilda Saleh, Atefeh Kaveh
    Assessing the reliability and availability of the production system reduces the likelihood of sudden and costly stops, which is very risky. To this end, this paper attempts to provide a new way to determine the reliability and availability of a production system, which can be used for a variety of failure components such as materials, supplies, personnel and machinery. Therefore, using Fuzzy Bayesian Approach, unrealistic events that are actually created in a production system have been processed and the proposed model has been used to assess the condition of Pegah Fars milk factory, so that the rate of failure and repair and reliability of components and system with Bayesian method was calculated. And because the available information space is uncertain, the reliability parameters became fuzzy. Then the availability of the components and then the whole system was calculated using the formula provided by Martz and Waller and the Bayesian method, and the parameters of availability were converted into fuzzy. Finally, the information obtained about the reliability and availability of the system and components were analyzed, that the results show the improved approach, provides a more accurate estimate of reliability and availability.
    Keywords: Reliability assessment, Production System Availability, Fuzzy theory, Bayesian method}
  • رضا احتشام راثی، صادق عابدی، محمدرضا رموزی *

    طراحی و استقرار شبکه ی لجستیکی، یک تصمیم استراتژیک است که تاثیر آن برای چندین سال طول خواهد کشید؛ پارامترهای تقاضا وبرگشتی مشتریان در طی این مدت ممکن است تغییر کند. بنابراین یک شبکه ی لجستیکی کارآمد باید به شیوه یی طراحی شود که بتواند پاسخگوی عدم قطعیت ها باشد. هدف این تحقیق تعیین مقدار محصولات ارسالی بین مراکز در هر دوره ی زمانی است، به طوری که هزینه ی کل لجستیک معکوس و زمان دیرکرد حداقل شود. به منظور در نظر گرفتن عدم قطعیت در شبکه ی لجستیک معکوس از رویکرد فازی استفاده و در نهایت یک مدل ریاضی فازی ارائه و در نرم افزار G A M S پیاده سازی و حل شد. همچنین به منظور حل مسئله در ابعاد بزرگ از الگوریتم فاخته استفاده و در نرم افزار M A T L A B پیاده سازی و نتایج حاصل از آن با حل دقیق مقایسه شد. در این تحقیق، هدف طراحی مدل ریاضی چندهدفه یی است که هزینه ی کل و میزان دیرکرد در ارسال سفارشات مشتری در شبکه ی لجستیک سه سطحی با فرض عدم قطعیت پارامترها را بهینه سازی کند، از سوی دیگر کمینه سازی زمان انتظار را با در نظر گرفتن میزان دیرکرد ارسال به عنوان تابع هدف دوم اعمال شده است. نتایج حاکی از آن است که مجموع مقادیر ارسالی به تولیدکننده برابر با مقادیر به دست آمده از حل دقیق است و از سوی دیگر مقدار تابع هدف با افزایش تعداد تکرارها کاهش می یابد که این امر حاکی از عملکرد صحیح الگوریتم پیشنهادی است.

    کلید واژگان: لجستیک معکوس, بهینه سازی زمان و هزینه, مدل سازی چندهدفه, نظریه ی فازی, الگوریتم فاخته}
    M.R. Romozi *, R. Ehtesham Rasi, S. Abedi

    Over product oriented course to industry one, firms' competitiveness is being complicated to gain more portion of market that lead to dynamic and more variation environment. In this situation, customers find more authority to select their favorite products and services. Response to market fluctuation to supply customers' needs is considered as an important tool to firms' promotion. Needs to reduce costs and improve organization process cause to pay more attention to supply chain concept. The main goal of each supply chain satisfies customers' needs with the lowest cost and highest efficiency.Structurally, supply chain includes retailor, wholesaler, distributor, manufacturer, and supplier. An efficient logistic network should be designed so that response to uncertainty. Since time and cost are the most important factors in reverse logistic design, a fuzzy two objectives optimization model is proposed in this study. First, a fuzzy mathematical programming model presented. The aim of this model is determining delivery goods amount among centers so that total cost and total delay time are minimized. In this research is used fuzzy approach to cover uncertainty in reverse logistic network. A numerical example has been produced and solved by GAMS. In order to solve the problem in large scale a cuckoo optimization meta heuristic algorithm is developed. The results indicate that the total amount sent to the manufacturer of the values obtained from the exact solution and the objective function value decreases with increasing number of iterations which this indicates proper / valid operation is the proposed algorithm.

