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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « biodiversity » در نشریات گروه « منابع طبیعی »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «biodiversity» در نشریات گروه «کشاورزی»
  • مرضیه زمانی*، محسن جوانمیری پور

    تنوع زیستی ضامن انعطاف پذیری و ظرفیت سازگاری اکوسیستم جنگلی با محیط اطراف است. با بررسی تنوع زیستی در جوامع مختلف حاشیه جاده ها می توان به طور غیر مستقیم به شرایط حاکم بر اکوسیستم جنگل دست یافت. هدف از این پژوهش، ارزیابی تاثیر ارتفاع از سطح دریا بر تنوع پوشش گیاهی در جاده های جنگلی چند سال ساخت ناو اسالم استان گیلان بود. بدین منظور 240 قطعه نمونه به صورت منظم-تصادفی با روش ترانسکت خطی در دو کلاسه سنی جاده (کمتر از 10 سال و بیشتر از 10 سال ساخت) برداشت شد. مقادیر شاخص های غنا، یکنواختی، تنوع گونه ها برای هر طبقه سنی جاده محاسبه شد. نتایج نشان داد مقدار شاخص تنوع شانون وینر و سیمپسون برای گونه های درختی و زادآوری در جاده های بیشتر از 10 سال ساخت در ارتفاعات کمتر از 700 متر از سطح دریا بیشتر بود. شاخص های یکنواختی سیمپسون برای گونه های درختی در جاده های قدیمی و برای زادآوری در جاده های تازه ساخت بیشتر بود. شاخص های غنا برای گونه ها در ارتفاعات کم و در جاده های قدیمی بیشتر از سایر ارتفاعات و جاده های تازه ساخت بود. حضور گونه های درختی غالب منطقه در جاده های تازه ساخت بیشتر بود. مقدار شاخص یکنواختی سیمپسون درختی در سنین مختلف جاده به احتمال 05/0 معنی دار نبود. شناسایی گونه های مناسب و آگاهی دقیق از سن ساخت جاده در جهت حفظ جوامع گیاهی نقش مهمی دارد. بررسی تغییرات گونه ها در ارتفاعات مختلف حاشیه جاده های چند سال ساخت، سبب آگاهی از روند تاثیر گذاری جاده می شود و در نهایت می تواند به مدیریت بهینه پوشش گیاهی در زمان ساخت جاده-های جدید کمک کند.

    کلید واژگان: تنوع زیستی, جاده های قدیمی, جاده های تازه ساخت, ارتفاع از سطح دریا.}
    Maerzieh Zamany, Mohsen Javanmiri Pour

    Biodiversity is the guarantee of the flexibility and adaptability of the forest ecosystem with the surrounding environment. By studying the biodiversity in different communities on the side of the roads, the conditions governing the forest ecosystem can be obtained indirectly. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effect of altitude on the diversity of vegetation in the forest roads of Nav Aslam, Guilan province. For this purpose, 240 sample pieces were taken in a regular-random manner with the linear transect method in two road age classes (less than 10 years and more than 10 years old of construction). The values of richness, uniformity, species diversity indices were calculated for each age class of the road. The results showed that the Shannon Wiener and Simpson diversity index value was higher for tree species and reproduction in roads with more than 10 years of construction at elevation less than 700 meters above sea level. Simpson uniformity indices were higher for tree species on old roads and for regeneration on newly constructed roads. Richness indices for species at low elevation and on old roads were higher than other elevations and newly constructed roads. The presence of dominant tree species in the region was more on newly constructed roads. The Simpson tree uniformity index value was not significant at different ages of the road with a probability of 0.05. Identification of suitable species and accurate knowledge of the age of road construction plays an important role in preserving plant communities. Examining the changes of species at different elevations along the roads of several years of construction will give us an insight into the impact of the road and can ultimately help in the optimal management of vegetation during the construction of new roads.

