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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه "performance-based design" در نشریات گروه "هنر و معماری"

جستجوی performance-based design در مقالات مجلات علمی
  • Pradyut Anand*, Prashant Kumar

    The performance-based design (PBSD) begins with defining performance goals. Performance-based seismic design accurately predicts the structure's performance during an earthquake. Recognizing and analyzing the structure's performance capacity is critical in performance-based design. This project was to do a PBSD on a (G+10) RCC construction. The building is first studied and built in STAAD PRO. Then, it was imported into the ETABS 2019 program to do a more detailed analysis of the displacement-controlled pushover analysis. The ETABS yields the structure's performance point, story displacement, capacity spectrum, Story drift, and demand spectrum. After the original design, a nonlinear pushover analysis is done to find out how well the building can withstand earthquakes and whether or not the goal was met, as well. In this research, we looked at the seismic code IS 1893 (Part 1) and the concrete design code IS 456: 2000 in order to make sure the building was safe. After obtaining all of the results, the structure's performance was compared for the various scenarios investigated and the optimal combination was determined.

    Keywords: Performance-based design, Non-linear pushover analysis, Displacement controlled Pushover Analysis, Demand Spectrum, Story Drift
  • سید ابوالفضل هاشمین، افسانه زرکش*، ایستر هیگراس گارسیا، کیانوش سوزنچی

     هدف پژوهش بررسی تاثیر انواع طرح کاشت گیاهان به طور مخصوص درختان با ویژگی های متفاوت ساختار شاخه و برگ، ارتفاع، قطر و تراکم تاج، شکل و اندازه برگ ومقایسه اثر خنک کنندگی در شرایط مشابه است، تا طرح کاشت مناسب برای بهره وری حداکثری از اثر خنک کنندگی گیاهان مشخص گردد و طرح کاشت مناسب با هدف افزایش بهره وری در استفاده از گیاهان جهت ایجاد آسایش حرارتی در فصل گرم سال مشخص گردد.

    روش ها

    روش جمع آوری اطلاعات در این پژوهش میدانی و کتابخانه ای و روش تحلیل مورد استفاده شبیه سازی است و ارایه یافته ها و مقایسه نتایج به روش کمی وکیفی است. اطلاعات پوشش گیاهی سایت مورد نظر در مرحله اول برداشت گردیده و شبیه سازی وضع موجود و میزان تاثیر آن مشخص گردیده سپس دو طرح کاشت جدید با همان میزان سبزینگی موجود در وضع موجود طراحی و در محیط شبیه سازی گردیده و نتایج حاصل مقایسه می گردد.

    یافته ها

    نتایج شبیه سازی نشان می دهد که حالت کاشت گروهی در شرایط کاملا مشابه از لحاظ گونه های گیاهی و تعداد درختان 0.85 درجه سانتی گراد میانگین دمای هوا را به نسبت حالت کاشت خطی کاهش می دهد و بیشترین تفاوت در میانگین دمای متوسط تابشی است که بیش از 3 (3.18) درجه سلسیوس اختلاف دما بین حالت کاشت گروهی نسبت به حالت کاشت خطی ایجاد گردیده و حالت کاشت گروهی دمای متوسط تابشی کمتری دارد.

    نتیجه گیری

    این پژوهش آشکار ساخت تاثیر عامل طرح کاشت گروهی علی رغم ایجاد هم پوشانی سایه درختان و کاهش مساحت سایه اندازی درختان، سبب بهبود شاخص آسایش حرارتی PMV و متغیرها محیطی می گردد.

    کلید واژگان: طرح کاشت درختان, آسایش حرارتی فضای باز, شبیه ساز ENVI-met, میانگین متوسط نظر (PMV), طراحی کارایی-مبنا, میکرو اقلیم, بهره وری انرژی
    Sayyed Abolfazl Hashemin, Afsaneh Zarkesh*, Ester Higueras Garcia, Kianoush Suzanchi

    This study aimed to investigate the effect of different planting plans, especially trees with varying characteristics of branch and leaf structure, height, canopy diameter, and density, leaf shape, and size, and compare the cooling effect under similar conditions to a suitable planting plan for maximum productivity. 


    The data collection method in this field and library research and the analysis method used are simulations, and the findings and comparison of results are quantitative and qualitative. Vegetation information of the site in the first stage is harvested, and the current situation is simulated, and its impact is determined. Then two new planting plans with the same amount of greenery in the current situation are designed and manufactured in the environment, and the results are compared.


    The simulation results show that group planting mode is completely similar conditions in terms of plant species and the number of trees 0.85 ° C reduces the average air temperature compared to the linear planting mode and the biggest difference is in the average radiant temperature, which is more than 3 (3.18) ° C There is a temperature difference between group planting mode compared to linear planting mode and group planting mode has a lower average radiant temperature.


    This study revealed the effect of the group planting plan factor, despite creating a full shade of trees and reducing the shading area of ​​trees, improved the PMV thermal comfort index and improved environmental variables.

    Keywords: Tree planting design, Outdoor thermal comfort, ENVI-met Simulator, Predicted Mean Vote (PMV), Performance-based design, Microclimate, Energy efficiency
  • Anoosha Kia, Mohammadjavad Mahdavinejad *
    Architecture as a designerly way of thinking and knowing is to interact with its environment. The manuscript is to speculate “interactive form-generation” based on high-performance architecture theory, and discuss the precursors and the potentials. The research aims to explore and determine the roots, aspects of interactive architecture as a part of performance-based design in contemporary architecture. The research question opens a designerly perspective as an umbrella term that can include many streams of architectural paradigms. Emancipatory new-interpretivism is the research philosophy which is employed alongside deductive reasoning, logical argumentation research paradigm, descriptive research method and cross-sectional study. Based on methodology of the manuscript, the research is to addresses related phenomena, their relationship and interaction. The results of the research show that interactive architecture is an umbrella to address a wide-range of architectural emerging streams such as: 1- The evolutionary architectural trends include kinetics, responsive, smart, responsive and intelligent environment. 2- The emerging phenomena in the field such as leading sci-tech approach toward architectural design process including cybernetics, artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN), and agent based modeling. The conclusion of the research indicates that the interactive architecture branched off from high-performance architecture theory. The conclusion emphasizes on: 1- Designerly flexibility: better space efficiency, flexibility, intelligence, and smartness; 2- Energy efficient form-generation: using less energy and offering more thermal-visual comfort; 3- Mathematical-algorithmic thinking: the integration of internet of things (IoT), robotics, and kinetics. 4- Futurism: a platform for outlining future architecture and architecture of the future.
    Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI), high-performance architecture, performance-based design, mathematical-algorithmic thinking, contemporary architecture
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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