    Keywords: Reverse logistic, two-objective optimization, fuzzy theory, fuzzy mathematical programming model, cuckoo optimization algorithm}
  • Javad Taheri Tolgari, Abolfazal Mirzazadeh*

    Constant unit procurement cost is one of the main assumptions in the classic inventory control policies. In the realistic world and practice, suppliers sometimes face increase in the price of a known item. In this paper, an inventory model for items with a known one-time-only price increase under fuzzy environment is presented by employing trapezoidal fuzzy numbers to find the optimal solution. We developed three different policies on the basis of methods such as α-cuts, for defuzzification of internal parameters before solving the model, and Vujosevic, for difuzzification of the external parameters after solving it. In the first policy, we integrated α-cuts method and Parametric Non-Linear Programming ( ) problems to attain the Membership Functions ( ) of external variables in the primary model for achieving the optimal solution. These variables were reached by internal parameters through two-phase maximum/minimum non-linear programming problems and the external variables were approximate fuzzy numbers. Under the other two policies, we used defuzzification techniques of Centroid of Gravity ( ), Signed Distance ( ), and the Maximum Degree of Membership ( ) to attain crisp numbers. The optimal order policies by the three methods were compared and numerical computations showed that the efficiency of the first method (i.e., the presented one) was considerably better than that of the other two methods. In fact, the first method selected the optimal and attractive strategies by allocating membership functions to different α-cuts and provided the Decision Maker ( ) with great information to decide and select the best strategies. The methods were validated by a numerical example. The main aim of this model was determining the special ordering range and net costs saving quantity (involving ordering, holding, and purchasing costs). The time of ordering for positive net costs saving was calculated.

    Keywords: α-cuts, Fuzzy theory, Parametric non-Linear programming (𝑃𝑁𝐿𝑃), Special order, Zadeh’s extension principle}
  • Javad Taheri Tolgari, Abolfazal Mirzazadeh*

    Nowadays, production systems seek to integrate production and maintenance activities. An effective maintenance plan can improve maintenance stability and system performance. Machines that stop for repairing operation impose a high cost on the system. On the other hand, there are always some intangible situations during a production process in which repairing activities can be carried out. If they are detected, system productivity can be improved. The main purpose of this study is specifying Maintenance Opportunity Window (MOW) in job-shop production systems. For this purpose, mathematical models and formulae were developed in order to determine the MOW in a way that they could provide maximum repairing time for the machine and, as a result, the lowest disturbance occurring in production. This model also determines the number of lost products during PM. Considering the manpower of maintenance and M/M/1//k queueing model, the terms required for repairs are addressed. Finally, numerical experiments on and sensitivity analysis of critical parameters of the model, such as the initial level of the buffers and processing rates of the machines, are considered. Model validation is carried out by comparison of the results with a simulation model. In this study, some suggestions for improving the system are proposed.

    Keywords: α-cuts, Fuzzy theory, Parametric non-Linear programming (𝑃𝑁𝐿𝑃), Special order, Zadeh’s extension principle}
  • M.B. Fakhrzad *, Amir Shafiei Alavijeh, H. Hossaini Nasab, A. Mostafaeipour

    The present study proposes an integrated model for hub location problem in a Multi-location, Multi-period, Multi-commodity (3M), three echelon supply chain. The problem is formulated as a mixed integer programming model and solved using GAMS software. As the developed model is a mixed integer non leaner programming and NP-hard, a new algorithm for re-formulation is proposed to change it to a mixed integer leaner programming and also a new heuristic algorithms is proposed to solve it in a reasonable time. To prove the applicability of the model, the well-known real CAB data set is used. Numerical examples show the benefit of the proposed model in both solution time and result quality.