    Keywords: Biodiversity, Old Roads, New Roads, Elevation}
  • بهجت تاج الدین*
    غذاهای باستانی و فراموش شده برای رفاه و تندرستی امروز واجب هستند. خیلی از این غذاها از جمله گیاهان دارو- غذا به طور مستقل یا در ترکیب با انواع غذاها و چاشنی ها، یک تجارت موروثی بوده است که با پشتوانه خانوادگی برای حفظ میراث و تقویت زندگی پایدار جریان داشته و گاه در گذر زمان با از دست رفتن بزرگان فراموش شده است. گیاهان دارویی برای بهبود ویژگی های حسی غذا شناسایی و استفاده شده اند. یک رژیم غذایی متعادل حاصل از طیف متنوعی از غذاها، کلید سلامت و تغذیه مطلوب است. غذاهای سالم زیادی وجود دارند که از توجهی که شایسته آن هاست برخوردار نیستند. یادآوری غذاهای فراموش-شده، اهمیت آن ها را برای توسعه سیستم های غذایی منصفانه تر و پایدارتر آشکار می کند. اهمیت غذاهای فراموش شده وقتی جدی تر شد که بیانیه جهانی برای اقدامات جمعی در مورد آن راه اندازی و از آن به عنوان یک ورودی ارزشمند برای اجلاس سیستم های غذایی سازمان ملل در سال 2021 استفاده شد تا اهمیت این محصولات و نقش کشاورزان در رسیدگی به بحران های متعددی که جهان با آن روبروست شناسایی شود. غذاهای فراموش شده، قابلیت استفاده نشده ای برای سیستم های غذایی پایدار است. از این رو، مقاله حاضر با ذکر مثال هایی از وضعیت گیاهان دارویی- غذایی به عنوان بخش مهمی از غذاهای فراموش شده در ایران و نقاط دیگری از گیتی، اطلاعات و نتایج اقدامات جمعی در مورد ارتقاء شناخت ذینفعان مختلف از اهمیت و ارزش گونه-های فراموش شده و فناوری های کشاورزی پایدار، و ضرورت دستیابی به تحقیقات، نوآوری، آموزش، تولید پایدار، فرآوری، و مصرف مواد غذایی فراموش شده در سراسر زنجیره ارزش را بیان می کند.
    کلید واژگان: تنوع زیستی, سیستم های غذایی پایدار, غذاهای فراموش شده, گیاهان دارویی}
    Behjat Tajeddin *
    Forgotten foods are obligatory for today's well-being. Many of these foods like medicinal plants independently or in combination with a variety of foods are a family-run business with a shared passion to preserve heritage and promote sustainable living, and sometimes has been forgotten over time with the passing of elders. Medicinal plants are identified and used to improve the sensory properties of foods. A balanced diet consisting of a variety of foods is the key to good health and nutrition. There are many healthy foods that don't pay attention. Remembering forgotten foods reveals their importance for the development of fairer and more sustainable food systems. The significance of forgotten foods became more serious when the Global Declaration for Collective Action on it was launched and used as a valuable input for the UN Food Systems Summit in 2021 to highlight the importance of these products and the role of farmers in addressing them to be identified with the many crises that the world is facing. Forgotten foods are an untapped potential for sustainable food systems. Therefore, the present paper by citing examples of the status of medicinal-food plants as an important part of forgotten foods in Iran and other parts of the world addresses the information and results of collective actions regarding the promotion of awareness of the importance and value of different forgotten species and sustainable agricultural technologies, and the need to achieve research, innovation, education, sustainable production, processing, and consumption of forgotten foods throughout the value chain.
    Keywords: Biodiversity, Forgotten Foods, Medicinal Plants Or Medicinal Herbs, Sustainable Food Systems}
  • فرشاد کیوان بهجو، زینب پورقلی*، جمشید سنایی

