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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « objective » در نشریات گروه « عمران »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «objective» در نشریات گروه «فنی و مهندسی»
  • علی اسماعیلی*، حمید اشجعی

    کیفیت زندگی شهری به عنوان یک مفهوم کلیدی جهت تامین نیازهای اساسی شهروندان در راستای رفاه عمومی، بهزیستی اجتماعی و رضایتمندی افراد و همچنین ابزاری کارآمد برای ارزیابی سیاست های عمومی، رتبه بندی مکان ها و پایش سیاست ها و راهبردهای مدیریت و برنامه ریزی شهری می باشد. هدف اصلی از انجام این پژوهش سنجش کیفیت زندگی شهری بر اساس دو رویکرد عینی و ذهنی در سطح محلات منطقه یک شهر قم می باشد. در همین راستا با توجه به ویژگی های ناحیه مورد مطالعه و داده های در دسترس دو قلمرو دسترسی و آلودگی صوتی به همراه شاخص ها و معرف های آن ها هم از طریق محاسبه بر روی داده های کمی و انجام تحلیل های فضایی و هم از طریق پرسش از شهروندان، مورد ازیابی قرار گرفت. جهت استخراج و مدلسازی شاخص های دهگانه دو قلمرو اصلی تحقیق از لایه های کاربری اراضی و شبکه معابر شهری و همچنین داده های جمعیتی حاصل از سرشماری مرکز آمار ایران استفاده گردیده است. با توجه به نتایج بدست آمده از همپوشانی لایه های مربوط به شاخص ها در بعد عینی یک الگوی خاص از میزان کیفیت زندگی در سطح منطقه مورد مطالعه حاصل گردید که نشان می داد مرکز شهر دارای بالاترین میزان کیفیت و با دور شدن از مرکز شهر از میزان آن کاسته می گردد. اما نتایج حاصل از تحلیل های فضایی بر روی داده های جمع آوری شده از طریق پرسشنامه کمی متفاوت گردید و الگوی بدست آمده در بعد عینی دچار تغییر و جا به جایی گردید. در نهایت به منظور فراهم نمودن یک ابزار مدیریتی اقدام به رتبه بندی محلات بر اساس شاخص های نهایی استخراج شده با استفاده از روش TOPSIS صورت گرفت. بر اساس نتایج بدست آمده رتبه اول در بعد عینی و ذهنی به ترتیب محله های نوبهار و  باجک 3 می باشند. در نهایت اقدام به بررسی همبستگی میان نتایج شاخص های کیفیت زندگی در دو بعد عینی و ذهنی صورت گرفت که نتایج نشان دهنده رابطه معنادار مثبت و همبستگی نسبتا خوبی در بین اکثر شاخص ها است.

    کلید واژگان: کیفیت زندگی شهری, عینی, ذهنی, TOPSIS, شهر قم}
    A. Esmaeily*, H. Ashjaei

    The quality of urban life considers as a key concept for meeting the basic needs of citizens in the context of general welfare, social well-being and people's satisfaction, as well as an effective tool for evaluating public policies, ranking places and monitoring urban planning and management policies and strategies. For this purpose, urban managers need to plan a standard environment for citizens using the studied policies from urban developers which leads to a better life quality. These studies are different depending on what kind of approaches and the quality assessment methods were used. Therefore, different approaches were used to assess the urban quality life, however, there were no extensive study to consider physical, spatial and social indicators. Many researchers believe that the life quality is a multi-dimensional concept and could be expressed using objective and subjective approaches. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to measure the quality of urban life based on two objective and subjective approaches at districts level in region one of Qom city, Iran. In this way, based on the study area features and available data, two domains of accessibility and sound pollution accompany with their indicators were assessed. These lasts were done by calculating the quantitative data, performing the qualitative analysis and questioning the citizens. In fact, there is a direct relationship between life quality and district features. If these features could be spatially optimized, their access will be simplified and ultimately will have positive effect on districts' residents and their life quality will be improved. On the other hand, the factors causing sound pollution such as vehicles, crowdsourcing on the street, day-to-day construction activities, increasing industries in the vicinity of cities are reducing the quality of life. In this research, for accessibility domain, indicators like administrative, educational, commercial, health-therapeutic, sport-recreational, cultural-religious and green space were considered and for sound pollution domain, street network, urban land use and population density were considered. For extracting and modeling these ten indicators, in two principal domains of this research, the three layers of land use, street network and population were used. By producing classified maps of two domains of accessibility and sound pollution in objective and subjective dimensions, the correlation between objective and subjective outcomes was investigated. In addition, neighborhoods ranking in terms of urban life quality was assessed. The results of integrating these layers, with regard of objective approach, showed a particular pattern of life quality rate. This pattern demonstrated the highest life quality rate in city center and it decreases gradually when we distance from city center. However, the spatial analysis of statistical data showed different pattern. Finally, in order to provide a management tool, neighborhoods were ranked based on the final indicators extracted from TOPSIS method. The best sub-districts, based on objective and subjective approaches, were Nobahar and Bajak-3. One of the other objective of the study was to investigate the correlation between the results of life quality indicators in two objective and subjective dimensions. So they were analyzed separately using Pearson's correlation coefficient. The results showed a high correlation between objective and subjective results in commercial and green space indicators, and a significant positive relationship was observed in street network, administrative, cultural-religious, health-therapeutic and population density indicators, however, the other indicators demonstrated an inverse correlation. Overall, it can be concluded that the subjective results are more reliable than the objective results.

    Keywords: Urban Life Quality, Objective, Subjective, TOPSIS, Qom City}
  • Seyed Farid Ghannadpour *
    A new model and solution for the energy minimizing vehicle routing problem with time windows (EVRPTW) and customers’ priority is presented in this paper. In this paper unlike prior attempts to minimize cost by minimizing overall traveling distance, the model also incorporates energy minimizing which meets the latest requirements of green logistics. This paper includes the vehicles load as an additional indicator of the cost in addition to the distance traveled cost. Moreover, this paper tries to maximize the customer's satisfaction using their preference and considers the customer's priority for servicing. Every customer is assigned to a group (e.g., very important, important, casual and unimportant) and the customers’ preference is represented as a convex fuzzy number with respect to the satisfaction for service time. The detailed mathematical formulation of proposed model is provided and it is interpreted as multi-objective optimization where, the energy consumed and the total number of vehicles are minimized and the total satisfaction rate of customers is maximized. In general, the relationship between these defined objectives is unknown until the problem is solved in a proper multi-objective manner. Thus, a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm is proposed and its performance on several completely random instances is compared with Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA II) and CPLEX Solver. The hypervolume indicator is used to evaluate the two Pareto set approximations found by NSGA-II and the proposed approach. The performance proposed evolutionary is further demonstrated through several computational experiments and the results indicate the good quality of the method.
    Keywords: Vehicle routing problem, Energy Consumption, Customer's priority, Multi, objective, evolutionary algorithm}
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