    Keywords: Reliability, Ready-to-use systems, Markov chain, Fuzzy theory, Designed lifetime, Designing phase}
  • Fazel Rabbi *

    FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) refers to a proactive quality tool that enables the identification and prevention of the potential failure modes of a product or process. However, in executing traditional FMEA, the difficulties such as vague information, relative importance ratings, decisions on same ratings, and opinion difference among experts arise which reduce the validity of the results. This paper presents a fuzzy logic based FMEA depending on fuzzy IF-THEN rules over traditional FMEA to make it precise and give proper maintenance decision. Here, the Risk Priority Number (RPN) is calculated and compared to the Fuzzy Risk Priority Number (FRPN) to give maintenance decision. Furthermore, the FMEA of Reach Stacker Crane (RST) is presented to demonstrate the proposed Fuzzy FMEA.

    Keywords: Failure mode, effect analysis (FMEA), Risk priority number, Fuzzy theory, Fuzzy FMEA, IF-THEN rules}
  • Youness Javid *, Mostafa Abouei Ardakan, Mohammad Yaghtin, Mohammad N. Juybari

    Reliability is one of the most important factors of complex systems which play a crucial role in performance of modern systems. In this study, a novel algorithm for estimating reliability of ready-to-use systems in designing phase for designed lifetime is proposed. At first stage, the related studies are checked, and then fundamental theories of each section are presented. According to the particular structure of ready-to-use systems and Markov Chain conditions, a new model based on Markov method and Fuzzy approach is suggested. The performance of proposed model is validated by testing on a real system. Therefore, the reliability and mean time to failure of the industrial system is estimated by the algorithm. Finally, practical suggestions are recommended for optimizing the system reliability.