    خشکه دارها به سبب تاثیر گذاری در فرآیند های بیولوژیک، در مدیریت پایدار جنگل اهمیت و جایگاه ویژه ای دارند از جمله در حفظ تنوع زیستی، تجدیدحیات جنگل ها، افزایش ذخیره مواد غذایی جنگل و همچنین در چرخه عناصر غذایی نقش دارند. این پژوهش با هدف بررسی تاثیر خشکه دارها بر تنوع زیستی در پارسل 228 و 229 از حوزه آبخیز شماره 365 طرح جنگلداری مکارود، جنگل جیسا و شهرستان مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت. اطلاعات مربوط به گونه، قطر، درجه پوسیدگی و شیب منطقه برای هر نمونه ثبت شد که  با اندازه گیری 90 اصله خشکه دار در سه ارتفاع مختلف از سطح دریا انجام گردید. معیار تنوع گونه ای با استفاده از شاخص های سیمپسون، شانون وینر و معیار غنای گونه ای با استفاده از شاخص های مارگالف، منهنیک و معیار یکنواختی به وسیله شاخص های هیل محاسبه شد. نتایج نشان داد که شاخص های تنوع گونه ای در ارتفاع 300-150 متری از سطح دریا بیشتر از ارتفاعات دیگر است، ولی در مجموع شاخص غنای مارگالف در ارتفاع 1800 متری، کمتر از ارتفاعات 1000 متری و 150 تا 300 متری و در خصوص شاخص یکنواختی هیل در ارتفاع 1800 متری از سطح دریا، بیشتر از ارتفاعات 1000 متری و 300-150 متری است. با توجه به نتایج حاصل از این بررسی مشخص گردید که با افزایش ارتفاع از سطح دریا شاخص تنوع گونه ای کاهش، اما شاخص غنای گونه ای و شاخص یکنواختی افزایش یافته است. همچنین نتایج نشان داد که بین شاخص های مربوط به قطر و ارتفاع خشکه دارها با شاخص های مربوط به گونه های گیاهی همبستگی معنی داری وجود دارد.

    کلید واژگان: ارتفاعات, تنوع زیستی, خشکه دار, غنا, یکنواختی}
    Farshad Keivan-Behjo, Zeynab Pour-Gholi *, Jamshid Sanaee

    Due to effects on biological processes, deadwoods play an important role on sustainable forest management including biodiversity conservation, forest regeneration, increasing nutrition and nutrition cycle. The aim of this study was to evaluate deadwood effects on biodiversity in Makaroud forest management plan in Jisa and Shahrestan forests. Therefore, the species, diameter, decay degree and slop for each sample were recorded and 90 deadwoods were selected in 3 different heights above sea levels. Biodiversity was evaluated by using Simpson, Shannon Weiner indices as well as species richness index using Margalef, Menhinik indices and evenness ‎index by Hill index. Results showed that biodiversity indices in 150-300 m height above sea level were more than other heights. However, margalef index was lower in 1800 m height than 1000 m and 150-300 m height, and Hill evenness index was higher in 1800 m height than 1000 m and 150-300m. It can be concluded, the diversity index will be decreased, and evenness and richness indices will be increased by increasing height from sea level. There is significant correlation between diameter and height of deadwoods with plant species indices.

    Keywords: Biodiversity, Deadwoods, evenness, height, richness indices}
  • احمد دلخانی*، اسدالله متاجی، مجید اسحق نیموری

    امروزه یکی از مهمترین چالش های پیش رو در جوامع بشری، گرمایش جهانی وکاهش تنوع زیستی است. بر این اساس پژوهش حاضر دو رویکرد تنوع زیستی زی توده در اکوسیستم جنگلی را مد نظر قرار داده است که چالش در آنها یکی از مهمترین مسایل زیست محیطی جهان محسوب می شود. جهت انجام پژوهش حاضر، نیمرخ ارتفاعی جنگل های ویسر واقع در غرب مازندران انتخاب گردید. برای محاسبه زی توده درختی و تنوع زیستی گیاهی در جنگل مورد نظر، در یک نیمرخ ارتفاعی (700 تا 1500 متر از سطح دریا) 9 طبقه در نظر گرفته شد و در هر طبقه 8 پلات به استثناء طبقه 1500 متر از سطح دریا با 5 پلات و در مجموع با 69 پلات 400 مترمربعی (20 20 متر) برداشت گردید. در هر یک از پلات ها قطر برابر سینه تمام درختان بالای 5/7 سانتی متر و سطح پوشش و نوع گونه های آن شناسایی و اندازه گیری گردید. جهت اندازه گیری داده های مربوط به پوشش گیاهی علفی، یک میکروپلات 100 مترمربعی (10 10متری) در مرکز پلات پیاده و نوع گونه های علفی و درصد پوشش گیاهی آن بر اساس روش براون بلانکه مورد اندازه گیری قرار گرفت. مقدار ذخیره کربن با ترکیب رابطه حجم، دانسیته خشک و ضریب کربن محاسبه شد. پس از تعیین اندازه گیری های متداول در سطوح تعریف شده برای تعیین ارتباط بین شاخص های تنوع زیستی (غنا، یکنواختی و تنوع) و کربن از تجزیه واریانس یک طرفه استفاده گردید. یافته های پژوهش حاضر حاکی از آن بود که بین مقادیر زی توده و میزان ذخیره کربن با شاخص های تنوع در طبقات ارتفاعی ارتباط معنی داری وجود ندارد. این نتایج نشان داد که در مدیریت صحیح جنگل برای پایش مناسب زی توده در منطقه پژوهش از شاخص های تنوع زیستی نمی توان به عنوان ابزاری کاربردی استفاده کرد.

