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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « UVA-based Photogrammetry » در نشریات گروه « عمران »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «UVA-based Photogrammetry» در نشریات گروه «فنی و مهندسی»
  • زهرا همتی مندجین، حمید عبادی، علی حسینی نوه احمد آبادیان، فرید اسماعیلی
    طراحی شبکه یکی از مراحل مهم و کلیدی در انجام تمامی پروژه های فتوگرامتری برد کوتاه می باشد. از سوی دیگر لزوم استفاده از فتوگرامتری پهپاد مبنا در مدلسازی محوطه های میراث فرهنگی غیر قابل تردید است. استفاده از این شیوه بدون لحاظ کردن اصول طراحی شبکه منجر به پردازش های طولانی و غیر ضروری می شود. در این تحقیق روشی ارائه شده است که به کمک آن با در نظر گرفتن اصول طراحی شبکه فتوگرامتری، قبل از تصویر برداری موقعیت های مناسب و بهینه دوربین برای اخذ تصویر تعیین می گردند. سپس بین موقعیت های بدست آمده یک مسیریابی بهینه جهت پرواز پهپاد انجام می گیرد تا با صرف کمترین زمان و هزینه تصاویر مورد نیاز برای ایجاد مدل سه بعدی از محوطه های باستانی اخذ گردد. نتایج بدست آمده برای تصاویر اخذ شده از دو محوطه میراث فرهنگی نشان داده است که تعداد تصاویر با بکارگیری اصول طراحی شبکه نسبت به روش طراحی شبکه فرد فتوگرامتریست کاهش یافته است؛ و در نتیجه سرعت مدلسازی سه بعدی با استفاده از این روش نیز افزایش می یابد.
    کلید واژگان: UAV, سیستم فتوگرامتری پهپاد مبنا, طراحی شبکه, مسیریابی, مدلسازی سایت های باستانی}
    Z. Hemmati, H. Ebadi, A. Hosseini Naveh Ahmadabadian, F. Esmaeili
    3D models of ancient sites are produced and utilized for different purposes such as research, restoration and renovation of valuable ancient objects, creation of virtual museums and documentation of ancient sites. Nowadays, Geomatics techniques, as the most efficient methods for geometrical measurements, analysis and interpretations concerning issues in cultural heritage, are applied to produce geometric and thematic information. Buildings are susceptible to change and damage through the passage of time due to natural agents and disasters such as rain, wind, earthquake, flood, or damages imposed by human beings. The characteristics of these changes in some buildings with ancient value bear special importance. The first step to create 3D models, provide the information about ancient monuments and record them with documents is having accurate maps of their present condition to be able to add other information like type of construction materials. Special techniques should be employed to provide maps with high accuracy, in addition to other characteristics such as spending the least expense and time for continuous map production. The process of changes are recognized by comparing maps from different time spans based on which due decisions can be made. To provide these maps many different techniques have been used since past such as traditional surveying (using the usual total stations), photogrammetry (especially close-range photogrammetry) and laser scanners. In comparison to other techniques, photogrammetry has unique characteristics in documentation of ancient sites. No need to contact with the feature, the possibility to obtain the information of texture and color and the compliance of these characteristics with the 3D output data, high flexibility of this method to access the desired accuracy in measurements and its potential of access to accuracy at micrometer level as well as capability of low expense observations and archiving images, are parameters that have given rise to the more usage of techniques of photogrammetry in the modelling of ancient sites. Yet, the usual techniques of photogrammetry sometimes have limitations, for example, in rare cases of inaccessible features. As a result, the requirement to obtain accurate information from features, especially in dangerous and remote areas, and also, the necessity to economize expense and time have led to the usage of UAV-based photogrammetry.
    UAV-based photogrammetry is a combination of aerial photogrammetry and close-range photogrammetry in which there is a sensor that can be a metric or non-metric camera or any other data collection tool. The images are acquired from low height. Access to imaging stations with appropriate angle toward all parts of a feature and low height of flight, result images with high spatial resolution, which consequently, bring about more accurate and precise 3D information from earth. Different categorizations have been presented for UAVs based on different criteria and applications. To mention some of these criteria we can refer to the criterion of flexibility, fixed or rotating blades or wings in UAVs and their source of energy. Based on the categorizations of platforms regarding this research, which is ancient sites, it is obvious at first glance that UAVs with fixed wings, fixed or semi-flexible parachutes and wingless are practically of no use due to low flexibility in flying and imaging , and also limited space of flight. Therefore, low expense, high flexibility and appropriate time of flight have contributed to the suitability of quadrotors as the best option among all systems with rotating blades in this research.
    Low expense for production, no need to airports and long runways and better maneuverability are some particular parameters and characteristics of the functionality of UAVs. There are factors that limit the function of UAVs, such as instability while flying due to light weight, limited source of supply, limitation to carry bigger and more accurate measuring tools and requiring longer time for imaging, processing and calculations. Fortunately, all these limitations can be modified to some extent by an appropriate network design. In spite of all aforementioned capabilities of UAV systems, no specific standards have been designed to utilize them. Therefore, it is obviously necessary to investigate the feasibility of the usage of these systems, and to design appropriate networks to locate them in proper points to obtain images for photogrammetry.
    Thus, the need for high accuracy in UAV-based photogrammetry for documentation and restoration of ancient sites necessitates more concern for the network geometry to achieve the desired accuracy. This article presents appropriate method for optimum locations of UAV for imaging. The proposed method for the optimal locations of UAV is based on the ellipsoid fitted on object, principles and constraints of photogrammetry network design and finally by exploring hidden areas. The results from images taken from a cultural heritage site showed that the number of images was reduced almost 4 times by applying network design principles. Consequently, the speed of 3D modelling would be increased almost eight times by applying the proposed method.
    Keywords: UVA-based Photogrammetry, Network Design, Path Planning, Modelling of Ancient Sites}
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