    Keywords: Ready-to-use systems, Markov chain, Fuzzy theory, Designed lifetime, Designing phase}
  • Alireza Shahhoseini, Mahdi Yousefinejad Attari *
    Location is an important factor in the activity of economic enterprises. Owing to the importance, location-based sciencesought/seeks to provide the methods in order to determine and select the optimal location in the activities of enterprises. Enterprises seek to use scientific methods to maximize the services and efficiency and minimize the costs. Suitable location plays an important role in many fields such as reducing the costs and increasing the customer satisfaction. Location studies have been proposed in recent years as one of the key elements in the success and survival of industrial centers as considered at many national and international levels. This study, as an applied research, provides a new framework in location of ATMs using multi-criteria decision-making approach and fuzzy AHP and fuzzy ELECTRE III. The multi-criteria decision-making approaches were based on similar studies in other countries and viewpoints of experts and managers of Shahr Bank branches in Tehran, 1st District Municipality, and the establishment of favorable sites was identified by combining the information in order to influence the location of ATMs including competitors (0.202), price of land (0.199), access to facilities and utilities, poles and important centers of town (0.189), quality of track (0.180), security (0.120), transport and traffic (0.112), population under coverage (0.065), and regulation (0.039). At the end, the most appropriate locations of establishment of ATMs were determined to cover the demands of Tehran, 1st District Municipality using fuzzy AHP methods and ELECTRE III.
    Keywords: Automated Teller Machin (ATM), Multi-Criteria Decision-Making, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), ELECTRE IIImethod, Fuzzy theory}
  • Saber Molla-Alizadeh-Zavardehi *, Abbas Shoja
    The configuration of the supply chain network (SCN) is one of the strategic issues that have a major impact on the overall performance of the supply chain. A well designed SCN leads to an ability to reduce the supply chain total cost. These purposes are influenced by the supply chain strategy, which is based either on direct or indirect supply or shipment. In the case of direct shipment, the products are directly transported from the point of origin to the customers. In the classic transportation problems, it is usually assumed that the transportation time and costs are certain. Most existing mathematical models neglect the presence of uncertainty within a programming environment. This uncertainty might come about because of traffic jam, machine malfunctioning, defect in raw material, interpretation of various events and etc. These emprise parameters can be considering as fuzzy numbers. In this study, for the first time a mathematical model for a responsive, multi-product two-stage, SCN with possibility of direct shipment is proposed. Because of the unpredictable factors that mentioned above, cost coefficients are considered as trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. Therefore, for validation, the proposed model is coded by GAMS software. The results showed that relevant model is valid.
    Keywords: Supply chain network, Direct shipment, mathematical model, Fuzzy theory}
  • Mohammadali Beheshtinia, Vahid Nemati, Abozar
    Choosing the proper supplier has a critical role in design of supply chain. This problem is complicated because each supplier may fulfills some of the manufacturer criteria and choosing the best supplier is a Multiple-Criteria Decision Making problem. This paper proposes a novel hybrid approach to rank suppliers in advertising industry and considers two new criteria to evaluate the suppliers in the industry. The proposed approach combines Modified Digital Logic (MDL) and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) using fuzzy theory. At the end, the results of the proposed approach is compared with a hybrid method using Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) and Fuzzy TOPSIS on a real case study.
    Keywords: Fuzzy Theory, Multiple, Criteria Decision, Making, MCDM, MDL, Topsis}
  • محمد جعفر تارخ، میر بهادر قلی آریانژاد، مصطفی اختیاری، مهدی یزدانی