    کلید واژگان: تنوع زیستی, جنگل ویسر, دانسیته خشک, زی توده, کربن}
    Ahmad Delkhani, Asadollah Mataji, Majid Isaac Nymvri

    Today, one of the most important challenges facing human societies is global warming and reduces biodiversity. For the present study, Elevation profile Veisar forests west of Mazandaran were selected. To calculate the biomass of tree and vegetation diversity in the forest, in a profile height (700 to 1,500 meters above sea level) was 9 floors and on each floor of 8 plots with the exception of 1500 meters above sea level with 5 floors and a total of 69 plots of 400 square meters plots (20 × 20 m) were taken All the trees in each plot, diameter at breast height of 7/5 cm of coverage and type of species identified and measured. The measurement data herbaceous plant cover, a micro-plot of 100 square meters (10 × 10 m) in the center of the plot on foot and herbal species of plant cover percentage were measured according to Braun-Blanquet method. The value of carbon sequestration by combining the relationship between size, density dry and carbon coefficient was calculated. After determining the levels defined by common measurements to determine the relationship between indicators of biological diversity (richness, evenness, diversity) and Carbon Analysis of variance was used. The findings showed that between the amounts of biomass amount of carbon stored in trees with no significant relationship between diversity indices in elevation. These results suggest that proper management of forest biomass for appropriate monitoring research in the area of biodiversity indices cannot be used as a means.

    Keywords: Biodiversity, Biomass, Carbon, Dry density, Veisar forest}
  • امیر میرزایی موسی وند، اردوان قربانی*، محمدعلی زارع جاهوکی، فرشاد کیوان بهجو، کیومرث سفیدی

    این پژوهش با هدف بررسی ترکیب، خصوصیات و تنوع گونه ای در رویشگاه گونه  Prangos uloptera DC.در شهرستان خلخال انجام شد. در هر یک از مناطق حضور گونه و شاهد واحدهای همگن جهت نمونه برداری در 3 سایت مشخص شدند، سپس نمونه های گیاهی مشاهده شده در منطقه طی فصل رویشی جمع آوری و بر اساس روش های متداول تاکسونومی گیاهی با استفاده از منابع فلور مختلف و سایر منابع شناسایی، تیره، جنس و گونه هر یک از آنها تعیین گردید. میزان تنوع، غنا، یکنواختی و غالبیت در مناطق حضور گونه و شاهد با استفاده از شاخص ها محاسبه شد. اختلاف آماری شاخص های مورد بررسی با استفاده از آزمونt  در نرم افزار SPSS آزمون گردید. نتایج نشان داد که بزرگترین خانواده ها از لحاظ تعداد گونه تیره های نعناعیان (Lamiaceae) با 14 گونه (18/19 درصد)، گندمیان (Poaceae) با 13 گونه (81/17 درصد)، بقولات (Fabaceae) و کاسنی (Asteraceae) هر کدام با 10 گونه (70/13 درصد) و چتریان (Apiaceae) با 6 گونه (85/6 درصد) بیشترین گونه ها را دارند. در رویشگاه حضور گونه، 61 گونه متعلق به 15 تیره و 48 جنس و در رویشگاه شاهد 50 گونه متعلق به 34 جنس و 13 تیره جمع آوری و شناسایی گردید. اشکال زیستی گیاهان منطقه شامل 32/26 درصد همی کریپتوفیت ها، 82/13 درصد تروفیت ها، 61/4 درصد کامفیت ها، 63/2 درصد ژیوفیت ها و 66/0 درصد فانروفیت ها می باشد. از نظر عناصر رویشی منطقه 12/67 درصد عنصر ایرانی- تورانی (49 گونه)، 33/12 درصد ایرانی- تورانی، اروپا- سیبری و مدیترانه ای (9 گونه)، 59/9 درصد ایرانی- تورانی و اروپا- سیبری (7 گونه) و 48/5 درصد ایرانی- تورانی و مدیترانه ای (5 گونه) و 48/5 درصد باقی مانده مربوط به سایر عناصر است. نتایج مقایسه شاخص ها نشان داد که بین شاخص های یکنواختی در منطقه حضور و عدم حضور گونه در سطح احتمال 95 درصد اختلاف معنی داری وجود ندارد، ولی مقایسه شاخص های تنوع، غالبیت و غنا در دو منطقه اختلاف معنی داری دارند.