    در شرایط امروزی که بسیاری از بانک های داخلی کشور نوعی ریسک اعتباری را تجربه می کنند، استقرار یک سیستم مدیریت ریسک اعتباری به منظور کاهش مطالبات معوق بانک ها و حل مساله عدم بازپرداخت وام های بانک مرکزی لازم و ضروری است. یکی از شرایط و ملزومات اساسی در استقرار یک سیستم مدیریت ریسک اعتباری ایجاد یک سیستم رتبه بندی اعتباری مناسب برای مشتریان است. سیستم پنج C اعتباری یکی از سیستم های معتبر رتبه بندی مشتریان است که می تواند بدین منظور مورد استفاده قرار گیرد. از سوی دیگر تلاش برای دستیابی به یک ابزار مناسب که برای پیاده سازی و اجرای این سیستم بکار رود، امری مهم و اجتناب ناپذیر است. روش ویکور یکی از روش های توانمند تصمیم گیری چند شاخصه است که می تواند برای اجرای سیستم پنج C اعتباری و حل مساله رتبه بندی اعتباری مشتریان بکار گرفته شود. در این مقاله، یک روش ویکور که قادر است علاوه برتعیین مقادیر بهینه اوزان اهمیت شاخص ها، اوزان اهمیت فازی نظرات تصمیم گیرندگان را طی فرایند رتبه بندی اعتباری مشتریان لحاظ کند، ارائه شده است. روش پیشنهادی برای حل یک مثال عددی پیرامون مساله رتبه بندی اعتباری مشتریان بانک ها استفاده شده و بموجب آن بهترین گزینه موجود برای اعطای تسهیلات در شرایط غیر قطعی تعیین شده است.
    کلید واژگان: مدیریت ریسک اعتباری, تصمیم گیری چند شاخصه, روش ویکور, تئوری فازی}
    M.J. Tarokh*, M. B.Gh. Aryanezhad. M. Ekhtiari, M. Yazdani
    In today's conditions that many domestic banks of country are experiencing a kind of credit risk, establishing a credit risk management system is necessary to reduce bank's outstanding claims and resolve the failure to repay loans problem of central bank. Creating a proper costumer's credit ranking system is one of the fundamental issues and requirements of establishing a credit risk management system. Five C's of credit system is on of the reliable systems for costumers ranking which can be used for this purpose. On the other hand, effort to achieve a suitable tool for implementing and executing this system is an important and inevitable issue. VIKOR method is one of the capable multi-attribute decision making methods which can be applied for executing five C's of credit system and solving the costumer's credit ranking problem. In this paper, a VIKOR method is presented which not only is capable of determining the optimum values of importance weights of criteria but also could take into consideration fuzzy importance weights of decision maker's judgments during the process of costumer's credit ranking. The proposed method is adopted to solve a numerical example about credit ranking of bank's costumers and thereby, the best alternative for giving loan facilities is selected in uncertain conditions.
    Keywords: Credit risk management, Multi, attribute decision making, VIKOR method, Fuzzy theory}
  • جواد طاهری تل گری، فریبرز جولای
    مسائل برنامه ریزی برای کنترل تولید و موجودی از جمله موضوعاتی است که سازمان های مختلف با آن روبه رو هستند. در برخی از موارد، بی-توجهی به نبود قطعیت در این گونه مسائل، باعث افزایش هزینه های سیستم کنترل تولید و موجودی می شود. در این مقاله یک مدل کنترل موجودی در شرایط وجود افزایش معلوم قیمت کالا در مقاطع مشخص زمانی با رویکرد فازی ارایه شده است، به طوری که پارامترهای به کار رفته در مدل به صورت عدد فازی مثلثی در نظر گرفته شده است. برای محاسبه فاکتورهای بهینه مدل از سه رویکرد برش آلفا و روش ووجسویک (دیفازی سازی پارامترهای ورودی قبل از حل مدل و همچنین دیفازی سازی پارامترهای خروجی بعد از حل مدل) استفاده شده است. به طوری که رویکرد اول از ادغام روش برش آلفا و روش برنامه ریزی غیر خطی پارامتری برای محاسبه فاکتورهای بهینه مدل بهره می گیرد و مبنای دو رویکرد دیگر استفاده از روش گشتاورها در قطعی سازی پارامترها است. محاسبات عددی نشان می دهد که کارایی روش تلفیقی برش آلفا و برنامه ریزی غیر خطی پارامتری که رویکردی ابتکاری برای حل مدل است تا حد قابل ملاحظه ای از دو رویکرد دیگر بهتر است؛ چرا که این روش با تعیین تابع عضویت پارامترهای خروجی مدل، سیاست های بهینه مدل را با در نظر گرفتن سطوح مختلف برش آلفا در هر سطح برش تعیین می کند و اطلاعات بیشتری را برای گرفتن تصمیم واقع بینانه نسبت به سایر روش ها در اختیار تصمیم گیرنده قرار می دهد.
    کلید واژگان: کنترل موجودی, اصل گسترش زاده, برش آلفا, برنامه ریزی غیرخطی پارامتری, تئوری فازی}
    J. Taheri, Tolgari, F. Jolai
    The planning of production and control of inventory problem is one of most important problems that companies are face with them. Some times inattention to uncertainty in these problems causes to increase of costs of inventory control systems. One of the important ways encountering to uncertainty is the widespread of fuzzy sets instead of crisp numbers because in this approach, we can determine model parameters as interval numbers. In this paper, we develop an economic order quantity (EOQ) model under a one-time-only price increasing that all variable and parameters are triangular fuzzy numbers, to find out the optimal solution of above model, we use three different methods such as α-cuts method, Vujosevic method (defuzzification of internal parameters before solving model and difuzzification of external parameter after solving model). Under first policy, we integrate α-cuts method and non-linear programming problems method to reach to optimal solution. In first methodology, we use α-cuts approach and parametric non-linear programming technique simultaneously to attain the membership function of external parameters in primary model. These parameters are reached from internal parameters in two phases maximum and minimum non-linear programming problems and this methodology represents the external parameters as an approximated fuzzy number. Under another two policies, we use defuzzification technique via centroid method to attain the crisp numbers. The optimal order policies association with three methods is compared as a benchmark approach and numerical computations shows that efficiency of first method is better than two another methods considerably. In fact the first method chooses the optimal and attractive strategies by membership function allocating to different α-cuts and gives great information to DMs to decide and select the best strategies. There methods have been validated with illustrating numerical example. The important target of this model solution is determination of special ordering range, net costs saving quantity (involving ordering, holding and purchasing cost) and finally we will calculate the time of ordering if net costs saving are positive.
    Keywords: Inventory control, Fuzzy theory, Zadeh extension principle, Parametric nonlinear programming, α cuts}
  • مهدی یوسفی نژاد عطاری، انسیه نیشابوری جامی
    سازمانها همواره از عوامل داخلی و خارجی تاثیر گرفته و سعی دارند استراتژی های خود را بر اساس این عوامل طراحی و پیاده سازی نمایند. یکی از ابزارهایی که به سازمانها در جهت تدوین این استراتژی ها یاری می رساند استفاده از جدول SWOT است. با استفاده از این جدول می توان نقاط قوت و ضعف را در حیطه عوامل داخلی، تهدیدات و فرصت ها را در حیطه عوامل خارجی متمایز نموده و استراتژی های مرتبط را تدوین نمود. طراحی این استراتژی ها لزوما قابل کاربرد نبوده بلکه بایستی با یکی از تکنیک های مرتبط بهترین استراتژی جهت رشد و رسیدن به اهداف برای سازمان انتخاب شود. برای رسیدن به بهترین استراتژی ابتدا نقاط قوت، ضعف، تهدیدات و فرصت های پیش روی پارک ها و مراکز رشد علم و فناوری مشخص گردید. پس از تعیین نقاط قوت، ضعف، تهدیدات و فرصت های پیش رو،7 استراتژی به عنوان استراتژی های مناسب برای پیشبرد اهداف پارک ها و مراکز رشد علم و فناوری مطرح گردید. در ادامه سعی شد با استفاده از ابزار کارآمد تصمیم گیری چند معیاره، تحلیل شبکه ای فرآیند محیط فازی بهترین استراتژی انتخاب گردد. در نهایت با توجه به استراتژی های مختلف مطرح شده و جداول مقایسه ای، استراتژی ایجاد تفاهم نامه بین وزارت خانه های علوم، تحقیقات و فناوری، صنایع و بهداشت و بانک ها جهت حمایت لازم از متخصصان به عنوان بهترین استراتژی انتخاب گردید.
    کلید واژگان: استراتژی, جدول SWOT, ANP, روابط فازی, پارکهای علم و فناوری}
    Mahdi Yousefi Nejad Attari, Ensiyeh Neishabouri Jami
    Organizations have always been influenced by internal and external factors and are trying to implement their strategies based on these factors. One of the tools which help the organizations to develop these strategies is the use of SWOT table. Using this table، the strengths and weaknesses in the areas of internal factors، and also threats and opportunities in different areas of external factors can be differentiated and the related strategies can be formulated. Designing strategies couldn''t be always applicable; indeed the best strategy for the goals of the organization should be chosen by one of the related tools. In order to achieve the best strategy، first of all، the strengths، weaknesses، threats، and opportunities were determined. Then، seven strategies for attaining goals in Science and Technology Parks were chosen. In the rest of the paper، by MCDM technique and fuzzy ANP network analysis selected it was tried to find the best strategy. Finally، considering the various strategies and comparison table، the strategy of making an agreement between Science، Research and Technology Ministry، Industrial and Hygiene Ministry، and banks for the purpose of supporting technicians was selected.
    Keywords: Strategy, SWOT table, ANP, Fuzzy Theory, Science, Technology Parks}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
  • کلیدواژه مورد نظر شما تنها در فیلد کلیدواژگان مقالات جستجو شده‌است. به منظور حذف نتایج غیر مرتبط، جستجو تنها در مقالات مجلاتی انجام شده که با مجله ماخذ هم موضوع هستند.
  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
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