    کلید واژگان: فلور, شکل زیستی, جغرافیای گیاهی, جاشیر, تنوع زیستی, خلخال}
    Amir Mirzaei Mossivand, Ardavan Ghorbani, Mohammadali Zarechahoki, Farshad Keivan Behjou, Kiomars Sefidi

    This study was carried to examine the composition, characteristics and diversity in species Prangos uloptera DC site. In each control and homogenous area, homogenized units in 3 sites were selected for sampling. After observation of plant species in the area during the growth season, plant taxonomy was collected by conventional methods and various flora and other resources to identify families, genera and species of each were determined. Diversity, richness and evenness, dominance was determined in the habitat presence species and control by using plant diversity indices. Different indicators studied were tested by t-test using SPSS software. The results showed that the largest families in terms of number of species, the Lamiaceae with 14 species (19.18%) and Poaceae with 13 species (17.81%), the Fabaceae and Asteraceae each with 10 species (13.70%) and Apiaceae with 6 species (6.85%) have the highest species. The habitat presence species, 61 species belonged to the 15 families and 48 genera and the control sites, 50 species belonging to 34 genera and 13 families collected and identified. Life forms of plants include 26.32% hemi-cryptophyte, 13.82% therophyte, 4.61% chamephyte, 2.63% geophyte and 0.66% phanerophyte. From the view point of regional elements, plants of this region include 67.12% Irano-Touranian, 12.33% Irano-Touranian, Mediterranean and Euro-Siberian, 9.59% Irano-Touranian and Euro-Siberian, 5.48% Irano-Touranian and Mediterranean and 5.48% is related to other elements. The results showed that there was no significant difference between evenness index in the presence and absence of species -at the level of 95 percent. But there was significant difference in dominance and richness differences in the two regions’ comparison of the diversity index.

    Keywords: Flora, Life form, Plant geography, Prangos uloptera DC., Biodiversity, Khalkhal}
  • علی شیخ الاسلامی، جواد خزایی کوه پر*، مجید اسحق نیموری
    A. Sheikholeslami, J. Khazaeikouhpar*, M. Eshagh Nimvari
    This research was conducted in the forest Golband Veysar in forestry projects. For this study3piece samples one hectare, square shape and with dimensions 100×100m was selected in areas development and characteristics of all forest trees that have a diameter greater than 7.5cm consisting type - species diameter at breast height was measured. To verify the vegetation sub-sample plots at In each sample five 2×2m sample plots were harvested at the center and four corners. The results showed the number trees in of the initial stages, optimal and Decay gradually decreased. Maximum number of trees in diameter classes, the initial stage and decay stage the floor and 10cm diameter and 15cm diameter class was the optimal stage. Most number of the Elevational classes at Stages initial and decay at 10m floor And In the optimal stage The floor was 15meters. Maximum volume per hectare was belonged to optimal stage. Most number and volume dead wood at initial stage Was observed. Result Indicators Biodiversity revealed that Highest species diversity indices Shannon – Weiner and Simpson At decay stage.
    Keywords: Optimal stage, Biodiversity, Development stage, Veysar}
  • Abdollah Rostamabadi *, Masoud Tabari, Hamid Jalilvand, Ali Salehi, Ehsan Sayad

    In this study, impacts of Alnus subcordata plantation on nutrient and plant diversity in site of Parrottia Carpinetum natural forest of kolloude region, Amol, Mazandaran were investigated. First, 6 releves 20 m × 20 m were selected in each stand. Nutrition, nutrient return and nutrient retranslocation properties followed by soil properties of each stand were studied. Then, impacts of stand parameters (diameter, height, litter thickness and crown cover percentage) together with soil properties on plant biodiversity were investigated. For purpose, leaf samples of green trees and fallen leaves have been collected inside wooden trap-based sampling to evaluate the nutrition, nutrient return and nutrient retranslocation in each stand. Soil samples were taken from 0-10 cm depth in each releves. So frequencies of herbaceous and woody plant were record. Results of nutrition, nutrient return, nutrient retranslocation and soil properties in the Alnus and natural stands showed that Alnus in consequence of higher N return, lower N retranslocation in fallen leaves of Alnus led to increase the soil N% and decrease the C/N ratio. Findings of impacts of stand parameters and soil properties on plant biodiversity showed in consequence of lower litter thickness, lower crown cover percentage and soil with higher N% and lower C/N ratio in Alnus in comparison with Natural forest led to increase in the richness of herbaceous plants. By attention to results of this study by Alnus subcordata plantation in degridated plain sites with poor drainage soil, can revive the soil N and Herbaceous richness in same sites.

    Keywords: biodiversity, Alnus subcordata, absorption, Nutrient return}
  • E. Goleiji*, M. Hosseini, Sh. Lak, M. Kiadaliry
    According to the role of tourism on various biodiversity indices including diversity, richness and evenness and its impression on biomass and the abundance of creatures living in the area especially earthworm, we have decided to do the present survey considering this issue in chaldare natural forest park for this purpose we divided the area into 3 different zones: low-tourism pressure, mean tourism pressure, and high tourism pressure. After identifying the zones under study we started vegetative sampling. In each zone we chose 5 samples with an area of 100m2 with square shape in square (10×10m) which was randomly and systematically selected then the diversity of wood and seedling species was investigated. In four corners of each piece of land we chose some Micro-plots in 2×2m as big as 4m2 to study the biodiversity of each woody species. Moreover to measure the earthworm biomass in the center of each Macro- plots, a small plot in 0.5× 0.5 m for the earthworm biomass was prepared and the humus weight in the area unit was assigned through harvesting some soils from the surface area. Collection of soil Macro phones was done manually. Then to remove the humus layer we had to do it in some holes as big as 25×50×50cm and then we analyzed them in Lab. The results showed that high-tourism pressure has significant effect on decreasing plant species also making less diversity, increasing evenness and less richness in vegetarian coating, however it didn’t have any effects on trees and seedlings diversity. for sure the reasons would be their ages, high survival, roots perseverance and being less sensitive to tourism pressure in addition to destructive factors. Moreover, the high-tourism pressure could cause ecosystem destruction, soil squashing and density. It didn’t statistically show any significant difference and didn’t have an effect on earthworm biomass.
    Keywords: Tourism, Biodiversity, Richness, Evenness, Chaldareh, Biomass}
  • الهام گلیجی *، سیدمحسن حسینی، شهرام لک، مسعود کیادلیری
    E. Goleiji *, M. Hosseini, Sh. Lak, M. Kiadaliry
    Iran has an important role in global biodiversity due to its ecological diversity. This variety creates natural attractions for tourism as an outstanding universal value. due to the effect of tourism on various biodiversity indices including diversity richness and evenness. To do this research in chaldare park tourism region the study area was divided into 3 zones including: low-tourism pressure and medium-tourism and high-tourism pressure. 5 Sample plots with an area of 100m2 with quadrate shape were selected with systematical random concentration of woody spaces. Some micro-plots with an area of 4m2 were selected per sample plots, furthermore; soil samples were collected per sample plots and were analyzed in lab. The results show that high-tourism pressure has significant effect on decreasing the number of plant species, plant richness and diversity and increasing soil density and evenness.
    Keywords: Tourism, Biodiversity, Richness, Evenness, Chaldare}
  • A. Kialashaki *, S. Shabani
    To investigate ecosystem variety and related physiographic factors (elevation, aspect and slope), 75 ha of Aghuzchal forest were studied. Vegetation data and information (trees, shrubs, and herbs) were collected from 40 sample plots through systematic random sampling method (20m×20m) which were then analyzed using TWINSPAN program. The data were classified into four ecological groups. The ecological groups consist of: first unit (Fagus orientalis L, and Epimedium pinnatum F.), second unit (Alnus subcordata L, Acer cappadocicum B. and Lamium albumL.), third unit (Acer cappadocicum B. and Tamus communis L.), and forth unit (Tilia begonifolia Stev. and Carex acuiformis L.). Using analysis of variance, statistical difference between diversity indices with respect to ecological groups was found. Results showed that the highest Simpson and Margalef are related to units B and C. The highest Camargo indices are related to units A and D.
    Keywords: Biodiversity, Aghouzchal Forest, Physiographic Factors, Ecological Groups, watershed district 46 Kojour}
  • M.Ghotb Bahaei, S.M. Hosseini, M. Monavari, K. Ghorchi Beigi
    Iran has desirable plant species variety due to it,s echological diversity ; so, has an important situation in global biodiversity. This variety has led to unique attractions for tourism as an outstanding universal values. In regard to the effect of tourism on conversions of ecosystem conditions, can effect on various biodiversity indices. As a result this study paid on this case in Namak Abroud frosted tourism region. For this aim the study area based on tourism abuses, divided into 2 zones including: Low-tourism pressure and High-Tourism pressure. In each zone ten sample plots with an area of 100m2 and two microplots and area of 4m2 had been selected systematical random for concentration of woody and vegetative species, and at the same time in every sample plot, also soil sample plots were collected. In order to compare and test the variety between two zones various biodiversity, reachness and evenness indices has been used and in order to compare the meaning ful average indices. T-test is used. The collected soil samples were analyzed in lab to examine the physical qualities. The results has shown the rate of variety indices in Low-tourism pressure zones is more than High – tourism pressure zones the soil humidity in Hightourism pressure zones was extremly influenced by tourism, and growth coudition was under its negative effect. Overall that High-tourism pressure has significant effect on decreasing little material, soil humidity, number of plants species, reachness, diversity, increasing soil density and evenness index.
    Keywords: Key Words: Tourism, Biodiversity, Reachness, Evenness, Namak Abroud, Soil, Vegetaitive}
  • S.M. Hosseini *, S. Abasi, B. Pilevar, H. Zareh
    The effect of conservation intensity on the plant species biodiversity in the protected area of Oshtrankooh in Lorestan in the Zakros mountain ranges was investigated. To this aim, the biodiversity indices between the core and peripheral zones were compared in this study. In order to study the plant biodiversity, 16 plots in an area of 20Í20m2 were selected in order to count the woody species, and 3 sample plots as the microplots in an area of 1Í2m2 and the sum of 48 microplots were randomly selected for studying the herbal species from each of the sample macroplots. The number and list of plant species in the macroplots and the number and list of herbal species in the microplots were recorded. The sample plots were collected from the altitudes betweem 1600- 1800 above the sea level and in the range slopes between 30 to 65 degrees in the spring of 1386 (2009). Due to the data normality, the non-paired t-test was used to compare the two zones. The data showed that the biodiversity indices, based on tree and plant species, are greater in the peripheral zone than in the core zone from the mean evenness indices, and based on the herbal species, the mean indices of the dominant species are greater in the core zone than in the peripheral zone, and the mean indices of diversity and the richness of the herbal species are greater in the peripheral zone than in the core zone. Based on the total species observed (tree, plant and herbal), the means of biodiversity, evenness and richness indices are greater in the peripheral zone than in the core zone.
    Keywords: Conservation, Biodiversity, Richness, Diversity, Evenness, Dominance}
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